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Good evening, everyone. Welcome. Um We will get started with tonight's lecture which will be covering um A RCP. Um But just before we start, I'll just introduce myself and the team at mind the bleep. So I'm Viv, I'm one of the F one leads. Um And I also work as an academic F two doctor in Cornwall. Um So my team is, consists of myself Rami and Manish and we help man and um look over all of the F one specific material. Um And we've been running this series. Hello, it's CF one since August September time. Um Normally on a Tuesday about this time, just some quick disclaimers for anyone watching live or anyone watching a recording all of our content at the bleep is intended to be viewed only by healthcare professionals. So, trainees or qualified healthcare professionals, all cases are fully anonymized and any resemblance to actual persons is unintentional. We do our absolute best to make sure all of the content that we produce and upload is accurate, but there may be some occasional errors if you are watching this live and notice any, let us know or if you're watching a recording you can email us and our full list of our disclaimers are available at the link below. Um So today we've got a fantastic ACP talk um which should really help get you thinking about ACP it is looming, it's in the future, but it's coming. So it's good to have a bit of preparation. Um Next week, um Rami is gonna be doing a session on the surgical on call and we've got some other interesting sessions coming up this month. Um Just put a QR code there where you can see our mind, the Bleak Medal page and that's where you can see all of our, our sessions for F one and other. So quite useful. Um If you do want any further resources, our website is a really great place to start. We've got an F one specific um sort of page with lots of articles. It's very small on there, but that's the first um middle arrow and then like I said, following us on Medal. Um and joining the relevant whatsapp groups is a good way to make sure you don't miss our material and content. Um Tonight will be recorded and available on Medal and youtube shortly. Um So if you do have to jet off or you miss anything, um you will be able to look back, right? I will introduce now um to colleagues. So I've got Virin and Krishna who are both F two doctors in Leicester. Um They both got outcome one at the first try. Um This time, well, last year during F one, and they've got a really great session today which will outline all of the core requirements, um and some tips as well. Um So I will hand over to them, um And I will be in the chat if anyone has any questions throughout, just making sure we don't miss them. Great. Thank you, Viv and thank you everyone for joining. So, our session today is about ACP um outcomes and what to expect because ACP is coming around in the next few months. So having things sorted earlier on will be a bit make the journey a bit more smoother. So um we can get started. So A RCP is your annual review of competency to progress and these are competencies that you need to demonstrate during your F one year in order to progress into Fy two. Um So this is involving a range of um things like S ES reflections, um other forms and we'll discuss all of these in further detail during this course. And in the UK, there's two different um kind of audits of E portfolio. So in England, the one we're using is Horis and I believe it is tourists in northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. So um this is the ACP checklist. So this is something that should have been provided to you by your Deaneries. And um it's a really great structure and it provides you all the information that you need um to pass the ACP. So what I would do is have this at the back of your mind and make sure you, you know where the checklist is and use it um as almost ticking off each um area of the checklist throughout the year to see what you've done and what else needs to be done. And um just before you submit for the ACP as well, just go through this again to see if you've hit every aspect of the checklist. OK? So at the start of F one, you would have received or instructions to do the relevant declarations. So this is three forms. It covers provi a health declaration and conditions of joining the foundation program. So you can find this in your ho auto portfolio in the overview tab under declarations right on the right side. So um you need to complete these three forms because it does form part of your ACP and you should be able to find it in your portfolio. If you've not already done it, you can double check if it's been done. So this is just a table to um outline the supervisor forms that you need to complete for um A RCP. So as you can see more or less for every placement, you should have an initial form with both your educational supervisor and your clinical supervisor and also have a final form for each of the placements with your educational and clinical supervisors. Um So a few differences. So for your first placement, if your educational supervisor was the same as supervisor for that first rotation, you may have a combined form that's been done for the first placement. So instead of having the separate initial meeting for an educational supervisor and a separate meeting for the clinical supervisor, because they're the same, you'll have the same form. Um Another thing to note is that for the third placement, your final placement, your educational supervisor's end of placement report is actually replaced by the end of year report. Um So those are the two main differences, but otherwise, the forms are the same for each placement. OK? And if you do have any questions throughout the session, feel free to put them in the chat box and we will go through them at the end. Um So next thing to discuss is PDP, which is your personal development plan, you'll complete one at the beginning of each placement. So by now, you would have two of them and this is something that with your clinical supervisor, you create aims um which you want to focus on for the next four months. And at the end of the placement, you will mark this as achieved and also describe and evaluate what sort of things you did to achieve these and how you built these particular skills. So this can um be arranged. So for example, it can be with regards to clerking patients in emergency department