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Intercalating in Management iBSc at the Imperial Business School



This on-demand teaching session is a must-attend for medical professionals exploring further management study or looking to diversify their skills. The speaker, a management student, shares an insider's account of the program structure, assignments and the overall experience. He highlights the wide variety of modules available including ones on coding, global strategy and sustainable business. Applying these skills could provide beneficial for future medical professionals aiming to be consultants or launch a start-up. He lays out an honest account of the pros and cons of such a program. The interactive Q&A session enables participants to get clarified on any questions. Join the session now to get unparalleled insights on choosing management courses alongside medical education.

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For this talk, we are excited to announce Katie Choi as our guest speaker. Katie is a current 5th year ICL medical student who achieved a 1st in the Imperial management iBSc at the Imperial Business School last year.

Come along to learn more about what the intercalated course involves, tips for success, and to ask any questions that you may have. If you are interested in finding out more, make sure to join!

This event will be held online on MedAll at the times shown on the page.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the reasons for choosing management over a speciality field in medicine, including the benefits such as skill-building and opportunities in consulting.
  2. Gain knowledge about the structure of a management course in medical school, including the various modules and assessment methods.
  3. Examine the practical applications of management studies and how it aids career and CV building, particularly in fields such as consulting, start-ups, and entrepreneurship.
  4. Comprehend the pros and cons of taking a management course, with particular focus on workload, skill-building, networking opportunities, and faculty/student support.
  5. Learn about the variety of projects and group work involved in a management course, with examples shared by the speaker.
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Just so you get a more realistic idea of what it entails. I know that a lot of people um are wanting to do it and it's becoming more and more popular. Um So it's even more important to get a more realistic outlook on what it entails so that firstly, you enjoy it. And also, so um you um can succeed in it as well. So um just a brief overview of the talk. So firstly, um I'll just be talking about why I personally chose management. I'll be going over the structure of the course, some pros and cons and then let me give you some examples of the projects that I were in I was involved in and then um any time for questions at the end, um and also feel free to unmute yourselves if you have any questions. Um It's quite informal so you can just interrupt when you like um or equally, you can put it in the chat as well and I'll um do my best to answer it. So firstly, why I chose management. So, um I didn't really, I wasn't really particularly interested in any um particular specialty medicine. I know that from like year 1 to 3, you get a lot of clinical exposure. But, um, and a lot of people, they, you know, they find what they like to do. Some people like cardiology, they know they want to be um a surgeon, but I really had no idea. And, um, I guess that made me want to do um, like explore other options. Um, I also considered a different field. So maybe something in med tech. I was quite um interested in startups as well. And equally a lot of people who choose management, they're quite um interested in consulting. Um, so if that's something that you're interested in, I think management would be a good option. And again, I spoke to a few older years and they, um said that management is a really challenging degree but they didn't regret, regret doing it. Um There's a lot of new skills that you will learn and ones that you won't learn as much in medicine itself, but they're really applicable to, um, like your future career and any like businesses, even like GP partners, um, they'll be using skills that you'll learn in management. And, um, lastly it's just something a bit different. So it's like a break from medicine. Um, you know, the whole degree is six years. So it's nice to just have a little bit of a break, um, and refresh for your 5th and 6th years. Um, and then moving on to like the general structure. So personally, when I, um, applied for management, I didn't really look at the modules. I had a brief, um, like, look over them, but I didn't, um, really look at what it entailed. Um, so I guess there's a, there's a module for everyone. They're all kind of different in their own ways and they're assessed in different ways as well. So there will be coursework, there will be, um, essays, there will be exams, there will be presentations. So um there'll be something for you. Um Some ones that I'd like to highlight. Um So there was like a coding module which I found particularly interesting. Um Coding is very relevant