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Immunity and Infection - mic cuts out, email ata1118@ic.ac.uk for more questions



This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and provides an overview of the BS in Immunology and Infection degree at Hammersmith Hospital. With the curriculum split evenly between Immunology and Infection, this session covers topics such as lab techniques, writing a commentary, research projects and skills transferability. The session will also address the marking scheme, time commitments, the potential for publication and support given. Attendees can expect to gain a practical and in-depth understanding of immunology and infection, as well as the knowledge needed to rank and apply for projects.

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MedED is delighted to announce the Year 3 BSc Fair, taking place on Friday 17th February at 6pm!

There will be a short introductory talk on choosing your BSc followed by a drop in breakout room Q&A. There will be representatives from every BSc to answer any questions you have!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Ria Varma (Year 4 Coordinator)

Learning objectives

Learning objectives for the teaching session:

  1. Participants will be able to identify differences between the Immunity & Infection BSc and other BSc’s.
  2. Participants will be able to explain the support offered to students during the BSc.
  3. Participants will be able to explain the breakdown of face-to-face and online teaching on the BSc.
  4. Participants will be able to describe the skills they will learn and the research opportunities during the BSc.
  5. Participants will be able to articulate the impact of their BSc training on their understanding of Pathology and Microbiology.
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Can you guys hear me now um so basically um ok, that's great, I don't know why it's not working on my laptop or my ipad, um but basically uh so, I and I has got the standard um format of the rest of the like bs cs. It's not um like other than management and bioengineer, everyone has the same format, so you'll do three um through assessments in term one and then um a group literature review plus a case report in term two and then like a project. At the end, um what makes I and I different from the other bs cs. It's very um a lot of this stuff is quite new, quite novel um It's very, very research based um and it's a lot less kind of cool than the other bs cs um so uh it's a lot more sciences e, and um like you really go into the nitty gritty details. Um I know people who are working on like receptors on cells on immune cells. Um My final project was um literally on one singular protein that's secreted by salmonella. Um you really do become the expert of this one protein um essentially the whole wide world. If you and you there's a lot of lab stuff, if you really want to do something really lab based um and like learn a lot of cool techniques, so I did crisper, I did crisper and made some cells like I made a new line of cells. Um People were like mutating bacteria to try and find MRSA resistance um. The best thing about I and I is um the BSE project I would say um and then uh mhm, the marking is harsh. I do have to say that everyone like a lot like basically what happens is um because it's so sciences they're very particular about what they want in the papers, so you're the marking in the first few papers quite harsh, but as you go along like everyone, eventually like I think, 50 50% of the cobalt ended up getting a first. Um you guys have any questions, yeah, so students support um yeah, yeah, so it's not so it basically it depends, so for the last, but it's completely basically dependent on your supervisor because you're in a lab with not like it's the same for your b. S. C. Is like you're in a lab by yourself um As the early student essentially um for the uh for the group literature review, I think we get less support than some other bs cs um just purely because I know a lot of other bs cs, have supervisors, immunity and infection don't tend to give you a supervisor you kind of just left to do it, um but the good thing about immunity and infection support wise, in the first term, you have, um you have a lot of um like they, so I think we were the only group to have a mock presentation and a mock commentary, So um like we had a completely submitted commentary and presentation, and a lot of my friends didn't have that in other bs cs, um so it's a bit hit and miss, but generally I would say it's okay but not amazing, support wise, um any other questions uh Yeah so crisp was specific to my my project um So like yeah it's dependent on the project that you get and the project that you do. Um uh Yeah so crispr is completely dependent on um like not everyone did crisper, but um it's completely depending on the project, but you are to everything um So they like will teach you what to do and then you're kind of do it and then if you have any issues or like it's completely issues you problem shoot it with it, you're kind of independent with it, but they won't let you do it without you knowing what to do because um it they want the results as well um and then does everyone get to do a lab project um immunity and infection, So there were 20 of us in the year, 22 of us in the year, I think 20 people did a lab project and two people did three