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Making Healthcare Training Accessible: Phil McElnay



This medical teaching session is relevant for medical professionals who are in need of an efficient and accessible way to train the healthcare professionals of the future. The session will cover topics such as workforce crisis, institutional shortages, and innovative solutions using digital resources. Hear from Phil Michela, a medic by training who has experienced the perfect of Meadow and the benefits it offers, such as automated feedback and certification, registration, video integration, content sharing and open access events. At the end of the session there will be prize giving to the most engaged of the poster hall. Join Michael Akaka, a general surgery registrar, who will showcase the work of the Association for Surgeons and Training.

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Learning objectives

Learning objectives:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the global healthcare workforce crisis, as identified by the World Health Organization.
  2. Evaluate the information provided to better understand the challenges faced in developing countries and those in the UK.
  3. Use the product offered by Meadow to deliver healthcare training more efficiently and effectively.
  4. Describe the importance of collaboration for healthcare training and the advancements available through digital education.
  5. Investigate and compare various healthcare training tools on the market using the poster hall and online resources.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

No. All right, guys. So now we're moving on to, uh, we're moving on to fill in the county. Who is the founder off Meadow on which we are all here today and on which we've been doing all of our teaching as well. So, uh, thank you for waiting fill where? A couple of minutes day. And we're going to move on to the poster whole straight afterwards. So feel all that. You introduce yourself and we'll get going. Actually here. Um, it's, um it's really brilliant. Teo, be here to watch, um, some of them using questions coming through to here from incredible speakers. I just love hearing Daph story. I love Ryan's bite. Look on innovation on It's kind of create to have his experience up the Royal College of Surgeons off inland as well on, um, it's just my pleasure to kind of be here and share a little bit by our story in some ways, and innovation is, Well, my name is Phil Michel a I A medic by training. I was a cardiac surgery register on by then, actually jumped in the industry for a short period of time and then jumped into med Tech, and I'm gonna share a little bit by our journey, our mission. A team that metal on that we're going to jump into post your time before hearing from from Michael afterwards, our missions a metal is really to make great health care training accessible to everyone on a corner out of a problem we've seen. Articulate by the World Health Organization, who have explained that we feast a workforce crisis in healthcare and we need to treat and 18 million Mawr healthcare professionals by 2030 that actually means Skilling up there might have healthcare professionals we treat and overnight buying one thirds. If we started training tomorrow on we scaled up by one third, then we would meet that 18 million additional health care professional target that that's a really tall order, especially when you look at how long it takes to tree and some commission. So some medics take 15 years to treat, and it cost $700,000 all in to tree and some control positions and surgeons. So it's a really, really tough call coupled along. Signed up is what The Lancet have described as severe institutional shortages in our healthcare training capacity and they've talked about this in their review. Healthcare trimming internationally. It's something that's seen in the low, middle and high income countries. It's no a problem. That's the spoke to one of those countries in the UK we need 43 thighs and additional doctors by 2030 and Indian. We need 3.6 million additional health care professionals to rule like what's been described is the greatest move towards universal healthcare that the world has ever seen. China required over 100,000 obstetricians are you in In order for them to relax, they're single child policy, and you combine that with institutional shortages on we have this toxic mixture put sure we don't have enough health care treatment capacity to train the healthcare professionals that the world needs. Um, so we need to start looking at this in a different way. On the World Health Organization has highlighted high that could be done with digital. You begin to call in on the problem, and and what's even worse is where resources are out. There least this problem is at its greatest, and there are 11 countries on the continent of Africa that do not have a single medical school at all for us. We we come sit by on bet that happen and is everyone's job to begin to solve some of these problems. And that's one of the greatest things that can happen in innovation is when we stop competing and we start collaborating. That's what we've being really passionate about doing it, that metal hide we make accessible healthcare training available, upscale. How do we not make this all abide us? How do we imparted amazing organizations? You're already doing incredible healthcare training just to do it more efficiently with more resources to trend more people. And that's what we've been working on on. We started off Soling really simple problems when we started listening, Teo Healthcare Organizations. You were delivering teaching and training. We heard patterns happening all over the place. We saw care organizations using by seven or eight different tools as we started to deliver digital education and I was becoming inefficient on. People were spending are selling up teaching sessions when actually they were busy conditions. We needed to focus just on doing the actual teaching. We saw them setting up eventbrite. It's to take