Module VII (1): Proposal Writing Workshop with Dr. Inaam Nasrallah
Join in on our twelfth and final on-demand teaching session in our research essentials training series. This interactive workshop dives into creating a research proposal, step by step. Designed for medical professionals, you're given the opportunity to pick the brain of a leading expert on research methodology, specifically in constructing effective research proposals. During the session there is a thorough breakdown of several proposal elements including selecting a clear and precise title, defining the problem statement of your research, formulating a brief literature review, and finally defining the research questions. You'll also walk through creating a framework and methodology design. Listen in as specific scenarios are discussed, including how to evaluate the role of professional physicians in preventing nosocomial infections. This session is an excellent resource for anyone looking to further their understanding of research proposal creation, don't miss it!
Learning objectives
- To understand the components of a research proposal, including title, introduction and problem statement, objectives, literature review, methodology and proposed funding.
- To distinguish between dependent and independent variables in research studies and apply them appropriately.
- To identify appropriate data collection methods for research, including surveys, questionnaires, and direct observations.
- To construct a compelling and relevant research proposal that takes into account relevant previous studies and variables impacting the research outcomes.
- To appreciate the necessity for a detailed literature review that not only informs the research design, but positions the study within the context of existing knowledge.
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Are you? I let them know. Thank you. So um welcome everyone to our final session and the research essentials training series. Uh After 11 sessions today will be number 12. During two month, we had the chance to experience research and start um the research journey from the basics to this final session, a research proposal, a workshop specifically every step the research proposal. So uh thank you for attending the session. Thank you for attending all the sessions about the training. Make sure the assessment you, you finish all the sessions uh interactive. So you can open your uh mic, please open your mic as a uh it's better, it's better for you uh this session, he and each leading author. So for you to have the session, it's really a benefit for uh for you. So uh try to ask him to doctor to do that, to answer all your questions and to help help you. So um doctor Aam, you can start, you can share your screen. OK. Thank you, Jana. Welcome. Make sure we have like a special announcement. OK. OK. So uh hello everybody. Uh Thank you uh for uh this uh uh uh session uh to join with you uh effectively and to answer uh on all your questions concerning the research proposal. So feel free to uh uh to ask me any uh kind of uh uh questions uh issues uh or any point of clarification concerning the research proposal. So I want you to start to uh mention the main titles uh requested uh in the research proposal as you see here uh in this uh part. First of all, we, we have to start to what with the title uh of the uh of your project, then II believe in introduction uh in order to clarify and to define the problem statement of your research. And to move from this problem segment to uh mention and to define the objective hypothesis based on uh the objective hypothesis, we can look uh a brief literature review about your uh uh problem state your scope uh in this regard. And finally, you can uh share and define clearly the research questions and based on this research questions, we can put our framework, our uh methodology design. And uh finally, uh for sure, we can uh go to put the, the proposed time scale and in you uh uh if you have uh uh for example, funding uh proposed funding is this uh uh context, you can uh put uh some of this funding, the estimated or the uh proposed uh funding in this regard. And finally, you have a good uh uh good uh frame for your research purpose. So uh can uh somebody from you uh give me the main uh inputs uh uh required for the research proposal? Now, we have to uh on in this regard. So who can answer me my chart? OK. Uh Sure we need to be systematic. Yes, you are, right. Uh Yeah, in this point fa r uh input in the proposal, right? Another uh do you have any suggestions, by the way? OK, guys not and my mother, yeah, they would, we need to help everyone else. OK. So uh start uh starting by the title of the approach. A title is very important. Uh because the title, uh let's say uh have the variables very important will proposal. We'll, we'll research. Uh Thank you Abdullah Abdullah gathering information from literature uh literature review. Uh You are right. There are no actually for uh uh for sure you can formulate other parts uh for the uh proposal. Uh Exactly the