IMG Surgical Careers Programme 2023-2024 - Q&A for Mentees
The Surgical Careers Program is an initiative by the Royal College of Surgeons and the Portfolio Clinic to mentor those with an interest in pursuing surgical training. It is a peer mentorship service with an emphasis on personalized, practical, and goal orientated support. Eligibility criteria includes being GMC registered, having completed PLAB exams, and having less than 18 months of surgical experience. The program aims to help bridge the gap between international medical graduates and surgical training in the UK through, amongst other things, providing them with networking opportunities to improve their portfolios as well as providing opportunities to get involved in the NHS culture. Registrations are now open and participation is free.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives for the Teaching Session:
- Understand the purpose and criteria of the International Medical Graduate Surgical Careers program.
- Recognize how the program can provide personalized, practical, and goal-oriented support for prospective surgical Trainees.
- Identify the eligibility requirements to join the Surgical Careers program.
- Comprehend the career events and mentorship opportunities available within the program.
- Be familiar with the registration and selection processes of the Surgical Careers program.
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Concentration on what you'd require for portfolio. So I think it's a bit too specific. Um So I think if you tell us about what the surgical carriers program consists of and what the criteria is. So, do you want to start? Yeah. So um thanks for that nice question to start with. So the surgical I MG surgical Careers program. So um essentially this program, um the the organization that myself and Shiv um have started the Portfolio Clinic is a peer mentorship service and we've been offering our services for, for roughly two years now, um offering er virtual um peer mentorship for specialty training in order for a mentee to have an opportunity to work with a mentor in a field that they wish to pursue and provide personalized, practical and goal orientated support. So, we were working within this sphere and we came across an opportunity to work with the Royal College of Surgeons on trying to improve their sort of their diversity and their equality when it comes to individuals getting into surgical training. And we were very passionate and very keen to pursue um this project and this, this line of work. And so we had previously constructed an international medical graduate mentorship program, but we hadn't actually done anything on a formal basis. We were sort of in the, in the, the midst of um trying to come up with a structured program. So having the Royal College of Surgeons working alongside us, we've now been able to try and formalize this program and launch um the international Medical Graduate surgical Careers program. And that program will consist of peer mentorship where a img an individual who has trained um outside of the UK and wants to work within the UK, particularly in surgery will have the opportunity to be paired with a mentor who is in surgical training in the United Kingdom um in order to try and improve aspects that they feel that they want to improve on. So whether that is getting used to working within the NHS and the culture of working in the NHS, in terms of surgical training, whether it is to try and hit certain parts of, of the criteria for getting into surgical training. So for example, the er the quip aspect presenting it at meetings, going to surgical conferences. We want to try and help individuals acclimatize to um working in the NHS in surgery, but also try and support them in launching an application to surgical training in order to try and level up those within um level up. Um um IMGS support in into um surgical training in, in the United Kingdom. And the way that we plan to do that is through p in person, which we will session um, shim is there anything else that you wish to add to that? I don't know if uh she might be frozen. He looks like he's frozen out. Um So yeah, that's essentially the program. Um And, and that's sort of what, what an overview of why we wanted to launch this program and what the program briefly entails. Oh, perfect. So it's more, so you've um described what, how it would help um the IMG graduates. So you mentioned a few things about conferences, et cetera. What's the criteria if people were interested to get into the? So I'll take this one. So, um if you're interested in the IMV Surgical Careers program, um you have to be, er, someone who's has eligibility to work in the UK, um your GMC registered and, and you've completed your pla exams and ideally, um you should be already working in the NHS um or have an upcoming job I think to benefit most from the program. You really need to be in that position on top of that. Um You need to be looking at applying for surgical training within the next two years and for that, for us, that really means in the next two application cycles. So either you're in this cycle or you're going to be in the next cycle of applications next November. Um and then finally, um the the, the last er eligibility criteria is um you need to have less than 18 months of surgical experience. And that really is because it's a really a blockade to getting into um surgical training at a ct one level if you have more than that experience. Oh, sorry, perfect. Um Also you mentioned how the program gives you more opportunities to um do achieve some of the things that a surgical portfolio requires in order to apply for training, how else would it help the international graduates as opposed to someone that's graduated from the UK, would you say? Yeah. So the the interesting thing about this program is that obviously it um it is linked with the Royal College of Surgeons. So