registrations or Google forms. It was free. We saw them posting a schedule on a week's website. We saw them in healing. I assume links and reminders manually. People people were then joining us in coal. After the session, people were being asked to fill in a Google for ubiquitously. Across the world. Organizations had someone in in office. He was coping and pasting mediums from a Google sheets in the word documents and saving the MS Pdf's and emailing certificates like two people manually. And then after the event, usually like one big a bite of storage on seems that people were dying, looting and then having it to them. You're YouTube holdin. Don't even don't even start us on if they were trying to then make about availability synchronously people after a teaching session, adding extra Google form links to their YouTube videos or venue of videos, and then the certificate cycle starts all over again for on demand content. That's what we did is we actually just looked at that process when we picked one of those big problems to start with feedback and certification, and he started to build tools, the automated done for organizations and then we started looking at another part of that process registration, and we combined those two things. So if you register, you get you by form on down a certificate automatic if you tend the event on. Then we looked at the video piece height of people actually joined the call instead of biting out to another to just bring that into one place as well. And then we looked at cats up content. How do we help them automatically share their catch up content so that they can make this training available? Not just the people who can attend, according to six on a Thursday evening, but people who have flu Internet connections where they live in a rural area or on area that doesn't have good Internet connection. He might not be able to join life. They might need to go to a specific place towards their healthcare teaching or training online on. So we started to make that that on the man piece available automatically. So if they deliver, they're teaching session all metal. They don't need to use yet another to make their video available afterwards, and we lost it in February 2021 on it. It was a bit of a bit of a game changer. In 11 months we saw medics and 167 countries beginning to learn in the single platform we saw were 950. Organizations joined this mission and say the snow only solves the problem for us, it only makes our healthcare trailing more streamlined and more efficient. But we actually believe in this mission. We actually believe in making healthcare training more accessible, too. More people. 950 care organizations running events, hundreds off them every single month, and they're making them available. Two medics and 167 countries was really interesting is those organizations are only 20 countries, so organizations and 20 countries are training healthcare professionals and 167 and in the UK But one third of you came. Medical students have actually learned using this product. It shows the par off collaboration and choose the part of when it's know all about us, and we actually just empire other people to do what they're really good at. We can really make a difference. So I just wanted to share a little bit a boy. Our journey if you're running healthcare, teaching training courses on conferences. That's really our honor to to really help you to do that more efficiently to tree and more people in to make healthcare training more accessible. If you are running on event, it would be our honor. Teo provide you with the software to help you to do that. If you're running an open access event, our heart is that you you don't run into any additional barriers. And so we provide you with the software open access as well. You just had two metal door slash host to set up your event on. We would be really owner to work alongside you. Thank you so much for your time this evening. Thanks for joining us. I hope you find this event really helpful. I hope you find our speaker's so far really inspiring. I'm gonna have you heard you night. So it's your opportunity to t share a little bit by your work. We're going to bind to our poster hall. And if you have back to the main event page and see a link on and it and says, visit the poster horrible put will also pushed it in the chart for you so that you could just had street there. We would love each and every one of you to begin to interact on each other's posters, read them, ask each other questions, value other people's work. People took time, blood, sweat and tears into this work on. We would love you to ask them some questions on get involved, but it doesn't stop here. So the link will be active on the event after the event is finished well, and you can come back and look at the book store whole at a later time as well. So if you don't get a chance to answer all the questions, and I or you don't get a chance to look at all of the posters, nine at the link will remain open after the event. We're going to go up prizes at the end of the event for the most engaged with poster absolute to really encourage you to get involved in to really find each other's work on going to be coming back here in 15 minutes time. That's at 7 30 GMT, and we're going to be hearing from Michael Akaka and who is a general surgeon registrar on Association for Surgeons and Training Because the and diversity officer on the SGB I Morning Academy, watery secretary, and he's gonna be showing some of them using what they've been doing. That's a nice know level. That's it for me here. And I think you want to add before we can say, that's a little booster whole. It's so far away. No. Okay, fantastic. Fantastic. Great presentation. Uh ah. Ah. If if there was a presentation to convince you to use this, guys, check it out. We've been using medal for months now on DA, uh, think upset this many time houses of people that we received feedback from It's changed the way that we carry out teaching. Um, So, uh, I see you on the on the poster whole. I'm gonna have that way myself.