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How To Get Your GMC Licence



This on-demand teaching session invites medical professionals to learn about the intricate process of obtaining a GMC license from recent graduates Dr. AA and Dr. Sore. Explaining the process in a detailed step-by-step manner, the session encompasses everything from English exams (OET and IELTS) to navigating the EPIC (Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials) system. While specifically targeted towards graduates of Bulgarian medical universities, this presentation's comprehensive approach is applicable to all, with advice on optimizing results and avoiding common pitfalls. Providing a thorough checklist and guidance on cost, the session is a must-attend for those embarking on their career in the medical profession, looking to make their transition to the UK as smooth as possible.

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Join our educational webinar, "A Guide to GMC Application for BG Students", a complete guide to the GMC application process for practicing medicine in the UK. This session is perfect for international graduates and healthcare professionals, covering topics such as registration types, EPIC verification, the English exam, and other practical tips. Ensure your GMC application journey is smooth by securing your spot today!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the process of obtaining a GMC license and the role it plays in practicing medicine in the UK.
  2. Gain knowledge about the various exams required to obtain a GMC license, including the significance of English proficiency tests like OET and IELTS.
  3. Understand the importance of the Epic account in the GMC licensing process and how to create and manage this account.
  4. Become familiar with the requirements of the NotaryCam service and its role in verification for the Epic account.
  5. Learn about identifiable pitfalls and tips to avoid them from personal experiences of the session hosts, such as the importance of enabling GMC access to IELTS results and the difficulty of scoring high in the OET writing section.
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Hello guys and welcome to the inaugural event of the Hood Med Ed. I am very pleased and excited to invite you to, for, to your host today who will be none other than the splendid, spectacular, amazing, wonderful people. And I've not been paid to say this by the way, uh as uh introducing doctor AA and Doctor Sore. The stage is all yours. Hi, guys. I hope you can hear me. Ok. Could somebody just let us know in the chart if you can hear me or rail? Can, can they hear us? Yeah, I can hear you loud and clear. You're ok. Cool, great. Ok. So my name is, so I graduated from V in 2023. So last year in December. Um So since then, I've just done some attachments, done some locum work and yeah, pretty much. This presentation is just going to be us running you through, getting your GMC license the whole process with IC also English exam, which I think hopefully most of you should have done by now. But if not, that will be relevant for you as well and just sort of helping to ease that transition back into the UK for you guys and make it as seamless as possible. Yes, hello everyone. Um First of all, thank you, Raheel for such a nice introduction. Um My name is Ria. I have done a trust grade F one job um, previously for around 10 months after I graduated. Um, and now I am loing so yeah, we just wanted to kind of go through how to actually get your GMC license. I think this would be most relevant to six years, 50 years. I think a lot of the van people should have already sort of got theirs by now. But I know people in Sophia might be in sort of the process of doing their final exam. So this might be most relevant to them. Um And yes, before we start, I just want to preface this by saying that we both went to V. So this would probably be sort of more directed towards people from V. However, the process is the same for sort of all of the Bulgarian Unis. So it should be helpful for everyone. So I basically made this list here from when I was getting my license and it's sort of what to do, start to finish from your English exam to getting the license, what date I did everything and sort of how much it cost. I'm not going to go through each individual thing, but this is a good way, good thing for you to kind of look back at and make sure you've been ticking all these boxes when the time comes for you guys to apply. So, the first thing is the English exam, which hopefully some of you have done by now and if not, that's fine as well. Um And there's two options for English exam. There is O ET or Ielts. Um Someone will be going through O ET I'll talk about Ielts. However, I did both of the exams. Um and I would recommend Ielts. I found it to be a lot easier than O ET I recommend booking the exam as early as you can. The results are valid for around two years. So even if you're in your fifth year, now, you could do this exam, do it in sort of a more relaxed rotation if you're doing it in your sixth year. For example, surgery was very relaxed, frozen V. So I'd recommend doing it in that rotation. Don't book it too close to your last exam because some people fail, you might have to retake it and it will slow you down in getting your license. If that was the, was the case for you? If you're doing your O ET exam, you have to be in England to do the exam. If you're