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IMG CPD approved series by Dr Ragaul Rajagopal on ehorus portfolio & completing competencies



This on-demand teaching session is for medical professionals interested in learning how to create and manage their ePortfolio effectively. Led by Dr. Raj Gopal, an international medical graduate with two years of experience in the NHS, we will be discussing the ePortfolio and fulfilling competencies within a foundation year. The session will cover functions of the ePortfolio, including keeping a record of activities throughout the year and providing evidence in applications for specialty training. We will also explore the GMC core procedures. The session will provide advice for integrating daily ward duties into the ePortfolio and discussing situations where things go wrong and how to handle them. The session aims to equip medical professionals and foundation year doctors with the necessary skills to effectively manage their portfolios.

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Learning objectives

  1. By the end of this teaching session, learners will be able to understand the structure of the NHS and the process of becoming a foundation doctor.
  2. Participants will learn about the completion of competencies and maintaining an EHS portfolio as part of the annual review of competence progression.
  3. The learners will gain knowledge on the important aspects of practicing as a junior doctor including communication, confidentiality, consent, and dealing with incidents at work.
  4. The session aims to educate participants on the importance of audits and research, preparing CVs, and getting involved in extracurricular activities for career advancement.
  5. Participants will learn essential day-to-day duties of a junior doctor, including patient history, examination, prescribing, performing procedures, and interpreting results.
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Sure. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Um I can't see people if they're joint or not. Let me see how many people. Oh yeah, there's few people already joined. Ok. I think 18 people I see. Shall we just wait like five few minutes and then we can start? Yeah, that's fine. Can everybody hear or is it, is everything? Ok. Video, audio. Can you write in the chart, please? Um Yes. Ok, fine. Oh, hi Ruby. M I know some of these people. Oh, that's good. Ok. Just wait a few more minutes for some more people and then we can start. Yes, we have 20 people so far. So just wait a few more minute. Ok. Ok. She up to five past and then stop. That's good. Cold. Yeah. Ok. Yeah. Ok. So we can just start and then other people they can just catch up on it. Yeah. Ok. Um So good evening everyone. Uh my name is Shefali. It's not K Raj, it's written there but uh the president of a growth scape. So I'm pleasure to introduce our doctor Rul uh Raja Gopal and he's gonna talk about uh the ehs portfolio and completing competencies. So I just hand over to our doctor. Good evening guys. Um I'm Doctor Raj. Um So I'm in a similar situation to majority of you guys watching. So I'm an international medical graduate. I graduated from Bulgaria, a little town called Pleven. Um So I graduated in May 22. Um I've got two years experience as an NHS doctor. Um So, um what I'll be talking about today um will be eos portfolio and completing competencies um within foundation year. Um Thanks to the grad scape team uh for organizing this. Um And yeah, so get going. Um So introduction. So um as a junior doctor uh when you arrive, um it's quite important um to start your foundation year and gain knowledge on what to do um as a junior doctor. Um So some of these include, you know, um how to get a place in foundation year. Um So people can apply through um NHS jobs um which has opportunities for uh working in the NHS um as a foundation doctor. Um and also getting access to E portfolio. Um getting access to E portfolio. You'll have to talk to the education department of um the trust um and the hospital that you're working with. And uh there would always be an education lead um who will set you up with a portfolio um starting um If you're either on Fy one, Fy two, not sure how many of you are looking to go straight to Fy two, if your course does allow that. Um then obviously, the things we'll be talking about in this presentation will co cover that. Um Communication is also important um breaking bad news uh translating. Um especially those of you that have studied in Europe. Um knowing Polish German, um Bulgarian sort is definitely um very useful. Um I myself have come across some Bulgarian patients where I was able to like assist in medical management. So um definitely uh it's an asset so brush up on your er foreign languages, uh quality ethics um is also important confidentiality of the patient as well as the staff working in with you um the consent of the patient um and the capacity. Um So if they have mental capacity or not, um these are things to actually um consider as a junior doctor, um things when they go wrong. Um you know, human error, things do go wrong within your work. Um And don't worry, uh you've probably heard of something called a dax form or a IR one form and this is usually filled um by medical staff. Um You can also fill one as a foundation doctor um for things that are um of concern. So, um for example, um if there is a dishonest that is happening within um um your hospital, then there's something of concern and you can erase that and you can put an incident form and that will be investigated into um sometimes um it's not bad to have an incident form. Um So it's, it's something where the trust goes by every trust has one. and they kind of investigate into what has gone on. Um especially um it's a learning curve for junior doctors. So, um if you get one or if you're involved in one, don't get too scared, uh just reflect on it in your portfolio, which I'll talk about a bit later and um yeah, take it from there. Um Boring and important stuff include NHS, structure, money and benefits. Obviously coming from um international into NHS. You guys probably won't be aware of how the NHS is and um what the structure is like. Um So doctors wise, obviously, F one F two junior doctors, there's also some people that do F three F four that can't decide um what special to go into and then you have specialty training um and then you have um a consultancy. So when you uh finish