This site is intended for healthcare professionals

Intro Webinar



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and will be discussing topics such as the recent BMA strikes, pay restoration and how to best use the BMA for support. Membership of the BMA is available today with a 10lb Amazon Voucher incentive. The session will give attendees the opportunity to learn more about the importance of the BMA, how they can best use their membership, and other ways to further their learning and development.

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Hello everyone! Congratulations on passing medical school & becoming doctors! This is an exciting time, but, given the current climate, we can appreciate that you may be nervous about being on the front line! Don't you worry!

To help you prepare for your first FY1 job, this is our first session of the series helping prepare you. In this session, we'll provide you top tips on how to prepare, give you an overview & provide a Q&A answering all the things you're worried about!

Throughout the series we'll be focusing on both clinical and non-clinical aspects of working within the NHS.

We can't wait to meet you for our first session on 9th May at 7pm!

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learners will be able to understand the role of the British Medical Association (BMA) in making important decisions for healthcare professionials in the UK.
  2. Learners will be able to identify the importance of joining the BMA and the advantages of membership.
  3. Learners will be able to articulate the current issues surrounding junior doctors' wages in the UK and the various union-led initiatives aimed at addressing these issues.
  4. Learners will be able to identify and explain the benefits of using the BMA library to further their professional development.
  5. Learners will develop an appreciation of the role they play in the collective effort to protect the rights and interests of healthcare professionals in the UK.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Subscribe. Cool. Hello, everyone. Do you mind just messaging in the chat if you can hear as well. We've got a lot of people. You've got 100 and 45 people so far. A brilliant Haney here, Hannah Samuel. Uh brilliant. That's amazing. Um We'll just give a bit. I know we'll just give a couple, a couple more minutes just to see if it at all. Increasing numbers. Oh, has Janice left? Oh, she's back. Okay. Great. So, since the seven o'clock, we may as well start, we've got a lot of people um signed up and it's amazing to see this many people. Um So first of all, um welcome, welcome to our first lecture of our webinar series um organized by mind the bleep before we sort of delve into the subject. Um Thought we'd do a round of introductions. So my name is Dorothy. Um I am an F I three currently in Yorkshire. Um I am one of the co leads for the Fy one um section of Mind the bleep along with myself, we have Hamza who is co leading um the F I one section of Mind, the Sleep as well. So, Hamza do want to talk a bit about yourself. I am Hams um an F two working in Wolverhampton um as Shruti said, I'm khalid of F one section of mind the bleep. Uh We have some interesting projects we're currently designing for you guys and we're currently running this webinar series uh to get you guys acquainted to the uh jobs to the job of being an F one. So keep an eye out on the content. Um And along with us, we also have Janice who is the head of the final year series of mine, the bleep who's kindly agreed to present this lecture um in collaboration with us. So, Janice, you want to speak a bit about yourself? Thank you, Shruti. Um So I'm Janice, I'm current an academic F one at ST Thomas's. Um um I might have seen some of you during some of the lectures in the P S A series and the medicine and surgical series that we have done and also the S J T series where a lot of amazing, amazing doctors and medical students have helped us out. Thank you too, Shruti and Hamza and also Daniel um for this. Uh And finally, we have Daniel, who is our member, man, who's the member manager for the B M A will be giving a presentation very soon within this bigger presentation. Um So I'll introduce him towards the time. So, firstly, what we want to say is, oh, the slides a load in one second. Has this light moved on for you guys? No, it's still on the same slide. Oh, great. Mhm. Uh If you guys also have like any questions, feel free to put it in the chat, uh We can ask Shruti and Janice two questions in the end and I'll be posting the link for the feedback form at the end as well. Yes, please, please. Um That's the, that's the main, main thing. So firstly, congratulations, congratulations on completing your five years or six years of medical school. You are done, invested and ready to start working as a doctor finally. So really well done and we really hope that the resources that were built for you will be very useful for you when you start your first um F Y one job and our aim is to make sure that you're prepared and you're confident um to do your first shift as an F Y one in August. So before we continue to talk before we continue to talk, we'd like Dan to present um about the B M A and how that is quite important to you guys. So you can, is it okay if I could hand over to down? Yeah, it's fine. I'll just just share my screen, sorry. Uh tire screen. Yep. Academic. E um you should be able to see that now. Yeah, that looks, that looks so good to me. Um It's just test, it works. Yeah. We can see your screen. Okay, cool. Um Yeah, so just um very quickly obviously kind of bearing an offer to join the B M M as you guys are obviously about, this is only available through, through today. This isn't available online, but yeah, if you want to join today, you get 10 lb Amazon voucher for joining. We need to just use that QR codes on the screen. I just chucked the link um in the in the chat as well, use that. And then after you've done that, drop me an email and then I'll get you a 10 lb Amazon voucher sent over membership is 3 lbs 75 a month. Um So it basically covers three months. Does that make sense? So 3 lbs take five times three is about 11 lbs to get 10 lbs voucher the next three months obviously being very pivotal. Um in terms of membership, not just because you're starting. Um But obviously because of what's going on around strikes, um and potential rebound thing. Um So yeah, so now if you're, if you're not remember, please do, I'll go on to talk about um a few more things outside of that, which which is going to help in the next few months. But yeah, please, if you're not already remember, this is, this is the time to do it and at least get something for, for joining as well. Like I said, this isn't available online. It's only if you do it, um, today, um, using that, that link or QR code? All right, cool. Let's have it done. Um, can't. Okay. Right. Cool. So, yeah, in terms of, um, what I'm gonna talk about, I'm sure about as, as a union. Um, what, what we do, I'm sure your, you, your members or if you've been a member at some point, this will be a bit of a refresher. Um, and yeah, just, just remind them on anything. But um so obviously the trade union for doctors, medicines in the UK does the voice of profession represent you individually locally and nationally on all these issues that affect you. Um So actual jobs, look at the patient's, uh it's our job to look after you. Uh say we, but it's more, it's run by you guys. A union is run, it's run by its members. So the decision is made are, are made by yourselves. Um I'll talk about in a minute but obviously everything going around on, around the strikes and whatnot that's come from you guys as a membership. Um We don't just sort of sit somewhere and go, right. I think we should do this. It comes, it comes from you and as a collective. Um So yeah, so if you remember you, you, you get a voice essentially, sometimes we get a bit of confusion and around this time of year, I get this a lot. We're not an indemnity company, so we're not like M D U M P s, any of those guys who's giving you dictionaries and that thing we obviously recommend you should, should be higher investment company, but we're, we're completely different. Um So yeah, so we don't do a patient place where your union we're here to look after your working conditions. So things like your pay contracts, your professional development and well being okay, I'm going to try and do it very quickly, but obviously everyone knows what's going on at the moment. Um around, around pay restoration. So obviously we've been, we've had 22 bouts of strikes now. Um And there's just a graph just in case you've never seen it before, of, of, of how Juno doctors pay has, has not developed basically since 2008. Um and not kept up in line of inflation. So, uh we estimate we're about 35% under where it should be and that's what we're asking for. Um I know it's a lot. Um But, but that's just what, that's just real terms, the loss that, that, that there's been for, for you guys, especially you guys going in as F one's. Um So yeah, we're hoping we could get it sort of tied up in any bundle before you guys start, but it doesn't look as possible, but as I'm going to talk about talks are underway, so we'll see how next few, um a few months goes possibly longer. Uh So yeah, obviously, we, we balloted uh junior members around um the June Doctor strikes, the turnout was 77.5%. Um which is amazing. Uh Those, those who could enter into the ballot about 40,000 and about 37,000 turned out the expose absolutely overwhelming in 98%. So, yes. Have you got obviously full mandate? And um yeah, in credible really the way it all came together, I just want to mention in case you guys thought about this, obviously, we didn't, we would like to about you guys, but because you're still in med school, it didn't make sense to say, would you like to go on strike and stop, you know, people that are in their jobs um working going on strike. We had to ask those in employment, obviously, when this comes around again, if this comes around again the next few months and you're working, it would obviously apply to you. Also, it's worth knowing at this point. Now, um once a once a credible offer comes to the table, um you will be asked if you remember to, to vote on it. We have to accept or not. Um But yeah, but getting to that in a minute. So yeah, I'm sure you guys may be attended. Some of some of the strikes got involved. This was, this was some of the scenes down um on the first round. Um So this does lined up outside Whitehall. Um So I helped put this on and then a couple of weeks ago, put on a big event at Trafalgar Square where we had a stage and a bit of a rally. Um, yeah, fantastic turnout, great, great atmosphere, obviously doing things the right way. Um, it's just really interesting to talk to members of the public who didn't really understand how, how juniors were paid and the, and the realities of things. So, yeah, just fine final update on this 1st and 2nd round ability taking place. So that was a 72 hour and 96 hour walk out. Last week's, we, we had opening talks with Steve Barclay for the first time ever. Um There was some positivity there but there's still some