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IMG Webinar Series: 1- GMC registration



This on-demand teaching session is essential for medical professionals looking to apply for the PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) exam and practice medicine in the U.K. Led by Devia and Reza El Sheikh, two members of the GMC’s Education Team, doctors E Young and Patricia will discuss PLAB 1 entry, MRCP entry route, and graduate entry, respectively. Plus, knowledge on visa applications and the UKMLA set to replace PLAB in 2024 will also be discussed. Whether you're an international medical graduate or simply looking to update on the latest guidelines, this is the perfect on-demand session to attend.

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This webinar will focus on GMC registration and all its requirements. It will also speak about the different exams that can get you registered in the UK (Ie Plabs, MRCP, MRCS)

Topics discussed -

  1. PLAB exams and registration
  2. Speciality exams and registration
  3. EU Graduates entry and registration

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the examination requirements for medical licensure in the U K.
  2. Describe the structure of PLAB 1 and identify important dates for taking the exam.
  3. Utilize existing study materials and resources to prepare for and pass the PLAB 1 exam.
  4. Discuss the upcoming changes to UK medical licensure in 2024 and its implications.
  5. Explain how to apply for visa and UK Medical Licensure Authority (UKMLA) registration.
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Okay evening guys. Um We're just going to wait for a couple of minutes for more people to join in. So uh seven or five years when we'll start. Hi, everyone. My name's Devia. Um and I'm on the colleagues of the um mindedly I MG education team. I've got Reza's um El Sheikh who's also one of the doctors who's also co leading with me in this um I MG education team. I've also got E on here. Uh Sorry, Doctor E Young and Doctor Patricia. Um Well, who will be your speakers for today? Um Doctor Raza's will speak about the Platte root entry into the U K as well as visa applications. Doctor E will speak about M R C P entry route and Doctor Patricia will speak about uh the you graduate entry. So without further, you will have Doctor Ross to start off her presentation. Thank you. Uh Evening guys. Uh My name is Rosa's um uh an international medical graduate from Sudan. I did my internship actually in Saudi and then I've made it here into the U K two years later. Um I'm currently a clinical research fellow in Southampton General Hospital doing some ICU with coupled with research. So I'm just gonna talk about blab and then come back and talk about visas of cover letter later on. Uh So let me just show my slides just confirming that everyone can actually hear me. Well. Can I just have like a yes or someone in the group say anything? Perfect, we can see and hear you. Perfect. Great. So starting off with uh lab lab one. So the lab exams are basically uh 22 examinations that you need to take in order to be able to practice in the UK. Um There are general examinations, nothing uh specific to any specialty and you can do them right after graduation. You need graduation though, from, from your medical school. So you have to have had the final certificate that says you've graduated. Um and that is uh the main thing that you need after that you need your Eilts or, or E T. So whatever English exam you decide to take, um you need at least a seven overall, I believe in your Eilts and A B in your be in your O E T. Uh Once you've done these two things, then you can apply to your club. So the way to apply is to go into the G M C website and register. There's a GM see online account like the bottom of the site. If you like scroll all the way to the bottom, you should find GM see online account, create an account with them. Um And then you'd be able to look at the dates um and see what data, you know, you want to pick. Now, since 20 since COVID, basically, since uh 2020 it's been quite difficult to get uh the dates and once you pick a date, you can't go back and unless you cancel the exam, you can't see what dates are available. Um So I recommend that you actually follow uh the G M C Social Accounts um and also obviously registered to the G M C online so that you get regular updates about when their dates will be opening and things like that. But the exam in itself, uh club one is 180 questions in three hours. It's an M C Q best of five questions. Um You don't get any negative marking, so answer all the questions basically as best as you can. Um They are, it is not only in the UK, so it's in different different countries, actually host Club one exams and it's normally run about four times a year, November, February May and August. But again, since COVID, things have been quite difficult with the dates. So I do recommend that we um check first what we can do and when they are uh when they're available, um it costs about 247 lbs and your results come about six weeks later. Once you've done the exam and you get a total of four attempts. Um, it is why people do the labs is, I think it's easier to pass the club's then, then the other specialty exams. Uh, so plug one passing rate, I believe in sixties and seventies rate while other exams, uh, sort of dropped quite drastically. Um, and if you paid your, your fees, you can cancel the exam before 48 42 days before the exam in it, you'd only have to pay 24 lbs. Um, but then after that, you'd have to pay the full fees. So just be aware of, you know, put in a date or a calendar in your calendar, 41 42 days are just in case at some point, you do need to cancel it. Um, in terms of study materials, the blood, uh, blueprint from the G M C itself will tell you, um, everything that you need to know, you should be the level of an F two doctor, which is someone who has got one year of experience. Basically, I'm going into their, their second year. Um, and it's, uh, it will highlight all the important things that you need to know, not just clinically, but also, um, uh, from an ethics point of view, which are quite common questions in the club exams. Now, the, the 1700 questions, our lab past questions and people ask this all the time. Does, does do the club, does GM see repeat, repeat the questions, don't repeat the exact question, but they repeat the theme. The themes are quite repetitive in, in the question. So if you memorize questions, word for word and answer for answer, it will be quite difficult to pass. But if you understand the theme and understand why each answer was not correct, then you shouldn't have any problems with it. Um And again, people ask, do we need to have a subscription? Uh You can and it is helpful and it will come up with, you know, more recent, maybe questions that have come up, but you don't have to. There are lots and lots of uh free available plalab questions online. I've just mentioned some of them here. You've got Doctor Khalid's and he's got a book and a Facebook group which are both very useful. Uh And I, what I like about his Facebook group. Actually, when I did my exam is that it's he regularly posts questions there and it's a Facebook group discussion. So he'll post the question and people will, will speak in the, in the comment section and they will talk about things they found useful or they will talk about the, the answers. Um And he'll correct and he'll give the correct answer and it's the most of up to date free material. So I live by the hospital. Um Now, so that's I like, that's why I like Doctor Harlots. Um Such immunity is also something that I've studied from and what they've also done with, with, with their questions is that they've answered, why each answer is not correct? So they'll tell you this is the correct answer and then have four different why this answer is not correct. Which really gets you to grips. I think with what, what the JMC wants. And then they also have included, um, they'll have like screenshots from Oxford Medical handbook of Clinical Medicine, which makes it easy. It means this is the only thing you need to study for, to pass this exam personally. But the thing with such is that it's been a few years and they haven't updated in, in quite a while and I've done my exam a couple of years back. Um but they did, there's uh