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Join medical professional, Molly, as she offers a in-depth breakdown of the CST portfolio. A CST one in London, Molly shares her expertise on how to maximise your portfolio points, collate evidence and master the self-assessment scoring system. This essential knowledge will come in handy in the coming weeks before the portfolio window. Molly aims to not only demystify the portfolio self-assessment but also make you feel confident about the process. The on-demand session also looks into the finer details such as the submission deadline and uploading the evidence. Molly goes over the scoring system in detail and discusses commitment to specialty, quality improvement, clinical audit, presentations, publications, teaching experience, and training qualifications. Molly also answers questions throughout, making it an interactive informative session. Don’t miss this opportunity to master the complexities of the CST portfolio ahead of the application deadline.

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Want to learn how to maximise your CST portfolio points?

Join our webinar to find out how to provide the best evidence for your self-assessment, ensuring you don't miss out on the points you have worked hard for.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the key components of a CST portfolio and their importance in the application process.
  2. Learn how to accurately self-assess and track points for each portfolio domain.
  3. Understand the timeline for portfolio submission and procedures for collecting, validating, and uploading evidence.
  4. Gain knowledge on how to create "bulletproof" evidence for assessment, avoiding common errors and technicalities that can lead to point loss.
  5. Build confidence in handling and navigating through the portfolio process efficiently, become capable of utilizing the session discussions to clarify doubts and queries.
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Talk about the CST portfolio um and self assessment scoring. So hopefully after today, oh, I think we're only live now. Sorry. Um Hi, I'm Molly. Um I'm a CST one in London today. I'm gonna give a talk on the CST portfolio, a kind of overview um and a breakdown of how to really maximize your portfolio points. Um I'm sure a lot of you will have engaged with oral already and started your applications. So hopefully it's not totally new, but it's good to kind of have an idea of exactly what evidence you need and evidence you need to be collating um in the coming weeks before the the portfolio um window comes up. So in the session today, feel free to put any messages in the chat or just uh we'll have feedback as well at the end. But yeah, throughout if you ask questions, I'll try to keep an eye on the messages. Um and if not, I'll answer them at the end. So thank you all for doing it. So, just a little bit about me. Um As I said, I'm act one at Works Cross Hospital. Um I'm currently doing a general surgery rotation, but I'm on a urology themed path, um, with a career goal to be a urologist. And there's a bit of background about my uh employment placements to date for anybody who's interested. So after today's session, hopefully you'll have a better understanding of the different components of the portfolio self assessment and be able to really create some uh evidence that's quite bulletproof for the uh assessors who will be reviewing your portfolio after you update it. Um And hopefully you'll feel confident with the process because it can be a little bit daunting when you first start trying to make sense of it all. So I'm sure most of you on the call today will have already applied for your core surgical training. Well, not submitted it necessarily but had a little look at this um via oral. So you want to be submitting this application by the 23rd of November. So um in the kind of near future you'll be giving your score of your portfolio with this application. So making sure you kind of to up for each domain, how many points you're getting. But then in terms of actually uploading the evidence that occurs in February um as per the guidance that they've got on oral. So you've got a bit of time to make sure that you've got all of the evidence and all of the information that's needed um on that evidence. Because if you don't pay close attention to it um attention to detail. You can miss out on points even though you have got sufficient experience for the points just because of technicalities. And that's something that we really wanna make sure after today's session that you feel confident that you won't have that problem. So yeah, you've got a bit of time to make sure that you've really got some, some very good, very strong evidence to upload onto the portal. So as I said before, you've got your application deadline, which is four o'clock, you want to make sure that anything that you're giving yourself points for you achieved by that date and that time because they can be if, if you, if you do anything after that date and time, then they consider that as kind of being a probity issue because everybody needs to have completed that um activity that's given them the evidence points by that point. So if you've got something that you're yet to achieve or of course, you're yet to finish, you need to have your evidence reflecting that not saying that you've already achieved it, including if you log cases for your surgical experience, you need to make sure all of that is before this date and time because anything after that they will discard and they might uh raise a probity issue complaint. So be very careful to make sure that all of your cases, particularly with cases. Um It's before this date, you want to make sure that you have only one achievement for the domain. So you choose the highest scoring achievement um and highlight that clearly in your evidence. Um make sure that everything is something you've achieved after starting medical school or your first undergraduate degree. So nothing that you did at school and really, really you, you need to be very panicky with this application. You must kind of get a kind of an unlucky friend or um someone else who's applying to really proofread it multiple times. Um because you can't make any amendments. If even if you have a very convincing reason, they, they have a kind of zero tolerance policy, so make sure that you've got it right the first time. Um So the date on the sign, someone's just asked in the chat about when you get the kind of consultant or somebody to sign the date, you get them to sign the date that they did the signature on your letter. You don't have to have their, their signature date that can be any time. It doesn't need to be before this November. It just needs to be the actual date that they signed on. You just need to make sure that the dates of the activities that you've done uh before this 23rd of November. So because you actually gain the proof and the evidence after that, they will allow you to have that consultant signing off on it in January per se. That's, that's fine. You need