How to set up a society - Deelan Vadher
This on-demand teaching session will teach medical professionals how to create a successful medical society. It will focus on topics such as identifying problems to solve, setting up core team structures, coming up with a name and logo, generating funds, and marketing and social media use. Through real-life examples and advice, attendees will gain insight and knowledge on how to start and maintain their own society with the best intentions.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the steps necessary to start a new society and create a strong team foundation.
- Understand the importance of coming up with a catchy and meaningful name and logo for the society.
- Comprehend the need for a web site, social media platform, and zoom account to spread the word.
- Assess the challenges and rewards associated with starting a new society.
- Appreciate the importance of open and consistent dialogue amongst members of the society in order to gather feedback and make improvements.
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I got. Welcome to this talk. Thank you very much. The medal for providing you the opportunity to talk to you guys today. I'm gonna be talking about putting together a new society. My name is still and Dada on. I'm gonna, uh What's the next light? So, um, what about me? First of all, I'm 1/4 year medical student from the UK from London, But I'm studying in the Czech Republic. I'm very involved with student organizations here, both in the UK on destructive public. Um, just a bit more about me. Very interested in sort of medical technology, medical education on I've used a lot of the experiences have gained from working in these different fantastic organizations to build a brand new national platform, which is the reason I'm talking to you today. So this is this is organization called, um s eso United International medical schools in the Czech Republic. So it's a natural platform on. I'm going to talk a bit more in the next few slides. Best advice I can give and I'll reiterate it at the end is you know, if you have an idea, if you want to sign a society, you want to try any kind of new project. I'm gonna talk about some of the advice I can give in terms of how to go about doing that. But the most important thing is just try it. If you have an idea, if you see a problem, just go for it. Um, so bit of background first before, um, I started. You know, I've been always involved in extracurricular activities, both in school and known university at the way things work with us. Over here is in the shop for public is that every medical university? There are eight in the truck for public, and each one has its own, um med so cool off student union equivalent. Only one off of which sub sub societies will branch off. So the organization is quite similar, but has some differences as well. So, you know, just just a bit of background. I knew from the very beginning I wanted to be a part of this. I wanted to just, you know, not just be a part of our society that lead it as well. So my first year in the society, that was in my third year of medical school, I joined as a pre clinical education officer, and I learned a lot of very useful skills. I did more than what was what was required of me. In terms of my role. I I also did a lot of graphic design, content creation and Web design as well. I made our new websites in the second year. I did even more. I may even more context. You know, I learned things about how to manage a team, and I was able Teo dual this stuff during the course of a year. So it was in very close close communications with our university dean's office, for example. So I built a lot of good skills there. Good contact. So why am I saying this? I I'm telling you this because I used all of these a lot of these skills to ti really build the idea of, um s And it was during this one year as president of society off our society of my medical school where I came up, the idea for, um, s so like I said, you're a mess is a is a national platform, which which I'm gonna talk about, which connects all of the eight medical schools in the country. It's the first thing I did was identified a problem, and I thought, Well, we'll go through the same experiences or similar experiences, regardless of which medical school were out. But we really have no communication with each other. We we kind of stick to our bubbles on. But that's how things are. That's how things stay from the first year to the final year. So I thought, Well, I know, uh, you know, bridge the communication breaks the gaps on does so much scope that so much potential. There's so many things we can do. Sports tournaments, social events, educational events, etcetera, conferences, garland and things like that. So that was the initial idea. It's a very big idea on. I think I would advise you, you know, think big, but start small. Um, how do you start small? Well, for me, it was coming up with, you know, just coming up with just brainstorming ideas in my own apartment. And I was just thinking and writing things down on, but, uh, just writing random ideas down, ready, and then you kind of refine the ideas on, but for me, it was writing down a few core values corporate cycles, which I think everyone shares. So what I did next was talk to a friend. I spoke to a friend. I was very fortunate to speak to a friend who was also president of his medical society in another medical school, in the truck in public, but also from the UK as well. So I talked to him. And so we decided that we start this project together, this society together, Um, and the next thing we had to do was to bring others on board. So what I did was I actually just the end idea and whole bunch of societies where all of this society's on instagram. Um, looking back, maybe I should have emailed them to make it more professional. But I just thought we're all students were all active on Instagram. So let me use Instagram. They all came back to me. I just explained the idea to them and I explain that I'd like to speak to their to a representative from the society. So they're president on the next thing. Was we? Next thing I knew, we had a video meeting, so I was able to essentially sell the idea to everyone. And I explained the organizational structure, you know, aims and ethos Mission statement out my vision, my goals and also outline roles as well. And everyone one so so thankful Everyone was on board. Everyone was really keen, not just to, you know, be involved to actually to be a part of the thigh, the team itself. So we built a very, very strong initial team with seven individuals. We have since expanded because we needed the helps have added another sort of 9 10 rolls on too. Wanted this existing team. So that is really the easy part. Done. So once you've created the foundation, want you build your your core team, Um, it just really gets, you