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This medical professional teaching session is perfect for those looking to pursue a BSc in Management. The session will provide an in-depth look at the curriculum and assignments associated with the program. Participants will hear about the variety of courses, exams, and the versatile projects that students can pursue in the course. Additionally, expert guest lecturers, top researchers, and those involved in NHS politics will be featured throughout the session. Lastly, the session will provide essential tips on how to balance extracurricular activities with the rigorous workload.

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MedED is delighted to announce the Year 3 BSc Fair, taking place on Friday 17th February at 6pm!

There will be a short introductory talk on choosing your BSc followed by a drop in breakout room Q&A. There will be representatives from every BSc to answer any questions you have!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Ria Varma (Year 4 Coordinator)

Learning objectives

Learning objectives:

  1. Understand the variety of types of assignments and exams required in a Management BSc.
  2. Identify the aim of studying Management BSc and the advantages it provides to a medical student in comparison to other courses.
  3. Assess the group dynamic required for successful completion of Management BSc assignments.
  4. Identify the suitable subject of research for a Management BSc Final Project.
  5. Discuss the approach to managing time and workload to involve extracurricular activities during a Management BSc.
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Um um ok got another question, so what's your favorite thing about your bsc, so management is deep by, by a long way the most facial bsc and what I mean by that is. Um you know, there's so much because you spend so much of your time with your group, There's some social activities um There's like a business school put on so many cool things we have like we had a ball at the Natural History Museum, We start the year with like breakfast networking launches, and then breakfast, networking and lunch, networking stuff. It's um they kind of the business school have a lot of money and they kind of shovel, that money at you, which is great because there's a load of socials and it's just it's a very it's a very, very, very social bsc, and I think you see some difference people every day and look, and it's predominantly in person. Um you kind of yeah, it's good to kind of network and make new friends and stuff as well, So the one thing I always ask is you have to think when when she's imagined is you have to think about why you want to choose management and what you think you'll gain from it, um So I think imagine it works for a person that you know knows how to work hard and play hard and what I mean by that is, you know, you have to kind of stay on stay on top of a lot of things at the same time, and your head is kind of in loads of different places um kind of keeping up with all the deadlines or the group work, but I think if you're kind of considering so the reason I chose it, it was, I guess the option that most people say and the diplomatique answer is to keep your options open. So if you are thinking about not pursuing an entirely, you know 100% clinical career maybe a portfolio career maybe potentially leaving medicine. I think management's a good degree to have in terms of the kind of experience that you get kind of other sectors and other industries, and just business principles that I think are so important like for example, I didn't think accounting for example would be would be interesting at all, but I've come on to realize that it's such an important skill um to have and I think you know nothing has taught me as much about leadership and management as doing this bsc has um and I think it's just a really transferrable bsc to have um So that's yeah, I think you know, I always say imagine people know who imagine people are before they do it and what I mean, but yeah, so what I mean by that is. I think if you're already excited about the prospect of studying something completely non medical and you're like prepared to kind of put in the hours to kind of get a really really um solid rigorous bsc out of it, management for you, but at the same time if you're not a group worker and you know you kind of trust working alone fair working alone um I don't think it's a b sc, for you because it's so it's so group work heavy and you kind of have to interact with the only different people um but yeah I've I've enjoyed it mainly because of the content, so in terms of what the exams are like and the kind of assignments we have are like, so the exam okay, so I'll start with assignments. The assignments are really really varied, so assignments can be kind of group tests that you can do together open book um They can also be kind of you know personal reports, so there's like a few individual course works where you have to write your own personal report. Um There was a lot of video making and a lot of pitching in management, so and so we've had kind of two main presentations already which have been assessed, one which was a marketing pitch. We had to basically pitch a new product to the market and basically apply marketing theory to it um and presented to kind of the entire cohort last year, last week, last year, even we had a debate about kind of the use of health in thematics um In healthcare context, um you have a