doing Ielts, you can do it sort of anywhere you can even do in Bulgaria. Um You can do a paper or computer one. I would recommend computer, it just is much less of af for the writing section oe is quite a bit more expensive than Ielts and the day options, there are not as many. So just keep that in mind if you're going to be booking it, the results for AE LT S come out a little bit slower than um come out faster than OE. So that's also something to bear in mind. And also one of the most important things is when you get your results, make sure you allow the GMC access to see them because I think a lot of people didn't realize they had to do this and it did slow them down a bit. So, yeah, someone will be speaking to you about O ET resources. Yeah. So for O ET pretty much they've got a really good website, loads of resources on there. Um And there's also really good youtube channel. So I think I, when I sat OE ti used O ET with Jay. It's AE two video playlist. It's really good. They cover all four sections. He gives a lot of useful tips, very practical. And on the website, there's a lot of practice like mock tests as well. So it's, there's a lot of, there's plenty of resources out there to get the good preparation. And for that, um some people also use companies like to mark the, the most difficult I would say out of the four sections is the writing part in my opinion. And I think they, it's graded like the most difficult as well. Um So some people use like paid platforms to help, like, mark their work so they could gauge what they need to improve on. They give them feedback, et cetera. But this isn't like, you don't have to do it. I think myself, a lot of my friends, we didn't use it and it was still fine, but you can still pass and get a good grade. Um, It's just something to bear in mind pretty much. But yeah, the website is really helpful. Those youtube links are really helpful as well. Yep. So with OE ti found I did oe the first time around because we were told it was easier exam, everybody was doing it and yes, everyone got enough to get their GMC license. You needed a B in each section for OE to get your GMC license. However, if you're looking to apply for standalone F two, which I think everyone should apply for because getting jobs now, honestly, it's not easy and I think you should give yourself sort of as many options as you can job wise. You need a higher score in your English exam. So you need an A in each section for OE, which is very achievable. However, the writing section for some reason is so hard. I don't know anyone who got an A in writing, even people who like properly studied for it. So purely for this, I would say Ielts, it's a lot easier I found and I did this because I wanted to apply for standalone F two. It's I studied barely at all for this and it was really easy to get the higher marks in this. I would recommend these websites here. Ielts Liz is really good for the writing section and there are some youtube channels as well. And when you sign up to do your Ielts exam, they give you a load of sort of like pass papers and everything. Um But just remember you have to do the academic Ielts, there's a general and academic, but now you have to do the academic Ielts. So when you're signing up for it, make sure you sign up for the right one. So the first thing you guys have to do sort of um to get your GMC license is making your epic account. You can do this before you've done your last exam. I did it around mid August time, which is when most people generally did it, it is not too difficult. You need a few things. So you need a color passport size, photo scan of your passport and info on your med school. Now, I've gone through sort of with your screenshots of sort of start to finish making your epic account. So the first one is very general, they just sort of want your name and all of that. The second page is some contact information and other information about you like your birthday. Very self explanatory. Um On the next section here, they're going to be asking you if you've got AU M ID number. So it's just no, for all of those sections, it's very quick and easy and then they want information about your medical education status. So this bit make sure you just put a graduate, even if you haven't finished your last exam yet, you're not a graduate yet. They won't actually go forward with anything until you put graduate on this. You can change it later. So it's fine if you don't now, but just to save you from going back, just put graduate. Um and this is information on the med school. So this is all of the, if you go to find you guys can just sort of copy this. But if you're from a different one, then just change your address and name and everything. They want your start date and also the date your medical degree was issued, which would be your graduation date. So we finished our exams in November, but didn't graduate until December. So put that in the last section and the title of your medical degree is an MD. So once you've done that, it'll come up in a little summary thing and then you guys just move on to the next bit. Also, this is a bit fast. I'm sorry, but I will send um the powerpoint afterwards so you guys can go back and look at it. The next bit is about medical registration. So you guys just need to go down and tick the GMC box and that will be it for that bit. And then they want to see a photo of you. So that was a passport size color photo you had ready at