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GIMSOC - Introductory Online Meeting



The Georgian International Medical Student Society (GymSock) is proud to present its first official online meeting, offering medical professionals within Georgia new and exciting opportunities to advance their clinical and intellectual skills. Through their virtual meetings, workshops, conferences and webinars, the GymSock executive team seeks to make medical education within the country more equitable with international standards. Join the virtual meeting to meet the founding and executive members, including Raja Singh Tack, Anne Kochi Emmanuel, Aditi, Mustafa Yacine, and Judith, learn about their roles and the upcoming events, and ask questions about GymSock. Don't miss this opportunity to take part in a vibrant medical community!

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The Georgian International Medical Society (GIMSOC) held its first online meeting for its members. During this meeting, the executive members introduced themselves, their respective roles and answered any questions or queries the members within the society had relayed during the meeting.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the mission, goals and purpose of the Georgian International Medical Student Society
  2. Understand the advantages provided by the society for medical students in Georgia.
  3. Recognize the various activities and opportunities available to medical students through Gym Sock.
  4. Comprehend the roles and responsibilities of the society’s executive board members.
  5. Utilize the benefits provided by the society, including conferences, workshops and webinars, to enhance professionalism and clinical skills.
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Yes, sir. You're ordering to us all? Okay. Sure. Not to touch her cooking in the back. Hi, everyone has everyone here. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um And see who else is here. Okay. So we're now live guys. So can I ask everyone to meet their microphones, please? And we'll just wait five minutes for people to join and then we'll get the meeting started. Okay guys. Um We have an hour. Um So I think we're going to get started with our meeting. Um So I'd like to welcome all of you guys to gym socks. First official online meeting. My name is Toying Dairo. I am the Secretary General for gym sock. Um So I handle the emails, the whatsapp broadcasts and I'll be your first point of contact as well when you e mailed gym sock. So before we start the meeting, I would just like to remind all of you guys if you haven't signed up and joined the whatsapp group. Um then do so immediately because we'll also update you not just through the emails, but also through the whatsapp group chat with our upcoming events and um upcoming workshops. Um So please do that when you can. So, yeah, once again, welcome to all of you. Um We're really excited to meet all of you guys online and in person. Um So let me just introduce you to gym sock briefly. So Jim Sock, also known as the Georgian International Medical Student Society was founded by uh two of our lovely members um who will speak a bit a bit later. Um But basically a medical society founded by medical students for medical students um to open up a range of different opportunities, not only to heighten our clinical skills, but also our intellectual skills and also connect us with other people who also shared similar fashion, which is of course medicine. Um We pride ourselves in the fact that this week alone, during registration week, um we were able to collect over 600 plus members, which is really exciting. And I think that Jim Stock is also the first of its kind like Georgia has never seen such a wonderful, big large society. And I'm also very grateful to be part of the executive team for the society. And, and we have a lot of different events to put on for you guys, workshops. And um our events coordinator DT will be giving you guys more information. Um But what I would like to do now is in this meeting, all of us will be introducing ourselves our roles. And um yeah, we'll give you time to ask questions at the end So um without further a do because I think I've done enough talking. Um I'd like to introduce the two co founders for Gym sock. So that will be on your catchy and Radhika. So please all free. Um And welcome me, welcoming them to the stage. Thank you. Hello, good evening, everyone. I'm Rogic A Sink doc, one of the co founders and also here we have only a Kochi. He's also one of the co founders and co chairperson. I cannot explain in words how thrilled I am to be here. And I truly want to thank each and every one of you to be part of this amazing journey. We have been working tirelessly for two years to accomplish something this big and we have to thank each and every one of our fantastic executed theme that we have here and we have amazing events and everything planned for you for the upcoming months. Thanks to our events director, conference director and workshop director. This is going to be an amazing opportunity for all of you guys to get your hands on everything that was not possible earlier, like amazing conferences, skill based workshops, webinars, events, everything and together all of us will bring about a good change in the medical community within Georgia. I feel so over to a nicotine now. Hello, everyone. I hope you can hear me. My name is Anne Kochi Emmanuel. And you go, you can call me Kochi. I am co chair and co founder of Gym Sock, together with my amazing colleague and doctor, Doctor Raja Singh Tack. Um We've been working on this project for two years, like she said, and one of the reasons why we started, I'm working on this project is we found out that international medical students or students in general in Georgia did not have the opportunities that our counterparts in the US or the UK had. And for us, we decided that it's time to level the playing field. It's time to present um those um students here in Georgia