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IMG "How did you get into training?" IMT



Learn the keys to successful medical training pathways in this insightful and informative session presented by an IMT (Internal Medical Training) doctor. Get valuable insight into the process, creation, and planning required for an IMT pathway, and learn from a doctor's personal experience and reflection on her repeated applications, adjustments, and ultimate success. In addition, gain a comprehensive understanding of the timeline for applying for training, the prerequisites, and some practical tips for ensuring a timely application. Hear about deciding on specialities and how it affects your IMT journey. Learn about the crucial role of referees in your application process and the value of supporting evidence and self-assessment. Stay ahead of the curve with these invaluable tips and suggestions that will put you firmly on the path to a successful career in medicine.

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We are very excited to announce our new series, "How did you get into training?".

We will be hosting fellow IMGs who have successfully landed their training numbers in the UK.

Dr Yiyi Aung will be speaking about the IMT pathway. She will talk about her experience and what are some of the things that helped her land her number. Tune in with us to find out, and be on the lookout for more specialities as the series grows!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the pathway and requirements for Internal Medicine Training (IMT) in the UK, including the differentiation between group one and group two specialties.
  2. Gain insights on the application process for IMT, particularly the importance of preparing and submitting applications promptly during the designated timeframes.
  3. Recognize the process of self-assessment scoring for pre-interview selection and understand its function in the application process.
  4. Learn how to strategically use the preference system for selecting potential work regions to ensure allocation to a preferred location.
  5. Understand the role of referees in the application process and how to ensure their cooperation for reference submission.
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Hello guys, apologies for the delay. We had some technical difficulties. Welcome. Um uh This is our second er session of the new series. Um How did you get into training? Um And today we're gonna speak about I MT and I've got doctor Y here with me who's gonna tell us about her pathway and everything she did to get here. Um A couple of weeks ago, I spoke about the A CCS emergency medicine pathway. So if that's of any interest to you, please do watch that and let us know your thoughts. Um And we'll continue on the series. Um and as we'll have more specialties coming on for now, I'll let um doctor Y tell and tell us about I MT Yeah, thank you. R Yeah, sorry. I, that was my computer making a mess about this videos. Um Hello, I'm yi yi. Uh I'm working as A I MT two in, in hospital at the moment today. I will talk about how I apply for the training and then what are the preparation stages before you plan to apply for the I MT? So I was start with my background. Um I came from Myanmar uh whoever wonder when Myanmar is on the war map? I put it on the, on the slides. Uh It's near Thailand and China and next to Bangladesh and India. So I finished my M RCP in 2017, I joined the N HSS Os Ho because I didn't do the lab because when I finished the M RCP, the UK started SFT MRCB people to, to start working. So I joined A S NH O but you can join a if you uh get enough to do. But I joined as a sho in my first NHS job in September 2020. And I work in MA US and general internal medicine rotations for about three years. So during this time, I applied three times the first time. Obviously, I just want to do know the process and experience. So apply after working for two months. So it's not even long listed, but I know uh oral creation, uh oral pathway and what to do and what to plan for if you want to get the interview the second time I got into the interview, but I didn't get the job. But my ranking was so low because I II would tell you about what I made the difference uh because there's so much reflections to make during that time. And so I applied for a third time. Then I got the full market interview and I ranked 56 and II can apply wherever I want to because the ranking speaks the most in the interview. So, so I will tell you about um internal medicine training pathway. So in UK, they, they have foundation year one and year two and where they the, where the, where we be, we rotate around medicine, surgical, uh all sort of specialties. And then you decide which specialty you like most and then apply if you are, if you are very confirmed that you're gonna do the internal medicine for life, then you apply for a MD training. So in that, in that pathway, we have group one and group two specialty, which depends on uh what specialty you want to do in, in, in your, in your life. So for group one, you need to do the three years of I MD training for group two specialty, you can, you, you only need to do two years. And after that, you can apply directly to that specialty. For example, if you want to do hematology on quality dermatology, you can apply after I MT two. Uh but you need to prepare things before you, you, you apply for those specialties um like commitments and everything like M RCP. So during this I MT three or two years, you need to finish the M RCP as well if you haven't done it, and then you apply for the next I MT uh specialty training. Uh This is the main, main pathway that, that people divide it into group one and group two specialty. What is the good point is for group two, you don't need to do the Mr uh the uh that, that year I MT is the med reading. So you can skip that if you are interested in those group two specialties. So the timeline uh why this is important? So you're gonna, you can start applying uh in AO on 24 to October and then they were closed on 21st of November. So make sure you note those things in your calendar or to remind yourself, start early and finish early because un unexpected things can happen in any way. And you, you, you don't want to, you don't want your application to be delayed or, or you know, not counted. So start early, uh prepare thoroughly and then finish and close. Uh send the application, submit the application early and long listing will be uh confirmed around December 17 and short listing will be on next day and uh you will get the invitation for the interview on December 19. So that day is important because um uh when I was uh booking, I was off that day and I was looking at the interview lot within seconds, all the good days are gone. Like the interview will start in