specialty training, you'll become a consultant. And um so those are the top guns um your career. Um Obviously exams are important. Um getting your C VS ready everyone um that are in last year of medical school or um going into foundation. Yeah, as a junior doctor, I would, I would a advise getting your C vs um ready and do extracurricular things. Um try and er fulfill all the aspects of NHS what they want. Um For example, leadership, er, teamwork and things like that and get examples for them. Um Another advice is if you are able to uh get involved in research and audits, um They are particularly important um because they are literally asked everywhere, they actually show a variety of skills. Um And they uh recruitment companies and NHS would like to see um what projects you have completed on a personal basis. Um Continuing. Um So it's important to know the life on the ward. Um So I think some of you are familiar what happens on a day to day basis, on a ward. But if you're not, um then obviously, um it's OK, we'll explain it here. Um On the ward, you'll have a er ward round in the or handover where um all the night staff hand over to the day team. Um and then you'll have a ward round seeing all the patients on the ward um attending any emergencies. Um And then after every patient has a plan um um and the job of a junior doctor is essentially to execute the plans by the end of the day. Um Some trusts um and some wards have a board round at the end of the day just to catch up if the jobs have been done. Um And what stage the patient's at um history and examination, another integral part of NHS. Um Definitely make sure um your history is um consolidate and that, you know, how to take um a, a good history. Um, obviously the history that you take depends upon the management. Um, so, uh, when you're clocking patients in, make sure that, um, the Clocking booklet is complete to the required standards, um, as well as examination, um, any practical examinations that you do make sure that, uh, they're all clearly evidently written down and documented, um, prescribing. Um, also an important part of a junior doctor. So, um, make sure prescribing is, um, you know, quite clear when you're writing it down, we don't want any mistakes or accidental um, dosages being given. Um However, there are safety um parameters such as, you know, um if you're on electronic system, it will show if the patient is allergic to something, um as well as the nurse before giving the uh drug, we'll make sure the patient as well on the dosage and any allergies that are present um procedures. Um If you're not familiar with any procedures, get involved with our workshops, um we will teach you how to cannulate um to take bloods, um do NG tubes and Cannulas. Um The last workshop was quite successful. So I would recommend you guys looking into joining our workshops in the future, um interpreting results as well. Um Whether it's scans or bloods, uh make sure, you know, and have an understanding of which uh parameters are important. Um What, what happens when something is high, what happens when something is low when to escalate um is the most important thing of a junior doctor. Um getting your seniors involved at a sooner stage is better. Um As a junior doctor, your main priority is to identify any life threatening of uh illnesses or ongoing activity and just escalate it. Um sbar I'll put a picture there of what it is and what it includes. So, um situation, background assessment and recommendation. So this is the format that you usually should hand a patient over um via phone or anything. Um w or when you're talking to a another doctor. So we'll get onto e portfolio. Um If you guys don't know what an e portfolio is. Um So when you're a junior doctor, um you'll get a portfolio allocated to you or if you don't have one, then ask for one. This is the way that junior doctors um log on any sort of um activities they do during their, their work basically. Ok? Um So these are um activities that you do along the year which you put onto the portfolio and where when it comes to revalidation or ACP, um those higher ups will have a look at your portfolio and you can show them that you're a confident uh junior doctor. Um portfolios are really important in applying for specialty training as well. So it's essentially like ac ev it shows you what have you done as a junior doctor? Um um And how much have you been involved um with the hospital? Ok. Um it's also quite a good journal as well. So if you feel like um writing something about your career or career opportunities, um or whether you would like to do this specialty, then another specialty then definitely um uh reflect on that, which we will come to you in the future slides. Um Also uh electronic pa is, it's normally electronic, er, there's no paper portfolios as of yet. Um However, if you still, er, would like um paper portfolios, you can keep um track of those as well. Um But however, this is the most allocated um portfolio that is given to junior doctors um E ORIS. Ok. So portfolio evidence um er, evidences obviously are quite important. Um So any certificates that you get or any sort of um er letters, um however, any sort of letters or um evidence must be anonymized. Um So that patient details aren't on there um just for confidentiality reasons um because this portfolio may be, you know, given to other people um which without patient consent um cannot be um used. Um It's also important to um cover the GMC core procedures um within the portfolio as well. Um There's different aspects of the portfolio which I'll explain in detail. Um This will obviously help um you explain to a specialty training um panel and also re validation officers um of what you've done. Uh Anyone that doesn't know what an annual review of competence progression is, is, is ACP which happens usually at the end of the year around Mayish time. Um This is basically a panel where they come and look at your portfolio and see if they've, you've actually completed um the foundation, you know, requirements ACP is usually for foundation programs. So any of you applying for the foundation program, which is F one and F two together, um then you will have an ACP um at the end of F one F two, you'll get foundation program completion certificate, F PCC, which you will use to then apply to specialty training for those coming like me from Bulgaria. Um you can either choose to do an F one job or choose to do an F two job