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IVMC Spring Conference 2022: Dr Phil McElnay & Conor Hennessy speaking on 'How to set up and run a virtual or hybrid conference'



This on-demand teaching session is designed for medical professionals and provides practical advice for running virtual and hybrid events. Learn step-by-step how to set up conference rooms, manage speakers and sponsors, and get automatically generated attendance certificates for attendees. Plus, gain access to a kit to get you started on setting up your events quickly and easily. Don't miss the chance to join this session and get helpful tips and insights to mastering your virtual conferences!

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the basics of creating and running a virtual, hybrid, or in-person medical conference
  2. Learn how to customize and personalize the event page design to fit the conference’s brand
  3. Utilize features such as interactive breakout rooms, custom registration questions, and attendee feedback forms
  4. Recognize the benefits of using Mettle to automate processes like distributing attendance certificates and collecting attendee feedback
  5. Grasp the fundamentals of marketing a healthcare event across multiple platforms to reach a wide audience.
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The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

way, way, everyone. Everyone's doing really well. This is a friendly. Ah, Friendly sits based, um And you're really welcomed here. And we've got a boy and are we're gonna walk through one that works right in the IRS accent a little bit lower and had to walk through. Um uh, you can kind of set up and conferences on, but we'll be talking and super practical stuff, and we're gonna be talking to him a little bit of bite some of the nuances on the speakers and get sponsorship a lot. That stuff to help you. And so you're really welcome and be great. If you could open the chart books just for you from and and where you're joining us from today on. Perhaps if you're running a conference. I was a little bit white on the conference. You're running on any specific things you want to learn today. Be great. I'm just problem in there. On we'll You are very best. You could just put these in the chart. What family? Being to Yeah, alongside May I got corner. All right. You wanna introduce yourself? Yeah. Uh, nice to see everyone. What a great morning with that so far from from plastic talks on. So I am medical student from the University of Oxygen on them. I've been looking up for the past. I've helped with organizing four conferences at this stage combination off fully virtual ones on some hybrid virtual and in person, ones on down. Burned a lot along the way. A lot of heartache. Not a problem sport. Fix it all on. You know, I had four very good successful events. So hopefully some of the tips between the Concerta help you guys on your journey to ruling Best virtual slash virtual hyper conference you can and what you're It's four minutes months. We're gonna kick off for about 5 to 12. We'll run elements on, um, that run through a little bit of what we said. Everything up, up and in terms off. We'll have samples on that 100 some of the other. And, ah, tech. Um, he's on, um, a little bit a point that practicalities off if I speakers using Moon's full series. And so I'm going to really hard core skeletons and what is going up in on 20 minutes. So around three things really pop in. Think here on which will well, you, Teo, access all of our metals and little or slash host. And I got it. Won't be just proper sole of practicalities off. If you're running a virtual, you do on on. If you need access to all the protect on anyone, it's worked like we're happy to get you access this week. The we can run for prints out of the box on there's a link. That metal box lasts for the access on that will allow you to you and everything on stage set up, break out holes, sponsors and literally whistlestop Here. Are you set up with what you see. So, um, when you have ah, middle of crank, you can just sit on the Logan organization. Middle of the Lord is going on and on. Didn't do. I'll just walk you through, literally step by, step out. Just set up an event like today I was gonna rip Add an event I won't sign in mental. I can call my conference, So I'm going to set up, um, a conference a Honda. Do you mind maybe telling us a little bit about your conference? So what's what's your comfort? It's gonna be cold on, uh, set up a little demo on here, so we can eso We could give this a bit on reality. So I'm gonna call this conference on growing Teo, make a conference here on the event type kinds. Um, cardiology conference ons, healthcare community event will allow you to kind of market that cross events platform so market across our entire platforms. Hundreds of thousands of people can conceive that. You can have lots of people that come in a locket, dying to just people who you're inviting. Then you can just say invite. Only you could say, Philly Online hybrid. Well, actually alive people here in the room to chat to people here who muscle Well, so we totally believe in integration so that people should not be excluded just because they are, um, just because they are attending virtually so rather just shoving everyone on those, um, call on ignoring them. Actually think it's really important that people in the room talk to people at home and and that will allow you to do that. And then you can take specialties and keywords and start here on nd it start time. And so on which is old, fairly self explanatory. I'll just set this up to run through this workshop on, um, you can put a price on here. We only support free and open access events of the movement. So, um, by default that zero, uh, on, then you could sit up