nowadays. So I found it quite an important skill to learn. Um There's also ones like um global strategy and sustainable business, you basically analyze a company strategy and then you put it onto powerpoint slides and you present it. So that's similar to what someone would do in consulting. And that's why the skills that you learn here, they're really good for CV building. But also um like interviewing if you're wanting to apply for consulting and then finally, we have a final project. So um all of these term one, term two and your final project, they're in groups. Um So term one and two, they're randomized groups, term three, you get to choose. So um there's a bit of flexibility around that. Um There's also exams in January and may. Um So it's a bit difference in medicine, in medicine. We don't get January exams, we don't get coursework as such. Um, so it's, it's quite different. Um, but yeah, it, it just shows you that there's a huge variety of modules available, um, especially the creative ones as well, like marketing and entrepreneurship. Um Those are really good, um, particularly like in the future if you're thinking about starting a business or a start up, um, These skills would be really valuable for that. Um If you have any questions about particular modules, you can um also ask and I'll be happy to go into detail about them. Um OK, now I'll go on to the pros and cons. So, um personally, I think there's more pros than cons. Um And I'll definitely recommend doing it. That's my general consensus. But here are some more specific um advantages and things that I enjoyed. So it's very social. Uh The cohort is about 100 and 30 people. Um And that includes medics, but also external medics. So out of imperial, there's also biochem um students, there's chemistry students. Um I can't quite remember anyone else. Oh, there's like some vets as well. Um So completely new cohort your medicine cohort um which is nice to meet new people, the faculty as well. So management is within the Business School, not the faculty of medicine. So the Business School, they um like to promote networking and they have a lot of social events you might have seen that there's a Natural History ball. Um, it's basically like an evening ball held at their Natural History Museum. Um, I think it was free in the year, um, that you do management. Um, but that was particularly fun and also in terms of work, there's a lot of group work. So you'll get to know people in your cohort really well and you'll work with them. Um, you'll see them like nearly every day. Um Just because of the workload and the need for you to be um in on campus every day. Um Additionally, the content I found it very relevant is very useful. Um particularly um kind of looking at behind the scenes of the NHS looking at, for example, nice guidelines and how um policies are made. Um We looked at the structure of the NHS and the politics around that these were things I didn't really know or um appreciate before. Um And then again, there's entrepreneurship for um any business kind of related things and start ups and then um sustainable business for consulting. Um in terms of skills, you'll learn a lot of skills, there will be things that you're not so good at now, but your practice. Um So for example, I wasn't very confident um giving presentations or like public speaking. Um But we had a lot of times that we were kind of forced to present and pitch, which sounds awful, but it forces you to do it and um you learn a lot, you build a lot of confidence. Um So it, it really does push you to um develop your skills and become just a better person in general. And then again, so um the faculty, they're really friendly, they'll listen to feedback that you have um unlike um other faculties and they're quite responsive and um yeah, they're really there to support you, which um is really nice because it gives you a sense of community. Um something which wasn't really relevant in other societies. Um I mean, other BS ES um where they had more individual supervisors and not so much like a faculty that looks after you. Um, there's also a lot of support from older years. So, um a lot of people provide tutorials uh just before exams and um they'll give you access to their previous course, works as well. Um So that's really helpful and generally it's just very, it's a very friendly environment. Um Now going on to the cons, you may have heard that um management that is a huge workload and it is a lot of work. There were a few all nighters which I hadn't done before um for medicine. So that was a new thing to me. And then like leading up to coursework deadlines, it can be quite stressful because they tend to be at the same time. Um, things tend to be due at the same time and then at the same time, group work. Um II feel like there's a lot of benefits for group work. Um kind of like delegating tasks and working with other people. But at the same time, um there will be some slackers and there will be people and there will be times where you have to pick up um some work on behalf of other people. So um you kind of need to prepare for that. Um It is not like personal in any way, but um you just need to prepare to do a lot of work. Um and then additionally coursework and