they've done it by system, so system by system. So rest cardio G eye, which was again, quite useful. So again, you've got a lab, Sillas and nasa's Journey, um which you can also have a look at probable. It's not different from either any of these others. It's just the difference is that it's an online material and they will have the latest nice guidelines. So whatever you've written, um this will be uh the latest nice guideline that have come out. So obviously, nice gets updated however long and it's um it's useful to have and then Facebook groups, we've talked about Oxford handbook of Clinical Medicine and the Marks. So there's a quite a few marks out there again, quite a lot of them are free. If you find the right in any of these websites, you might find the, the, any of these marks. Um And it's good to practice the mark, but because it gives you a realistic time where you are with time because a lot of people have said that the timing for plaid one has been a bit tight. Um For plaque to the most common question is which academy should we go for? And do we need an academy at all? Um You don't, you don't need an academy. Uh If you want to go through the journey without an academy, it's not absolutely necessary, but it is useful. It is useful, especially if you, if you're maybe new to, to practice in clinical medicine. Um Some people have been working for a couple of years because they, before they started the lab journey, uh some people haven't and if you're new, it might be useful to get some practical clinical experience. Um Do you need to be in the country again? Uh I did mine online. I know quite a lot of people who didn't get the time to be able to travel for the exam. But what's really, you need to do the course and give yourself at least 46 weeks before the actual exam. So they can practice everything that they've taught. Most courses nowadays are about 12 to 18, 12 to 18 days and So if you're going to practice, be studying extensively for this amount of time, you need time to practice what you studied after it. Um, the exam itself is a, is a Noski got 18 scenarios. Eight minutes each. It feels quite tight. Um, in my medical school we did 10 minutes each for each scenario. So that was quite tight for me. And it's quite expensive. Fees are 906 lbs. You obviously need to apply early for a visa. So we'll come back and talk about visa applications later. But, you know, it's, it's not fun to pay this amount of money and then get a visa rejection, especially if it's, if you applied quite late and you've got less than, uh, 42 days before the exam. Um, s so as I've outlined it here, 42 days, you've got 90 lbs, 28 to 42 days, 453 lbs, it jumps quite a bit and then less than 28 days, you have to pay the four fees. Um, so it applied early to your visa. Um, and hopefully, once you've, uh, once you've passed your exam, then you can start the process of your epic verification, which doesn't take quite long, um, takes a couple of weeks and it's a simple registration payment on fees, you send down your certificates and you do like a short like video call, whether you see have a look at you physically and look at your paperwork and then it's easy from there. Um So as we all know from 2024 we've got the U K M L A uh going to replace the plug. Um And why that is happening is primarily because the plan was something that we did as international medical graduates, but it's not something that the UK graduates ever did. So their registration just automatically moved from provisional registration too, full registration once they finished their F one year and moving to the F two year. But there's no exam that standardizes everything like the UK midday, for example. So this is what the government has decided to, the GMC has decided to do. It's not going to be that different. So it's still two parts. The first part is a clinic, a paper Rosky part and the second part is a clinical. Sorry, I like. The first part is a, is a MCQ questions part and the second part is an Noski. Um So far from what we know about it is that it's not the studying for is not going to be that different. The questions are not going to be that different either. Um There's going to be a bit more emphasis on a psych and ethics from what I gather, but nothing, they haven't put like a blueprint like the lab yet. And obviously, once the first couple of exams roll, we'll have more of an idea. Um Again, fees haven't been discussed yet about the exam, neither have the timings of it or if it will be set in the UK or abroad. Um, but the, the, uh looking through the website, if you do your lab one and pass and you are in the period of 2024 then you will be your next exam won't beep lab to, it will be the CPS A. If you haven't passed any, then you will start with, with this journey. And if you've passed both, then you'll just get your DMC registration. Um So why pub why would you take the plug over doing uh the M R C P or MRCS pathway? Um Looking at everything the pub is currently, I know it's because of COVID. Things have been a bit difficult trying to get dates, but um it is a faster route uh before COVID. So I did mine uh in, in my first plug one in, in November and then my, my pub to was in May and then within six months I had finished everything that I needed to do. Um It is cheaper, the, the collectively plug one and two should cost you about 1000 lbs, give or take um M R C E P and mrcs, I think it's about 1000 500. So, um it is easier to pass. So for plowed most, most the percentage seems to be around 60 70% for both parts for M R C s I believe the first part is 30% give or take and the second is, uh, 50 60 something like that. And M R C P, the first one is about 50% pass rate. Um, and it gets a bit better from the second points around. However, for M R C P your last, so it's three exams not too. And your last exam you actually need to be. Um, it's a Noski and it, it's quite difficult to find dates for that one as well. Um So why would you take it again? It's not a specialty exam. So if you don't know where you're headed, um, you don't know what specialty you're thinking of, then the plan is probably, is better. Um If you know that, you know, you've known for five years that you wanted to do surgery, then by all means go for that because it only means that you are going to take the club, get registered and then do the surgery exam. So, um, it makes no sense that way. But if you're undecided, you're not sure you want to come to the UK Atoms or F two level, do a couple of rotational jobs before you find something to, uh that you actually enjoy. Then, you know, back home, for example, I didn't get to do an E D rotation or an intensive care rotation. And when I come here and done that, I found that I actually really enjoy intensive care and that's what I want to do, but I wouldn't have had that chance of, of um come in with my M R C P mindset from the beginning. Um Just a little bit about mrcs. Um for mrcs, you can make the applications through any of the four Royal Colleges of Surgeons websites and it's two parts. Uh it is, as I said, quite expensive. So the first one's 5 50 lbs and the second one is 1000 lbs. The good thing about the mrcs is that you don't actually need to come to the UK. So the whole visa application finding accommodation, finding exam dates in the UK, none of that is actually applicable because if you can do it from your home country or, or a neighboring country, um then you probably don't have to worry about that. Um But again, passing mrcs specifically, part one is really difficult. It's um 30% pass rate. Uh But you only, again, the nice thing also about it is that you don't need your, I'll so et yet. So after you pass the first and the second part, you can get your, I'll so 80 for your G M C registration, but you don't need it for, to apply to the exam, unlike the clubs. So the plugs you cannot apply without having the English requirements, but here you can do your exams and then come back and do the English requirements later. Um And part two has been, we've heard quite a lot that it's really difficult to pass it without clinical experience. So normally what's recommended here in the car after you finish your F one F two. So two years when you start your CT, one of surgery, that's when you do part one. And by CT too is when you do part two. So that's, you know, 34 years after you've graduated, at least resources