lot of yeah yeah yeahs Baby right, It's basically kind of the apprentice mix, it mix the dragons then um that's kind of what the assignments are kind of like um There's there's some which are definitely more intense so like we're currently on a healthy con run right now and that's like a 3000 word cost effectiveness analysis. Um There's like some we have to write a business case right uh global strategy case report, but I think that's what I like about the BSE, the course workers so varied, that you know, it's not like and I think a lot of what I, what a lot of people were worried about the time is that you know you're doing something that management. It wouldn't give you research skills. I think that's completely false like we've done so much research already and like you have in your entire final project is under the research module. Um So, yeah there's a there's the assignments are really really varied. Um In terms of the exams, the exams are also very varied as well, so like someone accounting. It's like your typical, so if you do those pulse papers, I'd say it's more typical two medicine in that aspect, um and just kind of yeah you can practice for them summer. There are there are so much a very essay based. So last year we had label strategy, which was which was very very s. S. A. Based um and and then some uh like very stats, heavy, so we had one where we had to kind of learn how to use our and the exam would give us some output code in our. Um I haven't mentioned the exact actually you learn to code on management like very very basically, but you can um you can kind of do basic things with that and there's a few assignments in that, so we had a coding assignment in health informatics and you have to kind of learn python in our as well, um So, yeah it's pretty cool um and in terms of other exams, I can't answer yet, but I think yeah it's just a mixed bag and that's the entire that's how I view the entirety management to be honest um is it possible to do extracurricular stuff whilst imagine in autumn term, absolutely, I'm absolutely dying now in spring term, so maybe not so much in spring term. I think it's definitely it's a lot easier to have a healthy work. I balance in the autumn term, but yeah just be prepared. The second half of management is really really really intense with the turnaround of the deadlines and just the kind of extent of the work that you will have, doesn't mean it's impossible to have an extra curricular um um or do any extracurricular activities you just need to be really really on it with your time management. Um Yeah that's kind of how I describe that cool does anyone have any other questions. No worries. If you yeah, if you guys have any other questions, I'm going to put my email here and my name find me, I'm yeah I'm like pretty much ever, um but yeah I guess I can talk more about some of the yeah, some of the cool things I've I've really I've really enjoyed about management so far. Um So you get like really really really cool guest lecturers and guest speakers in so like one of the module is entirely entirely guest because we have like the head of chow West come in, and we have like really really top researchers come in like um uh like we had like a really really cool guy doing some really cool machine learning stuff come in. Uh You just get a really mixed bag, we get like people who are really up and involved in nhs politics coming in. Um It's just yeah there's just so much different stuff that's I find that I find really enjoyable about bsc um how are you find the final project and what are you doing for it yes. So final project is an interesting one because you basically get to pick your group yourself um And that basically gives you a lot of more power. In terms of, I think, be aware with management, there is a lot of, I think autumn time is really nice, but when it comes to spring, like the deadlines are so quick that you know people uh There is there like there is there are stories of group drama, but you know I think the final group is the only group of the year that you get to pick yourself and you you pick it really early on. Um So you kind of know already the kind of skills and people and you know the people very well already. So you basically get there's like a list of like 40 or 50 project title's that you can do um and then you kind of pick one or you can pick your own as long as you can pitch it to them with with enough of an evidence base And then um you basically get allocated one of them and the thing I love about management is a project title's are really not restrictive, you can do anything within that product title um like for example, we're doing a project, so uh we got a third choice which was burned out um So we're doing a project kind of doing National project looking at the foundation year three and the effects that has on the post Foundation year burn out and try to put that in context, If you know all the stuff about doctors leaving the profession, tens of doctors vote all the really topical stuff going on right now and we've got to like speak to some really really high up people through it, so, yeah the there's a lot of cool stuff you can do imagine um and yeah that's kind of what we're doing for us do you pick the group first, then the project title, yeah you pick your group first, they try to sway you into using your product title to pick your group. What I would say about management is find who you think you'd want to work with and try to get them on your group early because that