distance between our demand for 35% and what I want to offer. Um We don't have any current plans for a third round of strikes as yet just because these talks are ongoing, but we feel any, any resistance or, or any sort of playing for time. Um We will, we will, we will notify that were going on around strikes. Okay. That's it about that. Just a few things around the BMA and how, how you can use us over the next few months, obviously a pivotal time. Congratulations, by the way, does that start? Um And you've done it six years is a long time, five years to um So yeah, so a little bit about our membership, obviously, membership means um more, more than just the, just the union side of things. Um We can also help you learn the development. Um So yeah, BMA library, sadly, the learning has only really just begun for you. You will need to continue to learn um throughout being doctor. Um and yeah, live BMA library. One of the best places doing that. You've got thousands of E books um and resources that you can get access instantly. BMJ learning. We find a lot of our doctors use BMJ learning to get CPD points, so continue development points. Um And also the BMJ. So now now your family year and going into F one, you're entitled to get the BMJ through the post every, every week uh for free we need to do is give us a call and say in front of me, yeah, I'm in membership. Can I get through it and you'll get it? So it's an opt in service rather than thing else and also run a series of webinars well, very early to be thinking about possibly. But yeah, if you think about your specialty options already, you can use our special explore too, which can help you get a bit of a better picture of what suits you best. So that's an online psychometric test. Takes about 20 minutes complete and ask all sorts of work life balance questions that will give you um uh really detailed report, listing the top. So especially as according to the answers given really, really easy to use and covers all especially and the reports always very thorough, lots of analysis, your answers. Um We've got a great well being service. So if that's free to everybody, whether you remember or not use it, it's open 24 7, obviously confidential medical combination of, of the trust. Um So yeah, it's telephone based service and you can even have the choice of speaking to a peer support doctor or, or themselves. Obviously, if you phone is more than once, we'll make sure you speak to the same person again. Okay. Big, big one big, big, big thing. This um, if you do nothing else, there was this summer when you get your contract and whatever, please send it to us. If you remember one in four of the contracts we checked last year were wrong. We obviously negotiate the contracts, um, for better, for worse. Um So yeah, please please get them checked by us. We checked about 8000, sorry, 6000 contracts last year. So, yeah, 2000 them being wrong. It's just too high number and most of the ones we checked were junior is, um, and after induction, sort of during induction. Sorry. Um, so yeah, they should be correct but we find that trust slip a little something extra in there or change the wording to sue them. And what was the point of negotiating contract if they're just going to do that? So, yeah, if nothing else, please get it checked by us first. Um, if you signed, it's fine, we can still check it if it's wrong, it's wrong. But ideally get it as soon as you get it for that PDF onto us, um, it's all over our website is where you'll find support at BMA dog, the UK. Um, and yeah, we've also got a road check until that should be more standard, but you can get that checked as well. So I just figured, you know, 6000 almost contracts we checked. Uh core of them are wrong. Um 21,000 junior doctor cases managed. So that's when you found a sudden I got a problem. Um Most of those are solved over in the first two months. So we can get things going a bit. We have people on the ground each trust that this job is just to sort out any issues, obviously non clinical issues. Um clinical issues is more um intermitted companies. Okay. That's it. I'm sorry, the ballot talk and industrial actions uh stuff took a while. Um It's having me, please do not remember. Join this is a pivotal three months um in in what's going on with June doctor pay and also your own your own life starting with enough one. Um So yeah, use the contract checking service, use the road checking service. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Dan. Thank you very, very much as I know it's a lot to cover within a very short space of time. So, thank you so much. Um Was there were there any questions? Um So I think someone mentioned, do we join as a medical student at this stage? Yes, your doctor join as a medicine now and it'll carry through into F one. We know that you'll be an F one um comes of July. So don't, don't worry about that. Um Yeah, don't, don't worry about that and it will stay 3 lbs 35 until October right goes up to about 9 lbs and you can start claiming tax relief from that. So it goes to about seven, but we inform you of all of that and it's a monthly charge of 3 lbs 35 you can cancel anytime. Um But obviously we want you to stay brilliant. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks for having me. No worries. Now, moving on to mind the bleep. So we're hosting this webinar series and you might be thinking who on earth is mind the bleep? Well, mind the bleep is a free medical education platform. It isn't, it is run by an amazing team of contributors. So we have many, many, many teams undermined the bleep. I am currently working within the F Y Y one team where I mentioned, I'm co leading it with Hamza Janice, who's another presenter um is head of final years. And finally, we have so many other specialties like specialty specific teams such as psychiatry, surgery, um medicine and different stuff within medicine and even microbiologists have coming up. So it's, that were a huge team. But in addition to the clinical specialties, we also have a team that looks into your finances. Um So we would, we will be giving, you know, lectures, not lectures, webinars shall we say on about the contract about how to make sure you are. You've got a healthy finance system going on while you're working um and stuff like that as well. So we do cover a huge array of things and we do this with a primary aim to help your lives and make sure that you approach the daily challenges with a bit of ease. Okay. So this is a two way system, we build resources, but at the same time, if you feel like there isn't something that's out there for you and you would, you would like more information about it. Then please please do contact ear's. You can always pop a message by Facebook or using the contractors um section within the mind, the bleep um website um to tell us and inform us what sort of resources you do want. And we'll, we'll be able to create that content for you or collaborate with yourselves to create that content for you as well. So we're also looking for collaborations. If you're interested in medical education or have a project in mind or anything, please do contact us. In fact, we actually have a medical education project um running at the moment. So please to check our website to find more about it and you can contact us with a project in mind and we can see how we can bring that to light. Okay. And so within our websites, we've got many articles and we also have a lot of webinar series as well. And we're also conducting courses which I'll speak about in, in the next few slides. We've got about 30,000 users on our online website. So we've, it's a, it's a very big organization and honestly do reach out to us if you're struggling with something and we will do our very best to help you in terms of overcoming that particular issue or anything like that. So, moving on, well, now that you're a doctor, you might be thinking, what do I do next? You're going to start your job in August or even your shadowing placement, maybe the end of July. And you've got a couple of months. So what should you be doing? And it's safe to say that we've got a lot of things covered for you. So firstly, we've got the fy One survival tip webinars. So this is the first webinar of a series of webinars. We have about 10 to 20 webinars planned for you that cover a range of specialties, cover a range of how of A NCAA, all scenarios and how you approach your first on call shift and also as I mentioned about finances. So um talking about your pay slips, talking about the contract in much more detail and also about portfolio work as well. So your A R C E P, so please do keep your eyes peeled um on our website as well as um whatsapp groups um and emails where we will mailing you to advertise the next set of lectures. So that's one thing. The second thing that we're also doing is the fy one in person course. So here we're running um few courses in Whole Liverpool, London, Southampton and Riggan this year. And there are specific dates in which were hosting these, of course, this is a free course. Um The only thing you need to do is that they will, you'll have to pay a 15 lb refundable um sort of ticket so that we can ensure that people do attend on on the actual day. Um But this is because it takes a lot of time and effort to um to organize these things. And also we are funding um ourselves, these projects ourselves. So if you attend the event, you will get your 15 lbs back. Um So I'll show you a QR Cord um in a, in a second um where you can scan it and you'll be sort of linked to the website where you have all the dates for the courses and you can join, um sign up for it as well. Thirdly, we've got the Fy One Survival guide, um, and an F Y One specialty guide there yet to um, distribute that. We will do that towards um, when you start your jobs in August. So these are guides that would give you lots of tips and lots of, and the F 11 specialty guides specifically, it's written by Fy Ones for four fy ones. So there's a huge list of specialties covering from respiratory to microbiology to psychiatry where Fy once have said what you need to do for these specialties, what sort of things you should prepare for? Um And these are sort of little tips and tricks that can put you little ahead when you start your specialty posts soon. We'll also have an F Y One newsletter and this year we are starting the Fy One mentorship program. Um So here in July, we're hoping to match you guys with an F Y two or above within the same trust. If that's not possible, then within the same Dean Ary, so that there will be a point of contact for you to ask any questions or anything you may have. Um And finally, we also have specialty specific webinars as well. So for example, reb in ours, um specific to psychiatry, reb in our specific to palliative medicine and stuff like that. So I know I've, I've said a lot of information here, but it would, it would, it will make sense. Um I'm just going to have a look at the chat because Hamza's kindly answering a few questions that, that has um come come up. So what do we have here? So someone's asked, is this talk on fy one uh survival tips or is it on mind the bleep? So this is on fo one survival tips will come, come to it. We just thought