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This on-demand teaching session, which is relevant to medical professionals, will provide a deep dive into the processes of getting exposure to sexual and reproductive health. The session will feature speaker Milli Richardson, a 5th year medical student at the University of Bristol, who will walk listeners through lectures on student selected components and electives. She will also provide tips on how to go about organizing an elective or an SSC, exploring options abroad, necessary applications and more. There will also be time for questions and discussion.

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This talk is aimed at medical students and pre-specialty doctors considering a career in genitourinary medicine. Whether you're looking see whether the speciality is for you, or to build your portfolio, this talk should give you the tools to do so.

Topics will include:

Organising a project in GUM

Delivering an oral presentation at BASHH

Making the most of a foundation post

Clinical fellowships in GUM

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the differences between electives and SSCs in medical school.
  2. Apply knowledge to link medical specialties to gynecology for SSCs.
  3. Evaluate pros and cons of doing an elective abroad or in the UK.
  4. Construct a successful application for an elective or SSC.
  5. Utilize social media and networking to source and research elective placements.
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Okay. Our, we live now. Excellent. Ok. My name is Alicia. I'm one of the um slash committee. I'm the secretary. Um, welcome to the How to gain exposure to gum talk. Um We've got a few amazing speakers for you today. Um If you got any questions, there'll be time in between each speaker um where we can invite you up to verbalize your questions yourself or just send a message in the chat and I can ask each of our speakers. Um So first, uh talk about S S C S. It's uh Milli Richardson. Hi, everyone. Um, my name is Millie. I'm currently 1/5 year medical student at the university. Bristol. Yeah, I'm going to talk about students selected components related to garment sort of in general as well. Um Next slide, please. Um So I'm going to talk about S S E S which aren't electives and our electives. Um And then how to sort of go about organizing an elective or an S S C next slide, please. So, in terms of non elective scs, these will be different depending on, um which university you go to for me. I had an essay in first year, which obviously, I don't really know I was doing at that point, so I didn't do that relating to gum and I had six weeks at the end of third year. Um these, these can be, you know, many things, further placement, audits Q I project projects, literature reviews, presentations, and posters. Um For me, my, my um one at the end of third year, we had a catalog to pick from. So, I mean, an obvious tip here is that if you have a catalog and there's something which is relating to gum, then definitely go for that. Unfortunately, gum can be quite underrepresented though in these catalogs. So you may have to go for something else and try and link it to gum, which is what I did. I did one sort of relating to Jobs and Gynie, but I decided for my final sort of essay at the end of it to do it on vaginismus. Um So, so when the gum skew of that, so obscene Guynn is quite easy to link into gum. Um, but if that's not an option, you can think about other specialties and link them. For example, you can look at whether sort of HIV testing is done for indicator conditions and there's so many indicated conditions that sort of almost whatever specialty um your S S C is in, you could possibly link it to gum if you're sort of wanting to do an audit for an S S C, but you're not sure where to start. Um, something to think about is to go on sort of bash guidelines and at the bottom of all bash guidelines, that's the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. Um, there will be auditable outcome measures. So that will literally be things which are easy to audit and that will just be a first step in just thinking about what you can do an audit on if your S S C is down to you to organize yourself or you have that option. Then, um, I guess the way you go about that would be sort of the same for an elective. So we can move on to, uh, speaking about electives and go from there. All right. So, next slide, please. So, in terms of an elective, I'm sure most you're aware, but it's sort of 6 to 12 weeks. Um, usually in your final year of medical school to spend. However you like, um, people use it for many different things, sort to bulk up their CVC healthcare in different countries, explore specialties of interest or just sort of have a nice holiday or a break before starting work. My elector was at the start of this year. I did a few weeks where I did a couple of audits relating to sexual health just with a G P surgery. That was a last minute addition to my elective when something else fell through. But it was actually really nice to sort of just see how the audit cycle worked. And, um, it was quite chilled, to be honest, only, only a few hours a day, just at the computer, you can, you can get through an audit quite quickly really. And then I also spent a few weeks at a sexual health clinic in London, um, Guards in ST Thomas's, which was absolutely amazing. Really, really enjoyed my experience that I could really get into the team. So, I mean, with, with electives, there's a lot of things to consider. Sort of the main one I guess is whether you want to go into a broad versus the UK, there are benefits to each, you can have some, you know, different opportunities abroad than you were in the UK. For example, I know people who went to Tanzania and they were involved with a lot of HIV clinics. They're, um, they really enjoyed that experience. Um, but then you have to think about sort of cost in terms of going abroad can often be more expensive. You have to think about flights, accommodation, food, that sort of thing. Um, and if you're hosted by another university, whether that's in the UK or abroad, sometimes you can have a cost for admin fees and just cost per week of the placement. Um, it's important to think about language. I had a lot of friends who went abroad and didn't know the language very well. So, although they went places very exotic. They didn't get anything out of it from a medical point of view. It's just up to, up to what you want. Really. There are different application processes which I'll talk a bit more about on the next slide. Um Well, that's something to think about. Um, think about what you want to get out of it. As I say, some people you want to use it for CV, and some people want something a lot more chilled. Um I mean, even just showing interest in a specialty um is great for the C V as it is. Um And then just lasting thing about his friends, lots of people like to go with friends, you can sort of share the load of planning your elective, but it may mean you have to be more flexible on what you want to do. If you go with someone else, you may not have completely identical goals. Um And there's really just no right or wrong thing to do um in your elective, it's always completely up to you next slide, please. So then in terms of organizing an elective or an S S C as a whole, um probably the main thing that you have to do is email and call what feels like hundreds of people. I um went about, you know, in the very first stages of organizing my elective, I went about googling every consultant, every sexual health clinic that I could find in the country. Mine was sort of affected quite significantly