registration. You can actually ask custom registration questions. And that's part of my mental registration as well. So instead of doing like a pre and post section evaluation, you can do all that in the same place you can set up your start the and India for registrations on. You could actually stick to zero on here. You know, post up to 10,000 people. One bottle of that. Um and is it next on? Now, you've got the option to add metal life so we can add this on for you. Just met a little X, actually access. We're happy to kind of just give you this kit on Go. You can enjoy it. And but this will allow you to set up a studio so you can set up studio with Livestream. You can have up to 50 people speaking on stage at any one time. You can have up to 10,000 people watching it says Limited, unlimited there and 10, 5 people. And you can invite people from the audience on stage and take them off again and so on. So it's it. It does what most events need to do. This other option is like an interactive option, so you can, uh, have to 50 people in the room, and they all join with their comes and mites on automatically. And it's not moderated. Um, everyone is automatically able to share. So it's good if you're running like a virtual exam or interview or some and on, um ah, and so and then just finish. That's you're good to go. So here you can, like, customized the event age so you can at your text on here you can add a holding image. You can add your own holding image, video someone. So what we see people doing here is adding like schedule on speakers, and then you can add, like learning outcomes in there and so on as well on um, and then you can add, uh, your image and video. And then you say, I did not watch the add it to your from page two and then you cannot break or sessions. So you can say out of session. You could say break that one and you can give it a name so you can say And this is we normally recommend. That's this is what you're in a You're in a session is you can say like, Yeah, I did run a company just like you've joined today. And then you could bit extra descriptions in here is you can put, um uh well, talk about conferences learning outcomes again, speakers on. So I'm right in there and you can add it on image so you can upload again. Little holding image like you've seen to join this breakout room today on to see him with at times, you can set up a specific time for the room to run, or you can say no. I want to run through the entire event, and then you have the same option against you can run this like stage, like we're running this event so people are invited on stage where you can join it to the everyone automatically joins with their mike and come on and then on session. So, um, on that you kind of set up. So you've got a breakout room set up there as well. If you're running a hybrid conference and you've got, like, an in heights a beating, there's also the details here that they need to kind of look up to their to their anything. I mean, you cannot as many breakouts sections you like, so you cannot have many kind of Parliament sessions you like, and then you can customize your registration questions. So instead of having to do like a pre and post section of valuation form, you can do that right here so you can hit a question. And you could say, I confident where you in comfort thing before joining. We see people asking like pretty imposed conference levels, usually for a bit of research or something, and then you can make a reading question. You can say I wasn't confident or I was confident. It means that people don't have to fill in like tons of questionnaires. They just do it on registration. And it also means you're not under, you know, some people use, like Google forms or something to take registration in the environment. Another link. Everything just in one place, so it's completely automated. And then this is really magical, so you can actually set up a feedback form here. You can customize on the questions you can at a question, James the label. And so and to your question, if you don't like it, you can add other questions. We automatically give you, like best practice we but form they just hit next, and then you can have low goes on. Any extra text to your certificates that you want to add a custom images, signatures, job titles, all of that stuff, and that will add it to your certificates. What this will actually do is once the conferences finished that, lastly, distribute all of your certificates and we'll give you think back and then just that next on nine, you can get samples. You could see what those look like, so I'll show you a sample attention certificate. So when people complete your feedback form after the comforts, they're automatically generated on attendance certificate. And this looks pretty clean, right, because we haven't added any Lupus or signature isn't or anything, but you're organization group up here, push everything dime. That's a couple of signatures here as a name, job title, all that stuff, and then it's automatic a district on. Then you just talk a little so that, except responses on this is really magical here. So this little bit of a large you to really walk away from your conference. This little button here means that anyone who's attending on metal life automatically get an email when the event is over. I know we'll have a feedback for Lincoln after meals, so you don't need to copy and peers links or your cruise or any of that stuff just completely automated on. It just kind of takes any hassle, and I have your event. Only then goes to people who actually attempted because, no, everything's in the same place. And registration in the life event back for all of that stuff is in the same place. And it means that, um, it means that they, um it means that you know you can minimize the amount of