it would be a great opportunity for us to talk about mind the bleep who we are so that you have a bit of an understanding as to where we're coming from and that, that is a non profit organization um and stuff. So moving on. So this is the QR code, please scan this QR code. I'll give you a minute and this will take you onto the mind the bleep page where you can access all these resources and also access the um booking page uh to book a book your place at a minor bleep. Um Course Hamza, I'm Janice. Do you have anything to add at this point? No, it's been very comprehensive. Thank you, Shruti. Right. Agreed. Cool. I will now move on to the next slide. So now I'm going to move on to life of an F Y one here. I'm gonna ask Janice to speak about, about the F I One life and she's currently in Fy One. Um and she'll be, she'll be better placed basically. Thank you very much Shruti. Um And also Dan. Um So, yes, thank you. For inviting me. So I just want to um quickly talk about my experience as a really new fy one now in my third rotation and coming to almost an end. And if all goes, well, I'll be in F two in August. Um So a brief timeline. So at this point, you might be thinking about moving house to your um new Dean Ary and it might be, it might mean leaving your family and your friends and joining a new group of people. Um And for shadowing period, for my trust, for example, we started at about slightly a week earlier than when we started. So we're shadowing the current fy one of your first rotation. So that took about a week or so. And then I could still remember that I felt very nervous when I was um the new F Y one and when the old fy one has left but do not be afraid. Um because routine chems, I will get you covered and the B M A um then he has also introduced the benefits of joining it. Um So I will um go on from here and with regards to your first rotation, which will be between August and December when you started. Um I will talk about the shadowing later and also tips to survive the shadowing period. But throughout your whole F Y one year and and beyond, you will have something called a horror E portfolio. Um And it's something that I have put under the timeline because it's, it should be something that you're regularly engaging with for your sign offs for initial meetings with your clinical supervisor, your educational supervisor, your foundation program director. These will all make sense when you start as an F one when you start. Um I also um hopefully not add to your stress but remember to get all your Loggins where you're prescribing for requesting investigations for documenting in ward rounds. These are all tiny things, but if you get them sorted early, it will save you time. Um And it will be a very busy year for sure, because apart from um, getting used to a new work environment, you will also have night shifts, um you will also need probably need to do equip or audit, which is mandatory for my trust and you will be getting your first paycheck. How exciting and you will also be um taking your annual leave and making sure you're eating well with meal prep. Um For some trust, you might need to do advanced life support as an F one for my trust. It was in mandatory, but I would definitely recommend getting that early because it will help you when you review acutely and well, patient's during your um on call ships and remember to leave enough time to revise for it because on the day it's the day when you get assessed. So, um after finishing your first rotation, um you almost always have an education supervisor meeting for signing off and also your clinical supervisor meeting against remember to get in touch with them early. So you don't get um hung up with all the deadlines. I have put A R C P and rotation three together because this is the period that I'm going through right now and every one of my colleagues are stressed about completing our horror see portfolio because our A rcps actually in a few weeks time and for our third rotation, we've only been one month into the third rotation, but we, we are asked to do almost the same number of sign offs as per other rotations. And um this is the time when you get your horrors ready. Remember to laminate yourself or any leadership awards or best portfolio award or best teaching award because you never know you might get it. Um And I, and again, when you start F two, it'll be, it might mean changing hospital trust again and the whole timeline carries on. So that's about the timeline of an F Y one. And next, I think if Shruti and hamster has anything to add at this point? Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you guys. So, um an example of um a regular working day, if you're on a surgical rotation, for example, trauma orthopedics, vascular surgery, general surgery, almost always, your ward round would start at a shortly before eight where you have the hand over a meeting. And if you're on a medical job, for example, geriatrics, um other specialties or acute medicine, it would usually start from nine and um depending on how long your ward round takes, um you could start doing your ward duties between 11 to 12 and before lunch. But I would say it depends and it varies between different specialties. Um I would always almost say prioritize scans um in the morning because um you need to book in Porter's etcetera and also prioritize um any urgent discharges that might mean freeing up a bed in the afternoon for more urgent medical or surgical cases. Remember to take your lunch break. I know it's very difficult to time exactly when you have your lunch and when we started, we found that we're actually having lunch really late into a working day as you start. Um Make sure to keep inhabit of um making sure sure that you're not um in hunger strike all the time. Remember to feed yourself, keep yourself healthy in order to keep the patient's healthy between two and five, it's your golden period of getting other jobs done. So if your consultant or registrar ask you to refer patient's to other specialties, we'll talk about more about that later of the tips of how to um do it in a better way. Um This is the time because a lot of medical specialty registrars would leave the hospital at five and between 4 35 it will be a time when they don't really want to discuss any referrals or any new patient's. Um, 2 to 5 is also a time to prioritize any prescription, any disc charge summaries. Um, and also thinking about what bloods you need to check, um, for blood test that you sent off in the morning, chasing scan reports, scan results. Um, you might be asked to see acutely unwell patient's during this time. So it's a very tight time period. Um The general principle is you come on time and you leave on time. Um Again, there are times when it's a bit of a gray area, but I will strongly encourage you to develop that mindset hand over anything that's not urgent and wouldn't change the patient's management overnight. Either to the day team or the nine team, please. Um Don't sacrifice your rest time because we need everyone to stay strong and healthy as demonstrated by um the recent climax and everything that's in the news as well. At five, it's when I would say at 4 50. So 10 minutes before your shift end, start to think about what to hand over to the 19 or you, it might be you who are starting the on call. So when you hand over to your colleagues, make sure you have a clear headline and make sure you're clear about the tasks that are urgent overnight and will change the patient's management overnight. It's almost always inappropriate to hand over discharge summaries for your night colleagues because they should be prioritizing, seeing acutely and well patient's during the night time before the night team comes. Um And that's their priority. Usually at 7 45 8 thirties when you're night shift starts and I will quickly talk about that, but I'm sure Shruti and him so would have that um planned in their teaching and also during the face to face in person teaching, they will have some simulations. Thank you. Um Just to reiterate. So here we've got a, a timeline of, of a day, but we will be giving specific lectures on how to prioritize jobs um as a webinar as a webinar. Soon, we will also have another specific one for on call. So medical on calls, how, how to um efficiently do your medical calls as well as um surgical on calls as well. So um I'm going to quickly touch on fy one responsibilities. I saw a question that's relevant to the previous life from Anusha. So I would quickly answer that later. But um the F Y one responsibility, you will start to have a feel of that during your shadowing period but day today, um I'm sure you're very familiar with this whilst um you're shadowing your um medical teams and surgical teams are medical students. So almost for every specialty you have a morning huddle between the physiotherapist, occupational therapist, your nurse in charge, you might have the nine team and your morning um consultant and registrar. Um This is the time when you S and F Y one really flag up any issues that are delaying the patient's discharge. Um And fill, don't forget that you're not only responsible for medical um emergencies or medical management, you're also responsible for the overall management of the patient. Um So really take the lead of flagging up issues and actively engaging the physiotherapist and occupational therapist in the discussion, you almost always need to clerk patient's. Um When you're on take um word round, which is self explanatory, asked to see unwell patient's prescribing when you start. Um This is the thing that we're most afraid of. Um I remember second guess myself when I'm just prescribing Alexei tive. Again, these things will start to build up when you start to build up your confidence and experience. So ask around and feel free to ask around when you first start. And also during the, your whole career, um you will be the ones who are doing difficult Cannulas, difficult blood's. Um And again, it comes with experience and don't let that defeat you when you miss Cannulas or Vina punctures because you can always hand over to other colleagues and learn from them on call duties will talk about against rooty and Hamza would do that during their teaching. Um Discharge planning is I would say the thing that comes with experience when you see patient, you'll start to have a few of how long they might be staying in hospital. And a lot of the time it could be a social reason. Um for example, in satisfactory home environment, um needing package of care and carers, or there's some issues with uh multiple medical teams, medical specialties, managing one patient. And there's a lot of back and forth discussion with whether to discharge the patient, um death certificates. So it's very common for an F Y one to be called during the night to um, certify the death of a patient whom you've never met before. And also you, apart from certifying the death, you, um if you're there during the day, you might need to um sign a death certificate. Um And again, I think Shruti and Hamza would talk about that more in detail, but feel free to spend more time on death certificates because cause of death. Um, you'll need to discuss with your consultants and registrars and