feedback. So some, some of the faculty members um who gave us lectures were brilliant. They gave us a lot of feedback and they kept us in the loop with our coursework. So um we were very like the information about um the course was very transparent. We knew exactly what they wanted. But then on the other hand, there were a few um where it was slightly unclear, it was quite um ambiguous what they wanted from our coursework. So, um it was hard trying to work that out and then sometimes um we would get poor quality feedback as well. So it would be quite brief, quite general. Um That's, I wouldn't say that's a big con but um if you're looking for maybe something more supervised, more um personal, then um it's probably better to manage your expectations um for management. And then in addition, exams some people like exams. Um, so this may be a pro to you. Um, but you'll spend your Christmas and your Easter holidays revising for these, um, which is a bit different because we had our, we have our Christmases free, um, during medicine. So, um, this again, um, you would need to consider and you, you would need to be willing to put in a lot of work basically. Um, but on the back end of that, um you'll learn a lot from putting in that work. Um and you'll appreciate, you'll appreciate it a lot more. Um I'll leave this to the end. It's just a feedback form. But um I, I've just seen our question. Yes. So it's a different group for term one and term two. So you'll get a randomized term one group and that will be um a mixture of people from Imperial. Um Mostly I think it's all medics. So you'll be in groups of, I think it's 5 to 6. Now it used to be six and seven, but now it's 5 to 6 people. Um all medics, but some people will be from Imperial and some will be external and then that changes for term two and then your final group. Um you get to choose, so you'll choose your final group in, I think it's November time, which is quite early. So, um it's best to kind of keep um keep an eye out for people. You want to work with and people you enjoy spending time with. Um Yeah, any more questions you can just put on the chat. Um But I just wanted to show you a few of my projects and um the coursework that I had done last year. Um So this was one, this was um one of my most enjoyable modules. So it was um a marketing module you basically had to create. Um you had to formulate this product, this imaginary product. Um So you could literally do anything. And I think people in the past they've done like teleportation machines, things that, you know, don't really need to exist, but you need to market it using specific techniques and then you um pitch it at the end to your cohort. So um it sounds really scary but um you get to know your cohort and um you get to develop your kind of public speaking um skills. So this was really quite exciting and um quite creative as well. Um which I really enjoyed. Um And then, oh this, these are just photos, this is a natural history ball and then in the middle is um one of my groups. Um So you'll, you'll get to know your group really well and you'll be doing socials with them. Um You'll see them every day for work, but even outside of work, you'll be doing socials, like going out for dinner or making plans. So, um it really is a good environment to be in and then um the photos on the left are um photos of the Natural History Ball. So um yeah, that was very exciting. And then uh this is, this looks very um like a lot of information, but it's basically um I'm just, I was just showing you for those people who are interested in consulting. Um this is very similar to what you would be doing. So it's basically analyzing um a company strategy. So what's good about it? What do they currently do? And then comparing it to um similar uh similar companies in the industry, what they're missing, what they could improve on and then analyzing it. So, um this one, I found actually quite difficult because I hadn't done it anything like this before. But, um, I mean, looking back now, um you, you have a sense of like, um you have a sense of pride. Um you know, that you can't do, you couldn't have done this before um doing management, but now you can, so you can really see like what you've learned um and things that are really relevant to your career. Um And then, um oh, these are just photos of um the top right? One is a debate. So, um you'll split your group into two. and then you'll debate um a certain topic. So ours was quite complex. I think they gave to us quite a complex topic. It was about like data platforms. Um But you have to research that and then pretend to debate and then the bottom left um was my final project. So um my final project was um on one about the pharmaceutical industry and the involvement of um tech and A I in it. And this was the final presentation that was given. Um So it's something to be really proud of. Um And yeah, a really good sense of achievement. Um I think that's, oh, this is basically summary takeaway points. So I think the most important things to consider um about management is that there, there's a lot of group work. So if you don't like working with people, it's probably not the best um VSC for you. But um you have to prepare to work in a group and