the start. They also want you to upload your passport as well. And then after this, they want all of your card details because they will take a lot of money from you. And that's basically it for that. They will then send you an email, confirming everything, sending you some of your account details. So you can log in later and change things if you need to. But there shouldn't really be any need for that. If you do have problems, feel free to email them, they're quite good um through email um and can help you if you need anything. Um And they will send you an Epic ID form and that's really important and sum is gonna explain why. Yeah. So basically in the on the Epic website, if you go to the my identity documents tab there, you'll be able to access your Ef Epic ID form. Um So basically that that will help you with this notary Am service. So Notary A are like the ones that verify that you are who you say you are and then they'll send everything over to Epic for processing. So everybody has to go through that process. With not 3 a.m. So you download the form, the EI F form from that tab, as I said, and you have a passport photo in JPEG in color and next side, please. Yeah. So basically, so you upload your form in PDF and upload your form of ID, whatever ID you used earlier, that's the one you're gonna use. And then your Epic ID number, which is basically in the top part of your profile, you'll have it and it starts with ac dash and then that is your epic ID number. And then you agree for the webcam and you sign the consent and, and it will then arrange a meeting. So you'll get like a couple of emails, always check your junk as well because my friend this year, all of it got sent to her junk email and she didn't see you for days. So um yeah, just keep on top of that. So basically, I think they're set in New York. So their timing is really different and sometimes they can be like emailing you like in the dead of the night, like the most random times. But once they, once they email you, they'll be like we need to do a meeting and during that meeting, um you'll basically like electronically signed like forms and stuff and you'll do like an oath or whatever you put your hand up. It's a whole, it's a whole thing. Um I literally just did it on my phone, it's very chill. Um, and once you've done that, they'll send everything over to epic basically. So, because they have a different time zone just, just do the do it now option because if you try to schedule it, like, they've got really limited availability. Um, so I'd just recommend to do it now basically and get it over with. Yep. So you verify your email again, like they'll send you loads of emails, you verify your email and then you can continue on to the meeting. Exactly. That's the link for the meeting that you just um you need to have your ID also with you for the meeting. So in, in the email, there'll be like um have your passport, I think I use my passport. Um So you just have to have that with you. Um You need a webcam, Mike the ID that you submitted earlier. They're just confirming that you are who you say you are. The meeting is really short, very informal. Um It just nothing to worry about at all. I had like issues on my laptop. So I just did it on my phone and it was completely fine. Um, very sketchy. Like he'll just be like what's going on, but once the done is done and you've got it over with and then after that meeting, you give about 10 business days and then everything will get processed. And once you've done that, you're pretty much ready until you get your prediploma. So once you finish like the notary CBI, that's like you, you're set otherwise. Uh apart from getting the prediploma, which can be an ordeal in itself from students office, sometimes I'm not sure how it is for people in Sophia, but I it was like begging but yeah, it is what it is. We all have to go through it. Yep. That's it for the no trick. However, you may be possibly experiencing some technical difficulties. So please bear with us. Oh, hi. Sorry, I forgot to turn the mic on. Ok. So basically GMC application is the next bit. Um So the first thing you have to do is sign up for a GMC online account. Um Once you do sign up, then um you will be emailed a GMC reference number. This is basically gonna be your number that will be with you throughout the rest of your career and you'll be putting on all your application forms and everything. So yes, um the next bit is completing your GMC application form and then once you've done that, you email it to these two emails in sort of this format, so they know what's in it. So I'll go through the form sort of start to finish. Um I wanna preface this by saying, but last time we did this talk, the um application form didn't come out as clearly on this. Not to worry, I will send the powerpoint and hopefully it won't come out with dodgy. But anyways, yeah, so that's what we expect. Ok, so GMC application form, um, the first page here, this basically will be going through what you need before you start. So you're gonna need your passport and that you're just gonna have to know some general information about when you're applying, it goes through the fees and how much everything costs as well. And the first page of it will be sort of your personal information. So it's gonna be your GMC reference number and this has been emailed to you already. So after you signed up for your GMC account, this was emailed to you. It's going to ask you for