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IVMC Spring Conference 2022: Dr David O'Regan hands-on learning in 'Surgical Skills for beginners'



This on-demand teaching session will cover the fundamentals of correctly tying a shoelace knot that stays in place. This interactive session, hosted by cardiac surgeon and professor David Regan, will include a demonstration, practice with a shoelace, and explanation of the different angles and movements involved in tying the knot. Medical professionals will leave the session with the knowledge and skills to create square flat knots with their right and left hand.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the difference between a flat square knot and a granny knot
  2. Demonstrate the ability to tie a flat square knot with either the right or left hand
  3. Recognize when a knot is correctly tied correctly
  4. Identify steps to construct practice stations for knot tying
  5. Describe techniques for ensuring a knot remains tight throughout wear.
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way, way, but, uh, on that's us. Live now. Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good day. Good evening. Where you are in the world on Thank you very much indeed for joining this basic skills session. My name is David Regan. I'm a cardiac surgeon in Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom on the current director or the faculty of surgical trainers for a role. Colleges, surgeons and an Enbrel. I know. Members do, Professor as Imperial College London. I'm standing in my studio at home or the black Doubt Academy of Surgical Skills. You'll find a website be be a double s Don't walk, Find on Instagram. I'm on Facebook. I am life every evening with 3185 farmers across 48 countries across the ground. What I'm trying to do is make the acquisition of surgical skills phone on. I want today to introduce you to a funded mental surgical skill. And that is not time on the plenty of videos. How often our new to show you how to tie knots where I am trying to do is break this down on offer you a way to practice at home. This is an interactive session on I hope that you go lots of stream with you because we're going to be practicing on. I would like through the check room, Do ask questions, asked me to stop on. Repeat, if necessary, on or so cruciate feedback at the end. So let us get started. What? No to hear Do on a regular basis that you probably haven't thought about give you a moment to think about it. Um, any ideas? Not that you regularly tie but haven't paid attention to Are your shoe laces on? Have you ended? Ever wondered why your shoe laces come undone? Well, you will find out now. Um I right here is the sugar is tied correctly and that that the roofs off the time Go cross. That's you on my left. I've tried my shoe please. But this time the resulting lose. Okay? Don't miss you. Which sugars will come undone as we walk? Well today explain to you and why And this is a fundamental off normal time. The left you will come and done. Let me explain that to you. I'll take you over to but never can on offer you an explanation. What you see, here is a representation off those notes. First of all, we have what we commonly call and refer to as a week. Not this is right or the left and left over right? And if I put my fingers in the hole, you'll see as I pull this. The knot itself is so tighten. I cannot open that. Not, uh, they're not is across. And this is a kid. Your shoe lays across your shoe and you'll see as you walk during the day that is not going to come on down. And you're also note that these refills or I'm across knots or square knots to use the clinical turns. Sit flat on the table and heads. They're called Flat uncrossed square or reason. It's as opposed to in this circumstance. I didn't go right over left leftover right. We went right over left and right of the left again, and you'll see in the circumstance that not does not sit flat on the table. Cool, um, routes, as in the case of my shoes up and down the chute. And if I put my finger in this and I'm walking around all day issue is going up and down, up and down. Each time I flex and extend my foot, you can see at the end of the day my sugars will come on down. And that is why there's a right way to tell your shoelace. Isn't square flattener on a wrong way to tell your shoes, which is a crossed, not what otherwise referred to as a granny? So how do you really tie? Not regularly on appropriately all the time and this is what we're going to practice today. It's supposed to say it is difficult and it does require practice. You will not get it right. First time on the hope you're now get a look at your shoes slightly differently. So basically the first movement is to understand is we got to tie square flat knots on. In order to do that, our hands are going to be moving like this all the time. We never got across them. They get to be moving on. What's going to happen? We're going to alternate the holding all the searcher between do anything with some and then the middle finger and some on during the process we go to do but weaving simply supinating and what I'm going to talk through with you is a simple seven line verse that will enable you to Tylenol with both your right