How to Run a Committee Meeting - Josh Burke
This on-demand teaching session will cover 10 simple rules for medical professionals to consider when taking up leadership positions. It helps medical professionals better understand their roles and responsibilities, their motive for taking up the position, effective meeting safeguards, and how to effectively lead and represent people. This session will also provide valuable advice on how to manage sensitive situations, utilize meeting time in an efficient manner, and ensure that discussions lead to a consensus. Finally, the session will discuss how to encourage and receive honest feedback from colleagues in order to improve leadership skills.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of taking up leadership roles with respect and responsibility.
- Identify strategies for creating open and collaborative dialogue in leadership meetings.
- Recognize the complexity of crafting position statements and opinions on behalf of a group.
- Develop skills for effectively leading meetings, including assessing for timeliness, structure, and respect for meeting members.
- Practice actively soliciting and incorporating feedback in order to improve one’s own leadership skills.
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Good evening, everyone. Everyone's having the usual session on thank you to med off environment to speak, Um, topic, which I think could be quite daunting when you first start out in leadership positions. Money of Josh Burke and the immediate past President Basset, chair of the Acid and Radar Robotics and Digital Surgery Committee on Vice chair of the Economy for Training Doctors Group Script is claiming anything in the short presentation is not representative. Any current or previous committees or any formal course is that I've completed in the past. This is purely in my opinion. So write this talk. I thought, Well, it's a how to show it divides 10 simple rules. I think if you follow in your leadership positions, you hopefully won't go too far wrong, and these could be applied to both meetings in person. On virtually, I think, values and call motives, which you may or may not hold but may or may not stop holding your current rolls through them. We want the most important rule. If you've taken up all hope that being elected into a leadership position, you're by definition been given the privilege of responsibility. Many of the rules you have taken up, but they weren't really hard to get. Come with certain requirements and many of them maybe to represent views or work on behalf of a group of people, I think, particularly junior state. Some people can forget this. However, make no mistake about it at the members of your committee watching out this is part of your meetings, as they should do. More importantly, your society members and there's external. With him, you interact with it. Also, be looking forward. Ruling won't MAINTAIN YOUR INTEGRITY A lot costs really meant to Now I don't think anyone is naive enough to think that leadership positions don't come with extra opportunity on People's Motors for taking them up after develop seeds. However, I strongly advise taking good these roles, and that's the majority of your motive is made up by the want to make things better. Your actions and committee meeting should be guided by these two questions. Firstly, why am I doing this? And secondly, are my motives honorable? If your answer to these two questions aren't to make things better and yes, then I would argue what you're proposing in a meeting probably isn't going to come across very well. Rule number three, but with most enjoyable rule and seems an obvious one. Ever think it's one that's possibly don't quite poorly? No matter where you are in your tenure? Set individual meeting with each of your committee members. I've done this before, right? The start of a role is part of taking stock of where your committee, your society is that. Who are they? Are they like a person? What the interested in? What do they say that path is with regards to your society? This will number one. Make them feel valued. Number two communicates and they're interested in working. How they can can can treat that society. And three. Give you new ideas or highlight potential issues, which you may have inherited in your roll. On my way to predict sensations Down Street, this time spent early on in your 10 year will pay dividends as you me under through your leadership position over the next 12 to 24 months. Well, um, before I was one spot of a committee on none that I mentioned on the start that was incredibly into the chair that time was really frightened of others on the committee, I think surpassing them and doing well as leaders, you have the influence to set the tone of your committee. Do not be afraid of the people doing well, creating environment where it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them to suggest stupid ideas and make them better together. Realize the value of, um, well member of the teams exceeds the entire team succeeds. If you do this, people will want to wear with you until you realize that. I think people struggle to affect positive change, and this leads onto real number five. Do not duplicate. The first thing I do when I'm a new idea is to look to see if someone has done it before. If they did, what they learn from that is a case of picking up where they left off or if they're still doing it when we work together so that one of my pet peeves it duplication of work for your pride of you have to open it lines of communication on work with your peers and sister societies. Whether are common goals found to my tactic for planning agendas on with the gas to meeting this? Use a live Google Doc, which is open to the entire committee. You can suggest the gender items in between meetings as I go through the month or however long it is between meetings. I had anything new or thoughts to the agenda, then around about a week before tired everything up before circulation and structure the agenda in this way, which reflects hired, certainly feel most meetings tend to go. I only started meeting with things that need decisions but aren't necessarily that important. Start the meeting could be quite funny. People often late to take a little while to settle him on, depending on the environment you have created. Individuals may be a bit nervous to speak up to do these points on first, and it allows it just to settle with