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Getting into Research as a Medical Student



This session will help medical professionals to understand how to get into research while pursuing their medical degree. Jack, a student of College University and expert in medical science, will talk about how to balance research with medical school, how to handle rejections, how to find a research field to get into, and his timeline for getting into research during medical school. Hear examples from Jack's own experiences of being externally integrated, getting a Masters in Medical Microbiology, and successfully adapting to online learning due to COVID-19. Also get tips for navigating research and taking a break for your own health.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how to balance research and medical school.
  2. Understand the importance of resilience and how to cope with disappointments and rejections in research.
  3. Develop the knowledge necessary to engage in medical research projects.
  4. Learn how to gain access to resources and mentors to support research projects.
  5. Understand the importance of taking time out for health and self-care when necessary in order to maintain personal wellbeing.
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right on. Um, welcome to our talk on getting into research by a Jack. Right. So All right, So So yeah. Welcome. Welcome. Um hum. So eso There we go. Yes, I welcome to a talk. Um, make sure to ask a lot of fashions in the chat on then our collectors and I belong to them at the end. I make sure to, uh, send this video to a colleague, uh, on share about us like us on our social media. Uh, just, you know, spread the word. We love your support. Um, and also make sure to fill out the feedback form at the end todo the certificates. So and these are social media where we have a presence on Instagram Lichten on twitters. Make sure to give us a follow to keep up to date with. All of our events Are future talks. We have, you know, a lot, a lot, lot of plan for the future. Um, yeah. All right. So little bit about Jack, Um, a friend of mine. So his student at College University is basically just done, you know, a lot off research. His TV is just absolutely mental. Um, I we're going to did help for. He's, uh you know, he's done a lot of really good research at some really prestigious universities. Um, so, yeah, without further ado. Oh, yeah. And this is the feedback form. I will share this at the end of for you guys to fill in. So, yeah, with off the further ado all, uh, stop sharing and then leave it to job. Okay. Okay. Let me share the screen. Okay. Can you see that? Yeah. Yeah, you can see. Well, that counts. Slight shed. Okay, that's definitely up. Yeah, Great. Okay, So, yes, thank you for the lovely formal introduction, but yeah, thank you so much for let me speak today at medical extra on. But you probably know my name's Wellington. Uh, I'm going to be talking quite briefly about front to get into a bit of research while is that medical school? Now, some of the objectives I hope Teo least go over is how to balance research medical school, which is a really quite a difficult thing if you don't know how to approach it and how to cope with disappointments and rejection, reshape research, which I'll go into a bit later. But that is a big factor of research. Have to get to grit, grasp it up, how to get into research in a while. I did person to me. That's a bit about me on Do have most of your trying medical school so a little bit about meters. Alex's says. I am currently 1/4 you medical student, that card of university on. But I was very, very fortunate. After my third year of medicine to externally integrate on, I went to do a masters in medical micro biology, which is basically infectious diseases, a new school of hygiene and tropical medicine, which I'll get on to bed. And I have presented a quiet few nationally internationally conferences. And most of these projects have revolved around either neurosurgery, a bit of psychiatry, especially near a psychiatry, which I find quite fascinating on been about neurology. Um, I've also had the full um fortune of being published in several journals, some of which are higher. Impact jails include the B J psych will neurosurgery, and recently a couple of others get into research on bit of a timeline to me in your one medicine. So I went straight in six form into medicine. I was very fortunate. Then, also on the right old age of 18. I did not know much about research. Get in Spanish and I was coping with the multitudes of just even comprehending. How's your approach? Medical school. So if you're one, it was my juice a pistol. Circumstances such as health going away a bit. So research did say Take a step back to me at that time on. But I I was not as well informed because I was during your one. So you're to started, then escalate are you that I wanted to extending into play? I knew that all the information programs at kind of university I thought, No, no, these really fit is why wants to do so I was So then I looked into the external indicator in program on. It was very much of this time interested infectious diseases, especially in your oh, so anything to do with CNS infections and careful lights is meningea a couple dozen abscesses or tropical disease. I was very much interested in, so I knew from then, but I wanted to pursue a career. Um, from the Syrian in circulation were focused on these on mice sort of four days. My special interests s O. During that year, apart from examining couple medical school, I was very fortunate to have landed a fully funded eight week project at the at my possible