they have this whole networking day where you have to kind of pick a pick your group and it's brutal like like I've never seen so much so many snakes come out like it's been, it was crazy like um yeah that day is very very sneaky, but like we had our group already going into it, so yeah make sure you're very you pick your group very carefully and make sure that group that you do pick. If you do do it, has kind of yeah, I think with management, you need your sanity and the way to do that is just like having your friends around you or having friends on the course, but yeah same the snakes do you do come out at that time um but yeah it also kind of puts the power in your hands there to like pick a group for it okay, so those are really really too good questions, so the workload day today okay, so I'll describe to you what my typical day might look like, but I don't I'd get up early um go to campus have a group meeting um There might be a lecture then it's like a group meeting with my other final group to go three kind of other things that might be another lecture lecture and then you kind of to go home catch up in the lecture content and yeah that's kind of what I mean in terms of the fact that you know, it's a very, very, very intense BSE, but also really really really work well bsc, something really great to have a report video something you'll never get to really do outside of this context and when I really really do recommend doing, um but it is there is a high workload today today and I'm not going to deny that, especially when it comes to spring term because you have to keep on top of all the lectures, all the coursework, or the, and all the stuff with your final group project as well at the same time, um but it's like really possible to time, manage that and delegate stuff accordingly, um but I think the one thing I wish people knew more about is know exactly what you're getting in getting involved for like people people like the idea of studying management, then actually studying management like it is difficult and it's not I don't think the contents of the most difficult bit. It's the fact that it's very new tea and I think it's just so much of it. I hope that answers that question and then is there solely healthcare management or does it involve business management too, yeah so there is a mixture of both so um there is definitely a lot of healthcare management, but there's also a lot of business management. I'd say, slip 50 50 so 50% of your modules is actually combined with the joint honor students, so that's like students doing biomed, chemistry and stuff you do management is their final year and 50% of your modules, a healthcare specific, so I'd say uh like the ones which are general to everyone is. You have global business management, global strategy, sorry, which is which is which is, it's the name, accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship, sustainability, um and then you have really healthcare specific ones that we had healthcare and dramatics, imagine health organizations, health economics, which is which are more tailored to the healthcare um side of things, but I think it's a broad mix um Both so, I wouldn't say i I was surprised by the fact by how much non healthcare stuff that was in it to be honest um cool how is your b. S. C um informed your future interests, So this is a really important question, I think you need to ask yourself you want to do management and it's why I recommend a lot of recommend to a lot of people to do management, so I think from what I've I've spoken to a lot of people having management bsc on your cV is really really um makes you it makes you different right. I think your average medicine when they graduate, will have like a science bsc or research, bsc Management is something that sets you apart now. If you still if you want to go into a clinical career, it makes it really easy for you to gain the skills to have a portfolio career just because of the type of stuff you do in management and the type of people you meet and the network that you were kind of exposed to lends itself quite nicely to that, um but I think if you're considering not fully practicing 100% of the time, I wouldn't hesitate and I would I would 100% cheese management or bio nge um in a heartbeat, um yeah that's how it answered that question, I'm personally not entirely, I don't think I'm going to practice in the UK after f two, whether that means, I practice elsewhere or if I leave medicine entirely that's another question, but there's a general there is a general consensus that the majority of my cohort management this year is kind of feeling the same so if you want to explore things like healthcare consulting for example, um and other kind of business careers like med, tech, entrepreneurship, and startup. I think management is great because it gives you that diversity of skills um how you examined so examined examinations are quite weird, so you you're you have kind of, I'd say maybe 30 to 40% of your grading is via coursework and the other other stuff is all via exams, which is why I like it because I think I'm quite an exam, heavy person I prefer, I think I do better on exams. I think exams that you feel like you're more in control, which is why I kind of like that aspect to it, but it's remember you have to do coursework an exam, so it's a lot more um so in terms of the coursework, you get kind of the assignments can be very varied, so they can be you know, I think things like making a video making a