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Module I: Introduction to Research Methodology with Dr. Inaam Nasrallah



This on-demand teaching session by Dr. Enam Maa, a seasoned instructor and consultant in healthcare facilities, deciphers the concept of research methodology with precision. The session primarily explores the significance and application of research in the medical field. Dr. Maa discusses the fundamentals of forming research methodologies, difference between concepts and applicability, and deep-dives into varied types of research methodologies followed by the step-by-step process of conducting a research project. The session also emphasizes the importance of research in providing evidence-based solutions, facilitating critical thinking, improving academic excellence and promoting global collaboration. By attending the session, medical professionals will upgrade their skills and understanding of systematic rigorous research methodologies, facilitating better decision making.

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Dr. Inaam Nasrallah, MHM, MPGRH, Ph.D.

Dr. Nasrallah has a Ph.D. in Public Health in risk management for scientific university

laboratories, a BS in the medical laboratory, a master’s degree in hospital management,

and a second master’s degree in hospital risk management. She’s a key Founder and

Advisor in MEDICA.

She is an instructor of Quality and risk management courses at the Faculty of Pharmacy –

Lebanese University, an instructor of Master of Science in Health Administration at the

Faculty of Medical Sciences– Lebanese University, and of microbiology theory practical

lab/undergrad, Oral microbiology, Master specialty at the faculty of dental medicine. She

is a quality coordinator and a member of the quality steering committee at the Faculty of

Pharmacy-LU. Dr. Inaam is also a consultant in quality assurance, ISO Certification, and

accreditation of Lebanese hospitals and higher education institutions.