on this student balls infectious diseases. I worked a bit on legionella on, but it was very fascinating on. And, you know, I I felt report with the research has got, you know, did a a lot of bench work which, if you are going to do a med, um, more of science, see integrated program or even a postcard to degree after you graduated from Madison. And, Doctor, it's good to do some of the back fundamental bench work and look from bench the bedside. You know, translational medicine, which really does underpinned research. Not as well really fascinated me. So then your street, this is when I knew that I want to do the S A P or the or formally known as the FDA on this was my main driving problem. I really wanted to atleast a cure enough publications presentations to get onto a competitive a competitive A F P program on this was also the time went by externally inflated. So I applied for external indication. I do apologize on this was again quite stressful because I went for a master's program on the application process is slightly different. They do is more formal on there's a lot of paperwork and it's a long application process. But then I was very, very fortunate to have landed an offer to study the Lantus School hydrin medicine, which is well, this being one of my dreams schools and since stopping medicine for studying infectious diseases on then my fourth year, which would be in which is my indication here. And I did do the Masters um, Andi Low and behold it on to it later. But covert 19 structure. This was 2019 2020 and the indicated program had to be halted. Minutes, I think was March. And so I then have to convince from in person teaching away into online which, if you're doing a practical degree, which was what I was doing a lot of lab work. This was very frustrating on Beatles Online, which is not the same is doing it in person. I had also do my dissertation off line, which was which I was fortunate to have to get projects Oxford and looking at African to cancel my assistant, also known as African Steven Signals. But the original power had to change. And then I have your more bio fat exposure, which it was a bit of a deviation from your usual on day after I completed my masses, which was 12 minutes to run three program. So I didn't really have much of a summer student anticipation. I then came back to medicine in your four, but life did not go to plan. As this little image shows, life does not go accordingly and you can plan ahead. Um, and I had to take an interruption because I had's surgery on on Does it? Cause if we said finals in your phone, um, I thought that it would be best for me to take that interruption to focus on my health. Also, focus on on my family and really try and get back into the swing of life. Lost my surgery. So hence why now I'm in fourth year again. Uh, what's next? One. So been about going back to you? One history is so, as I said, trying to spike Medical school new one. It was hard to adjust from college, A levels too full on a cataract deception and and S p A. Z and practical skills. And talking to patients is quite difficult to just and and you're too. I do that some restraints to internship on Legionella, Which is why I thought, Leader, that in your file there as the gram stain on, do your three medicine off I really did overdue. It's which must not mention earlier. I got involved in so many university societies on be taught and lectures, which really does help with your with your exams. But it was a lot of stress time while I was also applying, um, so that was basically my first three years then Indication It's so I was very fortunate to get the place. A little hydrocodone isn't, but it was a huge change. Huge change from the medical summary which they don't prepare you for. I went back to bench work. I went back to fundamental sciences s in writing on D and you know, really difficult exams where you had to go in so much detail. I had to, you know, know the genetic makeup of many viruses just said one examines, identify into the microscope. Different bugs. And it is. It was very interesting, but very challenging. It isn't. As I said, the disadvantage is very intense. 12 months of work, especially with the constraints of covered by Jean. It was not easy. Perks, though, gains invaluable research skills, which could translates my future create impression. It gives you skills, which he wasn't even necessarily think would help your medicine. But you know, quantitative quality to scales, writing papers know, inherited kind of with a peak oh, model for end for research, research questions and reviews. The less is endless. So I really do admire the inflation program and which definitely suggest it's he note, though, if you are gonna insufflate, don't do it just for the sake of a measly couple of points or just received. Do it in something which you are interested in and wants to know more off could really put your heart and soul into it, because it will be rewarding him yet and then cover 19 go over 19 began. It's messed around with everything on, but, um, I had to adapt my way of life learning while still have been a tall masts program. I switched to be on my envision had to conduct. My masterpiece is online No love elements and less. However, I succeeded and I passed my masters on. But the only thing I do regret is not having and missing. You know, some of that bench work at the end of my degree of my face is so here for was, um quite a harder for me. I was struggling with personal health issues, and therefore I had to take an iris an interruption study, dream and drink half the air and to, you know, and recover and solve mine ongoing health problems, which we're