there's an opportunity to join a network there um with regards to surgical training specifically in the UK um and specifically within, within the NHS as well. Um So, in addition to the peer mentorship, er which would be the main aspect of the project, we will also have careers events um which will be in person, but also virtually, and these will be opportunities for you to, to network with other individuals who are interested in pursuing surgery, but also other clinicians who have pursued that, that um that sort of career path in terms of the mentorship itself. Um the benefit will be to be able to discuss with an individual um aspects of the portfolio and the application process, which a lot of the times in, in, in the UK, we have a very sort of rigid system of applications when it comes to ensuring you hit portfolio requirements in order to obtain an interview. And I think that's where an aspect that a lot of international medical graduates may trip up over. And actually you will have the ability to discuss with a, a mentor who has trained within the NHS. Um and is a, is a surgical trainee and they'll be able to advise you on specific um points on your application tailored to your application and your portfolio. Um So it's that sort of personal touch that you'll have, but also the ability to network and, and um discuss with a lot of like minded individuals because it is tough being an ing it's not just about the actual work and the application itself, it's all also about the, the cultural aspects and building a network and we in the United Kingdom, we do rely a lot on international medical graduates and I feel that and the portfolio clinic, we, we all feel that um they should have the opportunities that UK trained um graduates have. Um So it's about sort of giving them the advice that UK trained graduates get, just want to add on to that. But a slightly different note, some of the dates really um because we're starting to get a few questions through um about the application process. Um So at the moment, many of you will already have registered for the program or we're looking at registering the program won't actually start till or the mentorship aspect won't start until January 2024. And it will be going on till for a year, at least. Um The career events will be dotted around in 2024 along the year. Um But at the moment, it's really about the registration process. I think we did have one comment about that someone is part way through their plan. Um As I said, the registration process is now, but by January, hopefully we'll have all of our mentees um sort of registered and on boarded with us. And if you haven't met the eligibility criteria by that date, um then it's, you probably won't be eligible for the program. However, we're, we're trying to make the career event side of things, at least the virtual event open to as many people as possible. So if you don't meet the eligibility criteria for the mentorship, um you will do for, for at least the virtual career events. Perfect. I think that's actually answers a few of the questions as to when it will start and why we focus on I MGS as well. Um And one more question obviously, uh how, how if one was interested to register, how would they go about registering for it? And is there like a fee or anything to pay for it? Yeah, chat. Um you can um register on the website. So I'm just going to put the, the link um in the chat now. Um So if you haven't already, um you can register there for the IMG Surgical care program. Um It's a totally free program. So it's supported by the Royal hydra Surgeons England and to do to make it free, we've obviously got some funding coming from the Rock Hydros Surgeons. Um in terms of uh the registration process, there's, there's AAA short form you'll fill out when you register and create an account on the website. Um We're, we're now in the process of working through those registrations and the next step will be a needs assessment. So for those that have registered, some of you may have actually received um sort of an email saying that you need to book into your clinics or book your initial consultations. That's not really for this program, that's for our general um mentees that we support. So for this program specifically, you won't need to join initial consultation or be jumping on clinics straight away. You'll need to complete a needs assessment, which will be another survey which we'll send out in due course. Once that survey's been completed, we will be um finalizing the mentees will be taking forward on the program and allocating mentors. Perfect. Um OK, perfect. I think you saw some of the questions that will also come into the chat. Example, the pla one. I think there's another one where it says, um how are the mentors and mentees going to be paired up? And how, and do you offer the mentorships to other surgical run through specialties or is it only for core surgical training? Um So, yeah, they're, they're great questions. So essentially the um the mentors and the mentees, um we're still in the midst of confirming our pool of mentors at this point in time. Um The, so the, the program itself will be offered to a limited number of IMGS as well, which is why it's important to, to, to register. Um sooner rather than later, we, we basing it on a sort of first come first serve um first come first serve basis. Um Essentially, um in terms of pairing of the mentors and the mentees, um we will try and we have a form in which er mentees will fill out and they will get, we will get an idea of what a mentee actually wants to get out of this program, including sort of specialties that they're interested in. Um Following on from that, we will use this information to try our best to pair a, a mentee with a relevant mentor. Um say, for example, if you were interested in orthopedics, and um we had AAA mentor who um is, has done core surgical training or doing core surgical