with the opportunities that they do not get to have. And it's our utmost um joy that we can share this dream and we can share this goal with you today. I'd like to say a special thank you for, to everyone who applied for executive positions, everyone who attended interviews. Um It shows and it goes to show that you are interested in making um the medical community in Georgia a better place. And thank you so much to the executive board members who have worked tirelessly for the past two weeks or three weeks and more to ensure that we have events planned to ensure that everything is put together. And I'm really excited to, to see you guys as Jim stock members, be a part of this community. I'm really excited um to see you guys register for our workshops at our event and everything that we have to offer please try as much as possible to take um hold of this opportunity and make use of this opportunity as much as you can. We'll try as much as possible on our end as executives to ensure that we can give you quality workshops, quality webinars, quality conferences and quality opportunities that can stand the test of time and stand together with our counterparts in other parts of the country. So, thank you so much for being here for this meeting today. Okay, thank you. Thank you to our two co founders. Um So as you can see, you know, Jim Sock, there is a vision there and you know, Jim Stock wouldn't be drink clock without all of the members. So once again, thank you guys for signing up to become members. Um So I'd like to introduce you guys to our events coordinator. Um So she'll explain to you more about her role and also introduce you guys to some of the events that we have coming up. Um So can a DT, can you come to the stage, please? Thank you. Good evening, everyone. Um Welcome to the Georgian International Medical Student Society were so excited and happy um at the TV. And the events director for Gym sock. And I've had the privilege to work closely with that team to organize events, workshops and a lot of activities that are not only engaging but also very informative and then they'll help you build your uh CVS carrier and uh your will ease with your future journey in medicine. So um uh we have a lot of number of events planned for you uh starting with the project I MG rather not that is getting for the 10th of April. The links uh and the update will be provided to you via uh the whatsapp group as well as email. So please keep an eye open for the information and update. And after following the webinar, we have other events like uh cardiology workshop, Spiro Metric workshop, and a monthly medical journal review uh session where we'll talk in depth about research and discuss clinical research articles. And uh we also have a monthly or ski workshop that will help you plan your way to uh to your for your licensing exam basically. And we're so excited to help you and we're just excited to create these opportunities because that is our main goal and vision. And as the events director, I would encourage you to be as active as you can let us know your suggestions. Let us know what you're interested in, let us know your feedback and we'll try and provide that for you. I would also like to take a moment and introduce workshops director Kiara, who could not attend the meeting today. Uh But you get the opportunity to see how amazing she is. She is an integral, she plays an integral part uh in our planning and designing all the workshops and her work has been instrumental regarding the future of workshops and how informative and uh progress. Uh Good it is for you. So, um I'm hoping you got for you guys to see her soon. And once again, I'd like for you guys to uh join the whatsapp group and be as active as you can. Thank you. Thank you. D t it's very important. Um So next, I'd like to interview you guys to Mr for who is our conference coordinator. Um So Mr For, would you like to come up to the stage, please? All right, I think I have my camera on. Uh Okay, so hello guys, I'm Mustafa Yacine. I'm the confidence director for Gym sock. And while Aditi has the responsibility of coordinating a lot of events with, for you guys mind being responsibility towards you guys is to organize a major conference and the conference. I would like you to keep your uh your ears to the ground. You're going to hear a lot about in the upcoming months, the conference will most likely be in the next semester. And I want the conference to be more than just something that you guys would attend to put on your CV or to get a certificate. I want it to be something that you guys gain something out of. Uh whether it's a workshop you attend, you connect with the lecturer, you find someone from another university. And of course, this conference will be in coordination with all the universities that we've spoken with so far, I want it to be accessible for everyone. And yeah, at the end of the day, I want it to be useful, not just in a one line thing on your C V at the end of the day. Uh So the conference would be not only something that is just talks by respected doctors and lecturers, I want the conference to be something interactive, something that uh you guys are involved in as much as the talk, the speakers are involved in. And yeah, with that, I would like to welcome you guys to gym sock in this meeting. And I look forward to working with you guys in the future uh when the conference comes up or even for any other event that I'm involved in. Okay, thank you, Mr for um Next, we will have Judith. Um So Judith, can you come up to the stage and just introduce yourself to our members? Hi, everyone. My name is Judith and I am a 60 year medical student at New Vision Unity. I am the publicity and public relations director. So my responsibility basically is to supervise publicity by social media and auditory als as well as supervised public relations to make sure that the message, the goals and you know, the brand of gym sock is communicated properly to the general public and to you all also to publicize