to just get them to sign the date that they physically sign it. So the only dates you're worrying about are the dates of, for example, when you went on a teaching course or when you did uh when you assisted in theater, hopefully that answers your question. But let me know if not. Um So more of the kind of key guidance that they've put on um the oral uh portal. So surgical specialties, this is particularly relevant, I guess. Um if you're doing taste weeks or if you're doing um your kind of logbook is making sure that it's within, within this. So ICU is actually included in this which some people might not expect. So make sure so things like kind of obs and G even though you might be assisting, um it actually wouldn't count here. Um And with the signing off, which we'll come on to in a bit more detail later. Um Make sure that you're kind of I II personally think to be really foolproof out everything in a physical kind of paper copy, get your consultant to write their name, like spelled out the date that they're signing their GMC number, their signature and then write their job role. So like, I don't know, orthopedic consultant and have that on every single page and then scan it in. Sometimes you can have electronic signatures, but they say on their guidance as well that sometimes the electronic signature might not kind of upload. Well, or it might be interfered with when they're changing formats of the electronic file. So just be careful because they've written in their guidance, they don't always accept them. Obviously, if it's like a letter from somebody who arranged a conference that you went to like three years ago, then I think they'll be a bit more allowing um and they won't expect you to kind of harass them with physical copies, But definitely with the things that you're getting your educational supervisor to sign off, I really do think it's worth just printing, getting them, sign it and scan it in. It's a bit of af but definitely worth it. OK. Someone's written, do, do, do PG said that they finished this week, get certificate on, I think it's the date, the date of the certificate because if you're having certificates that need to be dated. So with APG CT module or are you having, even if you don't necessarily get a certificate for that module or you write a letter, if you get somebody involved, like the course lead, you can write a letter and get the course lead and then you can write the dates in that letter. We'll come onto it in a bit more detail later, but you can say completed this module from X date to Y date within the deadline. I imagine that would be a accepted, but we'll come on to it in a bit more detail when we look at those specific domains. Well, that's a good question. So hopefully from the oral kind of the scoring systems, you're familiar with this commitment, specialty, quality improvement slash clinical audit presentations and publications, teaching experience and training qualifications. There are some subcategories within these which will come on to. So someone else is asking activities before November conferences. So yeah, any conference you're attending needs to be before the 23rd of November. Anything that you're dating is an activity done on a particular date needs to be before the 23rd of November. Yeah, and I'll come on to, in case you're having a panic. I've found two conferences that are either free or cheap that you can attend before then. So don't stress if you don't meet that criteria. Um And yes, online conferences do count, but it depends on the organizing um like who's organizing it? And I'll come onto that in a bit more detail. I think I'll answer a few of these questions as I go. Um So if you assist with surgeries outside of the UK, so in terms of outside of the UK, I think it might be worth reading the kind of fine print and operative experience about how that would work because it would need to, you need to be able to fill out all of the criteria on the logbook. Um So I think if you put them in your log book and you can fill out all of those details and your es is happy to sign that off. Then I think that should be ok. But I've never actually tried to put an overseas surgery in the log book. So I don't know whether you're able to find the institution, but I imagine if you can put it in or do it freehand, maybe as other or something. Um, then that sounds reasonable. But again, I'd read the small print on that. Don't take my word for it with the overseas stuff because I've not personally done it. So I don't know, 100%. So we're gonna start off with commitment specialty. So this is broken up into operative experience. So your logbook and then you've got attendance at surgical conferences and then we have surgical experience. So this has changed as I'm sure you'll know a little bit from, from last year. And as I think most of the categories have done, so we'll just break it down one at a time. So hopefully you've all had a look at this which is found on that PDF that you get on a, um, and we're just gonna talk about kind of the verified logbook evidence. So with the overseas stuff, just look at that extra kind of the, the fine print about what is acceptable evidence to make sure that you're complying with everything they're saying because I don't, I don't specifically look at that, um, because it isn't something that I went through myself So when you're doing this, you need to remove all patient identifiable information. So for all of you who've um filled out your log book, you'll know that you put in the M RN of the patient. Um and then the patient's date of birth, all of that needs to be removed. So make sure when you're doing your consolidation report, which I'll kind of talk you through how to do that. You're removing all of that because if you do have any patient identified information, they put in their guidance that they can escalate it as a, as an issue because you're not protecting confidentiality, la la la and we obviously have enough stress applying for CST. We don't want to have added stress of having any kind of um GMC concerns. So really do pay attention to that and make sure you remove any Mr Ns date of birth, anything like that. So hopefully you've been filling out this E log book um over the past year or so. Um And hopefully you're kind of familiar with that. I'm gonna show you how to do the consolidation report. Um It might be me a bit down but I found it a little bit difficult to work out how to do it last year. So I've done a little screenshot to hopefully help you. Um You wanna again get this printed off and get your consultant to do the kind of date, sign name role on every single page on my first page of my log logbook, I got my consultant to literally write I Molly's um educational supervisor. I'm satisfied that she meets X criteria and has assisted in X many cases or whatever just so that it's really, really kind of really bullet proof. Um And yeah, you only upload one consolidation report. Um You don't want to kind of keep uploading loads, but if they are multiple pages, then make sure they're all signed and one single consultant to your