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Hello, everyone, and welcome to your part one of two of Week six. We'll we'll be talking about learning to teach. My name is finish, and I'm 1/4 year medical student at Anglia Ruskin University. And I'm also a masters in research neuroscience student at Newcastle University. Currently Interc. Yeah, waiting. So this has, you know, is a part of the neurosurgery student research teaching a portfolio course which we hope you are enjoying so far. So we'll start by talking a little bit about, um, what we'll talk about today. So today we'll start by giving you an introduction to teaching qualifications. So first we'll touch upon the value of teaching for both the students and the teacher as well has thinking about what is required for you to be qualified to teach. If anything, Uh, we're talking about the different teaching methods such as SLT case based discussion's lectures, interactive workshops, etcetera. And then we'll move on to teaching opportunities and importance of really the the actual teaching in itself. So talk about where to find opportunities and why these are important, such as societies and universities and opportunities within, um these places have you studying for your medical degree or another, uh, neuro degree. Where can you learn the skills to be a good teacher? Uh, teaching at hospital. If you're one of the students that is on placement at hospital, um, can teaching. Help me with my clinical knowledge and we'll touch a little bit on prices and awards you can get from teaching as well as, obviously, the points and the importance of teaching in your actual portfolio. Moving on if you want to go into your surgery, um, or or the degree of consultant so touching a bit about the value of teaching. So starting with a very important phrase by Malala, which we are all aware of one child, one teacher, one book, one pen can really change the world, and that is the truth. So it's teachers that give the power of education to people, um, in different points in the world at different ages and different stages. It doesn't matter when you start as long as you start, and they provide them in the long term, a better future, and that could be a future in education. Could be a future in, um, in terms of family could be a better future in terms of just progress. Um, And if you, for example, once you move to another country, or if you start your life somewhere else, education will always help you in in some shape or form. So obviously, teachers are the ones that make complex topics easier to understand. To understand, allow students to expose their ideas, allow them to be creatives to really show what they're capable of and the ideas that they have. And it's very important as well for education to be accessible to all students, which is sometimes very challenging, depending on the level of medication of are different students and depending on the, uh, where in the world, um, you're teaching in which institution you're teaching as well, but it's very important to try and make it accessible. Obviously, teachers have to be, um, people that care, uh, more than anything. They have to be sympathetic, honest. They're responsible, but also allow at the same time a lot of freedom for both thought Cree activity. And they have to be patient because everyone learns at different uh, speeds and and in different uh, different stages, they have different challenges. So it's important to make sure that we have patient's and we try to allow the teaching to be equal, but at the same time to be able to support those who need more help. So message upon being a teacher, if there really is an age really to be a teacher. So in my opinion, and I think the majority of those who would provide a Sessions sessions mind would agree that anyone can be a teacher. And that is so because as long as you're knowledgeable on the topic, as long as you know enough about a certain topic and you're passionate about that topic as well as confident about what you're teaching, it can go a long way. And as long as you have the right resources, even if they're not a lot of resources and you have the audience that is there to listen to you and learn from you, you can teach about anything. And the more approachable and the more confident you are about what you're teaching, the more likely your students are to really engage with what you what you're teaching as well has able to ask questions and really make you think about what you know and don't know as well. So throughout your career, you can focus on different audiences, obviously, depending on what you are. So if you're starting with teaching at school, so you're going to sort of see if you can, especially the the kids that dream about becoming teachers in the future, and they want to sort sort of see what they can teach while they're at school. Uh, you can start by trying to teach about school subjects, so you know there's a big exam coming. Um, so you could dry me up with your colleagues in a little group in your class and maybe try and teach you about the topic that's coming up in that big exam. So it's a good way of starting to teach and starting to become a teacher, really from a young age. Then if you go into medical school or any sort of undergraduate that follows into the pathways that we're talking about today, uh, maybe focus on the anatomy, the physiology concepts, the bio med concepts, for example for the younger years. So one thing that would be really important for medical students is sort of if you're in an you three for example, a pre clinical year three. Maybe try and teach your one's about the topics they're learning just now because we all know that's quite challenging to learn these things from the for the first time. So maybe they need some support, and that would be a good way for you to know if you're actually, um, are as well aware of everything. If you still remember all of those topics now, when you jump into clinical years, you jump in the world of all these clinical problems managing, treating more conditions, diseases and how to work in hospital. So maybe teaching a little bit about that would be would be relevant then, when you move on into sort of the training up to specialty. So when you're already working, maybe try and teach, for example, medical students at universities or teach about some specialist topics some things that you've learned throughout the week some things that I'd like to report back to your consultant, uh, cases of patient's, for