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How to be an effective eco-advocate in your workplace | Dr Laura-Jane Smith



This on-demand teaching session presented by Dr. Laura Jane Smith explores effective strategies for medical professionals to achieve meaningful and powerful advocacy in their workplace. The discussion links concepts of lifestyle medicine, environmental health, veganism, healthcare justice and sustainability to the need for robust and empowered advocates at the helm of medical practice. Structured activities and tasks and integrated personal stories provide an engaging and inspiring experience for those looking to effect change in their medical practise or workplace.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how to develop a personal strategy to be a successful advocate of making changes in one's workplace.

  2. Recognize the importance of being an authentic and values-driven leader.

  3. Analyze issues related to healthcare, justice, environmental justice, and climate justice and recognize their interconnected nature.

  4. Demonstrate the ability to assess personal professional, and political resources and use them effectively.

  5. Appreciate the power of creating meaningful dialogue and interacting with others as an effective method of making change.

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the next session. Now we've gotta talk by Dr Laura Jane Smith. Um, who will be talking about how to be effective. EKodak typists in your workplace. So a little bit about Lord and so Lord Jamie's a risperidone consultant at King's College, London. She's a proud vegan on a member of plant based health professionals. She takes an active interest in lifestyle medicine on her veganism. Veganism stems from environmental, health and ethical reasons. She's a clinical, sustainable sustainability. Lead HC on. We're looking to Ford the Lj's programmatic thoughts on our mission. Welcome aboard and three. Okay, so when I volunteered to do this workshop, I suspect it's going to be a nice little cozier room with, like, a small group. And then I looked at the program and I was on the mend. Um, does he have this guy's first impression in person conference for a little while? Um, but hopefully this will feed on really well from the talks that we've already heard. So we've had loads about the problem. We've had some really amazing examples of both really big national projects and pathways on also smaller quality improvement projects with big interest with a big impact. So what we're gonna talk about is just trying to crystallize. Well, how is it that you could be a sophisticated as possible because you're already all here and therefore you're already all leaders in this area. So how do we make sure that we make the best out of this resource that we have in this room in online today? So what I'm gonna cover is a few of the problems that people find when they're trying to the ICO advocates that there were places, some solutions. I'm gonna ask you to do two tasks today, so I'm going to get you to do some work. You've done a lot of sitting and listening, but I'm gonna have some breaks to get you to do a little bit of work. We're gonna look at some climate, then diagrams and some power mapping just to try and help change of thinking, help you to be a bit more strategic about about what you do, and we're going to think about all of the problems we have. So I'm going to use a theme of gardening because it's an Echo medics conference. I've been doing a lot of gardening lately. and I've had a lot of weeds to pull up, so we need to do a bit of that in our lives. So I think one of the things that's really important is if I'm going to stand here and ask you to do things, then I need to be authentic and I don't have integrity. Integrity is something that we're a little bit lacking in some of our spheres of life, for example, politics. So I think it's such a important concept. We're asking people to change. What are we doing ourselves? What's within our own capacity and what are we doing? So I just have a few things here to sort of give you a flavor of the kind of things I'm involved in. So I'm a respiratory healthcare professionals. I'm very instant cleaner. I'm a vegan, A said for kind of all the multiple brilliant reasons that just spiral once you start looking into there. So I'm a member of the healthcare pressure's UK on. I'm trying to make change in the various fears of my life that I'm able to do on. I think about that through the three PPIs. So what are you doing personally? What do you doing professionally on? What are you doing politically? And if you're thinking about those three spheres, then you can have really big impact on lots of the ways that you So the nice picture of a green train here. So when I travel, I take the trains. That includes going on holiday. I was in France a few weeks ago. I did not fly. I got the train down across to Paris and then down to my friends on the lake. Geneva is a brilliant way to travel. It's lovely. I we are trust at King's College Hospital. We have a number of streams of work that I'm involved in, and they are more or less challenging. I've got to say that food is the most challenging one, but we are making games. Thankfully, I have a friend in in this work with Sharon, so we're doing our best. That's the hardest area, but we have and moved electric vehicles for a number of our fleets, including our team car in the integrated respect your team. So that's a big win, and it also says a lot about how we're living on values, which I think is really important. Um, personally, I'm also in the process of seeing whether I could get solar panels on my house because I just bought a house for the first time living in London. I can't I have to your consultant, but hopefully I get solar panels fitted. So that's what I'm looking into. We don't know