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IVMC Spring Conference 2022: Sam Brown, Shiraz Shafi & Michal Kawka speaking on 'How to Write a Medical paper'



This on-demand teaching session is designed to help medical professionals learn how to read and write their research papers in order to get their findings out to the public. With this training, attendees will learn the importance of effective dissemination and how it impacts patients, gain tips on study design and data analysis, and understand the eight steps involved in writing a paper. Guidance on structuring the paper as well as building academic skills and credibility for a career path is also included. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from the expertise of the faculty, collaborating medical students and the organization Start UK.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of disseminating research findings to patients.
  2. Recognize the role of research in creating more effective patient care.
  3. Examine the eight steps involved in writing a paper.
  4. Explore guidance on writing each section of a standard manuscript.
  5. Learn best practices to get research published in high quality journals.
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um, whoever want to lay present for us to get your sites up, well, we'll just do one person showing the whole thing. It's all gone. My slides up, and then, Ah, just let me know when you want us to start on. Uh, what will? So this can everyone see it up? Yeah. Let's give it, like, 23 minutes for people to come in. You just let us know. You can ask you question quickly. Yeah. What's up? Uh, okay, because I'm sharing, and I'll be speaking fast. Is there an option that you could mutant me after I do my bed? So there's no background noise when some insurers are speaking. Because if I want to meet myself, I need to get out of this view so I can remove you. Yes. So I will remove you from the stage and then just invite you begin? No, because I'm showing the slights if you remove it from the stage, that decides will still be shot. So that's not ideal. Let me try. Oh, I can't let me try meeting you. And then you should be able to, uh, neat yourself, I think because I I just need to think so I can make myself okay. All right, so I can meet, But then you need to, um, need one. I guess it's not the end of the world. So I guess if you could meet me at once, you're, uh, starts speaking. Sure you can on all of meat myself at the end when I speak again. Yeah. Be ready on your command. Okay. So welcome, everyone to the how to read and write the paper Work shop. I'm just going quickly. Introduce everyone on the faculty and, uh, could be a bit about star such Ask the organization and then we'll take away eso My name is me. How on I'm joined by shuras and some, uh, Orvo finally and medical students on We're part of started UK reading this workshop. So for those of you who who might not be familiar with star such essentially, it's a student lad with research collaborative sides of it's kind, established in 2014 and with to my name's really to empower students to developed research and leadership skills and to deliver high quality clinical research. Two insulins patient care. And even though it's it's student loan, you can see that quite a lot can be achieved over nearly 10 years, and I have started this activity. So we had were no running our seventh covered study or eight, I should say. And over the last nine years we have had over 35,000 patients and rolled in our studies of seven things and collaborators shipments in junior doctors taking part with over 25 reviewed manuscripts and over 60 presentations. We're currently finishing off our current governor study, which is called Cascade, looking into cardiovascular complications that we made her abdominal surgery. That and this is the biggest city to date that we have done this this deficit from a couple of days ago and shows you that we're currently 15, more than 15 days and patients. But actually the up to date number is 18 days, and so you can see that you can achieve quite a lot using the collaborative research model. Uh, so we'll go further. I do. I'll just briefly go through the plan for the next hour or so, and then we'll begin. Uh, so we'll talk fast about ah, why getting your research out there is important. And the overall goal of publishing your research findings. Then we'll talk briefly about eight steps involved in writing a paper and some general tips. And then we'll go through the sections off my standard manuscript, including methods, results and then introduction discussion give you a flavor off. Uh, what I each of these sections involved and some of the top tips from us. Ah, this will not cover the part where the important part where you conducted research. That said, this will strict the focus on writing the money script and translating your research findings into actual manuscript that can be published. If you want to learn more about weight, how to conduct your research? We have a free landing back for me that sausage has collaborated on with the University of Edinburgh on and inspire. It's called in Sep. You can you can register for free and check out the content in there. It will hopefully supplement what we're talking about here. So currently we have free for modules on in September. We're still developing you content, but, uh, we have module and study designed to talk about different types of studies and sort of stop tips of how to do each one of these, we have a model of the chest X, which is the part of research. Is that people sometimes difficult talking about different types of data and general concepts in the statistic, And then we have a model off clinical academic pathways just talking. In general, if you want to get started with research, what's the best way to do so? And about integrated clinical academic pathways in the UK, including the and now rebranded specialized foundation program and other how your clinical academic half ways. So I'm going to pass on to Shiraz to get us started on day. Uh, hopefully for the next hour or so you will learn something it boat publishing and writing a paper totally far away from where you normally home basis. Or it could be researched that you have done this part of a placement such as clinical audits. Looking at the compliance of a particular aspect of medicine again is the recommended islands or even the more common or suggestions that could lead to publications that has extra curricular research or work derived from high. To be such a master's PhD doing next, like leave me alone question again remains Why does disseminating in research even matter What does that even mean? So most importantly, um, and most importantly, the reason why we wanted to 78 our research and get it out to the big, wide world is the post of impact this research can have on the field of so, uh the topic. Our research of the quote I'm doing so create more effective management and treatment and care of our patients. Secondly, white dissemination my roses for one personal reasons possible. It would be personal development. We can personally develop our own skills, such as improving are writing and research skills while gaining important non technical skills along the way. And lastly, the 7 83 that can be a great benefit in your own personal career goals