Irene Beirne - Neonatal Nuggets – a novel approach to teaching in a busy neonatal unit
This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals who are looking for new ways to deliver education and training in busy hospital settings. Join to explore an innovative approach to providing brief, snappy, nine minute teaching sessions in a neonatal setting. Learn how the process of the PDSa cycle is used to make rapid changes and improvements, how it can be replicated and adapted to other clinical settings, and the positive impacts it has had on staff morale, knowledge and appreciation of the topics covered.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the Neonatal Nuggets Quality Initiative.
- Identify considerations when implementing a Quality Improvement Cycle.
- List sources of evidence-based teaching resources.
- Describe how to shore skills to support effective presentation.
- Explain the impact of the Neonatal Nuggets initiative on staff morale.
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good afternoon. I'm here to speak to you about the and the and the Nuggets are quality initiative I developed in our unit. It involves nine minute talks, a novel approach to delivering, teaching in a busy in the unit unit. I don't mean these numbers. It's or indeed, these nuggets. I like to think of neonatal, not. It's a small, invaluable pieces of information, so wash our unity nuggets each week. A nurse, a midwife is a nine minute presentation using slides on the topic in which they're interested. It provides a safe and relaxed area for nurses, image wise to come together and just cost topics of interest. Indeed, the scenario for nurses, midwives to practice presenting in front of their peers for this improvement. I use the PDS a cycle, and it's when I like, really, for for any small scale improvement. It also in power stuff, and it creates a cohesive culture of learning and change. It's standardized and methodical, and that's why I like it. It asked the questions. What are we trying to accomplish, how we know that it changes and improvement, and what change can we make that would result in an improvement so why I selected this project as an advanced nurse practitioner. It is within my role to provide education, clinical leadership on expert practice, but also to empower others in the neonatal setting. When I took on this role of advanced practitioners, many staff and the clinical managers came to me seeking out more time for education and training in the new unit unit. Unlike everywhere else, it can be challenging to deliver teaching to the neonatal nurses and middle three students in a busy neonatal unit. Shift work and staffing deficits can make a difficulty secure release performance, studied it, and I'm sure many of us here today. Can we relate to that? So the object of of this quality initiative was too achy. Focus. Teaching for the unity nurses, midwives in a short period of time without impacting really upon clinical duties. I like to think of it up as education for nurses, midwives by nurses, midwives. So I kind of claim this is my own brainchild. This model was influenced by the University of Limerick Hospital Quality Information Committee, The red spot on also nursing nines Red Spot is Thie retrieval Emergency and Disaster Medicine Research Unit. on also the nursing nines, which has developed by the Quality Improvement Commission in the regional General Hospital. So, as I said earlier, although mostly relation to the General field of Nursing and medicine in the original General Hospital, this model was modified by myself on Applied in the neonatal setting. I attended several meetings of the Quality Improvement Commission I involved obviously, all the relevant stakeholders. Indeed, my director, middle free and quantity artist officer were very supportive in progressing this initiative and also the chief clinical information officer. So a plan was devised to introduce brief, snappy nine minute teaching sessions one afternoon a week in our new unit unit and we want it. We call them neonatal Know gets short highly and farmers of nuggets of information. So the do part information was disseminated among the staff on the purpose of this initiative on isolate are volunteers to present short information sessions. I got a very positive response, especially from those who had recently graduated with Master's in Higher Diploma in Italy nursing and in the D those with a particular area of interest or expertise in the field and has advanced Practitioner I laid out on the first presentation each week. I would send out this poster like notification on the topic off the week since coming interposed have also set up a new nickel education. What's that group on? All relevant information goes out on this on this one is one of them. The knee and it look, it's and I just present it And that that more interesting nice poster form and let's people know off the coming topic. So several topics of interests were covered in recent months. And for any given topic, the most important points are covered in nine minutes. Lots now this for mashed encourage of speakers to keep the essential and important facts. There's a picture of our own stuff or your immune issue. And, as you can see their this is obviously pre course. And that's what we look like without masks. So it's quite informal. People sit around, grab a chair on day. It's very short. Nine minutes on, um, support is one of the benefits. Is your sitting there for a short period of time and you're catching all that information nine minutes quick, snappy on. It's probably more effective than maybe an hour sitting around listening to half listening to something. Here is a range of topics delivered since September 2000 and 19. And this is when I set out with this initiative. Many of them are very neonatal relation there what ones that, um, might be of interest to other midwives. Here's the oral immunotherapy, the human microbiome, colostrum and units of blood and blood products. Indeed, I was in Master it to him in 2000 and 19. The Master Neonatal conference on brought back feedback from that. So there is just a list of few that we've done. Now, of course, the whole core wish situation has impeded very much on our nuggets and Bush. Hopefully we have stopped and start several times since, um, I suppose, March 2000 and 20. So the study then. So there's been a 24 benefit from this initiative. Stuff education is provided, and it also allows inexperienced beakers, present and speaking an informant session to their colleagues and stuffy, very empowered by this process. Indeed, it can be a stepping stone for some to gain experience and confidence, speaking in a larger setting and indeed national and international conferences. And there are a number of my old colleagues presenting as stiff or conferences they would have ever really experienced prior to this presenting. But they knows gave them that confidence and start up to a stepping stone to present as the larger setting. So it's ready quality initiative you'd like some feedback is, is working. Is it worthwhile doing so? I set up anonymous questionnaire. I put a little box in our staff room on gas for feedback, and I pulled some of the comments from Dash and it was very positive. As you can see, they're keeps me up today. Shin recent encouraged guidelines of protocol. Informative, interesting, invaluable All of those very beneficial. Please repeat for those nights. So I suppose that was one thing that we could take from that. So to overcome that issue of missing presentations, and it can't be helped if you're a nights or days off. So now I have other presentations saved to a folder on the desktop so that can stuff can access it when it's social. So our act then. So this is being a successful development in teaching within the knee in a department solving many of the problems in delivering teaching education and improving staff morale. And indeed, it has been a big improvement. Staff Morel Megan are maternity hospital are units or our ward is the first to use these new unity nuggets. And we've got a lot of publicity's on the twister on the um hospital group Twitter account. Also the, um hospital group yearly or quarterly polishing. We've got a lot of mentions so stuffy, really good about themselves and definitely has improved staff Marashi that we're being. We're being progressive and of moving forward. So with any quality improvement you need to spread and sustained those improvements. So this has proved a popular an effective addition to education in our unit. It is ensured that relevant teaching is delivered weekly on this form of can easily be a doctor to be used, in other words, to compliment existing teaching and indeed, on the clinical manager in the delivery. Sweet has come to me or the labor work. It delivery and level words come to me recently looking for information on how she would start such an initiative in her department, so I encourage an advisor. The ward's also told doctor trial of this novel approach to teaching and I welcome feedback as to how it has received. It's just a number of reference. So thank you all for your attention on now I will take any questions.