people did clinical projects, um So like it's very heavily skewed to lab projects, chances of publication. Most, if your results, uh basically if you're in a lab most likely what will happen is, they'll take your results will be part of a bigger publication um and they will eventually publish it, which is what's going to happen to mine um So they'll eventually publish it and when they eventually publish it, you'll be like a middle author. Um You won't be like a first author. The immunity and infection publications mostly come from the group literature view and multiple group literature reviews do get published um skills being transferable uh uh so immunity and infection. It's like I think all the skills that you learn on any bsc will be the transferrable skills are the same it will be um it'll be like how to write a commentary or how to write a paper, um But those skills or how to write a review. Those skills you will pick pick them up in any bsc, um but those are the transferable ones um the skills that you could probably only pick up on immunity and infection are like specific lab techniques, but they're not as transferable um Any other questions, um So, I'm not the the online question, I'm not the best person to ask, just because basically um I did didn't I'm not doing it now. I did the BSE last year um but when we were doing it um we had so it was still like Covid years and so it was a bit tricky, but we still have three days face to face and two days online. Most of the teaching is um and most of the teaching only in person teaching only happens in module one um and then your um you're based at Hammersmith Hospital mandy um and then in the third module depends on where your lab is, that will be face to face um Unless you're doing a clinical project, which if you're doing a clinical project at any bsc at mine will be face to face. Um If you're doing a lab project, it will be face to face and it just depends where your love is mhm, um so it's half and half half immunity half infection um So like uh there was a lot because we were last year, there was a lot on, like a lot of the people that teach us are like researchers um So there was a lot of research going on on covid and there was a lot of pathogenesis of covid, pathogenesis of flu um but also pathogenesis, tb, but then we also did immunity stuff like um uh the regulatory cells, fox p three cells um as well as like autoimmune diseases like sle, um so yeah covers both half and half um and then for your project, it depends like you can choose if you want to do infectious diseases or immunity. There's like an equal amount of projects for both and sometimes like one project is like my project was technically on a salmonella protein, but it was looking at what it did to the immune system, so it was both um so do you get to choose your supervisor um. I think it's the same for all the bs cs. You'll get sent a list of like projects and then you rank um you rank the projects and then they'll give you something according to everyone's ranking um for my year on immunity and infection. They messed up the ranking and like a couple of people didn't get big projects um and they had to like choose the left of ones like they eventually did get a project, but they didn't get a project in their initial ranking um but that was a bit of an issue, but I think they've sorted out, so hopefully it should be fine for you guys, um but yeah you do have some sort of say. Hopefully, in what you get, mhm, have any of your students done, I pitchy um have any um I don't know no one in my cohort has done one. I know, I was offered like as in no one applied there's like a cancer one that people can apply for no one applied for that, um but like the cancer one you can do it in. In fact immunity because um as long as you find a supervisor that does cancer immunity you can because there's like a funded cancer i. P. H. D. That you can do um and you can do it in immunity so, but you need to find your own supervisor and everything so no one did that my lab did offer me a phd but I just wanna finish my school, so I didn't take it um but like so that's lab dependent, but also you will get an email in november of your b. S. C. Year about potentially doing a IBSC for cancer, and it's basically up to you you can apply for it, you need to find your own supervisor um yeah um how has your bsc informed your academic interests, um So my bsc um I don't know I just really like immunology and infection, so it's um it's just it's just a nice thing too be able to like know about and also the good thing about doing this bsc. I know, I said you get the transferrable skills from all bs cs, but there's a lot more papers that you have to read for this b. S. C. Compared to other bs cs, like we were reading and analysing papers from day one um like really really hard papers like it's not easy to understand an immunology paper because it's just a lot of letters and numbers and so you do get good at reading papers and reading like processing information quite quickly, and I think that's the best thing I've learned like I could probably pick up any paper and like fully understand it within an hour or two um yeah um any other questions yeah so this is the good thing about immunity and infection, so for year five. Um You have um pathology and in pathology. One of the sections is microbiology which is infectious diseases and the other section is