going all through quite a while on this. Really? Um, this was a difficult decision, but I had to take myself out of medicine to recover and focus on myself rather than put in medicine first and trying to cope with, you know, with a health condition and also getting through medicine. It was, and finally it will smoked easy. So I took time out on. You know, the big point I'm gonna emphasize here is this did not stop. My decided to make the best out of a difficult predictions. So you're in this time I was quite prerogative. I made the best out of my eyes. Like I'm stuck into reading papers on a general basis, getting to know the high impact journals reading through them. Universities have access, you know. They're open access to produce journals, read papers you're interested in and have a look what's is missing in the current literature that will help you home in research questions. You can then approached the supervisors on that you'll never know on that. That could be a piece of literature you could get stuck in to get published in or presented studying for finals. I took the opportunity that huge around the last medicine and, you know, really confirm my exam results. I've conducted in presented research. So every picks of the conferences with most of them are online. So you didn't have to travel or, you know, you didn't have it. Concurred those expenses so hard having it online. But I was also recovering like you to do it. I could present Post is all presentations from the company might help my bedroom actually on, but also this time became a family committing member off the Wall Street and 10 Years Neurosurgical Society, the UK Medical student club, which we found it on. Eventually it landed here two stops in the UK, which is it's getting, which is taking taking place. I was taking all for quite gently on. Then I also changed the neurosurgeon for conference, which was a student at between Richards Inc Bristol. So how did I guarantee research? Apparently so progressing through your four BBC hate prepared for finals on the search. Um, this is literally what I'm doing at the moment. It is stressful trying to cope with finals and, you know, getting into research, publishing, presenting, especially when coming in 19. It's still around and silver very active. It's difficult to do, but again, it's a motivation. You need to love what you do. You need to get into research what you're interested in on if you can do that and then balancing it is multiple. Um, so what is clinical research? So can it. So defined According to the NHS, clinical research is how we develop new treatments and knowledge for better healthy chair build any evidence, the new approaches, but a safe and effective examples includes, but not limited to observation all studies. So I these dishes make let's on what late data through medical sounds tests questionnaires about a group of old rattles over time to learn more about the effects of different lifestyles and calmness. Felt again, research questions and Reglan and then you. You're more high profile clinical trials. And as we know with your vaccination program, these have been going on quite rapidly. So these could be research studies before the people that aims that evaluates medical surgical oh, behavioral infection examples of really quite pollen and clinical research. James in Scurvy Trial of some people 70 dates back on the state. Some of these trials you go back to the the old agents on golf. This scary was a massive problems on ships, and James Lend knew that vitamin C was then was then the If you have a deficiency of vitamin C, therefore, because it's scary, we tried it since 74% birth control pill trials in 19 fifties, the Simvastatin Survival Study Group, the Child Pugh score on any finasteride. All these edges examples of some of the ground breaking research which, intentionally you could get stuck in as early as a medical student on Why is all of this rather than why is it today's research is tomorrow's chair again? Is that bench the bedside translational medicine through clinical research we made being treatment options is safe, are safe and effective. Demonstrate where the treatments have any adverse reactions. Side effects show whether new treatments are better than current standard treatments. You know your ordered him and your trials. Quite. Improvement projects. Address issues in current standard medical problems by Allstate and quality their careers. That can also helps your event. Illness is by testing a vaccine quite relevant. Nowadays, detectable, diagnosed illness is by testing a scam or blood test. Three. Eldest is by testing a new medicine on advice by the whole best to help people with the illness and help people control it honest or improve that quality of life. Why should you get involved? The bread and butter is talk. Gets involved in research really is both beneficial for your clinical and academic career progression. Remember, when you're applying for medicine to be a doctor, there is a triad. You need to be a scholar. You need to be a condition and also you need to be a scientist getting stuck and research will better your premiere. There's a condition surgeon, a psychiatrist, a GP. It's getting stuck in there on doing it early and again. I emphasize research because this is very important when you if you're considering an academic, create so the airfield. Yes, of being on clinical fellowships, which later on in your career the's a remitive academic programs well should work and haven't really. Research projects and publications of presentations will help you get those positions on. They are competitive. You can use just TV by presenting the