um they are legal documents and you're putting your name down for those documents. So be very um cautious and careful and also, um don't be afraid of discuss of the discussion with the medical examiner because they're the ones to help you out. Um Almost always when you finish certifying a deaf, you might be the one phoning the family to break the bad news. Uh sometimes, um usually they, you will be the one calling them because you've certified. If um sorry, you've confirmed the death again, this is a daunting experience and feel free to reach out for help and guidance from your seniors and your peers if you're feeling uncomfortable. Um Family updates again, we showed you a um a regular day of an F Y one. A lot of the times this comes with experience, family updates usually happen because um the family's always come to the ward after their work shift. So usually after five, which is the time when you should be leaving for home, again, use your judgment call. But again, the over Arjun principle is come on time and leave on time teaching. Please attend your um compulsory F one teaching. You shouldn't be missing teaching because you're doing um a job that could be delayed and you shouldn't be missing teaching if it's a job that you could hand over to your registrar or S H O or the clinical fellow and depart to mental teaching. Um I strongly encourage you to attend that if possible because it's a time where you could look for equipped ideas, old ideas. Um Grand rounds are almost always very interesting. There will always be teaching opportunities like ultrasound um case based discussion's teaching medical students. Um You will never realize how satisfying is to teach medical student during your rotation. So um it will be you um as an F Y one doing that um and mortality meetings and more morbidity meetings. It do, it does happen on a regular basis. Um and feel, feel free to attend them for some trust. It might be compulsory for you to attend them. If you're the direct medical team, we're managing the patient who passed away. Um, and again, audits, um for my trust, it's compulsory to do equipped for sign off, but don't um to be too stressed about it because they will make you into a better doctor. Um, and I know a lot of people dread doing it, but you can make, it's how you make it, how you see it. That's making a difference. Um Everybody would be acting in a professional manner, um be very careful of whatsapp ing MRN. So hospital numbers, patient details, taking pictures of handover sheets. I know these are um really bad habits and it's almost always you see people doing it. Um You might, some of us might have done it, but again, don't um share um patient identify IRS over non trust phones and media. Um And there's an app called Pando um P A N D O um which you could download, which is very clinical messaging. Um And again, your trust would have guidelines on how to uh make sure patient identifiers don't go outside of the trust. Again, make your patient priority uh safety and your patient's of your patient's and dignity at all times. Um And also remember your own personal safety. Um And all this will make you a better doctor. Uh Thank you for that. I'd also like to reiterate that when you start your job as an F Y one, no one expects you to know everything. You would quickly come, like realize that you learn a lot on the job. Um I know we've been in medical school for six years and you feel like you need to be like perfect in everything. But that is not the case medicine is not like reading a textbook. It's, it's an art form and it's an art form that's practiced whilst being at work. So if you feel like you're in a very difficult position and you're not sure what to do or you just want to double check, please ask your seniors are there for a reason. Um So please don't hesitate to, to ask for help, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Um And that's really, really important to understand that because, you know, you guys might be fine, you know, achieving lots of things in medical school. But that transition into, into um into work where you feel a bit lost and stuff can be quite, quite disheartening at, at first. But actually, that is part and parcel of the job. So don't worry about it and don't feel as if you're not doing your best because you're asking so many questions. They love it when you ask questions because that shows us as. So I I'm an F Y three. I'd rather have fy once asking me and tell asking questions about. Actually, I don't understand this. I don't know why I'm doing this because that shows me that you're interested and that you want to learn. And so when you do it next time, I know that you know exactly why you're doing that particular thing in that particularly. So do ask questions. So now moving on. So what should you do now to prepare for your job in August? Firstly have fun because you do not get this time off. Okay. Like we're in the beginning of May, you've got May June. Um and then you start shadowing in the last, probably the last week of July. So you've got a whole chunk of July as well. The best thing you could do right now is have fun if you're still on your elective, enjoy your elective, organize a holiday with family and friends and meet up with them as well because some, some of you may be a majority of you will be moving away from home too, just that work. So it's really important that you really enjoy your time because I would love to have that time back. But anyhow, because once you start working, you just have like annual leaves to plan out your life and it's just, it's not that great. So number two, what can you do explore your new surroundings? So for those who are needing to move to go to start your fy one, organize a day trip for a weekend trip up to um that specific location, explore your area, explore your hospital um and the nearby areas. And also it's really important to form good support networks as well to help ease with the transition. So, firstly whatsapp groups, so what's that group has been um kindly created by um someone called Andrew Harbor have said his name correctly um for each Dean Ary and also it's also created groups under each hospital as well. So get, you know, connect using whatsapp and also similarly on Facebook as well. And once you've started your work um in August, there will be a local mess group. So you can also um you know, form relationships like colleagues and meet other colleagues and stuff. Um whilst a mess event and importantly, do register with your local GP well spending, you'll be spending a lot of time at the place where you work. And for example, if you're unwell and you need, you need some sort of sick note or something from your G P, it's better to have it locally near you rather than traveling to the GP that you were registered with before you set off to work. So please do um look at your local GPS and register with them. Now, accommodation obviously with moving um Dean res uh we need to find a, a good accommodation. So these are just a few things that I'd like you to take into consideration when looking at an accommodation firstly check your commute time, use Google Maps even actually if you drive, drive to your hospital from that place or try and take the public transport if that's what you're needing, and always, please allow for extra time um due to crashes for, for example, I I live in Yorkshire. Um the M 60 to quite literally every day or every other day, there's there's a crash and is it just the impact of traffic? Um that sort of has consequences to add start time is huge. So please do you know, allow for extra time in terms of commuting. So do check your community time. Secondly, ensure that you have a viewing booked for your flat. Don't just flatter house, don't just rock up without a viewing. Um And thirdly check whether it's a furbish flat and what actually comes um as part of the folk um refurbished or whatever sort of things that that's part of your contract because believe it or not in some parts of England though, it would say it's a part furnished. Um Oh, sorry, just they furnish not furbish, but my red um part furnished flat, they won't give you a fridge or a freezer because people apparently sort of carry around with them to the next flat. So make sure you have very open and clear conversations with your estate agents when looking at flats and obviously check for affordability. Um And you can ask around for flatmates, you can use the whatsapp groups, the Facebook groups to find flatmates as well. If you're not able to find a private sort of accommodation, there's always the option of hospital accommodation, but I need to let you stress that hospital accommodations do get booked up quite early on. So make sure you, you reach out to the right people. Um um you can sometimes just go call the hospital by a switchboard and ask them for the Estates Department and you can speak to them directly. Um and ensure that you do it in a timely manner along with that, as I said before, just explore your local area. It's really important that you do something that you love. Even when, even when you're working downtime is very important. F one or your medical career really can be quite stressful. Okay. Okay. And it's really important that you sign up to the gym. If Jim is something that you want to do the local swimming classes, a choir group, if you want to park nearby, etcetera, all of those things are really important for you to take into consideration when you're moving. Um And finally, as I mentioned before, public transport facilities, once you're outside of London, public transport can be not the most reliable thing. Even in London, sometimes it's not reliable, but you know, the further you are away from London and certain remote parts, public transport is a difficult um thing. So please do look into those. Um look into these areas as well right now. So that's surround looking, exploring the surrounding areas. The other thing, paperwork now is the time that you'll be asked to do a lot of paperwork. Okay. So firstly, pre employment checks that will be done by your trust. So you'll have to complete the step for which hopefully should be doing because the deadline is coming up to it in, in a few weeks time. Um, and then they'll ask to do I D checks. Normally I D checks have been done remotely um but do double check with your trust. You have occupy occupational health forms to complete. So here, um I had to contact my university occupational health team to give me all the records of my vaccinations so that I can send off to the trust. So do allow time for these things because just because you're in a rush, doesn't mean that occupational health department is also in a rush to get you the form. So do act in such a timely manner and also you have the DBS checks as well to complete. Um And then moving on to the contract, you will be, you should receive your contract at least two months before your start date of employment. Okay. And that is very crucial for you to check your contract. There are certain things that you need to check, but we will have a dedicated webinar series um going through the contract with you very shortly. Um But if you find it difficult or you want someone else to check, then of course, you've