example, public and global health cases that you've heard of and things that you've read throughout the week and all of that is Kansas Kansas teaching so in terms of qualification. So what do I need to become a teacher? So do I need to become a doctor? Do I need to be a graduate first, where I really need to do some sort of teaching qualification. And the answer is now So even students can be the teachers. You don't have to have some sort of qualification, although for a lot of us, for a lot of people that would like to go into teaching, there are qualifications students. So to then officially start teaching, such as being a professor or lecturer I university when you finish your degree. So throughout university, you build on these topics of interest, your degree, and you might start thinking. Actually, I do enjoy teaching. So maybe I do want to follow up and become a teacher in the future. And that can be done. Of course. If you want to become a lecturer, professor, some sort of medical education, some sort of teaching degree might be required. Um, student interested in her surgery from the first year of university will always try to improve their knowledge on the different techniques and how to enter the specialty from an early stage and so they developed the the knowledge they'll want to share it. So a very interesting thing about students that want to go into neurosurgery a is how they go along and they find new things that they're interested about. They might go back to their first years of university. They might go back to medical students in their first years and want to share that knowledge. So that is a very good way of already starting to get into the world neurosurgery, for example. So if you find something that you're really passionate about and you want to teach someone in the younger years and you want to really share that passionate about neurosurgery, that passion that you have then has you develop the knowledge as you learn more and more about the subject. Then you'll want to go and share it, and that is the best way of getting other people involved with the subject state law. But there are qualifications just just like I was mentioning. So obviously the medical degree in itself is a qualification to be a teacher, because that means you are knowledgeable about the majority of topics surrounding medicine. So it's a good way for you to now go and teach him. Provide some of that knowledge to, um, younger youth. Other bachelor degrees. So any degrees that you might have done before going into medical school or when you enter colate masses degrees obviously, to start being a little bit more narrow and you start to specialize in the topic and sort of diving, too, and research about specific topics. So maybe that topic will be something that you're really passionate about and you start really being knowledgeable on it. You might want to go and teach that to someone else. PhD Degrees obviously another degree that, um, is very specialist. And so, um, it would be a good degree as well to get involved with teaching PhD certifications in medical and clinical medication or as some sort of healthcare and medicine teaching, uh, the foundation program education in some schools. So some schools provide some sort of medical education, Um, part during your foundation years. And then you can always, um, um, sign up and pursue some online courses in training, such as being any university medical education, um, having a a certificate in university medical education. So what awesome ways of teaching. So some ways you could teach are divided between students initiative or has part of the degree, at least in the early years. So you can, for example, have some student let teaching. So that is the thing that, uh, have at Walter Identi, for example, have done before. And we've noticed that it does have a good impact on the way um, students not only project their knowledge as well as the way they would absorb the knowledge on the other side. So usually it would be organized by the gree leads, um, or some sort of university club and study groups. So it would be a good opportunity for you to now go into, um University and have a look if there's already any sort of student let teaching, um, and see if you could get involved case based studies. So case based studies obviously has. You go into a placement, you start meeting a lot of patient, you start diving into their cases, understanding the the wide to go into hospital and what's been done so far to help them. So maybe you organize some sort of case around, um, around your journey and then, um outside your degree outside medical school having some sort of projects or societies where you can go and tell. Um and talk about those cases lectures themselves during university. Of course, um can be organized by both your university or by other, uh, societies as well. So lectures, obviously they organized by a university. And it is your initiative to study those those lecturers within the curriculum and to sort of dive into those topics that you've just you've just learned about as well as, um, society. Societies that are involved in the topics are interested in could be a neurological. Could be a psychiatric. Could be neuromuscular. Could be the the neurosurgery or just surgery societies, um, in, uh, in general and they might have some sort of events, anything they might be interested in. Uh, and there might be an opportunity for you to teach in them. And you can also look for especially virtually nowadays, interactive workshops, conferences, webinars, anything that you might actually be able to sign up and get involved. And you might get some sort of teaching opportunity out of it as part of the degree in itself. On the other side, we look into the actual type of learning that you have. So if it's a more traditional learning, a problem focused learning a peer to peer learning, if there's tutorials, bedside teaching on placement, then internships are volunteering outside the degree. So those are things that you can and look into and have a have a look and ask around and see if there's any sort of teaching opportunity you can you can do. Um, and it's always important to try and get teaching a different stages to try and get teaching around your uni. Maybe then move to more regional area, maybe then move to national teaching. Uh, depending on the opportunities that you have and the ones you find so just we'll we'll give you not some tips on how we run our own student. Let teaching, so I will trade dandy. Throughout