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the session, participants will be able to define research and outline its importance in the medical field.
  2. Participants will understand the difference between method and methodology, and learn to identify when to apply each in their research.
  3. Participants will be able to identify the types of research methodologies and understand the steps involved in a research project.
  4. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation in research.
  5. Through this session, participants will understand how research impacts decision-making in healthcare, and how it contributes to addressing practical problems and advancing knowledge in the field.
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Good morning everybody. Um And as usual, uh they can chat with you in the chat. So if you ask a question, uh I read it to you and you can answer it. Yeah, so you can focus on your slides. OK? It's OK. How you start now? Yes, we can. OK. Uh Good morning, everybody. Uh Welcome to share my uh presentation today concerning the introduction to research methodology. Uh My name is uh Doctor Enam Maa. Uh uh I am an instructor in the Lebanese uh University, especially in the healthcare facilities, uh Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of uh Dental Medicine, and also Faculty of Pharmacy. And also I'm a consultant and trainee especially in the field of the quality and risk management and the International Lead Auditor for the IO certified 2050 uh uh especially I have uh and still now uh I have several uh um uh experience and, and, and the field of the research, uh a collaboration with several uh university, private university and also the uh Lebanese University. And also I am uh an is uh the supervisor for several uh research and the thesis for uh uh the field of the Masters Degree. So uh our presentation talking uh uh today about the introduction to the research uh as outlined uh we have uh to share together what do you mean about research? Uh what uh the importance of the uh the motivation of the research, theope of the research and that type of the research. Uh Then we move to talk about the method and the difference between the concept and the uh applicability of that uh method compared to the methodology. What uh are the differences between the both uh of uh this uh two concepts? And then we move to talk uh by details about the types of research methodology and the basic steps of the research project and then a brief uh uh diagram concerning the research process in this. So starting to talk about the research as you know, the is is not the a one man show. Uh So it is a kind of systemic and also a organized process in order to what in order to investigate our founding based on uh discovering uh the data interpretation of this data and uh offering uh a new knowledge or understanding concerning a new topics or a specific topics or a specific phenomena. So during the resource process, we have to what we have to collect or to gather this data, analyze the data and interpretate deeply the information in order to what in order to have for sure uh and answer this specific questions. Or uh and also testing the hypothesis and they have the solution of the problem statement than already mention in our process in this. So, uh in your uh field. And uh basically, uh we have sever uh kind of uh a type of the research uh concerning, for example, you can uh uh uh the scientific experiment also of uh sharing by kind of based on observation or uh literature review or you can uh prepare such uh example of surveys or interview. And from this kind of uh uh for you can uh interpret it and uh have a good uh analysis uh in order to know the funding resulting from this kind of research. Uh We have, by the way, several meaning of the research. What do you mean research are uh all the concept related for the at the same school? No, for sure. Uh we have to uh think by uh all this meaning of the research. Why? Because in order to uh have to uh to select the uh at the future that kind of your research you have to know in which uh type or in which kind of research we have uh uh we have to be implemented by the way. So uh I will mention uh uh five access now concerning the meaning of the research. First of all, the research should be uh as a kind of a systematic and organized process of investigation or inquiry. Uh Another we can uh prepare uh uh a random the research without the following a systematic steps in the sa. So we have to prepare a structured methodology. This structure of methodology can help you to collect and to analyze and uh finally interpret that your data to have your uh uh uh outcomes or you know, findings in this one another meaning of the research concerning to generate the knowledge. What do you mean about this knowledge? Uh uh new knowledge, by the way, uh the uh generation of uh uh new knowledge, existing innovated uh idea in order to enhance the existing knowledge in such a scope or field of a medical field or the scientific field uh or another kind of uh field in this point. Moving to talk about the objective exploration, you know, the research uh driven by, by specific objectives, right? Or specific uh a question that we needed in order to be to have uh the fundings or the outcomes uh in in this point. So uh when you uh have a research, so you have hypotheses, right, you have uh uncovered fact and based on your specific objective, you can explore uh uh the hypothesis uh concerning uh the assumption between several variables. Uh For example, you have a defined or dependent variable and related independent in this cigar and you can explore the relationship between this one. So also your research is, is basically uh uh should have a rigorous methodology uh such uh when you prepare, for example, an experiment or a kind of a uh a case study, you have to uh to uh to have uh to, to find variability and the validity of your findings. So uh uh you ha you have to make sure to prepare a good and a rigorous uh methodology in this. I finally, at a mean of the research, you know, uh in the academic and the applied context, we need to do