January and it will finish in February. So nobody wants to do the earliest January so that we can avoid uh like uh the earliest time by booking early. So if you're on that day off is good. You can choose whatever you like and be quick, uh, which day you want to do and you can choose whatever you like if you're early enough to do the, uh, choose the slots. If not, you, you will have to choose the leftover ones. And then the booking deadline is, uh, um, November, uh, sorry, December 23rd and then the second invite will be on the December 30th. You see the January 13th is the interview date and they were still inviting you on 30th of December. That is the time that most of the candidate missed the emails and got lost of the opportunity to um to uh get the interview. So one of my colleagues, he wasn't aware of that. He got the email interview very near to the interview um uh holding time, but he somehow got the January send the email that he wanted to try and they, they somehow arranged the time slot for him and he got the interview and he get the train in that year. So they make sure you check your emails all most of the time every day on during those times to make sure you don't miss the second invite. Um So, and then after they, they were held interview during that period and 14 of February will be the last day and ranking will be released after that. And then you choose uh your preferences. It depends on which region you would like to walk in um for that, you need to have a bit sort of experience. And for me, I started in Southwest before when I start in first NHS. And then I moved to Birmingham where I work as a sho also. But I don't really like the life there. And the, the, the culture here in Southwest and Birmingham is a bit different also. And in here in Southwest, in most of the uh hospital, they have a doctor's assistant who will help you with the blood taking. Where in Birmingham there is no DA s and you have to do everything on yourself. So I decided I want to do my training in Southwest and that's why I II studied very hard and get the to get the preference I like. Um and then uh uh when the offers are made, you can either hold or uh accept or reject. If you really don't want to go to the, the place you want, you can reject but make sure in, in choosing the preference, you can choose the places where you would only definitely go to work if not you were with uh post for someone who, who really want to go. So let's say people, some people, they, they are definitely saying they're not going to, they are not going to the Northern Ireland, they're not going to Wales. So you can put those uh region of your preferences. So that when the, when the offers are made you get what you want. Um And then the, they will send you the feedback that you, you said to your interview, the feedback of what you need to improve. Uh what are the good points? They, they will, they will all the uh interviewers will write in that sheet and then you will start your post in August. So the first step, uh you need to account, uh you need to create account in the AO that's the, that's the main platform for all the trainees you apply in, in your, in your career. Uh Not only these IMC or the or the other other specialty if you want to apply for higher specialty, this is the only platform you will use it. And then the the assessment method is they will first loan list you and then give you short listing and then result list is that uh that they, they send you the invites around the 30th of December and then they would call the interview. And before this, we have to do the application and we have to do the self assessment for the application scoring which we call preinterview score. That score is only used for pre uh like you get the interview or not. After you get the interview, these scores were not um will not account for the main interview score. Uh This is only for the preinterview score where you have, where you were chosen for the interview or or not. So this is the application form in general. They have three parts one, part one is mainly about yourself and your, your background history, like employment history, your training history. If your IM GS, what are your previous training uh experiences, those are the details that you have to fill in. And part two is a referee. Part three is um evidence. Um I will tell you more about evidence later and part three is supporting information like why you want to do the I MT s and what uh what evidence you can support yourself that you are fit for the I MT. And then the last part is the se assessment. So I MD recruitment uh website has a webinar. This webinar is also telling you how to prepare the interview uh applications in in their website as well. I would recommend to watch that. So, so referee, you need three referees. So you need to tell your consultants in advance that you're gonna put them as your referee. And so they, they have to agree that they will reply to the email when they got their emails from the dry for your for your references. Uh make sure they are not on holiday, make sure what timing they're gonna send the email and they have to reply that email before you start the training. So uh during the last two years of your employment or your undergraduate training, those uh those consultants can count uh, but one referee must be your current post or your current supervisor who, um, who knows all about your clinical development so that they can go, they can give you good feedback when they ask when they are off. Ok. So evidence, uh, is the Crest form. Uh, uh, it's not uh yearly updated, but they have updated in 2023 for the 2024 training. So you have, we have to download the latest form because uh that is to, you have to print out and you have to sign and then you have to um scan and, and put it as a one document when where you can put it on to the AO platform to, to, to provide the evidence. Um uh We need to show the A LS certificate as well. So I combined the A LS certificate and the Crestor altogether and in, in one document and then II upload it on the or so the for supporting information you, they say MRCB is not an essential requirement. But if you have part part one or part two, you can, there is the boxes that they will ask you when you finish your part, one, part two pages, you can fill in those things. And this, although this will not score you a point, but it can show you your commitment to the medicine and you are a better candidate, you may be a better candidate than others who do not have the M RCP in slash criteria. And, and also you can put the training courses on the, they have four spaces that you, you can put all your, all, all the, all of the training courses that you have attended most relevant to the application for in medicine um for, to support your that you are exploring or upgrading