if it's viable yet. We're waiting for the assessment, but there are some good schemes now that allow you to do that in your personal life. On we've heard about things like moving your bank, not making decisions every day. I'm also involved in a number of organizations, one of which is med act, which I really encourage you to look at again. We have a number of streams of work that really speak to the idea off care professionals on justice. So what we're talking about health, justice, environmental, justice, climate, justice. He's a real issues that come together under this organization, and I'm very involved in the health record. You deal a group and also pages, not passports. We've heard that we're going to see increasing migration because of climate refugees, so we need to make sure that our any chest is truly a healthcare organization that that looks after everyone. Universal healthcare is it is a really important founding principle that we are losing if we don't pay attention. Patients, not passports, acts in that. So these things are linked. That what this is my point. We don't live single issue lives. Audrey Lord said that. And I think that's a really important thing to think about all of these issues of interconnected. I mean, the other thing I do is I'm part of a cast journal spotting That's a podcast. Medical professionals. It looks at literature. It gives you really sinks summary of some of the most practice changing articles. But I joined that because they asked me to come on, help produce a serious called the Climate Zone. So we make specific episodes that look at the link between health and climate. And so that's one of the things I do to try and educate and spread the word. So if you want to know more about any of these things, just let me know. Inhalers obviously nervous. Which is it in This is very friendly, climate friendly in here. Uh huh. On. But if you start doing this work. What you will find is it's an open door. People will start asking you to comment, Um, because care professionals are trusted voices. So when something's happening, they want a comment from a health care professional. When we're talking about evolution, they want to comment from a respiratory healthcare profession. And so there are many, many opportunities to use your voice to use your privilege as we heard earlier, and to use your power to make sure that these messages are really clear on are getting through to people in the mass media. So if there's a phone in on a radio, maybe phone in and talk about it labeled yourself is a health care professional and then give the evidence based messaging that they were going to hear. Okay, so what are some of the problems that people have when they know they want to make changes? They want to be any cardiac care of that work place, but they're just struggling. So if you let me here, so one is find out resources. So this is a problem we have in general, so we need to use our resources Well, that includes money, carbon, but also our own resources, so we only will have a limited amount of time, and that could be a real challenge. You can feel like a card in a machine, particularly if you are not yet a consultant or a position where you're in a permanent role. If you are moving around very frequently, it could be very difficult to get traction, and you can feel that you can't really make any impact. That's a really common thing we hear from trainees. You can feel that you're on your own. I mean, I'm sure everyone here has it some point, like a loan voice reaming at people were in an emergency. Like, Have you not notice? Did you not see the news? Have you seen the floods? Have you seen the fires like What are you doing? Why? We're talking about the cost of car parking for consultants. Like, where are they relevant issues that being discussed here So you can feel a bit like a loan voice and that could be really difficult. I'm sure many of you will see a massive disconnect. I know I do. In people who said today and talked about plastic aprons, they make me cry things I'm doing at home are not reflected in my health care environment. Number off, I'm I'm a respiratory fashion. I have spent the last visit two years. No, no, I've lost count looking after Kobe patients. We still have a cave. It would on the number off single use plastics that we have got through with. I would suggest extremely low evidence base for that on very clear evidence of harm is frightening. So this is a real problem that healthcare professionals have. And the scale of the problem in the change can be very despair inducing. So we need to count that we need to be realistic about that. I think about how we how we don't fall into a spiral despair. So what are some of the solutions? Well, one is be realistic about what resources you have. You do only have a finite amount of time, so you need to be a steward. Your great talks about this in terms of student health care resources, and he talks about money, physical resources like hospital buildings, staff on carbon. And this is coming through lots of the major legislation. Stewardship is going to be the new concept we're gonna be talking about in the next few years. But you need to apply this to your own life. Well, you only have so much energy in time, so use it wisely. Use on the things that you care about that you enjoy. That's really important. Be a pebble See through a pebble in toe pund. You'll see the ripples. Okay. And so just believe that any actions were taking you might not always see the effects, but they are there. We have to change the conversation. We have to get this normalized that everyone in healthcare is talking about climate because it is so directly relevant. All of the work we do. So even if you can't see what's happening if you are creating these conversations, if you were involving people and asking questions, then actually you can