are events and what we hope to achieve. I am very glad to meet you all and I look forward to interacting with you, learning with you and working with you. Thank you. Thank you very much, Judith. Um So next, the next two people that will be speaking will be swapping all who's our social media director. And we also have Mahar as well, which is our publicity slash public relations officer. They both work hand in hand with Judith. Um So they basically control all the social media or the publicity. And yeah, so can I have swap know, please come onto the stage and just introduce yourself to our members. Swap know either. Okay, MS Watson is not present. That's okay, maha. Can you come up to the stage and introduce yourself? Uh Go ahead, go ahead. Uh My name is Popular Lousier and I'm a social media officer of Gym sock of me and my team is being uh in charge of all activities of the social media accounts of the gym socks society and also responsible content creation and all the post made on the social media account. We are suitable for ensuring a professional and engaging image of society of two local and international bodies. You thank you, swap know. Okay, Mark. Can you come up to the stage if your present? Okay, we'll come back to her later. Um So next onto the stage, I'll just invite are Tina Tin who is our fundraising director. Uh So Tina Tin can you come up to the stage and just introduce yourself to the members? Hello. Um I think I'm out devil. Hello, everyone. Uh Welcome to gym. So, first of all, I'm Tina think artificially for the our medical student from Yuzhin University. Um I'm thrilled to be here today as the found rising director of gym sock. My primary responsibility is to source all the necessary resources and ensure that we have sufficient finances for every event. Thank you. Thank you, Tina Tin. Um So just working in close proximity with Tina Tin, we have our next executive member that I'm going to introduce, who is named Jadine. She is the financial director. So obviously, she handles all the funds for gym sock and she'll be handling all the funds without coming events, but I just like her to introduce herself to you. So Jadine, can you come up to the stage, please? Hi guys. So nice to see you guys here. I think guys can hear me. So as uh tour and has mentioned, I am Judean governor, I am the finance director for gym sock. So basically my responsibility is basically to keep track of all the finance coming in and leaving a gym sock. And I work very closely with the fundraising director to make sure that we have enough funds for the workshops and the conferences. So it's available for you guys. So I'm so excited to meet you guys and to work with you guys. Thank you. Thank you, Jay Dean. Okay. Um So next we will have our Student Society Council. Um So these are a number of executives that were elected. Um And um they will all introduce themselves individually and then they'll just give you an overview of what their roles are. Um So can I have the Student Society Council, please come on to the stage and, or introduce yourselves. Hi. Am I Invisible? Yes, we can see. Thank you dot Hi. My name is far as uh I'm one of the members of the society council. Uh and my role in gym sock is to essentially ensure there's good communication between the executives and the members and work closely with the fundraising directors and the communities to ensure all events run properly and just to find wherever we can uh I'll pass on to one of the other members. Hi guys, I'm Courtney True Body. I'm also part of the Student Society Council. Farah's has basically said what we do. But yeah, I work with Farah's and Mohammad Azeem from envy you side and we also have three non envy you members as well, but I'm going to hand over to them to introduce themselves. And then Mohammad Azeem will kind of speak on behalf of us Mohammed when you're ready, you can come on to the stage. Okay. Hello everybody. I hope my screen is visible. So I'm Mohammad Azeem and I'm also a part of student Society Council and I am from the end view, Department of the Student Society Council. We also have students that are from non envy you and from the various other universities. So in general, to some of as far as as mentioned, we work closely with the fundraising director, with the financial director and other departments of gym sock and basically to summarize a will work in shores of uh policy making and uh making sure that everything goes as, as planned by the constitution and the bylaws. Also, we will be responsible for managing an electoral committee that will ensure that proper candidates are, are being, are being chosen for their respective roles. So that's our Student Society Council over to the other members. Hello. Hello, everybody. My name is Diana Josefa Perotti Avala. I'm a 60 year medical student at David Giuliani Medical University and we're happy to have you all here. I'm a member of the Student Council. Thank you. Hello, everyone. I'm really quality. I'm a first year student at the Bluesy State Medical University and I'm a part of the Student Society Councilor Jim Sock. I'm really excited to be working with the oil. OK. Is um Sameera here? Okay. I don't think she's here but she's also um part of the Student Society Council. Um So yeah, thank you guys for introducing yourselves. Um Next, we will have maha um she was just having a bit of technical difficulties but she's ready now. Soma how can you come on to the stage and just introduce yourself and your members? Thank you. Yeah, so I'm really sorry about the idea guys. Uh So hello, everyone. We warmly welcome you all to gym sock. So I'm a heart protection to and I'm a 40 a med student at Newish in university and I'm working as public relations officer for gym sock. So, so we're really excited to create opportunities and network with my peers as an executive board member and each one of us in gym socks are really looking forward to have you be a part of a gym sock community. Uh So we really appreciate your time and your presence. Thank