by COVID. Um, so made going abroad quite more difficult. So, yeah, emailing every single person you can, it can be very time consuming. But, um, if you have a template and just sort of change who you are addressing it to, that can make it easier. Um, and if you can find a phone number, it's not, sometimes not a bit more scary to give people a call, but it can be a bit more direct. Um, and don't be afraid of emailing multiple times if, if needed. So some electives, um if the, if there with a host university will require you to do a formal application which might require a CV um or personal statements. Um, they're important to sort of look at fairly for in advance because some of them, you need to do sort of six months in advance of the, of the elective period where if you just organized it yourself with a consultant, you, you may not need to, can be a bit bit faster. Um And as I spoke about earlier, the fees associated with formal applications, another way to go about is via electives. Companies. These are often for broad electors, but be aware of the cost of those and, um, look at reviews. I know quite a few people turned up and it wasn't quite what they, what they had hoped for. But at the same time, I know a lot of people had really, really great experiences in, uh, in places abroad and you're quite well looked after by elective companies, they organize everything for you. Um, it sometimes is easier if you're wanting to do a gum elective is to do it with sexual health services already affiliated with your university. That will usually mean you don't need to do a formal application, they're more likely to accept you. Um And I found that when I was organizing mind, lots of places were only actually taking students from their own university, but that may have been a COVID thing. Um Another thing you can do our students in the years above you if they had any great experiences with their electives and they can pass on any contact details if you're really at a loose end. Med Twitter is really big, especially within the gums fear. So you can put a tweet out. It's better, the more sort of specific you are about what you're looking for saying I'd like this many weeks placement in this um specialty in this location. Um put a tweet out there and if you tag us, we can actually sort of retweet that and should hopefully reach people that you're wanting to reach. Um what's great about gum is that everyone who works in it is, you know, so nice and really wanting to help aspiring gum trainees. Um So they should, they should be there to help you. Um And just, I just put at the end that things may fall through, like minded, try not to panic. I'm sort of the sort of person who would want it planned way, way far in advance. Um, sometimes that's just not possible. People don't know what their plans are going to be, you know, a year from now and there's always the option of things, um, to be organized quite last minute if, if things do happen. Um, so next slide, please. So that's everything from me hits my email. So please do feel free to email me if I went through anything too quickly if you've got any questions and there's time some questions now or just any queries about electives or S S C S in general. I'm not the oracle, but I always try my best to help anyone. So I can't see any questions on the chat. I don't know if anybody wants to verbalize questions for Millie. I was family. I really liked the bit about Twitter. I think it's stay true. Um um Like uh they thrive off of excited med students. Um And well, yeah, push that to everyone that they know. Obviously you're welcome to email us as well. And we can try if we know people in your area to, to link you up if if possible, I can't guarantee that we're always able to do that, but we can give it a go um Twitter big one for sure. Yeah, I've definitely found that like gum consultants are all really friendly and approachable and really keen to get med students involved. They all know how difficult it is to get exposure to it. So, yeah, I just sort of echo everything that's been said really, still no more questions. Um There'll be time right at the end as well for more questions if anybody thinks of anything else. So for now, should we just um move on? Uh for Liberty, Isabel Todd? Yeah, fine. Uh My name is Libby. I'm currently an F one working at the hospital in the Peninsula Dean Rate. Um And I'm going to be talking to you about presenting it a sexual health conference, which is something I was lucky enough to do at the Bash conference last year, which Millie mentioned was the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV panic slightly. So I guess the first question is why bother trying to present a conference, any, any sexual health conference or any conference at all. Um And I suppose the first thing that comes to people's minds is portfolio. I'm trying to get into gun with the specialty which is, you know, any specialty of competitive but making your portfolio as good as possible. This screenshot here is the I M T or the internal medicine training um portfolio section for presentations. But any sort of specialty that you go into, whether that's surgery A CC SGP doing presentations at any level is going to get you points and get you score ing I've highlighted the two at the top. So doing or post and presentation and national International meeting does get you the most points. But actually any project that you do, how big or small it is presenting at something like local teaching or a CME, it's gonna give them great talking points for an interview and there's lots of other reasons why conferences are good. So especially in terms of sexual health, it's great to network with other interested colleagues and interested students. And that can open up opportunities for things like Millie were saying with electives and SSC it shows dedication to your specialty, especially if you're not lucky enough to get an F one job or an elective. Then it's another way of showing that you're keen and sexual health. It develops your public speaking skills, which is, that means it can be difficult to get experienced in perfect me as an undergraduate and it helps you share all your hard work and stuff you're interested in. Exciting. So where can you present particularly from a sexual health or a gun point of view? The biggest one that we all know about is the Bash conference. And this year it's being held in North Wales, but it often moves around. And last year it was in Sheffield. I really, really enjoyed my experience presenting at Bash. Everyone was really friendly and supportive. It was so interesting and I learned a lot. So even if you aren't presenting um if you have the opportunity to go just to attend, I would definitely recommend. And there's also the F srh who often do stuff linked with bash their conferences. You can't always prevent that, but they do, sometimes they accept abstract. So it's worth keeping your eye out for that. You have the fever. So the British HIV Associations and their version for adolescents. So the Child HIV Association achiever and they're really keen on getting um pre specially doctors and undergraduate medical training interested and attending. And then there's other also um conferences which may not be specifically sexual health related, but which you can present sexual projects such as um health and quality um conference in Copenhagen and anything that you can really turn your project to to make it relevant. Next lighting. Thank you. Um So what sort of things can you present? I think the thing that people often think about first and the one which instills the most fear is original research, it can be very time consuming, it can be difficult to coordinate