as it shows commitment and credibility for a potential academic career path. And, of course, the academic experience associative. A coalition is often recognized and specialized foundation on higher training programs in the current climate that were next, let you know. So it's ideal route to having a post. It impacts, I would ask. Well, the first is after you've completed your research, presented fighting's conferences from nature either or even international, then you want to write the findings that I need to publish it. So I called the journal Step four. It would be obviously having a positive patient benefit. But what seems to be the case with a lot of research that is conducted, it's people stop that step two do not get to the Holy Land of step, for which is what we all should be striving for Next line. What is in fact, even mean the having lords public presentations at you about Is it people reading and studying your work or even sharing your work on social media could find the intestine or is inevitably people changing their practice as a result of the research that you can do? I know me. I'll next light. And as you can see on this slide, the only way to have an effective impact on patient outcomes is that people read your work and change the way to practice medicine to cause it on. The only other are simply indicated that important, excellent, so as it could be more structure. It does not have heavy impact at all. It doesn't lead to any change. Impact itself is defined as a meaningful influence of others that causes change either by other researchers utilizing your work. DiBella, More findings with in that field or the work actually just changes the collisions own way of practicing their medicine and therefore improving PeachCare that with next lady, Huh? So your work should be disseminated their fields of output Such a publications presentation, social media content through any websites your organizations are all of which increased influence your work has on others. Because of this, that's the only way a constant impact can be seen on next light up with our focus being heightening the use off, uh, publications presentation of social media content, therefore increased influence that has the others, which is, I said, well, therefore, increase impact it has on our patients. Listen, you. So here we have a quote by Chris Woody, which states research is off. No use unless it gets the people you need to use it. And that's all about utilizing the topical. You have our disposal and getting our research out there and limiting any research waited and the time and resources through that process, for example, we've all had to live through the cove in 19 Pandemic and through that effective research have to get out to the people who would use it as soon as possible in order to change management clients and guidelines effectively to limit the spread of cold in 19 and better. It's management for any patients who are suffering with it next time. Yeah, so I want to start the discussion of how we will actually go about writing. I'm writing a paper, and we'll include the background of recent right younger people. Influence includes the background off. The researchers conducted it's methods and results. What even took on the results on what the impact that those results will have on future patient kit. So next, like you know, But the first step is always stuff staying a black blank word document and wondering Where do I even to get? We'll try and get some advice here on how we tend to report writing, but I want to emphasize is there's no perfect way to do so. When you are conducting research, your supervisors and your course, there's might suggest different approaches to this advice that we give here on know one piece of advice. It's all please remember that they claim you. However, I'm sure a lot of you will be aware. Publishing a paper requires a lot, and it's not something that comes easily over this within the space of a few days weeks. There are many reasons as to why we, as medical staff should be going out of our way to ensure the research we've conducted is published in the high quality journal reasons being that allows you to country to a wider effort to help patients. It's a good opportunity to improve your academic skills, just commitment and credibility for any potential career path you man suit. And finally, the academic spirits will not go unrecognized. As I said earlier, thank you mean, uh, the thing is, the most things coming published somewhere on in some journal, however, these don't really have a posted impact from patient care. With most cases, it really only helps the offer's involved. There's some key things to think about what, submitting abstract a conference or even writing a paper. But you go through in the colon, cleanse next, let thank you. So the first thing we want to consider is that the recent we have conducted is a good science value is a clear novel. Interesting research question that people want to be answered. Has the methodology that you have chosen appropriate for answering, said research Question, has it 80 you have collected, uh, has a day that you've been collected? I did analyzed appropriately, on what you've actually taken from that allowances is an appropriate interpretation or what the data actually shows next week. Second thing we want to consider is, after your insure the research. The good sides value is that within itself. It's a well written piece. Does he reach that? Contain all the key elements that's expected of it? What's good to know is that there's a formula for each study design type, which will definitely help you, and we will talk about that the next few slides. Make sure, though, that it's simple, concise, at understandable even to non experts within the few. Make sure that your senses are not too long. If you read your sentence out a lot and you're running out of breath before the end, it's too long on necessary language that age old saying over. If you can explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Truly applies here. Make sure also that your manuscript full is the structure that the intended journal wants you to follow, which includes any formal thing suggestions or work necessities Next time. Yeah, third thing I want to mention is, sadly, mostly out of our control. Top of your paper. Be in the right place at the right time within the right person. Tens. Often a lot of luck is associated with getting papers published, such as the editors, interviews, a value thing, your work acceptance rates very substantially, depending on the Journal, even for the papers. It's also good to know that if the journal you're trying to publish it has probably similar work before, because if it has, then they acceptance rate for your particular paper. It's not going to be a high, as you would like next year before writing anything, though, it's important to identify what you want to be writing. Original articles tend to be the most important papers and include research such a system after views on others. They're often substantially complex and completed pieces of work that are important significance. Patient care, opinion based pieces, on the other hand, are usually published commentaries, which we're not going to cover here, but they're only responses to original articles that have already been published. These tend to be