and um being more confident with um presenting patients doing investigations, management plans more independently with supervision. Um Other things can be clinical skills. So you might want to um be a bit more involved in things like surgery. Um And another thing could be general things like working in the team, working in audits. So it can really be a range of things and you can discuss this with your supervisor and see what is best um kind of to gain out that rotation. So um this slide just highlights a few of the different type of um supervised learning events that you can use in your portfolio to um you know, demonstrate the competencies that were highlighted in the checklist at the start. So for example, you have directly observed procedural skills. So these can include things like cannulas bloods if you've taken an ECG recording. Um So any sort of practical exam is what I would kind of use for um the procedures for that form. Um for mini texts you can use um say any interaction you've had with a patient on the ward. So I know I've used times where I've maybe done a history or a clinical examination um if I've done a larking as well. So, you know, a combination of both the history and examination, um sometimes you can even use maybe if you've counseled a patient on a medication. Um So those are quite useful to use for mini texts and then um case based discussions, these essentially can be about any discussion that you've had with another, you know, colleague about um another aspect of a patient's care. So you might have discussed, say rationale for medication, you might have talked about medical ethics. At one point, you might have talked about, you know, what investigations you want to order. Um So those can be quite good to use in case based discussions. Um And then you also have reflections. So these are really good um to use in your portfolio for areas where you know, you may be struggling with some evidence. So for example, I know I used um reflections to say to reflect on say personal wellbeing or just fill in little gaps in my portfolio where I thought actually I want to add a bit more evidence and I'll try and use a reflection for that. So those are really good ways of actually adding to your portfolio. Um So along with those um S les, there are some other ones that we will discuss on the next slide and um there is no kind of set number that you need to do. Um as a rough guide, our Deanery kind of says to do around three or four of each, each one in the rotation. But like I said, there's no set guidance. Um But the main thing is that you do have evidence and like um Krishna mentioned, you can link 10 pieces of evidence to each F PC. So there are three HS and there are um FP CS within them. So for example, here, it's the clinical assessment um to assess patients needs in a variety of clinical settings. So things like minis and CBD S would be great to link here because you're actually discussing how you have managed a patient clinically. Um So see what is the most appropriate and you can link it in that way. So for some things where um it's a bit difficult to gain evidence while you're doing things on the ward, um things like teaching can be useful to link or things like e-learning can be useful to link to some FP CS. And you can see here that the behaviors are listed under descriptor under the show me and this can give you further guidance of what sort of things um you want to link here. So here you can see that they're looking for confidence in patient interaction, appropriate investigations in routine um assessment such as using things like um and mental state scoring, confusion assessments, risk assessments, nutritional assessments, and also um having a safe um manner when you're speaking to patients and doing the investigations. So wherever you can link um evidence, you can do this and just think what would be the best evidence to support this. So another thing that you can do actually. So as mentioned, you know, to get the description for each of the um FP CS. You can see that there's a tab for El FH, which is the E learning for health care. So this is an online platform where you know, they have lots of courses available. Um And if you click on the El FH um as shown here, you can see that it actually shows you a few different E learning that you can do that will directly link with the HS. So if you find that, you know, you're finding that there's some areas in the portfolio where you think actually, I want to add a bit more evidence here. Um These are quite a good way of adding them to your um FP CS and it takes you. So if you click on the hyperlinks here um on your actual horus, um it should take you directly to the page where you should then be able to do the E learning. Um And yeah, it will be a great way to add to the portfolio and make sure that it's directly linked to that specific F PC as well. OK. So some other s that you'll see in your portfolio are developing the clinical teacher. So this can be anything um where you've been involved in teaching. For example, if there is junior doctor led departmental teaching like I did in pediatrics where each week, um one of the doctors would focus a particular topic to present on. Um So something like this could be done or if you're involved in the medical school, helping them with um things like Os Markov's or um any simulations, you can put all of this on your portfolio and link it to um the relevant um F PC. There is also learn and leader forms. Um So learn is a learning encounter and reflection note. So you can do reflections here or you can use the reflection um tab for it, the form formatting is slightly different. But if you feel like you've come across something which um follows this learning encounter and reflection note where you want to include it in the same one, you can feel free to use this as well. And there's also a leader form and this is where you can record feedback where you have used leadership skills. So for example, if you implemented an order or you done something involving leadership within your rotation, so this is just an example of a Mini Cex. So as you can see, we've got the date there, we've got the title as well. And um in the bit here, we can see, we've also put the anonymous description just to allow the Mini Cex to be contextualized. So we've given a bit of the background. Um We've said, you know what the presentation was