es if they're happy to, they can sign on behalf of all specialties. So sometimes when you're on the log book, you'll see that there's a pin that you can add in for your for your kind of cases to be kind of verified. You don't need to worry about that as long as somebody's happy to kind of sign it off for you. So obviously, it's good if you can have that pin, but don't stress about getting the pin from all the specialties. Um If your es is happy to sign up for you. So yeah, here's the log book. You just, you can make filters so you go browse filter um and you can create a filter um in line with what you want. Um So all of your kind of assisted or S DS cases to get rid of any observed that you might have on there. So you can make a filter and you just do that yourself choosing which kind of criteria you want in your filter and then you go onto reports and you go pam specialty. So that's all of the specialties and you can just do standard type normal format and then you can choose your filter and you can download your consolidation report and very helpfully this year that they didn't do last year, they kind of have given some example evidence. Um So I'd really try to stick to this format because they're giving it as an example of what's good. So it's always good to kind of try to mirror what they've done. So it should look something like this and you can access this on the PDF that they um they have on oral if you want to kind of come back and refer to it. But yeah, you see kind of every single page will be signed by the consultant and I think it's well worth just to do this. Um It can be a bit laborious, but it's definitely worth it because I've had friends who've had their look book zero points for all of it because they did it wrong. So moving on surgical conferences. So this is the one that hopefully we can bag some last minute points on if you're missing out. So this is fairly self explanatory. They give a lot of detail about um what kind of societies or regional National International, which ones they kind of think are OK and are kind of credible and we'll come on to that in a little bit. Um To be honest, I just get them to sign every page. Like even like even this page, the one in the middle that's got a signature, like there's no point risking anything, just get them to sign and date literally everything. Like even if it's a title page, just do it like better be safe than sorry. And given that the example one that they've put on the website has the consultant signing literally the title page just just do it too. I can't explain why it needs to be done but just do it. Ok. So very conveniently, we have um Royal Royal Colleges um conferences um as one of them and then other kind of recognized international or national organizations are accepted. So they give a little bit more of a breakdown of what's meant by this. Um So yeah, established training organizations. If you just go on to the PDF, you can read some more fine print. If there's anything you're kind of unsure, you're um and ahing about um I guess this is just to kind of make sure that it's not people kind of setting for their own conferences like calling their friends and saying it's a conference. So um I think just a way to kind of make it a bit more credible and it needs to be equal, more than or equal to six hours in length. So if you're attending a half day thing. Um if it's not six hours then it wouldn't count. So, um yeah, you want to make sure that it says CBD on it as well. These are all, this is all the information you need to have on the certificate. So your name, name of the conference, the organizing body. So R CS, for example, the date of the conference and then the CPD points. And if you don't have CPD points, you'd need to write a letter to that organization, a, a AAA headed letter that has like their logo, the, the date, it has their address, their telephone number and it says I can confirm that so and so so and so has attended Da da da da da, which has this many hours and just kind of satisfying that clause essentially. And you might have to do that yourself to add on if they don't say the CP CPD points. Sometimes what I'd do is I'd email them my certificate and I'd say please, can you amend my certificate. So it includes the CPD points. So you're getting them editing it for you. Um And I'll give some examples as well. But yeah, in their appendix, they have a definition of surgical conference. So this is an example of one of the conferences I went to. So it's got the R CS at the top. It had the date underneath each surgery, it had the CPD points, I had my name. So it satisfied all of these things I needed. I got very stressed because it didn't say the word confidence on it, but it really actually didn't matter. And I contacted them and asked if they could put confidence on because I was getting stressed. But you don't, you don't need that amount just as long as it's doing everything to the left, it'll be accepted just fine. Um So in terms of attendance certificates and presentation certificates, you need to make sure that the certificate is in line with the criteria you're kind of applying for. So for here, if it said presentation, they might not allow it, it needs to be talking about attendance and then on your kind of presentation section, it needs to be talking about presentation. And again, you don't want to be using the same thing for two separate points in terms of surgical conferences from other countries. I'd be really careful and look at the appendix to see kind of which organizations they'd allow. Um And just really read that fine print to make sure that they're comfortable with the kind of having a, a conference in a different country. Um And if you have any uncertainty, you can always kind of contact them and see if they can help provide some clarity. Um and then surgical experience. So this has changed a bit um this time. So if you do a twice a week, um you're getting more points. Now this is something that to be honest, if you haven't done, I think you probably could do because you can have five nonconsecutive days. So if you're happy to kind of go in on a zero or a day off, you could scrape together these points if you, if you really wanted to a push, making sure that you've got appropriate um, evidence provided. Um So CPD points, the point course conference needs to be so a at least six, Um um I would, I wouldn't use a conference that you presented at as your attendance conference because it's technically the same achievement that you're putting in as two things. So to be on the safe side, personally, I would choose a different conference. So one that you've attended as a different conference to one that you've presented at so that you're not using the same activity or the same achievement for two domains. Um So if you go on a um and you go on to applying for CST, you can find that PDF and I've got a picture at the end to show you what the PDF looks like. But literally, if you go on to a, you'll see it. Um Yeah, so the PDF is on oral, like when you, when you click on view application form or you, I think it's when