your name, your address and your email address and everything. And then the next bit is going to be information about when you started your degree and the date it was awarded to you. So the date your degree started, if you're from Vana, this will be on web student and the date your qualification was awarded is the date of your last state exam. They want information on um if you've studied in any other European medical school before, if so then put the details in um and if anything was undertaken by remote or distance learning. So for us, yes, we had to circle Yes for that section because we had COVID. So around third year when we were there. Um and then at the bottom, you have to enter your epic uh account number. So when you log into Epic in the top right corner, I believe they have a number beginning with C so you put that in at the bottom, the next page for this. You don't actually have to put anything. Um So you can ignore that the page after this is about your English exam. So you have to make sure you tick that you've done the English exam, your o et your ielts and you put your test report number here. So you've got to make sure that you've allowed access on your O ET account or your Ielts account or else they're not gonna be able to see your results and it's gonna slow you down quite a bit. Ok? So next bit is by registration licensing history. I don't think any of us would have been registered before. So we can ignore that. And then the next section here will be about details of employment and things like this over the last five years. If relevant, then you can add that information in afterwards. We are basically going to be talking about your fitness to practice. So it's all about your health and any health concerns. So hopefully everything will be a no for everyone for this. And then we can just skip through this. Put a no. And then the section here we can ignore um because we are not getting a provisional license, we're getting the 4 g and C license. So we can ignore this. The next page is basically one you have to actually print out and then physically scan and put back in because they want a wet signature. So you just sign it here, date it, print your name, but you've got to make sure you do print that out physically, sign it with a pen and then put it back into your PDF. So this last section here earlier, we had told them that some of our um uni was online. So you want to make sure that you put this little note in here and we all kind of wrote the same thing in response to the Coronavirus epidemic. E-learning was initiated on this date, transitioned into hybrid learning when it was deemed safe. And I wrote, I've attached a document with relevant notifications from the uni detailing the time spent in remote learning. And these are basically screenshots from blackboard and someone made a um one PDF document of all of the sort of notifications from the students office. We attached it to the end of our application and that was completely fine. I don't know how it works with other unis if everyone uses blackboard or whatever, but just make sure you guys have solid evidence of all those notifications. So they know when it was online. So you then put a scan of your passport in after this, you also scan your Bulgarian Pregraduate certificate. So we got this after we did our last exam, then you will put in the English translation of your pregraduate certificate and your letter of good standing. So I've heard for this year it wasn't needed. You don't have to give this letter of good standing and it was fine. So if you can't get this, then I think it would be OK as well. And, but it's important you actually do get that letter because when you guys apply for jobs and stuff, then it's important you have the letter. So you might not have to put into your application. We'll make sure you do have it because later on down the line, people will want to see it and I have had to use it quite a few times and then you have to put in your internship schedule and your exam dates as well. So just take a screenshot of that and put it in and then they want to see every single page of your record book from final year. So just take a picture of each page and just scan it and they want to see all your signatures and everything and it's quite long. But that is basically it. And if you guys go to v um this would actually be useful to know sort of what professors you need to go to for which signature because I know that was a huge pain when we were in sixth year. So yeah, they wanna see each page of that and then the very back is all of your grades. And then this is basically loads and loads of screenshots of the evidence of us doing online learning. It goes on forever, but they wanna see all of that when you um send your application form in. So I'm just gonna go through that really quick and it goes on for. So, ok, so basically after you have sent, put all of this through, put it in one big PDF, email it to the emails I wrote at the front at start. Um and then summary, we'll talk you through the next bit. Yeah, so you'll finish that whole ordeal with all of the enhancements and everything and then you can call to the gym and you need to pay the fee, I think. Um most people just rang them and did it, I think that's the most popular option. Um call them like as soon as you can. Um Yeah, while we put here that I called a lot earlier. Um No, I literally called a couple of hours earlier on the same day and then she