and what we did as part of the Mini Cex. So, you know, we took a history and, and you know, it also says about what you are cautious about and it's just important to remember that here, it should be anonymized. So try not to put any patient information that would be identifiable in this area. But it's just to give a bit of a background to the rest of the mini CEX as part of the form. Um And then you can also see at the bottom we've got the reflection. So this is something that you should be filling in. And um this is where you can really use this box to again link it back to the FP CS and try and use those descriptors that we showed you earlier. You could sometimes use the wording that was there to directly, you know, link it back to that and show that, you know, you've really understood what the um FP CS are asking for you and that you've directly used those wording and those ideas in the reflection. And um you can write as much as you want, you know, in any part of the form as well. Um But it's good to try and, you know, do as much as you can in the reflection part to really show what you've learned from this encounter and what, you know, you're going to be taking forward as well. Um So dots are your direct observed procedures. So here there are two examples of dots. So um dots can vary from things like ABG S catheters and G tube insertions. Um If you've done anything like peg tubes or it can really just vary depending on what rotation you're on and what exposure you've had. Um And then you want to give a brief anonymous description of this. And then at the end, it will ask you for a reflection and the reflection is um quite important just to say um what you've learned from it, how it will affect your practice in the future and again, link it back to um the FP CS and your development as a doctor. So again, this is just an example of a case based discussion. So as you can see this particular case based discussion was about a patient that was treated for pneumonia. So we've given a bit of the background a bit of what we found on the examination and the management plan as well. And um you know, it's also linking this particular CBD, also mentions about doing a diagnostic tap and assisting in that. So, you know, it's quite a good CBD that's covered a few different areas, it's bringing it all together. And then the following part in the reflection, um you know, you can reflect on all of this. And as um Booly mentioned, you know, reflecting on what you've learnt from this, how you're going to apply this to your future practice as well is excellent. And um again, using the words say of the FP CS is a great way of directly linking it in. And so that when someone's reviewing, you know, the S LES and the CBD S that you're mapping, they can see that, you know, you've hit exactly the criteria that's part of the checklist. Um So we've been talking about HL OS and FP CS um throughout this. So here is a bit of a breakdown of them. So, HL one is about being an accountable, capable and compassionate doctor. So as you can see clinical assessment, prioritization, communication and care, continuity of care are key factors of this. So you can see how um interactions that you've had with the patient or things like managing of unwell patients, for example, sepsis can really link in nicely with these um H 11 and two especially. Um and then you can link this back and show good evidence of this H two is a valuable member of the healthcare workforce. So in this um part, you want to focus on how you've worked in the MDT. So you can write some reflections relating to the fitness for practice and developing the skills to manage your own personal wellbeing. So you can write a reflection on this also and there are e learning modules related to this um also upholding values, quality improvement. So there is um kind of opportunity for you to be involved in a quality improvement if you wish. Um the kind of general surveys will form part of this and you can link this. But additionally, during your foundation Yeah, if you do find that with a supervisor or registrar, you find an area which you are interested in and want to improve, you can do a, a quality improvement project in F one and also teaching the teachers. So this is all of the departmental teaching any he helping with the medical school or anything beyond um such as this. And ho three is more about professional, responsible for your own practice and portfolio development. So you need to ensure things like um you have your GMC preregistration as an F one. You have your correct indemnity, professional development. So all of the teaching that you've done any reading, um keeping your knowledge and skills up to date and also understanding medicine. So I know for our Deanery, we had a career workshop um which we could attend and kind of get a bit more insight into the various specialties that we can go into in the future and practice things like interview skills. So, um have, look at what your deanery's kind of career aspects are and another thing that you could do. So in our deanery, we were able to do a taste a week during our F one. So if there is something that you're interested in, um in particular, you can do a taste a week in that specialty. But again, check with your um clinical supervisor, um what the procedure is within your deanery um for F one. So another thing to mention is that um as part of um the ACP checklist, you may have to do the GMC survey and um the next survey which is the national educational training um survey as well. Um So these are surveys that watch out for in your emails. Um Just to make sure you don't miss them and um you can link this to the quality improvement F PC. Um There's also an E learning for health module on audit and quality improvement that you can also use to link to um this objective. And um just to mention as well because I knew that there were a few people in my year who they missed the email um about the survey and actually missed doing the survey. What they did instead was actually a reflection and said that, you know, um even though unfortunately they missed the survey, this is something that if in hindsight that um how they would like reflect on it. So, you know, you don't have to put, say the specific feedback that you would put on these surveys in that reflection. But just to show that you've acknowledged that, you know, this has been missed and um put