your clinical experience to, to, to, to fit for I MT uh for application scoring, you can only score for complete achievement only because they, although they, I have never heard of anyone who were asked about the evidence before. But um if, if, if in case they, they, when during the interview, if they doubt something, they might, there is chances that they might ask you the evidence because in the interview feedback sheet, II saw that uh I will show you this is my feedback I cr out there is the last bit of portion that uh they were, they were asking the interviewer whether they, they doubt your, your application scoring, whether they want the evidence or not. They have to say no, I don't, don't think they should be included or if they say yes, you have to, you have to provide the evidence. So only score what you have achieved in your, in your uh for the application scoring. So self assessment uh II always recommend to check the um their website because each and every year they, they make some subtle changes in categories and marking as well. This year also, they have changes a few. So I'll tell you about uh the which are the most likely to gain mass, which are a bit more difficult and time consuming. So we have a postgraduate degree in qualifications um that if you have it, those are very, very fine points. You can score up to eight marks. Uh If you have publications, you are the first order of that publication and, and uh and, and if you have some national prices, you can say, if not. Uh no, don't worry, I didn't even have any publications even now. Uh So I II would recommend to focus on which are the more realistic and more practical to achieve marks uh before this uh interview, uh this uh application. So I would recommend to do a presentation or poster in, in national or international level. Uh that was called U six marks because everyone would try to um get the maximum marks on this bit. Uh So if you get these, if you get, if you score less in this area, you're, you're less likely you're, you're more likely to achieve less marks than most of the average people. Uh There would be few people who, who, who have the publication, but there will be more people who are doing the oral presentation at a national level and scoring six. So better focus on these areas just to gain marks at the maximum level. Uh for, for example, II II have uh put some of the conferences that you can apply for your, for your presentations like Bristol Patient Safety Conference every year. They have. And if you have done the Q IP, you it like two cycles, you can present it, uh you can submit the abstract to the conference and then you can present it that will come as an initial and also uh acute medicine have a, a ta take aim conferences every year as well. They call for abstract, every organization like uh British. The rest of society also have every winter and summer meetings where they are calling for the abstract. You have to check their, their website and what are the deadlines? What are the uh uh chances that you, you have like not only Q IP, you can present the interesting cases, rare cases, case report to those um uh conferences as well. So these are the four presentation of poster and then uh Q IP audit or quality improvement projects. Either way you have to involve in 222 cycles in all stages. And then you will, you will go higher marks like four points. If you involve into all stages of two cycles that I would I would recommend to do that because uh it's more easy to achieve than doing the publications. And then in teaching, they have uh since my time, it has changed into do a degree, your teaching experiences and your training in teaching your teaching experience. May you deliver that you are the teacher who teaches to the junior or the nurses or, or informal teaching on the ward? Uh You can collect the evidence by giving the feedback. Uh GRC BTV website has a feedback form that we used for uh all the teachings that we provide, uh download the form uh uh print in those form and then give it to the uh to the students or whatever whoever you teach and then get the feedback as this will count as evidence or if you're not teaching, but you're organizing a teaching uh for the teaching schedule for the, your, for your department. Let's say you work in the M AU and there's a every week department of teach you or the schedule who gonna be which day and which consultant gonna take part in this uh you have to arrange uh they, they have the, the, the timeline out. They, they want approximately three months to get you to have a regular like, like you, you arranging those things for a regular term. And also for that, you can score even five marks up to five marks. And, and even if you are like, if you are teaching to the medical students on the ward, you can ask the consultant that you are working together on the same ward like and say I'm teaching to the students, but that is informal, you know, on the wall, you you will do ward rounds and you teaches them every day. And then you can ask one of your consultant to provide the recommendation letters that you were teaching to them on a daily basis. And then if they're happy to sign, sign, sign you for the recommendation letter for at least three months, so that that will come as evidence. So the training in teaching is the uh is is you have your, you have you, you explore the teaching methods to upgrade your teaching methods to teaching skills. So you have to uh sometime uh ii during my time, I attended the teacher, teacher courses. Uh there is APD certificate for the uh teaching also uh in medical education. You can apply for that. But that will, that is also a bit of uh you have to invest yourself. I think that is, I think the trust will not, will not give you the grant for the for the course fee. So you have to uh invest yourself to attend that uh BDB T certificate for the medical education and it, it would take time as well. Um But for the online courses, you can either like online or in person in my time is there is only online. So I apply for uh I attended the online courses at the high school mark for that. So in the interview, um uh you will be asked about uh you will be given two minutes to express uh to to, to, to sell yourself uh like whatever you achieve in your medical school or, or out of medicine, whatever that cannot be put in the application can also be uh told them, told them uh in the interview. Uh because the, the white box answer what we call white box answer is the application form has a what limit? Uh like 150 words that you can say uh your achievement. So in the interview, you have two minutes that you have to emphasize what achievement you want to impress them. So make sure you practice, practice, practice for that two minute, because after two minute, they're gonna stop you anywhere that you