got her ID checked like a lot later than mine. So, um ok. Yeah, so um I've just been told that it's about 100 and 74 lbs with the call in the GMC. So it is like a rough, a rough um price basically. And then yeah, she got her ID checked a couple of days after. So it's better to just get that part over with just call them and make the payment and then they will send you an email to basically um do the online ID check. So I think you have to download an app. I think it's like digit entity or something. Um It's very fast and after that, you will be on the register and you can search yourself up and you'll be there, which is always exciting. But yeah, the work is done then. Um and you have your own GMC number which is like your life after that. Um But yeah. Ok. Yeah, also, so the police check. So this is not actually a requirement for your GMC. So what we're talking about now is once you've done your GMC license, like that should be your priority. Police check is more for um like local agencies and it's just a good thing to have because some places like even on some attachments, like if you've been away in another country, like more than a couple of months, whatever. Um Obviously there's no way for them to know that for sure, but like a lot of the times they will ask as well. So it's super cheap like in Rana we had like one station, one building that you just go to. Um it's a couple of labs. Um you just needed like a Bulgarian bank bank account, somebody to have it and they can like pay for you. Um So yeah, it's worth like checking with your colleagues and your seniors how to like where you need to go to arrange that police check for us. It was just one building. You all go um pay the fee, they want you to take a translated birth certificate and also it's not on here, but please everyone make a note. You also take your Bulgarian Id with you. Um And then after a few days you can um go, they'll tell you to go after a few days and you just pick up your police check and obviously you need to go back and get that translated because it'll be in Bulgarian. Um But yeah, that's pretty much it. Like I said, it's not something you need for GMC, but it's very good for future employers. It's very helpful for local agencies. A lot of them will ask for a police check. Um ok, for Vana, you don't need the birth certificate I just been told. So it's just a Bulgarian Id. Um So yeah, that al that also shows like how dynamic the process is and how much it changes. So just, yeah, like it's a good thing to ask recent seniors who've done it um because you'd rather have more than less. So yeah, it's just good to know. Um As I say, it's super cheap and it's good to have it up to date. So if you do go back like a graduation or something and you wanna get a more up to date one. I think that's not a bad idea at all. Um, yeah, because a lot of them, I think it's like three or six months. Some of them last, I think mine, I got it in October and I think it went until February March about 56 months or something. But yeah, just something to bear in mind. Yeah. Does anybody have any questions? The floor is open for you guys if you have any questions or anything at all? Um Yeah, just fire them away, please. Uh Don't be shy guys. Uh We like, we're just in your position as well at one point. So do you have any questions? Feel free to ask? So there is one question. Did you do your clinical attachments in the UK? So when we had to do our summer practice, then those summers, I think it was after third year and fourth year. Um I think it was the same for summer, but we did one month in the UK after that. And then I started clinical attachments in October. So finished the last exam in November time and then from October until I had a job which was in January, I was doing clinical attachment. Um So the more UK experience you can have the better, I don't really have a lot to go off having studied abroad and in interviews if we can just tell them that we know how the NHS system works and we have experience in the UK. Then that is the best we can really do. It will be hard for us to get our first job because that's all we really have to stand on. But I think it's really important. You have that experience in the UK. Um, how long did it take for you to get your first job? So it really varies. Person to person, situation to situation. There's not a general number I can give for like how long it generally should take. But for me personally, I got my job in January. Um I think I was very lucky to get it so early on because I know people were waiting quite a bit longer. Um But yeah, and the slides will be uploaded and sent to the group. Yes. When do you suggest applying for clinic attachment? I'll leave that for someone. What do you think s um I would say as soon as you can really cause a lot of the times with attachment, it's just the battle with hr like getting all of your documents through and stuff. Um And also getting a consultant to um approve for you. So I would say when you sort of nearing the end, you can, you can start arranging it like when you've still got exams and stuff going on cos by the time you finish arranging the paperwork, um like you can just come back, start the attachment. But even if you want to come back like chill for a bit and then apply for the, like start applying for attachments, that's fine as well. Um There's no like specific time. It's just whatever is convenient for you. But I would say if you're one of those