you scroll down in the little box that describes the, the job, there are two PDF. So open them both and have a good look through them both. So this is the detail that you need. Again, all of this is in the PDF that is on oral. This is the detail that you need for your kind of commitment to specialty. Yeah, thank you um CST handbook. Perfect. That's what I'm referring to. Um So this is the information that you need on your letter. So if you had a surgical elective, you need to make sure that all of that information that they have there is on it. So you've got a corresponding national medical registration, someone was asking earlier about if it's a kind of an overseas um consultant or doctor. So you need to make sure that you're really um getting all of this detail involved. I'll give you an example of what I did um in a, in a short while. Um So yeah, just really read this. I'm not gonna kind of for you and read it all out, but make sure that you kind of satisfy all of this criteria, your evidence um particularly if you're doing a nonconsecutive taster, make sure that you've got all of the dates that you went in and showing that you satisfy that. So here's an example, I've just blanked out some of the consultant details because I wasn't sure if they'd be happy having their name on a webinar. But this is an example of what I did. So ignore the box because it's changed, some of it has changed from last year. But I would just write my letters like this headed letter II AM. So and so so and so educational supervisor, da da, da, da da, I'm writing to confirm that she has completed whatever. So I just write out what I need in the box. I'd then screenshot the points to make it really, really obvious to say like I, she meets the criteria below. I'd screenshot the box and then I'd give details below. So I was advised last year to you can you can put your kind of the main thing that usually you the high points and then you can also you, you can if you want to, I personally did this and didn't get penalized for it and write out the other achievements kind of as a separate section just as a just in case. But they do say a lot in their guidance that if your initial piece of evidence that you give um does not satisfy their criteria, then they will not give you any further. So whether that helps or not, I'm not sure, but I did it and it worked. Ok. So these are the things for last minute points in this criteria. There's this future surgery conference which you can go to for free. It is in London. So apologies for those who are outside London. I couldn't find um an equivalent outside, but I'm sure if you do Google, you might find something. Um but this is free if you use this code, if this code doesn't work, you can just find it, it's basically free for healthcare professionals. Um So you can sign up to that and that's a two day conference. So um you could attend just one of the days and that should satisfy it. There's another conference as well. That's about 20 odd pounds um by the RC about EDI think it's aimed at IM GS. Um But I feel like anybody would be able to join that. Um, and that would qualify and all of those are occurring before the 23rd and I'd also say just really try to scrub in if you can. Um, so that will help you with kind of getting your logbook numbers up. Um, and getting these kind of taster days, you can go in on your off days if you, if you feel like you want to, to increase your points because you can definitely draw some extra points last month. Ok. Medical assistantship and surgery longer than four weeks count. Um, in terms of medical assistantship, I think you just need to be kind of reading, reading the details in that PDF to see. It's, I guess it's kind of what it was. If it is like a taster, then I'm sure that would count if it's over four weeks. Um It would have to be something that you've done since kind of, um, it within the time frame. I'm, I'm, I'm pretty sure it's kind of since starting II think it would be kind of because you do a lot of patients in medical school. But I think this is more kind of after leaving medical school. So I'd read the small print in terms of this medical assistanceship. I can't tell you with any confidence if that would count or not. So you're gonna have to refer back to the um PDF document um just after a surgical consultant. It so it can be whoever they, it can either be your current e it can be a consultant surgeon. You like it can be another consultant. Um It can be anybody who's happy to kind of go through your evidence with you and feel comfortable signing off that you've satisfied whatever criteria. So you might need to show them your different certificates, et cetera, but it can be anybody. So I was in a nonclinical role last year. So I just found um I had a, a consultant um surgeon who was my supervisor and they were happy to do it for me. So it doesn't have to be, it just has to be a consultant. Um So as long as they kind of fit there being a consultant criteria and they're happy to go through it with you. It just helps if they are a surgeon because then they understand the process and they're happy to kind of help you along. Um Again, I can't advise in terms of particular conferences. You're gonna have to look up on, on the guidance on the PDF because I don't know which things will count, which things won't more than what the guidance is that they've given. Um So it needs to be over six hours in terms of what they count. Um You need to refer to that PDF. Um Where is it? Yeah, so it needs to kind of fit within their idea of what's a recognized international national. So you need to be reading their guidance. I'm afraid I can't tell you more than that. It needs to be all of this information I have is all from the PDF. So I'd just refer to that and look in a bit more detail. So the difference between an elective and a taster. So an elective is, I guess elective is when. So you have placements on medical school which are mandatory and you have to attend an elective is where you've organized for a period of time. You've kind of sort out this experience and it's kind of student selected, you've decided, ok, I'm going to spend my time with this department. It might, it's kind of, they tend to be away from your kind of place of medical schools, you might go abroad or you might do it within the UK. Um So that's kind of what an elective is, a taster is when you just join a team for like a week or a few days. Um That's outside of your enforced foundation. Placement. So if I had foundation placement in general medicine and I went and spent a week with the urology department, that would be a taster. So again, with regards to kind of J CF and then taste a week just, you're gonna have to look at these, um, at the, at the different points. So now you get more points for the taster than you do for doing a placement. So if you're doing a surgical J CF, that would count as your placement rather than a taster. Because Taster is something that you're, I guess it's like you, you don't get paid for your taster, you have to take study leave. So a taster is like you're just