on there that, you know, that as a healthcare professional, you engage with the reflection and you recognize how important it is to keep giving feedback. So that's something that you can do as well. And um yeah, so I know that the people that I know that missed say the survey, it didn't hinder them from passing A RCP. But you if you are concerned. So if you have missed the email, um then you know, you can contact your educational supervisors for any advice as well. So I definitely recommend that in case that does happen, but I don't worry about it. Just make sure you get that um clarification from your supervisor. So next is teaching this forms quite a large part of your portfolio because you want 60 hours in total. So this is made up of core and non core hours and you need a minimum of 30 hours of core teaching. So core teaching will include um everything organized by your deanery that is compulsory for foundation doctors. For example, you may have um one hour a week of teaching, different deaneries, have it in different ways. So first, we'd have a Wednesday lunchtime teaching um and also mandatory simulations um will form part of this core teaching. So it is again deary specific about what additional core teaching that they provide. But this is something mandatory for um F one doctors and then non core teaching includes things such as departmental teaching, um B MJ journals, grand rounds and any other MGT discussions that you're involved in. So this is quite open and you can also link things like e-learning for help to this and um any clinical governance. So um this is a bit more flexible. So anything that you come across with regards to teaching that can help you in F one, you can add this here. But the main thing is you want to achieve a minimum of 30 hours of the core teaching. So now just so that we move on, this is um information on the team assessment of behavior and the placement su supervision group. So these are two forms that two separate forms and these are compulsory part of the ACP. And um what we've done is just put it all in a table for you. So it's quite clear what the differences are. So essentially they do provide similar sort of information about yourself as a foundation year doctor. The main thing is that the team assessment of behavior, this is something that's um opened by yourself. And the people that you choose to take part are ones that are chosen by yourself. So this is, you know, uh opportunity. So when you're on the wards, if there are people and healthcare professionals that you're working with that, you think, you know, you've done um you've got on with them quite well. They've observed you in the clinical setting. Um you can send them the um tab. So as you can see that there are some requirements for the tab. So these are the minimum um that you need. So you need 10 assessors for the tab and out of these 10 assessors, you need a minimum of two consultants. And um in this in the tab, it would be, you know, you can use your um clinical supervisor as part of this. You also need a doctor above um foundation year two. You also need two nurses. And again, it would be important to clarify um what banding they are because, you know, they have um different banding and as part of the tab, it will only be valid um if the nurses are band five and above. So just make sure you ask them before sending it to them. And then you've also got two other allied healthcare professionals. So for example, the HC A, the ward clerk, a receptionist. Um it's also important to note that as part of the allied healthcare professional, um you know, um assessors, you can use two foundation year doctors. So um an F one doctor or an F two doctor, but only two of them will count towards your um tab. So, you know, you can nominate say four or five doctors if you wanted to, but only two of these doctors would actually count towards the actual tab. So you'd need to make sure that you still have the 10 assessors in total, which comprise of the other allied healthcare professionals, the nurses and the consultants as well. So the placement supervision group. So this is a form that's actually initiated by your clinical supervisor for the placement. There should be three assessors as a minimum of which one of them should be a consultant and um it can include doctors more senior than an F two. It can also include um senior nurses and practitioners and pharmacists. So this is a of your clinical supervisor, essentially choosing people um that you've been working with to give you um direct feedback. So I the whole point is that I think the tab is meant to be, you know, people that you're choosing, that you're aware of. Um whereas with the PSG, it brings in a bit of anonymity and it may be people that you may not have, um, you know, chosen. And then that's why the clinical supervisor, you know, will be choosing them. And it's really important to make sure that you have one tab and PSG across the whole year. So you don't have to do a tab and a PSG in each of the three placements. Um So as long as you've got one of each for the year, that's sufficient, what we would say is try to do those early if you can, because in some instances, um if a repeat is required or you want to show that, you know, you've done this tab and actually, there was maybe an area that of improvement that they had been suggested, then it just gives you sufficient time to complete another tab or a PSG in your 2nd and 3rd placement before the ACP deadline. Um And then it's also really important that these are reflected on in the end of placement forms by the rotation. Oh Sorry of that rotation that they were completed in and the, the um tab summary and the PSG summary are released to yourselves and this will be done by the clinical supervisor. Um So you will have other compulsory training and like we touched on before, this will be based on your dry. But the main things are you will need a valid A LS um certificate. So either um F one should organize it or you may have one that is still valid for medical school. I had some friends who had done it in final year of medical school who weren't required to do it again. So just double check with your deanery. But if your F one foundation school is doing them, then you can do it through them as well. Um There would also be um DN specific ele and modules and practical simulation days. So um like I mentioned before, we had a simulation