for M R C s. Uh You've got the E mrcs and the past test, I've heard raving reviews about a mrcs. Um I'm not saying and so I can't verify uh Catalans videos have been quite common, especially for anatomy, anatomy stuff and the less clinical anatomy. Uh And you've got the basic science for the MRCS book. There are lots of, it's probably very useful to watch a lot of videos for just for the anatomy and to get the hang of it. And again, there's quite a few Facebook groups and, and MCQ Banks um that you can try. All right, I'll pass you onto my colleague. Hi. Hello everyone. My name is E E E, I'm currently working in Derry for hospital uh in Southwest region in Plymouth. Next slide. Yeah. So uh previously I came from Myanmar, I was trained in Myanmar and I graduated and after that I uh studied for M R C P and then I came to U K by GM see registration through M R C P route So I would like to talk about a few things about this. So M R C P is you know that three, it includes three examination. Part one and part to part to has two parts like written and and the other last one is the pace is as we all know about the or ski and clinical examinations. So part one and part two are written and is the multiple choice special five papers and part two is paces next slides. Yeah. So uh for M R C P, you need some entry requirements. So you must have at least 12 months experience in medical, you know, employment by the date you you you you sit for the exam. So at least you must have a foundation year or equivalent in your country or in U K, you have to do, you have to show at least 12 month experience. So all the candidates before they start part two or paces, they must have passed the part one and then you can apply either paces or part to written after you pass the part one, for the part to written. Uh you just need to pass the part one and you know, once you get the confirmation that you pass the part one, you can start application for the part too. For the pace is so uh it's, it's a, it's a, you know, uh difficult examination. So you, they suggest that you have finished your two years foundation program or you enter the medical training in, in, you know, in the, it means for the UK here. So uh the people here, doctors here, they try to pass the M R C P during their medical training years, like two or three years, they enter into the cm uh medical training. During this, this year, they try to finish the M R C P and then they apply for the specialty training after they finish the M R C P. Uh you can do the paces before the party written part, but generally, we usually do the part to paper, written paper first. So there are a number of attempts and timeframe for the M R C P, you're allowed to uh have a six attempts at each part of the exam, like part one, part two and paces. And also for the part one, as I also already mentioned, you need to augment experience uh because they check your graduation date so that they know that you have already had one year after your graduation. And part two is, and they also gave the seven years timeline after you know, you have passed apart one within the next seven years, you need to finish the paces within that time frame. So for, for each part, for part one, it usually test your knowledge and understanding of these commend iss orders. Usually it focused more on the facts and basis science, things you need a lot of learning like facts and by heart learned the facts by heart. And it topics include uh all specialties like cardiology, neurology and also psychology and Jerry, a trade medicine. It's a one day exam but it includes two papers, separate papers lasting three hours each and also is basal five and no, no, no, I mean no negative margin. So you must answer all the questions. It doesn't include any images in the exam. Uh for the UK doctors is cause for 60 lbs for international is 616 lbs. For the part two is test your clinic big understanding. But in that part, in part to it includes like data analysis, the investigation, you, they will show your investigation, you have to interpret what's happening. And also you need to learn about the management plan and also assessing the prognosis. It also includes two papers previously when I done my part to it was three papers two days exam but now they changed it. The only one day, two papers, 100 multiple choice question. Also uh this part includes the images like I'm gonna go photography, they will show you skin rashes, things like that X ray ct scan MRI or E C T interpretations. All the you know data analysis, things were included in this part. It also the same course as part one but a little bit more expensive for international doctors. So for the pace is it involves a lot more about the clinical examinations. So it also testing your clinical knowledge skills for the training, doctors who are joining the ST training. It is a half day examination. It includes seven uh it assess your uh score scales about seven core skills. And the stations include five stations with eight patient's encounter um for the goals Gay. They, they tested about your physical examination ability to identify the physical signs and also your communication skills across the stations In each you know, stations, some of the stations are purely communication station. So they assess through those things and also they assess your, how will you manage your patient's concerned and welfare. Also these skills uh or to get the seven skills you have to pass each and every, every skills they have a past mark. So overall, overall, overall you, you may have um have the past much overall. But if you feel in one scales, like let's say you cannot identify the physical signs in each of the five station, you fail in each that scale. Although your overall scale is passed mark over the past month, you still feel it because you, you, you can't identify the physical signs in that area. So they will fill you. And the course is, is uh sorry cause it's a bit expensive for paces, is 1002 102 for international doctors. And now they are trying to change the exam format in 2023 3rd diet. Uh I will explain next, next slide what they have changed. So previously uh five stations, they include the station two is which is purely the history taking by talking to the patient. And then you have to uh give the diagnosis and also the discuss with the examiner. So they think it is unrealistic. So they will remove that station and also station four is purely communication for one patient. And also it, they think it's rather long and it doesn't reflect more uh clinically. So they will remove that also in and also station five, they will remove it. It was like 20 in 20 minutes. You've got to patient's 10 minutes each. You have to do all the history, physical examination, all the concerns or the discussion with the examiner. So they think it's too pressure and they will remove that. Instead, they will uh put new station like this. This is a new, new format in in, they would put two communications stations, stations like 10 minutes each. And then uh there will be no discussion with the examiner. They will just absorb your skills like while you, how you communicate with the patient, how you manage their concerns. And for the BCC station five, they will put uh do 20 minutes consultations like BCC, but they will separately, they will do separately in uh two stations. So this is a new correct new format for the pace is uh that diet. So for the part one, these are the steady material, usually they suggest 3 to 6 months of revision. So there are quit resources and, and, and then reference book for the resources. Uh I was preparing, I do their own exam that that's available in my country here. The most, most of the doctors do the past medicine. And also on the website like M R C U K dot org, they have the sample questions. You can do it when it is near to your exam. It is like you can do as a mock exam and you can it, the things are quite similar to the uh real example. So I do suggest to try those simple questions from their website also. But for the reference things, all MRCPI part way or exam, you need to get hold of that also handbook and Davidson's and this revision notes for MRCB is also very useful that you can learn from those, those books. Uh So the part two is also the same for the quiz and study results. They we we use a shama shama this clinical medicine for MRCB part too. It's