immunity, immunology, which is also infectious diseases like basically the rest of the year, really really hates, immunology and microbiology and everyone one in the immunity, infection cobal, kind of knows what's going on like. Um There was a lecture there was like three lectures that everyone hated and me and my friend were just out there like I write my literature review on this, So it's um it's quite good for fifth year um As in like you pick up that you don't know the like the knowledge is not the same like what they teach you in the b. S. C. Is very research based and not very clinical, but you will be able to understand the pathology content a lot easier because it is. It's a more pathology focused. Bs, see if that makes sense. Um did I have any free time in here for yes, I did have free time module. One is quite chill you will have a lot of free time, not a lot of free time, basically the way it works is you get three weeks of like lectures um and then like you have one week off and then that week is used for you to write up your report or your um your report or your um like make your presentation, so there's um it's like basically you get like if you manage your time well. There's a lot of free time second term with the group literature review, so it's dependent on your group, but I don't think you're doing any more than like it's not like you're working like it depends. When you work, you can definitely 100% make time for yourself um and make free time um And then the lab, it's completely dependent on your lab, but because they work, I know some people didn't have as much free time and some people had a lot more free time, so it's completely dependent on the lab project, free time wise for the last bit, um but if you get a nice lab, most like, if you're like um so I was in a place, so I had to leave at five every day and I just told my supervisor like yeah that's fine, it's calm um I know someone who finished their lab like they only did eight weeks of lab and then had four weeks off for right up so um it's completely up to your lab free time wise uh. Huh mm are there any other questions, I'm sorry for the delay um with my mic mhm, so group work was versus individual um The only truly truly group work thing is the group literature review win, module too and that's worth like, but this is the same for all bs cs, except for bioengineer management. Everyone will do the group, like you submit that together that's one submitted piece and then you that's um but there's like a little bit of adjustment, but it's the same for all bs cs. Um I think it's like 10% maybe no, it's more than 10, maybe it's 20% something like that um that's the only true group work thing and then um in module one you'll have like a lab project or a right up, so you'll do the lab together, but your right up will be completely separate. Um So it's not really group work, but you need to work with someone in the lab, but yeah um and then projects uh infection and immunity usually just do them by yourself. Like you. You will join a lab group. There might be other people on your floor, are the people in the lab, but they will not be doing the same experiment, Experiment, sees you um and but yeah everything else like other than the group literature for you, I would say everything else is relatively individual work, um which is the same for all bs cs, except for bio engine management mhm, Any other questions uh overall, um so, wherever I would rate it like a maybe like a 6.5 to a seven, so I did have some issues with my problem like getting the project allocations, like they messed that up and um that was like two or three weeks that I was really stressed for about, but like other than that, I think um I did have a really good time, but I would say that's very dependent because I had a really good like everyone else on my course, was really nice, really friendly and then um uh I had a really good lab as well, so I can't say the same forever like it depends on your cohort, it depends on your lab, I um but that's the same for all bs cs. Um yeah any more questions. Um So with the lab, they will not throw you in the deep end. Um They do not want to throw you in the deep end cause. If you mess up an experiment like the labs, do get money to take you, but they don't they need the data as much as you need the data. Um So they won't throw you in the deep end. They'll show you how to do it. Um Also you can't really be unsupervised in the lab, so um there will be someone there, so if you get stuck, they will help you, you will have so your supervisor might not be in the lab at all times, but if they're not a lab supervisor that you will have a lab supervisor. You'll have like a phd student or a postdoc there to help you um at all times like um the way it works in my lab is that I would do the experiment with my lab supervisor once um and then she would, and then the next times like for the repeat, I do it by myself um for some people like did the like they would have tests, and then they were told her to do it like no one is ever truly left by itself yourself um did I have any lab experience parts of the bsc, no I, as in like other than the 1st and 2nd year, like the whatever we did an m. D. L1 on md or two, like which doesn't really count as love experience You know, I didn't have any love experience um. So, yeah I know a lot of experience, I literally went into the lab with almost no