hand and your left hand on. I do recommend that you learn to tie your notes with right hand I'm doing this time. But the best thing to start off? Yes, about a string. But for this purpose, I'm going to use a little blue place. I'm to neighbor here to understand what we're going to do. I have taken one length off this booth place included black and lift your other white because this is going to demonstrate to you they principal off having flat notes now among people. Send out not time stations and things you don't need. I'm not time station a simple block of wood or a book with an elastic pound. And then just push a couple of pencils under the elastic better and you have your own bespoke. Not time station. He's a rock, A word, a break. Oh, a book. So I engaged now take you through this on take you through a different angles. The same principles, right and left hand Look from head festival. Do interrupt and ask questions. So we're going to stop with an orientation towards yourself. Okay? I'm just going to change the camera around such that I'm at the bottom of the page. Okay. In the bottom of your screen here, I'm going to stop with short and black on a long and what, and they're going to start by holding. And then what's nice about using a shoe lace is that it's got this little plastic on the end. Probably the person in page into this made a fortune. And this was back in the 18 hundreds. Why? They're looking at your Sinuses. A simple little widget. They're made a fortune. So home in between your finger and thumb on with my fingers extended I gave you term behind over Super neat and hold. You can see the short out. I'm holding it out with my extended fingers. I'm now getting across the long one who that We're gonna have different angles. No one is to make as you can see that and, um Virgin figure of four. I relax that, and the idea now is I'm going to take my middle finger. I'm I'm going to flick the short end through that four with the back of my middle finger. Like, sir, I've got a current away easy between my little thing in my ring finger. Nothing during that. I'm bringing my thumb to oppose my ring finger. I'm taking that down. There's my index finger extended to bend down. Now I'm going to come back. You know the way This time my shortened is help between my middle finger and thumb index finger is extended. I sweep it out. I was bringing it back in, you see? But perforating like that. I'm now holding the short out and extended out the other way. I crossed the long over the short I relax it on. The idea now is that bringing the short through that fall with the back of my index finger, bringing the way between right and extend it ring wants the pine, my son to the end and bring it towards me. And they're Do you see that? Black? Not. And I repeat the process. Hold the short with first finger and thumb the fingers extended. Turn er over. Hold the short out. Cross the long over the short to make that inverted for hook. The short through that four with the back of the middle finger carried away very briefly between my middle and rig compete beholding between my thumb and middle finger. And I can bet you knock down with my extended index from you. I could always around the short hole game with the middle finger and thumb with extended first finger sweeping out back in, creating the figure for and I'm flicking short in food or four on back towards me on what I've done that, as you can see, is made a reasonable I'm going to do this for right hand and left hand and take you to an angle Where home you can see my things on. I'll put the instructions up on the side. So this comes down to different angle. Um okay. Oh, I am now going to do it with my right hand. Okay? Said I'm going to hold the short hand. It's gonna take you back a little bit. I'm going to hold the short hand, get your little screen holding the short end. Oh, uh huh. Towards May, with my first finger and thumb, my fingers are extended. I'm turning my arm over Supinating and therefore holding that shorted out. You could see that Short of being held out, I'm crossing the long over the short. I hope you can see that I've got in a inverted figure. Four. I'm relaxing this. I'm taking my middle finger there. Talk the short through before the back of my little finger, carrying it away easy with my middle finger and thumb and you see my thumb now posed to my little finger. I'm not using my index finger to bed, not down. The short end is now away from me. I'm going to sweep my extended finger around out back in a hold the short end out like that across the long over the short to make the virgin figure of four again. Relax it and again, do principle is gonna hook the short end which is held between my thumb and little finger back to the four. And I'm bringing my head back towards me. I never ready to do it again. They get hold a short of the fifth finger and thumb the extent of fingers turn there are over. Hold the short out across the long of the short to make the inverted figure four hope the short end through the fall, with the back of the middle finger carried away easy between the middle finger and ready finger, complete by holding the short with the middle and thumb on. Better not down with the extended index finger still holding the short