much shorter. I may have strict restrictions, depending on the journal, and the opinion based pieces don't normally come with a standardized form next later. So the paper structure former is designed with the readers in mind. As you can see, this follows a clear, logical path conceptions so they could really understand and appreciate your work. However, this doesn't usually reflect the order in which we have the office. Next thing I said to minimize rewriting, it can make more sense to start with the court message of your paper, which is your methods and the results. How you did it on what you got from and then build from there build, then into your deduction. I eat background. A discussion on what this actual analysis I'm, uh, affects the the field of what you're talking about on the abstracts. A quick summary hospital. Thanks. Let me, uh, thank you. Historically, many papers have omitted keep details needed to allow appropriate understanding and apriso, whether it was by accident or it was intentional. The Queer Network, another hand provides all the guidelines. Are authors expected to report in their studies. Always assumed, if I gain weight has not been reported. Probably hasn't been done on on the next time. You know, you can see on this laid there is an appropriate checklist for any kind of study to find. So if you guys are interested, just head over to the Equator Network. I have a little look, but I won't waste time talking about each point Next light meal. But when you find a little guideline, you study. You should use this in order to help you out. Your paper journals, never days are increasingly expecting their guidelines that guidelines are used that should be reported clearly within your submission. Doing this at the Star Make sure you're not going to get rejected or have negative reviews because of any accidental emissions. And then make sure that, you know work that you've actually done as we work is going to justice. You do your work justice. I'm just explaining to me on the next day, it's a quick summary of what I just be talking about. So very basically get published papers need to be a good side value, be well written and inevitably have a look of it papers that typically red differently in the order in which they're written. I always make sure that you're focusing on the core message in your paper and build Edwards from that. And lastly, make sure to use the reporting guidelines to make sure you're on track and not omitting any useful data that will be beneficial in to getting your study published. So next let me know. You know, I just wanted to end my particular section, talking about how to write the methods section of your hip. Next time, this section of the management should ideally be written first. Although the statistical analysis section of the methods might be evolved as your understanding of the research question and the data itself, a ball at incomplete or incorrect methods will likely lead to the reviews were getting your as you would expect. Method should clearly clarify how and why study was done in a particular way are really fun would be only to include information that was available when the study was planned, and then we should be written in a way that's sufficient enough. Others with access to the original doctor should be able to reproduce the results that you have gone next. Like you know, while the content of the methods can vary a lot from study to study, the general structure in which is written should really know. It should initially include information on the study designed kind of the data source, how the data collection was commenced and constructed at any definitions that was used, as well as ending off of the statistical analysis is used for the project on what software it was done on next lady. So in regard to studies like but as more about the method of how the study was good was, ah, retrospect. Today, it'd be collecting data in the past. Answer a question off prospective date set, which is collecting data. As it happens, the answer said research question, or even a randomized controlled trial, which a number of similar people are randomly assigned to, or more groups to test specific drug treatment or any other intervention would one group having an intervention being tested upon with the other group being a comparison or Democrat? This section should also include information that where the study was performed which includes your hospital name the center on your country also include well, also including details about why the patients were included in the study. I want any patients were exclude next likely to you so you can see from this leg. This is just a little bit of evidence. Example. Basically, the red highlights did details off this study by the second day and ounce over prospective multi center observational course and blue is the context in which the study was conducted. I don't give you guys Look, check. Repeat that with that green being the eligibility criteria which we use but conducting the study give you guys just a few seconds. Treat that it's from one of our papers from our folks to study next lately. Huh Uh, So the next one you want to consider is talking about the data collection on the the definitions. Things such as What were your primary and sexually active with the research on how your eye comes? Were to find I eat where they're using time point measurements or any criteria was used to measure those outcomes. An example of such primary come with the examining the long term survival of the patients in your city on how that was defined. A survival of two years following long following was 52 years following people undergoing cancer surgery. Without such definition term, such a long term survival can have various meetings that coming upon the reader is also important to note. It's also important to add that within this method section, if any additional variables were collected, how those particular variables were to find, even if they were not primary or secondary are cups the neck lately. So as you can see, another example slight um within the red is that primary outcome is labeled on within the blue section is any other variables that were collected. But for the interested playing, I'll just skip it. If you guys were interested. Is our recently published reason. Publish articles or guarding our oaks to project. But next lately's me up the last section that in like to include that you would like including your methods would be detail about how we went about statistically analyzing, really. This includes what statistical tests were used and if any subgroup or exploratory analyses were conducted, this might sound pasteurizing to see, but make sure that what you're writing. Your methods section matches what's presented with in your results such make sure that enough detail has been included alive, some with access to the original data. The judges appropriateness and verify any reported results. Next thing you know. So here this light showing the main statistical analysis is used in red on any additional analyses that were conducting the blue again, I'll give you a quick chance to just read that, Uh, next late evening. I know I just want to end my particular section of the power point, just summarizing and giving some top tips for method sections, which are mostly have already includes. But I want to