training and is a, an orthopedic theme. For example, we will try and, and, and pair you up as best as we can essentially perfect. And I think we uh we have another question where it says, can I apply for this program when I join as an F one? So I'm aware of being an img myself. Um Even if you join as an F one, as long as you've got your quest form signed off within three months of knowing consulting, you can still enter specialty training. So even if there's a, if she joins as an F one, but if she's got the intention of still applying for surgical training in the next two years, she would be eligible. Exactly. Exactly. Right. So, as long as she's GMC registered and everything and she's got a job where is already got um looking for a job, I think she would fit the criteria. Um There's another question where I think you've already answered it slightly because you mentioned how you would pair the specific mentee with this specific mentor that's in the um specific surgical specialty. But there's a question by RAA, she's saying if she's applying for training this year, how exactly is this program going to help? At? What stages is it for like exam MS R A or interviewing or that sort of thing? Yeah. So um I think so if you're in this round of applications, um so by the time you're into the mentors from January, you're going to be quite the way through your um training, sorry, your application process. So you may well, have already done your MS R A. So normally MS ras are done, I think in January, February time, um so the likelihood of MS R A benefit is not going to be very high, especially if your mentor hasn't had much exposure to the MS R A. Um Probably what's going to be most beneficial are the career events and 1 to 1 mentorship for things like interview prep. Um You know, we also understand that CS D is a very competitive pathway. So not everyone will get in first time. So for those that don't get in first time, they're gonna have plenty of time to prepare for the next round as well. Um So hopefully over that year, whether or not you get in er, into an um the, into your training, you'll have the appropriate support if you do get into CST, you know, even better. You have someone that is there to help you adapt to CST training in the first few months when you start as well. So I think there's a lot to gain regardless of what stage you're at as, you know, as long as you're thinking about applying or applying at the moment. OK, perfect. I think a lot of these questions do overlap into each other because it does say how is this going to help? And obviously, um without knowing the individual and their preferences, we won't be able to answer, have a subjective answer for um each person but um, there is maa, I think he's, so this is just an, he's an IMG, he's got full GMT registration. He's got, um, he's done his MRC S as well and he's applying for NHS jobs now. Um, can he, can he apply for cardio thoracic surgery training directly without any NHS experience or is that going overlapping into what the portfolio would require for that certain specialty? And not so much as the pro I don't think that's something that we're covering this evening. Unfortunately, um What we're covering specifically is, is the I MG Surgical Careers program. Um I think that that's probably a question that I guess if you, if you join the program and you have a surgical mentor who will be able to, to support you, that that's something that you can discuss with them in terms of specifically um applying for cardiothoracic surgery. Um So that's probably a little bit out of the remit of, of this evening's session. Um The other, the other option, I guess Mr would be to contact the training program directly. Um And ask the question um because they're probably gonna give you the most accurate answer. Yeah, perfect. And there's one more which I think again runs into um another question. Do you offer mentorships to other surgical run through specialty or is it specifically for core surgical trainee? So, um yeah, it core surgical training, I'm assuming, for example, if they want to go into auth or anything, they still need to go through the core surgical training pathway and then it would be plastics or Ortho or anything down the line. So I think the key thing here is that um the large majority of training pathways for surgery are via CST now. Um So we're not offering specific mentorship for run through pathways, but the large majority of aspiring surgical trainees are going to be applying for CST. And if you're not, and you are thinking about applying for run through specialties, actually, the portfolio is going to be very similar and the application process is going to be very similar. Um What we can try to do is is match you with um a mentor that's in that run through specialty if we have that, that mentor available. Um But overall this is sort of an application support and portfolio support for CST. Sorry. No. Um yeah, I think, and he said neurosurgery t once again, that's very specific and obviously with talking about the surgical career program and how if you want to apply through general surgery, I think to get through to neurosurgery, you have to go to general surgery as well, but mostly we just concentrate on the core surgical training pathway and how the surgical Caries program would help with that. Um There's also another question where it says, could you post a link for the needs assessment page? I'm assuming that's the eligibility criteria that has, you're referring to no. So the eligibility criteria is on our on our webpage that should be referred to before registering for the program. The needs assessment is basically our breakdown of the initial consultation because we're going to have 70 to 100 mentees on this program and having a 1 to 1 initial consultation with every one of them is going to be really challenging. So we've condensed that into a survey which is yet