with a little finger and thumb. The extended thing. First thing we sweep out back and hold the short out across the long of the short. Maybe invented for hook that short end the short end here through the fall, with the back of the first figure delivered between my first little finger. Bring it towards be ending, holding with my index finger and thumb, and I can bend it or not down. And I hope that you can see I am doing a square flat. Not every time now, I said, it's important that you learned to do this with both your right and left hands. Let's take you to the opposite direction. Same instruction, basically same instruction. No difference. I am now going to tie with my left hand, is it? Remember now you're taking the short life holding it between the first finger and the thumb. My fingers on my left hand or extended on turning my hand over supinated holding the short out The short end is See that across the long end over the short to make that inverted for your for I know hooked the short end through the fall with the back off my middle finger carried away easy between my middle finger in the ring Completing by putting my son my middle finger and taking my index for get down, push down Remember now you're holding the short with the middle finger and thumb with the extended index finger I'm sweeping this round out and then to hold the short end out extended I'm crossing the long one over the short end And then I've got a hoc that short end through that whole the back in the first thing yet bring it towards May and I've ended out holding it Retreat my thumb and index finger and you can see But simply really my hand back and forth I I'm creating a flat Not each time. Yeah, A flat rate is not each time just dooming on that and I hope you see that's a flat. Is not that's important that you practice this on a regular basis. If you got any questions, please put them in the chat. Our host is on chair for the session is gave you ask questions on. I'm happy to take questions all the time. So simple Birth string two ends one short, one long on. We waste our with a short between the first finger and thumb. Now, let's try that with a bit of string. Go back to my right hand. Okay? Remember, hold a short with the first finger and thumb, my fingers extended. I'm telling my arm over holding that short out, I'm crossing the look long over the short to make inundated figure of four on, then using my middle finger to flick the short through the short end through. Therefore, I'm taking it away from me initially between my Reagan middle finger and as I'm doing that, I'm putting my index finger down. I'm now taking the short which is held between the middle finger and thumb with my extended first finger. I'm sweeping it out back in, so I'm holding the short end out. I'm crossing the long of the short to make an inverted figure for and using the back off my in days thing, you know, flicking the short it through before and bring it back towards me. I've ended up holding the short end between my index finger and thumb. I'm betting they're not down on this occasion with my middle finger. It was kind of fun. Were telling us is how short you get. It's been like limbo dancing. All right, look how short My short of this I wouldn't recommend you do this for your practice fast. That's kind of fun to see how far you can get And I can go down to a short end that just about goes around. That's the conference off my finger and really in your practicing I would like to see every surface you have with a chair sitting, watching, telling you, right hand left hand. Every surface you've got festooned with knots come back the other way. Now this is the left hand. The same rhythm is applies. All right. And were you tired with the left hand holding the short end between the first and the thumb, my fingers are extended. I'm telling my hand over holding the short out, crossing the long of the short to make an inverted for, as you can see, that full I'm using my middle failure the back of it to hope that short and through before carry through. And that is brief transition that horning between my thumb and index finger. And I'm taking it away from me and using my index finger, my index string is extended. I am bringing it. Oh, back here and holding that short end out into figure for, um, crossing long of the short to make the invented for they got a hook. Hope the short end Sure carried away between fest in the middle, ending a holding it. We created index and thumb and taking it down. I better not Down with my finger. Yeah, I see some questions. A period. Could somebody read them out for me? I carry them out now. Somebody is actually asked about the double through. Now you've Niki will be on to the next principle. The next principle is very simply this. We need to very lock down. So once you understand, how does she put the north down on? Bet it down where you think it as you train them, betting it down. We need to actually pay the not down first of all. And the way to do that is the first road you throw the same direction on. What you end up with is too hard futures as, of course, here to half inches and you can see the two half hitches slipped down and many off the laproscopic knots. Start with two half inches today, will you to slip down