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This on-demand teaching session offers medical professionals the opportunity to gain insights into the latest medical approaches and treatments, helping them stay up-to-date with developments in the field. Participants will learn about cutting-edge medical procedures and innovative technologies, and gain valuable insights on how to better serve their patients. With expert panel discussions, interactive Q&A sessions and useful case studies, this teaching session is the perfect way for medical professionals to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving medical landscape.

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FMLM Trainee Steering Group – Session 8: Leadership Fellowships

The FMLM Trainee Steering Group is continuing it’s Leadership Development Programme. It comprises of a series of online events, which will offer both an introduction to a range of core leadership topics, as well as key insights from leaders both within and outside the field of healthcare.

Each session will offer a unique blend of education and inspiration, with the aim of supporting your development as a clinical leader. All attendees can record their learning in the FMLM Leadership Development Passport, which can provide portfolio evidence for your progression towards achieving the required leadership competencies.

We’re delighted to be hosting this programme, and we look forward to welcoming you on the next step of your leadership journey.

8th Session: Leadership Fellowships: the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how?’

This session will bring to together a panel of current and ex leadership fellows from a variety of fellowships from across the UK. We will hear from both doctors and other clinical colleagues who have completed fellowships such as; National Medical Directors Clinical Fellow Scheme, FMLM Regional fellowships, Darzi fellowships, the HLA Scholars Scheme, TOPOL fellows, Chief Registrar Scheme and other regional fellowships and opportunities.

Aimed not only at doctors in training, but welcoming all clinical colleagues, this session will explore what motivated these individuals to apply for a fellowship, how they applied, what the fellowship involved and how it influenced/ changed them.

If contemplating pursuing a Leadership Fellowship, this is an opportunity not to be missed

Panellists: to be confirmed

  • Hannah Baird (Emergency Medicine Registrar and Previous National Medical Directors Clinical Fellow)
  • Rachel Saunders (Anaesthetic Registrar and Regional FMLM Fellow)
  • Leah Madnick (Mental Health OT and previous Darzi Fellow)
  • Roxanne Crosby-Nwaobi (Lead Nurse for Research Moorfields/ NIHR Clinical Lecturer, previous TOPAL fellow)
  • Veena Aggarwal =, Chief Sustainability
  • Mark Hoey Rheumatology and General Medicine Registrar, previous Chief Registrar
  • Greg Ekatah Consultant Colorectal Surgeon NHS Fife, Scottish Leadership Fellow
  • Saif Bhatti or Emi Inetianbor- eCLIPS leadership programme
  • George Miller- HLA Leadership Academy
  • Kellie Bateman- Surgical Trainee Wales, Improvement Fellow Cymru

Chaired by Dr Kim Nurse (Previous Darzi Fellow and FMLM Trainee Steering Group London Lead)

Further Videos on Leadership Development can be found here:


Learning objectives

  1. Learn the basics of understanding and articulating a medical diagnosis.
  2. Develop the ability to correctly identify commonly used medical terminology.
  3. Develop the ability to use correct medical abbreviations and symbols when writing medical notes.
  4. Understand the implications and appropriate management of different medical conditions.
  5. To be aware of best practice in the management of medical emergencies.
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