pitch, writing a healthy economic analysis, doing like um writing a business case report, writing a case study like they're just very very varied um In terms of the exams, um like some modules, they're very cookie cutter, so that you have passed papers, similar kind of boat to measure just practice, practice, practice, and you'll do well are there's a very small, very very subjective, so there's quite a few essay based ones, and I don't think you need to be a good essay writer you just need to be good at kind of structuring a concise and logical answer um So, yeah it's a mix and then we have like a stats exam where we kind of have to interpret outfit of code and stuff like that, um but yeah, if you have any more specific questions about that let me know, you mentioned about artificial intelligence, does the course, teach that too so we've actually had quite a strong focus on a i and our course, so we don't so we have a we have a medical health mathematics, and in the coding assignment, the last kind of bit if that takes you towards kind of the process of how you, how you, how you might create a very very very basic basis to machine learning algorithm um And there's a lot of emphasis on that within, I think you learn more about it in the context of its use and innovation, innovative use within a healthcare organization rather than like necessary learning too in depth about how to how to um get involved in the technical side of things apart from that coding assignment, um So yeah, if you're if that's kind of your interest and if you're very interested in med and just specifically technical side of things, I think maybe something that you both and you'd be a better option for you, but if you're if you're still kind of not entirely sure you kind of want to general generally tap your toes into it, I think imagine is great because you kind of learn the basics of a lot of things um So you kind of learn a, you learn a bit about everything um In terms of what kind of careers, I don't think there's a straight answer to that question, um I don't think it's like one sort of career will allow you to do uh dig, management would allow you to enter one sort of career if you want to put value career do management. If you want to leave medicine, do management, bioengineer, um and even if you just want to get involved in kind of extracurricular medical things do management and then that's kind of what I'd say, I think yeah I'm I'm trying to sell it to people because I do think it's a really good bsc, but I only think you should do it If you know what you're getting yourself what you yourself are getting into, um I don't think there is like a straight answer, but I think what you can look at is the network of people that have done management in the past. You have people who have launched like crazy startups like now in Silicon Valley. From the course, you have you have loads of people who've gone into healthcare consulting. Um You have loads of people just doing really cool like portfolio careers. Some people have like left medicine entirely like I know something you did a few years ago, left Medicine went to finance. It's a really great bsc um and it's yeah definitely give you skills that makes you more attractive to I guess a different career, but yeah that's how it kind of forms that question, no no, it's imagine, it's not it's not, it's not like doing finance course. So like health economics is just one of the modules, accounting is just one of the modules, so like together the finance, finances maybe like 20% of the course like raw finance. I guess doing a business degree. There is always an element of finance running through it, but I wouldn't say it's finance degree or or going to give you a lot of like a serious financial background. You kind of learn the basics that will give you a lot more than kind of your peers, um but yeah it's remember it's a it's a business degree, so finance will be part of it, but it's not the central part of it, How's everything oh my god. I've, I've returned from, I've spent 27 hours in the library straight, and I just came back and I went, was this in your story or something yeah, I just come back from the library. I went to bed for four hours and I'm awake again, and I've got a deadline on monday oh goodness, That's imagine for you, I was going to ask has your bsc lived up to your expectations, yeah It hasn't it hasn't, I didn't realize the extent of the group work like I just didn't realize it, but I mean I see you and I know for a fact that you're the worker bee in your group, that's the thing I'm a worker bee and it's still really difficult to keep up. Yeah, I'll bless you, I mean I heard you guys have to do python, and I was like thank you, I cannot do that. Yeah, it's really weird, It's definitely fun though Yeah I've enjoyed, I've enjoyed it um bro, um If no one is in your breakup room by quarter to seven, you're more than welcome to leave and get on with your evening, I'll be standing the certificates tonight, um but yeah go ahead and like if you feel like there's any clarification, you want to do on your questions, it's still being recorded um. Otherwise, you can chill with your Cameron audio off until someone comes in. I think there is someone here um yeah, I'll see you in a bit cool yeah, I'll just be here background. If you need me to send a question either. Uh huh santana's the modules themselves, they are kind of mixed bag um So accounting you just learn like it's difficult to explain it without going into depth, but um