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IVMC Spring Conference 2022: Dr Phil McElnay and Prizes



This online teaching session is open to medical professionals to empower them to deliver healthcare training at scale. During the session, participants have the opportunity to access live video feeds, break out rooms, poster sessions, and feedback forms. Speakers present the issues with the need of healthcare professionals growing from 18 million to 80 million before 2030 and how the open access technology of this session can be used to make progress. Prizes will be awarded for work across various categories and certificates will be awarded for all participants for completion of feedback forms. Join to be a part of this collective effort to solve big global healthcare problems.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the magnitude of the global shortage in healthcare professionals and the need to train more individuals.
  2. Identify the technological tools available for delivering healthcare training.
  3. List the steps for setting up and running healthcare training sessions with remote access.
  4. Recognize the prizes and certificates that can be awarded for participating in the session.
  5. Appreciate and be aware of the various organizations responsible for healthcare training and their contributions.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

way way Teo host you today. This has been a monumental feet. It's brought together almost 100 people speaking today as an oral presenter or a workshop host or a keynote speaker. It's brought together hundreds off posters and people presenting their work, and that really goes to say a lot about what we've done for which is that we believe that healthcare training should be for everyone on. And I'm really grateful for so many people have helped us today. We are on a mission to solve some big problems. We need to treat 18 million more people it by 2030 to be health care professionals. That's what the World Health Organization described as a requirement. But it takes 15 years and 700 thighs and dollars to treat these people on. We have severe institutional shortages. It means that we face a crisis on where the need is that its greatest. The resources are at their least. There are 11 countries in the continent of Africa that when you have a single medical school, that's why we're doing what we're doing. We want to enable amazing healthcare organizations to deliver healthcare training at skill. This is not just by us today. It's not just about one conference. It's not just a bite. One event. Rather, we would hope to help soon anymore. Organizations continue to make their healthcare training more accessible for people around the world on to do that at scale on. To do that, we have to share. That's why we've made our technology accessible. That's why we've tried to make it as easy as possible for healthcare organizations to deliver something at this skill. Where registration live video feeds, break out rooms, poster sessions, feedback forms, certificates on demand content is all completely automated. Why? Because we believe that healthcare professionals should focus on being amusing healthcare professionals on doing amazing teaching or not spending all their time on admin or on setting up sessions on events like this. If we can help you do that, I'm just enable you to do, um, using teaching in training. We have achieved our goal on in the past year. You've helped us do that. 1200 organizations have used these tools to deliver over 4.5 5 and teaching sessions we've seen about a third of you came medical students by the fifth of post graduate doctors in the UK there in using this sort of technology collectively, we've see if something like 45 5000 tons off see You two emissions by reducing travel, we've reduced emissions. But even more excitingly with Reas, the bar for colleagues in 167 different countries have joined sessions like this open access on have learned via metal. That's why we're doing what we're doing today. We are making our technology open access for those people who are also running free and open access events. Metal door slash early access allow you to get access for your organization. We're happy to show you how I all of this kit works and on dispense some time and actually help you in setting all of that up. We need to treat 80 million more healthcare professionals by 2030 on. It's only by working together that we can make this happen. This is someone who's not a magic. Ah, it's ah, it's someone who's been a supporter of us since day one. That's, Ah, wonderful person called Sarah Fryer, and this is what she's had to say about what we've been doing and this is not a buying our own drum, but rather it's It's really Harvard whom to me, two words enabled under in part on if we can do those things. If we can enable and impart the healthcare community collectively, together we can achieve sue much more. Sarah is the CEO off next door, which is one of the biggest networks and the US usual the board of slacking on the board of Walmart. She was the CFO at Square alongside Jack Dorsey. She said the metal platform has enabled under impart the medical community to deliver medical education on a scale never before imaginable. On If we can achieve two things. If we can enable on, If we can impart you as the medical community to do this incredible work, then we have achieved our goal. It has been our absolute owner to host you today. If you want to get involved. Metal dot org's slash use metal door slash Barely access. If you want to find events just to join metal dot org's last events, and if you wanna watch on demand metal that or slash on demand, this is a collective effort. It's about working together. It's about saying that together we can achieve so much more on. That is why we do what we do today. That's why we make this open access. That's why we invite colleagues from around the world. It's why we support an incredible cause like the World Health Organization. Find a shin on the International Red Cross. Please consider giving to those amusing organizations. Please consider doing eating on supporting their work on. If you take one thing away from today, I hope that the message from Emmanuelli that together we can solve some big global health problems. That's one message that just kind of really resonated with me. By working together, we can solve some off the big global health problems That just leaves one or two very important, high skipping things. Todo it means we have to talk about prizes means we have to talk about certificates. Andre. Feedback of those things are so important. I want to walk three our prize winners for today, and I've got a list here from our A World presentation sessions on from our poster presentation sessions on Do These have, um, have been scrutinized and multiple, marked on dull sorts of, um, deviates have happened since to pick some of these prize winners, and I'm just going to walk through these sessions. First of all, we know that there were debates because people told us sometimes up to 20 minutes or half an hour, where people were discussing the amazing work that you have done. Uh, that's incredible. I love the fact that you have done amazing work for this conference, but we have got a single prize winner in each category, and I will let you know who that