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Making a Competitive Application - Miss Georgia Layton



This session brings together the practical advice and experience of a cardiothoracic surgeon and the insights of other medical professionals to explore how to make a competitive application to cardiothoracic training. Discussions will provide detailed information around personally deciding on a specialty, the importance of experience and extra training, tips on how to best score yourself to stand out, support on exams and reflection on the importance of becoming a better clinician for your patients. Come and gain the invaluable knowledge and insight of experienced practitioners for this key issue today.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand important criteria needed for cardiothoracic training applications.
  2. Learn to identify and access resources to support your application process.
  3. Understand how to accurately score and assess oneself in the core training application process.
  4. Gain a better understanding of what to expect in the examinations for cardiothoracic training.
  5. Learn different strategies to successfully optimize one's scoring in the cardiothoracic training application process.
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cardiothoracic straining on, and she's going to be giving a talk on making a competitive application on that, my answers, the questions that you guys might have and from the first talk. So our hand the floor over to, um, Georgia. Thank you. Thanks, family, everyone. Great to be here today and great a chart from Sophie and hopefully I think some of your questions may against it by aspect of my talks. So I'm currently a card. It said your vegetable in the Eastern Lens, but I previously twice a plie to course edge for training successfully. So hopefully I'll be able to give you some of my personal advice about what I think is helpful people becoming competitive in your application. So when you're thinking about playing, first thing you're going to think about is whether or not you have a particular stashed in mind. I don't think it's important at all to the exactly what you want to do, particularly to see enough to level. But there are some specialty is particularly the smaller ones where it coming very beneficial to know in advance. So particularly things like, if you were thinking about playing for orthopedics, I S T and Scotland or neurosurgery or cutting grass sex. You have separate application halfways and or if you think about doing a theme job, and it's definitely worthwhile looking into the best e three criteria for especially that you're going in for or s e one where that second haven't because that will tell you the requirements. So, for example, general surgery there is a requirement. You should have been 12 months of general surgery and at the end of court, a knitting or equivalent before trying to ST three on. Lots of specialties have minimum a maximum directions of and time, especially so it's good to know that. Or why would say is plenty. People reading myself change their mind, so don't worry too much. It's don't know if you change your mind halfway pre. There's lots of ways around that. So obviously, as we all know, unfortunately, applications were increasingly a competitive surgery with a couple of exceptions. So public health, pediatric cardiology, rheumatology are pretty much up crying a lot top spots of the most amount of specialties, generally speaking, because we just have a reduced number of post available on day, so becoming congestive is increasing the important. But also it means that increasing number of people who have excellent experience, who are excellent permissions and potential future surgeons are not being offered jobs. And so I just want to ask you what's safe, He said that having extra time, you know, not being offered a job or even choosing not to apply and taking time out is definitely not something to be completely disheartened by if you find yourself in that situation, because when we're looking at you know, for example, Meurice Surgery, 22 applicants for post that's 21 people who probably out something comes up, that's who we're going to be turned down. And that's exactly same for core training because the numbers opposed to being cut the number of applicants of pretty stable or increasing. And so we're looking at, you know, three or four people per post on the chances are that, well, three or four, basically we're going to be and good, so I didn't get to down. If you are not successful, your first read a second time, so I imagine that majority of people less thing today set somewhere in this period of either happiness or unhappiness, depending on whether your level and totally ultimately applying for core training. Plenty of people going straight through but plenty of people on take extra time between F two on progressing into your junior year's of surgical training. I just want to ask you what? So if you mentioned So this is why it's really important to look at the core training and person specification and also the person specifications off ST three, especially that you may be interested in because they all have very specific criteria for how much time you are allowed to have done in the specialty before you're either penalized or in some second sons is completely ineligible. They all have criteria about how much time have to have a least done in the specialty. So touching on what I said before. So you have to have done 12 months, a general surgery and so on. This is going to be increasing development for people who, for example, think they might want to do orthopedics and then halfway cured or 15 to court training possession, decide they want to do general surgery. And so, um, it's always good to know in advance how much time you need to have done or need to avoid on. But I personally didn't have ah straight run through. So I very much support having a letter that time of training. I think it's up to you. What so if he says it helps you develop, helps you get confident with your basic skills, like not tying suit, treating that you just can't have without experience, even if you are very confident in your basic surgical skills at the end of two, if you go into CT one on your compared against someone who's having extra year of just experience, you will no be at the same level. And that's just factually. Doesn't matter how good you are, all how much you practice. And so I I think it can actually really helpful to take the extra time to use that to develop your application, your CV And although you may well get penalized. So, for example, like, say, if you mentioned general surgery