you so much. Thank you, ma ha. Okay. So next, obviously, as you guys know, um Gym Sock was founded by two individuals, Rodica and Catchy who both, they turned to New Vision University and as part of their vision for gym sock, they wanted to make sure that all medical students across Georgia, we're able to access or equal opportunities. So they reached out to different universities across Tbilisi. Um So now what we'll do is we'll introduce some of these local head chapters who are also part of gym sock, but they will, they will be representing gym sock on behalf of their universities. So first of all, I'd like to introduce Kartik and Lika who are responsible head chapters for Tbilisi States Medical University. So pleased for you to come up and introduce yourselves to our members. All right. Hi. Uh Yeah, I can see. Right. All right. Hi guys. My name is Caltech Pocket. I am happy to tell you that I shall be serving as the head local representative of Gym sock at the BBC State Medical University. And uh Lyrica. Hi guys. I'm Lika Garel exam. I'm 1/5 year medical student of Police State Medical University and I'm a local representative of Tea SMU and also I am assistant of catching. Thank you. Uh You guys can just stay on the stage and just explain like why. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you too. And um right guys. So uh firstly, before I talk more about my role, I just like to address uh the old whelming response we have received not just from particular universities but throughout the city, throughout the country. It's, it's amazing. Thank you so much for your time because it really helps us acknowledge our efforts and our time that we've put into society. So again, thank you so much for that. Um Right. Coming to my role, um my, my role in the society is to make sure that I am able to bring the society's resources network uh to the students of uh our, our local chapter here at SMU. And also to make sure that our students are given the right opportunities and given the right, you know, work the right network to work with, to make sure that they are able to grow, unable to, you know, um acknowledge their, their own potential at the end of the day. So again, thank you very much for your, for your attendance. And I'm really, really super excited to have all of you guys, not just here at the local chapter, but to see you all at the upcoming gym sock events. Thank you so much. Thank you, Kartik. Thank you, Lika. Okay. So next, we'll have um our head local representative from Ilia State University named Shima. So Sharma, if your present, could you please come on to the stage and just introduce yourself? Uh Yes, hello everyone. My name is Cheryl Cuda. Me and I'm extremely excited to introduce myself as the local representative Ilia State University of Gym sock. Um I am passionate about promoting a community of like minded individuals who are dedicated to advance their medical education and careers. And I believe together we can share our knowledge, experience, an idea to make meaningful impact on the healthcare landscape in Georgia and hopefully beyond. Um I also look forward to working with all of you to create meaningful opportunities for professional and personal development as well and hopefully build connections that will last a lifetime. So members, thank you for being here and thank you for having me. Thank you, Seema um Okay. So my apologies. Um I did miss someone from our head chapter. Um She is the research director. Um So I'd like to bring her onto the stage so she can just explain to you what her plans are for gym sock and yeah. So can I have Maha come on to the stage, please, Mahar, you present? Okay. Um We'll come back to her later. She does join. Okay. So next we'll have our heads from Tbilisi State University. Um I'll just let them introduce themselves and then also their vision for gym socks. So can I have the two heads from Tbilisi State? Please join us onto the stage. Kenneth Socio know you there. Am I visible? Um, I can't see, not yet. You're not visible. Can't see you. Uh huh. Hold on. How about now? Yeah. Uh All right. So, hi, everyone. My name is Ken is and uh, I'm the head local representative of gym sock and T S U. And along with me, I have Shona is, uh, here I don't think she's present, but you can go on to say my role. So my responsibility is to work hand in hand with. Cool. Yeah. So my responsibility is to work with the students in t issue and uh help fulfill the, fulfill the objectives of gym stock in the issue. And as Karthik had mentioned, uh I'll also be uh helping provide more opportunities and networking in among the students in T S U uh and also willing to work alongside other universities as well. Yep. Thank you, Kenneth. Um, so, yeah, Kenneth does work alongside Shona. Unfortunately, I think she couldn't join us tonight. Um Obviously, in our upcoming events and our workshops and online webinars, you'll be able to meet her. And obviously, if you attend Tbilisi State University, you'll probably also see her on campus. So, thank you very much guys. Um So next, I'll be introducing the head for Corpus International University. Um So Mary, um could you please come on to the stage and just introduce yourself, please? Yeah, can you see me? Am I invisible? Yes, I can see. Okay. Hi, everyone. So I'm madam Shakil and I'm from Caucuses International University. I am fourth year medical student and I'll be serving as head representative for CIU at gym sock. And the main rule would be whatever you guys need actually for the opportunities, events, conferences. And I would like to thank everyone who has been like being a part of this who came to the event and are really excited for upcoming events as well. I really love how you guys have been involved and also thank you for the co founders, executive board for this opportunity and I'll be serving those same objectives at CIU and I'm really looking forward from you guys to come and participate in the events, participate, show up and just give your feedback. What