either you finish or not, they will stop you and they will go on with the other questions. So if, if you don't have time or if, if you can't tell them in, in, in time that would be missed. Um And the stage one is uh for application achievement and your suitability for I MT, they will ask you what you have done for the I MT s uh uh to uh why they want to choose you as a I MT. So these are the questions they will ask you. They can ask you about uh after two minutes. If they are interested about your achievement, let's say you walk in a volunteer or charity work during the COVID time. If they're interested, they will ask you more about it. So prepare for these things in details as well. If they ask you more about that, you have to tell them in detail. But in two minutes, you don't need to tell them in details. Let's say, uh you say you had an audit which is presented in the region, regional conferences. Uh We see which will will change, it, changes the your practice in your ward. Uh But they, if they're interested, they will ask you more and you have to tell them your audit in detail. So prepare for that as well. And then uh you will be asked uh about the clinical scenario for that. It, it will be taken about 10 minutes. Uh You will be given, they will screen, share your scenario for three minutes to read. Uh make useful of that three minutes. Also, uh I will tell you later more about that. And after that, you will be given handover one minute handover to the me reg or the next thing that you are finishing your shift and you want the next thing to get the handover and what you recommend to do for them. So that is the important thing. Um If you, if you talk too much and if you don't make time for that one minute, but ii believe the consultant will stop you whatever you were at. Uh they will ask you uh about the hangover because that is that, that also carries a lot of mark. Um And then uh you would go to the ethical stations, they will screen, share your scenario again. The, the the check the the point is after uh not like the clinical scenario, they will not give you time to formulate what you were gonna talk about. So after you read, you start talking so you can take time to think what you're gonna talk just, just a few seconds and then you start talking. You can't, you can't take too much time because it's only five minutes after that, you will be finished. They will cut you off and they go down to the next candidate. So we prepare uh when you practice the scenarios, prepare to speak in five minutes with your study partner. So the whole process, the whole interview will approximately last about 30 minutes only. So when you talk about your backgrounds or your motivation questions, what you're training to date? You use these C MB stretches. See as a clinical, your training in days, I would recommend you talk about if you're working already walking in uh U UK, you, you, you need to talk about which rotations you are doing. Like you your, your, your daily, um your rotation in include their own course because they want to know whether you are ready to start your training because in I MT you will be given like on call without, without any, any shadowing or anything. So you will, you can start as a night shift on your first day your, your first day could be night shift. So they want to know, are you eligible to do on call? So if you're doing on call, just tell them you are doing on call at the moment. Um, so you're, you, you're well, you are very well trained to walk under pressure during this part of our time and you are as safe as I show you escalate things to the senior whenever you think you need to. And then if you have as you, as we all are, I MD, we all have some experience back in our country. Like if you are working in the ICU in your country, you can put the things, those, those things in your, in your, in your, that, that, that can stretch out as your blinder experience. But do, do not talk too much about your background, like back home experiences too much. They, they, they're not really interested, but they only want to know whether you fit into this NHS system that whether you are uh uh ready enough to start on course as soon as you start the Iron Teams. And then for academic, you can talk about your P IP your teaching, your, your car, your career future plans that you can talk about. Management is rather likely about the leadership. Uh The leadership is now not, not, not in the scoring uh category. Now, previously, they have given marks for leadership, but if you have some leadership portions that, that you have done in your, in your back home or here. Um Just mention in the that stretches and or your in two minutes uh presentation that you have something to talk about the leadership. So, so the consultant, the interviewer would know that you have some skills in leadership as well. And the person is what you do in your, in your personal times. Not, not, not, not, not necessarily be to be in medicine. You can talk about anything, how you, how you spend your time in the free time. So that two minute is also very, very important. You have to sell yourself the best way you can to, to get to get the interviewer interested in you and build rapport with you. Uh So you need to practice. So during my time, I record myself, I II write down the two minutes and then I record myself whether it is finishing in two minutes or not. If not, I have to make the compact cause you have to talk, talk and then you think you're gonna finish by. It is way too over two minutes. You have to make a compact, a summarize again to make sure it is within the two minutes. So this is a brief overview of the interview stretches. The first thing we would call you about your application suitability. Two minute presentation. There will be four minute questions that they gonna ask you. Uh What, what whatever they are interested about your, your training or experiences. And then you can talk about your future plans and aspiration. That will also show your commitment and specialty. Let's say you want to do the endocrine and you, your plan is to, to become endocrinologist. Uh that also show your commitment to medicine that only to the medicine part where you can become an endocrine specialist. So these are the things they want to know about your future plan as well. Um And then the the clinical scenarios and handover for three minutes reading that is very important to use, use it, use it for the full extent. Uh So usually I do you can have a paper and a pen during the interview. So I read II put the like a square four squares on the graph paper and then they read the scenario with the symptoms. You, you line up all your differential diagnosis and then next to the differential diagnosis, you would think about what investigation you're gonna do to, to exclude your differential