jumping around. The delegate has to do you want me as much as you possibly can. So that's feedback started, so we set up an event page, customize it. We've added parallel sessions, regarded custom registration questions we set up a feedback form to automatically go Wait. Attendees after the event, if you want to send a poster whole just like the one you see on this event. So I'm not going to shoot you a demo with Post Hole because you can see it on the left hand side off this page and see exactly what it looks like. But to create it, you just hit, create a poster whole. And then right here, Elijah, upload a spreadsheet with all of the abstract. Do you want to accept in your post role so you only upload the ones that you want to accept? You don't have all of the abstract that you've rejected, just the ones you want to accept. That's where we live. Spreadsheet in the first room in that spreadsheet is exactly like you see in each of these bullet points. So in column and sell a one it says Title in cell, be one it says corresponding underscore author, Underscore name itself. See one and soreness of then it will allow you to Ah, it will allow you to, uh, to upload your your details and then balloon each of those cells just the corresponding information. So the title of the booster correspondent of the name, of course. One of the three meal for a list of all fears. I'm trying to kind of re one etcetera and then just out lose. You're good to go on. What that will actually do is it will upload all of those posters right here for you. You can add an individual ones if you forgot to add one. You can then say around my control trial off X person. Why you get out the booster, um, individually, um, and then Santa light on when you upload all of them. Um, just one end of your name. Right color? Yeah. Effort. And then and then, like I get in your abstracts. Um, once you remove the spreadsheet, you don't need to enter all of these individuals. And but you can come back into that and you don't need to upload people's posters for them. So our theory is you shouldn't be kind of spending your time Is a medic doing all the admin associate with this stuff? When there's another tune, it just automated right. Automate your life on it will allow you focus on actually being a a great doctor conference on so you could just upped it a lot. This stuff you don't have to upload the poster for them. You just hit, send invitations, invite all corresponding off their stopped. The big cluster. Yes, and the author is going to get a link in their meal. Which says, would you like to upload your picture to a cardiology conference? The cardiology conference on booster whole. And they just said yes. And then they just upped that poster. Um, so it's kind of super room, um, super easy for them. And then once you've got some boosters on your poster whole, it looks just like the poster. Hold the left hand side of your screen so and propped her in the break. If you click posters that will allow you to see exactly what it's like. So, um, I'll just open our cholesterol for today. Just getting give you a quick glance, but your feel free to go and have it. Most people start couple of your posters that it looks a little bit like this, making up videos and so on as well. So really, this one, the surgeons up in their poster everyone could have got it and feel screen. They cannot Little video, which actually realize you too. Um uh, Teo? Um uh, allergy. Teo Worth little videos. They can pitch it to that person mentally. Exactly what you're saying. You're getting reports that full screen you can look at the title of abstract on, but that's the one. And then you can can see who has being on also on this booster as well. The corresponding over can actually add these people to the poster on. But the real magic is after the event, you can come back on when there are some on posters updated. There's another button up here which says san certificates just hit one button. Just handle. That's difficult to do your poster presenters on. It means that these people, anyone listed on this picture will also get copies. So you don't need to answer those questions about it. Um uh um, about kind of a certificate, please. It's just automatically. Okay, um, and then you can send her mind or so of people. Um, aren't able, Teo? Um, I haven't uploaded it. Um, um Then you could send a reminder. So, um, so it's not a set up a conference set up a page for it. We've customized me. Then page of set up break out sessions. We've added our own custom registration questions. I'm going out of the poster. Hold you. Could be other things here is well so you can come back and world presentation certificates for people who presented orally and a lot of people their certificate says, Well, you can add videos and slide the X ray American. Sorry, but PowerPoint presentations For those of you in your, um, Andi, you can upload a pdf off those on those presentations. People actually look at slides, watch any videos you want to add as well. So let's do again. What is that like? So once you've done it, it looks essentially like what we set up today. So ads all of your schedule and speaker descriptions. People can read your for it. It will ask them the questions that you have added to your customer destruction pigs so that you don't need to do that every time and then just register Onda. We actually saw a lot of health care professionals doing this stuff on. So, with every event being asked to see, um, questions. So we just don't need that so you can see it once and then literally want to get registration over the many custom questions that's really quick. And then joining event is really quick and simple as the admin in the organization you congested. Join the stage on, you can join the stage. We'll do your quick, my contract with you