do you expect? And we will, as the gyms of community, we will be serving whatever opportunity you will be needing in your medical career. Thank you. Thank you. Very much merry. Um Thank you. Um That was very um insightful and also very inspiring as well. Um So the last head that I'd like to introduce is from DTM. You. Her name is Fatima and also I'll just give her a shaft out as well because it's her birthday. But Fatima, can you please come on to the stage and just introduce yourself and your vision for gym sock as well. Hello too. and thank you so much for that. Really means a lot. And hello everyone. I'm fat Amalia's. Go ahead local executed of DTM. You at gym sock. And I'll be responsible to pull off all the events, workshops, seminars, etcetera at my local chapter, which is DTM. You along with the members of the subcommittee and the whole support and the unwavering support, which is always given by the entire gym sock community and this should be ensured with utmost efficiency. And along with that also provide equal opportunities to each and every student so that they can be able to participate in all the upcoming gym shock events. So looking forward to see you all soon and let's all rock this together. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I once again, happy birthday. Thank you. Thank you. Means a lot. Thank you so much. Okay, so um next, um we're going to have Maha, which is the Envy head director for research. Um So could maha come on to the stage please just introduce yourself. Yes, good evening. And uh I'm Maha Qasem. I'm in your vision, university, fifth year medical student and I am the research director at Gym sock. So as you know, Jim talk, we have a lot planned for you, especially when it comes to writing articles. I know that a lot of you has been asking for this. And um so we have a lot of plans when it comes to publishing articles and we're really excited to work on this with you. We have also the project I MG on the 10th of April as, as he mentioned it and the medical journal where we will discuss with you about hot, right? Scientific article, how to ask the right scientific questions, how to write systematically review reports and etcetera and also discuss about uh medical topic. So, uh once again, I'm really excited that I'm gonna be working with all of you and I hope to see you soon. Thank you. Thank you for that. Um I would just like to say as well that as someone who's also introduced, introduced, gosh, I can't talk interested in research. Um I think joining Gym socks, gym sock is a great opportunity because a lot of us are interested in research. And I feel like as students, especially in Georgia, we don't get a lot of opportunity to do research. So it's a really good idea um that we're having this. So thank you ma ha. Um So that concludes the introduction to all our executive team, both the head chapters and the local chapters. Um So now what we'll do is we'll open up the floor to all of our members and we'll allow you guys to ask any questions that you may have. Maybe you might have questions that are directed at the local head chapters or any of the head chapters or for like a specific executive. So please feel free to ask any of your questions and we'll try and answer them accordingly. I just like to let you guys know that if we don't answer your question today, um then you can contact, contact us via email, which is gym sock 21 at gmail dot com. You can also contact us on Facebook and Instagram. Um So if you would like to ask questions, please post them in the chat and we will direct your questions accordingly to the right person if anyone has any questions. Um We're just trying to navigate through. Okay. We've got one question. Um Is it possible also for the executives as well? If I read out any questions and you do think you know the answer, then please feel free to answer. Um So our first question in the chat that I can see is is it possible to be a member after graduating? Um who would like to answer that question anyone? Yeah. Uh The question, okay. It was on the phone that you guys applied for applied through uh to join gym sock. So yeah, it is possible to be a member even after you graduate. Um I just like to add to that as well. Um So what we will be doing in the upcoming weeks is actually releasing a form um that will be catered to mostly alumni um allowing you guys to register. So if you guys have already registered as alumni, that's fine. Um but we will be releasing a registration form specifically for alumni. So yeah, I hope that answers your question. Um The next oh gosh, that's sort of questions. Okay. The next question that we have is are the interviews for subcommittee position still happening. So if you have applied for subcommittee already, um then you should get a email or should have already received an email regarding your interview. If you haven't received an email, then you will receive an email relatively soon. Um Can we still apply for positions? Um So the registration for subcommittee and membership has officially closed. It closed yesterday at 11 AM, we have received a lot of requests to join the society. Um But obviously due to protocol, we had to close it at the given time. Um So that's not to say that you can't join any of our events or workshops or conferences, know you can still join um are events and our conferences which obviously you just won't be a member. And obviously certain events and workshops may be subject to a fee but I'll be a very small fee, of course. So I hope that answers that question. Um The next question we have is the workshops will be online or offline. Um Oddity. Would you like to answer that question? The DT are you present? I'll answer that question. No problem. So what the workshops will have in the hybrid format? Some of the workshops that are totally skill based would be held in the offline format and you will be well informed before the workshops that the up these are the upcoming workshops for the month so that you have ample time to apply and