once you're applying for ST pre when you have, I think it's a more than five years from your medical school graduation. Yeah, you start getting penalized in the sense that and you have to have achieved more to reach the same number of points. A somebody who say has come straight through then, um is there's a balance because although you will potentially get penalized, you will also have have more time to achieve the things that you're gonna score for. So it's not necessarily automatically bad thing to not take time out on. I also think it's very important. Remember that this is just a job on DNA thing is worth being unhappy or miserable about never assume it's to achieve and foundation years anyway may not be what you want to do. You may want to try a few things before you actually commit to a training purpose. A. So, um, try not to dwell too much on the need to rush through on because plenty people, myself included, didn't rush through on. Do you make it work on D? You are about a clinician for and we are better surgeons for our patients for as well. So when I thinking about how I was gonna give you the advice about making good application, I wasn't sure where to start, which is probably how you guys a feeling about, you know, becoming competitive s I did what any musical person would do on I asked Wetter. So, um, I just wanna say thanks and advanced. All the people that are informally reference tear in form off their twitter phage graph on me. So and lots of lots of good advice came up and look So that is things I was gonna tell you myself. So, um, scoring height area. So you look at this in great detail. And so if you're really mentioned were asset know that the cool surgery scoring credit is going to change? We don't know exactly. How are we? Haven't been given a time when it's gonna be released, that the chances are it's going to change potentially for this or definitely for this, um, round of applications. And once that is out, be sure you looked at and school yourself. Onda are so few. Also mentioned, there are gonna points are just not gonna be achievable. So, for example, in the higher degree section, it's not gonna be feasible for you to gain extra point. My completing PhD before the next location. So they're open me some points. We just have to say, Okay, I'm not a school here across the off on basically, go for the low hanging fruit. So if you go through school yourself, what I've done for some of our F one F two years previously, which they said is very helpful, is they've asked me to score them so they didn't tell me what they support themselves. They just gave me their CVR. That folio asked me to school them on, but that can be very useful if you get a few people to do it. But also make clear up some of the thie areas where you're not quite sure how you would school yourself and on D. I would say that we know particularly ladies that we often underscore ourselves on now because the self assessment scoring is going to be used to, uh, short, less people for interview. If you underscore yourselves, you have a potential scoring and Angolan just prevent yourself moving offer than interview. So definitely, if you're not sure, ask your consultants. Ask your registrars, even ask each other and hopefully the new criteria scorecard terrible have a will be very explicit, more so than ever before, so hopefully it will get rid of these areas where someone would give you a point for an international presentation, someone else with any give you and the point for a national, but also that so if you mentioned it's it's absolutely crucial that anything that you score yourself on, you have the evidence available to provide that on. Unfortunately, we do know that there are controversies of scoring every year, people being marked down on Often What can happen is if they disagree with how you've scored yourself rather than, you know, removing one point and schooling do the box down. They just basically get rid of that and section and school use area for the whole thing. So it's definitely were spending a lot of time seeking advice from colleagues about how to prepare yourself to make sure it isn't accurate as possible. There will always be in the old person who are basically a hard time by the system. In those circumstances, I would stress the asset on about here to support you speak to redirect sense, to speak to any or the executive we can. We have access to raising that Centrum eat things and elapse we and can put you in touch with someone else. he went through the same thing and we can advise you how they was over that. So, um, the core training, self assessment, scoring This is the most recent one AST. We know it may be the same, or it may be slightly adjusted incoming weeks, but then the process that you're gonna go through is the same. So when you're thinking about how you can optimize your score, this is probably gonna be more relevant people. Who are they gonna taking your out, or perhaps only after I won level at the moment haven't because applications a potentially going to be open than a few weeks. It's going to be hard to increase your school now, But perhaps if you're successful, you know, this is still very useful information to be aware of. So and we've got examinations. Lots of people think that the exam is an easy way to get point on. I would actually say that I completely disagree. The A is nearly 600 lbs. Part B is more nearly 1000 on. You also have a limit on how many times you can set both part A and part B. So definitely don't bucket on then sit it on a punt. Do do it if you know you're not gonna have time to set aside to actually revised heart. A more so than Part B is a very difficult examination. Blocks of excellent and very intelligent doctors struggle to pass it just because of the nature of the exam. Certainly don't underestimate. Oh, absolutely, Do not waste a setting. I know several people who ended up using their full allocation of settings and only passed on the last attempt. You don't want to put yourself in that stressful situation, and if you are generally going to be able to set aside, I would say probably four months. If you're working full time is what you need to them. Prepare adequately, Part A and definitely due back. It's an easy way to get a point on. Just print the receipt from the college website to a seven. So your portfolio that you have and cool says course, is a very expensive. If you are going to do, then you may as well take all things you're gonna have to do if you do anyway. So all called Cheney's have to do basic surgical skills crisp and 80 less crisp. You're generally not allowed to do it until you're Trini. So I would go for the SS. It's great