more like a digital analysis thing you can use as your reference to to study for the quiz also. Mhm. Uh For the paces, you, I suggest you should take at least 6 to 12 months of preparation and you have to practice, practice, practice with your steady partner. And when you do your practice, you just, you have to go and examine the patient and someone has to be with you commenting what you need to do because uh they assess your way of examination also and your interpretation. Although you, you use, you examine the patient. If you don't practice like uh like uh telling or presenting, do your examiner uh with your steady partner, you will not be, you know, fluent with the presentation. This presentation uh fluency, they will mark you whether you are structure or well practiced, they will mark you through this scale also. So whenever you practice, do practice for the presentation scale also, uh by having high contact with the examiner, it makes you more well, well prepared and well stretcher so that you will, you will score more. And these are the resources. Uh This little three books volume three volumes Free Men is also good to, to study for and cases of pace is also and we have Oxford specialty training, pocketbook and big reference book. Also these other references for the pace is they will have cases and they will show you what, what questions you should ask in each each stations. So for the withdrawal, well, you you can put a submit a withdrawal request online by stating uh your, your name, your RCB code number and your data. But if you withdraw, you submit your form before the advertised closing date, you will have a 90% refund. But after that, you will have to show you know, additional evidence, why you cancel it. And I think they will decide individually depending on what evidence you show. So, so um our C P in UK, they do it. Why they, why uh why they're doing foundation year too and in the, in the I M T training. So plan, you should plan your career. So uh usually they start doing, preparing for part one and two in foundation year two or year three. And then they apply for the training within the training years. They try to finish their paces part and then after that, they apply for the specialty training. So uh I will tell you advantages first because it's a longer part where you know, is more tiring than club. But after you pass the MRCB, you will be more confident in managing those medical patient's and ill patient also. And you feel like you have a achievement in medical things and progress progression in your career also. And also in your daily world rounds of reviews, you can put your apply, you can apply your medical knowledge is and it makes you, you know, uh we'll experience and it is good for the patient's safety also. And you can start uh if you have um RCP full M R C E P. After you got your G M C registration, you can start in N H S S T three plus trust grade level, not directly into the training, but you can start registrar level job in the NHS as a trust. Great. And you can then choose your specialty. Like if you like cardiology, you can apply trust, great cardiology, registrar in the trust grade. And then you apply for the specialty training after you have enough experience in NHS. Uh um and also it allows, you know, a good transition into a registrar rule also. And it shows that, you know, in, in, in your job interviews or, or whenever you apply for the M D training, it shows your commitment in medicine because who, who, who have finished MRCB would definitely go for the medicine. So, but you need to make sure you are for a medicine before you start doing the M R C P part way. And by the time I'm sorry. So if you finish your M R C P in your empty training years, you will get three years to do the pace is uh so if you finish and then join the training, you will, you, you can, you know, more relaxed and, and apply, get other things done for, you know, like evidence things because you need the markings marks for applying the specialty training and commitments things. So you can put your, your, your attention more on other things rather than on pace is because places really is a very stressful examination. So along with the training and and do do the paces will be quite stressful also. So after you finish the MRCB, enjoying the training, it will be making you more relaxed in the training time. So, um as a disadvantage is, it's a longer part way and, you know, very expensive. I think nearly uh for the international doctors, it will cost nearly 2500 lbs. It does not include, you know, other things like your subscription for the quiz and steady material and you know, it, it can really stress you out and you, you, you will have exam, exam burnout also. So if you're not uh decided uh purely for medicine yet, uh it's not advice to take the this route. But if you, if you're, if you're sure that you are going for the medical training, it is, it is advice. Uh but it doesn't necessarily to get the G M C registration. You know, club is also the uh other way you can get the G M C registration. But I do advise if you're doing medicine, do club and MRCB part one together, they are most likely the same, you study the the same thing and you can easily pass the part one after you, you finish your plat one and two. So why your memory's still fresh for these medical effects? And you uh part one is mainly on facts. So you can sit very quickly quickly after you finish your part one plus one and two if you're for medicine. Um And also when you start doing, doing as a, as a training it will, it will have a pressure of studying for the Bull Square exam. And so it will be a bit stressful time in your junior year's along to, to do exams to, to prepare for the Bulls great exam in early years of your career. So, so unless you are for dedicated to medicine, I'm not advised to take the MRCB part way to get the G M C registration. Uh So when once you get the full M R C P, as Ross, say, you can do the Epitol verification and then you apply I S or O E T, but I did the E T which is much easier than I S to be honest. And, and for the for the requirements, I su need to overall 7.5 and seven in age more juice for oh et you need together be in all subsets and overall and then you can start applying for the GM. See, these are the website that you can apply the jobs for and it after you got your M R C P, you can either start as a junior doctor or the registrar level. Um but most, most senior or other doctors in N H S is that uh not advised to start the first NHS job as a registrar level unless you have a very, you know, well experienced in medicine and you have finished your MSC or post grad training in your country. And, and then you, you can start if you're confident enough to do as a registrar in the NHS because this is a completely different hair care system in NHS. And consultants really have high expectations to the registrar level. So, unless you are very, very confident and you know what to do, uh I advise first six or uh for six months or one year, you start as a junior and then you can upgrade to your riches trouble next trust or next level. I mean, that's all okay. So I would pass it to Patricia. Sorry. Thank you. Hello guys, I'm Patricia. I'm a foundation training in Scotland right now. I've come from Poland and I'll tell you a bit about registration with D M C and mostly we will focus on European entry. So if you graduated in one of the European countries, this is going to be mostly for you, but I'll just talk a little bit about different pathways as well. So G M C registration is something that allows us to practice in the UK. You have to have a G M C license to be able to work as a doctor in the UK. There are four main ways to register with the General Medical Council. There's a provisional registration, full specialist and G P registration. So provisional registration is for doctors who are fresh graduates or are expecting to graduate from their medical university soon and they will start with foundation training. So if you get your provisional registration. The only option for you to practice is to start with full foundation training, which includes year one and two for full registration. There are few pathways you can take. So if you get a full registration, you can take up a post of F one doctor, you can start from f to stand alone. So that's, that's the second year of foundation