and often you need to apply to lengthy ethical approval. It often takes a much larger group to do original research. But I'd say the most important thing to mention is actually you don't have to be the first author to present original research at a conference. You just have to make sure that all the team are happy. And actually, if you can get onboard with registrars of consultants doing original research who may not be able to get the time off to present at a conference or who may want a student to do it for them. And it's definitely worth getting involved. But other smaller projects can be presented. So I presented and status valuation of mine or something like an audit and the benefit of being is that they can be done in a local gun clinic or sexual health clinics, but also in non gun departments as well. Um So I've listed a couple of examples there which I thought of in about 5, 10 minutes and I'm sure you can think of things that are a bit more interesting. The benefit of these is you can do them independently and often departments will have to show that they're making quality improvements. So they're often keen to have students or pre especially doctors help with these projects, service evaluations, you can sometimes get your teeth into a little bit more. They can be a bit more interesting and look at things like funding services or the patient experience of a service. Um And often conferences are interested in those because it gives other departments in the country or internationally, um something to compare to and something to think about. And then of course, you have things like case reports and case series which are often good for posters and then teaching projects and S S D s which you can sometimes turn to make relevant as well. Next like cheese. So how do you get started? And I think getting started is often the most difficult thing. Um I think the most important thing is finding a mentor and interested colleague or some sort of senior support and it doesn't have to be a done consultant. And I had a neurology registrar help me with my, one of my posters. It's just somebody who's interested and somebody who is keen to mentor you and to give your feedback. I did exactly what Milli did for her elective female, lots of local departments or even further a field. You know, you can do case theory and things remotely. You don't need to be working at that hospital. Um Three staff, we have a mentor project in our project scheme and just when you go on placement, if you're lucky enough to have a gun placement, showing team and showing enthusiasm and saying that, you know, I really want to project even email, emailing them every couple of months, um They're going to think about you when they have something that comes up, the obvious things like elective and insulation. And then I would say getting started with something small is the best way to go about it because you're more likely to produce something high quality and something that's going to be accepted at a conference and starting with plenty of time to spare. So not cramming it in, in the last couple of months before um the conference deadline next life. So looking at a poster, um so what makes a good poster for a conference? And I think the thing which I didn't realize until I got into it is you're not submitting. The final thing, often conferences will have you submit an abstract first and then tell you whether they want it submitted as a poster or oral presentation. And therefore, no matter what abstract you're submitting content is keys and you want to make sure that that's high quality in order to be accepted. But once you're lucky enough to have a poster presentation at a conference, there's all the obvious things with your poster. So making sure there's good direction of flow. And I think the color theme is always nice because it makes you opposed to stand out. Um This is my poster that I submit that bash and you can see that it looks particularly long. Um And so I always check the sizing before you submit it because they might have unusual dimensions for however they're gonna display there posters. Remember it's going to be a lot bigger in person than it is on the screen. So bear that in mind when you're picking fonts and sizes, the obvious things and lots of diagrams and pictures and making sure that things are all original diagrams and pictures or else you need to reference them. Um I think the best way to for matter is to stick to the usual introduction method discussion and summaries and then laying that in a way that's easy to follow. And whilst keeping it detailed shortened sweets often best because people, especially the judges, when you're at a conference, if you're wanting a price, they're going to be looking at hundreds of posters. So it needs to stand out next flight to and then the next is what makes good slides. So I think doing an oral presentation is the most intimidating thing. If you aim for something like the bash conference, um you're very lucky and that they have an undergraduate section which is there are represented and it's a lot less intimidating and everyone was a lot, a lot. And uh but with the slides, I think less is always more unlike any good set of slides, the slides are there to supplement your commentary and not to distract you want the person watching you to be focusing on what you're saying rather than just focusing on reading all the text on the slides. The slide on the right is from my or presentation. And I spent a good minimal to talking about the slide and the pictures really were just there to jog my memory and give me talking points again following the same intro method discussion and conclusion format and avoiding large or exaggerated statements is important because there's always going to be time for questions at the end and what you don't want is for somebody smart in the audience to start picking apart what you're saying, even if your audit proved that we're doing something really badly or an intervention wasn't gonna, it's just as important as an audit which is positive. Um And lastly, I'd say a nice part about slide is acknowledging any weak spots, any potential improvements or future areas of work which can inspire other people to carry your work forward next. Um slightly. And then lastly, I'm looking at funding to go for a conference which isn't something that many medical students and medical schools. Sorry. Um I think approach very well, conferences can be really expensive, just the tickets to go to the conference themselves, but also getting things like travel and if you have to say somebody get getting accommodation can be expensive. So I would do everything I can or everything you can to save money. So some societies have discount if you're, if you have a membership and bash have free student membership after all of stash is hard work to achieve that. And you can now get discounted conference tickets. Highest scoring abstracts often give bursaries. I didn't get one of those bursaries and I was still able to go and I did that because I was able to apply for a Bursary through my university as well as independent schemes. And I've listed a few here which please feel free to take a photo of. And really, I was just a five minute Google seeing if there's anything that I fit the criteria for and then being prepared to write a CV or a statement and sometimes they want something in return. So, you know, we'll give you 500 lb if we write for our newsletter or something like that. Uh Next like this. So these are just my top tips um for presenting a conference. So the first and being projects always take longer than you expect, you think you're going to get it done in your eight week elective. But