low risk of gender items. They are likely to be quite quick to sorts out next to the important stuff that juicy stuff usually the thing you're worried about or the mainstay of the meeting. These things tend to take some time required debate and so are good to position. Second, when people in the flow of the meeting, we're not so far along to that, people lose a bit of enthusiasm with meeting fatigue. This section tend to be quite long for the reasons I just mentioned. Also, I tend to follow this with the most stimulating. It generated things which are new, innovative or if we've invited external speaker. I tend to stick them here to keep you engage in getting the thinking again. It's part meeting. Then finally, when things are even non urgent or not. As important, I leave those till the end, and this allows you to skip on make time at the end of you overrun. I'm not missing of the important stuff with your planned earlier on, I think my advice would be to really spend time putting your meeting agendas be efficient. Read the room. When people are bored of a conversation and stick to your time, your state to the meeting will last. You will respect you for this because you're respecting that time. Number seven. In many of the leadership role of it's you guys were taking up, you'll be coming with position statements. Giving opinions with the groups are wider committees on behalf of your members and you're pretty meetings that they're on to generate consensus and is the leader you'll need to deliver information required on facilitating environment allows fair discussion and this consensus to be achieved. Going back to your three. Know your committee members know the guys and girls talk a lot. Know who talks a little and share the meeting appropriately. Bring people into the conversation. Keep order, utilize 100 a zing and ensure minutes a cat circulated and sign off of the end of the meeting. This is good, Attica. And you should build into your practice. Maybe some in your positions who receive information that you're privy to on that your committee or wide been that why the members can't be informed? Yeah, so you're being interested with piece of information which might be sensitive, and you've been after an opinion on it, and it may be that you're asking about your committee might think it hypothetically, and there's a couple of ways of coping with this on dairy three. Really. One is You can speak hypothetically to your committee and get them like that sport scenario, and that's what they might think about. The report back to you need to report back to the second is is to give him a problem, given the problem with of which this proposal is is trying to solve on get them to come up with a solution themselves and get their own opinion on it. The third is to suggestion alternative options, rather the one you've been asked to consult on on if you spend equal time with each of them and ask them to discuss them. You can have to present the options and may even come up with an alternative solution, which is better than the one you're being asked about. These are really, really tricky situations, and hard to me under their having those little tips in your artillery could be quite usual within the meetings. Really great again, depending on the dynamic of your committee, that will always be people who critique you heavily on, no matter what you say will always disagree with you on my message. Do Today is a value. These people. They'll force you to qualify right, rushing out to what you are saying, which in turn will provide a better consensus on behalf of your members but also help you to develop ideas. Don't fear them, use them if you're worried and predict on what certain members of your committee might say about decision or opinion. But your society has been asked to give one coping strategies potentially talk to that person outside the meeting. I think this is particularly important, as you can predict members or going to clash with init on often a three way conversation at with the meeting consuming times. Avoid spending, I guess. Unnecessary time on a single agenda item. You can certainly achieve things around the meeting. It's not necessary. Limited to the shot you allocated for it. So potential rule. Many would argue the most important one. What did you think of our meeting? No, no, no. What did you really think of the meeting? We just had pick? Individuals are gonna answer this question. Probably going to give you honest feedback. How that I come across one. I said this. How would you have phrased it? What could I have done differently? These a question that you're really important. You must ask them regularly if you want to improve in what you're doing. The reason to do this is one. It will improve how you communicate your committee thing. I want to know based one. Well also demonstrates a committee members on D. Certainly with the individual you interact with within your role that you're someone who they can work with, that listens. And it'll also help you develop as a xolido in your current position. Final Rule And I almost wrote that says you must be willing to work harder than everyone else. But I think that's quite a ah, a laborious statement. You must lead by example, and you should never ask anyone to do something, which you certainly wouldn't be able to do yourself. You know, Golden Rule, really, In terms of everything we do. I've always had an open door policy. Onda. Soon as you get into a role, you need to be looking about how you said the left back down and identify people where they're going to come in to do the positions when you finally move on and carry on the good work that you guys doing to find a rule. I've often found that when extracurricular activity which I've enjoyed like leadership positions on, goes well, the day job on the most important thing of being a good doctor also goes well. These will should develop in supplement your primary role have been a good doctor and providing excellent patient care. Be constant, your own wellbeing. And if you ever feel is that you're under on your head, good speed, someone past leader of the committee, a mentor or if it's helpful while, um, address is always open and I will help if I come. Good luck to everyone. I enjoy the rest of talks. It's evening, and please do feedback on anything on whether you found it useful or not. Usual on. Hopefully, I'll get to meet many you very soon in the near future. Thanks very much.