is. So in anesthesia, the prize winner for that category was the pilot retrospective study investigated the requirement of high dependency level care following bariatric surgery patients with obstructive sleep apnea. And it was a young choice, an emergency medicine, the retrospective audit off assessment of syncope and driving advice in the emergency department. In general practice, it was utility off English and Hindi animated video to increase antibiotic education in a Saiful primary care setting, and that was a new shot, probably in medicine. It was the effect of morning and evening exercise on sleep quality, and that was Christian girl in medical education. It was the reflection on the concerns newly graduated medical students have a bite, their transition toe work high. Can we improve things? And that was Gianvi shot in obstetrics and gynecology. It was bowel endometriosis on audit of data collection compliance following surgical intervention. And that was I in Muti in pediatrics. It was a meta analysis off donor recipient sex profile in pediatric living donor liver transplantation on That was then you won't in psychiatry. It was the attitudes off psychiatric hospital personnel toward patients. Sexual health on that was Katarina really patty in public health? It was explanatory model of impact understanding Mother's perceptions off early life stress on childhood adversity in the urban slums off DACA. And that was tasnim on war in surgery. It was the development of validation off the global elective surgery preparedness that just index toe strengthen surgical systems on international assessment off 1627 hospitals in 119 countries presented by GM, clears way he is actually joining us from ah far flung part of the world Today, as part of someone who is working remotely courtesy of Airbnb. He's work abroad remote competition for a year, so it's amazing that we've just got someone joining us. Um, working on this is a pneumatic surgeon of unprotected. They work just amazing to see that James National and winding participation. It was the national surgical undergraduate peer to peer teaching course analysis on insight from feedback. And that was GM sign. It has been a really honor to see the amusing interaction that you have had today in our oral presentation rooms. We've loved the questions. We've loved your presentations. We love the friendliness on the kindness with which you have asked questions on given answers on its one beautiful part off the IV M C conference that we really cherish. That we are one community that we are kind on, that we really value each other toe. Well done. Um, using presentations on, um, incredible work onto posters and we have to poster prices. We have a price for the most engaged with poster on that goes to removal off syndesmotic screw after fixation in ankle fractures, a systematic review, and it goes to um or Dizzy K on his colleagues on. We also have a prize for the best booster which goes to doctor on your Rafferty on improving parental understanding of childhood and childhood illness using social media and were blown away by the 176 thighs and adults in their trust area that they were able to reach with their innovation. Huge Congratulations to everyone we know There's so much work was into all of your boosters and the fact that you're presenting on a global stage today should be something that you are really pride off. We will be sending I feedback forms on certificates to everyone who's attended today. If you attended the event, you will get a feedback form automatically in your emails, which will ask you for your feet back. And we'd be really grateful if you could give us feedback, constructive things that we can continue to improve and tell us the things you like. Tell us the speakers you like. Tell us the sessions you like. What innovations did you like about the event on on? We will continue to work on those things. There will also be a question and they rub like whether you would like to hear about our next conference on. We're really excited to be able to share some of that information with you as the first priority of people have been here before. So if you want to hear about our next conference, just pop your renal into that question box. We will let you know by abstract submission on the next opportunity to present your work on here from incredible speakers. It wouldn't be I VM see if, by the way, when you complete that feedback from your automatically be granted a certificate when you're meddling kind on your poster presenters and we'll presenters, you'll also receive, uh, certificate on your mental look in approximately one week's time. IBM see wouldn't be I vmc with Fight on incredible grip off people on. It wouldn't be us if we didn't recognize those incredible people on. It's really important that we talk about these people. Find him on when you hear the list of names. I hope you understand the amount of work on effort that these people put in over a significant period of time to bring event on event like this together with incredible speakers on incredible workshops, and I want to read it every single last one of them because they are incredibly important on. We're really grateful for all of their help. That's a night, Alex Heartland. Alex Lee Amanda. Good Oy, Amelia Everson. A mere fact. Barry. Anya Nyack Under you, Angelina Me cash aqua See if a shaker don t bird you talk it Sing Katrina Cutajar Cristina Carline a corner Hennessey Cyrus Chand Dashi pill I Dengue do Dexia Doctor e Djamila route Joy Set federal least allow Aires Nil Maktoum Faisal all sugary frank um hum glasses back Barry Grease Queenie Holly Yeah, even agony in gyms Ball for gyms Wedge GM Sang Gene Ton Jeevan Francis John Zoo Laura Olive Garden Lisa Chung Lorenzo Sublight Meyer Al Hari Marie Edison Marta Garcia Martin Tom Matt Riley Mariel Makhdoom Mohammed Ali Moving gamut Moon ER at book There Nadine Solomon Not naturally occurring Nicholas Phillips Only Burton Perfect part Oh, parvati In their patients Much ari km caba ritual Mackenzie Rising Robin Basaglar on Rebecca Chow Robert Pasani Roshni Montage like You're Oy Root Castellano Ruxandra Jenga Shahir Joya Shoe Christian Era Shawn Lee Cindy Father Drum said Pets Worry said Raj Shrink J she Papa Shred Nansen Sue Gibson Sweet. Yep. Side Makbul Tar Ahmed Thomas Thorn Too thick drizzy see yang on vintage Kumar. They're incredible people who over the last year have bean working tirelessly not just to bring this event together, but our little, many events as well. And we're really grateful for their passion in their enthusiasm for democratizing education. Thank you so much to each of you. And I hope you have a really wonderful evening. It's being are really honor to host you on a real pleasure to do everything that you've seen in front of you today. If you wanted to head to the Sessions tab on the left hand side, off your screen, you'll be able Tohru it working sessions where you chondroit a pin you can say hello to people. I actually talked to some of your colleagues just to close the day for 10 or 15 minutes. If I don't see you in one of those rooms, I hope you have a really wonderful evening. You don't have to travel so you don't have to have a safe journey home. I hope you just have a wonderful evening and it's been a really honor. Teo host you today. Thank you. And have a really lovely evening