lab experience uh. Yeah mhm, yes, so I looked into Greek pro, um that's a really good bs, see a lot of my friends who did it had a really good time. Um I also looked into anaesthetics, anaesthetics with my first choice um also a good bsc, but they do mark you a lot harsher. Um It's quite harsh market because my friend did it, um but yeah like yeah, it just depends on what kind of content you like I would say I would say, all the skills that you get from the bs cs are relatively similar unless you're doing management and buy orange. Uh Yeah, yeah does anyone else have any questions or any more, but yeah when you choose your bs cs, you have to put five down um so I would just they give you like a list of topics and just choose one that you like so what I would say. Um Yeah does anyone else have any other questions or any more questions. Mhm, yeah, mhm, no worries, um would recommend going to the other breakout sessions um seeing what they have. Um If you are looking for like backups, um rest, puzzle of immunology in it as well, um same with you, pro, has like a third of that content is immunology um So if you really like immunology, repo, and rest are probably good backups um Anesthetics, mm anaesthetics is also a good shot, but it's less it's more like how the lungs are affected by disease rather than actual ohman, ology and infection. Yeah I'm sorry for the delay in my miC, that is my part mhm, yeah, mhm, yeah, yeah, uh cannot okay, yeah, just yeah, okay Mhm, yeah, hello, has no one come in for a while. Um I think the last person just left, I'm sorry my thing was literally like I don't know why it just wouldn't work, but uh all um what I'll do is. I'll put your email in the heading of this recording as a catch up content being like if you if the might cut out and you didn't get to catch something. I'll just stick it in. What's your short yeah um 80 a 1118 yeah, it's just a lot of me being like, can you hear me now, can you hear me now, but um thank you so much for stepping in last minute this period, so I think you have someone yeah okay uh Hi, do you have any questions. Um So the cancer immuno therapy I think um I think I definitely know one person did cancer immunotherapy as the project, let me just check my product list. Um I did my project I'm not doing it now. I did it last year 7/5 year right now, one person definitely did do cancer immune immunotherapy um but also the other thing is if you want you can find your own project like if you find your own supervisor and cancer immunotherapy, that you want to um look into you can email like just email a supervisor in like november time and see if you can sort out yourself. Um uh Yeah do you have any other question, let me do you want me to check how many cancer immunotherapy projects that were yeah okay, yeah, give me two seconds. I need to score through my emails um If you've got any other questions, or if you want me to talk about anything else just let me uh mm uh uh is that someone else um so uh I would recommend doing this bsc. If you want to get good at reading, like the best thing like good at reading. Very difficult papers to understand, like the whole subject of immunology is very difficult to understand, but the sheer amount of papers you have to read throughout the project means that you will actually get very very good at reading a paper understanding of paper like you get very good at understanding difficult topics. The other thing is in fifth year um you'll have pathology and um both microbiology and immunology are parts of pathology and people actually hate immunology like the rest of your you will hate immunology with fashion, but you'll be there like this is stuff that I can pick up very easily um sure okay, so does that one um yeah, so uh they were like I'm just checking there with 30 projects um and maybe four or five ones that were like related to cancer and immunology. Uh If that answers your question uh yeah, um but if you it's not a guarantee that you'll get the cancer ones um So the best option is to probably actually look for your own supervisor or do the cancer bsc. I don't know much about the cancer bsc. Uh I didn't know that many people that did it um yeah anything else any other questions mhm, if you, if anyone else has any questions just put it in the chat and I will answer them. Yeah hmm, um So so the thing with b. A. C. Is you don't actually have to learn content like um it's more like the content, I actually they were teaching something and I was like I've learned this before and they actually go up um. And then I checked my first units and there was like it was much more detailed in my first units, The thing when they, when they give you lectures, or they give you things to do what they want you to do is synthesize information and um kind of process it um and learn from it, learn why they did a certain lab technique why they researched it in this way, that's really what they want you to learn so um I would say it's potentially less difficult than what you had in palm um and then but it's good teaching it's a lot more it's very like they're very hands on, They're very like um so they're very they're very good at getting you to research around the topic as well as supplementing your information and like getting you to learn things um like it's very much based on your reading a paper, synthesizing the information and then it you having a discussion with the