know, uh, you get more fun on now. You can really start to to act on everything you've been talking about as a team, and you can start to deliver all these ideas out into reality. So the final points, obviously the first thing to discuss says your team is, is what you stand for. Your code of ethics is or your Constitution. It really depends on how are you affiliated? If you're registered as a just a student organization or part of a student union or or a non profit organization. Next thing is to generate some money. So again, this will depend on how you're registered. For us, it was very difficult to generalize ideas, especially during coated. So we relied quite heavily on some donations from each society which we represented Come up in the name and a logo is well, the's a both very important things. So name, I think, something catchy. Something not too long. And it does help to have the abbreviation which can run off the tongue as well. So, for example, with us, um, s it's not too difficult to say, um, another or another example is another organization, which I'm also part of it is the British Indian Medical Association. On their abbreviation is B. I am a so they call themselves Beamer. So you know either one word which can be put together or a group of letters. Something we sounds nice essentially works really well, Next is a designer logo. So I made this logo and it has some significance here in the tractor public. So you want a logo? Which sort of I guess you know, tells people who you are on good. You know, I knew that, um, s wasn't really representing. Wasn't really saying shopping outlook. We are from the cecum public, but this logo kind of does. If you're in the truck a public, you'll know that the two tailed lion is a symbol here in the chart Republics in the in the country. So I just sort of adapt to the tail to look like the road of escapist the medical symbol. Um, And then we've gone with a few variations black and white, and then you can see these two to modifications here as well. So a nice logo, you know, color black and white doesn't matter. Something which stands out and that's gonna be used for all of your work going forward. And then always the web site, social platform, zoom account. So, you know, you know, we used one side build up. If you need to talk to a graphic designer Web designer than do so, I spread the word, you know, you're doing all this stuff. We're putting all this effort in, and now it's up to the social media and marketing team is to really get the word out there. Tell everyone who you are telling everyone what you're about, what you're about to do it essentially. And this is where the fun begin. This is where you start, you know, rolling out all of your ideas, whether the educational events where the charity event, whether their social events. So once you laid there foundations, now you can move forward. As long as you've got a good team, you've got good representation from each of your each of the sort of organizations or universities of him you represent. Then you can really move forward so a year and review, you know, it comes with its challenges, but it also comes in. It's rewards for some of the challenges, which I guess a common for most societies, most organizations. Are you going to find some differences and disparities in team dynamics? Hierarchical problems on certain people will obviously put in different amount about different amounts of effort. On the most important thing I would say here is you know, as a leader, it's always important to go back and ask for feedback. I always go back and ask my teammates around me and the people that they work with, you know, for feedback. How can we improve on this is probably the most important thing as a new team is, you know, you're starting from the ground up, so nothing should be off the table. All the idea should be considered on bit. Should be a safe environment for every single, every single individual to be able to speak up, um, voice their opinions. But there are loads of rewards. And I think creating a Megace e for future students to be able to build up from is the most rewarding. I think a lot of these things, that is the reason we do this. I think if you do things for the right intentions, you know, you've succeeded essentially on you can really learn from each other's experiences in doing so. To take home message is like I said So First of all, identifying problem which you been solved, you know, think about how you can make the most impact in solving it and delivering it to the public. Use your colleagues and friends to give off, you know, to offer different perspectives, you know, do things with pure intentions for the right reasons. But most importantly, sort of be decisive, own your on your work on. But I really don't be afraid to ask for help. If you need help from clinicians or physician's, then also, you know, do that speak to those around you. Graphic designers. Web design is If you need help, don't be afraid to ask. You know, this is all in the spirit of collaborative networking, so, you know, basically trust the process on. But there will be difficult times. They'll be very rewarding times. But in the end you're creating something which is a long lasting, and it's impactful. So, um, yesterday it, um I'm really proud to say that we've almost cut one was coming up on 12 months a society on, but it's really we're really going from strength strength. Like I said before, we had to expand our team. We've used a Z, um, account extensively, delivered a whole bunch of events. Education's of pre clinical Siris is a clinical Siris. Is welfare Siris with a psychologist, so she has been a bit difficult with Cove it. But we don't dance workshops that yoga workshops and some fantastic alumni events as well, with their alumni coming back to talk to students. We've got a great news letter, which is which is presented as a block and also a weekly email update. A very active social media platforms on. In addition to meddle, we've got some really great affiliate partners and a charity partner as well. So all in all, I'm really proud of the team. You know, I couldn't do it without them on by think, uh, you know, um, s we'll go from strength, strength. And I think you know your society. If you choose to sign a society, um will succeed if you follow these basic principles on if you ask for help. Speaking of asking for help if you'd like to discuss anything with me any further, I'm more than happy to help things code links to my website so you can contact me if I am I so familiar. Platforms. I'm more than happy to give you any advice on how to start a society. Any kind of specific advice when it comes to things like graphic design, a web design. Um, I'm more than happy to help, so thank you very much. Thank you very much. Once again to meddle for inviting here today. And I hope you enjoy the rest of the event. Goodbye