sometimes um you, you have to be very patient with people um and work very hard, you have to dedicate a lot of time and then um there's a lot of opportunities to network and explore options outside of medicine. Um And I would highly recommend it. It is a lot of work. Um But again, I don't regret choosing it and then more general um if you're kind of um ing and ahing about management and other BSC S, it's really not the end of the world if you don't get the one that you want, if you um you know, if you get your 3rd, 4th, 5th choice, um that's ok and you'll still find things that you enjoy in those courses. And most people that I know enjoyed what they did anyway, if there's a certain specialty that you want to go into, um, you know, some people, they're very sure about what they want to go into and they're very tunnel vision and they will do the BSC that suits them. But I think personally you should consider other options just to broaden your horizons and also push yourself because, um at the end of the day, um you want your BSE to be enjoyable, but you also want it to be useful. And if you're sticking to something that you already know, um it may not be the best for you. Um If you're not sure about any specialties you want to go into, it might be easier to think about what you definitely don't enjoy. Um And equally exploring other options that aren't medical. So there's bioengineering. Um There's the humanities one as well and also management. Um And then about um the choice, the order of choices that you put. So you have five choices and some people say that um you need to play the system, basically, some BSC S are more competitive than others. So it makes more sense to kind of put competitive ones at the top. So if you don't get your first choice, um then um you're more likely to get your choices because your bottom choices are more competitive anyway. Um Personally, um I chose management first and then I put Farm second and that's super competitive as well. And then I put Bowen third, which is also super competitive. Um When I fourth, I think I put anesthetics, which is also quite competitive. So I like faculty always say you don't need to play the system. But honestly, if, if there are some, um if there are some BSC S that are more, you know, are more competitive, then consider putting them at the top of your list. Um And then maybe you'll get a higher chance of getting the ones that you want. Um I think that's all. Yeah, that's all. Um I'll go by the QR code. Please fill in the feedback form. Um It will be really good for me to um, you know, develop my own teaching style and uh any feedback so I can improve for the future. Um I'll stay on the call. So if you have any questions you can ask it um in the chat or you can unmute yourself and ask. Um, but yeah, thank you for listening. Um And you can always email. Um, you can email me or you can ask um I'm sure Nixon or anyone who's um running AMSA, they'll be able to signpost you to me. I just had a question. So, um are the exams multiple choice. So there are a few which are multiple choice. It tends to be more the um mathematical ones. So like um accounting and then health economics, they'll have, um they'll have multiple choice exams. Um, I think they're the uh oh, and there's another one, which is more about coding. So I think there's three off the top of my head, which are multiple choice and then the others are um essays or short answer questions. Um Is it hard to fail? I don't know anyone who's failed. Um, but I don't want to definitively say that no one's failed. I just don't know anyone. Um This links to another question about how hard it is to get a first. So honestly, the majority of people I know got first. Um but it probably depends on like who you speak to and what kind of group, what kind of like friendship group they're in. Um I would say at least half get first. Um If you really put in the work, especially for your um exams, exams is where it counts the most. So exams is based on your individual individual ability, your coursework is more group work. So if you put all of your effort into, well, put most of your effort into individual exams, um they all score higher and if your coursework doesn't do as well, it will bring your grade up. Um So it's just all about um being smart about where you put your effort into and as well, some modules are easier, it's easier to score higher. Um So if you, you don't need to put in as much effort into them and then for the other ones, if it's, um, if it's quite difficult then maybe you need to put in, um, a bit more work into those. Um, what would a typical day look like with timings compared to me? I spent so much time in the business school. Um, my flatmates basically didn't see me for the year. Um, so a typical day. Well, it depends. So I'll go. So let's take a one term. So you have your deadlines at the end of the term, I say at the start of the term, I'd be in the business school. Um Monday to Friday 9 to 6 and then I'll do some work at home as well and then as the time goes on your, your days will get longer. Well, my, my days got longer and then also I'd be there on the weekends as well. Um which seems like a lot of time, but honestly, most people do that and um it's