to be released. So everyone that has registered for the program will receive the needs assessment. So there's no link yet, but you'll get an email with it and it will also be on the men D hub. Um So thank you for being keen. We're in the process of just refining it because we just need, we need to make sure we're asking all the right questions so that we better understand um your needs as a mentee when you join the program? Perfect. And um can this program be used this form of evidence in portfolio as well? Um So I think it shows the, the program itself does show er reflective practice. Um reflective practice is something that's very key. Um wi within um most training in the NHS, I think it's a good sort of point for, for interviews, but also it's, it's good in general to keep a record of sort of your commitment to a specialty. Um for most applications showing commitment and dedication is quite key, is a key component. And actually, um it's this program itself is associated obviously with the Royal College of Surgeons, the National College. And actually, it probably would be quite a useful thing to have down in a portfolio. But the key point as I've mentioned is that it is reflective practice. So I don't see why and this couldn't be used in a portfolio. It shows your commitment to surgery and is reflected. Thank you. And I think that goes on to her next question where I tell her, I think this, um he said, how could this membership help when almost every new year, a new portfolio sort of released or there's changes every single time? Yeah, that's a really good question because even though we have members in our organization who have applied for surgical training and unfortunately got into surgical training this year, but we've heard from them, we've had personal um anecdotes of the criteria changing halfway through the application process. Not even after every year, it's actually during the process as well. Um The way that this will help, I mean, the way that this will help is that you'll have an individual who has recently um gone through the application process as a point of contact. Um So that's very useful in terms of trying to keep up to date with what's happening within um the surgical training application process. But what I can say is that the criteria do tra change subtly from year to year. Um More so in the last year or two years than, than previously. Um however, there are aspects that will be where you can score a lot of points which are almost always similar or the same, things like quality improvement, um things like leadership, things like presentations. Um and actually having somebody who's been through that process and knows how to score points in those areas is helpful um as a reference um Each year, the criteria change very subtly. So it may be that there are certain aspects that um within that field of leadership or quality improvement where they've changed the wording of it and that will affect um er er how you score in, in different categories. But overall, the themes are roughly similar. So it's, it's still useful to, to have somebody who's been through that process recently. Perfect. And I think um so one of the other um viewers also had a question which is a very um good question actually, where it will there be a second round of applications and registration case they don't end up being eligible or if they don't get a place? Um So I think that's from Salmon. Um Thank you so much for that question. I think that's really important. How do we maintain the sustainability of a program like this? Um I think that's down to us to prove that this program can work and for us to deliver it effectively um to you as a n cohort, but it's also down to the Royal College of Surgeons. Um and to see how much support they can provide us ongoing to run this program. Um We want to keep it free. We don't want to make you pay for this, but to do that, we need resourcing, we need support externally. Um So in the next 6 to 8 months, as we begin the program, we're going to be looking at sustainability and how we can keep it running for the next year. Um So I would hope so and I believe we can keep this running and have an, an a registration for next year. Um, reasonably, I think bearing in mind how, you know, popular the program has been already, I think we've had almost 200 registrations for the places. I don't think we're going to have much of a rolling registration for this program. So I think when it comes to January, we will know which mentees we're going to be taking through the program over the 12 months. Um, the next time to register after that would be the subsequent application cycle if we, if we were able to sort of um, continue the program and that would be the sort of November 2024. Perfect. I don't think we have any questions on the chat at least unless there's any sort of that, um, ones that I don't think we haven't already addressed. Um, is there any more? No. Is, is there anything else that you guys would like to add that we might not have covered? Um What can we talk about? Well, um I guess the only other thing to need to talk about would be um I mean, we've talked about evidencing, we've talked about, I mean, one thing that might be worth mentioning a bit more on the evidencing side because I know there was some interest about how they can use in their portfolio is um when, when you're allocated a mentor and you have your clinic sessions and you meet with them, we're hoping that there's going to be one standard format for that meeting a document that can be filled out by your mentor and you can either add to or contribute too and hopefully that can also be downloaded and be added to your E portfolio or your physical portfolio and can be mentioned mentioned in interview as, as mentioned earlier, a reflective piece. Yeah. And the other thing to add with that is so the actual um mentorship itself um is virtual. So um it's