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MedAll's Mission with Dr Phil McElnay



This on-demand teaching session, led by Phil McElnay, a medical doctor and the Chief Executive Officer of 'MedAll', will cover the global healthcare training crisis, the cost of healthcare training to the individual, and solutions for delivering healthcare training to people everywhere. The talk will also discuss a platform for automatically providing a video call, collecting feedback, awarding certificates, and offering feedback from watching an event on demand. Phil will explain how this platform has helped 1300 healthcare organizations in 20 countries to teach and train colleagues in 171 countries, and explore the effectiveness of teaching surgical skills online.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of making healthcare training accessible worldwide in order to address the global health workforce crisis.
  2. Acquire an appreciation for the cost of healthcare training to healthcare professionals.
  3. Understand the importance of reducing the administrative burden for healthcare organizations.
  4. Analyze the benefits of providing healthcare training online to reduce inequalities.
  5. Appreciate the power of community-based healthcare training to serve colleagues in low and middle income countries.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

My name is Phil Michael. May I, a medical doctor by training on Do It's my Realtor to share a little bit off our work with you today on I'm gonna share a little bit by our mission on what we're really passionate about is making healthcare training accessible for everyone on Why is that important? Well, we face a global workforce, crisis and healthcare. The World Health Organization explains that we need to treat and 18 million more healthcare professionals by 2030. That's one third more healthcare professionals that are currently on Planet Earth, coupled with the cost of healthcare training. That's a real problem. It takes 15 years and up to $700,000 to fully train a doctor on. When you look at High The Lancet describe our current health care training capacity. We have a really toxic problem. The Lancet explained that we have severe institutional shortages in our healthcare training capacity. We need more doctors, but we don't have enough resources to train them. And unfortunately, where resources are at their at least the need is that his greatest. There are 11 countries in the world that don't have a single medical school they're more than 20. They only have one medical school on the proportionate. Spread off off medical schools to the population is desperate for right the world. There's up to three times less medical schools per capita on the continent of Africa compared to Europe on North America. But this isn't just a low income country problem we've actually seen in the headlines off high income country press that we're facing I work force crisis in high income countries as well. Just in the last month, a headline on BBC News has been that we face the worst staff in crisis in the NHS's history in England, and it's the same across many other high income countries. Why is that a problem? Well, this paper from the Association for Surgeons in Training from 2017, published in the British medical Journal Open, actually explains the cost of healthcare training to the individual health care professional. And it talks about how I healthcare professionals or having to spend up to 71 five's and piles of out of pocket and expenses on their own healthcare training, much of it on courses on conferences. And the typical range is between 20 and 26,000 pines in surgical training, and this is a real problem for many reasons. But when coupled with the rigid with the reduction in, are buying part as healthcare professionals. When it comes to our salary over over 10% in the last 10 to 15 years, we have a really issue on this really affect people. This is this is ah, tweet actually from this morning from Maria Prayer, who is a medication the UK on, she has said as a widening participation doctor, money is, is and always has been tight. My study budget covers one big course or maybe two or three small ones to meet course. Surgical training needs the wealthy can easily treat the application was a paid tick box exercise with little development. We really don't believe that healthcare training should be For those who have the most money, the best connections are living in the right places. We believe that it's really important not just for individual health care professionals, but for patients that we make your great health care training accessible and within reach of everyone in low income countries and in high income countries. And that's what we want to do that metal. We want to make grit, healthcare training accessible, and we don't just want to do that for one or two healthcare professionals on a small scale. But if we're really to meet that big need that the world is facing, we need to do this at scale. We need to train and teach health care professionals to meet the world's needs. And how did we do that? That's a really grand on bold thing toe want to do. We believe that the best way to do that is not to make this all about us. We know there are amazing healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals right there. You're delivering teaching and training every single day. But the ways in which they're doing and the tools that are available to them are not good enough. Just look at how we set up teaching and training at the moment we set up on eventbrite or a Google form. We binds people to zoom coal in the zoo, call. We ask for feedback. Using another form of Surveymonkey or a Google form. We then copy and paste names into Microsoft Word documents and see of them a certificates. Kind of them is a pdf in an email them to people and then because catch up is nice, I a thing. We're diluting our videos from zoom or teams or wherever, because we only have a gigabyte storage. And then we're adding it to another platform, Vinny or YouTube or similar. And then we're adding another Google form linked to that video on. There's no actual guarantee that the person has watched that that video and typically healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals are spending ours of their week administering, trimming. And