The first part of Dr. Joseph King's lecture on getting involved in ortho (apologies for any technical difficulties)
Getting Involved in Ortho with Dr. King (Part 1)
This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and presents them with detailed insights into the world of orthopedic surgery. It covers topics ranging from the five-year residency to attending job options and even how to decide between orthopedic surgery and other specialties. It also emphasizes the advancements in innovating orthopedic surgery and the importance of understanding what you can enjoy for the rest of your life when making this decision.
Learning objectives
Learning objectives:
- Identify a variety of subspecialties within orthopedic surgery
- Describe the typical residency audience for orthopedic surgery
- Describe current technological and research advances within orthopedic surgery
- Explain various attending job options of orthopedic surgery
- Understand the importance of picking a residency that brings long-term joy and satisfaction
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Computer generated transcript
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Go ahead and move on. So first, I just wanted a couple of slides of talk or have a couple of slides of what is orthopedic surgery for those of you that don't know. So it's the treatment of disorders and injuries of bones. Um Mostly bones outside the uh skull, but all the other bones are included, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and peripheral nerves. Um Also the spinal column is part of what we do. Um Although there's some overlap there with neurosurgery as well. Um And it's uh you know, it's a fun field, we enjoy doing it but this is kind of what we do. Does it keep cutting out on you or is that just me? OK. I can't really say cause I'm, is everyone else cause it keeps cutting out on me, it's cutting out on me as well. I just changed you to a moderator instead of a speaker. I don't know if that does anything, but if it cuts out again, we can try. Yeah, we can try that. OK. So this is just based on some, you know, I added some things here based on questions that you guys had mentioned. So what is orthopedic surgery? We talked about kind of what it is, uh, slide ago, but it's a five-year residency for you guys. Um, when you're done in medical school, your first year is usually six months orthopedics, which is mandated now. And that could change. Um, uh, they, uh, when I was starting, it was only three months orthopedic. So they've added more months, which is good. You also do some other specialties depending on uh the program you go to, but also includes vascular surgery, radiology, emergency medicine. Um And su all right, let me try cause it didn't let me see if mine works now. Cut out again. See if that works. Can you guys see my screen now? No. OK. I give up, keeps cutting out. You wanna put that back up, Tim Yeah. Yeah. Mine didn't work if you just couldn't sit. All right. So, um first year I said is six months of Ortho, the second year is usually the hardest year in most residencies. Um It's commonly the one you, you're kinda on your own for call. Uh You are kinda, you do the most work. You sometimes like here you're on night float, which can be brutal. Um But that can be uh one of the harder uh years in most places and then the third to fifth years you're usually graduated autonomy doing cases uh with the help of other surgeons and learning. Obviously, the more you experience you get the better your hands are, the more you get to do in most places and that's obviously very attending and program dependent. Um, yeah, I ca, I'm not getting it at all. Right now, Tim, there you go. Um, and then after that most now do a one-year fellowship of specialization and some even do 22 separate fellowships. So, two more years. Um, but most when you're done with, with, when you're out in practice, you're still gonna see some general orthopedics. So, um it's not that you have to do a fellowship and like our program, I think you, we do a good job of having um some people that don't go into specialization every once in a while. Um That depends on where you're gonna practice and what you wanna do with your life. All right. Do you happen to redo this every time Tim that cuts out? It's uh still showing for me. Although I guess I can't really see what y'all are seeing. Maybe if we don't, if we just leave it in this slide. I tried. Yeah. OK. That's what was happening to me. It was folk screen. OK. So, um and then after residency and fellowship, um which that extra year is called fellowship, um you have attending job options there. Um I mean, if you want, I can just, instead of having slides, do you want me to just talk about it? That might be easier. Let's just do that because it keeps cutting out. It's confusing. Um, we can give you guys the slides later if you want. So, what are the attending job options? Um, well, uh, it can be really tailed to what you want. Now, there's a lot of different options as opposed to, you know, 20 years ago. So there's academic jobs kind of like what I do, which are usually employed positions. Uh, you can't have private dem or you're in private practice, but are academic, um, employee jobs are commonly hospital. But you can also have a group employed model. And that's also often how they first hire you as an employee, as a physician or as a attending. You're in hire, you're hired as an employee employed surgeon with a salary and then you kinda gotta make your own keep or earn your own keep. Uh That's even in private practice like that. But uh, and then private practice, the benefit of that is you can, is you can control your practice. Um, you can control the, you know what you do. Um, as far as the business side of medicine and there's a lot of benefits to that. Um, including uh the time off you wanna do hiring who you wanna hire instead of like, uh like us, we have to hire whoever UF wants us to hire and we have some say, but not the full say. Um That's also a lot of a little harder job cause you gotta keep the lights on, you gotta, you gotta work pretty hard to get to pay all your people. Um, but it's, uh, it's a good option. There's also, now a real common option is local tenants where you can go and work for a week, a month or a weekend every few weekends and make a fair amount of money doing, uh, you know, only a little bit of time and that can work for some people, especially if they're in between where trying to decide whether they're gonna work or they've got a significant other that has to stay somewhere for a