training or you can um there's some other jobs uh that, well, basically you can find in different hospitals because you're full registration allows you to already be a middle great doctor, specialist registration and GP registration. Those are the ones that are for doctors who have a but more postgraduate experience. And um they have an equivalent diplomas uh that, that they can apply to General Medical Council to be uh accepted for specialist road or G P. This is general practitioner as a family doctor next slide, please. Okay. So there's a QR code here that you can scan, this is going to take you to a G N C website and there is a very helpful tool where you can find your out. So this is for both you graduate, non eu graduate. So through this website, you can see what documents you need and what pathways is the most suitable for you. And this depends on right now on both your qualification and experience and you will need to use a GM see online um form to make your application. So you can scan this QR called or you can do it later because the content will be applauded. Uh So through, through this will just go step by step. But again, this is mostly going to be focused on eu graduate. So those are people who graduated from universities in European Union. Okay. So the first question that pops app is, are you registered with us? So I think most of you will choose know in this stage over if you are registered with G M C. And for example, you registered for your license earlier and you um suspended your license for some time because you couldn't start your practice, you can renew it or there are some other options. So going from provisional to full registration, this is going to be the path on on the site for you. However, on the story, the slides disappeared. I'm not sure what happened, right? Sorry. And if you are not registered, then um uh the pathway for you is apply for registration with a license to practice. So this is a path that you need to take in order to start working in the UK. The other options are apply for registration to to the register. So that's you're not interested in it. And there is an application for sports. Even again, this is not a way you would choose and the next slide, okay. It seems like we have some technical issues. Just give us a moment guys, we'll just get the presentation here. Okay. Um So if you go through the road, apply for registration with a license to practice, then you are going to be asked if you are a Swiss applicant. So probably for most of you, the answers are going to be no. If you are a Swiss applicant, it's mostly going to be a different path. So you're going to be guided directly by GM see what to do next. If you're not a Swiss um applicant, then you will be asked where your primary medical qualification is from. So the primary medical qualification can be from UK. So this is a road that will probably be prepared by your medical school. Um The other one is relevant European qualification. So this is if you graduated from European country and none of the above is for people who graduated out of European Union. And then after this, you will be asked if you've completed an internship. So if you've completed an internship, this is mostly if your internship is going to be accepted as relevant, you'll mostly start as an F two doctors. So this is the second year of foundation training. If um you haven't completed an internship, then the most relevant road for you is foundation training, year one. Okay. I'll just continue talking and we will get back to slide. This is just visual uh on, on what you can go through. Okay. And here we go. Um And do you have a relevant European specialist or GP qualification. So this is for people who got the, your specialist or GP qualification and if they are from European Union, they may be accepted. Uh This also depends on case cases. Um So you would have to send all your documentation to G M C then to see if uh they can be accepted for you. Um So the presentation I prepared again, is focused mostly on European graduates. So I'll show you a few things, few documents that you need to prepare. And I'll just let you know what else is needed in case of um uh people who graduated outside of the U. So first of all, um the provisional registration for doctors. So for those who are going to uh go to foundation training year one, you will need to send your primary medical qualification. So these are your medical school diplomas. Okay. There is the least on, on the same website that, that you can go to through the QR code from the very beginning of our slides. Um You have examples of countries that are accepted for um E U qualifications. So can we skip to the next slide? So there's going to be a list from the next one further from A to Z the countries that are accepted for uh you qualifications, right? So they're, they're examples for you from Austria, Belgium, etcetera to Switzerland. So I'm from Poland. So we'll look at Poland as an example. Okay. So the next slide. So provisional registration with a license to practice. So if you enter a country of your graduation, you will see this kind of uh website. So there's gonna be provisional registration with a license to practice. So they say send us a diploma of graduation. So they refer to an exact document that you will gain from your university. Okay, how our education uh educational medical diploma. So these are um diplomas that Polish graduates get and you will even have a country's regulator that is going to issue this diploma for you. So if you enter every category, so this one is for provisional registration. So for fresh graduates or people who expect the graduate, but if you are applying for full registration, they will give you examples of documents you need to provide for full registration. Next slide please in the evidence of relevant European qualification. So let's have a look into this. So the you will send copy of acceptable qualification. So as we look at the previous slide, this is going to be a copy of your diploma and this is going to be uh a decorative diploma. So the one that you get from university, the decorative one, you're going to scan it and send it to GM see, I'll just let you know later, how do you send it to G M C? And if this is not in English, this needs to be translated later, you will take originals of all these documents to a meeting that you will have with GM see. So they'll invite you later. If you're old documents are processed, they'll invite you for a meeting and you will need to take all the originals of these documents. So if you do a translation, they all must include contact details of translator office. Um and this could be attached to the translation and your documents must be stamped and signed. So G M C advice is that these translations are made by cord or counsel appointment translators and they're reputable. So they have some examples on the website. Again, this all is on the G M C website that you can get to through the QR code. Um and this translators should be generally recognized professional accreditation and um they have some membership with the relevant professional or trade association. So those are just generally official translators that you can find in your countries, but they give you some examples on the website. Okay, the next slide and evidence of relevant European qualification. So as I told you, you send a scanned copy of decorative page of your diploma and this needs to include exact date you passed your final exam or assessment. If it doesn't, you need to provide additional document from your dean, from university that confirms this. Um and the thing that that was mentioned before epic verification. So this is the next step when your diploma has to be verified that it is original and valid. So, independent verification is done from by an outside company Epic and this is now a cure code to if you, if you just want to read a little bit about it. Uh And as it was mentioned before, you need to send all your documents and uh they will call you back, you will have a notary come. So this is a, an appointment online that uh will confirm your identity and we'll confirm your diploma through this website and the next slide please uh English language requirements. So we also mentioned a bit about this but what GM see wants from you. So this can be either I'll Zorro et so we'll talk quickly about aisles. Um So