conferences or getting published. You know you can also apply the post graduate qualifications. You could get a PT sit in medical education when become enough money to your foundation, training the's old chance, as you know, extra crypt like getting research and getting projects through these degrees. You can also get ahead of the condition per national job allocations, especially when it's competitive specialties, consultancy positions. So those run through programs such a neurosurgery on office and I need and off a comic surgery. These these are very competitive on surgical specialties. Also on certain internal mess of specialties. They you know the positions, like any more scarce been there for the competition is higher, so you need to have your extra things on the CBC. Basically, bump it up and you also gain invaluable skills and experiences. You wouldn't get the medical store, you know, even just doing a bit of engine work, a pet in you guessed skills, which he wasn't necessarily get from just sitting in a lecture or being on placement. You can also have the transferring influence tourist doctors and healthcare professionals. That role is a scholar and influence the future of medicine, which I find especially very exciting, so hard to get involved. Probably well, everyone wants to know. It is easier said than done. I'm not gonna lie. It is quite difficult to get some of these projects, and there's a lot of email in and, um, a lot of trying to friend supervises. It's not as easy as people say it is, but it is possible with a bit of a bit of a flare up. In a bit of motivation, you can definitely get them how I started joining into those international society research crazies on student lead committees, national societies in the iris, dammit, cetera, your local university and societies you can you can definitely get involved in, You know, research this way it gets your name out there. It gets more things in your C being at the same time. You get to know people on research and easy, easy way to get it is to know no people in the fields and friend um, get in that way on. But again, if you you need to put yourself out there to get to get rewarded, approach seniors and peers experience of publishing research Don't be shy, don't you? You have to have this cheekiness to you. This'll you know, you have to be self selfless and bolts of selfish. You need to If you say if your PS is experiencing publishing the research, ask them how they go into it. Estimate if there's anything they can get involved in. If you know the seniors happy to supervise that it's all about Baskin. And if you don't ask you too, is it your inspiration or post graduate qualification? My integration allowed me to get contact since both of us a sample and also, um and you also eat a bunch of great people on these on these degrees, notable characters on, but they really do help. I'm put a word. And when you were trying to get into research, apply for summer students that ships an internship that internships be the quite competitive on especially funded ones, like the well contrast vacation students ships. It could be quiet or inspire. They could be a relative very useful if you get on some and some of them are paid. So what helps wars? You know, finding the summer cold turkey you should if you get into threes, that you should have a good contact list. It's invaluable. Know people you can approach, especially when you want to choose your electives. Were SSC your students selected components or projects on? This will help a lot easier than just, you know, batch email In a lot of people, which trend get quite frustrated and then anything to emphasize? We need people. Research is always wanting more people to help out with projects, even if it's a review, a systematic review. Some senior once you know on what another person to help edit the final draft or, you know, format it for a journal you can have your name on it. It's a little chance. So get stuck in their clothes off. Lots of projects and seniors. They will want additional help. So examples of what you could gym original articles that they are very you know, this is your top and publications really difficult to get involved in, Um, some. You know, I I it's a challenge to get onto some of these initial articles. You know, these trials, these also these some hired audits, and they're not easy. But if you ask around and get onto and get involved in national student Metamucil research committees, then sometimes they will run national audits on these can also help. You know, you can also get involved the knees and data Clacton and be hostile leads. And andi even get on the steering committee to help. Right paper? This That is probably the best way to get onto these articles on bees projects. Systematic really is. They're very useful and evidential on buts. They can be a nine to dio on. You need a prior knowledge of how to conduct, um, hence my prisoner flow diagram there. A systematic reviews can be quite long, arduous and you do need to put time and effort into reading through asks Scar were in through databases and whittling Whitman it down to, you know, allegedly papers to include the study case reports. Now, case reports are elusive, but they are a great tradition to your CD. If you, um, the best way to do this is by your placement or you have a supervisor who say Is, uh is a consultant surgeon. A lot of internal medic Ask them. Ask them on placement. Is that anyone? It is anything interest in. Is there anything which, you know you could write up on? A lot of consultants in academic doctors who you know, regular do case reports that they'll have. They'll have reports which need