got the B M A contract checker, they just pretty much upload or send it to them, send it to BMA and they will do the work for you as well. And, and it's free of charge. Similarly, you've got the rota, you should be given your row to quite uh soon. So ideally two months before you start it, or at least six weeks before you start it. Um and make sure that the rotor complies with the safe working hours scheme. Um So once again, you can use the BMA to check your rotor for you to ensure that everything is, is, is done in a safe, safe manner. Um and also confirm your working hours. Not all hospitals have those same start time, some hospitals for medical specialty start at eight and finish it for some start at nine and finish at five and you might have many other variations as well. So make sure for your specialty, you confirm your working hours now requesting leave. I know this is one of the questions above. So annual leave should be requested at least six weeks in advance. That's the, that's what they protocol, what that's what the trust says normally. So you need to book your annual leave as early as possible and that's very important. So make sure you actually dedicate some time to go through your wrote to which would be a formal placement and tip, just check where the bank holidays are and trying to get more leave as you can. So you have your specific number of annual leave. So I believe it's nine, at least for me, it was nine days of annual leave per four month rotation. However, um that annual leave can only be taken on a standard day. So a day where you finish a five or four, um just after working eight or nine hours. Um, and if you're working on a bank holiday, um, an on call shift, so the 12 hour shift or a night shift, then you have to, um, they will have to give you a time a day in lieu. So that means because you're working that shift on a bank holiday, you have to attend your shift, but you'll be able to claim a day um, of leave, um, sort of in replacement because you've been working on that bank holiday. So these are two things that to bear in mind. So when you're calculating in a row to make sure you actually, um, mark which ones are the bank holidays and check whether you're working an uncle shift or night shift on a bank holiday so that you can claim that day another time if you understand a day. However, on a bank holiday, then that means you can work. I'm sorry, you don't have to come in to work. This is only applicable to um specialties. How if you're working in A and E that might change. So even though you're, you're on a standard day, maybe in A and E, you will have to come into work. So make sure you do um, explicitly asked, you wrote a coordinator, what the rules are for your trust. Um So that you get explicit answers back as well. Ok. Um And for fy one, you may have study leave. We in my particular dealing with your trust, we didn't have study leave. So that's something that you need to ask your trust, but there are something called taster sessions. So taster sessions are sort of like work experience sessions where you can have have a certain amount of tasted days at a specific specialty that you want to do, for example. Um So you can do that during your F Y one. So once again, confirm the road coordinator or your medical education department, how many days of taster sessions you're allowed to have um as an F Y one and finally a study budget. Um find out whether that you guys do have a study budget because I in my trust, we personally didn't as an F Y one. So that that might be something that your trust may offer. So do do do find out, right? I'm just gonna ask questions about annually. There's, there's a couple things have come up. Can you cancel your annual leave once it gets approved? Yes, you can if you've, you know, requested annual leave and then realized actually, you know, you don't want to take it for whatever reason. Yes, you can, you can cancel it. So you should tell your, but then you should tell your radical nature as soon as possible. Okay. Um So I just want to confirm, can you claim annual leave on bank holidays or not? So your annual leave, you can only claim annual leave on a standard day. So if you're working a standard day on a bank holiday, you've already got that day off. So you don't have to request an annual leave. Um So you would request any leave on a day that is not a bank holiday. However, if you're working on on call shift like a 12 hour shift or a night shift on a bank holiday, you have to work that shift unless you do a swap with another person being like, for example, say you worked an on call shift on Monday, which is a bank holiday and your friend worked an on call shift on a Tuesday and you really want that day off or something. Maybe you can ask your friend who's working on call shift on Tuesday being like, hey, can you cover my shift on Monday so that I can work another shift of yours? Um So that we both work the same number of shifts, but we don't, I don't end up working more and you don't end up working less. Probably. That's a bit confusing. But let me know if that makes sense. Um If you don't use your 92 annual even one rotation, can you take them on another rotation? Know? So our trust was very um um strict with that. You could not roll over your annual days on to the next rotation. Um And that's normally the case uh just to add to that true. T uh so it depends on your trust. Uh So like my trust, for instance, will allow me to carry on a few days, but only in exceptional circumstances, for instance, if you have not been able to take annual leave because they're not enough people on the wards. But as Shruti said on, on the whole, uh you should try to take all your annual leave within that rotation. Yep. Um Is there any particular time that it's better slash not as wise to take the annual levy J taking in the last week versus mid rotation? I mean, I it really depends, you might have a birthday that you want to attend on the last week and therefore you have to like request annual leave. It really depends on your well being. You need to use your annual leave wisely. And I would say it's better to spread out your annual leave sort of evenly throughout the um rotation so that you get a bit of a break at each time um at various points. So it really, it really is up to you. Um I don't really have any other ways of going about. It really depends on, for example, you say, I don't know, you've had like five days on call. So in one of my, actually as an F Y 11 of my rotates, we had a whole seven days of work. So we're working every single day of that week and some of the days were standard days and some of the days were on cold days. So it was wise for me to use one of my annual leave in one of those standard days. So I can break up that week. Otherwise I'll be exhausted. So, you know, it really depends on your road. China depends on sort of person you are and what do you want to spend your annual leave on? We also have another question, Shruti. Uh When can you start booking on your leave? Oh, at least six weeks before um your intended date of leave. So they really want to know in advance. Yeah. So you can actually start requesting on your leave. Now, if you have contact details of your uh Roe to coordinator. Yeah, absolutely. Can you cancel your annual leave once it's approved? Yeah. Yeah, you can, you can, but just give them notice as early as possible. Cool. Oh, there's so many questions about leave, right? I think what I'm going to, we'll come back to these questions. And move on to the next slides. So that, and we cover the general um stuff of the um talk and then we'll come back to your questions. Okay. Sorry about that. So, now equipment, Janice are you around? Yes. Uh So thank you so much. Um So just briefly touch on equipment, all the icons are self explanatory. Um But again, we'll quickly touch your questions later. Um Make sure you, you have all of the above I D card. It's super important and make sure you before you go on to your on call shifts, make sure you have access to all departments because you don't want to be um bleeped on a crash call on a to, to, to, to call when you realize you can't get into the department. Um It has been a common issue amongst all my colleagues, not only in my trust, been all trust, so make sure you get that done. Um And with regards to charger self explanatory, keep yourself hydrated. Um I would say handover sheets. So I've seen um a lot of my colleagues keeping them in a safe place in the trust. So they still remember patient's that they've clerked on or seen during their own cause ships a few days ago, usually we'll keep um seven days just in case someone called you to ask more about the patient, but that doesn't usually happen, but for yourself, you should keep that. Um And so that's pretty much about equipment. Um So here are some very useful apps that you could consider downloading in your phone. Um Induction app is the app. Um, not all trust have it, but I would say almost a majority of trust would have. The Induction app is where you will get access to all the phone numbers of different specialties. X ray, radiographers, your radiologist, um, your um clinical nurse specialist teams. Um And this is where you could get into contact with those teams for referrals and handovers. B N F Micro guide. We all know over. We're all familiar about um your trust might have their own guidelines and apps. Um So check those out when you start as an F one or you're, when you're shadowing your F one irises. Um It's again, a set of guidelines were easily accessible when you're um in need of them during A B C on call shift medcal again, self explanatory geeky medics, everybody. No foundation doctor Hamburg is something that I have personally bought it. I think it was about 2 lbs. When I buy I bought it, it contains um useful tips for common presentations, like chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain before you go in Clark and see a new patient um to brush up on your knowledge and what not to miss out. Talk space is free for all NHS professionals. So um get that in your phone. Um my Duty app um and also pocket doctor are and also hematology are also some really cool apps depending on your trust. You might have transfusion related apps or from Bosa's apps. So check those out as well. Um So yeah, I'll leave it to Shruti. Um So we've got a whole dedicated articles on these equipments and apps that is important for you. So do take a picture or scan this QR codes to be linked to that article, those article on our website. So you can refer back to them like literally everything that we mentioned. I really think it's really important and comfy shoes, man, you will be on on your feet a lot of the time, especially from one of those ward long ward rounds and elderly care or something and s are taken. So make sure you sort of invest in a good pair of trainers or any sort of comfortable shoes that work for you. Um And yeah, as as you mentioned, food prep containers much needed because you soon realize that canteen food is not the most healthiest, what the most healthy ones and also it's expensive. So make sure you have at least like six containers um for your main meal and like some little other containers for your snacks