person that wrote the paper um kind of vibes or like someone who's very good at that topic, So it's like you read the paper before and then you come in and it's more of a discussion than a lecture um and then staff supporting working environment um I would say the support isn't as good as the other bs cs, just because we don't have supervisors for the group literature project um and a lot of other bs cs do um and um so, it's not I wouldn't like that's the main difference support wise, but like otherwise, I think um like the person who organizes it, They're all very like responsive to messages um that kind of thing um any other questions yeah no no more questions or can you just not type if you have any questions, you cannot meet as well. Um so um lab hours wise, everyone does a lab project together um that's about a week of labs that's in module one, um but if you don't want to do a lab, um there are only like so you get a list of 30 projects and only there are only two or three that are, I think that was foreigner yet that weren't lab based at all, um like two were computational and two a clinical um everything else was a lab and then the amount of hours you do is completely dependent on your lab, um So I know people who didn't go in often like they went in like twice a week, um and then I know someone who like I was doing I was on the higher end of things um like 9 to 5, I would say five days a week um campus um So for module one, you're based at saint Mary, mostly Hammersmith Hospital, but some at saint Mary's um they might have changed it because I did the course two years ago. Um Module two is great ritual view and that's like basically if you want Group wants to me online your online. If not you can meet in somewhere on campus, module three is wherever your lab group is based. Most of the labs were in South kensington um and either staph or there's like a building next to stuff that's um immunology um There are a few labs in Hammersmith um like two or three, in saint Mary's, unlike two or three abruption, I would say um do you have yes. we did have epigenetic uh epigenetic teaching. I think we had two or three um and they like we had to do like we had to like they also taught us how to like so out the like epigenetic stuff, and like synthesized the data from the Us studies and all that um yes, we did have some um any other questions or if you want me to expand on anything. I've said, Hi, sorry, I know joined a little bit late, but I was just wondering like what's the allocation process like for your projects, so um I did the project to like basically I'm in fifth year now um So, when it was us what they told us to do was um put five projects down and um we'll give it to you with basket, so uh but they didn't end up doing that. They well as in the happiness algorithm didn't work, so They, if it doesn't work, they'll what they'll do is, they'll give you they'll they'll do as much happiness as they can and then they'll use um that like basically they'll use if you contact supervisors when you're choosing your project and um sometimes your model one schools as well, um but um we complained because obviously they didn't they told us they would only use a happy happiness algorithm um and they use something else, but so they should be more clear with that, um but yeah, so if basically if there aren't any issues, they'll use the happiness algorithm, It's only if there are lots of people plan for the same thing, they'll um use something else um And I know you probably already answered this question, but what's the campus that you guys are mainly based on so, for module one, it's mostly at Hamas Mid Hospital and then there's like one or two weeks at Saint Mary's um lab Project wise, basically if you're on a lab project for your project, most of the projects are based in South Can campus campus. There are a few like four or five at Hammersmith um and then like two or three at Mary's, I see um and then two at brompton, I think like it's probably around those. Um yeah uh Any other questions, would you like really recommend. Um As you obviously like you've learned a lot of skills with it here um So fifth year um I would recommend it for pathology actually to be honest because uh I would so basically I wouldn't if you don't like immunology and infectious diseases, I wouldn't choose it like the people who it's a weird thing to like people, will look at you weird if you're like I do I and I um but um one it helps with a lot of um you get very like basically the papers are really hard because it's just immunology is just like numbers and letters. Um You get really good at reading the papers like any like if someone from another bsc, so in immunology paper, they would not even attempt to read it, but you you will be able to read an immunology paper, so you will get good like if you can read an immunology paper, I thoroughly believe you can read any paper like any medical paper to uh uh say like um so I wasn't like the biggest fan fan of like palm in first year so like the technology stuff, but I just was on, I was on a infectious diseases ward, and I really really enjoyed that placement doesn't mean yeah. Um So it depends if you like infectious diseases clinically um like um so basically I would say the b s. C. Is that obviously very linked but immunology uh I would say it's slightly more infectious disease based because that's where all the research