people who wants to just get as many as you can, then you can literally be applying as you have exams. Um, and it's kind of a good thing to have one or two lined up. Like the more exposure you get and the more hospitals the better for you, basically. Yeah, I completely agree sort of early as you can. Just, so when you've graduated you have it there ready for you. Um, do you have to do any other exams other than your exam to get you MC? So, basically, I think things have changed. I think the UK ML is now a thing. Um, we don't have to do. Um, but I think when we had to do we didn't have to do any of these exams. But I think everyone working in the UK now even UK students have to do UK ML. Um, is it this year or is it next year? So, so can I interdict, uh, with the UK ML? I think it's 2028. Well, most people who are graduating after June 2028 they have to do it. There we go. So, no, no more exams. Just this exam, they keep changing it. Like, I don't know why I thought we were meant to be the first year. Then they pushed it back a year, then another year. Um How did you apply to the clinical attachments? Was there anything specific that you needed in your CV? That would help? Um Honestly, just email loads of hospitals, they will send you through to their recruitment thing and they'll send you some application form to fill out and just email as many places as you can um as early as you can. Um And I would say that's the best thing and also if you guys have been doing your summer practices, go back to the same hospitals as well. Um Just any experience in the UK would be the best thing do or if you guys know any doctors working in hospitals, they can really help you out as well. So if you know any foundation doctors registers, even consultants at hospitals, they can really help you a lot with getting your clinical attachment sorted is the graduation date needed for the epic verification GMC application because my last exam will be in October and graduation will be much later or is a prediploma off. Now, your graduation date isn't relevant as far as I know, it's just your last exam. However, in the GMC application at the beginning, I think the end date was your graduation exam? Your graduation date? Sorry. Um Is that right? Someone? Yeah, yeah. Is relevant to us or do we apply for stand on F two. So they're both relevant. So we can apply for specialty training with a completed Crest form or having done the F two standalone program. I would recommend you guys get both sorted. Um Have F two. Make sure you guys apply for stand and F two. I think it gives you another option. It's not too tedious to apply, it's completely free. Um So definitely apply and Crest, we complete that form if having worked in a hospital for three months under the same consultant and they signed that and once you've completed that, then you can apply for specialty training. So yeah, both are relevant to us. You don't have to do both, just one or the other. When do you suggest doing clinical attachments? I was um super nervous about being jobless. So I started very soon. I started about a month after the last exam. I don't think that was necessary take some time to chill, relax. Um But definitely at some point after your last exam because I think it would be hard to get a job without having um UK experience. Um When did you sit? I ET slash O ET let me go back to my little list I wrote on here. Um So I did my English exam 21st of June. Um And that was the O ET and that was so I could get my GMC license and then I did it again. I did Ielts a little bit later in December. So I could apply for standalone F two. Yeah. When can we do locums? So you guys can do locums as soon as you've got your GMC license sorted, you can apply for agencies and everything. All you need is to have your GMC license and then you can apply to start doing locums. So su for the police check is the birth certificate requirement for other students who are from Vana. I um I would say I would say check with your like local place because even like for us, like um in our year, we needed it. And then um when he told me that for the year, they didn't need it. So I would say just double check because each place varies. Um But when we did it, yeah, we needed the birth certificate um for it. Um Yeah, how would you deal with prescribing when you started working? Why would you want to answer that one? Yeah. So how did you deal with prescribing medications once you started working? Who helps you with that? Once you start actually working as a doctor, say an actual role? So basically you guys have to be nice to everyone um and get people around you to help because my first ever shift as a doctor, I was low. Um and I hadn't prescribed anything before and I think the first thing I had to prescribe was like some paracetamol and you just have to understand the system. First of all, so we had electronic prescribing at the hospital I'm at. So obviously in your clinical attachments, you're going to be watching people prescribe and you're going to know how to prescribe physically by watching them, but knowing what to prescribe. And when. So for example, like the nurses tend to ask you to prescribe certain things. So if the nurse is going to come up to you saying doctor patients in pain, can you prescribe some paracetamol? If you find it clinically reasonable, then you would prescribe it doses. If you, if you've got electronic prescribing, then it would have the doses there. If you're