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Upon this, you'll be looking at, like frontiers of it, so one of the biggest things we have right now is the gut microbiome, which is pretty important and like you're expanding like the frontiers of this subject, but there is, I do remember, there is like brief, like third year style content, remember in the first week, we did like Yeah the majority is not 30 a content because it's not about like diagnostic criteria and yeah, It's not about that, it's about like the recent cutting edge like treatment or um like investigations of these conditions and like what's happening at the absolute frontiers and the good thing with gastro is Imperial like Imperial College, is a big gastro center, so all of our lecturers are like titans in their field, and all the research papers in the world, like all the main research papers are like basically their papers, so you're like learning from absolute experts and Gastro yeah, more cases like top 1% cited or something something yeah, yeah, We have some like yeah, which encompass you on saint Mary's mostly but there's some lads in hands in the hospital like 23 days in the whole year, mostly seminary okay. Thank you um and my watch thing is like the worst thing about it just like, so I know, mm the worst thing I don't know well like the most difficult thing. I'd say the most difficult phase would be module to. I think everyone agrees with that because you're having to balance um intermittent deadlines, so your I see a four and five You're science and context and literal view are like you've got to do them at the same time, but it wasn't like it wasn't too stressful like if you buckle down and just do the work, you'll be fine and that's not gastro specific like that's Yeah, yeah, that's just that's just be a season general. Yeah like I don't think I'm not just like before you guys came, he was like this is the best decision he's made, yeah you know honestly, the reason I'm doing this talking to you guys because like it was the best um it's the best decision I made a medical school so far because like it's actually helped me like reinvigorate my love for like the academic side of medicine. If you know what I mean like um and like the people I've met in gastro and like the supervisors, just been amazing, so it's been really good so far and I that's why I want you guys to make the same decisions that we did another thing just to add on to it. Um If you're diligent with your work the markers at gastro, they're really they're really good like they'll give you some nice marks if you're like, if you know what you're doing and like there's it's it's very chill like I think that's the best way for me to put it yeah. I think you really care about teaching and yeah. We're not we're a little biased, but you can ask this to anyone doing any bsc gastro and I think farm teachers are really passionate about what they're teaching. You tend to enjoy what you're learning even if you don't actually like Gastro too much or like you were not too fast about what bs, you want to do and they're not fair like. If you, if you do, if you deserve it, you get yeah. Yeah, there's no yeah, I don't remember it but there's other bs, cs, but that's not yeah, trust with us on vicious pses, norris, bye, bye. This woman is hilarious, so they just leave and join again off and you're like what that's crazy, oh they're recording this oh no way can they record the breakout groups. Just I didn't consent to this, yeah, but I think really barber just ended and start it uh just cut from uh what's your favorite thing about your uh uh you can't tell me about the girl on the tube anymore no, I was just going to say she was like 6 ft five. She was massive that she was looking so scary, 6 ft five, imagine what's mad, but you know what I was walking down like exhibition road today and there was this woman who was probably 6 ft five and she had she looked like the most stunning human being. I've ever seen in my life and everyone on exhibition road was like turning the head uh I don't know I do envy tall people, I really do wish, I was a bit taller but what can you do being short, has its advantages. Yeah, yeah sometimes it does where the students man. I don't know. I wonder which bs cs, they're like deaf of bio enj, like deaf, business, but yeah, management, or business uh Should we do in some break curves, I don't know how to chair, mm. I feel like Gastro is not one of the bs cs, you'd go to a fair fall. Yeah, hunch, was it's like if you want to do you do it, it's like it's a no brainer. Yeah I, I actually got convinced on the day I was speaking to a mere on the day and he was just like yeah you'll get first berries, you should do cholesterol was like, I want on track together first, yeah, yeah, Yeah, my average is doing he's doing well. I can't like yeah, but I thought I'm doing decently well, but I think people are doing like remarkably well, yeah no no yeah, It's yeah, I genuinely think