for GM see to accept aisles, it needs to be taken uh academic version of it for GM see registration needs to be taken. All the scores needs to be in the same test. They have to be in most recent sitting. This all points are very important. They have to have original stamp and test report. So all of the original centers will give you this and at least 7.0 in each testing area and an overall score of 7.5. However, be careful here because if you expect to graduate soon or you're a first graduate and you want to apply for foundation training. GMT registration is something else than a foundation program application and for foundation program application. This requirements is higher, it is 7.5 in each testing area with an overall of 7.5. So if you get 7.0 in writing, you can get G M C registration but you will not be accepted for UK foundation program. So this is very important, their requirements differ. Uh This uh I'll certificate is valid for two years. Um And if you go through a lab route, so this is a route for non eu graduates and your eyelids needs to be valid the day you said club one exam. Mm And then um and so if you apply for GM see registration needs to be valid when you, when they approve your application, you're ill. So if you're ill certificate is more than two years, they may still consider additional evidence if you provide an additional evidence that shows that you keep your English language up to date. So this can be, for example, references from a tutor or a lecturer of a postgraduate course, but this needs to be done in English and um or three months, full time study or employment. All the references are on their website. Another alternative for Eilts exam is O E T also mentioned before. So this is um English language test. Again, the difference between O E T and I'll do is I'll to general scientific exam. O E T is focused on medicine. Uh Some people say that oh E T is easier and some people say that it's the same. I took aisles personally. Um and I think they're very similar, to be honest. Oh, et is a bit more expensive and there are less centers that offer O E T and I think, oh, it is only available on paper while I'll this both paper and computer based. Um So for oh 80 you need to take a medical version. So for doctors, um grade B is accepted in each testing. So it each four categories of O E T. Um this is accepted for GM see registration. But again, uh the requirement is higher for for foundation training. So if you applied for UK FBO foundation training, you need to have 400. Okay. Um and you need to get all the grades in the same sitting, you need to provide your candidate number, all the official centers will do this and it needs to be most recent sitting. There is one more way of getting English language requirement to to be provided to GM see they may accept your primary medical qualification if this is less than two years old. So if you've graduated less than two years ago and your course was taught and examined solely in English. However, if you studied, for example, in Poland on English faculty, this doesn't count because you need to be in English speaking country. Most of all GM C has all the list of countries that except primary medical qualification as an example of uh providing English language knowledge. But Poland for example is not under list. Um So for this, you'll need to email them all the course information and this needs to be at least 75% of any course related clinical interaction. So this needs to be clinical interaction with patient's in English and and this needs to provide also a date that you passed your final exam. So it's basically the graduation diploma, the next slide please. Okay. And English language requirement and there can be also an employer's evidence that you can provide as English language requirement. Um but this is mostly to prove that for example, if you're ill, Zorro 80 certificate is more than two years old. So this has to be a work in medical capacity for at least two past years. Okay. And this has to be an English speaking country with English as a first native language. So on the right side, you have um the list of those countries that are accepted for it. Okay. But if you're applying to G M C by Plaid road, um this cannot be used as in evidence. Unfortunately, uh GMT can also offer, can also accept an offer of employment as an English um evidence. And let's go to the next slide. So from the GM see list and the other the other requirement that they have and did you need to provide is a copy of your passport that with a photo I D page and signature page. And oh, this is just simply the copy of your passport that needs to include photograph and clearly state your nationality. The next slide, okay and certificate of good standing. This is a big thing for some people. So if you, for example, graduated um in different country, then you live in and for example, you're staying in, in another country. Uh sometimes you need to get back to the country you studying because you will need to get. So if you're not able to achieve it online, you'll get, you'll need to get a certificate of good standing. Sometimes, um, it can be done via email but in some cases not so certificate of good standing is a, um, a proof of you being a good doctor in the country that you've graduated from. So even if you didn't work in this country, you'll still need to provide a certificate of good standing. So, um, this needs to be email to G M C and needs to be given by registered or licensed with in the last five years, the country that, that you've been registered or licensed within the last five years. So even if you didn't work in a particular country will still need to send the certificate of good standing. Um And the other thing is this certificate of those sending his valid only for three months or a short time to keep this in mind. Let's go to the next slide. Um okay. And the next thing that they require from you our activities in the last five years. So what is needed to be provided? So any medical and non medical experience um other activities like clinical attachments, unemployment. So you need to tell gm see what happens since your graduation until the day, you are expected to start your work in the UK everything needs to be provided. So you shouldn't miss a date because then it can happen that they may reject your application. So anything that happened, any study leaves and invocations, any unemployment maternity leave needs to be provided. Um like as an information for GM see, um you need to supply uh do I need to send employer reference? So you need to supply employer reference if you worked in non medical work and if you all give medical work, if you've not had registration, all license. So if this was some other medical work that didn't require from you, uh registration or license, and there are details on their website, but that needs to state dates what you were doing in your work, outline the nature of your work and etcetera. Uh The next slide we'll talk about fitness to practice. So this is mostly done by your G P back in your country and the states health and fitness to practice. Um And you, they so depends what is provided there. Uh They may ask you some additional questions concerning any disability or any information that you provide. And the next slide and documents are going to be sent. Uh when you submit your application, when you submitted G M C will get back to you and they will give you a list of documents. So they will define in an email what they actually want from you. So if you have any doubts, it's gonna be clear when GM see get back to you what kind of documents you need to provide? They need to be against scanned copies because you will take original copies to your meeting with G M C in the future. Um This document needs to be sent 20 days from GM sees email to you if you don't, they make close their application and you may get a refund for your application. Um And once you get your, your documents, they will perform full assessment of application in the next slide. And this is some again, this is on the M C website. This is some helpful route of what you do. So you can read their guidance again for any details if your route was different. Um And you can just follow this graph to help you decide on some stages and the next slide. Okay. So if you have completed an internship, um there are some things about the