further highlight the importance of using reported guidelines which confined on the Equator network. It can be off great benefit when you guys are starting to write your papers. Let's say people, while you absolutely shouldn't go about coffee and pasty because that's plagiarism. After all, you can have a look of the current at similar features that being published with in your field of interest. You could make sure that you including similar information on using the same type of language that is expected in regards for the data analysis, get someone who has experienced with techniques you want to use to get up there you want to use. This doesn't necessarily to be a statistician, but it's anyone who has a good statistical experience cause you don't want to be making any areas in the errors in this area. On finally, um, method should be written as if know, difficult to have occurred. As I mentioned earlier, you should be including any information about the study size of characteristics already of the animal it any of the results that you're going to include within the next section. That's not good practice. And finally, the last light a half here they're just summarizing the PSA. Just live, starting with, obviously, the study designed moving on to date collection and day two definitions and then finishing off with physical. Now see that were used and always remember that if he should sufficiently detailed enough, the others have access, didn't date it should be able to reproduce your results that you have, but thank you very much for listening to you guys. I think we're know going on to sound was going to be talking to us about results so on to you. So broke. I think pretty much everyone here. You're right. Good, good, good. Eso high one. I'm Sam Brown on a final year medical student Lester University of Leicester on all sorts of just skim through the results section of writing a research paper. Next light, please. So it sort of leads on quite 90 from the method in the sense that when you're looking at the results, you want to sort of have it very structured Very factor. Look again, eso very similar to, um efforts. In that sense as you send, you want to show off what you found from his study on it should be very descriptive in its nature. You want to leave the interpretation on day discussion for the discussion section, which is where the name comes from, so should be very good. You should be having any opinion pieces or any sorts of vast interpretations about what that data means or what your is old show. The suggested lay out. This works for the vast majority studies, but it's not perfect for all of them. So best advice here would be to read papers that are a similar design similar Top it t what your research is in on. Not where you might pick up on some of the nuances that perhaps unique that particular field. But you want to go through the description of the CO whole, um, so this is the flow of patients. So when the data collection occurred, who's within the study? So alleged all or ineligible for inclusion on, then you don't want to be once the characteristics of the patients, so generally just sorted the summary of some of them You don't want to have, like a wider or larger table, which that includes a full characteristic for demographics of your patient. From there, after your second sort of paragraph, can then be the findings of your primary research question. So that's almost going to be, like hit them with the main purpose. So the types to be paid for sort of answering type stats is what you want to include there on, Then the following paragraphs. Can there be any secondary research questions that may or may not be relevant? Um, depending on how big your papers? Well, what's included? Next light, please. So, um, if you sort of top tips or common arrows. Things that very easy to do on D well, likely happen again when you're writing a first draft and then takes a second or third read to realize that you're doing it. So you want your results to literally be report, and it needs to be something that's actually relevant, your aims or your research questions. Eso the aim centered you had written within the method section, aware about just before, usually the end of the introduction to make sure that your resource reflect that. And then you're actually answering the research question that you put out. Um, many results throw up very interesting findings. But if it's not relevant to your research question, it's not relevant to what you study was set out to identify doesn't mean that you have to include it. Um, when you're reporting sort of data, you want to make sure there's a nice, consistent, inappropriate format. S O. Stick to two significant figures for numbers. Standard deviation for mean into court are ranges if you're using medians, if it's non, uh, parametric data and so you thought you want to keep that consistent for out? No, only is it easier to write in a method section. That data is going to be in one form at the also looks more professional. It's easier to read and understand on it's just good practice. Good research practice no one wants to read wrote their water taps on. So as a sort of alluded to before you want to include some of the key bits of demographics in the text and then have the full set up in a table or in a figure on. But it's much more understandable keeps readers more engaged. It means, if there's certain but the information that they want to find they confined in the table but not having to scan or skim through large bodies. Attacks to find it on bend. Always make use of supplemental material if you want to. So if you feel that that's something that's worthwhile, including, but it doesn't need to the main focus have it go in in a in a supplemental materials. An additional figure on that's always useful as well. Next, like please, eso astrocyte, uh, alluded to with the reporting guidelines. Think wait. A network have got their reporting guidelines. They got them for a randomized trial of systematic reviews cohort studies. The absolute law makes a lot easier. If you was researcher, you could just go through the tick box exercise. Make sure that you include what's what's there once you've done that a few times a lot to begin to notice. Just how many papers of published that don't follow these guidelines on BMIs. Certain things out. Um, you particularly notice s the more you're sort of read papers, Um and yeah, it's just good practice for the reporting guidelines on then state that you followed the reporting guidelines as well. It is something you you pick up on paper, so it really jumps out on that. It's someone who knows what they're doing with the research next side. Please. Eso tables apologize for the terrible pun tables. Research doing badly if you don't know what you're doing. Unfortunately, it's no I t class or icy tea class from high school, not for sort of full of multiple colors with rainbow designs. They need to be useful. Elegant. Demonstrate the data that you're demonstrating andare are a lot of potential designs that you could go for next light, please. So, within the data within the tables, you'll have varieties of data. Eso very early on. You sort of begin with your descriptive data that will often be continuous, such as a gitell meters and demographic type things on. Then you think got your parametric, Which is means