and stuff like you know, grapes and whatnot. Um So please do look after yourself. So just have a have a quick read um of the article which has a more comprehensive list. Hopefully these QR codes will send you there. I know we're already reaching eight o'clock guys. But if you bear with us, we've got one more slide about student assistant ship, which is very important for you guys. Uh So Janice will speak about that. So yes, so you'll be shadowing um or assisting your new F one in a few months time or week's time. So I just want to give you a quick um summary of what you need to be aware of that would make your start of fy one as move as possible. We've touched on I D badge I T lock in details, printers and um stay sicker printing labels. Um get these sorted. For example, if you're on a new ward, ask the nurse um in charge where you can print labels, which computer prints labels. Um and where do you get the labels from? Um Because during an emergency, you don't want the printing to be um delaying your management of the patient locker codes. Again, um self explanatory um the mess. So um it will usually be a monthly membership fee. Um And I would highly recommend you to um be a part of it, study spaces, workspaces, intellect, local guidelines. Very important, especially for a diabetic ketoacidosis, especially for um hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia um and also blood transfusion guidelines. So um when you start shadowing your F one, you have lots of questions. Um Again, asking questions is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of you caring about your job and your patient's well being. Um So the other thing is I really urge everybody to observe during your shadowing shift is um how do your f how does your F One manage patient's where under multiple medical specialty? How does your F one manage um A patient under dolls? How does your F one um carry out a difficult conversation on, do not resuscitate or um decisions like making a patient end of life care. Um Usually registrar will be involved. But as you move along your f one years, you would um days you slowly realize that you will start to pick up a pattern of which patient um It might be um best for their overall well being. Um If you consider discussing with your register and consultant about active medical treatment versus um prioritizing comfort and also, um I will urge you to observe how F Y ones deal with patient's were referred or outside of your catchment area. For example, a patient who is from Newcastle and now in Scotland, the usual medical notes will be based at the District General Hospital back in Ireland or um Newcastle. How do they manage the transfer of information for managing this patient? Um You will see a lot of this for specialties like trauma orthopedics or vascular surgery, especially if you're a Treasury Center where you get a lot of referrals. Um So be very uh don't be afraid of asking questions and asking for help. Um And also contacting GPS. How do they contact the GPS and how do they manage difficult family conversation and also um carry out best interest meetings. Um For this for summary, different medical teams will have their own style of discharge summary. Um Even though you're pressed with time, remember it's a legal document. So um they are important documents where you don't want to, for example, if you're in a surgical specialty, we've seen people documenting one line sentence. Um I would strongly recommend you not to do that. Um Because I love medical teams. Your GPS do look at those destroy summaries and it's always a good and professional habit to make sure you document well. What you've done. Remember to document all patient encounters. If you haven't documented it, you haven't done it. Remember the document, which specialty team you've discussed the patient with. And again, as rooty said, ask explicit questions, you would often get explicit answers. You might not always get explicit answers. But this general principle applied to specialty referrals. This applied to asking your consultants and registrars why they're ordering those investigation. This applies to when you're taking collateral history from family members and the patient. Um especially with complex home circumstances and patient's who might have safeguarding issues. Um So, whilst I'm on this line, I'll just quickly have a look at what's, what are the questions are relevant to scheduling or F one. Um So just a quick tip about handover again. Um Imagine you as a reporter for the BBC or any news channel, you want a headline um you want important background, important investigation results and why are you handing over the patient and not now and not tomorrow? Um So again, explicit um and detailed and be very clear of what you want and use as far. That's your life saver situation, background assessment recommendation. Um A handover for a particular patient should last maximum two minutes. Nothing longer than that short, crisp and sweet. Um, and to the point and that's because there's, there's a lot of patient's to hand over. And if you're taking five minutes for each patient, that's a long handover. So, um, you know, make it very succinct and you'll see people do it, you know, in, in, during that shadowing time, you'll see when you, if you go in on time and you stay later, you'll see these um, handovers happen. Um, and you will pick up, it's, it's a skill and you'll pick up by practicing. Yes. Um, just a quick question on annual leave um for international students. So even for home students, actually, for anyone who's local to the UK, I've generally observed that um, people tend to get more days off if they schedule their annual leave after their night shift because after a night shift, you tend to get one day off or two days off or some people even get three days. So if you fit that in, plus your annual leave plus a weekend, you could easily get more than a week off for traveling overseas or spending a longer time with your family and friends. Yeah. Good show that. It's a good show. Just, just to quickly, um, um, uh, tell you guys. So, um, on the student system ship, you need to also understand that some hospitals have, have, are still in the paper form amount of things. So you won't have any um sort of Softwares, but some hospitals, it's like a dual system, some things on, on paper, some things are on um on a software and for some other people, it's all software based. So you need to ensure that you have access, not only to log into your computer but access to the individual software that is used for um seeing your blood results, seeing imaging reports, seeing histology results and stuff like that and where to document and where to prescribe. So do ensure that you ask these questions. Unfortunately, there is no universal induction for everyone, for fy ones because it's very much trust specific. So you might find that your friend at a different trust is getting a better induction compared to you. If that's the case, just make sure you can use the slide as, as a starting point, make sure you ask those questions. Um so that you when, when you start your job on that first day, you were able to know where to prescribe and how to prescribe when something's needed to be done. And you're not like face out. Because I remember my first day I was an acute medicine was my specialty and I went in and I was working alongside a physician associate. And the trouble there was, this is my first day. I didn't know how to prescribe and physician associates do not prescribe. So, you know, and sometimes you might be working on a low staffed ward and you're the only doctor that can prescribe and stuff. So make sure you use those five days of shadowing to learn these things um so that you can start your job. I'm easily. Yeah. Um I just saw a question on sign offs um as an F one slash F two. So I think Shruti will have dedicated sessions on Horace. But um just very briefly, um your clinical supervisor and your educational supervisor are the people you um really want to get to know. Well, um for your sign offs um for your S H O, your registrar, your consultants, they can all sign you off for a mini taxes and cbds again, the trust will have their own sign off sheet. Ask your foundation at Mean Team for that. Um And escalate to your educational supervisor or your pro foundation program um supervisor um If you're having issues with getting sign offs done in time. Yeah. So as Janice said, try to get the sign offs quite early. Uh But the different thing about F one and F two is like, it's different to medical school in the sense that there is no exam where you have to pass to uh complete F one and F two training. So there's specific requirements which we'll go into more detail in our future, like lectures, but a brief overview is just getting your uh required teaching hours, getting some reflections and uh mini taxes which are cases. Uh Janice meant like clinical cases on your portfolio and as well as completing a quality improvement project, but keep an eye out for our future lecture on the portfolio. Well, we'll we'll go into more detail on that. We also have another question. Uh Shruti and Janice about relocation costs. Uh Someone was wondering how successful people have been at claiming relocation cost. Unfortunately, I don't have experience in this. Um though I'd be located, I wasn't aware or such scheme. Um Janice, do you know anything? I'm, I'm trying to um think about whether I have heard from colleagues. Um So far I haven't heard anyone talking about this, but I think the best channel would probably be the foundation administration team because they will be over. Yeah, because they will be overseeing your well being. If not, then your either your foundation program um supervisor, you have, you have three supervisors and the foundation supervisor and the educational supervisor would stay unchanged. You usually for the whole year. So they would have more information usually than a clinical supervisor who are only supervising you for from a clinical perspective. So I have a bit of experience about claiming relocation costs. Again, we're going to get uh the finance lead from Minder Bleed to give a whole lecture on managing finance and touch on relocation costs. Uh In a nutshell, uh the government has a scheme which is called helping junior doctors. So each junior doctors entitled to 10,000 lbs of relocation costs throughout their career. So that's from starting as an F one to reaching consultancy post, you're able to claim a maximum of 10,000 lbs. Uh This money can go in the form of uh claiming money back for a van uh van to relocate all your stuff or you have friends of even managed to claim uh rent. Uh let's say in this situation, Jessica, if you're moving from Scotland to London, uh if you can prove that you're still paying rent in Scotland, uh you, you would be able to claim rent uh in London up to 10,000 lbs. Uh We have a question on any financial benefits of being part of the NHS. So again, we'll get the finance lead to touch up on that. But uh did you want to add anything Janice or shruti about any financial perks you guys were aware of? Uh I just didn't like heart that. Exactly. Blue light card. You get some sort of discount from in