day, another mandatory training that we had was a um end of life seminar that we had to attend. So um have a look and then book on to these things. Um There is also a mandatory psychiatry simulation for us this year. So it does vary depending on your um location. Um And then the other thing is PSA certificate. So this is something that you will need to be able to do by the end of F one I know. Many of you would have got it in final year of medical school. But if you haven't or if you have got it, make sure it's uploaded to Horus. So the next area is the clinical summary narratives. So these are for each of the three HL OS as part of the A RCP checklist and they are 300 words maximum for each of the HL OS. Um They are rated by your educational Super advisor. So make sure that at your final placement, when you're doing your um final meeting with your educational supervisor, that they go back and mark your um summary narratives um as satisfactory. And we'll just show you an example on the next slide. OK. So this is an example of H one. So this is the one for the accountable, capable and compassionate doctor. Um So you want to kind of make it easier for the person assessing you making sure that you have evidence to support all of the FP CS and link it back to your um kind of high quality CBD S and um mini, especially for H one and also touch on other things that are relevant to this. Um how this example has done it is split it into the various rotations, but at the same time, link all of the FP CS and it's kind of like an overall summary to show that you have progressed, developed the skills and um are capable to move on to FY two. So this will vary depending on what rotations you have done an F one. But the main thing is that you, you do have sufficient evidence to show all of the FP CS. So if um you want to have a look at other examples, you can check out the foundation program website. So um they have quite a few different examples there. So you can have a look at those before. Um you know, looking at the ones that you're doing yourself. OK. So towards the end of your fy one year, you will be asked to do a form R. So you will have to do this before your ACP and there are seven sections to this. So section one is just your details. Section two is the whole scope of practice. So it will include all of the rotations that you have done in finding year one. And also mention any time out of training such as um any career break, maternity leave. And we'll also ask for how many days you've had out of training in the form of if there were any strikes or any um medical leave. Um Section three will focus on declaration regarding relating to GM good medical practice. So this is things like honesty, integrity, personal health and any warnings or undertakings by the GMC. So you have to declare these things if um there are any instances like this. Section five is the declaration of any significant events, complaints or either. So if you have been involved in anything, of course, it is very important that your educational supervisor is aware and is there to be able to guide you and support you. But it is also something that needs to be included on form R if you have been included involved in anything like this, um Section six is complement. So you can use this section to show how much you've progressed, any good feedback that you've received. And um it's really a kind of pos way to show how you've developed an a positive take on um your foundation year one and section seven is the declaration. Just to confirm that everything is filled to the best of your knowledge. So on a horse, there are also extra forms um and um additional achievement section as well. So this is a great place where you can put cards that you've received from patients. Um If you've got any awards at work as well or outside of work as well. So there's extracurricular achievements as well, any other qualifications you may be doing or publications and these are just extra boosters that can um you know, be used to make your um portfolio even better. So whoever's assessing it can have a look and see all the great extra things that you've been doing as well. OK. And so at the end of your ACP, you will receive a outcome. So there are um a few options. So outcome one is satisfactory completion of F one. So this just means that your portfolio is showing that you have reached all of the FP CS and you have all the required um elements. So all the supervision forms, all of the certificates such as PSA and um A s and it awards you progression to F I two. So you need to just make sure um that everything is completed that we've discussed prior to this including form R before your ACP date for us. This was um in June, but just double check with your deanery exactly when the ACP deadline is because you want to have all of this completed before that date, including form. Um So, outcome too is not relevant to F one. Um Outcome three is in a, in a adequate progress. So um this is more on an individual level. Um if there isn't enough evidence or um for some reason, they've not done enough training. Um Outcome four is released from training program. Outcome five is incomplete evidence presented. Um So perhaps there's not enough linking evidence. Um And uh there is no ACP outcome. So it might be if you're doing less than full time that your ACP would be a little bit later in terms of timeline or if you um need to make up for some time because of any sick leave. Um And I know that um Viv mentioned that one of her colleagues had not linked as many um evidences to the FP CS. So um before your ACP, make sure that um you do link um a good amount of evidence. So the maximum is 10 per F PC. But if not, um this can be something that ACP can pick up. So in that case, they may ask you to link more evidence to these things. So it doesn't mean that your training will be prolonged. It just means that your portfolio needs a bit more additional to it. So more evidence, more linking. So it really is a kind of case by case um assessment of this and it really depends on kind of how much time has been taken out or what exactly is missing. So um this is also just to highlight that there is an article on mind the bleep about the E portfolio that you can access as well. Um If you want to have a look at more information, you know, with the portfolio and anything extra as well. OK. So that's the end of our slides. Um