the past year, we've run some student let teaching series, and I would like to give you some important steps and some advice on how you can run your own teaching. So if you are the society of the event organizer in itself, So if you're part of the committee, um, and the people that will be providing doctoral series and get them going. It's important to have an effective signing up form. So it's important to have something that is easily found on your website. Easily found on your social media pages very easily clickable and very easily to fill up. Nothing too complex. You don't need a lot of data. You don't need a lot of information on the sign up form. You can get that afterwards. Um, so just something quick that students can just sign up and they can then join some sort of, uh, emailing list that will then, uh, send through emails about the teaching. It's important to have early, um, advertisement about the teachings that you have. The opportunities are coming up the ones that are already organized and the ones that have spaces to be filled up and as well has have a very good response on social media platform. So make sure you're always on top of your social media and make sure that all the questions are coming up have been answered and are being answered. Have efficient communication with the teachers to make sure they're happy with the format of the of the session in itself. So it's important to know if the teacher and the student or even doctor that is teaching on that day is actually comfortable with the way your event is set up. And they are aware of how it's going to go down and how it's going to be organized. If they know that there's gonna be an introduction moving into, then the body of the session, which will be the presentation. And there's maybe some Q and A at the end. Uh, awesome. Something else. So just don't, um, uh, catch a teacher off guard and then not sure how the actual organization of the event is going to be double check the content of the lecture as well. So I'm always make sure to receive the content of what is going to be taught before it is taught, just in case there is something that might need some changes if you are actually the teacher. So if the one that has signed up to be the teacher and you've already got a confirmation email that you will be able to teach, do your research on the topic of choice and make sure you do as much research as you can and make sure that you know that your topic has the best content possible, and it's also very easily understandable. So it's not too complex, as simple for the students are on first year, second year, and they're not really aware maybe, of what you're gonna be teaching about, so make sure it's simple and that students can follow. Don't forget to practice on the platform first, so you might want to organize this with the committee or whoever is organizing the teaching series. Just to make sure you're comfortable with it, you could either be virtually or face to face, So if it's face to face, make sure you were aware of where you will be teaching how the room is set up, how you're gonna be turning on the computer and your presentation, etcetera. Don't forget to ask for proof of your teaching at the end, so make sure you always ask for the proof of your certificate because sometimes you are sure they will receive this proof, and then you might get lost in the emails and to do the list of the committee specialties the national committee. So make sure to remind them that you still need your certificate. Always ask for feedback on how you did as well. Okay, so that is very important. Because if you have another teaching, uh, entity coming up, you want to make sure that it actually went well the first time around and that you can just repeat the process that you've had in the first time, So just touching upon where to find the actual opportunities. So starting with social media So social media obviously is one of the main sources of information. And where to find opportunities touching especially on society's instagram posts, Facebook and Twitter pages. So especially for the societies that have to do with your topic of interest, make sure you keep an eye on their posts and their pages and for any events coming up via the actual university. So there might be convert announcements or other colleagues have already talked before in some sort of series. Obviously the lecturers who have a medical education past to make sure to double check with them if there's actually something you can do as well and then societies and clubs at the actual university. So such as a student at teaching society that could already be one in place at your university, and they might be looking for volunteers in the next academic here. So this might be a chance to actually go and teach this time around. But the main one, really, and the one that is more important these days to find opportunities and define, um, not only for teaching but just in general, really would be LinkedIn and LinkedIn. This is really important up nowadays, where students, professors, doctor's business people and many others find the right opportunities to shave their careers and enhance the curriculum behind that. Either clinical, more educational one. So have a look today. Create an account and make sure that you look into those opportunities. And did you follow the right people people that you are interested in, um, and that they have the pathway that you wanted? You wish to follow in the future and make sure that, um, you keep an eye on it as as regular as you can. So where can I learn these skills so the skills can be gained from, as we mentioned before teaching qualifications online courses, you could watch fellow students and professors delivered teaching sessions. You can practice by yourself and in previous skills. So you may have already seen other students and professors delivers and teaching, and you made some notes on how they were doing it and how well they're showing out their skills. So maybe maybe you can practice by yourself as well. Maybe joining a debating society a club is to let teaching group just like I mentioned before. And these skills, the main skills are really important for you to work on and to just write down and make sure that you can work on them and daily you have a goal to work on at least one of these skills in order to get to where you want. Uh, include communication, obviously, especially for someone who's teaching enthusiasm about what you're teaching is very important leadership. So it's