um plan your schedules according to it. And more often, we would have the hybrid format in which we would light stream the workshops via this platform that has made all platform and it will be easily accessible to you. Also each of the workshops and webinars that we will have, we will have the catch up content available. So it will be recorded once you register for the set workshop, most of the time you will have the access to come and revisit the ketchup content and see the webinar. So in case you have joined the webinar registered, but you have to leave in between the webinar, but you still want to know what happened afterwards. You can still come back to this platform and you can see and continue from where you left. Second, I also had seen the questions and then asking will the certificates we brought it. Definitely each and every workshop, each and every webinar, any session you participate in certificate, signed certificates be provided to you all of you. So that's not a doubt at all. You will all of you will get certificates. Then there's one question that interested me. Okay. Someone says that they are in second semester and have not completed preclinical but still are willing to do the a ski workshops. Suddenly we'll have um for specific workshops will have a webinar before each workshop. Most probably the workshop director, the events director will make sure to collaborate between both of the events. And in case there are certain workshops in which you need to know certain clinical aspects. So as to better understand the content that has been taught in the workshop. So there would be like criteria available for each workshop. There would be certain workshops that are available, all the medical students, whether you are enforced semester or you're in the last semester. And certain workshops which require you to have a basic political knowledge, like basic knowledge of pathology and internal medicine and everything. So they will have those requirements mentioned. And don't worry, we'll have events and workshops catered to all the medical students in each semester. I hope I answered your question. Okay, thank you. Thank you, Logica. Um So I've seen another question in the chat which is by Abdul. He said, what about other universities? Besides the ones mentioned on this panel? Catchy, would you like to answer that question? I will give a second. Can you see me? Okay. So uh made an open call, I think five weeks ago for um local resent it ibs um on our social with the platforms, we made an open call. Um And we had the current local representatives we have now are people who responded to the local call um to the open call. And these are people who also responded to um the interviews and showed up for the interviews. Um However, we are working hard together with our public relations officer Maha Protection. We're working to ensure that every city has a local representative because I mean, this is for all medical students in Georgia. So we're trying as much as possible to make sure that every university in Georgia, but here in Tbilisi and out of Tbilisi, we have a local representative, a local chapter head and assistant local chapter head and also subcommittees in this local chap so that we can plan our events together and coordinate events. So for now we are for now we're focusing on getting our events started. But during the academic here or during the academic cysts sinister, please keep your eyes open for when we make open calls for your local university. So if your university is not represented and you apply for a subcommittee, yes, you can still be a part of that subcommittee, but we will still make open calls for the local chapter heads um sometimes during the semester or sometimes during the academic here. So please, if you think that you are capable of your local chapter head, you can still apply even if you're part of a subcommittee, um you can still apply to be a local chapter head and we'll go through the due process and go through the interviews. I hope that answers the question. Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you, Catchy. Um So Radhika just put in the chat, she's from Alter University and she wants to apply to be a representative for university. Um Yes, of course. As catchy just said, um we will be taking open cause for people from other universities he won't mentioned today. Um So you'll be able to apply to be the local head for your university. Um Let's have a look and see what other questions we've got. This is a good question. Um from Mohammad. He says, when the research, when will the research sessions take place? Um So maybe March Harkis Im or a DT can answer that question about any upcoming research events. Um Sure. Yeah. So hi guys were trying to get cases for you and we're walking towards it. But until we do that, we'll obviously talk about introduction to research types of research projects that we can have and you will be updated about them. So we're just trying to collaborate with a lot of doctors as of now, we're trying to get as many cases and as many opportunities as we can in terms of research for you. So just keep an eye out on the whatsapp. Anyway, thank you. A DT. Um Okay, let's see. Let's see what we have, which universities can join the workshops, all universities can join the workshops. Um I mean, I don't know, a DT if you want to establish um uh more on that. Sure, why not? Um Yes, the workshops are open to everyone. One of the main ideas and goals of Gym sock is to include all the international and all the medical students' as much as we can. So sign up for the workshops will send out forms before each workshop, you'll be updated about it and it is not restricted to only one or a specific university. So if you're in Tbilisi and if you can attend the workshop, you're more than welcome to and you're highly agreed to actually. Okay. Thank you very much, Aditi. Um Let's see what else we have in the chat. Okay. Um Okay, these are interview specific questions um but I can type these into the