internship that you need to keep in mind. So for GM see, to recognize your internship, this has to be at least 12 months continuous medical practice, which is in an approved training fossil it need needs to be in public hospital, cannot be in private hospital and needs to be done either immediately before or after graduation. So some countries have pre graduation internship. This is also accepted, needs to be immediately before or after your graduation. And this, if it lasts between 12 and 18 months, it needs to have three months of um medicine and three months of surgery. If this lasts for 18 months, it needs to have at least six months of medicine and six months of surgery. For internship, you need to provide certificate of letter of completion of your internship. And this will have dates and specialties on them if you haven't completed an internship, um then there is an alternative to it that can be accepted. So if you practice for two years continuously after your graduation, and this was done in public hospital and includes this months of surgery in this month of medicine, it can be accepted. So just to summarize, um if you are an eu graduate that haven't done an internship, um the most likely route for you is going to be to apply for foundation training year one. However, if you completed an internship, it's very likely that the best stage is going to be uh to enter a standalone F two program or there are some other alternatives to it. So um a little tip for Polish graduates if there's anyone from Poland watching here. Um If you've done your lack exam, that's one of the exams that, that, that is for uh Polish uh junior doctors. You don't have to complete your 13 months internship. It's enough that you do your lack exam and your foundation year one is accepted. However, if you want to start early on with foundation, you're one, uh I recommend not to take lack because it can, um they can deem you overqualified for F one. So, thank you so much guys. That was all the talk on registration for EU route. All right. Thank you, Ross E and Patricia. If there's any questions and please fill in in the checkbox. Uh We're just gonna just, you know, answer questions for about two minutes before we move on to the last part which is on Visas. So if you've got any questions for our speakers, please put them on the box checkbox. Thank you, Russ. Do you want to try and say something and see if we can hear you? No, I can't hear you. Grass must be muted somewhere. Can you guys hear me? It's okay. Sorry. We've been having some technical issues. Ok. I'm just gonna speak quickly about Visa. Um Let's just do this fine. So Patricia has spoken about the uh the G M C registration uh and the, the EU specifically, but most of most of what we talked about is relatable to um non eu. Um none. Am I sorry? Am I? Can you still hear me and see the slides? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Okay. So I'll just speak about the visa part now. Um So when you're applying for a visa, the most important thing to do is to write a cover letter. Now, um a good colleague of ours was gonna do this thing but she is, her laptop is not working. So she has come, she has studied also in Sudan with me, but she has done her internship in the U S E in Dubai. Um And at the time she was not working, not clinically uh so that, you know, you can get a visa even if you're not working, she got her visa first time it wasn't rejected. Um Even though she wasn't clinically working and she was, she just wanted to explain to us the timeline um and everything that she worked in her cover letter. Um So your cover letter, introduce yourself, why you're going to the UK, obviously, the exams is what, you know, we're all going for um your timeline. So since we graduated, what, what did you do after that? When did you do your internship? Um up until now um what you did academically in terms of what school you went to um how you arrived to where you are? Now, what time you did your aisles exam uh the location. Uh and if you didn't and your club one, um if you've done it and you're applying to your lab too, which is usually the case with this scenario, uh, say the date of that as well. Um You'll talk briefly about your family if you live with them. Um, and they're going to be your financial sponsor. Um So this is, this is, this is basically, so your visa is not rejected. They want to know that you've got roots and ties and that once you come to the U K, you're not basically going to run off and not go and not go back to your country once you finish the exam. Um And so talking about your family that they've, you know, they've got stable jobs, they're working, they're, you know, your, your parents are going to support you through this exam. Um They'll ask for a letter from your parents as well saying that they are happy to support you through this. Um And there's of a bank statement to, to say that they've got the funds to do. So, um you can also briefly talk about other members of the, of your family as a way of further showing who you are and what your background is. So, you know, um uh somehow most medical people tend to have people in the medical field, so you tend to have a parent or a sibling. Um And even if not, you know, whatever academics have been into just to show that, you know, you, your, your family has been able to support you guys up until the point where you are now applying for this exam. Um So if your, for example, your father was a person who's going to uh sponsor you, so introduce him, how he's going to do that. And they have to also write a letter and sign it for you too, including the evidence. Um It's quite helpful if you write basically everything that you're planning to do in the UK. So if you're planning when you're planning to come, uh and what, what your uh sorry, what are you going to do when you get here? So if you're going to go for like a 12 day course, when the court start, um when are you planning to come back during this course? So after the course, for example, we, we've said that it's good to stay for a while to practice. So if you're going to come and stay for like a week and then do the exam or if you're going to come and stay for um month and do the exam, all of these are factors, but you have to specify that during this week, for example, you're going to stay at a certain hotel, you've already booked it. These are the bookings um and you know, you are going for uh this uh course which is walking distance from where the hotel is or you're going to stay a bit longer, you've got family members here, you're going to stay with them up until you, you know, your exam comes, comes up. Um make sure to be very careful and back up all the things that you say. Um And that they should know anything that relates to your purpose. So you can't say, oh, I'm coming here for a plaque to exam when you haven't booked the exam yet. Um So you can't apply for this. You can, but you'll probably be rejected. Uh You should show that you're quite serious about this and you've spent money. So spending money on the course on the exam, on the accommodation, all of that will show that you're serious about it and you're going to do your exam and go back home. Um You are, you are allowed to say that you're going to shop or visit family or do tourist activities like, you know, you're going to come and spend money in the country that nobody is going to be upset about that. Um Again, so include your place of living evidence later of the invitation letter from the friend, for example, I wrote, I wrote my my friend a letter and she stayed with me for a month before her exam. Um uh pretend how much uh predict how much you'll be spending. Uh And let again, your parents or whoever is going to sponsor you state in the letter that they're happy to provide this amount and then the bank statement that with it. So obviously, if they've got a bank statement that shows that they can't support it. You, this will be a bit shady and they won't give it to you. Um, and then in a final paragraph include why this is important and what your long term goal is. So this is important to me. I've, you know, I've been practicing medicine in my country for however many years I've spent five years in medical school. I've graduated now, I'm planning to, you know, become a cardiologist in the UK in the future. Uh plan to enter the core medical training