Parametric Data's data that's got a normal distribution issue. Nice bell shaped curve, Um or then, you know, on Parametric you want use media and into court our age on this is then essentially any data where the median median arm the same er on similar has that we you positively or negatively skewed data on the best way to view that is to produce a history of the data after the variable you're looking at, um and then you can determine if it's if it's parametrical know, um, small plug Here, you go on to insect dot Okay, see you dot UK has links in the chat as well, and that goes through these data types as well as some exercises to better understand determining dangerous parametrical non parametric that next side, please. So you don't always have categorical data. Eso category date is gonna be gender 30 mortality. So these things where you've got specific groups, we've been it. Um so genders, male or female? Um, for the vast majority of studies, um, you then also have your numbers as well. Season percentages, which would generally come off the back of categorical data on a very good rule of thumb, is to do percentages across Rose, Um, rather than doing them in columns. So you can see in this table example that you've got at the variables across the top, which is male female, Onglyza or dead. But you've got the percentage is moving across in rows rather than sitting underneath the absolute figures. Next side, please. So after you've been you descriptive data, you, then we want to inference, date or in front S o. This data is the ones where you perform statistical calculations and it gives suggestions about what the results were actually alluding to eso. For those that I know, you've got confidence intervals. Eso typically have a 95% confident confidence interval, which tells us the range within which 95% of the values lie. You should always include conversant force provided that you're statistical test produces the they are generally prefer to pee values. It's perhaps somewhat common misconception that a zongs. You've got a nice, low P value, the results useful. But if you've got a tiny PVL you and your confidence interval is absolutely massive. All it showed is that you've got statistically significant results with a massive rage, which is arguably pretty useless. To be honest, you want to sort of be aiming for these nice, narrow competence falls because it's just a much better way of running urinalysis that you clearly want to indicate the type of estimate that you're doing. So where it's an office ratio relative risk. How's it ratio? Except for, uh, a swell is the type of analysis that you're doing so ever. It's, you know, vary it or multi various analyses s. So that was a typical be from your progression models on the shots to specify the significance of the compass in confidence. Interval um, which is almost always 95%. You make some time see 99% in studies, but this is quite unusual. Next slide, please. Uh, we can also do you want to pee values on. So you're often CPV al use reported as, uh, that almost always be less than one. So you typically decimal places on you should be reported them toe three decimal places on the whole eso You'll seen some of the poor quality papers that the P value is less than northpoint know if I've just written a significant on but not very useful way of writing it, um, so stick to your three decimal places on an important point. Two notice if it happens to be something like no point no, no, no, no, no, no one don't write down that. It's no point. No, no. Nor instead, writer is less than normal. I don't know one. A lot of statistical software or creating programs will do this automatically for you. Um, but on the off chance that it doesn't and it's just round it to a serious of zeros. Make sure that you change that yourself so that it right as last time. Next line, please eso when you're thinking of the tables as these are all the things that we've just spoken about, so you can see at the top that you've got the type of analysis so clearly indicates it's union variable, multi, multi. Vary A on the type of estimate, so you can see that it's clearly an odds ratio that's being used here on then. The only of appointment to mention is that you've got a reference value on. So this is because the analysis being done it comparing gender or sex that you've got mail versus female on. Of course, if you compared the female group against the female group, the odds ratio will be one because it's comparing the two thing groups, Um, so that values always included a PSA reference on direct Prince Value will always end up being warned if it's an odd ratios, Um, and you can see here that males is then 1.44. So there's a 1.4 for higher odds of a guy relative to females. As I said, if it's females relative to females would be one because it's the same group. Next line, please. On. So do you have time? Yeah, we've got the time. And so if anyone's sort of quick on the keyboard, want to tell me a few things that are wrong with this table on, but we'll we'll go through it on the next light. We'll do an exciting, but we'll go on to it on zero contrast is one of thumb. Um, though has the next side please me? How, um so, yeah, you've got dull slash clashing color scheme. Eso on the whole You want to sort of, um well, again, right. Great point. A lot of it is aesthetics. Tables themselves are all about the visuals. A smudge is the data is the data is obviously very important. But you now have to show that data off. So you've got to frame in the best way possible. Apart. That framing does include the past etiquette. Parents of the table. So you don't want to have the contrast between the lines. There is the overuse of grid lines as well. So you don't front have grid lines everywhere. You want to use them tactically, which are showing on a future table on you can use them in a way that help separate the variables much better. Um, you've been also got the fact that you've got inconsistent farm sizes, colors on the positioning of the labels at the top are in completely different places on each one. Everything should be centered all the way through. So should I ever align it to the left or to the right on. You should always have the road heights alert. Same as well. That may result in some extra white space is, but it looks much more professional if you've got a nice sort of straight forward. If, if all the road heights in the same and you had that, the key point there is that you want the data being presented to be what stands out not the fact that your tables lopsided and labels a bold in one place and not elsewhere. Next slide. Please eso This is, ah, much, much on a better example table. You can see the within bm I. Everything's allowing to the right, so it's very easy to fall over and down figures, and you can see here the grid lines there used to separate the variables, the top from the rest of the data on. We then have a note stating color scheme between white and gray, which then allows you to clearly to find Rose. But it means that the grid lines themselves are actually being placed in the position. That's this, emphasizing what's variable on what's data as opposed to it, becoming a very confusing and sort of very striped on as a sort of said before This is very much are in the sense there's no structured way of doing it. Um, on bought of the table of those just