actually by the time consultants go on annual leave or they aren't working, you know, whatever, whatever it takes a lot of time. So give yourself a good couple of months to get started or something. Have a clear end goal before you start writing. Something like an audit protocol can be really helpful. Once you've been accepted, you're probably going to be really, really nervous. So once you've got your poster or your slides ready present to as many people as possible, such as Sieh means consultants, you find really intimidating and practice being asked questions about your work. Just even that being aware of a few other audits or a few other studies on the work you've done and shows some area of why you're reading will help impress the people at a conference. I printed off the submission guidelines, the badge and highlighted all the points to make sure that you have to hit to get your abstract accepted. And last you do a project that you're interested in because once you've been working on it for a couple of months, it's going to be a bit of a drag. And so you want to keep the motivation. I can keep interested. I lost my tea. That's me or finished. Happy to take any questions, but equally by emails, then um I can help tour. I'm also on the core training for that and core committee for bash stash. So if you wanna email there as well, then I can get back to. Great. Thank you. Thanks, Libby. That was really interesting. Um No questions on the chat. Um Does anybody want to under mute themselves and ask any questions for Libby? Okay. Yeah, I think if we've got no takers. Um should we just move on to the next section which is um being a foundation doctor um income again, there's going to be an opportunity at the end of the questions if you think of anything more that you want to say. Um So next up, we've got um Doctor Ellie Cochran, she is our chair and co founder. Um and she's going to be talking about foundation posts in gum. Hi, everyone. Um Yeah, my name is Ellie. I'm the like you said, I, I've been showing uh stash for the last year or so. Um And have this year been doing um an f one year in gum? Um It's a difficult one to explain. And I'll come on a little bit more to, to why it's a year in gum. Um And I'm doing that in Cardiff. So um I'm doing a longitudinal integrated foundation training program. Um So that's called a lift scheme and lift essentially first started, I think in, in Yorkshire where they wanted to get more people into working in GP. And so it was um it's kind of expanded out now into a few sort of community type medical areas. Um But to be honest, uh particularly in Wales, they, they've got really excited about it and now you can do it in like anesthetics in, in medical education, in public health, like in all sorts of things. Um And what it means is that you do it for the full year, but you do it a day a week. Um So that you're doing it alongside your other three rotations. So it's kind of cool in the sense that um where everyone else is doing three rotations in a year you're getting through four. Um So, and I guess the only other thing to be aware of is just that like if you're on call, then, then you miss your lift today. Um But it's really exciting that kind of, you've got somewhere to, to head back to um every week and um to kind of stick with throughout the whole year as well. And I'll talk a bit more about kind of how I found it um later on in the, in the presentation. So, um in terms of getting to, to do my job and thinking about applying for, for an F one program in general, um I think there's a few factors that are most important to consider um highest on most people's agenda is the location. Um And that's in fairness because people care about who they are there and what they're near, whether they want to be in a city, whether they want to be where they studied or where they're from or somewhere completely new. Um, for me, I studied in Cardiff and I knew that I wanted to stay. Um, my partner works here and I knew that I liked kind of the way that, or at least I say, like the way the health service works and we're still paper and pen for absolutely everything, but at least knew how the system worked. Um, I think that I'd be, um, in a foreign land if I was trying to use digital bits and pieces, like, like you guys do in England. Um, and then next up for me, I wanted to know that there was, there was going to be sexual health jobs available. Um, so like I did think about going to London or going to, um, to somewhere up north and trying something new, um, and had a little browse, um, of what sorts of jobs were available and some of the areas I'd considered, um, there were very few or, um, if they did have jobs available then they were kind of in the middle of nowhere. Um, I think I've got another tab. Is it here? Yeah. So, so in Wales, when I was looking at it they had the lift program doing sexual health, um, here in Cardiff, um, I don't know, you can see my mouse but the red dot There, which is where I've ended up. Um But the only other sexual health programs they had in the whole of Wales, we're over in Glan Willie, which is on that west, always have to draw a compass on the um South West coast and then they've got an F two post up in Bangor as well. Um So your options are slim. But I think for myself, I know that Wales is a bit less competitive than other areas. So I felt kind of relatively confident that I could be in a place that I wanted to be. Um And that because left is quite new. Not that many people were gonna feel confident putting that at the top of their list if that makes sense. Um So, um yeah, confirming that there's such health jobs available. But then also thinking like, do I want to do sexual health in my first year? Do I want to do it in my second year? Um And a consideration in there which isn't that important, but it's one to consider is say, for example, you wanted to um to not do an F three year um and to go straight into I M T, which is the, the core training prior to gender urinary medicine training. Um But you wanted to check that sexual health was like of interest to you first. Um If you were to do um kind of as your second or your third job in F two, then um you might not have had a chance to experience it prior to application um Windows and things like that. Um Sometimes it's nice to have it for your portfolio. Obviously, there's other ways to experience gum like we've talked about already and like, um like uh that's gonna talk about N F three years as well. So that's not the be all and end all at all. Um And you've got Taster days on top of that as well. Um But just worth considering, maybe it's nice to have it out of the way in F one. So that then, you know, for sure this is the job for me or actually no, I hate it. I got to get away um which would never happen. Um And, and then um yeah, we talked about uh apologies where the job is so kind of uh yes, there's a job in Wales, but do I want to go to Bangor? Do I care enough about sexual health? Um Two in my foundation year to be going up to Bangor um which for my F two job, for example, we have to apply separately. Um So I could have gone to Bangor and done sexual health again. But uh decided in the end that there was uh that's where the who, that's where my line is in terms of how committed I am to come. Uh And then the type of program, so foundation program for Wales, it's actually a bit different. So we just have one general application um or perhaps to perhaps we've got the priority one as well. Sorry, but we don't separate specialized foundation program. Um So I think technically left comes under specialized or it does for some health boards and not health boards, regions and not for others. Um So in some