like this. So you just joined on enjoying the event on then anyone else in this event, you can actually elevate them to the stage as well. So you click this little people ankle and when there's another person in here just looking through, your doctor will be an option to invite the stage on. You can invite him on stage with you, and then it sets up your session rooms like you just set up today on joint today on Advil of your event, and flew in here as well. And we literally just added the ability to add sponsors as well. So you can do that on your event details. If you don't have access about us, a message up there or, you know, address in here when we can get the like, that's about to get away, so that's really good on and awesome is that you can also record automatically. So when you join the stage anything that streams, it's stored for you to do with what you need to be with it. And you can actually make it a beautiful on the man's automatically on metal want you to live and start to broadcast something and like the store on your kinds. And it means that means that you can then automatically kind of share on the month and see on my life. I mean, when I need the stage. But, well, that's according to, and my recording bar here sticks little second on your kind of out of the recording on here, and then you just get a fresh just a little second. But I do want you on. Do you actually will add that as all the time worked? Cattle never boils, but again, that's stored in your groin. And then we'll just fit on ads on content and then actually, here on. In reality, we're not street here or my crew seconds. That's right on. And then you can always come back and add any extra capsule that do to you on the news or slides on distribute, Push your whole certificates. You can add a little certificates. Well, you can look at the registration. So up here on statistics, registrations and statistics, you want to see stats on what your delegates looked like? Well, not a nice, but it gives you understanding off on. Well, you're the arms. I'm not sure it gives me the breakdown of people that answered your question and then recordings. That's my finished. So here I am. I mean, was it No, ma'am. Oh, like, uh, Carlos, like a script with me and that people are watching. It was just on the content. Bacon. What should we recommend? Verify students. But then you can actually be by forms and so on to your on the non confident as well for, um, certificates so people can't make it, and it's really big. Part of our philosophy is, if you're attending from a lower middle income country or even a rural part off my income country, you may not have access to a meeting Internet. So you actually have people to watch this stuff a time on the internet connected. It works for you So I'm out of that video and I and then actually certificate after watching that and give that it's organization some people in, like a whistle stop to that is kind of you can kind of set up some tech you need for, um, for your conference on. I hope it's really helpful. Um, it's not gonna be enough to kind of so every problem you have a fracture you have. But if you do, you need any help me have a wrap or kind of particles help that metal. The Lord, um, pickups offensive that support that metal. The Lord will get you some help. Metal door, expecially access comes, You're actually able to access to some of those. Get a little bit. That helps. I don't do the quick if anyone has any questions at the end, But I'm going to hand straight over to call me Great. I'm going to just travel screen getting you guys see that? That looks good. Great on this stuff for space. Just getting old. Eso Yeah, for the intron text off. I'm going to give a bit of, uh, channel. But you know, my experience having done on virtual conferences and hopefully some tips that are useful to those of you that are prime something with this in the near future. And so just a bit of experience and my first foray into the world of virtual currency with oxide 2021 which had previously been a impressing conference, have the natural because it's the pandemic and cold. But we were forced for the online, but one of the nice things about it was because it was for the virtual. We could expand the skull of the conference from just UK base people to people from all over the world. So actually 120 10 days from countries, which is great global surgery perspectives and a widened just patient perspective, I did something similar with X Ice, which is a student not active Surgery conference and and this year for Oxford Section of Innovation. Um, we wanted to keep the freshman sensibility that we had before because we liked letting people from other countries joined many people who couldn't attend a person. We also want to have, you know, the in person in the back of the culpable driving. So you it's it's quite nice to give people, but it does at a lot of complexity, and it's like it's for those of you are sitting around conferences. Um, the important question is, are who is the conference force? Who is your audience gonna be? And what is the topic of purpose of the conference? Timing is very important. And how you got to run, like what platforms we're gonna use and something else planning a wedding in a minute. I kind of like to think of conferences. I've been like a wedding in the picking a time of day. She was probably the hardest pressure because you can't do anything until we've picked you're talking your days. You know you can't after speakers. If that can present, you can book a venue. I'm speaking the time and date. It's difficult. Um, you need to decide any on anything while you're conference exactly would entail. So you're gonna ask for abstract submissions or not, because that's kind of another layer of complexity, because you need to screen the