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This virtual academic conference provides medical professionals with the opportunity to learn from lectures and presentations from leading professionals regarding starting a career in clinical academia, quality improvement, medical education, and research. In addition, there will be virtual poster viewing, as well as talks from sponsors. With plenty to learn, this is the perfect opportunity for medical professionals to stay up to date with the latest developments in the industry.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment and its implications for a career in academic medicine.
  2. Utilize quality improvement methods and initiatives in practice.
  3. Appreciate the role of medical education in improving patient care and outcomes.
  4. Become familiar with research-related activities and how to get involved in them.
  5. Navigate virtual poster presentations and engage with authors and peers.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

No, I'm welcome to the National Virtual Academic Conference 2022. I really thank you Feel, Um I'm Ali. I'm in academic training here in Birmingham, and I'm part of the conference team with down. He was just on that. Oh, Berry is We've also got a me and Shaun the conference team. You'll be meeting a little bit later on today. I'll, um I'll give a brief our line of what we got lined up for you and a little bit of housekeeping. And then we'll go into our talks shortly after. Okay, We've got a great line up, starting with some some talks this morning and then going to some presentations later this afternoon that you may have seen in the event schedule with starting with prostrate green hole on a career in clinical academia, followed by doctor back or talking about getting involved in quality improvement. There we go. We got sharp. We'll take a quick coffee break and then go into our paste a whole viewing. We can have a look at everyone. Amazing work on. Then we'll go back into our talk. So we'll hear from Mister Robert Barry on getting involved in medical education, followed by ProSieben Quimby in getting involved to research, we'll break for lunch around half past 12. Then the solution you will hear from our oral presenters, which is really exciting. We're happy to be a laptop by about half three today or being Well, okay, um, if I just talked to you, So we're doing the event today on metal. Um, I just took a little bit about how how the platform works. That you could make the most of it will still here with this. So the main that we're all here on the main stage. This is where all of the talks and your presentations will be. But on the left hand side, you can see there's a few other tabs. So one is sessions. And here we've got a few breakouts reams, which you're welcome to Go three on. Explore any point during the day. You don't got event info, which has got the schedule in more detail. That's what I've just explained there before. Below that we've got our sponsors. And today that's the University of Birmingham. On also medical Protection Society. You will give us a short talk a little bit late. One unlovely is the posters. So this is we'll find the virtual post a whole to open up a paste that you click on the post and then you click it again. And that will bring it up big so that you can see it properly. When you're looking at people's posters, feel free to like them. Put comments on there, ask questions on down on the authors. Will. Will you have a bit of a church up with you about that? Okay. But most of all, just enjoy today. I hope you'll learn lots and yeah, used the chart as much as you like to get involved. Okay. Further ado on the 100 over to Amy, uh, to take us away with the first talk.