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This session will provide medical professionals with the information they need to write a compelling and well-crafted abstract for their research. The session will cover key elements such as the structure of an abstract, tips for sticking to word count limits, grammar best practices, and how to tailor the abstract to the right audience. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback throughout the session.

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This on-demand teaching session is specially relevant to medical professionals and aims to guide them on the important topic of writing abstracts for research presentations and publications. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of abstract writing such as the title, background, method, result, and conclusion structure, tips for grammar and word count, as well as guidance on tailoring the abstract to the right audience. The session will also answer questions and provide advice to ensure that attendees have the confidence they need to create effective abstracts.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the importance of the title of an abstract in conveying the message of the research.

  2. Analyze the components of an abstract (i.e. background, methods, results, conclusions) as seen in medical research.

  3. Evaluate the necessary elements that should be included in each component in order to effectively communicate key messages.

  4. Analyze the importance of tailoring abstracts/presentations to the right audience.

  5. Evaluate the appropriate use of grammar and spelling, as well as word count when writing abstracts.

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Computer generated transcript

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I think I decided to talk about this once we looked at the abs submitted and I found that there is a lot of other doctors haven't got the enough guidance for um writing an abstract or doing any form of research. So why is it obstructive important? Imagine that you're having a movie and you've got an academic movie trailer. So it has to be a really well selected snapshot of your research. It tells me why I need to watch this. Sorry, I'm having a little bit of a problem. Sorry. Um So it has, tell me why I should go a bit deeper into the research. The most important part of the abstract is the title or any research is the title. It is the first thing anyone will read. And um it what will attract people to even read? The three? It will them to read the Obstruct to start with. So make sure that it's simple, make sure that it's informative and avoid a bit of a guessing in it. So try not to say a rare case report or a rare presentation of small bowel obstruction without saying what the case actually is. Um if we look at asterisk structure and can you see my slides? Yeah. So generally the the abstract has four for um uh parts, the background, the methods, the results and the conclusion each journal or each conference has a slightly different uh structure. So always check what they have the background. Um background is around a couple of sentences just to know about a little bit about what is the um background of the topic that we're talking about? What do we know in the literature or what do we not know in the literature? And again, why did you decide to do this? And what is, what is the outcome that you're looking for in your studies? It's usually two or three sentences maximum. The method is a very important part of the research. And in the manuscript, you usually get extensive um description of what your methodology is in the a just keep it to the point. Um You need to say the key findings of um whether it's prospective retrospective is the trial or systematic review. What is the time period? What is the sample size including exclusion and any statistical methods that you used? Don't go into too much details and keep it just straight to the point. Um The result is the most important part of the, of the abstract. If you have 250 words for the abstract, keep 100 fif 100 words of them for the results, it's what all of your um uh research is about try to be uh very accurate in presenting your results. Try to give the most important findings, primary outcomes, secondary outcomes use exact numbers and figures, use percentages and P values avoid using mostly majority or these kind of words. It has to be very objective results, does not have your opinion in it. It has only what your research results are. The final part of the abstract is the conclusion where you can say all of your opinion in this. You can say, why is this study important? Why is your findings and outcomes important? Does it agree or disagree with what we know already or does it add anything into the literature? Always be honest in your conclusion. You cannot claim something that you did not study, you cannot claim something that is not in your results and always give you recommendations for the take home message. It's usually two or three sentences just to summarize what you think the findings are important. Dos and don't when you write an abstract, always check the conference, all the um general and also instructions. So some of the conferences might give you 1 50 words and some of them might give you 400 if you got 400 use them all it's worth it. And the more that they can read about your research, the more likely that they will um approve it be concise in your um words in your sentences, avoid using um kind of incomplete sentences or grammatically incorrect sentences. Check your grammar 100 times, check your spelling good, whether it's American or British when you're, depending on when you, where you're applying. Always remember capitalization in the first um in the first letter is a grammar error. If you don't do it, a lot of people might just be put up with your abstract, especially if it's repeated. The sentence should not start with a number. That's also something all of these things are grammar issues that you have to focus on when you're writing an abstract and submitting it, especially to an English speaking journal, important to tailor the abstract or the presentation to the right audience. If you're giving a presentation to the medical students, it's very different language than you in this, giving this presentation to a specialist in the field that knows much more than you be prepared for questions important. Don'ts do not use abbreviations unless you def that in the beginning of the abstract, don't use abbreviations that are common and we think that we understand it unless again, if you reference that um don't use figures or tables, unless the conference does allow that it's an extremely good thing if they do because that will give you a lot more information to add in the table that you cannot add in. If your word count is limited as a general rule, do not include differences in your abstract differences get in the full manuscript does not go in the abstract. As a final tip, always ask someone else to read your abstract. Um You might have missed something important, you might have done a little bit of a grammar problem that you can't see. Um It's very helpful to get someone who knows a bit of research to look at it, read other abstracts before you write your ob if you're submitting for a conference, it's usually the first thing that you're doing is to write an abstract. If you're submitting a paper, it usually comes last, which is a bit easier. If you have a word count of 2 50 I would start with a drop of around 500 words and then I'll try to trim it down. Always stick to the word count, always stick to the conferences or the journals instructions. It's as simple as if you exceeded the word count. They was just reject it without any comment just because you did not comply with the, the guidance. So be careful about these little things that we consider trivia, but it's actually extremely important. That's all. So any questions are welcome. Thank you so much, Yuel. That was a very interesting topic as.