abstracts, score them, and then we'll meet people to chair presentation sections, things like that, and you're gonna go for just posters. Normal's maybe just posters, euros on how you're going to still take that. How many speakers you go to have on them? If you're gonna do workshops, What workshops do you want to do? Um, I was just giving yourself a long runway for these things. Rocks. It's very good innovation. We usually start it seven or eight once a day. Just give us a lot of time to kind of, you know, cover any grand. We might miss a plan for any hiccups, things like that. Um, So I was saying picking a date is right. Heart. Um, it would be kind of dependent on your conference conference once a cover. And you know, Maria said that she is looking to plan a wedding. Just patient medicine conference. Um, so when you pick your day and what you do depend on the audience you're trying to capture, right? So for Oxford surgical innovation as an example, we wanted to capture surgical training, medical students and some consultants. So we want to avoid close proximity, things like and were CS exams. Because if you had a conference, you know, within two or three days of practice, practically you might not get as much of an audience. Is he like because people be focused on the exam. We don't want to study. And generally I think keeping things in terms time it's probably the better. Because, you know, if you try and do things over the Easter break over the counter the weekend, or when people act in university normally than you know, consultants good holidays with the families and students mind kind of not want to join a conference if they're going on holidays with their families on. So I think you're keeping things in terms. Times will be better. And then Fridays and Saturdays, I think probably better than some days or mid week again for getting more people to attend, especially if it's in person on smoking, using a plan for Saturday or Friday For training consultants, though, and it's like it's a big question is where I would come back over in the event of British virtual conferences. You know, the actual space is another accessible. A lot of people you know today is a great example of, you know, we enjoyed from anywhere I personally am actually in Belgium with a minute I'm even know normal Best not to push, you know, joining all of you guys who are in UK everywhere else. Hybrid is great option on. Do you have great fun with history of innovation this year, you know, online and in person, bringing people together on. But the thing is having a hybrid. This is it. It's a conference Vineyard onda conference venues could be expensive. Naming down time to put them for can be difficult, Which means you need to plan a lot further advanced if you want to actually have a space for your conference and probably the thing that is the hardest, especially American students is getting your speakers. Um, because, you know, I feel like his medicine. You're always sending emails, people. Uh, we're not more seeing you That you asking? No. Can you help with this? Could you speak of that? Running a conference? And it could be a very daunting of medical student. I feel like a lot of times you send in the mail and you might not get a reply for days or weeks or at all in some cases, and dissolves a hesitation of Do I send another email? Do you try different email address and what's the best way to approach people on. I would say that at the start of would be quite sheepish. One came to you having people I'd be afraid of, You know, the dreaded double email. Um, and you know, if I if I you know too many times because it kind of put Marty than more. But I think these people are very busy, especially the higher that kind of change again, in terms of seniority, less accessible. That can be, um because, um, I have a secretary screens and out of their e mails on my day, so, you know, follow up e mails or if they do have secretaries finding it to the secretary, there is maybe see seeing them and emails also removing them, saying I would like to ask Professor X speaking conference. What's the best way to organize that I get in contact with them? It could be, you know, more efficient than humanity professor themselves. Um, I would say using know convenience is a good idea. So if you have a lecture or educational supervisor, someone who you have kind of contact with who can assist you improvement, they might know people have been more of a personal level. Uh, sometimes having the name off someone a bit more singing your CCD on rebound. We're getting them to send the initiative minutes of thinking with the person I know that. And when you get things moving a lot quicker on, um, I think Twitter is I was fantastic, too, because, you know, you change linked to record a lot of academics on Twitter. A lot of times slash conditions such whoever you're trying to get to speak, convene, accessible opportunity, you can direct message them or just you know that, Um, sometimes, though, reprise pretty quickly and you can get a dialogue. Um, and then I think once once you've gotten over the initial hope of getting contact with him speaker management as well, it's something as a medical students, quite difficult, because if they agree to speak, you need to chase them over. Okay, this is the day of you said, Does this work for you? What time starts can you do on you if you're coming in person, how you're going to present you going to use your on top continues? You know, that makes Speaker Elektrim Thiesmann some people silly, trivial things, but is wrong, important and on the day. I remember this year with Oxford. Between 20 everyone came with their own, like books wanting to present through their computer. But we got it set up so that because of the actual nature, all the streams were running through