because um you have a full license. Um and then basically uh you'll be looking to fulfill the um crest form. Um and with uh jobs like single jobs like F one F two. Yeah, you don't have to do a RCP. Um You can do the um er revalidation um um a annual appraisal method. So annual appraisal is basically um every year and you will just sit with someone um who's a professor or a senior doctor and discuss your portfolio. Mhm. So this is some of like the core procedures and what is involved in the um er E portfolio. Um So you can do things like dos, which is called direct observational procedure skills case based discussions, er developing the clinical teacher um core procedures. Um So core procedures, these are old procedures from the old syllabus um that you should be covering as a junior doctor. Um However, nowadays, uh it's not in the syllabus. Um However, I do include them in my portfolio just to say that I have covered these um you know, methods. Uh It's really important that you show you have a variety of procedures completed, um especially these basic ones as a junior doctor, um minis and dots. Um They can be signed off uh anyone higher than your grade. Um Just demonstration of what clinical activity you've been done. Um case based discussions, for example, if there's a patient that comes in with an interesting case, um You may want to talk to your consultant, um have an idea of um what is going on. Um explain to the consultant at the consultant will then ask you a few questions and then you can get that signed off as well. Um There is no um number that you should actually um get for these. So you don't have to do like a certain amount of CBD S or anything like that, but it is um quite good to do a couple of uh couple just so that you've shown that you've um attended more than one case. Um You, you've had a couple of interesting cases um especially with direct procedural uh observational practice. Um So like you've done blood taking Cannulas um and ABG those are just, you know, three different dots that you can actually log into onto your portfolio um developing the clinical leader teacher. Um So that's basically you presenting. So usually you present in front of your cohort or um uh a few of your colleagues and um you have a senior doctor who's a consultant who sits there uh observing your teaching skills. Um And um in the end, they will have a, a chat with you and um you can upload the presentation onto your portfolio saying that you've presented this um keeping the portfolio. Um So, so stuff of portfolio work that you can include is um copies of discharges, however, anonymized, er copies of clerking anonymized. Um These are things that you've done in your clinical work. Um So you might want to um show that and demonstrate that you can do these. Um It's, it's basically just keeping track of evidence to show future employees um senior doctors that you are a capable candidate, um you know, to further practice in medicine. Um Any sort of complaints can also um be uploaded onto there and you can also reflect on them saying that what you did er wrong or how can you improve. Um So don't be alarmed if you do get one, it's a learning process. Um So human errors do occur um and it may be unexpected or expected, but either way, um it's good to learn from um the mistakes that you make. Um presentations, teaching audit and research. Um These are the type of things that you really wanna get included in your portfolio. Um Any presentations that you have given um any audits or research that you guys have been involved in. Um Q RPS quality improvement projects, service evaluations. These are type of researches that you guys should do at an early stage. I'd recommend doing audits and researches at an early stage just because it, some of them do take time. Um If you haven't got any ideas of any audits or projects, then go and see consultants and they will give you um you know, some projects to do or suggestions um which you can talk to the Q IP lead um or the audit lead um for the hospital. Um and then they can approve it, give you uh an authorization um code and then you can obviously continue at the end of the audit or Q I PQ, call it improvement project, you'll um write a report. Um And then you will obviously um complete that and get a certificate for it which you can upload on to the portfolio itself. Um keep hold of any courses, er course certificates, um exam certificates, they can be uploaded as well. Um Get involved with any publications. Um And um definitely get them published in P um These will give you extra points as well when it comes to specialty training meetings during the foundation program. So there will be a couple of meetings that you would have, you will have a clinical supervisor and an educational supervisor. Ok. Um So these are supervisors that will keep monitoring your journey throughout the year. Um So there'll be a induction meeting with them, a midpoint meeting with them and end of placement meeting with them, end of year meeting with them. So those who aren't familiar with the foundation program. So for example, fy one, um I did three rotations. Um I did obstetrics gynecology uh which was four months and then I did a respiratory which was four months and then I did acute medicine, which was four months. Um So at the beginning of the placement, um you'll have um a meeting with the consultant and then at the end, you will have a meeting with the consultant um for every single rotation. Um So just keep, you know, working on your portfolio, show them that you're actively doing things within your rotation, you're learning within your rotation. Um Yeah, so being a junior doctor is not just going to work. Um it's about learning um preparing yourself to be a better doctor and to prepare yourself to going to specialty training as well. So this is what the portfolio looks like. OK. Um So this is the home page of the portfolio. Er this is where you can see um where it says waiting is where I've sent off. Um a docs for example, and I'm just um waiting for someone to sign it, drafts maybe some something that I've actually, um, you know, created and I haven't finished yet. Maybe I'll finish it another day. Um Sometimes it's best to do it after work. Sometimes it, you kind of wanna do it at work. Um You get a few minutes and just, you know, pop on that case um at work so, um you can follow what's going on there. Um So at the top, if you come down and there'll be drop down