Human Factors Course Introduction
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Hello, my name is Peter Brennan. I'm a maxillofacial surgeon working on the South Coast in Portsmouth. And I'm an elected member of Council of the, the Ro College Associative of England. Um Welcome to the Human Factors module, which is an online course for the Royal College. Human factors really affect us all. Um As humans, we make about 5 to 7 mistakes every single day. It might be something simple like leaving keys at home or a mobile phone in the car or something like that. Um But translating that into the, into the hospital setting, one in 20 hospital admissions has some form of error that might be something minor like forgetting to do a discharge summary or something more significant. And of those one in 20 another one in 20. So that's one in 400 hospital admissions has a serious medical or surgical error. Most of these errors are actually preventable by understanding and applying er human factors into our, into our day to day practice. In this course, we're going to explore and look at some, some of the human factors that we can adopt and take into practice um to improve patient safety and also team working morale and performance in the team. And these include things like situation awareness, being aware of what's going on around us, both as individuals and part of the wider team, um how to be an effective communicator and knowing how to, how, how to communicate with colleagues, both more senior and more junior to ourselves. Lowing authority gradients such that, that anyone in the team can speak up without, without fear of retribution really important. And then some of the other areas er threat and error management, for example, er actively thinking ahead to avoid error completely. Um so fairly complicated human factors but, but actually running through a lot of this is common sense application and in this online course, er we'll take you through some, some of the common human factors, er as mentioned, er I hope you enjoy it.