quite nice, it's, it's quite a nice community. Um because everyone's there, everyone gets dinner together, everyone's working together. Um So you will spend a lot of time um, working, um uh I BSC and BSC equivalent degrees. Um I'm not entirely sure. Um I BSC, so I BSC is just one year and then BSC is typically three years, but uh I'm not sure if they're recognized as the EQU as equivalent. Um So I'm not entirely sure about that question. And then did you slash are you planning to get any publications from your projects? So, publications also is a, is a big pro of management. A lot of people um they will get publications, there's one module in particular where people get publications. Um And then also final project as well. Um Me personally, I'm not going to get a publication for my final project just because um it would be a lot of extra work. Um So you basically, you do your project. Um And then in order to get a publication, you need to do a lot of extra work and then work with your supervisor to get feedback on that. Um So personally, I'm not going to but um I know a lot of people are trying. Um I don't think anyone's gotten one yet, but um yeah, you will need to work on a few extra um months on it to try and get publication. Um And then are the exams in campus or remote? Um They were on campus. So um yeah, they're on campus, some of them were on paper and then the other ones were on just on your laptop. But you have like um this thing called a Lockdown browser. So basically, um you download this, you go on this um website or system and then um you can't browse or go on any other apps. So um that's um yeah, none of the exams were remote. How many exams did you have in total? Um, in January, I think we had four. Um, I think it was four and then in May we had no, I think it was five in January. I think we had five and then May we had three, um, give or take one or two exams. Um, so, yeah. And they're all within, um, one or two weeks. Um, what sort of entrepreneurial work did you slash your group do? Oh, So I'll go to, oh, so this one, it's basically we came up with the idea of this device um that you can put in your fridge and it's basically a camera that can scan everything that's in your fridge and then it connects to an app. So like when you're in the supermarket and you're wondering what you're going to buy and like what you have at home, then you can just go on the app and then it connects to the camera. So then you'll know you'll know what you have. Um Sorry. So that's um that was one of our projects and then the other one was our entrepreneur module and that was um uh what was it? It was a pregnancy app um to help kind of with pregnancy and then connecting them uh women with antenatal nurses. Um So that was the kind of entrepreneurial work we did. Um How many pieces of coursework are there? Um So these were the modules in terms of coursework. Now, we're on 234, 88 pieces of coursework and then your final project. Um So you'll have four pieces of coursework in term 14 in term two. And then, um, no, sorry, five and 10, 2, 13 in term 15 in T two. And then your final project in term three. So that's how many pieces of coursework we had. What can we do now to get a head start outside of uni do you mean like what you can do to get a head start on management? Ok. Start ups. Um I'm going to assume for management. Um So someone asked, what can we do now to get a head start? Oh, a head start for management. Um There's, they give you like an en account, an accounting primer or like prereading kind of thing. So, um it kind of refreshes your um maths. Um So it had stuff like differentiation and sequences. Um So um they give you that already to do in the summer, honestly. Um You don't need to do anything to prepare ahead of time, just enjoy, enjoy your summer. Uh go on your holidays and take a nice break before you start. There's nothing you can really do to prepare because um they'll give you lectures anyway. Um And um yeah, they give you some prereading before the lectures, maybe like a week before the lectures anyway. Um So there's nothing that you need to do personally to get a head start is everything on SK campus. Yeah. So a business school is, um, in South Ken. It's the one, on exhibition road. You know, there's like, there's like a big glass building and then inside, when you go inside there's a big scan of the brain. That's, um, that's where the business school is. Um, do you work on your final project throughout the year or just in term three? Ok. So term three is dedicated just a final project. But you do start it a bit earlier. So you start it probably in term two. But you do uh like a little bit here and there um alongside your other modules and then um you're fully focus in on it in term three. Um Did most people who did the management BSE want to leave med after uni do you think it's still worth doing the BSE if you are not wanting to do finance? Yeah. So most people don't, uh well, most people I've spoken to don't want to do finance. Um maybe a, a I know one person who wants to go into finance but um yeah, most people don't want to do finance. Um The thing is a lot of people, they also still enjoy medicine. So it's not that they want to leave medicine, but it's, if