year. They can kind of stay there with them and, and work. Um, you know, part time with the places. Um, also you can work at the va I'm, I'm parttime va and that's a, a pretty good gig, um, as far as benefits. Um, the salary is not very high but the benefits are good and you can even work part time. Um, or even non-operating, you can be a surgeon. Um, but you can also, you know, commonly orthopedic surgeons as they retire, go into the non a part of it and help kind of feed their partners cases. Um, but you can even work part time as well. So that's options when you're attending. Um, what are other benefits, orthopedic surgery? And I had a slide on this. But, uh, a lot, you know, there's a lot of innovation in what we do and ongoing research that's making what we do better. This includes things like the Universe initiative for um Artificial Intelligence. Um machine learning is another big one that we're working on a combination of these. Um and what we do, uh implants are constantly improving, including uh better implants, um better ways to put them in. Uh not just the implants to the uh insertion devices or the instruments, surgical instruments are always improving and then there's also a lot of basic science research. The the most exciting stuff is bone healing and tendon healing for what we do. Um There's a lot going on with that and it's, and there's a lot to that needs to be done. Um It's still got a long way to go. Um But things like cartilage restoration is another is another one that has now, now we can actually take cartilage out of someone, grow it in a lab in a Petri dish, put it in a delivery device and put it in a patient. Um So that's, that's, that's since I've been in practice in 10 years. Um that's improved. And then the other thing we're doing a lot of is Multicenter Collaboration um which we were, we're better at now than 10, 15 years ago where every surgeon had their own series or every group had their own series. They didn't really wanna share data. We're much better about sharing data and that makes it a lot. Uh our research much stronger and we can make better conclusions. Um, what about orthopedic subspecialties? Um, you know, just to mention the ones that are out there are pediatric orthopedics, uh, joint surgery, which is typically now hip and knee replacements. There's sports medicine which you see, like doctor farmers or is the Gators, doctor and doctor roach, uh, foot and ankle surgery, spine surgery, orthopedic trauma surgery, shoulder elbow surgery. That's what I do. Um, it's kind of a newer specialty. Um, it's been around for a while, but it's expanded in the past 20 years, orthopedic oncology where you do, uh, bone and soft tissue cancer, uh, surgery and then hand surgery or upper extremity surgery, um, as well. So there's a lot of facets of the subspecialties that can, you can kind of tailor what you wanna do and commonly people do, um, you know, one of these fellowships cause of their interest and what they wanna do in life. That doesn't mean that's all they do. In fact, a lot of people, especially a lot of people who do sports surgery, still do joint replacements. Um, joint replacements are large, uh, money makers for practices in hospitals. So anyone willing to do those are, are happy to do them, especially primary joint replacements. Um, I'm a shoulder elbow trained surgeon, but I also did, had a lot of time with the sports guys here. So I do a fair amount of knee surgery as well. Um, and I like doing trauma pretty much everyone gets trained a lot on joints and trauma. That's what most residents see are heavy on. So, uh, pretty much anyone coming out is able to do some basic trauma and basic joints. Um, what about deciding on orthopedics? You know, we, I talked about kind of what it is and what are options. Um, but the best advice I'll give you today, I think is, uh, you wanna try to figure out whatever you decide whether it's orthopedics or whatever, um, figure out what you like to do or what you like doing and then what you can do for the, and what you can enjoy for the rest of your life. Um, that's really, um, it's simple, uh, topic or simple, uh, thought. But, you know, if you, you gotta do it for the rest of your life, it's not like you're a nurse where you can switch specialties, you know, you know, 20 years in and do something else. You gotta do this for, for the rest of your life until you retire. So, um, I highly recommend trying to figure out what that is for you. What you think gives you the most joy in what you can do for a long time. I don't recommend picking your residency, whatever it is. Again, orthopedics, any residency based on your lack of time off, um, during residency. Remember, residency and orthopedics is only five years, but most of their specialties are still three years and a lot of them have two and three year fellowships. So you're still doing five or six years of training. So you're gonna get, you're gonna get, you're gonna finish your training. You're gonna do fine. Um You don't wanna base what you're doing on lack it on the time off cause if you're miserable and you're, while you're at work, I don't care how much time off you have it. If it's hard going to work every day, you're gonna have a tough life. Um Don't worry about how difficult it is during residency, like some residency is really hard. Um You're gonna get over that and, and a lot of people do so you can handle it. Um If you can't handle it, you gotta find something else but most people can handle it. It's not, it's not that hard. Um Don't worry about the difficulty of getting in to whatever special you wanna do. Um If it's hard and you have to take an extra year to do it. Um That's what I did. I took an extra year to get in. Uh It was worth that year in my life. I had a, I had no problems with it. Um And it's only helped me in the future. It motivated me and it's helped me significantly. So how we, and uh don't worry about lifestyle. It's another thing we talked about. I just showed you how many different types of, uh or just mentioned how many different types of, uh, attending jobs there are and you can, and that, that's not just orthopedics, that's for most of medicine. You can kind of tailor what you do based on lifestyle. Now, if you have a more, if you don't wanna work as much, you're gonna make less money. But again, if you want, if lifestyle is what you want, um, you know, that's usually the time off thing. So it's like I said, if you're at work and, and you're miserable, it doesn't matter how much you're at work, you're not gonna have a, a good career and then, you know, do it.