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Join Yonatan Greenstein, the current president of the New Jersey Thorac Society, for an enlightening day of expert presentations and research. This session promises to tackle intricate subjects such as interventional pulmonology, management of intermediate risk PE, sleep disorders and its relation to transportation, and introducing cutting-edge therapy for Asthma. The session will also offer a unique look into sleep matters in the intensive care unit and feature a Jeopardy-style competition among five fellowship programs in New Jersey. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your medical knowledge, engage in original research discussions, and network with national and international medical professionals, all while earning your CM E credits.

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Please note: Only in-person attendees were eligible for CME.

2024 New Jersey Thoracic Society Annual Scientific Meeting


Learning objectives

  1. Understand the latest updates in the field of interventional pulmonology, specifically approaches, techniques and recent advancements.
  2. Learn how to manage intermediate risk PE (Pulmonary Embolism), including potential controversies and differing medical perspectives.
  3. Gain knowledge about sleep disorders, their implications and concerns related to transportation safety.
  4. Become familiar with latest and cutting-edge therapies for asthma, hence improving knowledge of effective patient care.
  5. Comprehend the impact of sleep on patients in the intensive care unit and strategies for managing and improving sleep in these settings.
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Computer generated transcript

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All right, good morning, everybody. Thank you all so much for coming. I know we're gonna have more people streaming in as the, as the morning moves on. Um I'm Yonatan Greenstein. I'm the current president of the New Jersey Thorac Society. Um Up here, there's a QR code that QR code is for me, all which is the website that's hosting our event. Um You uh with this QR code, you'll have access to um the recorded lectures later after the event. Um And then we have some oral presentations for some original research and some abstracts. And through this link, you can go to the poster hall at any time and you can use some of the posters that are up. Um I just wanna give a brief overview of how the day is gonna go. Um We have some really fantastic speakers um uh from all over the country that we're really fortunate. Um We're able to make a trip out. Um So we're gonna hear um updates and interventional pulmonology. Um We're gonna learn from uh a true expert about how to manage intermediate risk pe hopefully we will generate some controversy. Um And then we're gonna hear from other experts about uh sleep disorders and transportation, which will uh potentially make none of us wanna get on the road after the conference is done. We'll see. Um, and then we're gonna learn um some cutting edge therapy for asthma. And then we're gonna have a really fantastic talk on sleep in the intensive care unit, um, mixed in the day. And I think it's uh what time do we have that? At 945 we're all gonna go into the room opposite the wall here. Um For some oral presentations, we have a couple original research and um a few case reports that are gonna be presented by fellows and residents because of CM E restrictions. We could not do that in this room. That's why we have the separation. Um So we'll go over there for that uh for the um international people that are listening live streamed right now. Um We are not gonna be broadcasting that and just so the audience knows we have about 100 and 40 registered um international viewers um from low middle income countries who are really happier able to join us. Um And then we're gonna end our day um with this, our third year doing it, we do a uh a jeopardy style competition that is um respectively borrowed from uh the chess challenge concept, which is a lot of fun. Um And this year we have the most number of uh fellowship programs competing. So we have uh fellows from five programs in New Jersey, uh which is really exciting, so we'll have some fun there. Um This meeting could not have happened without the planning committee's hard work. We actually started planning this meeting um at last year's meeting during our business meeting. And it was, this was my first year sharing it and it was quite surprising how long it took to get everything together and how even at the last minute you're still behind. Um So thank you to everybody here. Um And then just the recognition of the N JT S leadership. Um Deb Kim is the, the vice president. Uh Maya Oppo is the secretary treasurer, Sa Hussein is our immediate past president. And then we have um Jack Soder and Andrew Berman who are the founding members um of this chapter of the N JT S now really important um for those of you um that wanna receive CM E, the CM E requirements are incredibly strict. So you have to make sure that you sign in, in the morning, uh melody outside has the sign in sheet there and then you have to make sure you sign in in the afternoon. Um Then there are speaker evaluation forms and a course evaluation and a post test. And you have to complete those. You have to sign them, you have to date them and please submit them together. Um Otherwise you won't be able to receive CM E um and with that, um I had mentioned all of the uh the members of the planning committee and leadership. Um But now that Melody is here, Melody, can you wave your hand? Nothing would have happened. Nothing at all would have happened uh without Melody's um help and leadership and stewarding uh me through this complicated process that seemed to never end um of CM E requirements. So, thank you so much.