prepare that kind of uh research in order uh to address practical, for example, problems or uh uh basic challenges face our our uh uh scope and uh uh for sure to contribute to the the and descending. So as you see here, uh the concept or the meaning of the research can help us to select uh between uh the type of the kind of the research. And do you know what are the future destination of our research uh briefly uh from your research, you have gathering data, right? Uh During the process of the research, you can interpret this kind of data in a systematic and objective method in order to what in order to generate as mentioned in your knowledge or to enhance the uh recent knowledge in uh in uh a specific field uh of uh a scientific uh scope uh uh in the research, moving to talk about what, why the research is important for you. Uh can uh somebody from, you share with me the concept or the importance of the research uh for uh the students you can share with me, by the way by chatting. Good morning. Uh Yes guys, you can write in the charts. Uh doctor can see them and I can read them. Yes, I need to, you know, your uh opinions about the, the importance of the research for you as a student. Yes, Catherine. Uh there is can improve our academic knowledge, right? What else? Good morning cos yes, you are right. We can really develop our critical thinking sure, to improve this critical thinking and our knowledge for sure. So uh thank you. Uh as you mentioned by in this cigar, uh the researchers is very, I uh are very important for us in order to have uh expand and enhance our knowledge. Uh The issue is at the cornerstone of intel intellectual progresses in this regard and we can base uh about uh on the funding of the research in order to, to have a defined decision making. Uh basically in several scope uh uh in the cigar, for example, is uh in the field, especially in the strategic planning, we go to the research in order to have a validated decision making based on our funding, rigorous funding. By the way, uh when we want to uh have uh uh launching, for example, uh a policy uh a health policy uh in this regard, this health policy uh should be based on uh uh informed decision making also at this point. Uh And uh beside uh the research is very important to have evidence, evidence uh uh solution for the uh uh problem solving. And as you mentioned, uh we have to be uh creative and uh uh we have to have a critical thinking in this cigar. So the research encourage you to have such kind of creative thinking, critical thinking and also to develop a new technologies and new methodologies and new ideas in this cigar. Uh As mentioned by you, also, you mentioned uh you talked about uh to enhance and to improve your academic excellence in CCR uh to develop your skills, uh your competencies in this point and to know how to uh find uh good uh outcomes based on uh systematically uh research and uh is a good rigorous uh process in this point. And by the way, there is uh uh it is very important as the impact and influence on. So society. Why? Because uh can contribute to advance in the healthcare uh to address uh uh some. So uh social conflict challenges uh at this point also uh for uh the importance of the research, we can uh know that the research can contribute to what research we can uh uh stay uh to uh to be uh up to date. Yeah, I mean latest uh development will feel ongoing uh advance control learning in this regard. We research can uh uh offer uh us what a global collaboration and you know uh uh research, good impact with research and now colla with others institution, uh regional institution or uh in in the international institution for sure, uh added value for our uh uh collaboration at this point personally, uh that is is very important uh for us as a researchers. Why? Because uh as uh as I mentioned for you uh to enhance and to uh offer for you uh such as uh a kind of analytical skills, how to uh uh know uh uh to solve this kind of problem, how to think uh about this problem, how to find uh steps uh in order to know uh how can uh field in this point. OK. For sure, as uh talked uh about the decision making uh research, good critical evaluation to avoid uh uh unknown. Yeah, biases, we could uh decision making based on what based on uh evidence fact uh uh gathering uh uh informed data uh in the field of the research. So, uh based on the previous concept, we can uh summarize the main essential characteristic of our research in this regard. I want to mention uh uh the methodology research characteristic uh have about the 12 characteristics. First of all uh systematic process we we talked about was a systematic. So uh process, systematic start by input, go to that process in order to find the output. So we have to define the steps basically on problem identification in order to find out output will conclusion. Uh main characteristic should be take into account the structured methodology, methodology and uh to have relevant data, the objectives inquiry. Yeah. Based on what on specific objectives, specific research questions to obtain a rigorous and validated information research. The characteristic talked about also the critical thinking, how to analyze this uh data, how to evaluate this are based on evidence in uh uh kind of logical reason, results in this uh regard. And we have uh our funding based on real data and not just to have some opinions or some uh uh assumptions in this regard, the research can be replicate what you mean about this kind of uh the application of the study. You can have uh good research in the field, for example, uh of uh uh uh uh medical field by the way. And you can uh refer to this uh research and have the similar uh result uh when using for sure, the same methodology and applies uh in uh your specific scope. And the, the uh the uh the research can also add a specific problem and to provide solution to uh issues within a given field. In this point. During the process of the uh research, we have to make sure the testing of the hypothesis. Our research questions in order to find main outcomes based on good evidence, validated evidence and to make into consideration the ethical approach. What