boxes. Um So there'll be overview contents, curriculum, um PDP, reflection tab, career planning. So I'll explain all of these um just for you guys to get an idea of how the actual system works. So this one is contents. So if you see uh when you go on contents, you will see what has been uploaded already. OK? Um The paper clips, er will show um any sort of things I've uh photocopied or scanned and uploaded. Um So for example, um personal development plan is basically in that rotation. What do I want to achieve? Uh um What do I want to learn about? You're right about that in the beginning and then at the end you'll say I've accomplished this by doing this and um just give some evidence as well. Um Team assessment behavior. Um It's called a TAB. It's where you send some um uh questionnaires, but like you would, you would send like a, a form to some colleagues, uh fellow colleagues, um different banks um which I'll explain a bit later. Um They will fill out on how you are being and as a doctor and how, how you're comfortable working um as a junior doctor as well. Um Reflections are really important. Um It's really underestimated, underestimated, um reflect on everything um on your rotation. Um If you've done a simulation session, for example, I've intended uh you know, in that rotation, gynecology in retic theaters. So I reflected on whether I liked it, what I found challenging uh things like that. Um You can also write reflections on if there, if you haven't done something. So for example, at the bottom, you can see um I reflect on not no clinic duty. So I didn't, I wasn't able to go to er obs clinics. Um er just because it was more of a surgical er rotation and um you know, it didn't have the opportunity for me to go to clinics at that time. Um Whereas when I went to medicine, I was able to attend respiratory clinics, for example. OK. So it's, it's a good method of um just expressing how you feel. So these are how dots are uploaded. So um direct observational procedural skills case based discussions. Um I've also done teaching um so departmental teaching in my respiratory ward as well. So that'll be uh you know, developing the teacher or you can put it as de teaching the others and upload it. That paper clip again is um just the upload of that presentation. Um So example, do PS um So this is uh for example, urethral catheterization. Um So this is how it looks. Um So you'll put the date, you'll put the title of what you did. So if it was an ABG, you'll put an ABG and in this case, it was catheterization. Um then you'll put just brief details about um what the situation was, whether it was acute or nonacute and then continue writing about what you did. So the exact procedure step by step on how you did it. Um was it in a simulation setting? No simulation setting is when basically, you have um you know, not real patient basically, but um um a dummy or some sort of environment where it's artificial. OK. So such as workshops, then you'll get a quick um feedback. Um So using antiseptic technique, um you know, just practicing catheterization um and how you can learn, maybe watch a few videos, reflection and just confirm that you can do the procedure successfully. Um And that you can do other other things to improve it. OK? And at, at the bottom of that as well, there is like a little um uh sheet where you can just get someone to sign off. So you'll literally send the form. So, so it will say send the form um to the person and then they just need to log on to it and sign it off. So, curriculum overview. Um So it's basically um HL OS uh higher learning objectives. Um There's three this is one of the first ones um just giving to you as an example. Um So where I have shown I have been an accountable and capable compassionate doctor um II uploaded some extracurricular activity elements um which shows that I'm quite compassionate. Um So you'll have to just map the evidence. OK, to each one of those HL O targets and in the end, your educational supervisor, as you can see at the top, um will just um put a mark on it like satisfactory or unsatisfactory and that means you, she's happy with it or you need some improvements um during these meetings, um the supervisors will tell you what to improve and what not to improve. Um or if you need any further evidence, even if you need any further help, they're willing to help you, right? So, reflections um as I said, this is quite an important factor for me personally as well. Um It just gives me with this busy lifestyle to just sit down and um it's like taking a diary with you. So you can say what you've done um throughout the day, throughout the rotation. Um how you improved as a doctor, what you know about that rotation? Um And do you like that rotation? Do you not like that rotation? Um et cetera? Um you can also reflect on like uh projects that you've done, you've done um in a certification that you've managed to get um any modules on e-learning that you've done. Um you know, how you managed a patient. So um definitely get reflecting on things like that. So this is TAB um which is the team assessment behavior. OK. So um basically, you'll be sending um a tab off, you need one tab completed um every year, at least. Um you can do one more than one. No one says you can't. Um the more you do, the more feedback you get from colleagues, you'll be working with different people in different modes and different departments. So, um you know, it's, it's beneficial for personally getting more than one. However, the minimum requirement is just one. Ok? Um As you can see, you need 10 responses, um I've sent it out to, you can see 12 people and 11 have replied um and they depend on, you know, the uh different uh division. So it will be two consultants, uh one other doctor or the senior and then have two, two nurses and two allied healthcare professionals. Um So these can be, you know, housekeeping or ward clerks or something like that. So once um they've signed it off, um and you get the res uh results back, you won't see the results until the supervisor approves it. Um And then you'll get a button on the right corner which says results which you press on and then you can see how well you've done. Um So how much they rate and you, they'll write some comments as well. So um definitely get some of these done during your uh foundation program. Um Having this in your portfolio, you can show to specialty uh you know, panel and say that look, you know, I've worked with