chat. Um So any any requests that people have um regarding subcommittee interviews, please email us again. Our email is Jim Sock 21 at gmail dot com and we will reply to you in due time. Um So does anyone else have any other questions that they would like to ask. Um again, we still have a bit of time so you can enter them into the chat. I see a question uh you're asking like for example, who will be leading the workshops and how will you recruit them? Uh for the workshops? We will make sure there are doctors, for example, for the April workshops, we have E C G workshop. So the doctor we have it will be led by doctors and you will have volunteers from either the volunteers will be from the executive boat from gym sock or gym stock members. And most most often they would be the final year medical students. And how will you decide the eligibility? See for the workshops definitely will have doctors and some of the most of the time they would be international doctors or maybe Georgian doctors. So that's the criteria. We have a proper format professional format of sending the applications and everything and then the doctors agree and for your information, we have been contacted by doctors. They are eager to hold workshop for students. So that's a plus point. Next question that I see is one second. Okay. Um Do we as non members decide I as non members decide what topics to have for workshops for or skis? Definitely, if you have not registered for Jim Socket, I would suggest register as soon as possible. And uh if you have any suggestions, we are always open to suggestions, you can send in your suggestions by our social media platform or you can email us directly and we would definitely take in your suggestions and locations would depend upon the universities as you know, we already have in major universities, we have local chapters. So we'll have workshops either at local chapters or at the head chapter that is envy you. So that would be informed. All the registered members will be informed where the workshops will be held well in time so that you can, as I mentioned before. So you will have all the information beforehand, one week, two weeks before each workshop, so that you can plan everything accordingly. Thank you, Latika. Um Sorry. D to do expand on what uh Medica has said. Yes. Um So uh to answer your questions uh has actually answered it quite well, but I'll say again that you will be provided with all the necessary uh details and uh the forms that will be used for signing up for the workshops and events and you cannot work better at these workshops, you can learn and we're always will really open to your feedback. So you will also be given feedback, feedback forms and certificates will also be provided to you. So um don't worry. And uh okay, thank you. Thank you. A DT. Um Let me just see if there are any other questions that we haven't covered today. Um So I'll just go through them quickly. Um So when will the next call for subcommittee and membership be. Um once again. Um Unfortunately, guys, we have closed membership and registration for subcommittees. Um registration week commence from the 30th and it finished yesterday. Um So we will not be accepting anymore members or any applications for subcommittees. However, we will reopen the registration process for both of these next semester. And again, just because you're not a member doesn't mean that you can't attend. Our events are, events are open to everyone. Once again, the vision for gym sock is to have equal opportunity amongst everyone. Um So don't stress if you weren't able to sign up. Um How can we have close connection to gym sock people? This is a good question. Um I guess I'll just partially answer and then if anyone wants to take the floor then feel free. Um But obviously keeping update with our social media reaching out to people like a DT said, sending in your feedback because we really appreciate feedback and allows us to grow, allows us to bring more opportunities to you guys. Uh I hope that answers your question. Do we have new subjects in clinical medicine and surgery that can add in workshops? Um Aditi would you like to answer that? Uh Sure, absolutely. Uh If you have any specific suggestions regarding that, kindly let us know through our social media and email. Uh I would also like to add a bigger someone asked about the monthly medical journal. So the monthly medical journal sessions will involve um talk involved, talks about clinical research and research papers in general. We'll give you more details and the outline of the sessions. When we near the session, it will be uh it is supposed to be every last Thursday of each month. So you have the update soon enough and to also answer another question. Will there be patient interactions or will be you're making more friends with Mana Quince again? Well, we'll try to get mannequins because um well, they help us uh loan better, but uh you will get to have a patient interactions in the sense that we'll try and be your patient's because one of our amazing and in credible workshop coming up is the cakes and consultation where um we'll have cases, actual cases and you would get to talk about them and consultations. And again, the details will be provided to you before the event. Thank you very much. Uh um I just like to say thank you to all of our executive members who have an answering questions today. Um I don't think there's any more questions as of yet. We still have a bit of time. Um But just before the end, um I would like to introduce Shona. Um she is one of the head local chapters for um Tbilisi State University um Shona. So if you can hear us and can come onto the stage and introduce yourself, Cheryl, uh okay, not to worry again. Um You'll definitely meet her if you do attend Tbilisi State University or if you do um decide to attend any of our in person or offline um or online workshops or events. Um So it doesn't look like we have any more active questions in the chat. Um So what I will do is just once again, thank all of you guys