generally accepted principles, you can then out a bit of flare and things yourself. But I said, For don't go, Matt, it's no a rainbow table with multiple colors involved. Um, pick a fever. Have a bit of a style. Um, it doesn't have to be boring, um, dokie because black of diet just plain black. And why, if you feel that that doesn't represent the day two best but generally have a reason behind the aesthetic choices. So the reason for the stripes here is because it shows the rose off better and allows it easier to follow the data Long Road From Row on Diffuse had many, many, many more people involved in the studies that say, if the table was 30 40 rows, um, then that would be much easier to follow along the the same as if you had many more columns. You could run across from 1 24 about skipping rose, which is something you would belts do if the table was just wiped out all the way from Um, yeah, Just if you give it a little bit for if any reviewer, then questions that you can justify wife being done very often, they wouldn't have considered it themselves. So don't feel afraid to just start tomorrow and say that I did it for a reason. Uh, next Psyches eso plots very much like Clint Eastwood films. They come in three types the good about in the Oakley. Terrible jokes for out today, guys. So sorry for that. Um, and those you that don't know Clint Eastwood. You've got a job after this talks done to watch some films on so you can see from the good one. You've got nice uniform colors. You've got some, uh, horizontal lines going cross with Jill out it to make it a lot easier to run across to the values on the Y axis. Um and then it's clearly labeled so really nicely done. The bad is just appalling. You can see that he's clearly the largest, but you don't know what his value is, and you can't really tell what the value is relative to a and see other than just so to gassing on D. C, I guess is, is back into our high school style plots where we'll get carried away customizing colors I have. Generally, don't do this, either. If you're going tried colors on to your plots, make sure there's a reason for it. So don't just make each group a different color because you've got the option of making each one is from color. Um, try and have it as theme. Um, that's running through, um, And if you've got multiple columns that sort of demonstrating subgroups, that's always an ideal way. Um, one of the next lives shows this Well, that's next light. Please. They have, um, so again, in the chapter, if you consort, just type in bits that missing from this plot or over information, you might need to be able to interpret it. Yep, See a spot on the axis of missing So both the Y and X. So you've got absolutely no way of knowing why Axis is shoving into amounts, and you've got no way of knowing what the various, Um, because there's no exact issue. You don't know what the range is is across the bottom. And so yeah, both you're right there with the colors on. But this is a good example of how you want to use colors with in a study of women a plot. Though you've got the colors and abs, it draws your eye to it. But it's also useful is showing something is adding another late or plot? Next slide, please. So, yeah, on the titers are best that I've been mentioned in the chap. So you want to title explain the type of clot in the population, which were under the study being done. You want to have a legend so you can explain the meanings of the added component. But all in all, that's that a good plot that's something to know here is that you've got the plot. It's has multiple layers to it. So the fact that landed in colors is more efficient use of plotz. Usually when you're publishing, you limited on the number of process that you can have on day. Wanting to get a much out of each plot is useful without overdoing it. You don't want to start adding in several layers to the point that clot becomes confusing. This one has quite a nice balance including a lot of data about it becoming confusing to look at and visualize. Next light, please. Um, so once it's all filled out, you can now see very clear, very easy to read. Um, Andi Yeah. I'll probably say this is one of the better examples of plotz that you would see on, unfortunately, quite a rarity in a lot of air publications. Next side, please. Eso of already alluded to use collagen advantage in our spoke rat in tables, but the same goes for plots. A swell eso black and white is boring. If you just have single groups like the one on the right, stick to a single color, so it's not becoming flooded. Um, we've rainbow those again, but it does just make it a little bit more attractive. Your text is a black and white. You don't need to have any more black and white covering the page. You want the plots to stand out and seem colorful. Next, like please and again, I've also mentioned this is a swell. Use the color to enhance differences in your plots rather than the dotted lines. By using colors, you can see where pat parts overlap on the differences stand out a lot more. It also gives a better a theme to your paper as well. So you can use the same colors on different plots for out. So you've got, like, a almost like a branding to the paper that you've produced on looked really nice, very professional as well. Next life, please. And so back to the high school madness don't include your three d effects shadowing. It's just not what's needed in a scientific paper. It makes it difficult to re difficult to understand. And it distracts from messages that you're actually trying to send. This should be about the data, not about what fancy graphical effects XL comes with. Um, just don't give it simpler that next light, please eso final sort of force let you research question guide How you present S o got had. Yeah, how to present the data. So before you even started writing your results, you should have already pondered about how best to present this data as you're going through. The analysis you should have already have unending goal in mind is to walk sort of plotz. What sort of tables you're wanting to toe put out don't have sort of endlessly make plots on you should know what's what's coming across. Um, be efficient when presenting your data s Oh, you want a for the simplest way? S o. What way can I present this data That's easy to understand. For a reader, on D is the most efficient way possible to review. So tables extremely official ways. Lots of data within, within a single table on If you are going to produce a plot, what data can you put one in the plot? How many different layers could you have to it? You can have in a bar chart the absolute values. You can have sub groups, which are then colored with the legend, which then allows us an extra layer that's on top, and it saves you having to have a separate plot to demonstrate that, um, on top of our don't display the same day to twice a very tempting to display data in a table and then in a plot elsewhere because it looks nice and you want to pull, count and show off that you could make nice tables and plots. But just don't do it. Decide which way best eyes best to present the date or it's on the table or a plot on. Don't keep repeating yourself. You'll get picked upon by reviewers and it just again. It doesn't look great. It's not good practice, and it's arguably a waste off your quite limited number of tables and