like accounting you just lend the basic principles of like management, financial accounting um apply them like how would you create a, accounting reports, how would you like, but do budgeting, do the different types of budgeting and lastly how would you like use your financial ratios from the accounting, budgets, and budget that you create and apply them in kind of context to an organization to make them improve aspects of their business. Then you have organizational behavior and human resource management, a b h r. M, where you kind of learn about you know how what what what it takes to run a successful organization, um as well as um just kind of it's about personality about leadership about teamwork, like one of those fluffy, kind of modules that everyone kind of needs to do though then you also have other bs cs, also other modules like um health informatics, which is split into coding and then kind of more like um applications of coding and health in, in healthcare in the uk, and abroad, kind of so half, it is kind of technical coding half, it is just kind of looking at the application of informatics and healthcare. Then the other module that we had last time was global strategy, that's looking at businesses, how they form strategy for their objectives, and that takes it to an international context, so how does the firm internationalized what factors important business from a business perspective, and you know, guiding a firm to internationalize and then this term so far we've done so um Also we had, we had a module last time called research, method, methods, and practice as well where you just kind of learn are and then learn learn quite a lot of statistical analysis, kind of stuff, and then um this term we had health economics. This is the hardest module because you basically learn all all of economics to like kind of an, a level level and then you have to apply it to healthcare context um and do cost effectiveness analysis and like it's have to like most papers at the end of it publishable standard, but that's completely new like you have to look at things like quality of life years, what it takes to make a cost effective drug or cost effective therapy for example, um. And then you also have to kind of yeah it's it's a, it's it's tricky to explain that one and then also marketing is a really fun module, So you've had that this term just kind of learned about marketing theory are different types of marketing in terms of pricing, advertisement um like promotion and like in place marketing, um. And then there's also some other ones, as well um other modules as well that we haven't done like sustainable business and entrepreneurship um And yeah we have we have a medical management healthcare organizations, which is basically entirely guest lecturers. Really cool module just talked to kind of kind of explains how they're the NHS and healthcare systems are being managed in general, right now, it's really like it's not it's a really really really mixed bag of different stuff, but that's why I like it because you get exposed to so many different things in such a short amount of time, but be prepared for the intensity if it's it's kind of how it how it get about answering. Not, if you want my honest opinion how long do I spend working on an average day. I'll tell you a bit of context, I've just come back from 27 hours at the library straight. I have had like six hours sleep for the last two weeks. That is just what the reality is um if working on management, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, that is the workload, especially in spring term, but it is very rewarding at the end of it and like there's obviously really really shit bits, but and this is a really shit period, but I think like autumn term is actually quite chill and then once this period is over, it's actually not that bad, but you are you are going to be working and you have to kind of be on it there's like neighbor in the slack, and there's no room for freeloading in a group, which is why like I'm very particular about like telling people to do it only if they're prepared to because the worst absolute worst thing to do is do management and then not be able to cope with it and then bring your group down, so yeah just make sure you you are the type of person that seated for management beforehand, no no it's not 27 hours of maths, I've just been, I've been alive we had a load of coursework deadlines um yeah, yes, So do you learn economics from the perspective of consumers, firms and government, so we learn economics in the healthcare context and therefore we're thinking about it from a healthcare, imagine a point of view, so what's the more cost effective drug and what you'd look at within that is you know. Um you look at quality of life years by a treatment by a drug or by a surgery, um and then you do like loads of risk ratio calculations and economic ratio calculations to find out that's called to find like a cost effectiveness ratio, but yeah it is entirely from a healthcare point of view, and from a management point of view of that, I they were saying and already I chose mandarin fundamentally because I won't be stretched, no one to challenged, and I think it's a really challenging bsc, so what I mean by that is you kind of learn so much about seeing different things and it's just it's not it's something completely different what you've done before. Um I also chose it because I'm not entirely sure I'm pretty sure I don't want to practice in the uk after ft, whether