written right on up on. You can get involved this way and say, Can I help? Right? Can I can I help edit? Can I help getting bald on the schedules? And that's then you can present to a conference or or even get published in saying Maybe, um J K trickles? Um, Obviously, patient written consent is needed for case reports, and this is another part of case reports is you need to get consent, throw it out and, you know, present. Except but they are elusive. Great addition to the CB literature reading is a simple narrative review. They're quite difficult to publish there it is possible. But usually in people who write these critical reviews these, you know, these edge it. Oh, really? They're experts in the field, so these could be quite difficult to publish on just that. But you might definitely try because, you know, nine times because one out of 10 you might actually get except didn't something. Unless it's the answer, I say. Probably easier to publish. But most sneezing's duty, time and effort. It needs to be a legend. Years need to be topical and sometimes has be a rapid response. So, you know, within an article within four weeks of being published to accept it on a journal, then have a response. These letters you need to be frequently reason journals to identify whether there is something you can right response to whether there is, you know, critical of a pig pack, which you could write a letter to the answer and they're only shorts, but they come. They probably quite, um, specific. Therefore, when you publish one. If you don't get acceptance of journal, then you might have, You know, write another one, too, because it has to be specific to something. Or it could be general the most time. It's usually a topical, rapid response. So why is this old importance presentations? So this is a screen shots off the course. Surgical training, um, selection proper criteria on. As you can see, you get different scores and different points to what type of presentation we've done. So the highest would be a normal presentation of National International Conference. And it has the red, you know, a rat and recognized body centers the whole side of the medicine or roll college, and then it goes down stairs and you know what? What you've got, like a post stare or no etcetera. Then you get a point, Alex. And obviously, the more points more transitioning that selective and endure publications. So as you can see on the first or the joint first author or or you off too warm or peppermint cited original research publications or impair, she gets for marks, and it would be difficult first, all that you know is his reports The most work and effort into that medication on now could be quite difficult, if especially a student, but honestly gets stuck in there asking again. You have to be selfish to be selfish and selfish. The Southwest Ask if you can have clarify what off all the authorship position you will get. If you do this X Y Z amount of work and then see advise, you should be feeling so pistol tips, which I did find helpful. Make a Lincoln account if you have more already another. My contacts in a lot of people like the Project, Smith is reeling thing. It's a professional, a social media on. You can really promote yourself in an academic, conventional way, and it's also good for job interviews and lots of other job notifications. Opportunities, etcetera. Do you know how to do it? Do not fall into, um, you know the category where you are doing more research than actual focusing on the medical studies because one well, you have to be a perfect balance, which is difficult because 1 may you know into the scale slightly. And if you do more readings ish in medical studies than your medical studies, well it can go down. And you you need to have focus on both equally. And as I said, I have a balance in clinical. Actually did studies do you know prioritize research over your fundamental clinical competencies cause you will regret it. You will. You know those precious sign Sign off at the end. You need to be clinically competent because remember the engines and you are going to be a doctor. Research isn't aspect, but at the end, today you are gonna be a clinician. So do no Parent has researched over your fundamental clinical competencies and juices on conduct research or what you're passionate about. Jones gets dragged it into a project where you are not a passion about you don't really want to do. But you just want your name on there or you want to be recognized on represents something because the answer day that research is going to be a representation of what you put into it as well. And you don't want to conduct research halfheartedly on it's you know, it's horror and know up to the standard it should be because they're not will reflect on you. So conducted research on what you're passionate about that highlights sitting contacts. You get involved, even talk to and email, which you know and specify what you're interested in, what you want to do. Is there any data and literature you want to pursue? Whether it's a good idea or not, and do not we do research That's just water. Have majorities now on the you know, the foundation program, Um, allocation and Rankin's um, they don't they're not including Permit I ds. I'm soon on D, but, you know, before it was you had to get you got two extra points to be to prevent these. Do not just do it just for those pregnant. Idea is, even though it's tempting. Remember, research is to help the patients. In the end, it's to benefit patient Kaing quality of care. It's not just for your own benefit. To get X Y Z mounted have meant ID's because of the um, today. It's