places they might want to interview for it. Um certainly the specialized foundation program. So like an academic type job, they, they often interview for us in other um Dean Aries. So that's a consideration there. But in Wales, you could get into an academic program, you can get onto a lift program just through the general application pathway. Um One thing that can be nice about specialized foundation programs which I don't have in my job is a study budget and be um study days. Um So if you were wanting to go to conferences and bits like that, you have a bit more capacity both financially and time wise if you were on a specialized foundation program. Um and then the foundation priority program, I had a quick look around and from what I can see, there's only two sexual health jobs on foundation priority and their priority because of the, the G P recruitment. Um So for those that aren't aware, because I appreciate some of you might be earlier on in your kind of med school career. Um Foundation priorities, it can be kind of hard to recruit locations. I think Aberystwyth here in Wales pay more. Um, but you can do special GP programs and special psychiatry programs, things like that on the priority as well. Um And there's a job there in Sheffield, which is because that's where our bash presidente is, I imagine and one other in leeds. So that's kind of the, the application process and maybe some factors to consider if you're wanting to do, um, um, bits that you might want to do if you are a gum um, foundation doctor or equally a couple that, that you could probably do without being a gun foundation doctor. Um, and I should have probably said on the previous slides if you can't get a gun job or a sexual health job in the location, what you want or, or just you don't get matched to the one you want. Um, you can always think about other specialties like millions said earlier, relating ones you've got dermatology, which has a lot of crossover. You've got um infectious diseases, community and sexual and reproductive health um etcetera that it goes on, but you can kind of create links wherever you please. Um So it's not the be all and end all. Um So I found it really useful on my gum rotation that I can, I can speak to gum trainees and I can speak to see srh trainees. So that's community sexual reproductive health, the more kind of contraception focused side um of the specialty. Um and talk to them about how they found training what they enjoy. Kind of have you got any alarm bells that I should know about? Um And yeah, yeah, it's been nice to, to get to know them and also see what their responsibilities are as a trainee and what it would be like if I were to enter into training, I like would I want to take an f three year before I leap into that? Um All those sorts of things to think about then um the microscopy competency has been a cool thing to look out. I've not completed that. I hope to, but I don't know if I necessarily, well, essentially the bacterial special interest group of bash. So they focus on bacterial infections and they've made an e learning which is hyperlinked. We'll, we'll upload the slide pack onto medal after and you should be able to click through to it. Um And that talks about like how to use a microscope and what you're looking for under the microscope. What samples you're taking that kind of thing. Um And then you can do a competency assessment with your um supervisor on the job as well, um, which I've linked there as well and that's all kind of managed by the bacteria special interest group. And it's been cool. I love being able to kind of one minute be looking under a microscope and the next treating a patient is a really cool part of the job. Um I'm being a bit slow so I'll try and pace on a bit but you, your, your supervisor is likely to encourage you to get involved in quality improvement projects and audits and you could come up with your own with support of the supervisor or um the National Audit Group every year, we'll get all of the different clinics to complete their national audit and they'll create the pro former um for you so that, you know what questions you're looking to answer and that can make it a bit quicker to complete. Um And just a note there that the, although the bash um journal, the BMJ ST I doesn't publish quality improvement projects and audit so much. Um the International General of STD and AIDS does and it's another bash supported general. Um So if you ever were looking to publish or get into that area to um what was your portfolio? And it's like that, then that's a good one to consider e learning for health you can do. There's a med student version as well and it's all on that same link so you can click through regardless of who you are and where you are in training. But um that I found really useful for um improving my learning so that to support me and my clinics. Um and then if you're not on sexual health or even if you are taking taste today's um in adjacent specialties or within sexual health and gum. Um Oh, sorry, I think I've got a random bit of text there um underneath it. Um But yeah, yeah, taste of days there are always, there is an option um and attending meetings and and seeing how it fits in with other specialties has been of interest too and then just a little bit on what I actually do as an F one. So um at the beginning, it started off a bit slower paced, I'd sit in, in clinics um and it was pretty cool that I'd be paid just to sit there and and listen um and and learn how other people do things. Um But as we got further along than I'd see a few patient's in the morning in the urgent clinic. Um I might sit in in an in an M D T meeting where we discussed interesting cases in the afternoon and then I was having some self directed learning time and some time to do a quality improvement projects in the afternoon as well. Um But more recently. So because my lift day moves in the week with each block that I'm doing. Um I'm now on a different day where they have different clinics. So um now I'll start at 11 AM. Um Do you see one patient really in the urgent clinic before that finishes? And then in the afternoon have a bit of time. In fact, this is my day to day. This is what I wrote up earlier. So that at one PM I am uh was adding to my slides for this evening. But yeah, I got a bit of project time, self directed learning time. Oops. Um and then went back to the urgent clinic to see another patient and actually um in the urgent clinics. I I really enjoy that. Like you're literally, you see the patient, you take the history, you do an examination. Um I then discuss my cases with a consultant and check my management plans, my um the the investigations that I'm planning to carry out. Um and then you can do all that, then you can go look under the microscope at whatever you've just taken, send all of your samples and then you can come back and be treating a patient with and I am injection like all in one sitting. And I just, that's kind of what I love most about the specialty really. Um It's just so so many different skills all within just seeing one patient. Um And then this evening I was on the prep telephone clinic um until 7 p.m. just before this talk. Um and I just started a prep clinic new as well. So last week I was sitting, then this week I got suite to a few patient. So it's all done at your own pace and they appreciate it's all quite new. Um So it, the challenges like it, it's not easy. And I found that with being a lift trainee and having on calls and things like that as well, sometimes I'd miss a week or I missed two weeks with annual leave as well and then I'd come back and like the progress is so slow and when this is something that I know I really