important for, especially if you're the committee and the ones organizing that you can be a leader and you can really get this course of this teaching course that you're providing far, uh, far into the future adaptability. So there might be some changes to the way the event is going to go. There might have been some problems with the technology there might have been some problems with the committee getting to the event on time or you having some problems getting to in the event on time as well. So it's important to adapt to make sure to, um, work along that stress and those little challenges that could come along the way. Make sure your patient make sure you're confident. Make sure you're organized. Organized organization is very important in these cases. Make sure you're organized that you know when you'll be teaching what you will be teaching. Which platform. Make sure you organize that with everything else. You have a new timetable. Make sure you're willing to learn, not only learn about what you're you're going to be teaching and maybe some things that you find has you create in your, um, lecture that you haven't heard before. And maybe just you're learning this for the first time, and you want to share this with someone, make sure you can learn, uh, the feedback as well for, uh, the ones that provide you to feed be creativelive, um, have dedication. Make sure you know how to, um solve conflicts as well. In case there are some conflicts with the committee and make sure your hard work hard worker, hard working through it. So make sure you're hard working as well. So moving on so you could be thinking. But university takes all my time. So how am I meant to go and now teach alongside all my studies So university can be overwhelming and we sometimes feel like it takes a lot of free time. So sometimes we just we just don't have enough time to do everything. And it will be really hard to also besides, all of these teachers well for organization and willingness to explore skills and areas and work on our skills is really the key. Make sure you organize your weekly timetable in order to get the university work done quickly, efficiently, in order for you to have time for these extra curriculums are really important for your portfolio. Never prioritize university work over your health, social life and rest in the sense that you should always be healthy. You should always have time for family and friends, and to rest and to eat before you have to put university work on top of everything, make sure to always leave some time, even if it's just one hour a week to explore teaching. Next, create the opportunities, and that could be by emailing your university by emailing the society's by having a liquid LinkedIn, for example, and obviously try and join society or teaching in the group about teaching skills in other areas of interest. That should always be time for things that you love to do and things that you need to do to move on into your career. Can teaching Help me with my clinical knowledge, however, so learning by teaching is really the key, sometimes for studying efficacy, especially nowadays. Sometimes we realize how more efficient we become. More confident. We become about topic when we actually deliver that knowledge, and we actually summarize and produce some sort of lecture to explain it in our own words, to someone else and as well. If a student, um, if I was confident enough to explain it to someone else, then it's because I've mastered this concept and I am sure that I'll be delivering the best thing possible to the student, um, in front of me or the class in front of me. And this works for any subject or topic of interest being that your degree, a support that you practice or any of the skill that you're trying to learn. So this could be for any sort of support that you're practicing, Um, in the sense that if you've mastered a technique, if you mastered something then and you go and teach someone else, then that really shows that you've sort of mastered that efficacy and that confidence, for example, in the very medical sense and very medical example. If you're able to tell somebody rationale behind the patient's diagnosis, treatment, follow up, plan etcetera. Then you can go and show off on your next placement that you've really mastered that topic, and you can nail that exam and you can go to each other people and help them nail nail, nail their exams as well. So let's look into teaching in hospital and internships so you can also teach in other settings so you don't have to just teach at university or in these societies, etcetera. So you can be teaching in a hospital placement in an internship that you might have signed up for if you meet with a consultant or research partner in the conference, where now you've been invited House Speaker. So all of these could be opportunities for you to teach about a topic or your own research or anything that you've been working on without having to really sound like you're teaching it to students. You can be teaching it to trainees to consultants to research a scientist, anyone at a high level. It doesn't always have to be students. And all these opportunities to hands your skills could be in situations such as delivering a case study, report to your consultant after placement, an extended case scenario on your portfolio, or organizing an audit for the hospital with your research team or the team replacement. So what is the very, very big importance of teaching for the curriculum? So teaching can be essential for surgical training? Post applications has spread the train portfolio point scheme. So for those who wish to follow surgery, they are aware there is a curriculum and there is a portfolio that to follow, which has a very similar Um, look has a sort of a checklist that looks into what you are required to do to follow up in, uh, and go to surgical training, and these are usually referred to regional, national and international teaching it. Could they sometimes give examples House running your own SLT society or project? If you don't think there's one in, uh, in your topics yet, Um, and really any teaching that supports any students at any level will be taking into account. And that's really what they want. They wish, um, that all students at some point provides in teaching. But it's important that it's not just a one off. Teaching is important. That is something continuous and usually sometimes it's mentioned that teaching should go for about 3 to 6 months and that you should always keep