in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't really matter. It's about conducting research, which you're passionate about on. Do you want to get your name or because you want to put your name on something which will impact and you know we'll highlight that's in the literature that's more excited and then just see me in a month. Prevent. That's my personal opinion. But just do not do it just for those permit idea, because it's not with you. Okay, So juicing. So it's a female escape. Um, e mailing is probably gonna be most of how you're gonna get contacts. So some of my do's and don'ts definitely make sure to be respectful. Informal. Don't just send a cheeky email saying I want to do this. You want to do that? It's, You know, it's 09 times out of 10. They're not gonna be that so outlined. Here you are, what she wants to get involved in and why. So, you know, I'm Jack, my fourth year medical student. I want to get involved in neurosurgery. Academic, academic, surgical, surgical, academia on. But I'm interested in your infectious diseases cerebal, etcetera. And why? Why you want to do it? Don't just say I want to do for actual points. And I see every black blob Say, say, I'm passionate about this because I saw this in a general. I saw this little presentations. So this is a conference and want to get involved in etcetera. That will be MAWR. You will get watery action and probably a reply. If you go down that route, make sure it's attaching up. Today, it's TV. I always start receiving to any email. If I'm going for a contact in the supervisor of a beautiful supervisor or projects, even for a sec, I'll I'll put my CD on on day. Can have a quick read and see you know Okay, this business serious What? We want to make the email individualized. This is a problem when you know you batch email and send the same email to so many different supervises that does not work on people know people. So if you sent, you know to neurosurgeon is in State Department the exact same email, it's and you know they'll just probably ignore it. So make the email individualized and why you want to be that that ends with with us potential supervisor reason bit about the bio, just Google and just see what they've done and read some of their literature here in exact uh, that will be more impressive than just call the melon don'ts do know over email Do Don't you know keep every day bombarded in someone with an email, you know, have you read this? You just don't do that because they wanna fly, you know, send emails to load the potential to vice matches. It doesn't look very good on day. You know, you have to have a background of the research through question, so make sure, um, you know, make sure you have actually read the publication of stating or you know that that is, it's done because if you went to meet up for coffee or had a formal interview on you said, You know, I've read your publication X rays and they said, Oh, tell me about when you don't know that we'll look awful. So definitely read up on the person on that publication's of work juice and Jennison. CBS. So, um, some of my juice outline relevant details. Do not waffle in an academic CV often is probably the worst thing you can do it just waste pages and just just a relevant So just out, like the road in details. So for me, I always, you know, presentations both post on or all and state, whether the national international reason or like section prizes. Even if your shortness it for price, just mention it because it will better than no mention of it on applications. Site your publications on your cereal. Make sure it's like to make a list. Sorry. Make sure it's unless you're past president. Future research and there's just a little bit. Just say what you've done, what you want, what you're doing now and a bit about what you'd like to pursue in the future. It shows that you're proactive in your yeah, recent activity. Do you know waffle do know, Maybe too long. We don't want to see which is 32 pages long. Do not lie. Just don't because you will be called out in the end, um, liars, you know, it's clear that you fabricated it so just, you know, like rejection. So a part of research is that you are going to get rejected at some point. All individuals pursuing clinical and such bacteria should grass. That rejection is a normal component of the process. Personally, are you originated from many conferences, committee positions, prizes on generals, you know, especially the journals. If even if the article seems like it should be published that General the editors like, No, I don't really want it there. You know, it's not just not just happen and see I've been rejected a full pee every few, many times, but do not give up. Be resilience. Do not let one journals position inference, publishing bias just because saying you've caught negative results from a project you've been spend in eight weeks on or even a year on Don't just, you know, go on. I don't want to publish it in this general cause. I've got negative results. Therefore it's no, you know, they're gonna be taken every Jack to stray. All that's called publishing bias. Don't just do it for that reason, you know, generally will accept negative results. It's a part of the literature to say that we tried this. It didn't work, you know, this is all. We didn't find something which we thought we were going to end. Our hypotheses. Publishing bias could be a problem, but do not let this influential generals position take the Commons and boards and revised if the channels conduct units, Um oh, you got minor visions or major efficient. Make sure to read over him and see if you were green. If you agree, you know, change it. But again does