the lectern PC. We didn't the ability to switch from, you know, the lecture on PC to individual presenting PC's. So we had to get into the presentations and memory stick, put them on the computer and with issues formatting presentation building from back to Windows, you know they need a time to reform out some things, and certain images hadn't shown up something that's over. He's important things to kind of consider. Giving that lines is quite useful, if you say, because listen, I'm we need your slides a couple of days before just in case on, then kind of following up with the most addictive sculpture saying Hi, know the conferences in a week or conferences and five days, three days and way like your slides. It it It's just we have our own copy because anything going on in the day with that, you know, sharing their screens or they're media not working properly, and least, if you get him already is well. If you notice any for money issues, from conversion from back to Microsoft or anything that you can help rectify the murder and I would say prepared for anything we had speakers pull out at the last minute, and we've had speakers who have asked to switch. The time starts from the morning to the evening, which, you know you're trying to accommodate these things best you can, but it can be disruptive, especially trending of other people around as well, because sometimes can cause won't be able to attend for the whole conference, still have planned to come in for their slots of 30 minutes or an hour, however long you've given them and then moving things rank difficult. So I would say, prepared to have a bit of flexibility on Yeah, I guess you ready for anything, and it's good to good to be done. And when you're designing trucks like I think about what you want to achieve. So like today we have fortune from running a hybrid conference. There's surgical skills. Workshops had to run medical papers, so, you know, if you're on a conference on and white patches. Patient for medicines. Duties If you're going to run workshops for that, would you like a workshops? D ones tips on interviews, doing tips on entrance exams. Who did you get your own nose? Do you know people who could help with those sessions? A name running a virtual versus the height would come from school. The face. You know what kind of work shops you can do on whether or not you can also translate to a hybrid or Rituxan environment? So, for example, this year for surgery, Motivation had five workshops, two which were hybrid workshops, in that you could join them either in person in general online. So he had, like a m. You know, I had to go over packed in ideas workshop where there's people in the room with the speaker but also people in line. Then we have workshops that were in personal. He's had a lot of skeptics skills session where people were doing the scripts. Girls, obviously that Captain Stream. So you're picking a balance of workshops. If you doing the hyper conference person's virtual only workshops for getting a virtual on, then I think interactive smaller groups are probably better for workshops if you can, because it's nice to have, I guess, a smaller audience. Sometimes you can communicate people one on one people and get questions in and get answers. Worse issue. Know much about your workshops were. Sometimes you feel like you just facing the crash. And I think abstract submissions in offering people the ability to present pollsters that presentations and your conference is great. You can increase the interest is well because, you know, people always want to present that work. It's good drawing people in airports platform for students and trainees to show what they've done. I'm I'm kind of with increasing competitiveness for everything. Scoring systems for post graduate applications. People want to need opportunities to present that work. But if you are gonna do submissions nope. You wear that you will need to have more people to your team because you're gonna need people to screen them. You don't get people to judge for prizes, so increases the working out of it. But I definitely think it's worthwhile, um, on the platform selection and actually I'm probably bit biased a Z see, you know, go in the background. That's where I feel it doesn't. Doesn't pay me. And but having runny four conferences with the first one no being sold through metal. And the first conference actually ran was excised 2020. And, uh, that quote I hadn't come across that field of the metal team. We're looking at things from a cost perspective. How much people need to hold the body wants to do on at the time. We actually have three different platforms for one, so you shouldn't need a hosting platform, so we use it. We have to get probation, which is quite expensive with all the webinar rattles. And then we needed something to hold start posters, which at the time, we just got people to upload videos to YouTube and then in terms of collecting feedback and things of that, we just had to do Google sheets. So at these three different solutions and none of it was really automated, you know, it always find the end. But it added a lot of work. Um, they're a multitude of solutions of the minutes. There's things like hopping, and some people still use the pro, you know, bunch platforms. I think metal is fantastic for well, they provide these and they're having more things all the time on, but they're really great ass. And the bottom will need a customer support with the event. This year, we were just having some model. Take your shoes of the starts failing the team. We're constantly on call and all day, which is fantastic, because I remember two years ago with one of conferences we run zoom, we had some issues with Zoom in the license on. It was a lot more difficult to get in contact with them than it was the