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Main Stage Recording



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and is ideal for those in their third year who are trying to decide what BSc course they would like to pursue. The session covers all the relevant information on how the BSc works, including in-course assessments, group literature reviews and final projects. Participants will also get the chance to ask questions and connect with representatives from each BSc course, as well as to gain insightful knowledge and tips from their host speaker, Ria Varma.

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MedED is delighted to announce the Year 3 BSc Fair, taking place on Friday 17th February at 6pm!

There will be a short introductory talk on choosing your BSc followed by a drop in breakout room Q&A. There will be representatives from every BSc to answer any questions you have!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Ria Varma (Year 4 Coordinator)

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the basic layout of a Medical BSc program
  2. Identify the components of a Medical BSc curriculum
  3. Recognize the different types of In Course Assessments
  4. Distinguish between individual and group final projects
  5. Analyze complex medical topics and assess their impact on patient care.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Uh hi, everyone um can I get a thumbs up in the chat or something just to let me know you can hear me. It's thank you so much ok um great, so um we're just going to start in a few minutes and what I'll do is, I'll have a quick talk with you guys about choosing your b. S. C. And it's a really informal thing, so please feel free to ask questions in the chat. There are no silly questions even if you want to ask something about you know the demand of in person teaching. I'm very very happy to answer any of those questions for you um. And I'm sure some of our breakup room bsc representatives would be more than happy as well to pitch in because it is just a general discussion um And just in terms of a little bit of an understanding of how medal works, just for any of you who might not be aware. Um On the uh basically have a look at the chat on the right hand side. I believe it's what yeah on the right hand side you should be able to see a panel where you can access the chat icon. Please feel free to type any questions you have in the chat. This talk will be recorded and I will run across all the breakout rooms and try and record those two. In terms of the left hand side, you can see that there's a breakout sessions icon. Um So if you click on that like you can click on it now, but I wouldn't recommend joining any of the breakup rooms because your speaker might not be there yet. Um basically you can see a list of all the bs, cs, and we've got a representative for each and every one of those to talk to you and answer your questions so um that should be nice and I'll try and come around and record each one. Um I think we've got a good number of people now um, so, I just like to say, thank you so much for coming if you're in third year um you'll be doing your b. S. C, obviously next year, so I hope that you find this event beneficial as always. I genuinely find your feedback so useful and I use it to improve things and I would really benefit from your feedback at the end as well and I'll be sending it will be fantastic and they'll also be catch up content that you can access that's recordings um from all the breakout rooms including this one. Um So thank you so much for coming and I'll just talk to you a little bit about myself, so my name is Ria varma and I'm fourth year coordinator of meda um I basically I started doing stuff in med from first year and I organized the BRS crash course and then I went on from that and became third year coordinator, and then after that, I'd be in fourth year coordinator um. So if you do have any questions about method as well, I could potentially answer those, and you'll feel free to email me, so my short code is r v 319 feel free to email me if you have any questions about method or anything like that as elections are coming up and you might find that's interesting, especially in terms of the roles um so going on to kind of my bsc itself, I do surgical design, technology, and innovation, and looking at your registration survey responses. It's one of the more popular ones at least that you guys have been listing so. Um In terms of this, bsc, I was quite keen on it, it was, it's quite a new Bs cs, I think its in its third year running now. Um In terms of the b. S c itself, all bs cs kind of follow a similar format unless you're doing humanities, philosophy and law management, bioengineer, and global health, so those have a slightly different layout, but the rest of us follow a very similar layout and we have these things in our bsc called i c a s or in course assessment so you'll hear more about that when you go into your q and a breakout sessions, So what these i c a s or in course assessments involved is they involve a short assessment of some sort where you either submit something where you present something so an example would be I see a one, so the very first in course assessment you do is either a letter to the edit er or a commentary for most bs cs, and then for other ones, especially bioengineer management. They've got a completely different layout so be sure to ask for specific information when you do end up in this breakout rooms, if you do choose to do so. Um The second i c. A. S. A. Second in course assessment takes place four weeks after the initial one, so this one is either making a video presenting like an oral presentation or doing a poster presentation, and this will depend on your respective bs cs. Some people had to find out a new mechanism and talk about that mechanism. Um Some people had to talk about a new clinical trial or a new development for me personally in surgical design, technology, and innovation. I had to make a video um doing a lay explanation of a surgical hot topic and the one that I chose for mine was bike um part mental knee arthroplasty, which basically where instead of doing a total knee replacement, you do kind of a resurfacing for younger individuals and it enables them a better range of movement um and better outcomes that way, so um that's something we did, but I know surgery was quite unique in asking for a video. The third in course assessment is the one you do and um you have the deadline roughly like mid december, that one is to do with data analysis, so you'll be given either prism, you might use our, it depends on what they ask you to use or s p s s, or microsoft excel for that matter and what you do is you do analysis of some data, so some people calculate get that data in the lab. Some people get that data from an audit and there's a bunch of different ways they'll give you data, but you have to analyze it um and come up with your own conclusions and ask your own research question, and um the waiting's for these three are um 4.5% for the first, so, the commentary or letter to the edit, er um 4.5% for the second one, as well, which is the video or presentation, and for the third one, it's 21% so that's the audit or data analysis or any sort of lab data analysis, then we've got the fourth in course assessment that some of us have got our marks for and some of us are waiting on them. This is the group literature of you where you take place, where things take place in groups. By the way I will post a document with all of this information on, so don't worry if you don't catch it because it'll be in the catch up content, um So the fourth I see a the fourth in course assessment is a group literature review on a topic that a supervisor chooses for you. For example, my groups topic was on appendicitis um so that's what we did in surgical design, technology, and innovation. It was non operative versus operative management of appendicitis, but people will have a range of topics um depending on which bsc, they've done um the in course assessment five, which is the one that we had the most one of the more recent deadlines for as well was a case reports, so it's often labeled a science in context, but what it basically means is you apply science's to a case report um and we've received marks back for that, one as well and people have done all sorts of one's mine was on anaplastic thyroid cancer um arising from an initial papillary thyroid, you'll have a range of ones to hear from, based on which q and a sessions you attend and feel free to hop between them or message in the chat, if you get stuck in this room. Um In terms of other stuff for the b sc, as well, that after this point, you have your final project, um and obviously if you're doing management or bio, and this will be a different kind of thing or humanities, philosophy and law because you do a final project, but I think it's less about supervision and more about you deciding, but um definitely check out that breakup room if it's something you're interested in um for me, my final project is in the use of virtual reality to train orthopedic surgeons in court skills, and that's a really exciting one that I'm doing on m. S. K campus feel free to ask any questions about that as I'll be kind of coming back into this room and going into all the breakout rooms, so feel free to ask any questions at all about this bsc, so that's kind of my journey in terms of the b. S. C itself, um I was wondering if anyone had any immediate questions about kind of a general bsc layout and the course structure, I'm quite happy to answer any of those now otherwise. Um um It's looking like we can just open up the breakout rooms so um uh we've got quite a few representatives who are here today to answer your questions and they've quite they're really lovely uh and they have written small paragraphs about why they want to help you there honestly, very very lovely, please ask questions there is no such thing as a silly question. Even if it's as small as other lecturers, nice you know that's still something very very important but I think we'll open up the breakout sessions now, so um If you'd like to just um see on your left hand panel, it should say breakout sessions, um and you should be able to click on that and pick your breakout sessions if you're having any issues at all um please do message in this chat because I'll be around to help I'm going to go and record those sessions now, so if you guys would like to head across that's everyone, um and or you can stay in this room and chat to me, but I'll just quickly record these sessions and come back, yeah, feel free to leave.