the evidence of that teaching and try and teach for a longer period and not just doing a one off thing. Uh, such as the Have an example here on the right, where we have the ston requirements for 2022. So in this case you mentioned that should be evidence of interest in an experience of teaching evidence of feedback for this teaching in structure status in an advanced life support course, for example, so any other sort of teaching more medical teaching as well. So it's important that not only you show evidence that end that you've taught at some point, but also that you've had feedback. Um, having a network of specialists, you social media or the means you can provide with the right recognition for your teaching, such as feedback from your professors, tutors, consultants can be the ultimate evidence of this teaching and how well you've done. And this feedback especially it could be something very, very essential to mention your specialty interviews that you've taught and the feedback that was provided to you that is very important, especially when you show it in a big data sample. If it was attended by many, many people so further into my career, let's have a look. So has a junior doctor. It is a requirement nowadays to have provided teaching each year you'll need the evidence to support this, and has I mentioned have a feedback form or a letter of recognition or some sort of recommendation reference for for your work. It is vital for your future career plans and all training stages that you've had some teaching experience that you've had evidence of it, especially that you can reflect on it, especially during interviews. So why not go ahead and start looking for those opportunities today. Have a look at your medical school. Have a look in your graduate school. Have a look in your hospital. Can I dive into any sort of teaching opportunity today? This will allow you know only to improve those skills, but also to already add some evidence to portfolio showing that you really are interested right from the start of your journey. Has a junior doctor. When you're teaching other students or colleagues, it is important to keep this advice in mind. Make sure in the hospital when you go further into your career, when you're in a hospital to get all the students involved into award run, for example. So especially if you're responsible Some, uh, student system teaching for these students Get them involved in a ward run. Ask your colleagues or students to Clark some patient's and then have them may be present this to consultants or the registrar that responsible for them. And not only will that show how you how well you've taught them, and so whatever they deliver to the consultant registrar will also reflect where you've taught them. And that would be in itself feedback fee. Ask them to review present imaging and investigations such as I'll present the X ray or CT scan or an E C G and after you've provided them, provided them with the teaching. If they then go and do a brilliant job at reviewing these images investigations, then that isn't itself. Feedback for you that you've been doing a really good job at teaching these students one teaching other students or colleagues is important to also keep all this advice in mind. Remember that this is, um, advice for when you're moving further into your career. Okay, so this is after medical school more when you're going to do a new doctor and trainee. Okay, So try and get the students involved in the most simple referrals. First, try and get them to take some observations. It's just blood taking history. Taking your examples. Try and give them some simple tasks for them to start learning about room topics and how to do the simpler techniques, organized clinical teaching sessions. So in your free time, try and organize the time, maybe once a week, twice a week with the group of students that you're responsible for to provide them with some teaching and for them to also provide you with some teaching. And they will be very thankful that you have organized that for them at some point, because they might be looking for this teacher opportunity for so long. And they haven't had the chance to get to meet someone that would provide them with this opportunity to to teach and you're the the light at the end of the tunnel for them. And this is the perfect chance for them to try and teach for the first time shadow nurse other members of the staff as well. Uh, so they know you also know how to work in a team, so it's very important that they you add this up as well. To, um, teaching is very important, but being able to work in a team and being a leader and being able to learn from other people and teach other people in your hospital setting is very, very important. So to some final points not to forget about all of the things we've mentioned today. So get everyone involved in your teaching, so try and get everyone to provide feedback to interact during the session to actively answer questions. If the students seem to be a bit quiet, get them to work in pairs, try to break the ice bedside. Teaching, especially in the hospital, is brilliant because students usually take turns. They work on teams to try and find what they're better on. And if they're not very confident on one part of the history, they might ask for help, and they'll be teaching each other about how to get to the final destination, which is to come back to you and present their findings provide constructive feedback. Always ask for feedback as well, so provide the feedback and ask for feedback. And this could go for any setting and anything. Um, that you get yourself yourself involved with plan your sessions ahead plenty of teaching sessions ahead and make sure that you don't have a very busy shift or your big exam coming up. And then you just, um, all of a sudden decided to have a teaching session today before, so make sure you plan ahead and make sure you don't put deadlines close to your teaching opportunities. Always look further. Always look for the opportunities. Always look forward to teaching more and more Half time goes by. So just again, these are the things that we touched upon today. So talked about teaching qualifications, value of teaching, teaching opportunities their importance. Where can I learn the skills to be a good teacher? Teaching hospital? Um, etcetera. So thank you so much for listening. Um, and we hope you enjoyed the second part of our teaching program, uh, where I will be touching about other topics around teaching. Thank you.