all it will all be on an online platform. The mentors will have er we we work using calendar. So on, on once you register, you'll have your own portal. Um and then you'll have the mentor that you've been assigned to, you can book into their calendar, they will have a calendar of times that they're available. Um And that's when you'll be able to arrange a meeting, er, which will happen virtually through the system, it's all, er, encompassed, um, and you'll be able to book a meeting and then have a discussion and hopefully set the idea is that in the meeting, you set a goal, something to work towards um, a smart goal which, which will be a reflective um piece um, as you try and attempt, er, as you attempt, sorry to achieve that goal just to add on to that. So, so mentioned the calendar, which is basically a virtual calendar, which you as a mentee will be able to book in with a mentor. Um that booking um will then be carried out via Zoom. So you'll still have a virtual meeting via Zoom. Um It will just be that, that meeting will be set up automatically once you book in um via the calendar um for your mentor on our hub in the website. And that's sort of we've got that built already, but we're now just slowly building it and adapting it for the IMG program on the website. So it should be ready for December, January. Yeah, perfect. Uh We do actually have another question by um he said, can all this be done while working in medicine? Oh, yeah. Well, if, if you're interested in surgery and you want to apply for surgery, then of course, you can um we know that it's very difficult to obtain jobs within surgery. Um as, as an international medical graduate. Um So if you are a trust grade or a, a doctor working in a different specialty and that's your interest and you are serious about launching an application and gaining a better understanding of surgical training then by all means register for the program. Um Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think that brings us to um, I don't see any more questions on the chat either and Oh, yes, perfect. I guess we wrap up with any, any last questions. Um People give people a couple of moments to write anything. Last minute people have been hanging on to this whole talk. Um I'm sure there's plenty of options for discussion about the program and there's plenty of stuff that probably started and I haven't quite thought about yet and, and need to hit the drawing board a bit. Um There's always things to learn about isn't there, but it's exciting. It's exciting developing this for IMG si think with, you know, starting in the NHS and to understand, um, just quite, you know, how much I MGS support our organization and how little support they have in adapting to NHS. And I think this program is hopefully gonna sort of narrow that divide um, and really support, um, international graduates with their applications for surgery, but also in adapting to NHS and, and getting used to working in a totally different environment. I agree. Um, I think one last question actually just popped in. Um Do they get a certificate of this meeting or this was more for Q and A just obviously for your interest, wasn't it? Um I think we just need to clarify. So it certificate for, do you mean the mentorship? I think he meant this meeting to for this, we, we, so this is just a question and answer session. So this isn't sort of any formal mentorship. This is just to ensure that you get a bit more information about the, the program um which will be um launched soon. Um in terms of the mentorship for the actual program itself. Um I'm not too sure if, if there's going to be any formal sort of certification of the program, we're still in the process of discussing with RC. Si think. Yeah, I'm sure we can for the program. I think all mentees will get some form of um like a certificate which is headed with, you know, the Portfolio Clinic and RT S just to show what they've been involved in. Um But yeah, I agree. I think this meeting is purely A Q and A. It was here to answer some questions and hopefully give you a better idea to what the Portfolio clinic is doing. Um So there's not really giving me a formal certificate for this session. I think that was, I I've said this like 10 times. This was the last question and then we get chat. So I think this is it unless you guys have anything else more to add? I guess I just want to um I'm going to very selfishly um plug the portfolio clinic as well. So um please comment, share, subscribe to the Portfolio Clinic on social media. We're on Instagram, we're on Twitter. Um And we're also on Facebook as well. Um So the more, the more um recognition and, and coverage we get the, the more that we can do to help. Um So yeah, that's er my selfish sort of for, for the portfolio. Um I think also if, oh sorry if I've just put the link tree um a link for the Portfolio clinic and it's got the registration form. It's also got the um ment registration form for the surgical care program because we've just got, had another question, same thing. How does one apply for the program? And I think they just, they must have missed it right at the start. Um So I've just put the link tree program uh sorry, link tree link. And um if you click on that, you'll be able to go on to mentor and mentee sign up um I MG surgical mentorship program. It's the first link on it. Um And I'll post the individual link for it as well. I think for um me, I think I'm buttering all the names, which is why I end up just saying beer at the end. Um Yes. So I've just put the link in for um, the registration for the men team. Bye bye. Perfect. Oh, I think that's it then. Yeah, I guess we'll leave it. It was nice to meet you all. Thank you for joining and er, and being so enthusiastic and asking lots of questions. Cool, take care everyone and uh yeah, look out for what's coming up in the next couple of weeks to months. Thank you very much. Bye.