once it's down there for you, then continue note on this is the best thing to do when time not to secure it, first of all, but there is a technique for this on to practice. The bedding down is important because the biggest problem with tiredness is pulling the north off. So I am Uh huh. Using a coat on on the table on the idea behind using the curved angle on the table is to be on time. The boats such that you do not pull the curtain her off and also by tag on a rigid surface. I need to make sure it doesn't move. So you're quite right. He throws the north and you throw it the same way to get two half hitches. And now you can see I can tighten that down. But manages my finger is just over there. Not so. I'm not pulling the clothes hanging off the table. I'm holding it down. And as I'm holding it down, the fact that my fingers slightly off the knot and below means that I'm not pulling the not off, but across the not. And you see, I can't lift. They could have her off the table. That is now secure as a slip note. You can see I cannot move it. Okay, once that is down, then came continue. We're not trying. Yeah, the way to secure it. So how many throws you put on? And that really depends on whether you're talking about a stream like material Morty filament like a bit of strain or a bit of fishing line a monofilament, which is basically but not no no. Plastic has drawn out into a long, thin string. Essentially, this has got memory and you capricious it slippy. And therefore you need to throw another two throws more when using a fishing line like material as opposed to strength. Remember, we're practicing are no time with both hands. So let's try the left hand. We start always with the short end tell between the index finger and thumb I got it with figures extended Turn my phone out to hold the short out across the long over the short to make it an emergent four hooked a short through that for with the back of the middle finger Turn it away easy between the middle of thing and somebody manning up there between the sun A little finger I'm using my index finger down. I'm going to do the same thing again to bed. It's not now Two half hitches. I'm using my index finger to hold the Not on. I'm ensuring that I'm not lifting the crew Tangle off the table. Okay, now I continue. I'm holding the short with a middle finger thumb extended first finger I'm sweeping out again. Hold the short out across the long of the short and hope the short and through that for the back are my first thing that you probably realized I wasn't taught because I'm not trying. But once you get going, I will find that the rhythm comes Automatic. Important principle is you understand that your hands are moving to from the south, so that is the first off the bedding down north. A second off the bedding down notes really applies to tying and drains, and I've got a bit of first pipe here, and I want to demonstrate what this means. So this in this situation, you straining a throat. Then you throw a second throat to fall. What's called a surgeon's not for the add, Um, we're not. And put it down. You're note that you probably drain this when the instrument time to throws one, followed by another said Not a half hitch, but to throws. And the reason we do that is insure I'm not bins down. Probably what we're going to do is through one through the second one and now the double North. I can bet it down this again useful. Have it on a table and remind yourself, you pulling across the lot so you're not lifting the hose pipe off the table, and this is shows that you're always betting they're not down. You see that double throat is biting into that, but of her spine. Now I can complete my lord usual way and bring it down. And this is a fabulous not two years for drains because the last thing you want is a drained we lost. You can see that it is literally Britain into the plastic of that drain on my chart moving what so ever? And that's how we very north. So that's going back and just just practice again and be certain that you're happy on. I'm not going to use my nighttime station now. I made you use a Kotex on the top, and I'm going to use a caretaker because it reminds me to make sure that I'm not pulling my lots off double negative, the ones for the cave calls. So remember holding the short the first room, the extent figures are training over to hold the shorter That's very could see better holding the short with first finger and thumb, my fingers extended. Okay, tell him on over toe. Hold the short out across the long over the short to make inverted for just relaxing a bit. And I'm using my middle finger to hope that short through the full, the back of my metals again, I'm carrying it away between that little in Rick and complete beholding the short with my middle finger and thumb And I'm very this down my index finger I'm not holding the short and the middle finger and thumb with my extended first thing up, sweeping it out back in and holding that short and out on crossing The longer the short to make the inverted for I hope the short through the fall back of my first finger bring in a way I'm using now my middle finger to bury that marked down Yes, dude, you're on the other side. So fullness buried down to half features sore syndrome. Turn the