place to start that constant with your time. Your, um, seat string on Do just know that they're not all the same price. Generally, they're more expensive, the close to get to London. So gonna college websites shop around. If you're willing to travel, then you can actually get maybe 23 400 lbs off even by going from my father, A field and obviously asset on other National University of societies have great courses nowadays are often and thundered or at least subsidized. So just be survey on social media, um, looking for opportunities on do if you're going for a course that isn't run directly by the college. I knew that previous years they have listed on the core training applications. What courses will be accepted If you're not sure, If you just want to do something that you're interested in their great Just make sure you look for a reliable accreditation to the course. So rule college, beta, or even just seeking the accreditation, then your chances of being able to count it in and you'll put pull yourself assessment or higher, and And don't forget to apply for birth stories to fund knees. I personally favor more myself, and they cost a fortune. So, you know, things like s a prize is from the smaller societies they tend to be under applied for. They often have a financial award. It also will then count a surprise on your application on they usually relatively low and resource intensive to write, you know, 1000 words I say on the topic of your choice. Effectively use it as a chance for a vision for your exam is Web. And when it comes to clinical experience, just be present. Turn up script for everything you know, the weird and wonderful on the more mundane as it were. And keep a look look. So there are lots. My personal favorite is the log book, because it has a move about that that you can just type in your post I D. Number of things the same time. Print off the validation sheet so you could get some Marie of what you've slept for or even observed on day. Take it to your consultants supervisor before you move placement stent. Assign a call every page just to say that. That that's a true representation of your surgical experience. To date on something that tricked me up. You can print them with, um, the hostel I d number included. Or you can print them, Uh, a normal my's Philly. And, um um, I've had It's not a simple as you would think it world. So accidentally printed mine in my first full training into you with the hostel, Denham's and new names by still, I got so flagged as a potential confidentiality, the breach nothing, but came a bit, but and it was definitely very scary to be told that, And I will never, ever make that same mistake again on easy points Taster experiences. So get them in early. Any surgical specialty counts pretty much just got a letter from a supervising consultant. Write it yourself. You know, John Smith spent five days with those in the terminal pedic department. He went to your fracture clinic and observe this That the other you know, and has provided inadequate reflection of his taste experience. Print it out, put it on your consultants desk. Um, put on headed paper makes life very easy for getting evidence. And finally, your elective. So majority of, um, sure have completed your electives now, but don't forget about you can often usual elective projects as evidence off surgical experience. So mine was in in General Pediatrics had admitted and surgery on digest made sure that I demonstrated that distance in time. The surgical department on guy got point to that. So I'm gonna with three some more of the Twitter advice regarding and not just how you score yourself in a self assessment. So and definitely don't be too worried about only doing surgical things. Dashti A third steamed project. Sorry. If you have a geriatric rotation, any or debts and things that you could do was still coming. Report Training application doesn't matter that they're directly not surgical. Um, so you're having technical issues on D? Think important as well. Don't forget that we're here for patients. So And if you are trying to back to yourself become a better surgeon and work for your patients rather than just to improve your NCV, then everything else will follow entry every day like a job interview. So turn up, respect everyone. And if you're not be respected when people are coughing you projects, but you're not getting have offered authorship all things or fair up your work. You're not being respected. That should be a red flag. That perhaps this isn't the project we're working on or the team to be working with and just gather all your evidence. Now, make your portfolio in now because I trust and it lets you take so much longer than you think is going to I think mine in the end and you're taking about six weeks to get together. Now you have to upload it a lawn two and the on my normal system rather than just from a paper printout copy like we used to do, which I think is almost harder because you have to name all your 1000 everything. So it just don't underestimate how long it takes. It takes significantly, longer, anything it's going to. So if you haven't started, definitely start now. Um, so I think is really hard to income campus whole. Uh oh. Generic. Kind of how to improve your political training in just 20 minutes on, we will be around all day. And I said myself, So I'm sure we're happy dance questions and breaks on through networking. A swell cause. It's just impossible to target everybody's specific application and stuff. Hopefully, this has been helpful on day. Yeah, we welcome questions later. Thank you, George ER on thanks. That was really useful because I think Sophia provided a bit more on the into the side and you provided more on this or portfolio side and the checklist and everything. So thank you for that. And it's also good to help tips because we can all see you know less of things to do. So I don't necessarily have to go about it and and what's best so thank you, Georgia on deal. See you around later today as well for the cardiothoracic surgery talk. Thank you, George A. So as a Z said, You know, feel free to close questions on the chat and will answer them when we can. And but unfortunately, sort of have to keep to a schedule because people maybe on cool on stuff like that, said the nature off working with surgeons is that if we've given specific time starts to get quite funny, we don't do. We don't carry out there specific time slots s. So I'm gonna hand over and to Mr of adjective Xaver at the moment. So he is an orthopedic training on. We'll be giving a talk on. You know why you should do orthopedic surgery on Dwight. It's a great career s so I'll hand over to him now, so