confused about doses, how much to give to who check the NF. So it's an online thing. You would just literally type BNF in there, you would search paracetamol, it would have what dose to give to what person in what situation you also have your hospital guidelines. So each hospital has their own guidelines, they're usually online and you can search the guidelines as well for a certain thing. For example, if a patient has um a pneumonia and you don't know what antibiotics to prescribe them, you can literally search im acquired pneumonia. It would tell you exactly what to prescribe that patient, what dose and what to do in case they're allergic to that. So that's a really good way of doing it. And also people around you like you, it's not, it's not a secret that you've just started, make sure people know, make sure people know that maybe you're not completely comfortable and you haven't gotten that much experience yet. I made sure people I was working with knew of that and they were completely fine with me asking questions and I asked 1 million questions when I started and it gets easier, it gets better and you get more confident. So if as time goes on, um, but the first few prescriptions are always a bit scary. Um Are there any specific locum agencies you recommend? Um I don't have any someone, do you know what, like with this one, like it depends where you live. I'm not gonna lie because each, like each geographical area has like, so each, each area in like the UK will have certain agencies that are more likely like, I don't know, like around emergency will get more in leeds or some will get more in Manchester. So you really just have to search your area and see what's popular there. Another thing with local emergencies now, like, unfortunately, some of them are quite saturated. So they have raised their requirements like I know um one agency they now want like which is ridiculous because you're doing agency work to get those initial shifts, but they're like you need six months experience. So like just to get onto the agency, which is crazy. So I would say do your reading also with locum like you have to be prepared to, to do the work. Like you, sometimes you have to go far. Um, like, it might be like a couple of hours away from where you are, but just getting your foot in the door is absolutely the most important thing because once you've got your exposure, let's say you pick a night shift. My first shift in the NHS was a night shift. Um, it was terrifying and with local agencies sometimes they won't like sometimes like, uh they don't understand like they're just like, yeah, like, yeah, you can just take the shift, right? But it's like for you, that's like a new hospital, a new system. So I would say always push and advocate for unpaid shadowing at least one. So if you're doing a night shift, do the night before with unpaid shadowing, um because I would say like for me, if I didn't do that, I would struggle so much with that first shift. But because I did um unpaid shadowing the night before you could ask all of your questions. So go in with like a checklist of stuff. You wanna know? Like who do we get bleeps from? Like are you carrying a bleep? Who do you get that from? Where, where's the area you need to go? Um have a look at the system, get all of your logins. Oh my God. Logins are like the most important thing for you guys. Um Make sure you've got all of those. So just like have a checklist of stuff you wanna do and in terms of agencies check in your area, like literally just Google Search. Um what's in your, what's in your area because each place like certain agencies are more prevalent. So it really just depends and some are a lot better than others. Some are really shady. So please do like proper research and look at reviews. Um cos some like that like they were just not, not it and like they will throw like a shift at you like the day before and just be like, yeah, we've put you forward for and like obviously you have to just be like, no, like I can't, you, you can't just show up. I mean, it depends how comfortable the person is. But in my experience, I think going to a brand new hospital you want to have at least um a little bit a couple of hours there before or even if you go a few hours earlier or whatever you feel comfortable with. But um yeah, like do not just because you're apply for locums don't let them like walk all over you. Like you can still have your boundaries in place and once you've got that first shift, I can guarantee you after that, like they will as long as you like don't know anything ridiculous. Like as long as you're like, ok, and you play it safe like Rob, you said ask loads of questions, tell people it's your first shift. They will literally like help you with whatever you want, hopefully provided you have a good team. Most people are really friendly and will will help you out. Um Yeah, I hope that answers the locum sort of questions. Um Yeah, why did we do IE LT and OT so basically everyone we knew did o et like all of our seniors did O ET plus O et is more medical. Um So like we just thought like, because I think with the writing, you have to do like discharge summaries. So we were like, yeah, this looks like really like helpful, like we'll learn how to write discharge summaries even though you'll learn on the job. So we just went for that because it was what a lot of the older seniors did and we kind of followed and because it was medical, but in