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Intro to the MEDICA Research Essentials: Training Series



This medical research training series will equip medical professionals with the skills they need to complete their systematic reviews and meta analyses. Through this series, medical professionals will learn how to define research questions, develop research objectives and hypotheses, utilize appropriate data collection techniques and questionnaire sections, and create a full proposal step-by-step. Each session will be one hour long and will include a quiz, feedback, and certificate. Participants will also have access to a support group and recorded sessions for their reference. Get the most out of your learnings and join this medical research training series today!

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In this introductory session, our primary goals are to familiarize our members with three essential components. Firstly, we'll provide an overview of MEDICA, ensuring everyone is acquainted with this important platform. Secondly, we'll introduce our members to the training series and its modules, giving them a clear picture of what to expect in the coming sessions. Lastly, we'll guide them on how to access the training sessions through the MedAll platform, making sure they're ready to participate seamlessly. These objectives lay the groundwork for a productive and informative training series.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the systematic review and meta-analysis process within the context of medical research.
  2. Develop familiarity with how to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis using statistical methods.
  3. Become familiarized with the steps needed to develop a research project and the corresponding hypothesis, objectives, and research design.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to use the prescribed platform and its features when delivering the training.
  5. Engage in a meaningful discussion with the audience to receive and provide feedback on the session.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