and to make sure what uh depending on, depending on the investigation, they will tell you the results and then you can sort out uh screen out your differential diagnosis and what are your treatment plan and then uh what other specialty you would like to involve in this case? Uh Because they all want to know, are you uh are you uh uh uh do you have any, any experience that you, you have to involve other specialties like MDT uh in your in your cases whenever you need it. Um And then you will have 11 minute handover that uh in Sbar method uh situation background assessment and the recommendation you summarize, you don't need to repeat everything in from the scenario. You summarize like patient come in with a kidney uh hypotension. You, you can just say patient came in with Effe and signs of sepsis and then you treat this and you would recommend uh the next team to do this uh uh just to be in concise and clear way. It is not a rule place. You don't, you don't, don't put the interviewer as a patient or the marriages, you just tell, talk through your scenario that you would do this, this this and just talk to them and, and then the ethical station is also five minutes. Um It, it is usually about the difficult patients or the difficult colleagues, difficult colleagues from your peers to your seniors or your manager or ev every scenario can happen. So um you, you have to practice a lot of uh scenarios before you go into the interview. So interview scoring, uh they will score you in six independent aspects. I will show you which, which what, what six aspect they're gonna score you. And then you will receive marks from each of the interviewers who are assessing you and then they will give you the marks depending on 1 to 5. I put my mark sheet on. Uh one is the poor two is for area for concern. Three is for satisfactory. Four is a good five is excellent for marks. And then they would, they, you have to, they, they would give you a scoring up um and then they would calculate the total mark will be 60 and then you, they, they will, they will uh I will show you the it's a bit difficult to tell. This is the overview. So application and achievement and suitability is one and then ethical and professional as they also they have to score you and glen scenario and the patient handover, you see they give one minute for even five marks. So if you don't have time for handover, you will, you will lost a lot of marks in this area and then all through your interview, you, they will score you for your communications and your raw interview scoring will be 60. But after a we did, it will be 80. So um for to be appoint, none of your 12 interview score could be one which is poor and none. None uh no more than two should be scoring two. So your at least marks should be 36. Your your role interview score should be 36 out of 60 to get a point uh for the interview. They, they have uh if you if you type this but specification and entry criteria for I MD training, they, they, they, they will show you what skills and what are the eligibility criteria they expect from you to start as an I MT. So for your clinical skill, you, you your, your application will show your training background and your rotation up to date on the application. And also there will be boxes that you have to uh answer why you choose I MT and what have you done for the I MT. So in that boxes, you can show how, what is your knowledge up, up to date and how are you improving it? By saying you're attending courses, you improve your skills by attending simulation courses as well. These are the things that you need to. So it's mainly those white B answers, which are also important that your experiences are almost ready to start as a training and the academy skills uh that you have a background understanding of the Q I projects that we are doing in, in our, in our uh rotations or on in our work. So that uh you have basic idea of how things work. And uh you know, here uh when you talk about the Q I project as well, you, you can tell them, but the key was that they would like to hear is um let's say if you're doing, if you're presenting your VT prophylaxis, um you will say the reason I start my, my GI pro the GI project on BT prophylaxis is because of the incident reports on the pulmonary embolism that we have those key one incident reports. All the you know uh patient safety for the better care of the patient. This was you, these key words are the main thing that you they, they would like to hear so that they as soon as they hear the those things, you, they know that you understand what are the basic principle why we are doing this Q I project. The main aim is to improve the patient safety and to improve our practice in in daily daily, daily life. So um by saying your keywords, they would understand you have a basic knowledge of these uh why we are doing these things and you have to demonstrate the interest and the commitment and specialty. Let's say you are, you are doing the taste of wheat in which specialty that you want to pursue in your higher training. And what causes you attending? That? Um You can either say uh you attend the Lumbar Punia Clinic or the chest brain simulation clinic because medicine is not only knowledge but also skills that you have to improve. So you are improving yourself by attending those uh courses. So that, that that will also count you as well for the good, good points for the interview and then for passenger skills, they, they, they want the communi they will assess your communication skills and throughout the interview. And they also want to know whether you have a problem solving decision making, empathy and sensitivity and managing others and team involvement. That would be like in the ethical scenario, sometimes they will, they will ask you, what are your weakness or, or not, not, not in the uh in suitability for t there are four minutes that you, they can ask you anything. They, they sometimes they can ask you what are the weakness, what are the good points on of yourself? Uh If you say weak points, um the main thing that you want, they want to hear is how do you work on to improve your weakness? Not only you have this, this I have this, this weakness. You can't finish like that because of this weakness. What I'm improving is uh these are the reflection I made and I'm trying to improve, to overcome this weakness. That that is the thing they want to hear. So be prepared for every day that they could possibly ask you. And these are the ba in the scale that you have to add on if you're preparing for those uh scenarios, uh the questions. And because in the leadership as well, if you're doing the ward round on yourself, uh because on the ward round, on the daily, daily basis, you sometimes uh not every day is consult on ward round, sometimes you have to do your uh your work around