I believe that you've been putting in questions into the chat and a lot of them have been answered. So thank you so much for. Um would you like? So if you do have any more questions, you can send them through and then we can go through them. I've, we've had lots and lots of questions. I've pinned a few of them on the Q and A. Um if you guys wanna work through. I OK. So first question is um how do we show evidence that we have taken part in a quip on our portfolio? Do we have to complete the whole quip or can we just take part in a quip for it to tick the box to pass a RCP? Um Obviously, because the rotational training can make it difficult because you're in one place for four months. So, um what we were told last year for our um ACP was that we just needed to be involved in a quip. So you wouldn't need to do every single part of the quip cycle. It can just be one part of it as a minimum. So it depends on how much you want to be involved. Um If it is a topic that's interesting for you and you do want to kind of develop it for your portfolio, but you don't have to do the entire entire quip. You can just do one aspect of it and you're not expected to do everything by yourself. There will be a team to help you. You can do it with another f one colleague if you wanted to. Um Do you have anything to add? No, no, no. That was um great. So I did the same thing. So I remember when I was doing the quip. Um you know, like you said, you don't have to do the whole part of the quip. So as long as you show some involvement, especially as a foundation year doctor that would I believe, be sufficient to pass that aspect. Yeah, I think that links quite well to the next question guys about what kinds of things should you do need to do as an F one quip like examples? Um So it de it depends. So I know that the F ones on my last rotation did a quip about um improving the induction for the rotation so that they um kind of did a quip about how people found the current trainees found the induction process and what additional support they could give like sometimes um on the first day of induction, if there is no one who's been there for a long amount of time, it's a bit difficult to know exactly what's expected of you at the different areas. So what they did was did a surfing and then created a handbook for the um incoming next rotation. So that's something that someone, someone I know has been involved in as an F one. Um Other things can be, you can get in touch with like the registrars that you work with, they might be involved in something. So, um for example, I was doing a respiratory job and one of my registrars was doing an audit about treatment of like biologics, treatments for related to asthma. And he asked if I wanted to get involved. So I did um some data collection with that audit. Um so you can do anything you want for the quit, it can go from like teaching um helping the next rotation, doing something a bit more um kind of medical focused and relating to management of treatments. So there are a broad range of things that you could be involved in. Yeah, and then just to add as well. So if you are say interested in research and you know, you want to do a quality improvement project with maybe the idea of wanting a publication or wanting to do two cycles and then say presenting it. Um what you can also do is not only reach out to your supervisor and the registrars on the ward, but there should be like a research and quality improvement um department at your trust. So you can always try and email your foundation coordinators to see if they can put you in touch with them or, you know, and try and find the information on the website and reach out to them and see if you can maybe even do a project that could then be formally recognized, say by that trust as well. So for example, um in my first rotation in surgery, I wanted to do a quality improvement project. And I spoke to my clinical supervisor who got me in touch with the research team at the trust and um I was able to kind of register this audit and then, um you know, use that to um not only get it um as part of my portfolio and demonstrate the quality improvement. I actually got recognition for it from the trust with a certificate and then I try to then use that to then also try and do some of the other forms. So even say presenting the audit at a teaching session, um you know, then you can try and get a teacher form done as well. So then, you know, you can try and use that to your advantage. But that's the only extra part I wanted to add. And every department should have an audit lead, like a consultant who's the leading um leading audits in that department. If you're really stuck on you to approach, you can ask the audit view of that specialty. Um Yeah. So then the next question is um when did the GMC survey and NET survey come out? So, from what I remember, um I think the Nets survey is the one that comes out earlier and that comes around, I think October November time. Um And the way I linked it was I just created a reflection on my portfolio and put in the Nets survey number that you get at the end of it. And then a screenshot to say that I'd completed it. But yeah, from what I remember that was in, I think around November, October, November time and then the GMC survey, I think it comes out around February March time. I off the top of my head. Um, but if you're in doubt, you can always email your foundation coordinators as well. Um, usually, um, they send out like a little reminder as well, but like I said, if you do miss it, you know, don't worry, do a reflection, just tell your supervisor. Um, and, you know, hopefully that will be sufficient. Ok. And then can I MT and F two sign us off for skills CBD S or mini texts? Um So this, I think varies depending on what exact sle you want to send. Um, things like CBD S are better to discuss with the registrar. Um, but things like when I did a ABG, um I put it to my F two. So I think it depends on um, what, what sle you are sending. Yeah, I think from the top of my head, I think they can, but what you can do as well when you're filling in the form, you know, it gives you the option. And so for some forms, it may not say give you the option for um, an F two or an um I MT or CT. But then for some of the other forms, it might have that option there. So you can have a quick look and see. Um, but yeah, ok. And then what is the minimum number to