plots. But next, like on dust, a final sort of note additional resource is you'll see a lot of the plot shoes today. A referencing cereal mentor dot com forward slash date of is, and so it's an online. It's neat book. It's free to read. It's fantastic, often referenced him, referred to when making plots. And you can also read it further tips and things at an R Go. And you could look at scientific articles from good journals. You got to look at them from bad journals to know what to avoid as well. On, then the last link is as Paris correlations. I'm sure you've all seen before during the lecture, quite a funny little um, website that just puts out random correlations s. So it might be like consumption of ice cream on, but murder's on. It'll show that they correlate good example of a poor plot that isn't actually conveying the correct message. So I always make sure that your plots in your data are conveying the message that it was set out to do. Thank you very much. I'll, um now pass on to to me how there's any questions. Dropped him in the air, chats on our answer from there. Okay. Let me just, um, meat myself. And, uh, can you guys see my slides and hear me? Yeah, we can. Okay, great. So I'll just finish off. Uh, we're talking about the two reminding sections that we haven't covered, which is the introduction of discussion on we intentionally want to talk about them together because essentially, there are two sides of the same essay or the same piece of writing. The difference is that introduction contextualized is your work before your results are introduced. And then discussion because because it comes at the end of the paper. After the results, it again contextualized your work. But now, with the other benefit of knowing what you have found in your research. So there's quite helpful to at least try to map them out or draft them even at the same time. At least have an airplane in mind, as they will be mirror images from each other. But there will be slight differences. So starting from introduction, the main role introduction is to answer question of why Why was this research done? And why is it need it? And you can break it down into three parts that should, ideally at flow from one to another, to the 1st 1st task you have with your introduction is to define your clinical problem, Then the second, and I think the most difficult task is to define why is this particular study needed? And then the third one we should flow from the first two. Is this to the aim that will then lead in nicely to them effort. So in a good introduction and again, I would as a semen's us that I would recommend reading papers from by high impact factor journals because you'll actually see that the flow of introductions and the conciseness of writing is is very, very high level in those high impact factor journals, and you will see that they roughly follow this structure. So how do we define our clinical problem? Well, talking mostly about that sort of clinical research papers. We're going to be looking at some condition or some general issues, and we can try to define the problem in multiple different ways, essentially trying to think a big burden of disease. So does this particular condition affect different group of people or different healthcare system is a common in our local population is a common worldwide? Is it associated with very bad outcomes and therefore important, or is it perhaps on the rise and with the aging of the population? This condition is becoming more and more important over time, and you can do it in the sort of different ways. And this example is quite nice. That's on the left hand side. You can see cholangiocarcinoma, which is for both of you don't know the cancer of the gold bladder. Now it's quite a rare condition, and it's not one of the most common cancers, but the outcomes in the long term survival is quite bad. You can try to convey the importance off off your paper that studies cholangiocarcinoma, but saying even though it's rat for those of you who have it the overall I've done this quite bad, but you can also have common conditions like cholecystitis, the inflammation of the gold bladder, which is the main stay off the salt emergency General history, energy, emergency general surgery. And you know, the outcomes of cholecystitis are quite good in the morning medicine in so the high research seconds. But because it's so common and effects so many people again, you can flip it, so it it conveys that that importance. So you can see as an example from one of our papers here, uh, this is about I liest and essentially here. We've used to multiple techniques to convey the important, so effects tend to 20% of patients after surgery. Uh, we just quite a big, quite big percentage. We don't also utilize the strict where we know only say that in our opinion, this is an important problem. But there is an accredited body that has already identified this as an important problem again, you can see that you can build your argument in your clinical problem by using multiple different techniques. And finally in purple and green, you can see that we highlight the burden that this condition has both on patients, so it causes them quite a bit of issues that causes them paying vomiting, mile nutrition. But it also causes a burden of healthcare system. It leads to acquire the big increase in healthcare costs so you can see that you can try to define your health problems as being important from multiple different angles. So then we moving to wise your study needed so as far as early, that most research. Unfortunately, there's not lead to any changes or any impact that having a thing of why the studies needed my actually lead you to to thinking off white particular piece of research was done and how it can be helpful. So here you need to do your research and you need to look at the existing evidence base and the existing evidence back East usually is going to be deficient in one or more waste, so the evidence might be absent. This is unlikely, but you might be doing something noble that no one else has ever done. But the evidence may also be conflicting. There is some studies that showed superiority of one treatment over another, but there's other studies that show that this treatment is not helpful. So here you're trying to show why your study where your study comes in and tries to enhance the evidence based, The evidence can also be quite a bit dated, and they might not reflect the current advancement in the clinical practice. You know, with the advancement of medical technology's, the fields are evolving very, very quickly, and the literature is usually lagging behind to catch up or the evidence might be poor. They might be based on a few single center studies with low patient numbers, so your study might be off high quality and therefore has have a lower risk of bias again. Here, you really need to choose your references correctly to make sure you have shown that you've done your reading. Uh, so again, here from the same paper were showing two ways of why the studies needed were showing a general lack of evidence and then mixed picture, with some studies showing one thing instruments that is showing another thing and then following onto the food that is, the aim is the aims should become quite clear to the reader at the point after session or Section one and section, too. So as a