arm over. Holding the short out. Miller is freaking through. I'm going to do that again because I want you That it goes makes up there. Okay. Said there are plenty of years out there. And what do you interrupt it with? Um, it's actually interesting. Yeah, completely interrupts the flow. And I was trying this in the black guys can be workshop the other day and found no even my colleagues. We're doing it automatically, but couldn't actually translated. Let's try that again. And I said we're gonna use lots of string on this True throat is the same way. Give you different angles. Turning behind river breaking through, holding it there, turning my hand over and bring it back. Yeah, again. Oh, from there's other, I figure full through in the way of life problem towards me. No, my hands are doing this time. So once you understand the principles off a flag, not then you could continue your practice with all sorts of street. Here I have some cotton and the same thing applies. But I would recommend you use this until you can, reliably for down a flat, not every time. But the cotton is actually quite a good thing to practice with a swell that will come out of it again to my coaching. Because with a company, if you pull too hard, it will actually break like stuff on. That's not to December. Just find suitors in surgery. So the idea behind practicing notes once you understand the flood is the better, not down. You need very little in the way of pressure. It's technique. I know putting hard. But I'm just using the way to my forearms. The whole is not down. And each time I'm making sure, huh? When I'm putting them not down, that I'm not lifting the coat hang up off the table. They were not secure. So how did you take this to the next level or not? Well, the most thing is we gotta learn too tired death. But for this, the model of years, it's very simply taking a paper testing capital of paper cup such as this. And I put a pencil through the cup with a little bit of blue tack on the bottom girl and put on a paper on a plate. And the idea now is that you need to tie. You're not around a pencil put through the cup, but hide such that you do not pull the cup off the clinic on that again reinforces making sure your bed and not done property. So in this second stance, I've put it at one Sonics deep, but you contribute yourself to fund institutes. Oh, that's still full finger death, so let's see how that works again. Tying too rigid surface is useful because you know the ensure that your bed in your notes down properly, taking this round to throws the same way what to and I got my finger on the note and just holding it down is the weight of my finger on the not effectively being on the north. I'm not lifting this off from back the other way in my throat. How many first did put in with cotton or Marty Filament? I put five throws in. So listen to this. Also, you hear the cotton rubbing on itself, and if you look carefully, that would be frame. So when you throw your nose, do not lower it to rub, hear the difference. That's wrong. It should be no noise once it tied or not. You contest. It's secure. But saying by giving a lot can you move it along your pencil? Our come inside. I'm moving the whole thing. My nurse is secure. Destroyed. Further death, Right? Thank you. Oh, to first the same direction. Stick my finger down. I'm holding my finger on the pencil effectively across the north. But I'm not lifting the cup with a pencil. Now can complete ties, ensuring that I'm not rubbing the two ends together. No check. See if I can actually move. Actually, James, moving the pencil. Not it's a secure of course. Order notes. Maybe watertight. Well, should I say blood time? So what? You eventually monster and understood that your fingers on the boat the next Morvan stage. Yes, to see if you can tie balloons just to make sure. If you see I don't cheat it partially inflated balloon. Now get a tie. The nickels. This is actually a fun one, because moving around and I pulled too tight there on the breath or not. Who's a cotton using cotton? Deliberately making sure, pausing at the bottom. No, just tight. Okay, this is life. Of course, that's even. It was tight. It's a simple way of practicing your suitor. I think there is a balloon are tied two months ago, and it's still been treated so you can practice. You're not very low fidelity. Things sometimes use temple flus is another good, no piece of material. The time you notice it was kind of handy. It comes in a real, um, hum. My knee sutra materials come in real. It's for legation to throws the same way. No, I'm holding the tension across the lot. Uh, very easy and simple. The first thing there is to remember that we need to understand the principal off a square flat. Not you can see that does not come on down, whereas across not, does come on down. Um, I hope you appreciate the difference. It's important that you understand that your hands move appropriately to achieve the square not as opposed to a crossed granny north, but you can see comes on down every surface. Every time you sit down, right hand and left hand, please practice yourself short between the finger and some towards you, your thing is extended. Turn the honor, the whole the short out across the longer of the short to make