map AF PC? So it's not actually a minimum, there is a maximum which is 10, but it goes back to kind of showing that you do have enough evidence to support that you are meeting that F PC. So the more you have the better and if you are struggling then you can do things like um reflections e-learning to link. Um But there is no minimum. Yeah, there's no minimum. But yeah, I think like Bin said, I think if you have a few there, so I would maybe, I know I personally aim to maybe have five or six. if possible for each of the FP CS, of course, there were some, you know, where it was less and some might have more. But um that's what I use as a general kind of guide. And just to show that, you know, there is kind of enough evidence there to make sure that they can also see that I am meeting the F PC. Ok. And then do you have to map the E line for health modules you have completed if you have connected your el for health account and what form should be complete to show that as evidence. Um I mean, I think you can map the specific modules to the FP CS to show that, you know, you have completed them, your deanery. I think they should, your assessors as part of ACP, they should still be able to see that you've done them. But just to make it more clear and evident, it would be potentially beneficial to actually link it to the F PC. So then they can see directly under that F PC. You've got that e um e learning that you've done. And um so you then don't need to use a form to show that as the evidence, you can just directly link that e-learning straight to the F PC. Yeah, so there, there will be a map kind of link so you can just map it directly. Yeah. Um Do we need to get consultants to sign off our sle s? Um No, it's not a compulsory requirement. Um Whoever you're with during that event or whoever you discuss it with, whether it's a registrar consultant, it's, it's ok. It doesn't have to be a consultant. And then do we need a letter from the reg to show evidence that we were involved in quip and upload that to portfolio? Um So I think for the quality improvement form, I don't think it's like where one that you have to send that it gets signed off again. This is from the top of my head. So I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but I think it would be beneficial to have some sort of formal kind of recognition from a senior to say that you have done it just to show that as evidence. So it, you know, it could be an email or like a quick letterhead or um you know, you can double check again with your supervisors if that would be sufficient evidence. But I would say if you can try and get a formal piece of recognition to say that you did do that quality improvement um because it will be beneficial for your portfolio. But also moving forward when you apply for specialty training or um other jobs as well, having that as an evidence as well, you know, it can look quite good. So if you can, I think it, you know, it would be good to have that. And then um what would we put as evidence for taking part in quip on our portfolio? Um So similar question, um Do we get a letter from our supervisor that we have taken part and put that in our portfolio if it's not a completed quip because you have moved on to the next rotation. So there is actually a quality improvement tab on H so if you, you can just use that to kind of write a description, you can also attach a file. So if you do have a letter or any certificates related to it, you can attach it directly to it under the quality improvement tab on the portfolio. Um But yeah, same thing about the evidence. And then next question is if we lead an audit or quip in F one, can we use it as evidence in F two? Um So you'd have to check with your specific um Deanery, the coordinators and the, your supervisors because I know sometimes it, they some deaneries, you know, may not like that. They might want you to, may have done, you know, like, say a different quip or say if you've started like a quip in F one and then you're doing the second cycle of it. Um, you know, some deaneries might accept that as, you know, an evidence for that F PC again. So I think it's deanery specific and I would just double check because um it might be that they might not accept it from what I understand. And then what if for some FP CS, our only evidence is reflection e-learning without CBD dot S mini CEX. Would that be a problem during ACP? I mean, as long as you're so, oh, sorry, go ahead. Ok. I know I was just going to say that um as long as you're showing that there is some evidence that that is good. Um I mean, if you can maybe get a CBD or a mini Cex or um a form, you know, alongside that would be good. Um But I do understand that there are some FP CS. So I know when I was doing it last year, I would struggle maybe with the FP CS right at the end um of things to add as well. Um If possible, I think it would be beneficial to try and, you know, get a mini cex or a CBD or a different type of evidence. But if you aren't able to get it as long as you have, maybe like we said, try to get a few um pieces of evidence, hopefully that would be sufficient for those. Yeah, and I'm having a look back at my F one portfolio and specifically F PC 89 were difficult to link um CBS Dobbs mini to because it was more related to being a responsible employee and um quality improvement project. So I didn't actually have any CBD S or mini with this. Um But I did have other evidence which kind of fulfilled this. Um I can't see any more questions. Yeah, if you do have any more questions, you can put them in the chart. Um But I think that's one of the ones that were posted. Oh, we've got one more about examples for F PC 7-Eleven and 12. I will release the feedback form for anyone who's not got any more questions and wants to leave. Ok. So FP seven is fitness for practice, um skills for own personal wellbeing. So you can do reflections um your personal learning log. So we had some mandatory teaching about um wellbeing. Um Also e-learning managing stress so you can link things like that. Um Yeah, I did the same thing. I'm just looking at what I've done and I've got reflections then e-learning as well. Yeah, and then E 11. Um So this is ethics and law. So I have um quite a few mand maybe mandatory teachings um attached to this, I've got reflections. Um, I've got my, um, essential transfusion practice linked to this, um, that was mandatory and other