have really impact. Um, um, you have to find allies. You can't do this on your own. Being alone voice is no fun at all. So you've gotta find people who are really into this stuff to share in, and I trying to make changes in the hospital in terms of our food environment, and it is the hardest thing we are making progress, but that's because we have each other. So some days she's on the up and I'm really despairing. And other days it's the opposite way around. But together we can keep going and keep working on it. And, yeah, I just ate. It is really important. So just asking questions is actually incredibly powerful. So don't underestimate that Onda hope so. Hope is a really important concept. And if there's one thing you take away today, I want you to reimagine what hope is on to help you do that. I'm gonna ask you to do something. So I have some extremely tiny cards here that I'm gonna pass around on On one side of them there are quotes from Rebecca Solnit from her book, which I forgot the name of what I remember. In a minute. I'm hoping the dark on there well, about hope, because I think sometimes we can think off hope as optimism. But it is much more than that. It's a very active, um, phenomenon. So we need to, and on the other side of that is event. So this is, um, doctor eye on a Elizabeth Johnson. She's a Marine biologist, a policy expert and also a writer. And she's a co founder of a number of organizations that work on Climate because she was seeing the effects of it in her work and ocean conservatory. And she's also one of the founders off the podcast. How to say the planet on one of the actions they want you to do is to think about your climate, then diagram. So I'm gonna give you a couple of minutes to talk amongst yourselves and have a look at somebody on on. Also start creating your own vend. I a gram. Think about what you're doing, and there's loads that you're doing. So whatever your skills are, there's something to apply this to on low dose of you're doing stuff already. But I would ask you to use this exercise to kind of think of it more broadly. I've got some examples here, literally. There's so much that needs doing that there's a space for everybody in every skill. So, you know, we had earlier some really excellent comedy and singing. So if you're if you're talented comedy, then use that to fight the climate crisis. If your talent is filmmaking, use that if your talent is art, use that to just have a couple of minutes to just kind of think about it and discuss with your neighbors what your what your Viactiv diagram looks like. Cycle. Tell us what you can. You bend diagram. How does that work? Cycling's cycling makes me happy. I'm not sure I'm very good at it, but I try my bike Handlebar actually snapped in a few months ago, so I'm definitely not very good at it. But I like it on. It. Helps reduce the the mileage associated with commuting to work on. Yeah, I think it's very important to get the exercise and brings me Joy is good for the planet. As you said on the talk this morning. Or maybe on the podcast, it's funny that the things that are good for you just happen to be good for the planet as well. In that convict coincidence, absolutely say massive win win win from active travel. The other thing, I would say, is to increase your impact from that. You need to make sure that you're telling people about your cycling on, showing them how to do it safely. On campaigning for better cycle roots. So brilliant. That's a really great one. Anyone else want to share good somebody with a vital sign? Picks and people be great. Thank you. Um, I quite like baking. So I've made some vegan cakes for people at work, but not told them they have vegan until after. Oh, by the way, is a vegan planet friendly deliver, and then they they like to be you couldn't see. So sometimes you absolutely have to show people because they'll be like, I don't like vegan things. Well, I mean, you like loads of foods, many of them a vegan I love takes on. There are many great week once. Often people have had a bad experience like her. They've had one thing that I like one bad eating cake, but I also going being and I had many bad cakes. They didn't put me off cakes. So sometimes you have to show people one bad experience, is not it. Cheese is a really good one for that. So I'm constantly helping people to find good vacancies cause it does exist. It is delicious, but they've often had really bad. We can tease that taste of plastic or entirely taste of coconut because they just got it from Tesco. There are really great cheese makers, but you have to find them. So hoping people to see the reality is brilliant on that. Absolutely brings what? Your talent's your joy on what he's doing. So thank you, anyone up? I'm I don't know if I'm getting anything, really, but I really enjoy sort of created creation and creating these, But I don't feel particularly your musical eso. I've opened my own zero waste market store that I run a few times a month on my low course of the city center, and that brings me a lot of joy because they get to engage with the public. I talked to them about. I go in Syria waist and offer actually physical alternatives, but I think a lot of people Skin River, been they sort of shop online on it gives him a physical presence, and I love it when people bring me like they were in bottles to refill, because I know that every bottle refilled is something saved from Can Lump fell. So that's something that I kind of like created instead of like you're not predict it was under rt. That's brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing. And everyone is good at something. Okay, so I don't want to hear any of this. I don't want everybody in here. Everyone's good at something. So find it and use it. Thank you very much. If you would like to share anymore, please do afterwards or shame you're been