literature review. Uh uh uh uh Yeah, point of view. Uh a causes of factors uh who is very important to be proposal. The title of project, a clear title, the title, very important. Uh uh uh let's say experiment. But the title of project a case, let's say another kind of uh project. So I know for example, example, uh evaluation, the role of the uh physicians uh in the uh preventing uh nosocomial infections. OK. Uh No, an evaluation, the role of the uh physician in preventing nosocomial infection, independent doctor. Can you repeat the title? So, uh uh ok. Ok. Evaluation the rule of professional physicians in preventing then is a hormonal infection? Ok. Sim. Uh Simple t, so exactly, evaluating physician and preventing multiple infection when we have the uh dependent and independent variable in this uh title, who can answer you can up open your uh mic. Hello. Hello. Hello, uh phone as well. Uh Oh, it's me. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hello. Uh, evaluation of the role of professional physician in preventing nosocomial infection. Um, and the correlation between the two to be precise and independent. No, a common infection. We can consider it as the dependent, uh uh the one we are studying as the dependent viable and we consider the professional physician as an independent vi and as the whole of professional physician, how does it, uh, uh, how does it, uh, affect the nos infection? Does it prevent it or does it? Uh, so the dependent viable is no infection independent viable. Is the professional physician? Oh, yeah. Exactly. Exactly. So, uh, that, uh, uh, uh, to prevent that no infection, we consider, uh this, uh, as a dependent variable and the role of professional uh physician can affect or can impact on this uh uh uh uh uh preventive measures, right? Build role of professional physician in your context in your proposal. If you could have to do another independent, 11 time, a discussion with your supervisor, let's say for the professional uh uh physician, you have to consider another independent, related to the to their experiences. For example, you know, what can rule practices, knowledge, let's say, and another independent variable we have to be considered as a evaluation. How can evaluate this kind of role evaluation instrumental to into consideration the research proposal? Right? For example, Juan, what do you su suggest in this regard? Evaluation type of project Amazon, for example, data collection. And so we can use uh a survey or uh for example, uh put uh some uh uh uh questions concerning the practices, the attitude, the knowledge and the uh what about another uh kind of instrument to uh to uh can, can uh help us to evaluate the role of the professional decisions who can measure your uh uh yes, had. Yes, I agree with you doctor. And um as you said, it's a matter of data collection. Maybe you can do some surveys, some questionnaires or some of data collection that uh help us in uh gathering information. How does the doctors give in their clinic? How does they uh take uh the consideration, consideration the a a ses uh matter? How does they think to this uh guidelines of uh ASAP S is doing the uh practice, we can do multiple survey uh survey uh questionnaires or maybe some physical uh assessment. Maybe it's a matter of the election, I guess, than doing like a statistic about those uh doctors. Yeah. Yeah. Most practical uh in this uh regard to prepare a survey uh concerning uh some main questions related to the independent variables uh uh about the role of professional physician. Yes. Yes. And you can also mention, for example, uh some uh let's say uh observation, you can, you can do it observation uh by means of uh uh preventive measures uh uh taking in some U uh units for example, came in. And am we can uh let's say, go to the interview with the professional uh physician and gather from them, uh their opinions, their uh uh uh uh let's say best opinions, uh their commitments regarding the preventive measure, the practice. Yes, exactly. Someone, one different type or different pro uh proposal about your uh uh methodology, uh methodological set for sure. Uh You can uh put the, this uh uh questions. I learn all this uh assumptions uh uh for the discussion with your uh uh supervisor or with your pr up for uh approval from your uh pr exactly in the scene. We can also refer to the pre prevent of the isocom infection. But let's say here, uh and uh anti one has a bunch of an intervention tools as a preventive protocols and uh the preventive protocol, you have to uh to be applied by the physicians and then you can compare the prevalence of the common infection before and after. Exactly. But it, it is another kind of uh uh yeah tool to collect data in this context. Uh Any uh another options? Uh One question uh this type of uh project Yan. Can we do it like on a scale of hospital, on a scale of private clinics like that? Y or we can do it like a major Yani healthcare system? The Yeah, and the role of uh uh preventing common infection in the hospital. Uh let's say uh yeah. And in