an undated four who controls through the four the back in the middle finger carried away easy between the middle and ring complete by holding the short was middle and thumb Um, bed the mark down the extended index finger You're holding the short with the middle finger thumb the extended first from did your sleeping and out back in and holding that short end out again, costing the longer the short to make invade Figure four. Relax that and hope the short in through the four with the back of the first finger carried away between the first in the middle and you had, uh, holding it between your index finger and thumb like a bed and not down my metals again. And I should see a lovely braided series of knots The end Do it with both hands. So let's get another piece of string, okay? And do it again. Left hardly the short of the first thing of thumb thing is extended. Turn the arm over. So you're holding the short out across the long of the short to make it a feet. Perfect figure of four who could short through the fall with the back little finger carried away from the little finger ring You finished by holding it? Thumb ring Betting they're not down with the extended finger holding between the middle and thumb extended ring finger. I'm sweeping it out again, holding the short out, crossing along with the short to make the inverted for who can a short through the four back in a month Fasting. I'm really towards yourself and you've ended up holding with the Southern in next finger and I continue charism. You can made my hands no crossing. I sincerely hope that makes sense. The models that I'm offering you how easily done at her on the elastic band. Any surface is important and the principles of not tired very straight forward. Firstly, you need to understand the square, not certainly what you understand that and your hands are moving like this. You got to understand the principle of bedding the knocked down, and that's where putting a crude hanger on a table and then sure, you don't lift the curtains off. Once you understand that, then you in a position to try. You're not trying on anything and everything. I would start with some cotton and realized that or it requires is the weight of your forearm and ensuring you holding the tension across the Not when I say finger or they're not my fingers actually on the not. But I'm holding the tension across the cough by doing, sir, as I've put in a washing valves, you've got a Siris of 21 to 23 mattress searches around the valve on as we tied down death, and sometimes it is that, like tying in depth at the bottom off, a solid, calcified bit of the water. It's important that the technique is correct. I do not teach speed, as in karate. It is all technique what you got the technique right? The rest will far. The important thing is is that some people stand there and they throw knots down on. I remember one consultants that sister, could you put some water on the streams and play that he was going so fast? The strings we're heating up now on. I've also seen people for in Knots Down and friend 78 nights. A swell Well, if you go 21 suitors on any water cannulas tie down and you were trying seven or eight knots each time on a great it's suture, that is a waste of time. It's just a waste of time because it's three extra throws 21 times. Allow those little bits add up. So it's a condominium off time and movement. We do not want you to be fanatically time. We want you to understand that's a gentle movement and that you're betting they're not down with your fingers each time you throw. Of course, we said you want safe months. We don't want cannot to come on, especially if it is the middle rectal Afrin, the bottom of the pelvis, and, uh like that, and the patient will be down. So not time is absolutely essential on the hope. The next time you put your shoes on and you look down, you think to yourself has had hide a square normal. And that's where your journey off. Not tight. We'll begin. Yeah, right. That's what I do and dismounted. Poor stream. Simple models. I sincerely hope this is made sense and ask Do you have any questions, priest? Moving across the midline. But your grip of the string was changing. Is that another method we could use to ensure that that probably is Because the angles that I'm not I am not changing. I sincerely hope I'm not changing my position. Tying a death is awkward to be ups. Just come over and just demonstrate that time your death essentially to pass a suture down the steps. Yes, on People often passed the future using possibly Yeah, What I recommend is actually we use a short of see well, a he like this and you both string the end between the curve of the instrument and I'm holding on now. Can pass that down underneath and use the forceps to pick up the end. Bring it up the time of the most is exactly the same. But I'm actually making short. I'm giving my finger away to the bottom, trying not to crush the cup. This not trying to death is war one, because I'm trying to get my head into a small space deaf on the subject is that moving back and forth as I've shared a few months. You can't see it. Well, um, changing the direction. Honest morning scale. That is that death I grabbed the not repair forceps. You can see my note is secure. Understood? Thank