this, many people I worked in this depart these departments and they've all said that I'm quite a good junior doctor. Um And they've provided feedback as well. Um Career planning. So I like to career plan. Um So at the end of every taste a week or rotation, um I kind of have an idea whether I want to do it or, or not. Um Does it interest me, um you know, during F one F two, you'll probably cover about six departments and depending upon your contract and depending upon what jobs you pick. Um However, um it's really important to, you know, constantly think about, does it interest you? Do? I want this, do I want to go into speciality? Um Having this written down and reflected upon will give your supervisor an idea, you know, of where, which direction are you leading? Um They might even help you into the department that you want to actually go into um personal learning logs. Um So this is basically where you log all your hours. Ok. Um Hours is in your learning hours. Um, so core is basically teaching that is compulsory and mandatory for foundation doctors. You will have one in my old trust. It was every Thursday evenings. Um, in my new trust here, it's every Wednesday evenings, um, or afternoons. Um, so you will attend a couple of hours, um, just on an allocated topic. Um, you'll be on an email list for the foundation doctors and the location and time will be sent to you. So you turn up to that and if it's four hours teaching, then you will log in four hours of co. Um So there's the minimum requirement that is um set as well. Um So make sure you log in the minimum, at least, um non-core hours will be hours that um, you don't have to attend mandatorily. Um such as this, you can um, you know, log this on as a, a non core hour. Um So these are hours that are essentially outside of hospital, an elf elf FH activity. So these, this is basically linking your e-learning um subjects onto here. Um So you will, when you join as a, a new doctor, um, every trust you'll have to go through e-learning. Uh Make sure you stay on top of your ele um, you know, such as moving and handling fire safety. Um These are all just legal parameters that need to be covered for you to work as a junior doctor. Um So make sure you're up to date on your e-learning. Um and you completed um everything I know. So some people that have not completed it and it obviously didn't affect them. However, um it will cause a delay in things such as getting things signed off. So make sure you um get on top of this and um do it. So you're probably wondering how do I actually log these on. So when you go on e portfolio, you will go to this page. Ok. And um it will be on the tab of the drop down box. Um Once you arrive here, um you'll have your initial meeting, induction meeting. So these are the meetings that you will have with your supervisors and they will have access, they will have a supervisor e portfolio. So that means they'll be, you'll be under them um when they search for you um P DPS, um you can do one for every rotation that you have. Um it's just very personalized development plans. Um And then, for example, if after a shift, um I found an interesting case that I want to log on, then you can easily do um A dot or a CBD and click on the relevant one. Uh foundation professional capabilities. So these are some um of uh you might want to take a picture um of the do foundation doctor requirements um throughout um the years, um even when you're a specialty doctor, you'll have to carry on these and just build on them. Um So you prescribe safely, for example, um you know, you perform procedures safely. So these are things that um the GMC look for and not only GMC but their specialty, um you know, training panel as well. Um 10 tips on being a safe doctor. So uh more attention should be paid to patients exhibiting physical physiological abnormalities. Um So make sure um you know, if the patient is deteriorating or is on the verge of deteriorating, um make sure they're on your radar on the, on the ward or whether it's A&E um the importance of monitoring OB S and S especially respiratory rates. Um The using of new school, new score is um like national early warning school. Um So this is a nationwide used um school that kind of uh alerts doctors to deteriorating patients, um inappropriate referrals and acceptance to ICU. Um So find out if you're working on a ward, for example, myself, urology. Um I get calls from A&E um with uh and A&E doctors present saying, you know, this is the patient problem da da da. Are they appropriate for urology? You know, think about that type of thing. Um But as the job goes on, you're learning. So uh don't be worried in the, if the first few days or first couple of weeks, you don't know much um ask for assistance again, escalate. Um There will be always a really strong call that you can always consult with um training. Uh make sure you're up to date with all trainings. Um you know, a LSI LSI recommend you doctors, you know, especially international medical graduates coming from abroad to do at least I LS. Um A LS is expensive. Um So definitely save up, however, there is an opportunity for you to claim back expenses once you start um a job basically in, in the NHS um consultants, my supervising doctors, this is very important um consultants will always look out for their juniors. Um Just because, you know, it's part of NHS to look after each other. Um So they will constantly ask you if you're doing ok, ok. If there's any concerns, if you feel like, you know, you wanna talk to a consultant about anything, um just, you know, email them, arrange a time, arrange a meeting and just talk about it openly. Uh Junior doctors must seek advice more. Um definitely um some trusts have um pastoral fellows. I know mine one does so you can go and talk um to that person. They will help you in different aspects. For example, I didn't know um certain things about specialty training. So I would go and ask that person and they would give me more information about it. Um If you find it uncomfortable talking to a senior doctor, there's always other staff available to talk to each hospital should um track and trigger systems, rapid detection. So this will be like a new, new sign. Um there will be HC A S um um looking after bay, there will be nurses looking after patients. So these are type of uh people that will come and tell you if a patient is feeling unwell or deteriorating. Um Next one is all entries in the note should