Nando's and like certain, like, you know, shops and stuff. But that's, that's all I'm aware of. Yeah. So I think that that's mostly it getting the blue light card will be very useful. You can get discount and all your uh fashion brands and yeah, any quick tips regarding the contract. Uh someone who's saying they have to sign them by the end of tomorrow. So I was just looking at this just now because last year, um when we started a lot of us, including me have missed the deadline for the road to check it'll, and we've already signed our contract. But the overarching principle, um I will paste official link from the B M A too, which explains more about that in the chat. Um But the, I would say refer if, if anyone who can't see the chat when you're watching this recording, it'll be the link on, check your road to BMA wrote to check her. Um And they, if Hamptons rooty, um you, you, I think the financially will also talk about this, but generally there are a number set number of set hours that you shouldn't exceed on your road on your rota and your contract. Um So maximum 72 hours of work in seven days. So the start of the seven day would be the start time of your shift rather than 12 AM of that day. So that's the overarching principle. Um You could quick. Uh I know that there, as you mentioned, the BMA might not get back to you in time before you need to sign it. Um I don't know whether Shruti and Hamza have experiences on that. Uh Yeah, so just adding on to what Janice has said, I mean, if you guys are on a short deadline and you have a few days to sign it, I would probably just sign the contract, then you could always get the B M A to review your contract after. I mean, at the end of the day, it is like the NHS organization, it's not some uh I mean, they, they are entitled to look after your well being. And also if ever there's a problem with the contract that the BMA does find, you can always go back to them and I'm sure they'll be willing to change it. So if you're pressed for time, I would just sign the contract now and then get it checked later. Yeah. Um then we have someone saying occupational health is requesting documents uh to be sent in five days time. So I mean, uh they will send a deadline and try to get the documents in by the deadline. But at the end of the day, if, if you don't manage to get those documents, they'll give you some more time sorted out. Mhm. Um And I saw someone um asking a question on, do we get Rotas for all three rotations? Immediately. So not for me. Unfortunately. So when I started, I only got um my first rotation row to, for my second rotation. They emailed me sort of um six weeks before and which is sort of like the accepted um universal deadline for some rotations. You might need to ask around your friends who the wrote a coordinator is sometimes it could be a medical consultant who oversees the row to um just email them and ask whether you can have the ro to earlier. Um The next question says, do you need B M A membership to get your rotor checked by them? Yes, I really wouldn't um advise trying to save your pennies by not signing up for, by not signing up to the B M A or the MD or some sort of indemnity organization because it's really vital that we have their support because say as an F I one, um you're unfortunately experience a difficult case and that's something that goes under investigation. If you are signed up with an indemnity organization, which is not the BMA, but like the M D or the mps or something similar, then they can help you with writing um a, a statement if they require to write, write a statement of stuff like that and all of that legal side of things, we don't get, we, there's no best other, other ways to get those help, legal help and it's best for you to sign up with one of these endemic the organization and also the B M A. So you can make use of these um um you know, rotor checkers and contract checking tools and other well being tools and stuff like that. Um So please do go onto their website um and look at what they offer um and see whether it, it's sort of benefits. You uh Isabel has asked what sort of documents are needed for I D check. Uh So I, I personally brought my driving license. I don't know about you Janice and Shruti, but you can also bring your passport or anything which has your I D on it. The trust should say it should explicitly explicitly state what type of, um I D s would be acceptable and if they haven't even done that, that's pretty poor in my opinion. So always email them, don't take our word but do email them. Um, and, and see what's acceptable. Definitely a passport should be acceptable. Like I don't think they wouldn't accept a passport but because of birth certificate, they don't have, it doesn't have a picture and stuff like that. You need to, you may have to bring two forms of I D. So make sure you contact them directly and ask them what is the most suitable I D things that you can bring? Yeah, great. Uh The next question from Raisin is how would you get, get involved in research in specialties? You're not working in So perhaps Janice, do you, would you have as an academic trainee? Would you have any advice on how you could get involved in research for their specialties? Um I think generic advice for anyone who's not academic or academic. Um Either you, you email directly the consultant or there's another way to find out is for example, if you're interested in oncology, um if the consultant's not getting back to you, the easy way is to ask the clinical nurse specialist, whether there is any departmental research meeting, whether there's any governance meeting where they will talk about audit ideas and where um you could join and you could even tell the clinical nurse specialist. Um Actually, I'm really interested in research in this area. Um Do you know who to contact? Um And also another way to find out is check out who's the F two or S H O S recurrently working there and ask around. Um So these are always um I don't know what our hamster and shoot you have other um agreed, you know, you don't get what you ask, you don't get what you don't ask for. Sorry. So you should always, if you're interested in something, go to that department just rock after the department. Um find out who the consultants are at that department and do a bit of background check. Like obviously, as humans, we have there's different array of personalities that you'll meet when you start working within the NHS. So you want to make sure that the, you know, the research person that you want to work with is sort of nice and, you know, has a lot of positive personality traits, shall we say? So, do a bit of background research about, about, about them and then, um, do maybe also check if they've published anything, what they're missing area of interest is because that would sort of show you in a good light when you speak to them being like, oh, I've done, I've seen your research in this distance and this is something that I'm interested in as well. Is there something going on that I can get involved in? So do rock up to the department, try contacting them what? Firstly, try contacting them by email. If that doesn't work, then you can rock up onto the department or call them. You can always go through a switchboard. Um And firstly, you can ask that their secretary if they are available or, or what at what times there are a bit they are available and not in the clinic and then you can call them and that specific time. So, you know, um just you just, I I know it's annoying because you may not have what directly under them, but there are different ways um in to try and get in touch with them. And also in addition to that, we have a research lead within the mind of leap as well. So we also may be able to help. So if you pop a question and we will direct you to the research team and you can also speak to them directly. I agree. Uh We have another question from Chris Oula uh regarding this specific sign offs needed for F one and F two in terms of competencies. Uh So I won't worry too much about that right now. We will have an A R C E P webinar which will outline um what you need to achieve by the end of Fy one. Um that will, we will host that webinar as soon as you start your Fy one. Um So you can have a better idea before speaking to education supervisors or you have initial meeting with them. But yes, there, there are as hams dimension. There are cases, so many Hkex where someone sees, sees you taking a history and performing examination and they will comment on that. There's a case based discussion um that where you would discuss the case as it says within with a senior. Um And then there are things like reflections that you would, would want to do. Um And also dot So like direct observed procedures. So this could be like injecting local anesthetic um um catheterizations sometimes or even if you want a surgical placement, if you want to do an eye and D so incision and drainage. So any of those things or suturing and A and E for skin wound and stuff like that would all be counted as adopt up. Um So we will look into it in more detail towards the time. But right now I think you've already got enough on your plate to worry about. So we'll get to it uh, in a timely manner. Yeah, a request asked. Can you claim relocation costs if you're moving from London, Scotland? Yeah, I mean, you can claim relocation costs as long as you're uh moving more than 30 miles away, you're living more than 30 miles away from your hospital. Uh Jessica wanted to know in reality, does the NHS actually pay for it? Yeah. So it depends very much on your hospital. Uh from my personal experience, my lost hospital was quite flexible. Uh They reimburse me and my friends as well. Uh My current hospital is a bit more strict but even then because like it's a proper formal policy, uh they should be able to offer some form of relocation costs if you qualify for it. So I would uh contact your hospital hr department to find out about the policy and whether you meet the criteria for it. Cool, quick question. Someone asked about um contacting rotor coordinator. Yeah. Um You might have their name when they send you the stuff. Just call switchboard and ask where they can put, be put through to them directly. A phone conversation is always better than an email. I for me, I always tend to call my road coordinator up and being like this is my situation. I need to leave on these, these, these days. Is that a possibility? And then often they just do it then and there and see if, if you can't take leave, for example, and then you would have to put a official request on as well after. Um So yeah, phone calls, you can switch borders should know that the numbers to avert a coordinator. These questions are coming in but also on uh starting your clinical at the start of each clinical placement, you'll have uh an induction um and they will let you know the contact details for your rotor coordinator. So it varies from trust to trust. Uh in some trust, it's usually like a non medical person, like a person working in medical staffing with another trust. It it can actually be like your registrar or one of the consultants who you work with. Yeah. Um So fill in my trust is saying I need to come in, come in person