experiencing it. You're not in a kind of service provision role if that makes sense. Um Yeah, if you log any surgeries during a toaster week, that does count as operative experience. Ok. Ok. Yes. The one that I've suggested in the slide, um all of the ones, all of the conferences I suggested they do count. I check that they count because they're organized by the Royal College of Surgeons. They the right date. So because they're with the Royal College of Surgeons, then they will, they will count. And this future surgery, this free thing it counts and that's what I used as one of my conferences last year. Um Not sure about the placement as part of a student selected component. Um I guess it could do if it's like you're not being paid for service, it basically you just need to maybe discuss it with your consultant and create the evidence so that it's in line with um how it needs to be. So I'm going to try to move on just because we've got a lot of ground to cover and I don't want to spend too long answering questions that might be answered as I go. So I'll try to get a wiggle on, but I'll come back. Um So yeah, in terms of when the conferences are, it's since starting medical school. OK. So the next section is Q I and audit. So you can have a look at the guidance here which you can also find on the PDF um the, the CST handbook. So that's kind of quite self explanatory here, the additional notes of kind of the evidence you need and what you need it to be. So for my qi my kind of consultant who signed off everything else said it was more appropriate for my Q I supervisor to um fill out my evidence for this and sign off my evidence for this. So I have my Q I supervisor um do that instead. And again, if you are getting points for presentation, making sure that you're getting all of this information that they're requesting. So here's an example of what I did again, quite a similar thing where I've literally screenshot the points that I achieved. So that they can say that I satisfied that cri criteria so that it's really nice and kind of bulletproof. And then again, I've got some other experiences that I had. I don't think you have to do that. I was just advised that you could, and again, I wasn't penalized for doing that. I thought I'd do it just in case to show the other things that I've done. But again, um, you don't necessarily have to do, do that and they do say that they're only gonna take a piece of evidence. So they might not even allow it anyway, in terms of the time frame of when you're allowed to do it. I think I just double check against that. PDF. My understanding is that it's things that you've done since starting medical school or since your first undergraduate, but do double check the PDF just to make doubly certain. But that's my understanding from my reading through of it. Um I also got the conference um to provide me with a letter that said that I satisfied the criteria. Um And that I presented my work including kind of all of the specific terms that they asked for in the evidence. And then I also included my certificate moving on to number three, which is the presentations and publications. Again, we've got the table here which explains kind of all of the different points and the evidence that you need. Also, again, you want to look at the extra um, information to make sure that you're really hitting all the points they want you to hit. So they really kind of go into a lot of detail of exactly what the meetings are and what kind of, um, what they kind of allow as a meeting, like how big it has to be and exactly what the purpose is. So do have a look at this. This is quite a big topic and you all watching might have done lots of different things. So it's quite difficult to kind of go through all of the different um eventualities. So I would refer you to look at the appendix and to look at the additional information so that you can have a good understanding of what actually will count and what won't count. Um Yes, that would definitely count as a surgical themed audit, clinical documentation audit at a on a surgical ward. If it's s surgical ward, that's about surgical documentation, then that is surgically themed. Um You can to see what counts as which points you just have to look at this um table here. So first author of a PUBMED cited publication is 10 points. So if it's got PUBMED ID, not including a case report or letter to the editor, so they're quite specific. So make sure that you're really paying attention to this and you're scoring yourself appropriately because if you miss score yourself again, that can raise issues. If there's a disparity between your score and what the people think. Um Again, I'll just refer you to that table because then I won't be able to kind of answer all of them in terms of joint. If it's just the information that they'll give here, if they don't specifically say that joint first author is not allowed, then I'd assume that it would be allowed. But again, you might want to contact them to specify to, to clarify if you have any doubt over that. Um So just, just double check the small print because I haven't particularly looked for joint first author. Um So do have a look yourself um looking specifically for any information they say about that. But yeah, always making sure that you have uh the, the PUBMED ID. And again, making sure they make a a they really emphasize this point of not using the same kind of project, all the same piece of work from multiple sections. Um So just be very careful. Again, this is some more information about um the presentation aspect um of all of the information that you need. Um So make sure you have a read of this and if you're getting a letter um as your evidence that you're really kind of detailing it with all of this stuff, you just basically want to make the lives of the assessors who are grading you as easy as possible and have as little room for kind of any ambiguity or any kind of back and forth as possible. But here, to be honest, there's not really any back and forth the assessors just give you the grade and you kind of, there's not very much you can do. Um, I think you can appeal it but, um, it's best to avoid doing that because if you haven't followed this very specific guidance, then you don't really have a leg to stand on, unfortunately. So you have to get it right first time. OK. Yeah. And just screenshot it more out of this. Um PDF. Just some more details of what they want if you've done a book chapter or collaborative author, et cetera. And here's an example of what I did. So I didn't meet the full marks on this one. This is something I did during my medical school. So in, in my third year. So yeah, as long as it's kind of since medical school. So I just wrote a letter to the organizers put in criteria again, trying to make it as crystal clear as possible. Had it signed dated headed, write a role, et cetera. Um So your teaching experience again, I've just taken a screenshot of all of the different points that you get. I'm not spending loads of time looking at these sides um with these tables because you can find it