be dated timed. Yeah. So dec documentation is very important in the NHS. So as a junior doctor, when you see a patient, when you talk to family, um have a discussion over the phone with another hospital, always document it. OK? Um It's just so that the team following can see whether it's done or not. If it's not documented, it's not done or if it is not heard about. So, um the last thing you want to know do is uh not documented. Another doctor does the same job as you and we're not getting anywhere in the ward. So make sure if you've done something, take your responsibility, document it down. OK. Right. Um It also allows just um people to be um identified, you know, oh, this person has done this, this person's done this. Ok. Yeah. Um tend to sort of being a happy doctor. Uh Make sure you book your annual leave. Um Very important. Um you know, book it well in advance um have breaks in between your rotations and your year. Um It would just, it basically help you um look forward to that annual leave basically. So um it will just keep you going and work um harder uh be organized. Uh Make sure I know you guys are listening, I find all your medical students and you know, possibly I MG graduates or even foundation doctors already. So um just be organized. Um have a view on what's going to happen in the next year. You don't have to know every specific thing. But as long as you have an idea, keep smiling, keep interacting with other staff. Um You know, it's your place where you work. So you keep everyone happy, keep patients happy. Um You know, people will look forward to seeing you um keep a good rapport with people and especially consultants as well and don't underestimate the impact of night shifts. Yeah. So guys, you know, night shifts, um people say, you know, it is chill in days. Um you know, but make sure you're very much rested for it. Um Night shifts are long if you're doing a 12 hour shift at night, don't think it's easy. Um Some nights are very bad. I've done a couple of nights which are really, really bad. I haven't, you know, sat down for the whole 12 hours. So um make sure that you get your um breaks. Um Also rest well during the day, if you do have a night shift, five, ask for senior help. Uh make sure that you ask anybody such as the reg the consultant. Um you know, clinical assistance um you know, of any help that you need. Um If you're attending an emergency, you're unsure. There's always help around um if you're in the hospital, double two, double two, um there's also a registrar on call, so make sure you call them for help. Um if you're unsure or uncomfortable with dealing with the situations, but definitely attend the I LS call to make sure you know, your A to E um and read up on basic management managements of emergency situations and check the BN FBN F is really important. There's a few apps actually um that you need to download as a junior doctor. So it'll be induction, um which is uh the local hospital phone numbers. Um So for example, if I want to contact cardiology as a urologist, then I quickly access that um then there'll be a micro micro guide which is helpful with antibiotics. B NF as I stated here is important um with looking at doses. Um So definitely get these apps downloaded. Um Look at the obser observations regularly. Um You know, I've got two massive screens um where um in my ward where II can look at patient observations on a regular basis. If I see a red, then I know the patients, you know, unwell deteriorating, then I'll have a look, I'll ask the nurse what's going on with that patient. Um So definitely keep an eye on that throughout the day. Uh Most of all stay, stay quiet, uh stay calm, sorry. Um uh stay calm, like make sure you um deal with situations in a prompt manner. Um For example, this weekend, I was working um I was at F two on call and there was an F one with me. Um So there was a patient who was um had a septic shower after a neph nephrostomy insertion. Um So at the point of emergency, the patient was using an eight. Um you know, so I stabilized the patient first and then I escalated it. So make sure um you're quite familiar with how to stabilizing it. Um If you're not, then get into simulation sessions, come to our workshop in Gretsch. Um There's also an a simulation session. So we'll definitely uh prepare you guys for that, be reliable. Um If you get a job allocated to you and hand over, if you get a job allocated by a colleague, um if you take that on board, then make sure you finish it, you know, document it. Um If you're unable to do a job, then say that or document it. OK. Um It's really important to document um quite emphasizing that uh and prepare for the future. Um Just, you know, search, have an idea of what field you want to go into, whether it's surgical or medical. Um even GP um search what you need. Um Every specialty is different. So definitely keep that in mind, right? That's, that's it for now. Um Thank you very much guys. Um Any questions that you would like to ask specifically? I'm willing to answer. We've got about 13 minutes. Yeah, or so. Ok, feel free. It can be about anything. Um You know, not just portfolios but you guys coming. How do you apply for Fy one when you have a full license to practice? I thought it was only F two. So the question is, how do you apply for Fy one when you have a full license to practice? I thought it's only F two standard and you can apply for it as an NG. No. So you can, so sometimes, um you know, the, the government basically give um hospitals jobs for that position. Fy one Fy two foundation program um like my fy one job in Blackburn, um basically a foundation doctor who was doing the both one and two dropped out. So I was asked to fill that position. Um So that was the contract I was given. So you can essentially fill an F one position that's, you know, dropped out. Uh So that someone's dropped out of, you don't have to go straight into F two. So for myself personally, um I felt quite uncomfortable starting um uh F two. So I wanted more experience as an F one doctor. Um and how NHS works and just minor things. Um like more practice taking bloods or putting Cannulas in. So I did an F one job Um Next question. I hope to answer your question, by the way. Um Can I start logging my f one activities on my oris? Although I'm not coming to end of rotation, um, you can start logging your F one activities on AIS. Um You can do it throughout. You don't have to come to an end of the