think time it just take offense. But she keep going on here, then pisses of abdomen is key with research really needs to be resilient in the fact that a lot of it might not work at the most the time. And it's just not one thing, that one thing which you will benefit you. That one possible that you know about one finding which may escalate your career or benefit mankind's in a setting. My inpatient care that is most rewarding thing on beets. All of the rejection June during the during the past. So who's contact his legs? Hips, the Internet and social media? I powerful assets. I mean, most of my opportunities is being through slinked in and even Facebook. I'm on no in, you know, contacting consultant, You know, don't be afraid. It could be quite intimidated just to go to a consultant to be like I want to do this project. I wanna you know, I want to pursue something big. You because if you don't ask, you don't get on. Even if they don't replace it. Take That is okay. They know interested move on. Don't linger because you're wasting time. So, as I said in certain social media, powerful lesser effects. And if you haven't gotten anything, making account. If you're waiting too long for response, move on. Time is precious on. Did you want? You want? You impact the world, quickly move on and email someone else or contest, but also do something in the time doctors and hyperflexed activities are very busy. So bear that in mind. If you do not get that response in a day or two, you can you know, it's it's it's more. It's more the weeks of weeks, the endless speaks that nobody's replied to you. Then you can move on. But remember, high profile, because that makes the doctors are very busy, especially covitz on. So don't be. If you know, don't be afraid to send a little reminder email in a week or two, just to say, because he might not have read it. Be innovative. So when I say being insensitive, it could mean two things means obviously being productive at the same time. If you have identified a gap in the literature which you know is a gap on, did you know that you can say do a systematic review or something. Then go for it. You don't You don't need you not restricted. If you have enough evidence that suggests or you know you've gone from PICO Model on identified this research question on you want to pursue this on you? Having trouble finding supervisor? Start pursuing it. Start Start getting through the motions of starting that project and get people involved. Are she appears? Are you interested? Units review with me and they'll say yes or no on. Then start. You know being effective if you don't make it. If you don't take that first step, then you're not really walking on. So it's got using using your hind science and no in. If there is a gap in election you want you're passionate about this human something didn't do it. Get in touch with some of the national student research parties. So SMR star search they they do. And it's quite often actually international off the orders and nationals It's quite a few times Are Sam the roadside of medicine. They have so many s a prizes and student prizes. It is untrue. So, you know, have a look and see what tickles your fancy on down. Obviously the new minus on the VP of WB, the M s u K. If you're interested new surgery in urology, psychiatry or anything in between getting cold starts and we can wear started innovative research lady programs and become a member. And we can have hopefully guide us from and have things in common with your peers. Say, you know, if if a bunch of you are interested in psychiatry there and make a little group so you can help each other out and one thing I will say about getting into academia and then also it's competitive positions, people sometimes take competition quite fiercely on Don't be scared about you needs, um, you needs to definitely, you know, keep that in mind, but the same time if someone struggling or stolen, you know, needs needs a hand that helps it's real human beings stands today on. People need help from each other, so definitely help your ears make a little group on. You know, bounce ideas often see what you can do, and then that you can, you know, publish together, present together the trees. Reynolds. Really. So hopefully you've enjoyed my talk, and I'm very grateful for for you guys. Let me speak today on D. Um, as I said, Any further questions, email me or a message in your Facebook Lengthen on by I'll try and as your email messages quick. So I can I'm sorry about the power point issue. I didn't want to get the animations. Was there's a problem with that. So thank you very much for letting me speak today. On I will take any questions if there are only so thank you very much. That's Jack. Yeah, that was very informative talk. Oh, I said when he found. Anyway, um, So right, so we have a couple of questions, so I'll try to answer of its best, like on Yeah, um, some of them I kind of bunched together. So first one is, um when should one should you start doing research and see? Be building. This is your three a good time. Okay. So from my personal opinion, use one you want was basically I didn't do much at all or part of the essence season. What's part? Because you're too. I start against stuck in. So I would say it's really an individual thing. Obviously. Leaving it's last minute, you know, is is not ideal, but the same time. Do it when you feel comfortable. And I've got a stable in a work life balance. You know, you don't want medicine in research being the only thing you do, you need a heart, because you'll you know you'll lose a little to live, so you need to definitely have a good balance on D. I was personally I