yourself and you involve in the MDT, you lead the MDT for the patient, you see yourself. So these can demonstrate your leadership skills in Q I project as well, audit as well. Uh rather than uh you vaguely say, we, we have a team, we prepare everything that's uh not, not to say like that I was the leader and I delegate my team member to, to uh to each um task and what uh because they, they want to know you, you, you score for all stages of the cycle. So every stages you have to involve. So how you, how you involve your team members, how you do to analyze how you collect the datas and also how you put the changes to be aware by other people. Let's say you give the informal teaching to the juniors, like putting poster on the ward. Uh These are the changes that I made and, and then II did the second time data collection and it shows an improvement, it changes um the practice that we are using. Uh So these are the things that you need to focus, like saying keywords to the to the interviewers. So the what is they say management and leadership scales? But uh they now put out the leadership scale, which is uh understandable because in junior leadership is um not that everyone can achieve as well. But if you become in become more senior in your training, you will know that that leadership is a must have thing. And also you can demonstrate your it skills as, as your one of the skills because some of the tests are all electronic. So you need to have basic uh knowledge about these technology skills. Um Others are like you can say your achievement outside medicine, if you, if you are having a like uh organizing a sport team or a sport club at outside of your, your work and then you, you can talk about your achievement as in your uh CE MP stretches P is a person so that you can put these things under them. So I will talk about my experience just a bit because uh I played three times. Um And then uh first time and I was only having a department of teaching. And then for the, for the last time, II presented our, our one of my GI PS on the region of conferences for acute medicine as opposed to a presentation. And I go for that. I don't have any publications still no have and for the teaching experiences. Um I attended two courses for this will be the training in teaching category. Uh It was uh I attended the teacher, teacher course from medical that was online. Uh You can now, I think they will have a in person course as well. And then II also attended the becoming an expert educator in head care profession, which is also online, which is by the University of Nottingham. And then for the teaching experiences, I was teaching year five medical students on the GI was which which they were rotating every uh according to their rota. And also there was a clinical pharmacist um that I teach every day on the ward. So I asked one of my consultants um to, to provide me the recommendation letter that I because they, they also witnessed my teaching during the world round. So they are happy to give me the recommendations. Um that was II school for that and for Q I psi did two Q I PS and one is a national audit for the BT S uh smoking cessation. You need to describe your role and what changes you made. It's not in a very detailed like percentage or everything, just the impact of your A audit has what changes it made in your daily practice. That's all they want to hear and for leadership at that at, at, at my time, they, they also the leadership scoring but I was started in NHS not a while ago. So I don't have any leadership skill to, to present in the UK. So I used my previous experience in my country where I was working as a medical officer in one of the private hospitals. So I was chosen as a medical officer in charge to supervisor junior. So II I go for that and I have recommendations from, from my professor in my country as well. So I go for that. Uh There was a Edward J A leadership program that you, if you're interested, you can uh take that course. But um I was only halfway through that program so I couldn't claim for that as well for MRCB. I, although I have a Mr CPI cannot claim the marks because they were not uh given marks for that. But in there is a application form, uh there is a box in the application in a supporting information area in your, the white box. It it is the, is the place where you fill all your M RCP and then it will show you a commitment in I MT. Yeah. Uh for the courses um I attended a LS and then uh chest X ray survivor caused by radiology. And in my trust, they were, they were providing the chest brain simulation course um uh cause you have a steady budget, you can attend it, those you can attend those courses and reclaim the study fees. And on the RCB website every year, they give the called the medical registrar webinar, which is very useful for the I MT S who are like transitioning into I MT three. So these uh courses I attended and also the acute and IV training for my trust as well. My previous trust respiratory department is very good at giving up these courses. So I II attended all these things and for the research, uh I attended the introduction to good clinical Practice by NIH R. That was a very brief course that you can do it online and it, it is also stage by stage. But I did that very first stage just to show my interest in research. And for the conferences, I attended diabetes, professional care and also the achievement and conference taking where I presented my uh G IP in that conference. So for study material, so practice is the main key. So I have three or four study partners which uh because the reason I have three or three or four study partner is you and he, he or she is working on call as well. If he or she is on call, you have no study partner. So I have another study partner who are, who are afraid to practice with me. So that's why I ended up having three or four study partners and I study II study with them. I practice with them with teams because team was the platform that we're gonna use for interview. So we use that platform to use your familiar to for the interview as well. So I practice nearly every day starting from December to the to my interview which is in February. And uh for the study material, I read this medical interview uh skills book, which is now full edition. Now, when I was studying, it was third edition, it now has full edition now and also I subscribed the medi body which is very useful for the practice with your study partner because they have the scenario and then you, you, you put the timer on like three minutes to read and then eight minutes to present and to, to talk through the scenario at one minute handover, which is good for the practice. And I also subscribed the optimized interview, which is very good online. Um They have lots of study material to, to look at uh which, which is helpful