that means I need medicine, and whether that means I leave the uk. I think it's just a really good bs, you to have in your portfolio in terms of increasing your options and I think it's a really great bsc um to have in terms of if you if you're considering that yourself, it just gives you a lot of skills that are really transferrable, however, I would not choose management if you're not prepared to put in the hours and kind of um already already for the intensity and workload of it, it's really rewarding and you want to push yourself and do something that will really like really really add something to your c. V. I would choose it. Um How many hours is of a we do, but imagine most of my hours basically right now. It's very difficult to maintain like a work life balance. When spring term comes around, like you have to be very smart with it, but that's what I kind of like about management. It kind of sucks takes over your life, but it's so social there's like there's 80 medics and then 80 medics, a few dentists and vets, and then there's like all joint honor students, the entire cohort like 1 20 everyone is so social all the group works very social um so it takes of your life and you live, breathe live and breathe management, but it's not a bad thing oh you really don't need to have a strong math background. If you, if I guess, if you, if you're more math, the person I probably would choose by orange, um If that's what you want from a decree, like if you just want the math aspect of it, she's bioenergy like the maths and management's really basic, actually what management is probably better at is the stats side of things, there's a lot of stats management, um and like the level of like detail you need to be able to do to like do do accounting calculation to do business calculations. It's like g c s. C level like really not that bad, No so imagine is the largest bsc um by a long by a long way, so you have 40 medics internally. Then we have 34 or five medics including maybe like one or two dentist events and then um like 40 40 or so, joint honor students and those are students that did like chemistry by biomed, um Biology and are doing management as a final year. Um So it's a really large cohort in terms of the you spend half the modules in that full cohort and half of them just with health just with health gas units, um but it's a lot it's a really big bsc, but it's kind of what I like it so for horizons, I know someone that did it and still does it. It's that but that's like they're really they're struggling. They're struggling, but it's possible to do it depends what horizons you do, but I know someone who did like level level five times like one of some 100 groups, doing level five french right now at the same time um So if you want to do it, um it's possible I think they're managing and I know someone did it last 10. Someone did mandarin last 10 um yeah, manageable, but like I I personally wouldn't want to do it just because I think imagine already takes a for a lot of my life and doing something additional to that, is just going to cause me more stress um Could you claim the overall structure of the course and what you cover, so the structure of course is you have 75% of the year in covering nine modules, in 25% of the air covering your final project and that's why I like it there's there's so much coursework and similar exams that if you have a bad day on one, it's not the end of the world, it's really easy to make that up compared to standard bsc, which is weird like if you have bad grade as well, 25% of your of your year. So in terms of the modules, you have nine modules in each of those modules, has has coursework, and the majority of those modules also have exams and potentially more than one exam, so those modules are accounting, operational behavior and human resource management, global strategy, um health informatics, marketing, imagine healthcare organizations, health economics, sustainable business, and entrepreneurship, so there's your nine modules and your 10th module is your, is called Research medicine practice, so that involves your statistics and your our exam as well as your final project and your final project presentation, um and each module is kind of split differently. Some are very coursework, heavy, and the exam is not weighted that much in some exams, like account some some like accounting have the exam almost count counting 7% of the module, but each module is equally weighted, so each of these nine modules counts for like maybe like um eight point something percent of the year and other than that like the course of, accounts for some of that 8% the exam account for some about 8% so it's a really that's what I mean when it's like it's a lot of stuff often, um but there's like a there's ample opportunities to mess up and not to affect your chance of getting a first um So what I like about this fear see is that everyone told me that there is this is not obviously that you do. If you want publication opportunities right, um and I almost disagree, I think there are publication opportunities and if you you have to be smart about look so your health economics evaluation gets you're really unique publication, I think if you do it well, you can do something like a cost effectiveness analysis on some that hasn't been drug and done and publish that and your final group project is also publishable bear in mind, you have to basically convert something which is a 600 word dissertation, 600 page dissertation into like a research