you um let's say like GP partners, they also need some of these skills because they're running the GP. And that's basically a business itself. Um So these skills are really relevant for that. And then also just knowing more about the NHS, the structure of it um policies around like health policies. Um It's just useful to know um just for, just for like your working life, but life, life in general, I feel like it's quite useful, particularly if you are in a career of medicine. Um If you have no experience doing anything econ or finance related in the past, will you struggle to understand the concept? Oh, so I didn't do anything um econ related or finance related in the past, I just did um maths like a level maths. Um but even then it wasn't um very relevant. Um So no, you don't need any experience doing econ or any finance, anything that you need to know they will teach to you. Um So you don't need any like preconceived knowledge um to be able to do well um any more questions? Um What, what extent does the maths go up to? Does it go beyond a level maths? No. So the only maths module is accounting and accounting is like um is very basic maths. It's like adding, adding five digit numbers together. Um but just having an have, it's like, no, it's not, it's not complex maths. Um It's more the content which um you learn about. So you won't actually need to do any like differentiation or um yeah, you won't need to do any complex maths? Oh. How hard are the exams compared to med exams? Um, I think this really depends. So, it, it, yeah, it really depends. So, with medicine exams, even with medicine exams, people work differently. So some people will cram and learn everything within a few months and then some people work here and there, like, throughout the whole year and, um, people find it of different difficulties and I think it's the same with management as well. Um The thing with management is that um a lot of people, so with some of the modules, there's not much um there isn't a big range between the marks. So um let's say with one module, most people will get in between 60 to 70%. Um So it just kind of shows that um most people are doing similar. Um How, how do I explain it? Most people are in, are getting very similar marks. So it just shows that if a module is really hard, then they will scale it so that um most people will get similar marks if that makes sense. Um So basically, if one module is hard, other people will probably find it hard to and the marks will reflect. Um We like that. Um Could you talk us through a typical day? I feel like I don't know what you actually do in the BSE on the day to day. Oh OK. Yeah. So you'll have lectures you'll have um usually the lectures are like, two hours long. So they'll start at nine in the morning and then they'll go until, mm, probably 49 till four or sometimes nine till five. And you'll have lectures from different modules during the day. Um, and then also in between the lectures you'll probably there, sometimes you'll get an hour or two and then that's when you can either, like, get lunch, have a break or you can work on your coursework in that time as well. So that's like structured um teaching that's teaching that you need to go to, they're your lectures and then um in between the lectures, you can do your coursework and then after lectures, you can do your coursework as well. Um And then you can do it at home or during the weekend. Um So yeah, it's all, it's all the teaching that they give you is all lecture based. There's no like small group teaching or tutorials. Did you actually have to develop the apps properly or just present the idea and why it would be useful? Yeah. So we didn't have to develop it properly. I would not know um how to develop an app. So um it was just more the idea of it and then pitching it. So using skills like um analyzing the financials or like budgeting and then doing the primary data collection or doing like market research. Um and then looking at like what's out there already. So looking at other competitors. So it's more about those skills rather than actually developing the product itself. You won't need to do that is I BSC management worth it if you can also do an online course instead. But for a fee, um the thing is with an uh firstly, I'd say yes, it's worth it over an online course. Um With an online course, yes, you may learn the content but you won't be, it's not very practical. You won't be applying it in a way that um you would be in management. So for example, like presenting or pitching, that's a really important skill. Um And it builds your confidence, not only talking to a large audience, but even just talking to people like every day. OK. So there's skills that you would only learn if you do it in person. And then additionally, um sorry. OK. Additionally, a big aspect of it is the social side. Um And that's one of the big pros that I would um give to management and that's why I would promote it. Ok. Mm. Are lectures recorded. Yes. Um They are recorded is in person attendance compulsory and monitored. Uh So they take attendance like every maybe like twice a week during a random lecture. So um you won't know when they're taking attendance, but it will be maybe like twice a week or once