want to do, which I appreciate appreciate isn't going to be the case for everyone. Um It was frustrating that like I was worse at this than my day job, even though this is what I want to feel like I'm good at. So it does take time and actually gum is quite complex because it is a mishmash of a lot of different specialties. Um And a lot of kind of evidence based medicine where um you're having to kind of check guidelines and things like that, but the team of memory is supportive with that. Um And then the this nail was just meant to stay slow, so sorry about the type further and the yeah slow progress. Um But what I love about it, like I was saying, it's just so, so varied. Um, this is where it's been to stay sitting because for me like being on ward rounds every day, walking around, things like that. Like I struggle on my feet quite a bit and not always kind of, um, not the most, uh, well, person, I suppose outside of, uh, kind of in my personal life and things like that. So, having a day a week, that's a bit quieter where I can sit down, um, and speak to my patient's and just, um, I suppose physically kind of refresh a bit is really nice as well. And the people are really, really fab I think that the sense of professionalism that you have on the wards and the kind of consultants you work with makes you become like one kind of doctor. But uh having that kind of balance with a lot of kind of kooky and wonderful characters in my sexual health days as well. Um I feel like it's kind of keeping me being myself in my work if that makes sense and I love that side of it. Um, of course, that's all for my slides. I'm sorry if I don't know if I overrun that. But, um, yeah, let me know if you've got any questions at all or we can take them at the end maybe so that, so that we can crack on. Yeah, that was great. And thank you. Um, we don't have any questions in the chat. So I guess we could just go on to Beth if you're happy to do that. Lovely. Hi, everyone. I'm Beth mcmahon. Um, can I check his? Why? My slide looks a bit greeny on my screen, but I don't know if it's just on my screen or does it look okay? It looks a little bit grainy on mine as well. Ok, cool. I'll read out everything that's there. It's looking a bit better now actually. Um, so I am, yeah, my name is Beth and I'm a clinical fellow in gum this year, so I'm taking an F Y three kind of year. Um And yeah, I just want to talk to you guys about my experience and um why I want to do a gum clinical fellow and the sort of tips that I've picked up for applying for a gum clinical fellow. So we go on to the next slide. Lovely. Um So I'm one of those strange people that um sort of realized what I wanted to do quite early on in medical school. Um I think some people sort of every time they do a placement, they think gosh, this is definitely for me. I did not feel that way about other specialties, but when it came to government sexual health, um I really found that it was a good match. Um So just to give you some background. So I didn't SSC in sexual health at the Cold Bridge Center in Stoke on Trent. If anyone's never stoke, I would highly recommend. I think it's an excellent place. I then had a foundation post in sexual health at the Sandford in Glasgow. And now I'm a clinical fellow um at the Home Button Hospital. My clinical fellow post is fairly unique, I would say in that um I am a clinical fellow in gum, but also I have an out of hours component in acute medicine. Um which, and, and the reason I look so pale and interesting today is because I'm between nights with my um acute medicine, night shifts. Um and I, I think that's really helpful for a couple of reasons. Um First of all, if you want to do the genital urinary medicine, medical training is the pathway to do so. And so um while I wanted to take a urine gum, I didn't want to um completely sort of remove myself from the hospital environment and potentially like d skill when it comes to medical things. Um But also having an out of hours component is really helpful when it comes to money and balancing money. Um So if you go to the next slide, please. Lovely. So um I want to see a clinical fellow for a few reasons, so I'm an F Y three at the moment. Um and I didn't fy to gum job at the Santa Food in Glasgow, which I mentioned before. Um And for me, four months in gum just did not feel like enough, um, at this stage. But also, um, I think if you're a foundation, your, you sort of find yourself, um, you sort of end up finding your feet on a job and you finally feel like you're, you're doing a really great job and then you rotate, um, and it can be quite frustrating and so you always feel like the new person and like, you're always trying to catch up and actually spending a year doing something and getting to know the team really well um is so pleasant. Um Another thing is I wanted a year largely outside of hospitals. Um So I'm part of the cohort that sort of graduated um early straight into the COVID pandemic. Um And it was pretty tough at times and actually, um I wanted a bit of a break from um sort of hospital wrote as and always being um um and the hospital medicine essentially um gum Clinical fellows are generally 9 to 5, maybe with a few evening clinics through the odd Saturday morning. Um So the chance to um maintain your work life balance and maintain your interests outside medicine is great for me. I wanted to change of scene Australia seemed a bit dramatic. Um but um for me a little move from Glasgow to London felt like a fun time to do that and also gammas full of um not your usual doctor. So, um Ellie sort of described, some of her colleagues is quite cookie. Um I think I would agree with that. You tend to get um some big personalities with uh like an unparalleled sense of humor when it comes to um medical specialties next side fab. Um So I think Ellie's already talked a lot about, well, everyone actually has sort of talked about opportunities that you can um gain whenever you do a sexual health post in some capacity. So things like audits and research, I think what I wanted to focus on in this side was things that you probably wouldn't be able to um get a lot of if you're just doing a short placement and gum. So things that um being able to work in gum for six months or 12 months might actually allow you to um complete. So the first thing I would mention is the D F srh. So for those of you that don't know, that's the diploma in the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. Um And it's a diploma that I would say has a big focus on contraception. Um But there's also lots of learning when it comes to early pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, um anatomy and physiology, um cervical screening, um L G B T healthcare and S T I s so it's really varied. I think most clinical fellows in sexual health that I know are completing the DFS Rh. And most jobs that I saw when I was applying advertise that as part of their um things they would facilitate, facilitate if you took um their job, it's a diplomas, it's postgraduate diploma um that looks excellent on your CV. But also by the time you finish it, you feel so hot on contraception in particular. Um And it's assessed through a learning portfolio with things like case based discussion's and um observed consultations. Um and then also an online assessment and then assessment half day, which is a bit like a Noski um which you can do either online or in person. Um I would also think about what do you want to gain experience in, in particular. So um some clinical fellow rolls will allow you to join um the HIV clinic maybe um you know, have that as part of your training and development throughout the year. Um You may want to gain some experience in termination of pregnancy, your psycho sexual medicine for me, a big thing was lark training. So long acting reversible contraceptive training. Um For as, as long as I've been a doctor, I've wanted to be a coil ninja. Um and being able to take a clinical fellow um has allowed me to do implant training and I'm currently doing my coil training. Okay. Next side, Beth your, your microphone is going a bit crackly. Do you want to try this here? Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Is it any better? Not especially, but I think it should be okay. Um Don't worry about. Yeah, no crack on. It's okay. How bad is it? Can you guys still hear me and understand me? Yes. All still say totally clear. Don't worry about cool. Sorry guys. Um in terms of applying for um clinical fellow rolls. So um I found that clinical fellow roles seem to be adverse in sexual health seem to be advertised um from about March time all the way through till July for August starts. some of the posts are for six months and some for 12 months. Um I would say they're, they come out in such a staggered way because it's, you know, individual organizations advertising one or two roles at a time. If there is a clinic that you would like to work in, I would recommend reaching out to them, sending them an email, um asking if they have clinical fellow rolls. Um And if they do when they'll be releasing their applications, I know a couple of people that um their reason for not applying for a certain clinic was because the applications came out later than the others. And so they ended up applying and taking roles at clinics that they would have preferred less. Um I would say when it comes to clinical fellow rolls, this is, it's probably the first time where you, you don't have a very, very set role. Um And there is maybe a bit of um room for negotiation. Um So a different clinics, your job is going to be very different. Um So different patient demographics. Um You know, if you want to work somewhere like Dean Street, totally iconic. Um and a huge emphasis on LGBT health. Um but you probably wouldn't do much contraception there. Um And I would be surprised if you regularly end up doing things like speculum exams. Um So if somewhere like Dean Street would be in credible that actually probably quite specific, I mean, you need to think about what it is that you want to get out of um out of the clinical fellow development time isn't a given. So I think sometimes people hear a clinical fellow role in the, imagine you'll have a few sessions of development time, that's not necessarily the case. Um So some clinics have no development time at all. Some if you have a specific project will um will sort of schedule you in some development time but not schedule any in, in advance and some clinics will schedule that development time. And so which your own time to work on whatever you would like, but it's definitely something to bear in mind. I think people here clinical fellow and they think, oh, of course, you get development time whereas that's not really the case. Um And I would say when it comes to um looking at potential clinics, there can be big variations in the study budget that's available, the study leave that's available. Um and the D F S R H the diploma that I mentioned that can be um quite expensive and some clinics will cover the cost to different extents. Um So I don't think any clinics will pay for this certificate itself, which is about 280 lbs. Um And I don't think any clinics would pay for your membership that you need to maintain your diploma. Um, but some clinics will totally absorb the cost of the rest of the training and if they run their own assessment half day, they will probably absorb the cost of that as well. Um, but certainly there's variation, um, across clinics with how that works. Um, and I think the last thing is money, money, money, which I think is a bit, um, people consider a bit, gosh, to talk about. But I think especially if you're going to be doing unbandaged role with no out of hours. Um, you really need to have a think about, um, how much you're going to be paid and can you afford it essentially. Um, which is a bit grim but I think that's the reality. Um, when I saw Clinical Fellow Pulse advertised, they usually were advertised with a huge range of salaries from sort of below fy two P to, um, sort of senior reg pay. Um, and there wasn't much clarification about who would, um, who would fit into what P band. Um, I would say that you're probably in a better position if you're taking a clinical fellow um in something like sexual health where they're going to be employing one or two people at the time to negotiate. Um And so I would encourage you to at least try to do so. I negotiated my pay um for my clinical fellow role. Um, and I know others who have successfully done the same. Um And to be honest, if you're taking an unbandaged role, um, and you're sort of fy three or beyond. I, um I would suggest that S T one pay is something to aim for when you're asking um, employers about that. And some people will be more receptive to that than others. But I think as long as your um polite but also display your experience, um, lots of people will be um receptive to that, but I wouldn't worry about being rude when it comes to money. I think it's much better to have an honest chat with the people employing you and then not find yourself drowning and locum shifts as you try to, um make ends meet, especially if you're going to be taking a job in London. Yeah, next side. Lovely. Um, and I just wanted to finish things off with a really shameless plug. So my, um my role within um Stashes as the podcast, cool lead, um and we have our new podcast Sexy Health with Stash um on Spotify and Apple Podcast. Here's a little QR code if you want to um, search it up I would say having time to work on this throughout the year as part of my, not quite as part of my job role, but my job role allowing me to have the time to take this on. Um And take on other things has made a huge difference to my well being and how much I'm enjoying being a doctor at the moment. Um So yeah, have a listen to sexy health with stash. But also think about if you take an F three or a clinical fellow year, it will allow you to take on your own projects or um just do the other things in life that you enjoy. Yeah, thank you so much. Okay, thanks Beth. That was super interesting. It's so interesting to hear what like a clinical fellow role would be. I don't think you hear a lot about clinical fellow rolls just generally. So it's really, really interesting. Thank you. Yeah, no problem. Um Oh, we've got a couple of questions popping through now. Um I don't know if everybody can see them but I'll read them out. So first one is from Cecilia. Um I'm an F two looking for a junior clinical fellow in gum starting August. I didn't manage to get a gun foundation job, but I've done some tasters. Do any to have some kind of prior experience slash the stiff course or do you get trained upon starting? Hey, I think that's a great question. Um So I would say a gum and Sexual health foundation pulse. There's, there's so few and far between um that having experience in other areas where you can apply those skills. Um and just lay that you understand, you can apply those skills will definitely um stand your own good step with the applications. If you've done an option, Gynie job, if you've done a urology job, a G P job, even a psych job, um I think when it comes to the application, you'll really be able to display that you're a good candidate. Um, and the, the kind of person that, um, that, that the, the people will want to work with. Um, I, I think in terms of so I would say sexual health