do you mean about the ethical approach to ensure the wellbeing of our participants, our respondents, the integrity of the study and also the responsible uh about the user, users of that information, the research is ongoing growth and or uh and continuous growth of new knowledge. So we have also to contribute with this knowledge by confirming or expanding this previous uh uh funding and the outcomes or the uh fundings of our research should be communicated with others uh such institutions uh international agencies uh within your colleagues uh within your academic setting. Uh And this kind of communication can be uh by several means, for example, uh workshop uh conferences by the way to make such as the posters or publication, article and so on. So are you motivated to, to, to have uh your experience or your uh contribution and the research? What's your experience in this cigar? Are you motivated to, to join or to share uh a kind of resource or you have uh already previous experience in this cigar? Yeah. When you have some students already with us and some projects. Yes. Good morning Ahmad. Yes, I can uh answer you about the characteristic of the research by the end of the presentation non characteristic. So what about your uh previous experience in this cigar or by the way, your future initiation to collaborate? The the are you motivated? I think they are sorry. OK. You can answer by the way. Oh me, OK, for sure. Uh Yes, I uh I'm very motivated. Uh we created Medica to help students to start their uh their journey and research. So um motivation comes with and hopefully with this training, it will help us uh to be more involved. Um Carl is asking, I think step number one to answer research is being motivated. Yes. Exactly. As much. Exactly. Uh As first step one, we want to answer the research to call uh to join uh uh a kind of research is can be uh motivated in this cigar. Sure, you can uh uh join the research and to have uh as a part to be as a part to improve uh the sciences and the words knowledge, right? So uh the methodology one neck. So the motivation, the research, they curiosity, curiosity about what I know, they may find a new knowledge. OK? Uh A new uh uh information advance the knowledge and the contribution be that discipline. Uh uh uh Another kind of motivation we can handle in curiosity. OK. By the way, I need to explore uh uh or to find out the solution about such questions on uh uh to solve the problem, to be uh more innovated, more creative in this cigar uh to uh to have new ideas uh in order to uh add this kind of idea to the uh scientific field world, the research Tina new ideas as you know, why does she actor motivated? I can engage behind that? Kind of research personally. Uh This is very important and uh by the way, all are known now, I am a teacher, I am a doc, a doctor. OK. We have uh to be in, in uh in ongoing in continuous uh service education, er service education. We have to enhance our skills uh to enhance our critical thinking in this regard. Engagement for you uh from you in the research foster up to date for our survey. For example, can engagement be part of the data collection analysis, a an analysis of the uh data good enhancement like personal skills competencies. Oh By the way, what the research really, anybody experiences from my uh students uh how to uh see our problem uh at the objective waves objective to find out the solutions asking why will uh root causes uh about this problem? Good judgment is this for sure and the research will uh will found and the impact our society. And if he had a sense of responsibility that had motivation to uh to uh to share more and more or of of uh with such kinds of uh society of the research fund and the uh sharing that for sure um improvement the health care outcomes of our communities. Positive. In fact, by the way of the research, why the AK for motivation a research? Yeah, by the way, uh right, for academic achievement to go for, for the best and the best of the best motivation at this point uh of professional growth. Uh They might make sure uh my uh my dear uh to have uh your impact, your uh initiation, uh your collaboration, uh minimal uh uh collaboration, development studies uh opportunities. Hello, at uh our students and we are ready to colla collaborate with you in a kind of project. Any kind of research. Why does she advancement had the recognition uh about your uh uh career by the way. So the scope of the research and the scope of the main definition, our research uh concerning you the uh academic setting. Yeah. Uh uh we have to en en uh engage in the research because uh uh II uh I am a masters degree lover or a degree level or my uh speciality, right? Uh By the way, ongoing researchers uh uh but not one year uh as you know, uh involvement be several research during this year, en units, research units as you the medica units and as you faculty member uh regards as students or uh professors, you have to engage in this regard. Uh uh by the way, as you know, in, in decision making or undergrad or into individuals, our team as a medical, a medical team. Sorry doctor. I just wanted to remind you about uh 30 minutes. OK. OK. Thank you. So, uh moving to talk about the types of research method uh before to uh talk about each or one of this type, we have two listing by the way uh research type uh they have for that why? Because I know the research he had like research type and the the script of experimental quantitative and qualitative descriptive. What do you mean about descriptive observation studies, description kind of uh uh research uh funding quantitative qualitative description, description, qualitative qualitative uh gathering uh quantitative data analysis and so on interpretation questions. Uh by interviews, our observation location, by the way, Obama focusing group Obama observation alone Obama Obama he interpretation but our writing paragraph and interpretation a description uh another kind of research talking about experimental experimental uh you know, yeah and the experiment but the arm well you can have the experiment because and the uh validation based on what based on one plus one equal to