for me at least. Um And also I practice the questions, a similar, similar scenario with my study partner as well and practice your two-minute presentation again and again, how to, there, there's all of questions that you have to practice before you go for the interview. Um If you want those things, uh I will put II put my uh email on the last page. Uh You can ask for me, I will send it to you through the email to practice. So for the last bit, uh you need to prepare yourself for your technical preparation and you need to check your wifi connection because uh if you cut off, you, you'll be gone and which is not good for you and for the environment, you need to choose a well lit and quiet place uh which will be free from the interruptions or the noise and, and for the background, uh they say because when I was doing the interview, they were only Microsoft teams. Now they are using the Q con uh of. So because they, they mentioned that uh there is no blur background feature on that uh platform. So make sure your background is uh um for your things that could distract the interviewers and check your camera and microphone test before you start interview with other people as well. And you practice with your study partner with this platform as well, so that you are very used to the using this uh Microsoft teams and as well. OK. So thank you for your attention and joining the this um talk and this is my email. If you want those questions, I can send you through the email. And if you have any questions, I'm I'm happy to answer. I will try my best cause I'm in the M AE rotation with so many night shifts. Thank you. That was great. Thank you guys. You see, there's, there's a lot, there's a lot, there's a lot of requirements that we need to fulfill for training and it's um people just get confused by it all because we're not used to this coming from, you know, our different backgrounds and our different countries. Um That's lovely. If you guys have got any questions, would you mind e uh popping them in the chat box, please? So that all your other um m um colleagues can, can follow through as well. Yeah, and we'll just wait a couple of minutes just to answer questions. 01 thing I forgot to mention there are people who are starting the starting the training as a first a test. And most of them are GP, but I started to see I NT as well. Um uh you can do it, you can do it. But uh personally I won't recommend because, because II was working in NHS for like three years. And then when I started training, I was too overwhelmed, I was too anxious because there is AE RCP decision. A you need to see and, and there are lots of criteria that you need to fulfill to pass this year. So you will become so much stress. And if you're starting as a first NHS nobody will teach you if you are a trainee because their, their expectation is uh you're already aware of the system and you just crack on doing things as you were normally doing, their expectation is higher if you do mistake, their, their first comment is, oh, you're even I MTI making this mistake. So this is their so, oh yeah, there's a little bit of judgment and I think it's a little bit hard because sometimes you do start. I think you, you already mentioned that you do start as a night shift in your first. Yeah. Yeah. And they don't expect that you are not familiar with the, sometimes you don't even have the logins for the hospital and you're just sort of thrown in the deep end. It's not impossible. I know that the job situation currently in the UK is a little bit tough and people are doing different things. It's not impossible. We're not saying that but you should be prepared that it will be difficult. Um, yeah, it, you know, it's, you're learning a new system. Um, and you're in a new country and you don't have the support that you normally do with, you know, friends and family. Um, and you're being marked, you've got things that you need to achieve in this year. Not, you know, unlike a nontraining where you, you don't have that at all. You don't, nobody's asking you, you do it because you want to and you want to apply to training, but nobody's asking you about audits or teaching or, or anything, you know, you just get to take your time and take things slow. But as a trainee, there's no time to take things slow and it's, it's difficult. Yeah, that's why I would not recommend. Yeah. OK. We've got a question for you. Um Is lumbar puncture training useful for IMT application, please? What do you think? Oh because in, in the IMT training, you will be asked for the sign off for the lumber puncture. So uh it's good that you have that skill even before you start. But what I want to warn you is you would need to do the another sign off on your portfolio because um I did my, I did join my uh trust grade and I got signed off because I've been started using their portfolio since I was trust grade and I have signed off form on, on lumber puncher on my portfolio. But it depends on your supervisor also because in this, uh when you start your training, the the portfolio mark, this is the I MT starting point. And then from then you they, they will assess your assessment in that area. You have to do those things again. So even I got the lemma puncher sign off, I need to do again to get another sign off from the marriages. So uh it depends um if you want to do during the I MT that is, that is your choice. Um uh it's not necessary because you need to do it again anyway. Yeah. So if you just want to get good at it, fair enough, but don't go out of your way to do as many as you can to get it signed off because you're going to have to, it's good that you have that skill because when you try again in the I MD training, if you fail, nobody will sign you off. So if you're familiar and if you're more successful and more used to it, you will get signed off immediately when you try. Ok, next question is the M sra necessary for the application. I heard that this year they might request but not sure. I haven't heard of that either. Um II MT pathway has remained one of the very few that is not using the M SRA pathway and I think they will continue that way, don't you think? Yeah, I don't think that would cause I don't wanna say, you know, uh stuff about it but it's really a very, very, very wide exam. You can't use it for an aesthetic radiology. Ed GP, it's, it's, it's a, yeah. So I think I mt is sticking with not using it. Yeah, I think so. Um Were most of the courses that you did free or where they paid? Uh some are free, some are paid. Uh but I have, I have uh you, we will all get the steady budget depending on the trust. Uh My current trust has steady budget of 650 but my previous trust has 1000. So it depends. Yeah, they, they never, it was always around 600. Yeah. Yeah. So you can claim back whatever you apply for the fees. Yeah. Um Will