we're all getting first because actually like it's actually peak, but I thought I've done so much worse than like I've just done like quite well in it, so how was your science and context yeah, it was calm, it was calm. I got I got, I got a student here, hello, yeah, So if you have any questions just feel free to ask us um or just put in the chart and we'll just answer your questions, What are the hours like um the hours going brushy like less than 9 to 5 yeah, it's like is, is like um so, in the first term, it's there are some lectures you have to come in for, but they're really chill, they started like 10 and then they ended around fourish, yeah, so it was fine and it was all right cause like your it was It was a bit like school. I can't you lie to you like it was, it was so chill like they always don't feel like you're there a chore to come into when you, when, when you do have to like like the only the only time I I felt like the hours were bad were when we had to do labs in Hammersmith and that we had to get there like proper early and it would finish at five, but that's like that's only three days in the entire year, so yeah everyone even too long, it was like 9 to 5 like normal like standard Day, Yeah and Gastro is usually, I mean so far, at least I is in person or 32 or three days a week, Yeah online because they know you have like sports no point of days um The thing about gastro is they really care about teaching so they like timetable well and they they like care about your welfare. They care about teaching you well and they're really passionate about their subject, so when uh how beneficial would pick in a BSE, with picking BcB about your future specialty okay. Um So, I'm I I I mean I know russia is a story because I know she's really into gastro, but I'm i, I had no inclination for gastroenterology like I've always been interested in um neurology if I'm going to be honest, um but I did pick gastroenterology cause. I wanted to challenge myself and I wanted to do something that would like have a more like relaxed atmosphere because I knew I know neuro is just gonna be like um like serious candidates like it was not. It's just not my thing if I'm going to be honest, but um it doesn't really affect your future specialty. If you want to do something else, but if you want to do gastro, this is something that would definitely be um something you'd want to look into, so, I, I'd pass on to russia, because she definitely knows more about this than I do yeah like I, I gastro is a big contender for me, I'm not sure if I want to do it as a future specialty in general, your b s, unless you know you want to do that dsc like unless unless you know you wanna do gastro or neuro or whatever you can pick that DSE, so you can network with the people who do it and that's on like do some research probably get some publications in that particular field, but if you don't know what you want to do it doesn't matter and if you're not sure it doesn't matter because then what you want to get out of the b. S. C. Is just getting good at research in general, networking with anyone um try to get a first because it counts for points in your like specialty placements. Regardless of what that you're bsc, you do so um yeah, that's that's what and, and the point right she mentioned mentioned about networking. We have some like big players running our course, so you might have heard that you might have heard of them that julian mark a. Z. Is one of them is the top 1% cited, is the top 1% cited researcher, so we've got some like important people that it would be worth networking it with if you're interested in this field in the future, I think we can move onto the next question, What kind of topics do you focus on the most is a teacher teaching based on general Surgery or is it based on pathophysiology. That's a very good question you can start with that russian, you start so with all signs, bs cs, um most signs, bs cs. The teaching is not very clinical, so it's not like about like diagnostics and like um stuff like that's not like third year, it's more about what are the cutting edge of current research, so it will be a mix of like path of physiology than transitional like treatments, medicines, clinical trials, what's like the new and upcoming things in the field. Um That's all, I can say really, um you get a spread of both, you get surgery like we had some papers, yeah you get surgeon, medicine, yeah, it's both and then I would say there is a bit of a focus on pathophysiology because like we deliver immunology for quite a while and then we did we did the pathophysiology of I bts well, so like, yeah is where the brushing up on that stuff when you get to that, but they teach they teach it to you very nicely anyway, so, yeah it's very good how hard is it to get a first and the gastro BSE is not very hard. I can't like to if you put in the work. If you put it in the work, you'll get you to mark you fairly, they appreciate the work put in