rotation. You can do it any period. You can do the start of the rotation, end of the rotation. Um Sometimes I know on the AIS when you finish a rotation, you can't go back on and log on to the old rotation. Um just because of the time discrepancies. But um when you're on a job and you've got access to the portfolio, um just keep logging it on. So next question is, where would you upload the CPD certificate to keep for the appraisals? So CPD uh certificates, you can log it on to obviously core hours, non uh no, sorry, non core hours. Um You can also keep those certificates and upload those on to extracurricular activities as well. Um So definitely keep building your CPD points. Uh So that's very good. Next question. Sure. That makes sense. So did you do this through Aureo or did you find another way to get from a job? So as I said, f one job, um you can get through NHS track jobs. Um So you've gone medical and dental and then you would um literally type in your location for example, for the time when I wanted it, I just put all of UK, you know, I didn't care where I wanted to go. I just wanted a job basically. So I put all of UK and found out all the vacancies um apply to quite a few of them. So don't worry if you apply to um, more than 10, for example, and you only hear back from five, it's just the filtering process. Um So you'll get some interviews, you'll be invited to some interviews. Um And then you'll get um a notification saying that you've got the job. Um So you don't need to go through all are necessarily, it's the answer to the question. So you can go through NHS track jobs. Um You can do F two standalone um which is a different um sort of pathway. Um that way you can just, it's more, it is more aimed for IM GS for, for example, like me who've come down the six year course, um It's just a single year and you can go into specialty training after that next question. Um What is the window for applying for F one F two? Is it on an HS Jobs website as standalone? So what you need to understand is F one and F two together are foundation years and there's a program for that called the foundation program and that's one bubble where you apply to um together basically to enter that program. OK. So you complete F one and F two and you're allocated to a specific hospital F two. Stand alone is a program where you just do F two, stand alone. Um And you just apply for that and then you enter specialty training, NHS. Job track, track jobs is basically you can apply any time um during the year as long as there's a vacancy. Um So you'll have to keep checking. Um That's the only bad thing but when there is you can apply. Um So usually the ac er not the academic year, but the job year starts from August to August. So there'll be vacancies around July, August time. So make sure you keep an eye out for that. Ok. Sure. OK. Next question as an I MG. How did you prep for interviews? Also any tips for people that are going to be doing clinical attachments to maximize their experience? Um So the first question there, how did you prep for interviews? So, interviews, um I actually went on youtube looked at a few example, interviews. Um not only that I had some friends who are quite senior who are I, you know, ask them, how, how is the format of the interview? Um Usually it starts with a question, you know, uh tell me about yourself. Obviously, I'll con er confirm who you are identification questions and then they will tell you, um, tell me about yourself, that's when you would, you know, describe you know what your journey was to be, become a junior doctor. And then afterwards, um you'll go more into detail um uh about the clinical aspects of the job. So for example, they'll be like, what is a urological emergency? Um um or what you would do in a urological emergency. For that specific scenario, you also might get some um ethical questions. Um Ethical questions are quite tough. Um It's very personal. Um So just um use, I know some of you have done like uh medical ethics in Bulgaria and things. So um try to refer back to those conversations or scenarios. Um Also, there is a book on uh Amazon which is quite good. Um It's by ISC Medical. Um it's for actually specialty training, CT and ST. Um So invest in that is about 10 quid or something. If you can get a PDF online, then definitely go for that. Um But that will definitely help you in getting interview uh techniques correct. Um Use uh star situation, task action response. Um These type of things um to maximize your chances of getting doing well in the interview. Um Just a second uh question on that uh clinical attachments to maximize experience. So people that are doing clinical attachments, um I have had a few um students that came in um one individual, particularly from my university did a clinical attachment in my department. So I encouraged him to do a lot of um research audits and things during that time. Um as well as get more involved with the ward round. Um seniors and colleagues um working in the department always like to see a clinical attach get involved and express their interest. Um There's been attach attaches that have shown no interest or just done it because they wanted a clinical attachment. It shows it definitely shows. So make sure you maximize your time there um actively do things. Um because you, when you're working, it is quite hard to do audits and quality improvement projects and stuff like that. So definitely um consider doing those. Ok. Next question. Uh Do you recommend doing Fy two standalone graduating from if you do have experience uh work for NHS before you think it has helped? Is there a big difference between F Yy and Fy two? Um Good question. Um Well, I myself um did Fy one, I didn't go straight into Fy two. So um I wouldn't be able to advise you on that. Um But what I can say, there is a difference between Fy one and Fy two. Um Fy two, there is a lot more responsibility, you're making more clinical decisions um on admitting a patient, on discharging patients and giving senior like uh feedback back to senior doctors. Um What you think on the clinical scenario, you'll be challenged more by seniors um saying what you would do in that particular instance um rather than Fy one is more uh of a relaxed post where you would kind of learn how the NHS is working. So learning how to document learning, how to use um er systems, how to prescribe, how to do a ward round. So less responsibility, I would say for Fy one for