started in here too. Okay. Okay. Um, what are the most difficult aspect of doing research? It depends on the individual again. Most of these of individual things. For me, it was obviously I don't have I'm going to be the first doctor. My family first degree in my family. So for me, I didn't have any contracts or anything enough right from beginning. I was very news for it. And sometimes medical school might not guide you on some of these extra things. So you have to be quite proactive. So I did a bit of, you know, self directed learning I looked at How how do you even conductress interests? Looks has to review. Look how much water The format of occasion. Port is letters yet Stone and looked at the different types of articles out there. And then I read journals, you know, updated with the land set. BMJ excited. And then from what I was interested you that I was into play knew that I want to do in a sbsf Onda. Um Then I you know, my first property bench work was my funded summer project. So most difficult. Expect it to me and it still is. Today is statistics, statistics and researchers know is quite difficults on, but not the greatest. I'm not. I'm not like on, but that will probably be That's the hardest is adapted. It's a different type of way of right in scientific writing and used to it on just started. I think it's the hardest thing, but once once you start it, it will flow. Okay, where is great? You mentioned statistics cause I'm not. Yeah, that's about that as well. So I want to do research, but I don't know enough stats or analysis to do it. So I focus on qualitative instead of quantitative research. Okay, so there are a lot of resource is online which talk you through basic medical status ticks. And so I know on, I know Star Search. There are so I think it's the insect learning. There is modules from on how to get in, like kind of stop. The Statistics University course is, you know, most medical degrees now have some at least the packages statistics. So if you're really struggling in, you know, off the medical physician responsible for pot like holes, which can help you give get you into evidence based medicine. Also, when I did my infiltration, I have to do a statistics module that helped ah lot, so there's always that part of it on. But if you really struck them, are someone who you know, befriends someone who knows their stats is, you know, it's like a medical statistician. Most most recent teams have someone designated to go through this starts, so it's It's a good, good way to learn from their minutes while and But I would start with the Internets look at, you know, basic starts, odd ratios, probability and predicted values were cut those basic things and then do some of those marshals I mentioned on the star search. They're quite good. It how do you find a good seafood, I said, What should I should I take into consideration? I'm finding someone gun. It's an individual thing. So it's the big thing, which I find when I'm looking for potential supervisors, is report is if you can get on with so an email, you can't judge someone over anemia or attacks. You need to, you know, formally meats, grab coffee or over zoom because the curb it on days Just talk to him. Got to know the report and then see how you feel afterwards. If you If. If it's in your gut saying no, really fond, then it's the dynamic. It's probably not gonna be great. Find something you can I gel with on who was pleasant to really enthusiastic about teaching students. That's another thing. Then it will go smoother than someone who's a lot more cold and distant. So I got I think it's stress incontinence and builds number. Okay, okay, last question. Well, couple of questions that's fine or based on sort of the type of research. So what types of research and I do as a beginner do some research look better on the CVS than others on awesome research easier to publish than others. Okay, so this is a common question. Um, for me, it really does depend on what your residual started. So if you're new to research on, you don't know what you're doing again. Supervise is gonna be a best friend or someone who knows entries. It, um there is no when it comes to articles don't publish just because once easier than you ever and 1 may take last time than ever. I I find the more extensive projects which go on for a while, actually the most rewarding. So don't just judge it on what's easier to publish. But to start off, I would definitely get a grasp of how to do a systematic review. Um, because if you go into indicate, for example, your project might be if he smite, be assistant review. So learn has to review and also get to grips with critical appraisal of literature reading through papers. That's probably the I would start with that first, then before grasp in, you know, different protocols such as prisma on. But I would I would definitely start with basically review, you know, a search use using the databases. Well, no It has usual Boolean operators and, you know, looking and and making a search stream. Those sort of things are invaluable. So learning how to do that first and critical appraisal on understanding papers and it's an analogy is better than just being stuck into an originalist for you don't have a clear on what's going on. So I would start up. Okay. Okay, so All right. That's that's great, Jack. So thank you for the talk. So I'm just gonna show my screen again. Um, but the feedback form, So, yeah, if you guys could fall out in, uh, we would really appreciate that. I'm sure Jack will be, uh, willing. Well, Jack will be, uh, you go to see our people, found this talk, um, as please fill it out for the e certificates. Good, right.