fill in the middle of team. So, as I said, I'm not sponsored by Definitely. Um, Yes. Another thing is, sponsorship is something that, you know many people don't think about to. You don't want to talk about because, you know, money sometimes and flowing book. If you are other conference, especially if you're running a hybrid conference, it can get expensive, and you're gonna need to cover the costs. Is the conference right? So there's two ways you could do. You can transfer the cops to the attendees and which can get very expensive utilities. Or you can see it sponsors to help you out. And so What we did when we first started doing is we looked at other kind of conferences to see who was providing sponsorship. Some of it will be tough specific. So, you know, medical education Conference some of the surgeon responses that we got for a conference, a couple stores, very similar endoscopes companies wouldn't be a useful. There are some general sponsors that good putting money for events, especially student events. Anything you are usually quite good and be a major clinkers. The different Royal College is that your topics might fall under support. You on certain companies, financial services like Wesley. They're always quite keen to support medical student and training events because I was looking for cash, you know, get their message out to people. So there there happened to exchange moments in sponsorship in exchange for maybe 5 to 10 minutes of people's time. So we just say, shop around, um, see who has provided funding for events that you've been to see if they're willing to provide for me career. I guess the last thing is that on the actual day of the conference, and you're going to need help and you need a committee toe obviously set up. Get everything rolling on the day you're gonna leave a lot more people to help run the take to help with, um, you know, speakers, whether that being person virtual um, so that could be a lot of things going on at one time. And you can't be in, you know, 10 places at once. So don't be afraid to rolling a few friends or called an older committee members other people who are interested and get them to help you. Um, so I mean, I'm happy to take any questions. Or 3 20 those of money, uh, details and social eso for media. If anyone wants to recheck it, organizing it constantly. One, I have to have it done in contact with the second speakers sponsor if any of you want me to refer you to a certain sponsor that we've used in the past, but sometimes getting the initial contact is quite difficult. But once you have a name of someone in the company, um, it's a lot easier to deal with them directly. So if you see anyone on bitches despondence is that you're interested in getting for your event at in the middle of her. It's in the midst of a better get through my emails and find the contact details and forward a month. You, um yeah. Stop sharing my screen both on. Happens to any questions from anyone, or if anyone just top of it, the events they're finding. Yeah, hopefully that was useful. Yeah, that was brilliant. I just have a quick look in in the side for any. Any questions? We had one come in earlier from Johnny. You feel just asking about looking on the left of your screen? I think when you were doing the demo asking about the menu, I just wondered whether you might be able to run through how how to access that menu again on on the left for eso gets me is only when you are. Unless you're in stage one. Stage two pretty. And thanks very much. Um, okay, um I can't see anymore questions coming through yet, but hopefully if if anyone has any, that they could just put them in the chart. I know. I just screwing up. Um, the harder Maria, but looking Teo, find out more about their in conferences. Marie. He said a drink on a leader to earlier on you, hoping to host a widening participation conference in July. So if it's if there's anything we can do to help, help you prepare for that or any tips that you'd like to ask us, because then be very happy to do it once or anything. Yeah, sure. Um, I'll stick it in here. Important question. And I think it is working for me. I think the virtual ones about easier to run in most of your overheads. Gonna be probably platform, which you know, metals, graciously supporters, medical student loan organizations. But you for free. Um, but when we switched to the high one this year, a definite surprised at how expensive venues are like and it's not going. It's convenient. Thousands. So, like you can eat a transfer that cost to buy tickets to, you know, the medical students and training both kind of cheaper. You can make it the war more incessant. It is for people right on. It's quite nice if you could get responses and give them the table, they can know there their conference materials and also let's get some free pains and nineties. If you can get many students in for your for your number five points and stuff. It just makes it easier for everyone. Because I've seen some medical student conferences or conferences where you know they're they're bigger. National Conference is from Biotin nations, where many consider taking 203 100 lb range. It just makes it really difficult, I think the other. The other great thing about these virtual hybrid conferences feel was sharing his demo is is the ability to add the catch up content very nicely recorded four years or something that's really beneficial for people that either go to a different session. We can't make it on the day, but on other days, Fantastic. So it isn't it. It's, um it's a little risky and discovered in the last years old. Yeah, a long time, but it's interesting work. What's happened in that? Uh huh, not only hasn't been possible, but you have swelling this from the entire night. Start, do this stuff on but on, uh, really reach only