your uh statistical methodology, uh you uh you can define your targeted population. If you want your targeted population only uh at the hospital, you can implement a proposal in this uh uh in this area. Uh For example, you can make a comparison between the role of the professional physicians in different health care facilities. Project help commitment. But by the way, lack of commitment in this regard uh between the role of uh the physicians will uh clinics, private clinics that stay at the hospital, you know, and the hospital become more committed because a like say protocols to be and uh implemented and to be committed while uh in the private, let's say, and rules regulation um imposed from the uh ministry of public health and a private clinics, primary health care centers. For example, you can add for the title for two point A, a comparative study. OK. Between, for example, the hospitals and the private clerks, one had that the title of project a different part in and uh uh for the title project. Uh Any questions? No, no, thank you. Uh So uh the title project for sure, Bill may cover and, and we may cover page uh in this regard. Uh as I mentioned in your uh proposal template, it's good uh concerning, for example, the names of the researchers included the affiliation uh for them and also for the principal investigators or coinvestigator the affiliation. OK. You can mention also uh the logo for the, the institution uh related uh for disease uh uh project can make people too at this point. OK. Moving to talk about the introduction, introduction information. And let's say how to uh prepare our introduction, an introduction of uh uh uh yeah, limited words. OK. Uh To be included with introduction, mainly we have to focus on the previous studies uh uh related our uh problem area, our, our topic induction uh from the first time literature review. And I agree with the uh a literature review in this uh make sure uh no induction for my student. OK. And the role of professional physicians will pre uh prevent it was a common infection infection. But the introduction, we have to uh merge between uh that uh that uh uh both variables and factors. I remember. Well, introduction. So yes, independent variables, introduction in correlation. But you have to base our uh project all specific data from previous research after a few one research about the independent how to prove it. We put the, by the way, independent ris different independent variables, independent variables, related factors. OK. Uh private uh clinics. OK. Of uh uh suppliers, let's say previous studies, professionals uh preventive no infection challenges that let's say in physicians. For example, another factor. OK. Facilities sometimes disasters. OK? The disaster, a small uh uh full commitment, uh preventive measures, right? Priorities, more infection and so on. OK. We have to identify a specific problem area uh or background, background, but that's full clear. Yeah, introduction your introduction. She will enter us for your project. Ok, s how do they find the meaning of the scope mean the scope on not to love if you like scopes the project and not much why I don't have blue and a little objective. Who will box? We had that to hand uh for your project. OK. Physicians, private clinics. What is the specific of your research? Uh my students uh uh oh introduction problem statement. And so, OK. So anabiotic one l called, it's a high one and five W what? And who will we will, will, how or why? What? I'm not sure what the, what you, what you have with the project target population, right? Professional physician care care unit. OK. Uh Had a OK. Studies. OK. So uh retrospective perception for the role professional physicians concerning the preventive infection, introspective, only mention your colleagues and intervention to before and after. It's a good idea. OK. With prospective and retrospective uh uh uh OK. Problem state the problem, why call this, right? The problem statement on the uh the different uh opinion in this regard and guidelines is good. And ii the problem real recently increasing incident of not a common infection, mainly critical care unit but as a hot scenario. OK. Uh uh uh uh one of the most causes related to, to this incident. OK. The commitment or the uh uh performance of the professional physician. OK. Uh Regarding the preventive measures uh to uh against masala and common affection. Oh, in this regard, the most causes uh a uh a uh uh affected the uh prevalence of the infection rate and no commitment due to this can be lead to ha ha ha. OK. Research proposal effects very important your pre the presentation for your recent proposal. While P HDI us for your uh pro uh proposal proposal, that's all context of this context of your project. Patient safety, let's say, right? And is it mortality? And is it morbidity? I the unknown the scenario, they know what happened, I mean a she related entity. But we summarize, we put a, a summary description of the problem. OK. As you see here, summary. OK. Yes. Uh How is not to rejoin the new link?