is um but like it's very linked with immunology, So it's like how does infectious disease affect the immune system, kind of vibe, the thing with year 51. It helps you you'll have an idea placement, and it will kind of help you with that too. It will help you with pathology like the rest of your if you do immunology bsc, the rest of your year will hate the immunology lectures and you're just there like this is something like you get very like immunology is a hard thing to learn and if you spend a year learning it, you will get good at you won't immediately hate the fact that someone is just throwing numbers and letters at you because you would have, but I wouldn't like it is a lot to process. So if you don't have it like if you have an interest in, I. D like I would recommend maybe just reading a couple of like research papers that are like infectious diseases oriented and if if you don't like those, I wouldn't recommend doing it because the immunology papers are even worse than the i. D. Papers maybe read some papers on, like mrsa, that kind of thing okay, thank you so much and then see how I feel, basically, yeah how like how much how much is like the contact hours of teaching and stuff like that is it really busy um So I did it two years ago so like it was slightly covid like has and I didn't do it this year, I did it last year. It was like slightly covid times, but they were like trying to get it back the way they did it is. It was like two or three days online and then two days completely face to face. Um In module one module to, is basically slightly self directed, It's it's the same for all courses, self directed module um and then module three is your project, so that completely is dependent on your lab, a research group, um but my lab, my lab was great, um I always had a someone like, I can't do anything in the lab without someone being there and like I always had a supervisor with me, and every technique I did my supervisor, took me step with like my lab supervisor, took me step by step before I was allowed to do it by myself kind of thing that's really good, so quite supported by all that, yeah, but that's also like dependent on the lab, and that's what kind of everyone's med like it really depends, who you get okay, but thank you so much that's been so helpful um good luck with your choices. Uh G, does anyone else have any questions, yeah, so why did I choose this bsc. I really liked, I really like infectious diseases and immunology as like um I found it really interesting. I know everyone hates in palm um like it's still disgusting to learn but like I like the concept theoretically um and yeah um. And also I think basically when I chose it was like Covid tonder was like a lot of like there's a lot of new research coming through. There's also a lot of opportunity to do a lot of novel stuff um so my friend was mutating mrsa, someone was looking into like how to modify itself, so we couldn't target it for cancer, I was making christmas, sells it was making completely new cell line um yeah, so that's opportunity to a lot really cool stuff. I don't know how many bs cs would have had the opportunity to do crisper, Yeah um but yeah, so, it's I did genuinely like I didn't like love immunology, but like I did have an interest in it. Um. Yeah uh Lab work um depends on, too you can choose a non lab work. Most of the projects that immunology have will be lab work. There are a few like maybe three or four out of 30 that are not lab work, um but yeah, so most likely you will have a lab work projects If that's something you definitely don't want to do um probably not the bsc for you, but there is a likelihood that you will get a clinical project If that's what you want, but yeah, there is a lot of does not like as in, it, depends on what project you choose and you get, but if you want to do lab work, it is a good b. C. To choose mm any other questions uh No hello, uh do you guys have any questions, so I got kicked out for a moment. Um If you have any questions, you can on you or just write in the chart. Sorry, if this has been um asked earlier, but like, is this bsc quite lab based in terms of um projects. Yeah, so most of the projects our lab based, there are a few clinical ones, um but like I would say 90% of them are lab based in some way shape or form and like what made you choose. Um This bsc, in that case like, are you quite like a person more for labs, or were you just more just like the topic, I didn't really look into the projects when I was choosing my bsc, which I probably should have, but I didn't um but I did quite like as in a lot of people look at the minority and hate it, but I don't hate it and I actually find it quite fascinating. It's like I find it quite logical like this does this. This does that quite also like infectious diseases and how they mutate and that kind of thing um So that's the main reason I chose it, um but yeah okay. I would say a lot of the lab stuff is really really cool and depending on your lab, you do get to do really like a lot of stuff like people working with MRSA. There was someone in like a category three lab working with TB um like uh someone was like mutating stuff for cancer cells. Um Like it's very it's very cool and stuff like I was doing crisper for my project um which is really really cool, um but yeah, thank, thanks for your help. No worries okay. I don't know if they're ready, shit, yeah.