diagrams. Twitter. So how'd you once you've decided what you gonna do? How do you make that most effective as possible? So one of the things you need to do is to think about who else you need in your work environment to get stuff done. Okay, so this is one of the ways in which you do that. Ideally, you come together as a group because it's much more fun and you get a lot more done. You get different perspectives on, then you decide, right? We're gonna have this target. We're gonna pick a predict to do. Maybe it's a quick from the examples from the medics website, and then you need to think Okay, who needs to be involved in this to make actually happen because you cannot make changes as an individual within an NHS institution. They are massive places with, like, 500 different like policies. So you need the people who know about them and who write them to be able to find the power. So to do that you get together, you list all the people that you think might be keep layers and then you map thumb to see how much power do they have in this particular issue and how supportive of the concept is it? And then from there you can strategize on how you're gonna be for So here's an example I would love to do gloves off. It started in Great Ormond Street Hospital. Pre pandemic. We've heard about trying to start it places since then. Well, you are coming out of the pandemic now. Onglyza is and Thomases have done this just, I think, last month. So there are no examples that you can look too. But if you were thinking about trying to not used gloves for literally every single time you enter a patient bed space, which is clearly not necessary, then you will need some key people. And so you might need to map them and then think about how you start talking to them and how you get them on side and how you circumvent them if they're really problematic and where you how you strategizing order to get so this is a really useful tool. There are many others, but trying to be a bit more strategic in your planning and you're plotting will really help you and is part of using your resources in a way that you're stewarding them. You only have so much time. Don't waste it on people with power. Get to the people at the heart of the matter and then try and make sure that you direct your attention at them. And then the last thing you need to do is to be a gardener, so you need to plant seeds. There are loads of different ways you can do this. One of the most powerful things you could do is just bring the climate conversation into your health care environment. So one of the things I do is when I'm running the wood every day at the end of the board round, we do a fact of the day on. We rotate and people can say anything backed. I encourage it to be non medical all of the time when I'm doing my fact of the day, it's always something to do with climate, health, justice. So you just create a situation in which conversations are happening, and then you just force climb into it in a fun way, cause it's like a fun fat on. Then it's just drip drip. The conversation is happening in your workplace, So the ways in which all of you, in whatever situation you can make these kind of changes. You can use examples of national campaigns, which is what we're doing to overshoot day. No meat may. You can use them to make sure that your comes team is commenting. So get in touch your comes team and just ask questions because that plant seeds in lots of people's mind and then you need to know to your garden, and we've heard about some of the ways that you might need to do that. So sustainable. Q. I projects are gonna be how you grew this, linking up with people and other networks being creative, because then you'll keep doing it and be more fun on presentations and teaching. If you are giving Eddie teaching on any subject. You stop one slide, which is something about the climate crisis. That's what I'm not doing. A lot of my teaching something about COPD or asthma. I'm talking about inhalers, literally. Any subject you can come up with, you can find a way to get climate and because it's a really relevant issue, health care. And if you can't think of something, ask me, I'll help you. So that is it, Mikey. Messages are You need to be a Stewart off all of our resources, a carbon cost and also your own time and your own resources. You need to be a pebble, so start conversations and make those ripples happen. I need to be a gardener, so plant the seeds and nuts your thank you very much. That was a very interesting I just like Teo add that. Actually, we lost questions myself. I'm I'm an engineering student, so I'm I'm completely separated from the world of medicine. Um, on you said a lot, even in the news and stuff that you always doctor says. This doctor says that that that's kind of seen is gospel by us. And on med, it's It's called like a halo effect medics. Whatever is you know what you're talking about. Um, So I think you can have a huge impact with in the chest. But most of your patients and people outside that aren't medics. Um, you have a huge amount of influence on them, and you may not realize it, but we do, like, take you. It's kind of the God of information if if the doctor says something is true, but not always. But we see it is true. So So please kind of don't underestimate the influence that you have on other people. We'll head over to questions real quick way. I would just add that if you are not told me about it, that also sends a big message. So one of the things that patients say is, Well, if no one tells me about none of my doctors and healthcare professionals talk about pollution, then I don't believe that it's linked to ask if nobody talks about Publix diets. I don't believe they're important to my health. So by not talking about it, we're already doing a disservice. So that's one thing that one of us could do tomorrow. Thank you very much. Way