the uh model and the uh but the for example, correlation or association between Hid V and experimental. He basically on which one he be smoking or basically for example, as uh med student for uh for your future uh approach, we could find some experimental medications or let's say all uh group of uh as a uh cases, all a group of uh people, a group of patients subject experimental. By the way, study design, we have to mention that type of your research. What my student is a kind of descriptive study is a kind of descriptive quantitative or qualitative or the mix of the both. This is this important point to the OK. So as a na and categories, we can merge between this type of research, the whole methodology, right, quantitative, he basically all analysis of data, quantitative human basic all qualitative data uh observation, descriptive and uh relationship between several uh aspect by the scientific term variables in your research scope. Uh By the way, some uh research research on Halloween, and you have to ask why and how well why and how of research and the explanatory research correlation uh correlation. No similar or previous studies of how we have to explore or to expla explain this kind of research, explore prospective not uh retrospective by the way. Yeah, some, some we can uh be that kind of research on here retrospective. Yeah. She studies how she previous data investigation relationship by some of the group people or group uh group population uh in this regard correlation between the study without uh prepare before a pilot study applied research. And we basically experiment but I find out outcomes. I will uh uh contributions experiment and two moving to talk about the research methodology methodology uh frame frame research and a a confused between the concept of the methodology and the method method is methodology, the methodology Masan. Uh I ask you uh please send me by my email, the research methodology of your topic. OK, then sure you research methodology, research methodology should a type of research and quantitative by the way in this point exploratory based on uh gathering data. So quantitative, right, or qualitative and just uh to uh uh to make a brief interpretation about the concept or about the opinions gathered from our uh interviewers in this regard as a qualitative research. OK. Our observation like this is uh uh uh uh but the uh analysis came up mix by the way. Yeah and combination between qualitative and quantitative uh make sure a research method, research methodology, right? Research method should technique should tools should procedures. Yes, doctor instrumentation tool, but the a survey but the checklist, right? Um But the experiment activities all research questions, a proposal who will be you can ask? For example, he he combination, why not? Is these are questions I needed to uh to do uh inter reviews uh with the stakeholders, our interested parties in this regard. We can uh no need, no need analysis, right? Oh Let's say for example, impact of evaluation of uh objects, several points that's going he'll approach the back. Your uh pr uh who will uh supervisor for your research will let me know the research methodology that should be applied in your research skill frame sh entire research process. You know, is this uh you can uh ask me how we can design, yes. Who would design from A to Z? Yeah, sure. They start the method to study population uh simplify how to uh to make that calculation of this uh sim the procedure of the data uh collection uh the process of the data analysis with them a as, as us, with them, another kind of uh uh analysis tools and so on. OK. So uh no research uh methodology combination. So very important to uh uh to uh answer all these uh points of your study of medical uh field, uh scientifically experimental field uh case study. Uh I don't know. OK. Uh up your uh uh scope by the way. But then I know but the art population, the study population, population and participant study companies uh uh le let's say and the uh patient and so on. But the research design, yeah, the research design who will method uh uh uh I agree with you research design and I also will quantitative qualitative let method of the analysis uh based on a research method. OK. Uh instrumentation tools. Yeah, I'm not sure they stack them together the data show procedure by the way he instrumentation. But the cla actor, for example, is a survey how to do this survey uh on the spot by uh via Google for uh via another kind of social media uh sending by emails. OK. Instrumentation for sure. But the study population, right? But technique, if I miss the sampling, if I, if I had a simple size randomly, I can do a kind of research. I know a by the way, can uh uh can I do uh only uh 50 surveys at this point or uh 100 survey, 100 T doctor fee. But population formula calculation calculation formative, OK. Validation by the way, oh Input for your research, take your time low at least that time. But uh interaction or collaboration with your uh supervisor with your team. OK. To find out uh uh the population uh studies, the research design to, to to discuss and good discussion, the research design, the method uh output uh ju or let's say for example, is collaboration another institution. But no, why this kind of out uh council of fundings the research design or uh method analysis, this kind of processes. OK. Hey, you have to make uh make sure. So briefly, research process uh methodology starting from what starting from a topic and idea, topic, new idea, new to topic uh uh three. But the construction or elaboration objective objective on the next session. What are the differences between the aims, uh the goals and the specific objectives? I mean by secondary objective hypo is very important, the method and the data collection analysis, the conclusion ma what let's say be behold. Uh I don't uh know uh Janna is I have uh enough time. OK, I have uh 15 minutes, right? Thank you. The research process, the methodology. But you know, background investigation, a good idea. But uh previous studies uh uh had previous study and so initial idea, background investigation. But thinking uh good uh out of