How to best use social media for your society - Simon Fleming and Jonny Guckian
This on-demand teaching session is aimed at medical professionals interested in setting up medical societies. Led by Dr John Hopkins, director of Social Media and Communications at the Centre for the Study of Medical Education, and his co-host Simon Fleming, an orthopaedic registrar and PhD student in medical education, the session will provide tips and tricks for setting up a successful medical society via social media. Topics discussed include: getting to know your members and the various platforms available, forming a strategy, the importance of playing to your strengths, and the power of collaboration.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the different types of social media platforms available and their respective strengths and weaknesses.
- Be able to identify and respond to the needs of members.
- Develop an effective strategy when creating or launching a new society.
- Be able to collaborate with other organizations via social media.
- Employ creative tactics such as Gamification, debates and tutorials.
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Hello, everybody. My name is Dr John Hopkins. I am the director for social media and Communications at the dose a shin for the study of medical education. As me. I'm also a dermatology registrar in Yorkshire editorial training at the British journal Dermatology on Fighter of Medicine. Smell it. Education I have with me someone who has the significantly longer title on. We may fill up the entire 10 minutes of this talk with Simon's my old, but I present to you or at Orthopod. Reg. Yeah, I have I have a real name. My my name is, in fact Salmon Fleming. I'm an orthopedic registrar in use London. Uh, on top of all that, I guess I've just finished and I PhD in medical education, but I haven't had my viral yet, so I don't have a PhD yet. Um, what else do I do? In my spare time? I sit on the executive for the N I H are clinical education incubator. I'm the social media editor for the clinical teacher and medical Education on I'm the training representative for the International for Pedic Diversity alliance. Uh, that's probably enough also. Absolutely. If I am in and a half. So you know, we've got plenty of time. Eso, uh, metal have tasked us today to talk about it's medical societies on D specifically, social media because that's that's that's kind of our bag, isn't it? On the side where we are big social media and nerds on, we really want to just offer some tips and tricks from a couple of people who have, I guess, being working on social media brands, he says. Noses term for for a while. I'm on various platforms and on we pass on some wisdom to you guys. We've been told that you guys will be sort of medic people who looking to set up medical societies eso like derm socks, cardio socks, etcetera at medical school. Or maybe even beyond that. I guess some of the principles for starting any society on social media already similar. Um, um I think that the first one I would tend to tell people is to get to know your members. Yeah. You need to know who you're speaking to on. Does this weird this weird dichotomy? Because you you want to build a community on you want to start building built right? You're building a club, right? You're building a come be one of us. But also, you need to kind of know you're speaking to you. You need to know you're you audience really? On be part of that is knowing. Are you looking to speak freshers? Are you looking to speak Teo? People who have a bit of an interesting you looking to speak to people who are super passionate and absolutely are gunning for a career in whatever. Um because that will frame what platforms you use on the kind of content you bills toe put out there. And also, it's gonna shape the outcomes. You come up with it the beginning of of your of your journey where you go Look, our strategy is we're going to do X. We're gonna do why, and I think that's the key with that strategy. Word is the key word there because whilst quite a lot of successful things in social media still have been set up by just bumbling on on, you know, just making a bit of attempted things and working out as you go along, you know, you're much more likely to succeed if you have a strategy. If you have a plan. If you look at, not only your current members are book who you want to become members in the future. Find out where they are and particularly Social Media, because it's very hard to try to get a large group of people to move from one place to another. Um, that's that's that's migration of migration. Online is very difficult. It's much easier for you to go to them. Yeah, and even if you don't like the thought from itself, tough, go to them. They're your members. Yeah, you need to go where people are. And Johnny and I have have kind of medical background and there's this great thing, which is like blooms taxonomy. And it's sort of doing words and it starts from like, is vaguely aware off and goes up to condition us in debate. And actually, some of those words air really useful when you're coming up with your strategy, Do you want to build? Do you want to foster? Do you want to encourage? Do you want to empower? Because once you decided what you want to do, then you can go to the place where your people are, whether that's in a chewable setting or in a really life setting, and you can start to do the things you need to do to to achieve that. Now, when you start to think about these different platforms, each one of them have strengths and weaknesses. So if you want discussions, you absolutely are looking at Twitter. If you want to build that kind of discourse. If we want people talking, I want to have a hashtag so that people can instantly engage with, ah, wide a global community, whereas if you want to maybe be a more visual thing, you're starting to think about instagram so that that early stage like Johnny said that early strategy of actually you know what I want to do you is gonna dictate literally everything you subsequently do. Mm. It's not even just, you know, the big headliners. Are you mentioned at whether on Instagram that's that's where we're Spaces Week? We kind of move, but also be aware if your audience is perhaps a younger audience, they're not steel for these. There are other platforms available. Tic TAC is the fastest growing one of the moments. Um, I very strong feelings and picked up That's not to say it's not popular place to be on the house. Other to kind of new kids on the block. Read it as well. That's quite that's quite a while. Yeah. Is that the moment? I'm not going to say any more on that less that list list. I be chase down somewhere. Um uh, but yeah, so it's It's about the type of content you want. But if you then decide you want to be, for example, more visual exam and says you have to think Can I