a week. And then if they um can see that if, if you're very unlucky and you didn't go to those lectures, then they might, um, they might send you an email, um, just to say, like they haven't seen you in a while. But, um, it's not like, um, every lecture the attendance is taken. Um, so it's not very strict in that sense with the group work. Would that be within those structures? Our slots in between lectures, there isn't a supervisor to help with any group work or anything. Ok. So the group work, it will be your um coursework. So let's say um you have a module, it's um which one should it be um entrepreneurship. So you have your lectures um from the one lecturer and then he's the one who's giving you the coursework as well. So if you have any problems, you can just go um speak to him or you can email him. Um And he's kind of like your supervisor, but he's um he's basically just the module lead, but you can speak to him if you um have any issues and then in terms of course work, it is down to you and your group to decide when to do it. Um There's not really a specific time um that's dedicated to doing coursework if you didn't get management. What other BSE S do you think you would have enjoyed? That's a really good question. Um I put down bioengineering as well. Um So for me, I um I just like exploring different options because I'm not really um hugely passionate about something in particular medicine. Um So, uh bioengineering um was something that I considered as well. Um It seemed quite difficult though, like technically, very difficult and quite demanding. Um So it's probably quite hard as well. Um Other BSC S um in terms of other BS ESI think for me, it mattered more about the community and the other people on the BSC. So I know that with some BSC S it wasn't as social and you're very independent in your assignments and, um, what you were doing and I really wanted something that was more like a community. I know that, um, which ones were good at this resp, resp was very, um, it was like a family. They did things like socials and, um, they really got on, got along with each other. Um, and I think Gastro as well. Gastro, they tended, it was quite social. Um, I didn't really hear about many other ones. Um, yeah, um, maybe anesthetics. I didn't really hear about many people on anesthetics. But, um, to me anesthetics is quite interesting. So, um, I probably would have enjoyed that too. How many modules do you pick from each term? So you don't pick any modules they're given to you. So, it's the ones on the, uh, screen now. Um, they are the modules that you have to do. You won't be able to pick any, are all the coursework group work or some individual, most of them are group work. Um, apart from coding you, um, um, coding you do individually. Um, and that's it, I think, oh, there were some, like reflection pieces. They were quite small. So, um, not so much coursework but like compulsory reflection pieces. Um, so they were individual as well but all the other ones were good work. How hard? Um, oh, sorry. Are all your course works with the same group or every course work as a different group? Oh, so you'll have, um, so in term one, you have a dedicated term, one group and that's so all of these, uh, all of these modules, if they have coursework, you'll do them with your term one group. Um, so it'll just be one group and then in term two you get a different group. Um, so any course works here you'll be doing with your term two group. Um, how hard was the coding? Um, it, um, it depends, I quite enjoyed the coding. So I spent quite a lot of time on it but it wasn't like I was like, I quite enjoyed doing it. So it didn't seem, um, too much of a chore. I, I'd say it wasn't particularly hard, um, because he does go through in the lecture, like the basics of coding and then you, you, yourself, you just need to do some research, um, on, on how to develop that code and make it a bit more sophisticated. Um, what is the exam for coding. Did you say that was coursework as well? But individual, oh, so no coding is just, it's coursework but it's individual coursework. So that's the, um, that's one of the individual course works that you'll get. Um, yeah, the other individual coursework that you will get is, uh, is a reflection piece. Yeah, in the morning. Thank you. Right. Did you have prior coding experience? No, I didn't have any prior coding experience. Um So it, it really was just starting from the basics. I want you to. Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. So really this any more questions? Oh What code and language Python? Um We use Python for coding. Welcome. Any more questions? OK. So, ok. Um if anyone has any questions, um you can email me. Uh I don't have my email anywhere but um I'm sure if you message like um Nixon who organized this um or one of the AM committee, they'll be able to let you know. Um It's gonna pop up uh The feedback again, please fill it in. Um Will be really useful and um yeah, thank you for coming. Um And yeah, K I, I'd say just keep an open mind um about what BSE you want to do and explore different options. Um I definitely recommend management, but again, it's not for everyone. So um yeah. Uh most people, they really enjoyed the BSC. Um So, yeah.