rule that can only be one primary aim because it's three primary aim and you should state so and then you can have multiple secondary aims. We would advise not to have more than one or two additional secondary Ames because each paper should be a self contained peace and you will be limited by the word count. And also trying to tackle too many things at the same time will be a lucha main message. So just to just to summarize, I know I'm quite worry that we're running behind a bet. Introduction should be quite concise. She reflects the current literature and highlight the gaps with in the literature, and your aims should align with your methods section and the rest of your introduction. How does that fit in with discussion? Well, discussion essentially is a continuation of your introduction, but now you have the added benefit off your results. So this will be the longest section of your manuscript. It's the most difficult one. To get right is the section where it's very tricky, and it will get a lot of practice two together to to master this section. But you generally want to include three rough, uh, free rough headings you want to show What does this study actually add? Because now we have our results. You want to convince the reader that this study should be believed, and then you wanna think about what will happen now or what? What, what can happen in the future so we can break it down into six smaller sections. So first one will be summary of the key findings and then then comparing the fighting's to the literature. Then, under the why is this believable? You'll have your strength and limitations. And then finally, at the end, you will think of implications, future steps and the overall conclusion of the study. The summary of defining said this should be a first paragraph of discussion. It should be quite consigned. It should be mapped back to your study. Eight. So your primary A should be reflected in this car, and it should. It should basically be the main summary. If someone reads one paragraph from your study, that should be the paragraph. This shows exactly what this study has. Finally, then the finding and complex is probably the most variable in length and and content again. Here you will be looking at key pieces of literature that have been published before, and then essentially, your findings will either be similar. It will be different to them, uh, bearing in mind that there will be some literature produced in the past unless you're doing something completely no. So you can try to think about why are your findings different to what's been fine before? Well, perhaps while you're finding similar and how are the building on the evidence been moving on to your strengths, you will be the biggest fun of your study. You'll know the most about your study. You'll have spent a lot of time doing the study. Do you need to convince the readers that this study is off all you? So here you can highlight certain steps that you have taken that make this study more robust. They can be part of statistical analysis they can be using followed a good definitions, etcetera. This will be highly variable, but have a look at other papers that are similar, and there will be some recurring strengths that people will be less thing limitations. So because review us will be experts on the topic, trying to hide your limitations is not a good idea. It's better too own up to the shortcomings of his study and try to show that you have taken certain steps within reason to reduce the impact of the's limitations on your results rather than hiding them and being then accused of off of trying to to falsify the truth. So you need to critically appraise your own study. Need to look for the limitations, which will come under too rough headings. There will either limit the facility of your findings or the generals ability off your conclusions to other populations. Okay, so again, you don't need to list every time the flow off of what was happening. You don't need to list all the hiccups along the way, just the important ones that have highest impact. And then you have to list off how you have tried to minimize that in again just because I'm worried if time I will skip through this. But the waste it counts for certain limitations. It's usually week circumstance distichum or data analysis approaches that can try to help you overcome your limitations, implications and conclusions. Again, this depends on the actual formal thing off The journal. Some journals might require, uh, a separate conclusion paragraph. So journals just incorporate the conclusion within the discussion again. Here, you have to think about basically strengthen limitations and the findings of your study. What future research is needed on the topic. If you have conducted a corporate study may be the next step is to go around the mice trial. Uh, if there is multiple run the mice trial, Maybe it's time for a matter analysis of those trials, which they called us are affected. And what should they do now? Is this study making changes for patients for clinicians? What should clinicians be doing based on the results? Is this something for the policy makers to consider and finally again, mapping back to the impact? How should clinical practice change based on your work, you need to be very careful not to over in power pretty your results, and you need to be careful how bold you are with the recommendations that you make. One of the common things that reviewers will will pick on is sort of over interpretation and making claims. They're not substantiated by your results to make sure that in your discussion you love back to age and results again, there will be certain things that you have found. That might be interesting, but they're no relevance to you're aiming to your research questions and make sure your discussion doesn't go off on too many tangents and try to pick on key findings and contextualized them with key previously published literature pieces rather than discussing 27 different findings with one sentence each. It's better to focus and keep things and discussing them properly and index rather than trying to discuss everything. And then just the final tape is that anything that you discussed in discussion should have been presented in results or supplementary data. You shouldn't out of out of the blue introduced additional bits of data that haven't been discussed in results in discussion. Okay, because it breaks up the flow of reading and it makes it confusing summary introduction and discussions. They should follow these logical axes, and both of them tried to contextual eyes your research. So I think that will bring us to the end of dissection. Apologies that we've over on a bet. Uh, I think some insurance have tried to take questions as we went in the session. Uh, if you have any more questions please put them in the chart will probably hang around for a couple of minutes to try to answer them. And if not, then it was a pleasure, uh, to see everyone. And hopefully that was useful. Thank you so much. Nice. Um, if you you know, if you have any questions, stick around for star Search. The lovely panel hit. Answer those questions. But also, um, we have another keynote going on on the main stage. So if you don't have questions, do head over. And we also have a poster session at 12. 30 before we break off for lunch. Thank you so much.