So we will start uh you can chat, chat. Um OK, so welcome to the first medical research training, research essentials training series. Um I will send that came in group uh uh I'm the founder and director, research, education manager, training and Mohammad Bar or a AV director. Um I will be explaining training about the schedule and et cetera. If you have any questions, I will check the chart. So this training, systematic review and meta analysis training series where Research Made Simple Training series uh December. So be 19 December. Um um every session will be on this platform, the platform. So uh and to graduate uh uh neuropsychology, master's degree train systematic review and meta analysis. Um uh how to finish your systematic and uh advance to a meta analysis. No, when the next step. So uh a systematic review and meta analysis uh uh series uh test, pre and post assessment test, test and you get your score test, um uh systematic review. Uh you can uh send your questions I chat uh who will automatically be certificate platform. OK? Every session you watch with feedback platform. OK? Uh Men kill a training program, you will have an official uh certificate, men, medical m and doctor en uh uh specifically on. So it's very easy session, uh quiz sessions, post quiz feedback session. You have a certificate for, for each session. Hello, session online, you will have time recorded platform recorded and mo uh most probably um December. So we will have time. I'm gonna get your certificate very easy. Ok. So hi there about the first uh series I will check bare is a SE L OK. The second series, uh most of you will be explaining basic steps, be any training, you will be even on the statistics but how to really manage who, who is statistics, who will uh um uh uh deviation. OK. Let us know. OK, skip it. You will not get a certificate and certificate will be skipping a specific uh series. You have to tell us you will not be assessing the series. But so we have a certificate. OK. So uh do you have any questions? I mean, OK. Uh uh problems let us know how long is every session? Usually one hour uh uh even the other doctors, I max, I see. Uh now this one. So na na a systematic review introduction, how to define research question uh and read the first blood. If the uh basics advanced statistical techniques and meta analysis will explain will be explaining. But for you to actually do the work like you have in mind training program, we will open a call. So details steps of steps and they talk to us, we need the system is gonna be uh complicated and to apply everything you learn. But skill tennis years, yes, you can apply tennis. Uh Professor dentistry. So uh the course is actually a university course. So, but uh uh she had like she gave us our consent to her advisor man. So how to uh start your research project, the research, research question objectives and hypothesis research design. If uh uh methodology sampling technique, data collection, if down questionnaire sectional literature review, very basic and then doctor will be showing you a full proposal step by step. So apply it and you proposal and we meet with the advisors and doctors and we see a uh projects we can work on and then we work on. So it's not obligatory about the uh where we apply it. Uh How can you access these files? Uh link three pro uh profile Taba. I will be sending them all in a group. Can we do the session on the platform? Uh You will have the same, like the same experience recorded, you'll have the same experience. Will the sessions be recorded? Yes, sessions will be recorded platform available and to, to, to access them my feedback, not to share them during the training. Um How can we access the group you're talking about after that, you are already in the group that uh is ba and we will check is I a group or not if I MJ? Ok. But hold on. Does this. So all D table guys, you will have access to a group session with time. Um It ok. Yes, sir. Charlotte. How you will be accessing the training session? Ok. Ok. So with the I will stop sweating. Um she's really, really important. I want to say I know please enjoy the training or please uh like, ok, I will have time during the week every step of the way. It is very important. The point of this training and contention step by step in your research, idea, your own project for a note is very crucial. It's very the next doctor. What will doctor and be explaining doctor and they will not be uh repeating each other. Uh So uh really enjoy the training. Anything you need, the doctors will be available, questions on even questions uh to be sent by email, just let us know and uh uh we hope you enjoy you, hope you, we hope and the feedback is here for you to give your opinion. It's very crucial to before the future uh about case report, uh training and other trainings and the future for now. The training schedule sessions. Uh Some of us haven't signed up before via Google forms can be open. Uh What do you mean haven't signed up or this forms all a group? It will be just two forms. Uh ok. Uh DMR yes. Skill sessions will be recorded will be available at high platform uh ma the email with photo and you will get access to the recording. My feedback will hear my uh documents. The official document will be shared with the money I shared that. How long will every session take in general? Like everything with a quiz and feedback approximately? OK. The quiz a session. So, so Eliquis uh feedback, feedback is like two minutes or one minute certificate. You can download it via PDF for the future or whatever you need it for any questions. Ok. Ah uh How to access every training, give food, food to our session problems to access the session privately. Ok. Uh Ahmad. Are you ready? Yeah. Say my knee, salty knee. Yes, I OK. Tell me uh he uh can, that's 1008. Yes uh registration uh session. Entertaining is a menu member. B medical and platform. So let me uh uh I to access the training session of invitation, a training uh academic uh do do do do do lbl verification outlook outlook. Uh But then I had the meeting ma ma ma ma and he conversation has gone messages. Uh A has a book in the sessions. No, so I have become interactive. Uh who can show messages a a uh yes password uh by joining. Ok, I am. Uh ok. So. Ok. Um How much are you ready? Uh Yes. Can you all hear me? Yes. One. Ok. Once head around. I'm just gonna be sharing real quick. Ok. Oh, can you all see the PDF yet, please? Ok. So we're not gonna be reading this whole uh frameworks and regulations now, but this will be sent to the group so that for exactly your requirements to receive the certificates and be eligible for it or to continue in the series that mainly mafi pre and post assessment quizzes and a feedback form after every session fi three pre and post assessment quizzes that will be covering questions in how in the session, as you can see here, they are designated timelines for a tab. We need this to regulate the reporting to regulate give evaluation and assessment of this uh training series, assessing and uh feedback and evaluation. So we can improve so we can be better so we can know what we need to improve on and avoid for next time. OK. Uh and feedback, especially the training series anonymous. But at minimum, we need 80% of a man through the whole series. This feedback for this is the minimum we need or as you see certificate requirements, percentages, 80%. I know, I know some of you can live, it's just 10% to 5%. Uh but I called ham with the series feedback form or h it's exactly how the certificate, what it will include or literally it will be sent two weeks after we have all the info that is needed. Uh for any info you can always reach uh to me through my number and my email and this document will be shared on the group with you guys. This is mainly what uh I will be following up with you uh through this thing series. Oh, any questions, sir? Mm Yes. Well, any questions regarding uh any questions regarding the certifications, the assessment, if any form is not working, anything like that or anything extreme situation, reach out to me or to Ahmed if it's registration related, but that's mainly what I'm gonna be presenting. Oh, thank you. Looking forward to the series Merci Hammon. So in summary, guys see one form and bought pre post assessment group. Holy Google forms, you get your scores to evaluate yourself uh one for the whole training but we need like the actual feedback because uh report that's true for uh how the the whole training went. Mm I want to add, I know after every session we couldn't see a feedback uh form made integrated part of me all uh a feedback to the. So don't worry about the this is to control the participation. So it's gonna have it now. Make sure until you participated at it we need to see and you fill this uh fee form. Yeah, certificate, certificate, session, certificate, certificate, especially when it's recorded. OK. Ok. OK. In OK. So, so OK, basically very easy email invitation, a time review event. OK. Best time of your event. You join, you just joined with meeting. OK. Any questions? Uh we hope you enjoy. This is something uh This is the first time. So here we are taking a full program um as uh ma doctors, especially Bill, Bill. So really how or best of luck or anything you need? Thank you guys. The feedback, feedback. Thank you guys. Enjoy.