courses and seminars that I attended. Yeah, same. And I think I've put some of my forms with the, um, clinical supervisors there as well just to show that, you know, it's in line with the curriculum. Um, what I've also got is a case based discussion that I did where, you know, we did talk about ethics and law in that specific situation. So I've just kind of put it there as well. And then 12 is continuing professional development. Um acquisition of new knowledge and accepting feedback and remediation. So I've attached a CBD to this um developing clinical teacher quality improvement, um other courses and seminars that I attended, um which I took steadily for. Um Yeah. So again, you can attach quite a good variety, whatever you can link to it. Um You can attach it. Yeah. So like same with me. So I've got a few reflections, um a few dots as well. Um And then CBD S as well. So um say if you say with the Empyema patient, the example that we gave earlier, you can link it here. If you in your reflection, you included a bit about, you know, following on from this discussion, I decided to read a bit more about Empyema and its management and um gained some new knowledge on Xy and Z. So you can always do it that way as well and then someone's put, does it matter if you map a single CBD to a couple of FP CSI did this? And it was ok because it was related to quite a number of FP CS. So that, I think that's completely fine. Yeah, I did the same as well. Um, where do we put cards we get from patients? Um, um, so the way I did it was, um I um just make sure that you get rid of the information um that identifies the patient. Um And then what I did was I took a photo of it and then I added it, I think under it was a reflection. I think I did it as part of a reflection. Um but I know others have maybe put it as like an extracurricular achievement as well. Um But as long as all that positive feedback and you know, that you get just make sure you do put it on the portfolio. But yeah, I used a reflection because I thought it was the easiest way to um get it on there, but just make sure you definitely put it on there because they love seeing things like that and it's a really nice thing to put on. Yeah, I did a reflection as well. And even if you get cards from like medical students who have been attached to you, it's still positive because it's showing that you are putting time and effort into teaching them. Um So I put that in as a reflection to when like cards were from them. Um And then we have one question. Is there a minimum number of SS for the whole year? I'm struggling to get mini kegs and CBD S however, I have many docs. Will that be? Ok. So I'm sorry, go on. So there is no minimum per se um that we've seen, but as a general rule you want to try and get maybe three of each. Um Yeah, but it probably just depends um kind of what you can do but things like CBD S Micex might be a bit more useful when you're linking um especially to h2o 1. Yeah. No, I agree. So I think it is really good that, you know, you've got um a lot of dots and it shows that, you know, you're being really proactive. Um But yeah, if possible, maybe try and um get a few um CBD S or minis or what I did sometimes was I would kind of say one clinical encounter. I'd use it as both say a CBD and a mini CEX and focus on two different aspects um of that care, I think also just because I think as Bin said as well that sometimes CBD S are mini, you can show a bit more um that would directly relate to the FP CS and then you can reflect on those a bit more. So it might help you also um achieve the different um FP CS. Um but the fact that you have lots of do s is great as well, but if you are concerned as well, you can also speak to your supervisor. Um But yeah, and then can we upload attendance of certificate to our portfolio as showing we are contributing to portfolio development. Um So I believe that the Hello, it's the Fy One series, correct me if I'm wrong um with you can upload it as your non-core teaching hours, so you can link it. Yes, that is correct. Yeah, so you can count this as one hour of your teaching. So yeah, no, and I agree. I think um you can also, you know, this kind of does relate to portfolio development because you are, you know, taking an initiative to um try and find out a bit more about developing the portfolio. So I think, yeah, you could probably use it for both and then does mandatory training, essential role learning courses go to core or non-core, the ones done via platform such as my learning platform. Um I've not used this platform, so I'm not 100% sure at the start of your F one. What we had was a list of mandatory things that we had to do in terms of e-learning. Um But I think it would be best just to check your foundation coordinators if it does count as core or non core. Yeah, I would say definitely check with your specific foundation coordinators because I know that on our ACP checklist, we had a few modules say on ee learning for health that we had to complete. And those did count for us towards our core teaching. But then there was some other core teaching that we were meant to do, but it wasn't allowed to be involved included in our core teaching. So, um it's probably um the best idea to um actually email your foundation coordinators directly just to get that clarification. Um Just so then you're not, you know, mistakenly using those teaching to count towards your teaching hours if, then they say that it wouldn't be valid. I replied to that um question as well and I just copied and pasted what's on the learning form do not include statutory and mandatory training induction session or manage your life support. So just be careful with that. Um We are going over time. So um if I got anything last minute, then please enter. Um we will be hosting another A RCP talk closer to the deadline. This was just sort of meant to give you a really good introduction and an idea of what to do. Um So we hope it's been useful if you guys could do the feedback forms. So our speakers can upload that on their um or F RCP. Um And also so that we can plan our future sessions. And so that you can all get certificates too. Um Thank you for joining us this evening and definitely take Chris advice, definitely reflect or write in your portfolio that you've taken an initiative and come tonight because obviously it is out of your out of hours for you. Um Thank you. Thank you.