those of you that need that foundation um and basic requirements of learning. Uh definitely do fy one. But if you feel like you're quite confident in blood, taking, putting cannulas in and doing referrals and stuff, then definitely do Fy two. Um Next question as you did the foundation program, did you did your supervisor guide you through the portfolio? Um How many months are you in each department in Fy one? Fy two? Do you choose the departments you want to go to? Ok. So I didn't do the foundation program. So as I said, that's a specifically different thing. I did Fy one fy two using NHS track jobs. Um So I applied to vacancies that were on NHS jobs. Um So that particular NHS job that I applied for had OBS and Gyn respiratory acute medicine. So I knew what I was gonna do. Um And there will be supervisors that guide you through as well. Um The portfolio. So if you don't know any aspects or if you're um you know, if you're wanting to improve something or wanting to get involved, then definitely talk to your supervisor and that will tell you step by step on how to do that. Ok. Um, and Fy Two is more challenging. Um, however you will still be guided through as well. Um, you're still a foundation doctor, still a junior doctor. Uh, senior doctors would like to see junior doctors, you know, show more interest and get things done. Ok. I hope that answers your question. Anyone else? Ok. What is the job role called on NHS Jobs? When did you, when you apply? Is it titled Foundation Fy One? Um So yeah, when I applied for the job role, it was called um Fy One. So when you go on NHS JOBS, medical dental, um you will find the location and the job you want to apply for. So you can say foundation year doctor, one foundation year doctor two or junior clinical fellow, which is probably the next step. Ok, which is a junior doctor role basically. Um So you can, you can do that. Um And you'll get the relevant sort of search results. Uh The things we do as non call before starting foundation year, can we still log them? Um Usually it's things that from when you start the foundation year. So when you start Fy One, it makes sense to log everything non call you do from then anything before. Um it's still good to log them. But for example, I think med all itself um has a, a portfolio where you can log that on. So it's not like it's going to waste however, um, it will be logged on, you can explain it in your CV, uh, you know, during my sixth year medical internship. Um, I was actively logging on and, um, you know, doing things for my, uh, professional development. Um, and I attended these, um, lectures where I think I got awarded CPD certificates, um, or points. Ok. Um, anyone else? It's good questions, by the way, um, feel free to ask anything. Um, Any questions you have in your mind? Yes. Are you currently, are you currently working in any audit or research? Yeah, I'm currently working on a quality improvement project um um with my consultant. Um It's basically improving day cases of Tur BT S which is a, a procedure which is carried out in bladder cancer uh patients. I'm also doing an audit on um respect forms as well, um which is still ongoing. Um All right, next question, where can you get your quest form signed off? Can it get signed? Can you get it done after the first rotation? Um So ideally um the minimum requirements. So quest if for people that don't know what quest is, is certificate, readiness to enter specialty training, this is signed off for international medical graduate students that do not um have an F PCC foundation program certificate completion certificate, basically. So this allows this form allows you to go into specialty training, um uploading it onto a EO um So this form can be signed off by consultant and consultant only. They must be registered with the GMC. And according to my latest research, it should be only registered under the special uh specialty registrar register. Um So make sure the consultant is GMC register and under a specialty specialty register um can get signed off after doing the first rotation. So one of the requirements of the crest form being signed off is um being under that consultant for three months, at least. Um I wouldn't recommend it getting signed off in the first rotation. Um I don't think many consultants will be happy signing you off in the first rotation. Uh They would want to see at least a year or so of experience. Um So don't do it just to get it signed off, cos you will be investigated, cos one of my friends did get um you know, investigated on that. So make sure you get it signed off appropriately using um the right sort of requirements. All the requirements are written on the um the front page of the Crest form. Anyone else? It's very good that you brought into the, the re form there. That's fine. Thank you guys guys. Could you also complete a short feedback form as well um which will be talking about soon? OK. Thank you, Doctor Ragu. Uh for the valuable insight and information to share with us. Can someone confirm the message that if you received any like feedback form? Uh I send it over in the message and when you fill it up, then you will receive the certificate. And um so I just want to mention a few other things as well. So we have mentorship programs coming, which will be announced end of this week, which is basically when you signed up, uh they will, they, the doctors will be your mentors and they will do like mo interviews p or if you're still in university, they will help you with the certain subject. So you can um like talk to them, mentor you. So we'll also attach like Google forms around as well. So you can apply for the mentorship program. And uh yes and also our next talk will be next Sunday uh about like approaches of chest pain. Uh We can, you can check in our Instagram page for that as well. Uh That's it. Thank you so much for everyone coming. I'll just give you a few more minutes so you guys can have access to the feedback form and I hope to see you guys in next talk. Yeah. Thanks again, so much for your time. And yeah, good evening. I just keep it on for like few minutes for you guys to fill it up. Mm Also to mention you can actually, this talk will be recorded in me platform. So you will, if you need it later on, you can always come and watch it again. So I'll just uh I think that's enough time. Thank you. Uh I'm just gonna close the meeting. Thank you very much. Ok, thank you guys. Yeah, goodnight everyone. Thank you.