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How to plan out your society's year - Mrudula Utukuri and Jodie Rusell



This on-demand session for medical professionals will cover tips and strategies for planning a successful year for their medical or education society. We will discuss the why and what of the mission, the who of relevant stakeholders, the when of events scheduling and the wear of infrastructure and publicity. We will also provide advice on attracting the right speakers and creating both in-person and digital events. By the end of the session, attendees should be able to use a simple model to plan their society's busiest year yet!

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the purpose and reasons for creating a year plan for a society
  2. Describe the different types of events to consider when planning a successful society
  3. Name the stakeholders involved in a society and how to contact and organize them
  4. Discuss strategies for publicizing and organizing events, with a focus on cost, safety and accessibility.
  5. Summarize the importance of the who, what, why, when and where approach when planning a society's year.
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Computer generated transcript

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Hi, everyone. My name's medulla and I'm Judy, and we're both finally a medical students and the current president and vice president of the Cambridge Medical Education Society. So today we're going to talk to you about how to plan out your society's year. We're both nearing the end of the year with the Medical Education Society, so we'd like to share with you our own experiences on some tips surrounding how to map out your year, your society's activities. So how are we going to do this in 10 minutes? Well, we've come up with this simple approach. Think about the who the what? The when the wear on the why we'll go into more detail about this approach during the talk. But we use this during our first meeting last year, and it helped us create this year plan on delouse us to hold 15 educational schemes with hundreds of hours appear that teaching. So the first question is, why? Why does your society exist now? I don't mean that in a sense all the way. Otherwise we could really go down a rabbit hole with that one. I mean more, practically speaking, what is the demand that your society is trying to fill. So for our society, came Richard Med stock. We exist in order to try and improve education opportunities and help develop people is peepers. If you're a surgical society, for example, you'll raise on. Detrol might be provided your peers with surgical experience or knowledge or resources. This is perhaps the most important question and and often overlooked on the mental stepping stone in the planning of the successful society. The other Why is why do you need to plan so asthma? Judah said. We add meds, salt post hundreds of events. So it's mainly just making sure that we can run or years moved in. We don't have any patches, so this could be crashing with other society events with other commitments that are. Stakeholders have even discussion with our own events. By having an effective year plan, you can spread your events throughout the year, keeping your content relevant to the needs of your members, and it also help you see mostly incorporate new initiatives and schemes. Once you figured all now next step is what, but I'm going to say what we mean. What are your goals and how you're going to achieve thumb. There will events, resources, speakers and infrastructure well, you need in order to provide your members with what they require. Therefore, our society, we want to develop education skills in many different domains. On, we offer wide range of different events and teaching T's to see that needs. Also think about the different events you'll want. You want to host and pump the size. Do you want some small, more intimate, more regular events which only your hardcore members will upend and you will do one larger perhaps national or even international events, which may only occur once a year, but which reached a much wider range of people? Don't have to try out new initiatives and also meet the needs of your members and the soles of your society as always, scraping proof. I hate it. So why the audience finally also think about infrastructure? So, for example, in order for us to provide teaching opportunities to our members, we need to provide an audience for them to teach. Therefore, publicity is a huge part of our society. Also, our events are all about personal development on improvement for the educator. Therefore, feedback is also an absolutely vital service which we provide for our members. This is where software such a the, um the technology that metal provides uncommon, really handy for society. If you can work out what needs to be done in order to achieve your society chains on planning, your ear year becomes much easier and you're well on the road to success. So the next thing you need to think about is who who were the stakeholders in your society? So first the audience or the society members that you're catering for, Who are they? Water there needs. We already touched upon this a little with when we talked about the type of venti hold. But you should also consider how you're gonna make sure that your events are accessible to your to your audience. So, for example, our audience oh, are who are society members are medical students. Andi therefore, online presents presents over social media platforms and mailing lists is really important to make sure events reach them. Think about which platform or how would be best for you to communicate with your audience. The next stakeholder would be the speakers. So who are they? How you go over her eating them again as appear lead teaching society us our speaker's of students. And we realized early on communicating through yes specific social media groups on student societies with the best way to recruit thumb, you might want to consider contact and doctors are other health professionals or patients whoever that maybe, um, I think about how you're going to do that. Is it by email, or you gonna go and speak to them in person, for example? Um, the best place often to start your own contacts. But don't be afraid to contact anyone who might be interested or who may be an expert in the area of interest that you're looking for on. Remember to use your previous committee. Often they have less of people who are interested in speaking on, um, they they could be your first part, of course. Finally, think about yourselves as a society you should allocate early on. Individuals teo different events in terms of organizing, organizing them. One you're doing this consider their interests any kind of pre allocated rolls. They have their skills and also the availability. But at the end of day, remember that your team so make sure all the tasks. Tasks even are evenly divided on desk will give you ability to hold successful and well organized events. So where now do to that issue of starting in society? In the height of the curve of 19 lb emmick? This was pretty pretty easy for us this year. Zoom was our location of choice. But as a society going into the kind of easing of restrictions, well, if you might want to start considering whether you'd like to do online events or in person events with online events, you're to think about which platform you'd like to use. The cost of doing so planning test runs and making sure you know the software really well within person events. You should consider the size of your audience, the room what the kind of facilities you need. Any costs again. There might also be a consideration of the actual, like, physically, where the location is. So, for example, with our society, our students during the week or often away from our main base. So we started holding some smaller events in those regions, toe directly, be access them on. Then, rather than be at the main base where attendance might be lower. So finally, we want to discuss when So when thinking about when your bed it should be held. There are some really key things to consider in order to maximize attendance. So when does it make sense to have your events in terms of your school calendar? So what time of year US. We haven't exam. Focus. Rapid Review. Electricity Reason, Which makes sense for us to host right before the end of year exams. Where as broader overview teaching. We have her earlier on in the year. When is it? So you have to think about when is convenient and when it's relevant for your audience members, but also think about when it's convenient for your speakers. So this developed depends heavily on whether your speakers up tears or whether you rely on input from doctors or other professionals but the former it will be making sure that your events stone crash with your speakers exams or patient schedule with laughter is making sure your vent bit. In June, your speakers busy work gentle and the hat's all do their family commitments. When did you have your book during the week on during the day are also very important considerations. So we often have our electricity was the end of the people over the weekend so that people on policeman in the readings aren't advantage on this maximizes attendance. This is less of an issue with online events and zoom. However, you still need to consider what time of day is best to appease your stakeholders early mornings and over meal times A generally not well received. Um, and really make sure that your sessions aren't too long without considerable breaks. Otherwise, your news peoples in press and they will, um, be less likely to engage with your events. Finally, when did you stop running on the arch? This is early. Otherwise you'll end up like this guy. It's so important to recruit your speakers, book your venues and organize and plan your published publicizing how you get a proper size, your events as early as possible in order to make sure things run smoothly. People know about your events. A 10 on have a good point. So in conclusion, we think you should use the who, what? Why I went and where approach in your first ever meeting on. We hope that this helps you create your calendar and have a successful year of events. Thank you. Thank you