believe it, fiber. So I really is being so my when it's a school, his office is well, actually, we know that there are still people in rural parts off the UK. You don't have a good intimate going. There are in a rural parts of the world, you know, a vision infrastructure on actually live this. But actually, those people may match very high in your area. And, um, it actually those people really benefit. Watch this stuff, um, you don't know really want acceptable for, like, the next level of spiritual on. Really good question from really? Well, yeah. Yeah. Well, I can. Sure, Maria, what I was doing. So before I cheat on, have a chat a secret society on. That's one way to do it. You do any phone doing? I don't know the screen. I'm sure field has a better with it. It's like the easiest way almost is perfectly on your hands there, and that's probably like the least the way to. And if you, if you have two screens also nice means that, but we have ah, some really all since it's really a boy. Barkley. It's got a bookmark weight, um, tipping trick rather than anything else. It's the individual close by here, so I don't hear my part. One signs like that was popularizing like article that we possibly could right, because It's not just a look, but it's not really just about sharing part. It's some tips and tricks and one of the little known options, and part of it is reading view. So instead of kind of putting your slides and fill screen, you select meeting view and the lives you to actually minimum. I'm not minimizing about, like half of your screen one applications do chroma and one side of your screen and reading you and your slides in another. And then if you could share street window, then share eating and what looks like to the audience, a full screen and being shared. But you actually go like gene things happen also was really interested in part with school basic, But, um, actually, I can't believe my personal this yet, But if you go to open window when your speech sharing on any opposition now, on whatever you're using on if you can share street on the insulin window and you select part point with every once until it's like it's on the left side and you select that window us the window, you're going to share very a presentation and then you go to the park and you get full screen. And often speakers of just using one street will think they're sharing the full screen. Everyone seems what part is doing is actually so because you selected a window unit air. It's not actually sharing a full stream. Still sharing. They're like probably, like slides on the significance of my slides and everything and everything. But it's just because the shared so reading is like you're blowing my mind here. I'm reading through this. I didn't know you could do this. Nobody was. It's like it's like, Yeah, it's like the worst. Uh, it's like the worst was like So we're like, we're like a product company, right? Like we think about product all the time thinking it on. But how do we make that stuff easier? I can still like open field screening another window. It's like it's like my blood. Yeah. Looks like lots of people in the chatter agree with you on a very, very useful tips. Those sharing with us every everyday school. I think we've got a few more minutes left. S. So if anyone else's has anything else, they like to ask just what we've got. Everyone here, Father. Yeah, problems with? Yeah, it's probably that's just definitely my experience over the last two years. You know, both conferences on teaching with people. Teo Impression is so before you have often something that simply sharing the screen. It just takes 5 to 10 minutes of time in the session, you know, and it's it's crazy about my my yourself a little bit. Let's let's go for actual. So just take it. Oh, so if you're doing gardening, um, there are some really works on. This is just because it's so obviously back the apple dime. It speaks after any obligation, metal, whatever you're gonna do, you think you're missing on an apple. I'm not sure why, because it dries. We will direct like I'm going to turn. You need to get a sudden you out. But there's an article just settings on My preference is security, princes states being, and then they get this funny thing that will make a big look like open and then you like a problem again, and then you go like it's just like I get like, really bad. Let's see if there's an article there that's really helpful. Thanks very much for even something that simple. Remember, we had to sort of the other day were chrome pushes through an update. Just completely changes the experience for the users. And you might not know, so you could do a tech test. You know, one day, I have a conference two days later on all the speakers. Sort of the country, the screens and don't know why. Normally, normally, what I normally on news think they made it from somewhere? Yeah, against people. Um, no, it's what it is. Why? I like some planning. It's beautiful over time. Ask. You think it's been working so much? I shouldn't say with this company. Yeah, Uh, this company recently? No. Almost. No. What sites that you speak? Uh, people were like like, so I'm, like, you know, looking slide stuff anymore. But if you kind of get all that stuff, but this makes the whole day great. I think that might be aware questions we've got for this workshop so far off the corner and fell of both. For instance, um, email address is I'll just paste them down again at the bottom to make sure that everyone has good access to see them. Um, if they think of a question later. Oh, yeah? Yeah. So yeah. Lots of lots of email addresses for you guys to contact. If if there's anything else you need going forwards. Otherwise, we've got something starting on the main stage in just a few minutes. That way. Great for joining us, everyone. Yeah.