article. Um That's a difficult bit, but it's publishable as long as it's new, it's publishable, so there's definitely that your Fire group is publishable and it's actually easier to publishing management because you're not linked to kind of supervisor or linked to a research team, so it's entirely your in project, so you're in control of that, um how is the workload as in, I'm not gonna lie imagine is a lot of work and you kind of have to be prepared for that. I think it kind of takes of your life as well, but it's very rewarding as a bsc and that's why I recommend it um yeah, um but like be prepared for the amount of hours that you'll have to put into it. Like you'll have to like it's a bsc, where you will have to work the capital. W no yours golden question, I don't um we haven't got exam results in january bag right now, I'm on track for a first. I think it was a lot easier over Covid, so I think that's skewed the steps because in person exams are a lot harder to do, but it's not I think it's easier to get it's if you put the work and it's easy to get it's easy. I think because the amount of assignments and course that you have add up over the year, you have to keep chipping away at it, so it's not like as clear cut is like you have one or two bad assignments and you know you're getting it first, but it's difficult to say I think it's quite good. I think it's not the worst like I think it's the middle of the road in terms of getting first, I don't think it's hard, but there are some bs cs, where it's hard to get first. It's also not easy to get first. It's not farm if you just wanna vast deform and have a chill life. Um In terms of months, um I don't actually know, I think there's a lot of um um as we haven't done the last two modules, it's really basic Gtsi level math, though like the math itself like for accounting and business case, it's just like doing a lot of like quick mental or like just arithmetic type maps. It's not complicated the only bit where it gets a bit bit trickier steps where you have like some differentiation and like the steps, the stats bit is difficult like I'm not going to lie, it's just the steps, but the maps itself is not that bad. Um Yeah I got answers the question mhm, um brief rundown of management as a whole, so how would I say management works okay, So you have nine modules covering nine different things, half those business, business management principles, there's a half a healthcare management principles, and then you have a final project at the end, which covers your stats exam and your final project reset itself on the presentation um Within each of those nine modules, which camp 75% the year you have coursework and exams um and your final 25% is accounted for by five exam, which is worth like five, which is worth like 1/5 of that 25% a presentation and most of it is your final research project dissertation um So yeah that's trying to imagine as a whole, you've done a lot of different things exams. Wise you have an accounting exam quite early in october, then you have winter exams and then you have summer exams, so the winter exams straight off the christmas holidays and the summer exams throughout the Easter holidays and then in terms you're basically your energy's put on the course work because there's a lot of it and it's quite a lot of stuff to produce, yeah, So this is the difference you get a five week Easter holiday unlike the other bs cs, because you follow the standard college term dates. However, that holiday is going to be filled with revising for your five exams, which will have after Easter and doing your final group project stuff How you service management as a final degree in the future. It pretty much depends on what you want if you're considering not practicing 100% of the time, do you management because no other degree will offer you that sign of level of different skill if that makes sense, um like the way I think about it is having something in management on your CV is something that's just really good and it sets you apart and it gives you the stuff you learn in the course, it just the way it works and the way the course run its run like a It's run like you're actually in a business environment and it basically is kind of chisel down m. B. A. That is that makes you makes it so much easier for you to kind of enter kind of unto non clinical environments and work effectively. If that makes sense, um I think you just need it need to look at the network of people that have done management. You have a lot of people going into healthcare management like formally into, like med, tech, and entrepreneurship and then also people who want to leave medicine may be doing health, do healthcare, consulting and finance, etcetera, um but yeah it's right, I recommend it if you're like if you're not entirely set on practicing the UK, full time, which is why I can't choose it. Mhm, chill, yeah, I just got a message from reassess, so if you cut out the feedback, I have to go and work on another assignment for monday, so that just shows you what managements like, but yeah It's a really rewarding bsc, um but yeah if you have any other questions, I'll think I put my thing in the chart earlier on, but just send me a message if you want to, I'll paste it here again, um it's a calm, okay, your name you can find me pretty much anywhere um I'm not from my email, cool, yeah, just message me If you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer, but yeah I hope you guys um didn't have too much trouble choosing.