clinics. Um, so I, I can only talk about my experience that they tend to have excellent training. Um, so both of my F I to job and my current clinical fellow job. Um, sexual health clinics have been so sexual health has been the only policeman where I've had dedicated shadowing before I've started. Um, and an induction that's lasted more than sort of 30 minutes. Um, I, yes, I, I think I, I wouldn't worry about having prior experience working specifically in gum. Um, you get really well looked after, um, and, um, I certainly don't think it should hold you back from applying at all. Great. Thank you, Beth. That was really, really good answer. Um, got a question for Ellie. Now, how do you find out what sexual health slash gum jobs might be on offer in your desired location? Ordinary. Um, so most of the, unfortunately, what would be great is if, um, kind of, all of the jobs were just on one big spreadsheet the whole of the UK. But that makes far too much sense. So, um, they're all split up by the sceneries. I think they're still called Dean Aries, but everything seems to change so much so fast at the moment. Um, so if you visit each of the Dean Aries websites or at least the ones that you're interested in, um, then I, um, just went on this, there's normally a spreadsheet and just control F two to find and then with type in sex, which doesn't work in West Six finally enough. Um, that it type in sex or a type in gum or a type in genito. Um, and from there you can usually find a few posts. Um, don't base your whole, I, I don't think that anyone would, I don't think that anyone's, that's going obsessed but don't base everything on that, like a couple of jobs in, in the Dean Ary. Um, like, I do think location probably needs, um, probably should matter more unless, like you haven't literally no ties. Um, just because there's always that risk that then you don't get matched to that job once you're in that location anyway. Um, so that's always worth considering. But even if they haven't got gum jobs or sexual health jobs. Uh, like I said, there's all of those other ones, um, that, that have, um, relevance to, to what you need to learn. And so, like, if you do, then do gum training that later down the line. Like there's, um, there's a lot of dermatology in the curriculum. There's a lot of, um, kind of infectious disease type bits, um, kind of, a lot of bits of TV or things like that like that. It's so interconnected like gum really exists in the UK, in Australia and only a handful of other countries because I think with prudish enough that we just, all of the specialties that linked to genitals were like, oh, they should all go under gum. Um Which, yeah, thankfully a handful of us are interested in. But um really it's, it's just dermatology and um infectious disease and a handful of others all ran together um to look at genitals. I'm just gonna pop a message in the group about, I think someone asked about mentorship as well. I'll send the link down there. Can Beth, can you hear Alicia? No, Alysia, we can't hear you. I think you were back for a second there. I heard the noise. You're still clear. I was muted then. Is it working now? Great. I can't actually remember what it was saying. Um It's OK. There's another question just popped in. Um Thank you for a great session. Just wondering if you have any further advice for a medical student wanting to be involved in gun projects and how to approach doctors and clinics. Just in addition to what, what Millie's Adelia, which were all really relevant and good points, I think um the only thing that I'd suggest is a um you've got the bash special interest groups. Um and they have um so if you go on the bash website and you go into the special interest group areas, um There's a number of groups for, like I've mentioned bacterial um infections best. Um Like um there's an L G B T one, there's um kind of racially minorities groups when like all sorts of different areas that interact with sexual health. Um And in there, I have the names of the teams, um the peoples and the teams that are involved. So if those are areas that you're interested in that for most of them, their emails aren't on the bash website. But if you do a bit of view, a bit of stalking and then typically you can find a way to get in touch. The other thing to consider is when people have published in the past. Um So when they've been published in the journal, if they're the author, the I can't remember the word but the author for contacting to ask questions about the journal, their contact details will be on there. So if, if you um kind of find a article that you're interested in or equally just to see if someone that you're interested in has published and has their email there. You might be able to find contact details via that route. Um There's a lot of academic groups out there um that, um particularly in London, um that, that certainly have contact details online as well if you are looking for something a bit more academic just as a kind of window in, into gum as well. Yeah, I got another question. Uh, the doctor who did the presentation on clinical fellow, whose do you have a contact email? I'm doing my elective in home it and sexual health and have some queries. Yeah, absolutely. How exciting. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Um, that was my best email address. Um, you know what if you don't mind emailing stash at bash dot org. So S T A S H H at B A S H H dot org. Um, and my name is Beth mcmahon. Um, so if you just put like F A O Beth M or home button or something and I'll have access to that email and I'll be able to, um, send you the email on my like personal address after if that's ok. Um, but yeah, I'm really looking forward to meeting you. That's, uh, that's gonna be great. Thanks Emma for putting the email address in the chat. Okay. So we're now at 10 past eight. Um, if anybody's got any more questions. Fire away now. Otherwise I guess we'll bring it all to a close. Thank you, everybody for speaking. Um It's been a really, really interesting session, just a couple of final announcements. Just firstly, the special interest groups I mentioned they're all welcoming a medical student or a pre specialty doctor representative to join the team just to kind of get involved in any projects they're up to or any um to, to network with the team. And the it should be a really good opportunity to get involved in guideline writing or all uh quality improvement projects, all sorts but really good networking as well. It's new. So who knows what will come of it? But yeah, it's kind of what you make of it. Um So you're welcome to apply for that, the deadline's today. Um But given that we're here, now, I'm happy to kind of accept any applications that comes through tomorrow as well. Um And the second link is that our committee are stash committee and we're looking for someone to support running the mentoring arm of stash as well. Um So equally if, if you're interested in joining our stash committee, um then the, you're welcome to apply on that. I can't remember the deadline, but I'll stay on the form there. I'll put them both in the chat here. Thank you very much. Perfect. Got lots of people saying thank you, thank you everyone for attending, um for engaging with questions was really nice to have questions at the end of the talk. Um So if nobody's got anything else to add, I guess we'll wrap up for the evening. Um Thanks again, everybody for coming and to those first speaking. Um And hope to see you at the next event which will be next month, which will keep an eye on our socials and um you'll be able to sign up for that. All right, have a good evening. Everybody cheerless. Yeah. Thanks everyone. Bye. Okay.