really, if we're truly to scale up, the amount of healthcare training that we provide is Planet Earth. We need to do that better. Healthcare professionals should not be doing all of the administration you're really skills are in delivering amazing teaching and training onto private patient care. Know all of the administration that goes with that. That's what we've done is try to solve a real problem for this individual organizations of those individual health care professionals toe automate their healthcare teaching on training, end to end registration, marketing, sharing the event across the healthcare community, automatically providing a video called like the one you're on today automatically collecting feedback automatically awarding certificates to those who collect who provide feedback automatically. Being able to add You're content on demand on the scene platform on automatically being able to offer a feedback. Form that certificate to those who watch the event on demand. Why? Because that saves organizations in healthcare professionals precious time time that could be reinvested back into teaching more healthcare professionals. But also, if this is done in a single place, we can all work together. This is a community effort. If you want to find a cardiology, teaching or orthopedic teaching our public health teaching, you can find that in a single place where fight was doing all off are teaching in desperate places and making it more difficult to find if we can solve a really a problem for healthcare organizations in healthcare professionals on the grind, if we can work together as a community, we can make that easier to share, easier to find. I'm your country in more healthcare professionals. That is what we're doing at metal. This is something that Doctor Ted Ross said, who needs no introduction to a healthcare audience at a tech conference in the height off the pandemic. Ask yourself every day if your technology works to help the person the world on to reduce in equalities. That's something we're really passionate about that metal. We cannot take our eye off our mission. Our mission is to make great health care training accessible for every health care professional everywhere. Not just high income countries, not just low income countries everywhere and central. That mission is enabling colleagues from low and middle income countries to be able to continue to attend events. One of the beautiful things that we saw three the last two years was suddenly healthcare professionals. You may have never have been able to join conferences or courses to suddenly be welcomed, and we stripped like the travel costs. Many of us stripped like the ticket costs. Many of us stripped like the hotel costs on. We delivered accessible education. And just because so many of us can get back to fist of fierce, it should not mean that we close the door on those precious colleagues who have been able to join. And that's why we created fair medical education. We saw that soon many organizations, some of them you see, listed on the screen. At the moment we saw so many organizations who wanted to continue to welcome care professionals from around the world but didn't like the administrative burden off checking that they were actually from lower middle in come countries. And that's why we created fair medical education so that we could help healthcare organizations. We're delivering um, ears in teaching and training, and conferences and courses toe automatically offer free or loopholes tickets. Two colleagues joining from around the world and I see a GI in the chat books in Big Showdown to the British Orthopedic Trainees Association. I completely agree this is a community effort. This cannot be just about us. This is a collective effort off all of us in the South card in unity, saying you are still welcome. We've got the resources. We've got the tools to continue to welcome you to our healthcare training courses on conferences under you are welcome. Ask yourself every day. If your technology is helping the person the world on reducing in equality and if we truly care about global health, we truly care about global health care. Education on that extends beyond welcoming people to virtually vents one of the things that is really important and we really lean tend to his on demand. Why is that important? Well, if you live in a low income countries, doesn't have a good Internet connection or if you live in a high income country on just part of it like I do that doesn't have agree Internet connection than watching life isn't always the hammer that cracks the problem. I'm actually being able to watch at a time on the Internet connection that suits you is actually really important on, so we have automatically and created. We've created a plaque from the Allies Healthcare organizations to automatically make their event available on demand on alli the attendee to give feedback and clean the certificate for watching at least 80% off the event. What does that look like? Well, this is the wonderful results off a community effort. In the last 18 months, we have helped 1300 healthcare organizations to number 55 isn't courses, many of which are open access, and they delivered teaching and training two colleagues in 171 countries. What's even more amusing is that those colleagues were being taught by organizations from 20 countries. So there's 20 countries worth of organizations are teaching on training colleagues in 171 countries. This is the part of community. Does it work? Does virtually education actually work? Can we actually treat and healthcare professionals online? Well, I come from a surgical background. I was on academic registering cardiac surgery before jumping into the world off Med Tech. And if I had read this title, I wouldn't have believed it until I started to look at the information. Can surgical skills be top using technological advances online? This is a study from Mateusz for a very on some of senior offers. And could David not from the David, not find a Shin who teaching tree and colleagues in war zones around the world, and what he did was the they actually picked up metal, actually, without telling us, which is is even more beautiful. We had nothing to do with the editorial content of this paper, and it was it was really interesting to see it for the first time, but what they actually