before July to do the I D check and they need a new DBS track form check. Yeah, from the NHS specifically it is normal. Mm Right in person. Um I D check maybe depending on how far the places, maybe email them or speak to them actually over the phone being like it's not feasible for me to come just for one day because I live like 100 miles away and see what they say. Um, and also DBS check. Yes, everyone has to go through a DBS check, um, before they start. And I think it's an annual thing, isn't it? I think to, they'll recheck an F two as well. I mean, I'll just be one of those things you have to do annually. Um, in terms of reimbursing cost of travel, uh, from personal experience, I don't think Sophie, they would reimburse you that, that day of traveling just for the I D check. Uh But they might reimburse you for, for relocating when you move all your stuff there, especially there's a way by seven hours definitely call them and be like, yeah, it's not possible. That's ridiculous. Yeah, just call them. So when do we get uh has also when do we get our wrote for the 1st and 2nd rotation? Do we just email them to ask? Yeah, well, your first rotation hopefully should get, you should have it before two months. If you haven't got it before two months, email them directly. Um and ask what's happening. And similarly, once you started your first rotation, you'll get a um you should, they should automatically send you the rotor for the second rotation, six weeks or eight weeks before your start date. And if you don't obviously send them a heads up and well being like, bro, what's happening and then hopefully they will get back to you. If not, you can always call them up as well. Uh, agree. And again, it depends on your trust. Some trust are more organized than others, but as Shruti said, they should send it at least six weeks before you start. Um, usually on starting, you'd only get the, the row to, for the rotation you're about to start. You wouldn't, let's say if you're about to start in the next few weeks, you wouldn't get the row to for the 2nd and 3rd rotation. It's because things change and they probably haven't even made the rotor yet. Rotations. Do we need private indemnity insurance or do trust protectors? I would get private indemnity insurance because they are much more with us, their job. Do you get me and they would know how to help you in a legal case if, if matters get escalated to that, to that event, I think you would get a lot of benefits by being part of it. Unfortunately, I haven't been part. Well, not, unfortunately, fortunately, I haven't been part of a case where I needed to turn to an MD or like an indemnity, the company, but I know of other people unfortunately have had that experience and they found that the organizations were very helpful, um which the trust couldn't provide them. Um So for example, as I mentioned about writing statements, you know, insurance, the indemnity, indemnity organisations can read through and actually give you proper advice as to how to write a statement which wasn't offered by the trust and that was involved in the case. So I wouldn't, I personally wouldn't even think twice about signing up to an indemnity organization. Uh Carrie has asked, uh well, we have more talks about choosing indemnity or insurance. So at the moment, uh yeah, Shruti. Did you wanna? Yeah. Yeah, we, we do. So we will ask MG you to come and talk. They have agreed. It's just about getting, getting a date. So we do have those things in mind and that will that will happen. But in terms of the options out there, there's not much to choose from. It's uh the M D U most, most of the junior doctors sign up to the MD. You uh you could have the medical protection services as well and the B M A but these are the three big organizations just to clarify. Sorry. Um hams up. So BMA is not an indemnity organization. It was mainly just M D U in the M S mps, apologies. Money. No, no, no, it's fine. And even I thought the same as well. I only learned from the beginning talk and Dan was like they're not an indemnity organizational said uh has asked his hospital accommodation mostly okay. It's cheap but I'm worried about some of the drawbacks. Uh I don't know Janis, do you have any experience of hospital accommodation or shruti? I mean, I had to stay in hospital accommodation during my um placements at um certain hospitals whilst as a medical student um somewhere nice, some, as you said, you have to share bottoms and stuff. But I soon knew that that wasn't for me, like I cannot see myself doing that for a whole year or even two years that I opted for a, you know, like a private, like a private flat, not basically, not a hospital accommodation. So it really depends on how on your sort of um, personal likes and dislikes. So if you think that's going to be a massive issue, um, then maybe spending a bit more money, um, where you can have a bit more privacy and have your own bathroom and stuff, you know, maybe the best way forward. So it really depends on, on how you like it. Mhm. And it very much depends on your hospital as well for instants. Uh, I was at Shrewsbury Hospital, uh, during my f one year and the hospital accommodation there was very good. So I stayed there for the whole year. It was very sociable. So you get to live with other doctors and get to meet some good friends as well where other hospitals, the accommodation is not that great. So, uh, I would, uh, look more into it, uh, for your specific hospital, maybe ask other people living there or other junior doctors who've been there before. Uh, but even then, uh, you could use hospital accommodation as the last resort or temporary measure until you find places. Shruti said speak to estates, call switchboard and ask them to put you through to estates and then you can have a direct conversation as to what different type of accommodation they can provide you. And maybe there might be one that as you know, hamster says a really nice one with on on suite bathroom and stuff. And I know sometimes some hospitals accommodation have like a two bed flat literally because some people have their family, like live with their family in these hospital accommodations and stuff. So ask um ask speak to estates and find out what what options there are. Uh We have another question from Rahimah. Can rotations be changed to suit someone who is pregnant in case of high risk pregnancy. For instance, I will speak to your occupational health, I would speak to. I would flag it up immediately with your um definitely occupational health. Absolutely. No. And maybe your wrote a coordinator as well. Um Or is that I remember there was a person from hr who's a point of contact for me initially before I started work. So whoever sending you like your pre employment, check emails and stuff like that, contact them as well and ask who's the right person to talk to. But any occupational health should, should um could give you some sort of a helping hand in this. Um Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who had a similar experience. I can't give any more specific details. But unless Janice and Hamza have any other ideas. Uh Yeah. So I think in my experience, it, it might depend uh based on like friends uh who have been pregnant before. Uh It's uh very much depends on like which rotation you have in which hospital you're at. Uh It's unlikely they will change the rotation for you like the specialty, but they can make some adjustments for instants if you're working on the respiratory ward and you're pregnant, uh, and exposed to COVID as well, they might allocate you like base which are non COVID own less high risk, for instance. Yeah. How do we sort out scrubs during your shadowing the first day when you go ask them whether you need to wear scrubs because now wearing like proper formal clothing and stuff, unfortunately, I don't get to do that. But if that's the case then cool, you don't have to wear scrubs. But if you need to wear scrubs, ask them where it is where the normally they don't like you going into theater to get scrubs because they just have a very, quite, quite strict about that. So there might be another place where you can get scrubs. Um, and some people have like, get their own scrubs from certain companies. Um, I don't know the name but there's like a fashionable scrub scrub. What was it called? Sorry. Figs, I think. Oh, yeah, maybe I'm taking Byles from there as well. So, basically just figure out, find out from doing a shadowing um where to get them. Uh We have a few more questions about the relocation costs. So if you look in the chat box, I just put the link on um a website for it if you want a bit more information. But then again, we'll get another lecture and getting our finance lead in mind the bleep to cover it. But yeah, that's right. You can claim up to 10,000 lbs for your entire post grad career. So that's up to consultancy level. Should I be concerned that I haven't been sent my contract? Uh So I, I personally wouldn't worry about it. It depends on like the trust as well as some trust uh has organized. It might take a bit more talent to send you your contract. Yeah. And this is why it's important to join the whatsapp groups because um it's a good remember asking that question as well and because I was in a whatsapp group, I was able to check that a lot of my colleagues haven't got their Rotas. So um always check in with people who are joining the same trust as you. Brilliant. I think that's it. Thank you so much guys for staying with us. We still have 100 and 81 people with us. Um So if you have any more questions, please do just pop us a message on Facebook or whatever it may be and let us know what sort of content you like. Um We do have, as I said, a series of 10 to 20 lectures for you guys to help you prepare. So the next few so sessions will be mainly about contracts and stuff like that, that is important. And then as we get closer to your start date, we'll start talking about clinical um clinical related um topics. Um So yeah, please also do look into the F I one in person. Course, that would be a great opportunity for you to know how to handle on calls um and stuff like that. So I hope you we'll be able to use a Q R cords. We will upload this by the way on to medal. So you should be able to go back to your QR QR cords um and be able to sign up easily any other questions Hamza or Janice. Uh Thank you for your chances, Shruti profession. Thank you to Janice and Shruti as well for taking that time to give, give this very important talk. And we would really appreciate, oh, I'm so sorry. Homicide. We would really appreciate if you can complete the feedback forms because it's always important that we get feedback so we can tailor it next time, improve it um for you guys. Um So please please please um complete that feedback form for every sessions that you attend as well. Okay, thank you so much. Uh Post the link for the feedback form as well in the in the chat box again. Yeah, brilliant. Okay. Thank you, Shruti in Hamza. Um Just heading off now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. All right, then I think we can end the session. Shruti. Yeah, cool. Thank you. Good evening and, and stay tuned for more lectures from us. Yeah. Thank you. Bye.