program, show that you're familiar with the system, know that, you know, the foundation is two years, the core medical training is three or four years what you're planning to do. Um and just give them like a good idea of everything that you're planning to do and uh and hopefully that will go well. Um and it's useful to put like an index, right? Everything that like, obviously you can attach all these documents but put like an index in the beginning to show everything that you've attached so that they can refer back to it basically. So anything that you've attached a passport, a copy of your passport, any job contract you're currently doing to show that you've got a job and you've got a stable income. If you are working um academic section, your medical degree, if you've worked in internship, your internship certificate, um any exams you've passed anything to show that you are serious about this, your exams, the dates that you've done them, when you finish them, all of these things are going to help you get that visa. Um So yes, if you're going for an exam show, the booking, um any proof of funds, letters from your sponsors, um I think the bank statements need to be six months behind from the time of you applying. Um So yeah, that's something you should be aware of. If you're renting a house or if you're, you know, buying a house, proof of that, um not buying a house. I don't know why. I just said that if you're going to be renting for however long you're in the UK, then you need that paper. Um Anything else that you think is relevant just put in there, they're not going to, you know, reject visas for. Um, if you're, if you got all this evidence to show that you're going to be here, you're coming and you're leaving and you're planning to do your exams and go and get into training, then there's no reason for them to refuse your um uh visa application. Any questions you can put them in the top box, you can shut them out. We're happy to receive any good question for Patricia Vanessa. Just say I'm here. Graduate. Did my L E K and starting my steps now with these prerequisites, I can apply to Fy to stand alone. Yes. Yes. That's, that's correct. So, along with your legs, so you don't need to finish your stash along with your leg. You can already apply for f to stand alone and for this, you need um your English speaking language. So other aisles or O E T and your G M C registration as for now. Yes. So guys, if you want to ask any questions and stuff, I'm also happy to share my email. I think we all our hope that's correct. And yes, but that's, that's correct. For Vanessa. We got Natalia. Um Thank you for presentation. Um She will soon finish her second year of specialty training in anesthetics. And I see you in Poland. Are there any chances to continue the specialty training in the UK? Not losing the two or more years? I've already done their provided, I'm meeting the other criteria of GMT registration. Uh I don't know what about the, so that's also uh from Poland. Um the, the specialty training in anesthetics, I would have to, I'm not really um experienced in applying through the G from the specialty route. However, if all the other um requirements from the side of special, your met, uh I think that's fine and gm see mostly decides on a case to case basis of how they accept uh your training. So I think contacting them directly is fair but I believe they can help you not to lose two years. Yeah. Um So I'm just gonna add to that Patricia. Um So Natalia, you've, you've done your second year of specialty training. So there's two routes that you can take. You can either take a non training pathway to becoming a consultant that the Caesar pathway. Um The only thing everything you've done would be counted, but you would have to choose one or the other and aesthetics or intensive care if you're going to Caesar in the specialty, which is the non training pathway. Um If you are again going to apply to intensive care, you can apply straight to intensive care as a as a because you have an aesthetic background and your airway trained, you can apply to anaesthetics that uh you can apply to intensive care at ST three level, right? Um So again, both of these, the intensive care at ST three level is a training pathway. The c is uh is a training pathway to intensive care. However, the anesthetic is going to be the difficult part to continue with. If you are uh they might try, they might take some parts of into consideration and you can try and apply at a reg level two training, but it is quite difficult if you haven't done your core training here. So normally you do three years of court training and then four years of specialty training. If you haven't done your core training here, it's a little bit hard to get into an aesthetic reg level from uh you can speak to the, I can put an email down for the college Dean Aries in, for example, in our Dina re here and um you can have a chat about it, send an email, you know, just introduce yourself and ask if it's possible to have a chat about an aesthetic specific training and aesthetics. And how would that would count forward? Thank you. I ramble and what Selene asking about, she's a medical student studying in Poland and will be graduating in summer 2020 for so sometime next year just to reiterate, we'll be sitting UK MLA. Is that right? Yes. You'll be sitting UK MLA at that point. Um But again, it's not as we know of it so far, it's not that different from the lab exams. Uh If you continue your studying or your because now we don't really have details of it as of yet, like specific. You can, you can uh studying material the books. But if you study for the lab as you would have normally um up until they tell us a bit more information, you wouldn't be far off. Thank you. Um Vanessa. Do I need UK ML if I apply for Fy to stand alone, probably coming from Vanessa, coming to the Polar Polish route, the you route if it's you root and if she was supply soon, um if the UK mm Emily not in place yet, so she will probably not need to plug if um if you, Vanessa if you graduated from Polish University. Um However, if you delay your application further after 2024 so then it's very likely. Yeah. So I'm not sure what the L E K and starting her sats now. So I don't know what level that is. But yeah, as Patricia said, um, if you do it now then you don't need to. Vanessa said she's a Polish graduate and she's starting to apply in January next year. So I think we're looking at UK MLA next year. Uh, we're looking at, you came early next year. So do you have a confirmed date of UK Emily already or is it just in theory? So there's no confirmed date, but they did say that from 2024. So I'm assuming from the beginning of 2020 for they're going to change it because they've even written, if you had taken plug one and passed it previously, they used to say you can still continue with club too, but now they've taken that away and said that if you've passed club one, you're going to have to do the UK MLA part too and not club too. So I think they're going to start it in the beginning of 2024. Yes. Then it's very likely, uh Venice all need UK Emily if she a place in January. Thank you. Um Any more questions for our speakers. Um Oops, I think. Thank you. Thank you, Vanessa. So we're just gonna pop out all the emails that drags off our speakers. And if Patricia and that's if you could put down your emails for else for attendings to contact, um this whole webinar will be on medal. So if you wanna, you know, revisit, please feel free to do it or send this link to your, to your colleagues or anyone you know, who might be wanting to, who might benefit from this. Uh um If I think we've not got any more questions, so please do fill up the feedback from so that we can come up with, you know, these webinars for our I MGS um and more other sessions for our I MGS and, and of course, every feed that will be appreciated. Um And you will receive a certificate for um for this session and once you completed your feedback and yeah, um if we've got no more questions, thank you everyone for attending and we will see you in our next session, which I believe is on the fifth of March. Um And this will be covering on U K F P O and foundation program. Um Yes. Anything else cross? I think you will also cover interview skills if I'm not wrong. But yeah, thank you. Thank you everyone and have a nice evening. Take care.