the interviewer stop you when it's time for the one minute handover? Yes. Yes. They have very limited time slots. So when you finish like eight minutes, then they will stop you. Whenever you finish or not, you have to hand over hand as well. Give a full proper handover. Yeah. And I think you mentioned earlier if you don't do the handover, you lose quite a lot of marks as well from the. So if you can time yourself, it's probably better. Yeah. Um So the four training courses that are required. Can they be of any nature? Meaning if it's from my trustee learning or from my hospital? Is that all right? Or is there any specific requirements to this? No, no, there's no any like, like, uh, mandatory requirements to, to sort of setting sort of, uh, uh, courses you either you can show your, your evidence that you are attending or you are doing, uh, improving yourself with attending these courses you can put on, but it must be relevant to the medicine. I mean, as long as it is, it is relevant to the medicine, you can put it on that. Um It's about like uh on e-learning if you, if you learn about like how to use insulin, insulin therapy, it also comes uh but in surgical training like suture things, it will not come for the medicine. That's what I mean. Yeah. Right. Uh By what time do I need my a certificate? Because my course is on the 30th of January. Oh, I think before you submit the application, you need to put the E LS certificate. So I think that because I thought it was before you started the training, is that not right? It depends some, some people did the way that way as well. It depends on the uh on the, I think the interview was because uh when I started, they are all saying you need to upload the E LA certificate on the phone. Did you have to up? Yeah. So I did combine my Crestor and a certificate together but try, try and try, try your leg. It's, yeah, it might be because II, remember when, when I applied there wasn't, there wasn't, we didn't have to upload our a certificate. Just the question. I don't know if things have changed. Um Anyway, you have to try your luck because if you can, uh, uh, like push the E LS team to give you a earlier date, that that is also another try you can do uh or if not, you have to try without the yellow set of gate. And if you were asked in the interview at that time, you can say I got the a yellow set of gate. Now, what's the point is that you can argue back on in the interview that you already got the set of gate by the time you, you start the interview, but that year of January is midway between the interview timing. So if you, if you got the slot before that, that yeah, you still don't have that YC but you can argue still. But by the time you start your training, you will get the yellow, you definitely need it. Yeah. Um It might be worth looking through the website to try and get more confirmation of that because I think some things you, you don't have to have them at time of application, but you can have them by start time of training. Um I'm not sure where a stands with that. I think if you check the website, it might be better. So I didn't say insulin treatment is not count. Account for the training application. I did say insulin will count but like surgical skill training, like sutures or, or courses for surgical training, it will not count for the medicine. That's what I mean. Uh for the treatment course would not count. Yeah. No. So you didn't, you didn't say that? She said they will count. Yeah. Yeah. Um and then I think about the lumbar puncture course. I meant would it be useful for giving me points on the I MT application? Oh, no, no, it will be only as you, you, you are like you're doing your best to improve your skills for the clinical skills. There's no specific marks uh that you might, you know, commitment to specialty might come under that. But um but it won't give you any specific marks. Yeah. Lovely. Any more questions? I think that's all the questions that we got so far. Yeah. Ok. Oh, you mean the in the application forms there will be four spaces that you can put the, the courses that you attended. Is that what you mean? Then? It, it, it will be. Hm, but lumbar puncture is not uh like a is it a, is it a course in your, in your trust? Because uh from my experience it's not a course. It's a clinic uh that you go and observe the 1st and 2nd patients and then, yeah, hands on. So if it is a course like simulation course with a dummy, you can put it in. That's what I mean because my experience is I didn't 10 the course of lumbar puncture. Yeah, I didn't know that was a thing, but there are some simulate where they do sort of lumbar puncture, chest drain. If it's sort of a procedural skills day, then that will count. But if it's going to the clinic to do lumbar puncture specifically, they won't, that's provided. So that, that's, that's interesting. I've never seen a lumber puncture but in I nt you will have a simulation days and then you will do all sorts of things again. Exactly. You have, you have um all of that in training as well and you, you have to sign it off again. Yes. OK. Any more questions? I think that might be it. Mm. Uh Fine. Well, thank you so much uh for everything that you've done today. I think everyone has benefited a lot from um just having the breakdown of what they need to do. Um And what will be useful for them to achieve in this year. Um Sorry, 11 more question. Um If I'm a junior teaching fellow, I should just ask my supervisor for a letter. Yeah. Yeah. What kind of letter, I mean, recommendation letter that, that he or she is teaching, uh, for the, for the trainees or the, you know, the f ones or medical students that they should write you a letter, a letter. Yeah, because that will fulfill the highest in the training bit, wouldn't it? Because you've been teaching all year round. Um, so organizing a teaching schedule, you can still ask for it. Yeah. But if you're a teaching fellow that scores you a lot of points, I believe because your main, main duty is for the teaching. Let's go maximum or maximum for the, isn't it? Um I think some of the people during the teaching fellow year as well get to do the teaching courses and some places offer like PG certs as well. So that is like between jobs that would be a really good job to apply to and get they would give you like they will give you half, half of the fees or, you know, it depends on the trust, how generous they are. Yeah. So I've always wanted to do that. I just never had the time any more questions. Well, I think we should end here. Um You guys have got es email um up there. So if anyone has got more questions that they want to ask her, um she's uh she will reply. Um But please do be patient with us as it is. It is, it is very busy. Yeah. All right. Thank you so much and I will see you on a different one. Yeah. Bye-bye.