OK. Uh question, for example, is something Miss here. Uh Can this be done in better way? Yeah, and I keep moving. I'm refining stability investigation. Uh pay attention but you had the resources reevaluated, validated resources. We have several kind of validated resources investigation in finally. OK. OK. Doctor what the heck the scope with the problem statement I can start in this good. So go to the court uh work investigation and development infrastructure for this idea. OK. No additional knowledge. OK. Uh Work how method to final approach in? OK. Uh uh uh work time. She based on facts based on evidence in this point. Uh C you have to demonstrate the proposal by the way, uh the demonstration and no idea why you have to take into account and you have to uh prepare uh the proposal for this kind of idea. Yeah. And the judgment you have to demonstrate the value of your core idea. Why do you can by uh uh offering proof and evidence in evaluation by the way uh evaluation, he he evaluation result, right? Basically quantitative qualitative come and take your time, not collaboration or coordination with others uh your research team or, or collaboration with your professors evaluation process. By the way, AKI for sure, uh a notification or the further uh research out the further work. Uh what are your ideas? You can uh help others and we can handle further studies that our per studies that each one has a at this point. OK. The presentation the presentation here up to you is your art research is a combination of science and uh art, a science based previous process that art uh skills how to uh show us uh the uh proposal or the uh uh research uh find out of your project. OK. Right. Presentation presentation power as you know the article, a brief test, the, the website. Any questions? Oh, it's OK. If someone have any questions, please write them down in the chart five minutes uh uh from our uh time uh line. But I can very important uh very easy to know how to prepare the proposal of your research project. OK. To, to make your uh framework only simply you have to ask the five W five W and what will, where will, who will, where will, when will what, OK, what the topics, OK. Uh A in the topics find uh topics and, and I can have that topics and so on. Why, why that topic, that topic, questions with the population, population participation, gathering evidence, interpretation. Uh in the information you can find uh uh the uh framework of your proposal in a simply research research program is a kind of idea, idea, uh investigation and review in order to uh in order to develop the hypothesis and the objective. But some students were really doctor how to create your hypothesis. Literature review, formulation of your hypothesis objective study design. You have to determine, you have to identify your simple size. OK. Process. Look at here input of the your your research research proposal, home action work gathering data examination of data collect with development. And now uh a part of your proposal, a normal normal implementation of data collection, normal analysis, the data collection and so on normal discussion with conclusion and uh make sure the research is a dynamic and multifactor process right from you that this research, you can uh we can uh contribute to the growth of the knowledge. We have a, a vital and effective role in addressing green work challenges and living progress in various domains. The research is the the cornerstone of your development of, of uh uh uh your career development uh to enhance your skills, to enhance your competencies. And the thinking approach uh problems solving uh have a rigorous uh uh decision making uh to be objective more than subjective, to be more uh creator than uh to have uh just to analyze uh previous study in a. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, I'm ready now to answer you so much. Thank you doctor for the amazing session, hopefully uh to uh uh to give you uh some uh uh uh input about the introduction with the research, uh da da introduction with application. Uh but by the way, um background, right? Uh Thank you for all uh this uh objective motivation concept about this point. Your journey start from uh this uh uh day critical thinking research methodology. Uh uh uh written proposal. Uh I have uh before uh Janna questions about the nine characteristics. I think uh uh uh ask me about this point. Yes. OK. I will uh see it on the, by the way guys. Um No, for you to be able to go step by step in the research idea, actual um research proposal workshop. So statistic and the research methods and everything doctor, he will do the literature report. You are able to put everything together or take it with your actual research proposal to be able to present it to your doctors. So as to me, any step, they let us know to contact the doctor in her email. Uh So just take it, keep in mind in the ho sessions were about but unusual parts of the proposal, proposal and your own study. Uh A just but I want to mention uh for you uh part in your research preparation, depression. No, OK. At least two day, two weeks, two days, two weeks, uh uh background, previous studies objective for our students by the way of future uh three months, six months, uh previous background investigation. So for Ahmad, uh uh for your question, considering the ethical uh consideration and as you know, ethical principles uh uh the research we have to take into account the research principles uh people in studies. OK. Uh they will uh publications, ethical consideration point, how to use this information and confidentiality information, getting the per from the part. Thank you doctor. How does she so old? Ok. Nana, always available. If you a blood group, you can, ah, you know your uh questions or messages or next Tuesday. Doctor Ang will continue with her next session. So it's not controlled for next time, come in a two week feedback and next time she will answer it without homework. Well, at my homework next time, how is the? Ok. No, no worries de step by step uh by the end of the uh workshop. Thank you doctor. Thank you, everyone. Yeah, thank you and have a nice weekend. Bye-bye. Bye bye.