all on the PDF. I'm sure that most of you have had a little look at this already. Um Given that you've likely started your oral application, which details um a lot of this. And here's an example of the, the evidence that they like um you to have for this. So really, really specific about exactly what information they want. Um And just a bit of a thing about what regional means because to gain some higher marks, you need to have a regional teaching program. So to make sure that you're kind of comfortable that it is regional, it needs to be something extending beyond a local hospital, beyond a single trust or university. So it might be deanery or sub deanery, a cluster of hospitals from different trusts, all different medical schools. So this is saying if one hospital hosts two different medical schools and the candidate undertakes teaching in that hospital, that would not count as regional, that would count as local. So they're very specifically saying that they didn't specifically say that last year. So they're now specifically saying that. So just be careful there. Um So yeah, if you've published something since starting medical school, then that would count. It's just like the publication date. So don't worry about when you started the work, it's just the publication date. So this is an example of what I did. Again, it's a similar format. You can kind of copy the, the spiel if, if you'd like to but just kind of explain I am. So and so I can confirm that she was da da da da da she satisfied the criteria below. This is based on her teacher experiences. And then I go into detail, underlining the key criteria of exactly what I've done. And then I listed some other educational experiences after which again, you don't have to do. But somebody said, yeah, might as well do it. Um But II wasn't penalized, but again, if you wanted to add your extra bits in, you could, but they may not even look at it. But I think for the, the page on the left is quite important to make sure that you I II really think it's why not just screenshot the criteria because then it just makes everybody's lives easier. Um So teaching, so in terms of the whole, like local, regional international, it would need to be like a single teaching program. So in the chat, if you've taught in three countries, if it's all the same teaching program, you're doing the same thing and you're having people who are attending from three different countries and it satisfies the other criteria, then that would be international if that makes sense. But here I think they specify now that it needs to be as well face to face. I don't think it was that the year before. So it needs to be face to face. So you'd have to have people from different countries like coming from those different countries to do your teaching program again, in other countries, as long as you're satisfied all of the criteria that they say and all of the additional details, criteria as well. Then I don't see why it wouldn't count as long as you have all of that experience and really kind of spell it out. You can put things in bold, put things in underline, like really make it clear so that they're happy that you're satisfying that. But again, really refer to the PDF, refer to all of that, um, guidance because that is more, um, bulletproof than I am, I'm afraid. Um, so we're gonna come on to teaching qualifications now. So here you can see this has changed again. Um, because with teach the teacher course, I believe now it has to be so that one can be delivered virtually, but your own teaching has to be face to face. Um So in terms of an online five week course teaching qualification, that would only be one mark because they've added this new face to face thing for the three marks. It needs to have a face to face component online only course, even though it's been five weeks, now, I'm afraid that is only one mark. That's a change that they made this year. So unless you're able to attend a two day in person course in the next week, which ii couldn't really find myself, but there might be some local ones which is worth seeing if you can do. I'm afraid that will only be one mark because of that trips face to face. So this is why it's very important to have a look at notes and have a look at the additional information to look out for any changes from last year and have a look to make sure you qualify. So again, here we go for the, how many marks is it? Three marks? It needs to be face to face component at least two full days and it needs to be by an educational institution or a royal college, that kind of thing. Yeah, I know it. I think personally, I think it's a little unfair to make that change because most of the teacher to future courses are online nowadays because we've had such a move to online online learning. Um So yeah, it is a real shame. Um And I think a lot of people having spoken to applicants, I think a lot of people are gonna lose those two marks. So you're not alone. Um But yeah, here is the information of the evidence required. Somebody was asking earlier about PG cert modules. So hopefully this kind of evidence will um explain. Um hopefully explain kind of the information that they need. Um Here's an example of something that um I did as part of my um my kind of teaching course which had all of the relevant information and it had the kind of timing. So it constitutes 60 hours of study, it said in the bottom, right? Um So making sure that you're satisfying all of those points that they want to see on your evidence. Ok. Um So yeah, so for the teaching qualifications, they will need, you will need to have them by the 23rd of November. So you will need to have your evidence or your kind of certificate of completing um the PG cert or completing. So PG cert or PGD or whatever um or completing that, that course, you need to have the date of the course. As before November the 23rd, you need to have done it before November 23rd. So there's a little bit of time if you happen to find some available. Um but if not, then I'm afraid you wouldn't get the marks for that. Um So in terms of teaching students face to face or not, you'd have to refer to that um Previous table, I think they do specify. So for the 10 marker, it specifies face to face teaching. So just have a look at the different ones and see if they specify face to face. Um Again, virtual, it depends, a lot of people are asking about virtual. It depends on what you're looking for. They tend to specify if it needs to be face to face or if it's virtual, they will tell you. So um for that teaching experience 10 marks, it needs to be face to face, to get your three marks for training qualifications. It needs to have a face to face component. Um So you need to have, if you want audit marks for closed loop, you have to have completed the loop and finished that closed loop audit by the 23rd of November. You can't say that you've done a closed loop audit if you haven't closed the loop before the 23rd of November, so you'd need to finish all of that analysis, et cetera by then. Um I think the top 1.5 if you had a fully online PG cert, I don't see