did was they ran a basic surgical skills course online on the run, a basic surgical skills course, face to face on the compared the competency, it comes off the delegates from both afterwards on. This is what that paper said there was no significant difference in the competency, really things off. Delegates receiving online teaching or face to face teaching on their conclusion was online. Teaching off surgical skills for early Your training's ISn't Appropriate. Alternative for Fiesta Fears teaching I was amazed this has the par to really change how I read a liver education around the world, not just by making it less personal, but by making it more accessible. And that's really important on The results weren't just out of small scale, but they were able to make accessible surgical training available at scale. And they they taught 553 junior surgeons in 20 countries. In the single course absolutely incredible on a personal level as well as at a skill level. This is the impact off making healthcare teaching and training accessible. Not because we want to help people take boxes, but because actually makes an impact on patient care. This is from Dawn Stevens, who is partners in England. And, she said, because of your webinar, which is being around by the amazing organization learned with nurses on women on cardiovascular disease, I was able to spot the signs on Get a patient. Urgent care Today signs have been missed for a while. More understanding is definitely needed in this area. Actually, making education flexible helps to teach entry and people and give them knowledge that they may other ways never have been able to accrue. Why is that important? Because it gets patients the right care. I want to tell one last story about the impact off this type off education on. It happened in April of this year. We, as you will see on the right hand side, actually verify colleagues here joining events as healthcare professionals or students, and it helps us keep this community. See if it means that you control the offer. Open access events and you can keep them with a community feel, and you can trust who's joining occasionally once or twice a week, we get people who are unable to join. For whatever reason, Onda, um, people can do that in multiple ways. They can use the institutional i d. They can, um, use their email address and they convert if I themselves. But in one week we actually in one day. In fact, we actually got tens, if not hundreds of people kind of reaching out and saying, I can't verify myself for some reason. On day one of our team members to actually reached, like to some of these people on said, Why are you unable to verify yourself? Can we help? And the response was consistent across those people. They said, I'm a medical student on D I, um, from your Creon on. But I have not got access to my I have not got access to my institutional I d on. I don't have access to my any letter from my Deem to say I'm, you know, a health care professional. He's eligible to join metal. I'm quite rightly so. They have fled the country. There's an organization in England who had brought together 250 volunteer doctors from around the country to deliver teaching and training for 2000 Ukrainian medical students throughout the conflict. Amazing organization was the Crisis Rescue Foundation on the used metal to deliver on demand education over 2000 Ukrainian medical students seven times a day for two months. Why is that really interesting? Not just for some sort of imperialistic reason off one country delivering education to another, but instead it was a group of volunteer doctors who wear freeing up Ukrainian medical professors instead of them having to provide Fiesta fierce education. They were freed up to provide fierce to first patient care as qualified doctors. And this is what one of them had to say. Thank you for everything you're doing for need proof for all people here trapped in this situation. This is the real life impact off making healthcare training more accessible. We need to treat 18 million or healthcare professionals by 2030 on that metal. We're really passionate about making that happen. We believe this is a community effort. We believe that all of us have to play our part. Sometimes that's uncomfortable sometimes, actually with technology is challenging. But we have the opportunity in front of us to really change the fierce off healthcare training and it's accessibility forever. If you want to join this mission, you can host invent. If you're running it free and open access, it's actually free. Open access for you to run your event on metal. Don't be another barrier. It's a really cool part of our mission. If you just want to find events to join what you find this one. So it's a good start, but metal door slash events on If you want to watch on demand, you can watch metal dot org's site on demand. We'd be really honored to help and support you on. We really believe and working together as a community. And that's why I want to leave you with this one last quote. This is not too big us up. It's not too blue our own trumpet. But those two words in here that really means so, so much to us and they are enabled, and they are in part. This is from someone who has backed us from Day one. Her name is Sarah Fryer. She's the CEO at next door. She's on the board of Slack. She's on the board of Walmart. She was Jack Dorsey. CFU and her brother is on a lethal list, and she has. She has seen some of the challenges that healthcare has has faced, and she's backed us from genuinely from day one. But she said this about us the metal platform has enabled undimmed part the medical community to deliver medical education on a scale never before imaginable. And if that's the point, we can get to If we can get to the point where we only enable and in par others then we are achieving our goal. This cannot be all about us. This is a community effort. I'm really pride on honor to work alongside so many wonderful organizations. Thank you so much for joining us today on. If you do want to hear more about how you can run on event on metal, join us at the end of today's event. We're gonna be doing a practical session and you can show you how I you can get involved on. But it would be our pleasure. Teo, help you. Thank you so much on, but I think with that we're going to move into our next session