you very, very much. You can appreciate doing this with the cotton, that death. If I'm actually pulling too tight, I'll break the suture. So in context, seven sometime notes with seven. Probably. That is very fine that this this thing is your head. You can't force your knots on that. And that's where the field and lightness of touch comes in. And you need to be able to feel the stream with your fingers. There's no force. It all but to get tiring, not safely with seven of protein, you need to understand the principles. Just using a border string on. I understand This is a mind of medical students and for a lawsuit. Surgeons, as far exhortations out there, get um, or String Start Now. I have got a number of videos on YouTube on the Black Belt Academy explaining No time. I've demonstrated with the different models that you can use to add layers of complexity to this as well. What I'm really trying to do and I hope to have with you shortly is a song to help you remember how to tie the lights down on day. Working with a professional musician that's present. Manage so you can get a rhythm in there as well. Do you follow me? Life of the black part of cabin, Your surgical skills? Where's the evening at eight o'clock in the evening? Okay, time we are on instagram wear beater testing, and I put the present moment in a swell and hope to bring all these principles to you. I don't know my phone for a shortly thank you very, very much, Mr Reagan for your time, and I think everyone enjoyed it loses positive comments coming through any other questions. If anyone has any questions, feel free, reported under chat. Oh, no questions so far I better get a market your shoelaces differently now, aren't you? Definitely. Well, on day, next time of shoe laces come on down her flu state itself. Um, maybe I should take them properly in the first place. I think they're just one more question. Every day we just come through. Someone joined a bit. Latest was asking whether you could go to the balloon one again. Yeah, with luminous. The balloon is very simple. It's just I've got inflated believe Okay, half inflated balloon. So there's a neck on it, and one that neck I am actually going to throw. Not on. It's kind of awkward that below one, because it's mobile, as you can see in love. What we stitching at the president Time, March, etcetera Sometimes that things are moving around, so it's kind of a challenge, this one, because you need to get tired or not safely and secure. I'm better down, but the guy, the principal, is the same that I'm assuring that my first two throws the same direction, betting my tongue down my finger is slightly beyond the not time or not across it. Phone. If I got it any other way, I'm lifting it off the table. I'm only putting forth rays on this one, but there you go. Secure not. I used to actually use surgical gloves, but I think there are a lot more expensive then this similar morning. Uh huh, I heard that makes sense to yourself. I think someone else asked if I'd a link to the videos or once kindly put the YouTube channel. I think it's also good to follow A Black Belt Surgical Academy on Instagram is, well, I for those air interested in stitching. I've got the full syllabus from Read about to black mouth. Remember, you don't become It's a black belt liver night. That black belt is a white patches put in practice. The practice does not make perfect. Perfect tractors makes perfect. But what I hope I've done with water basic surgical skills is deconstructive the principles, trying to explain them two year in a way that you can build on your complexity and skills. Look at the website for us. A new trip on Instagram. I joined me life on Wednesday evening. We've just started the cycle again on stitching, remember or lawful. What we do in Savary is actually starting out on. And I have a great deal of difficulty with all the skills stations where they have people sitting down a zit eating at a restaurant, the table that gets up and down on her that neighbors you to get functional. Naturally. Off the upper limit is your ironing board. You can tell your writing board it home and your own operations skills station and then learn to practice your surgical skills in the proper position. I think you know, your Instagram and website are all up. Thank you for posting. There's links. Any other questions? Trial? Nothing else. Thank you very, very much. My pleasure. I wish you well. Keep practicing, remember? But a string in your pocket you got no excuse not to be practicing with my time or the time. Yes, In the beginning it is awkward and I found it over to. But I mean in the business of seven now for over 35 years. And that's why it becomes what kind of automatic was the challenge for me is it's deconstructing now, making it sensible for you. And I hope we've done that. And I made excuse for repetition. Thank you. So so much. I think everyone's really enjoyed your workshop. Thank you for your time, Mr Remember indeed. Have a good day and dry the rest of the day. Be safe at her four to seen. You said, take care. Thank you for everyone to join. This is well, that marks the end of the workshop. Thank you very, very much. Oh, thank you. Okay. You're free to leave, Mr Reagan, if you want to. Thank you very much. Yeah.