why that wouldn't count for five marks. However, for 0.3 if you'd finished, it seems silly. But if you'd finished two modules of your three module PD Cert and it was all online, then I'm afraid I don't think you would get um 0.3. I'm afraid from this is my interpretation. Um Yeah, you need to have consultant signatures on just everything you, you need it all signed unless it's kind of. So for example, like my, my certificate for my teaching training, that was a certificate in itself. I didn't need my consultant to sign this because it already had a, a signature. But yeah, if you have a student feedback, um you want to kind of show that to the consultant and have that signed off. Um As you can see here, this is my teaching experience letter. I had it all signed by a consultant. So you need to do that. We didn't have to upload our feedback last year as part of our evidence. So you may not have to this year, they just have to be satisfied. That consultant had looked at the feedback and reviewed it and kind of confirmed that you've done it. The second cycle of the audit. I don't think it needs to show improvements. You just have to have assessed. You just need to have done two cycles and had a look to see if there's been any change. I don't think it necessarily has to be positive change. So if you finish any PG cert, my understanding is that you get five marks. If you're currently engaging in APG cert that has had a face to face component and you haven't finished it more than two days. Then for me, I understand that as being three marks. OK. So finally compiling your portfolio. So how you do this, they give a lot of information on exactly how you, how you will do this. You need to make a note of your oral pin from your oral platform. Um So all documents need to be uploaded as whoa one continuous pedia. So when you're on PDF, you can kind of drag other P DFS into that PDF on the kind of side scrolling bar to make a P DFA combined PDF. Um I know that might be obvious to some people, but I didn't know how to combine PDF. So it was a learning curve for me. Um So for example, if you've got commitment special, combine it all. So start with your kind of index page which you can see here. And I'd, what I did is I kind of filled this index page out, but I highlighted the domain that the evidence was for. So I had this all completed this table completed and highlighted commitment specialty for my upload for commitment specialty. They tell you how to save the documents as well. So evidence title or pin surname, first name, really follow this. So for example, commitment specialty, you're gonna have, it's saved as that name. You're gonna have your index page, which is all filled out that you've got highlighted the the row of commitment specialty. You're gonna have your evidence for all of those three sections, one after another. So the three sections were kind of your logbook. You'd have your consolidation report, all signed four pages or whatever and then you're gonna have your um conference certificates, 123 or however many you have. Um but only three max. Uh And then after that, you're gonna have your letter talking about your elective or whatever. And that's gonna be one PDF document for commitment specialty. And then you do that again with an index page again for all of the other domains. I'm not gonna labor it too much. Hopefully you get the picture. Um But yeah, they outline how much evidence will be reviewed so that any evidence outside of the limit is not reviewed. So that's why I think it's really important to kind of screenshot that um that kind of box of what you get. But this does suggest that maybe my extra ramblings of the other things I've done, they don't read and they don't care about. So whether you read that is up to you, um There is never a silly question. Um virtual class. So virtual class is not face to face. If it's anything with a screen where you can't physically kind of touch someone, then that is gonna be virtual. Um You need to be like in a classroom in a lecture room to have a face to face component. OK? So again, this is just reiterating that previous slide. So do not upload your entire portfolio onto one domain. You need to split them up as I explained. Um Yeah, I'm afraid that won't count the 29th of November. I'm very sorry. So, on the index page, this is on the PDF. It's in the CST handbook. So you can find this index page um and save it as a PDF and then you fill it out. Um Yeah, you could just put bold. I just did it in really ugly highlight to make it really clear. Um But yeah, you can embolden it if you wanted to II just did that to make it really clear that this was the domain I'm referring to. This is the P DFI. Keep talking about which you can find on oral. Um have a really, really good read through this. I cannot emphasize enough how panicky you have to be. You really, really have to go through everything with a really fine tooth comb because if you don't, you, you might not get marks for your hard work and the things that you've achieved and that is just really sad when you've put so much effort in, you just want to make sure that you get the amount of points that you deserve. OK? So that's the end. Thank you all for sticking with me. I know that that's all probably been a lot of information. If anybody has any questions about anything, I've covered a lot of it will make more sense when the the evidence portal comes up and you can save it as draft. So it took me like I spent about two weeks of doing it. I saved as draft as we were going. Um So you can kind of chip away at it. We'd really appreciate it. If you guys can fill out some feedback, I'm doing another talk on Thursday, just kind of talking about CST interviews which I'd recommend attending if you are thinking about applying for CST. Um And yeah, any feedback from today is gonna be very helpful for the session on Thursday. So thank you all. And again, I'll stick around for any questions. Um So in terms of minimum points for selection I think because they always shift the goalpost year on year. You can find out potentially, I'm not, I'm not sure if this exists, but maybe you can see kind of what the minimum amount of points were last year. Um But because they're shifting the goalposts, I don't think it is this. You, you can never know for the future year how many points you need. Um But I think you may potentially be able to find out. I haven't looked personally um how many points people had before interview um in, in previous years. Um So yeah, I'm afraid I'm not sure. Um So in terms of, are you penalized if you do an F three after an F two? So for CST, it doesn't matter how many years it's taking you to have these achievements as long as you've done them in the time frame they've talked about. So for example, after starting medical school, when you come on to specialty training, so applying to be a registrar, so an ST three for some or maybe some run through as well, maybe some ST one specialties but not CST for some of the specialties, they do start to divide your points based on how many years it's taken you to do