actually more visible? Or do I have this is going to deliver it, right? Yeah. Yeah. I would like you have a knife pictures a You a graphic designer because but great instagram pages. And to be fair, even even when you look a tic tac or any of those kind of slightly more visual mediums, the really good ones are amazing. And the really bad ones, like 19 nineties MySpace page is on day, and I think I think you're absolutely right. I think you also need to play to your strengths. So if you have assuming you're either on your own or you have a committee and if if is one of the other things as well, which is? A couple of years ago, social media was very much an afterthought. It was something that you did just cause on. Now, more and more committees, just like the journals I work with are recognizing you need a social media person. So if you are setting up a committee and social media isn't your thing, fine. Excellent. Be a good leader, find someone who is passionate about it and get a bit cause if you don't have a good eye for the visual and you start trying to knock up means or pictures and they looked like something you did, you know, in paint during GCS. See, people are gonna roll their eyes to be like What is this? Yeah, I mean, that sounds like I would follow that kind like that. But yes, that's that's just But I would also say, if you maybe have a bit of an eye for it, but you're not sure you're not really used, you know you don't know how to use to get started. There are lots of resources out there that will help you teach yourself or be taught by others. You know, it's, um, using social media Got me talked on Hardy make podcasts idea videos. So do you. You don't be afraid to have a play. It doesn't have to be there with the expensive stuff you can. Va is a really user friendly platform that maybe isn't the most you know, some some graphic designers might might might might contemplate it was in it. But it's really easy to use in a new place to get started on YouTube Is your friend for learning out of the stuff on Be King of Friends. One of you know, from moving on, Say hi to become a successful on defined your your members of fact future members. It's all about making friends. It's always getting out there and asking for help on asking for friends and waving Helou, Can you want to come and join us sliding into the EMS? Um, in the least creepy possible way, Please. Um, it's because probably a good I did. Um, you know, it's all talking about influencing here. What is that? Cream G? But ultimately it is a brown do. Our building is influencing game. Yeah, and I would say that The great thing about making friends is chances are unless you are really lucky. What you're doing isn't new. It's what it's new, for, where you are or the space you exist in at your university or you're wherever. But actually chances are there's already a something silk somewhere else. And again, if you start exploring that community, there is no harm in reaching out and going. How did you do this? How did you find that? And actually, one of the great things about social media, if you use it properly, is it allows you to collaborate. People are less dick ish about sharing the wealth. Now we're a lot less silo than we used to be. So if you reach out to the other derm socks or search socks, all those socks and go, what did you do for this? How did you get equipment for that? How did you engage these speakers 99 times out of 100? Don't come back to you and go, Yeah, you'll never guess what. What we did was this. I'm that's how to stop. You can also engage with them publicly and do collaborative things. You mentioned Dharamsala and obviously I follow all of the term socks on Instagram. It was a professional courtesy, obviously, but they they're actually really good for having a battle of the Derm socks to see. You can raise the most money for charity. It's pretty good. And so that encourages them all to be more competitive. And it's a bit of Gamification. There s So do you think about a sort of intersperse I It'll competition or collaboration? That's that's That's pretty creative and some of the other attempts tricks you could do in terms of different content. You could discuss topical issues. You could do that in form of debates. So set up the debate. Just use a half back on. If you willing participants, you may have a like I have tweeting to yourself. I'm applying to yourself. A times is both of us are guilty of times. Um, but you know, that's a debate, and people will get involved. People love a fighting social media, or you could create a tutorial, and that's a really good way to because they take advantage of the nature of Twitter, which is to break down really complex concepts into these bite size chunks. Using Paul's and things like that. I'm not really That was get retweeted big time Onda get if you if you maybe, don't have If you don't know what you don't know One of the great things you can do with things like Instagram takeovers. So if you are like, I am going to set up on Ortho Sock. Uh, but I am a 30 medical student, and I I kind of want to set up this all these socks. I don't know what it's like being an orthopod. Well, you know what? I find one and let them do an instantaneous over. Let them do an instagram live. Let them do a day in the life falls on. But again, it's that kind of work Smart, not hard. There are people out there who will create content for you that you and your community you're interested in so you don't always necessarily have to be a content creator If you can collaborate and come up with exciting ideas because one of the great things about these societies is because they're in the virtual space. You can reach out to anyone anywhere and say, I'd like to have a day in the life of a plastic surgeon in Miami. I only go slide into some B m's of some Miami plastic surgeons on. Do you know what one of them will get back to you and say, Yeah, sure. All right, fine. What do you What do you need from me? So don't feel like you have to be coming up with new stuff every day, a little time. Reach out to people. Ask them to create your content for you. Well, there you have it. We have taken you from setting up your very first social media kind for your society to siding into. The DMV is over. Miami plastic surgeon. I can't see how I could possibly go wrong. You may end up on a beach somewhere for the right reason. Simply on eso we will. We will leave it there because I think we've taken a bar a lot of time. But thank you to medal for asking us along with being upset. Pleasure. If anybody wants to ask us any questions, we're happy to collaborate. We both have a pathological inability to say no to things. Um so please reach lights were always happy to mentor on support any individuals or groups I'm at at Johnny Doxycycline in Simon is that area? That was the partridge. Thanks, everybody. See you later.