hindsight, I think myself and Robert would probably have gone straight for the Ielts. Um purely because it's easier, cheaper, faster resorts, more locations like everything kind of goes in line for it. Um We just didn't have that information at that time. Um Plus obviously the eligibility for standalone as well. Um Just has one bad experience with Ielts and we got scared. Um I did Ielts after I did my OE OT was fine for GMC license. Like I got the grades for that. It was fine, but my writing wasn't high enough to apply for standalone F two and I wanted to apply for standalone F two. So, and I did Ielts um instead of OT because I genuinely didn't think even with studying, I would get an a in the writing. So I did Ielts and it was fine, so much easier and I think everyone should do it. Um Are the Ielts OE requirements for stand on different for GMC license? Yes, they are higher. So Ielts, you need a 7.5 in each section for stand alone, but you just need a seven for GMC license. OE you need to get a B in each section or 350 for GMC. But then for stand alone, you need 400 or a in each section. So it's a little bit higher. Um Is there any website we can use to find locums in our area? My biggest advice for locums would be just to sign up with the medical bank. Wherever you guys end up doing clinical attachment, it's a bit of a long process to get it sorted. But by the time, hopefully your attachments done, you'll be on the bank. The doctors there will know you, you'll know the hospital and it'll be a lot easier for you to look at the hospital. Um And I think the rates might be a bit better if you go through the bank. Um Yeah, if anybody else has any questions now is your time? Otherwise we hope it was informative for you guys and we will send everything into the, we'll send the slides into the chat as well. Um But yeah, and um also the feedback form. Uh If you guys could fill that out, that would be great. We'll just give uh another one minute. Uh If anyone has any last-minute questions, speak now, forever, hold your peace and then we'll uh bid farewell and give a massive thank you to our house. But we love to see if there's any more questions first. Uh I have a question actually um to the doctors um uh who are presenting uh IW uh I'm wondering uh how long does it take for the GMC process uh from start to finish uh according to your experience. So you went out to this one. Honestly, it was, I think everyone's like, oh, it's so daunting. Like we like everyone really scared us with the whole paperwork and stuff. They were like, it's so stressful. It's like this that like as long as you like, hopefully this will be really beneficial for you guys, but genuinely it did not like, OK, so our last exams were like start of September. I wanna say like start of September, mid September and I got my license on the 10th of October. So it was literally like the whole thing was done in under a month. Would you say yours is similar? Um So I have a date thing really? So starting we made the epic account. 17th of August had the GMC license sort of, I think it was 14th of October. So the whole thing is a really long process, but it's a very slow, gradual thing. So as long as you guys are doing each bit bit by bit throughout the year, it's fine. But obviously, if we're talking from the final exam using the pre grad and then getting the GMC license there, final exam was I think 12th of September and I had my license one month later. So I think about a month January is what you're looking at. Thank you very much for the answer. Thank you very much for the answer. Uh There's no more questions then we can um say a wonderful, a great thank you and a, a great uh show of appreciation to our two doctors and as a greater form of appreciation uh for them to take the time out. What would be very beneficial for them. And for all of us involved in organizing is if you could please spare no more than three minutes, let's say two minutes on the feedback, it won't take more than two minutes. But once you have filled in the feedback form, you will receive a certificate to of attendance which you can then add to your portfolio. Hopefully, it helps you somewhat. I'm not sure, but it will definitely help us if you provide feedback. Um And let's all join. Uh Let's all join together and say a massive, massive thank you to our two doctors for the taking their time out and for giving us such a concise and um important uh presentation. And if there are any questions you can reach out to us on the group chat, um reach out to doctor and doctor. So and uh thank you so much once again for joining any last words, doctors just um just wanted to say thank you for being such a great host. Um And I hope this was useful for everyone. And again, if there's any other questions, just, yeah, good luck. And don't stress, you've done all of the hard work with exams and everything. So just, you know, try and enjoy your time and you've, you've done the hardest bit like getting through med school is the hardest bit now. Just relax slowly, turn your attention to your jobs. But don't stress too much guys, everybody will get a job eventually. I think someone asked for the form. But if you scroll up in the chart, it's a little bit further up. Yeah, I've, I've just shared the form again. If anyone can't see it, it says the thank you for attending. Please take a moment to fill out your feedback from at certificate. Just click, provide feedback and you will get the form.