this. Um I believe general surgery is one that kind of to doing that. Um I don't know the details 100% because I don't want to do general surgery. Um But yeah, some specialties do do that. So have a look in case that's gonna affect your career plans, you might just want to bear that in mind to see if you actually will be penalized somehow for achieving more over um a longer space of time. Um So CST has a single intake. As far as I'm aware, I believe that for your kind of standard CST program, everybody applies. Now, I know that for a CF sometimes it's a bit different. So the academic um clinical fellows, I didn't apply for ACF myself. So have a little look for some talks or some information on that to see when all of that occurs. But in terms of a January intake, I don't think as far as I'm aware, I don't think that's the thing. Um Yeah, so even if you're not applying this year, you can definitely open an oral account. Um I went on to the job vacancies to get all of this information for this talk this year so that I was up to date with the current year, even though I'm not going to apply for CST again. Um So yeah, you can, you can have a nosy and really have a look through even if you don't want to. So if you're applying next year, I'd recommend doing that. Um just browsing the application. Um Thank you for your kind messages. Um Yeah, let me go back to QR in order and we'll be putting these slides as Well, um, a recording of this presentation we'll put on the website. Um and we can put the slides up as well. Let me find the QR and Audit section. You shout at me. I don't think you can shout at me. Hopefully, I won't go. I won't overshoot. Um Here we go. So if this is what you're after, this is what I wrote for mine. Um No, I think if you're applying for CST multiple times, I don't think as far as I'm aware, I don't think that affects anything. Um, a lot of people apply for CSD more than one time. So by all means, um, do that. I don't think, I don't think it affects you in any, any negative way, but you'll have a good understanding of the process. So if anything, it might make you better, I have friends who knew they didn't want to do CST um, this year, but they still applied and sat the interview just, just for some practice. Um, like friends who were going to Australia and they just did it so they could get used to it. Um I think anybody can open an oral account. I'm not sure I don't work for or so I don't know, 100%. Um, but I think, I think anybody can. Yeah, because I think you use oral to apply for the foundation program. F one that might be a lie, but I think you can, I don't see why not have a look, go see. And also if you are a medical student, I'm very impressed that you are. So for thinking because I certainly wasn't as you can probably tell more of my evidence is surgically themed but didn't seem to matter, say, yeah, don't worry if you don't feel like you've been super, super um keen on your decision for a long time or super well prepared because there are lots of people in the same in the same boat who are deciding later on. Thank you all. Yeah. So evidence um if you look at the tables for each criteria, a lot of them, you you might. So for example, with the audit, you get more marks if you did a surgically themed audit. Um but or surgically themed qi don't worry if so for a lot of them, it actually doesn't specify if it's surgically themed. So don't worry about that. And for a lot of um specialties as well, it doesn't even necessarily have to be themed in that specialty. So just have a look and see um a lot of the time your achievements, even for other things during your foundation placements on medical topics will be warranted. For example, a lot of mine was about presentations I did in bipolar disease um and an a cardiology quip. So yeah, just, just check the evidence and see a lot of the time. It actually doesn't need to be surgically themed, which is quite kind of them. Um ok. Tips if you still in medical school. Um I'm very impressed that you guys are already thinking this far ahead. I think given that a lot of the points you can score during medical school, medical school is like a good time, a good opportunity to get involved in some research and audit. Um I think it's good to find a really good mentor. So find somebody maybe like a junior registrar or somebody like that, who's someone that you can trust and that can help you out and you can tell them what you want and ask them. Kind of how do I get out, get X out of this? Something that I wish I told myself when I was younger is before you kind of get involved in projects for people, find out what you're gonna get out of it because sadly, sometimes you can be fairly involved in a project, but actually nothing is gonna come of it and you're not gonna get any publications and you're just gonna enter data and you're not gonna get anything out of it. So really make sure at the start um that you know what you're going to get out of it and that they're aware of what you're expecting so that you're not kind of wasting your efforts because I spent a lot of time particularly in foundation doing stuff that I didn't get anything out of because I was just a bit naive and I thought it would be helpful for me, but it actually wasn't. So yeah, that would be my main tip. Um but keep an eye on the portfolio criteria and see if you can start doing any of these things that get you points. But I'm sure that you're already doing more than you need to be given that you're here. Um we'll put the the slides online so you'll see the evidence that I have included. Mhm. Yes, thank you all. Ok. So we'll just stick around for a minute or so more. But yes, do come to Thursday. Thank you everybody. Oh, in terms of IM GS who are not registered for the GMC, I'm gonna put my hands up and say that I'm not the best person to ask for help. I'm afraid because I haven't gone through the process. So I'm unfortunately quite ignorant to it. Um I think again, it would be good to identify a mentor if you know anybody who's gone through the process or if you can find somebody who's involved, do you know what? Maybe go, maybe go to that conference, that conference looked quite good. Um You could maybe identify someone who's speaking at that conference or someone who can point you in the direction um of some helpful mentors. So yeah, I'm afraid that I would be the wrong person to ask because I can't be very helpful. So I apologize, but you identify mental, um get someone's email address. Um and you can, can ask them someone who's gone through the process. Sorry. Amazing Talk, Molly. I was just saying. Um Thanks for answering all of the questions as well and being so thorough. Um very, very well qualified to hold this talk. So if everybody could just fill out feedback, will help um for Thursday's um and give something for wonderful Molly for giving up her time and effort putting this talk on. Um So, thank you all very much. I think we'll close it there. Um But yeah, um can go across to our website and everything should be recorded and left on there. Thank you. Have a good evening.