for coming to our very first online meeting. It was really lovely having all of you here today and I'm excited to meet all of you guys in person as well. Once again, if you have any queries, oh, I think we have a question in the chat, but once again, if you have any queries, um please don't hesitate to contact us again. You can contact us via email, you can contact us via Facebook, Instagram and we're always willing to answer any of your questions. Um So we do have a question. So someone says, well, we get the chance to interact with students from universities outside of Georgia. This is a very good question. Would any of these executives like to answer this question? Hello again. So we have planned international events. Um We have two of the international workshops coming up this April. So stay tuned. We will have a lot of international uh interactions. You will, we are already in terms of collaborating with most of the British student societies as well as us medical student societies. So you will definitely have international interactions. Do we have any other questions? Uh We have one more question, we have time for one more question and then I'll hand over to D T um just to explain to us one of our upcoming events. But um the last question is about conferences, uh Moustafa, if you want to answer this question about conferences, are we going to have them during the vacation between semesters? Uh while the date for the conference hasn't been decided yet, there's going to be one every year, one major one every year. While the date for that hasn't been decided yet. We would like the conferences to be during the semester. We don't want it to interfere with your studies. But at the same time, a lot of the students that are registered with us or international students and they might travel back home. So it would be a better opportunity for everyone to attend. If the, if the conference is conducted during the semester, we'll try our best to get on a weekend. So everyone's free. But as of now, the exact date hasn't been the side yet but will be announced in the future. Thank you very much, Mr for. Um So yeah, we've run out of time guys. Um but if you do have any questions, please just email us or you can message us on our socials. Um I'm just gonna hand over to a DT for the last five minutes. She's going to talk to us about our upcoming event next week. Monday. Hi guys. So the event that's been scheduled for Monday the 10th of April is a webinar with in collaboration with project I MG. For those who may not be familiar with project I MG project I MG is a platform that helps international medical graduates uh towards the journey towards the U Assembly. And in this particular webinar, we'll be discussing about the exports will be giving their insights uh on a lot of topics. And also there would also be an introduction to clinical research and I highly recommend you to attend this webinar. And uh if you have any other questions regarding this webinar in particular, let us know. But uh pretty soon you'll get all the updates about this webinar, like the time registration link and uh uh even the schedule. Um I think, but you'll get all the details. Why whatsapp an email soon enough. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions regarding any event, workshop, that any event or anything else that's on your mind. We would love your suggestions and advice and feedback. So uh if you guys would like, let us know. Okay, thank you very much. Um So that concludes our online meeting for today. Um If any of the executives have anything specific they would like to say before we leave. Feel free. No. Okay. Okay. Okay. I would just like to say that it's once again, an honor to have you guys here and have you guys been part of the team? Um Please, like our band director has said, we're really open to feedback. We're really open to your suggestions were really open to your ideas. Also, um The point is to provide content and to provide opportunities for students that relevant to them. So if there is anything that's relevant to you or relevant to your school or relevant to your medical pathway, please do let us know we'll try as much as possible on our end to um get it done. Um And if your idea isn't implemented, it's not because we're not working on it or it might just be because we do not have the resources, resources at the moment to ensure that it's done. But once we have the resources, we'll definitely do our best to ensure that we can have that opportunity present to all the students and we can have those opportunities available. So, thank you so much again guys for your time. What's that over to you? Yeah, I was just going to answer the one last question. Sorry to. And if I'm taking your job here, it is the question about the gym sock executive graduating and how we fill the roles after them. So even though a lot of us are in higher semesters, some of us are even have even graduate or are close to graduating. Uh the gym sock executives will be responsible for appointing someone in their position. It will be up to the election and applications will be open. There'll be interviews to be a whole extensive process. We will make sure that everyone that gets an executive position is able to fulfill their job to the highest standard and they will be held accountable for whatever the responsibility they get. Very nice answer. Thank you, Mr for, thank you. That was very helpful. Um So I just like to say thank you guys once again for joining us today. I hope that this meeting was very insightful and obviously you can see that Jim Sock have multitude of events to offer you guys in the next couple of weeks, a couple of months. And um we're very grateful to have all of you guys be members of gym sock and never hesitate to reach out to any of us again via email via socials. And I'd like to wish you guys or um goodnight, enjoy your evening and hopefully we'll see all of you guys in our project I MG meeting next week on Monday. So, yep. Thank you very much guys and goodnight.