there, not like bias. They just don't want to knock your first like they don't care, yeah they just leave that uh hello, um do you have any questions you can put it in the chat well on you and ask them, can you see the chat of like the previous people and what questions they ask, yeah you can you can so if they join later. Oh we know the students, I don't know, I have no idea oh he hasn't questions anyway, uh When are we supposed to stay until like 7 30 bro, that's so long 7 30 another hour from now, I got to eat, she's hungry and just caught my way. What do you think about science. In context, yeah I, I got it first, so I'm not complaining what about you yeah, I got it first. I'll tell you what I put my heart and soul into the side. Yeah like I think I haven't spent more time on any I see inside some point like I got passionate about it like I was passionate, So when were you happy with what you got, I okay, so I was hoping for higher than what I got, but that seems that made a lot of sense, so I'm not about it, I'm like okay. Yeah I got a first but I was like and she I think lucia must have marked it because she it was like a very like liver it was about like Yeah got access or whatever I don't know, I don't know who marked it, but they seem very knowledgeable and the feedback that they've made sense I was like oh fair enough so, yeah I'm not upset like um if you give me like valid feedback, I'm like yeah, fair enough. I got like I didn't even read my feedback. I don't care, I can't like yeah, I just saw the market because this like it's the lowest of this this this this is the worst. I've done all the i. C. A. S, and it was still like the first, so I was like I was like I don't care, I'm not reading the feed like um Did you know if you get a first, in four i. C. A. S. And then it's like an overall first by 2% It still gets rounded up seriously. If, if your average is not less than 75 point so 69.5, um it automatically zero like no 00.5 automatically gets rounded up if it changes your like band, but if you get a first and four out of the seven i. C. Is and then you're like okay I get it and you know and you miss it by 2% then it gets uh that is crazy looking at. Uh you already got the first and fore, yeah, I could just I could just start bro, I could just you're aiming for 68% total. Yeah. Uh Yeah no, I want I want to do well, cause like my supervisor, has put a lot of faith in me, she's like uh because because like she asked me to do a little review well. When she was like just too late with you. Obviously, I was just like what the final I did it and she was so happy she's I can't believe you actually did it got such high hopes for you. I was just like oh yeah that is very nice isn't it, I think that's a good thing like with my project. It's like no one gives a fuck about it. It's not yeah, I don't think that one yeah that's a bit intimidating, yeah like it's part of their lab, they have money for it, but there's it's not like it's part of a bigger project, so I can do what I want with it and if it used also results, maybe they'll take it forward. If it's like negative, then it's a dead end and that's that just designed the whole thing myself do the whole thing myself and I can take it like I just want to get it first, or I can be like I want this to be novel, translational research, and like publish it and whatever I don't really know where I'm at right now are you thinking of publishing. I hope so I want to get a published, publish it published publication out of this bsc, okay because I am interested in gastro yeah, you know for you, 100% dash be something you should be like, I'm not close to one right now, have you published before you know, I've done conferences okay, I've done to international conferences, and I just submitted my abstract for a third conference, which I'm uh that's three more than I have man you like have to present at the conference to just go and I did I present other conference that's insane hello, um So, if you have any questions, I'm you and ask them or just put them in the chat, and we'll be willing to answer your questions, just to repeat that, Again, just put your questions in the chat or just a mute and ask them sorry just joined what's gastro teach you about uh yeah okay, so in all signs, bs cs, most of the teaching is focused in the first term in gastro. Uh We do a lot of um lower GI, so colon and uh the current cutting edge is about the microbiome, so a lot about that. There's a lot, there's a whole block of liver stuff, live immunology, um all the like liver viruses, and there's a massive cancer section. There's a bit of upper GI, but it's mostly lower GI and hpv mhm, and it's a mix of surgery and medicine, but it's mostly about like the current cutting edge research, Yeah, just like the purely academic frontiers of the subjects You're looking at in gastro in third year, for example, yeah Yeah and the cool thing about gastro is that most of the people talking about the current cutting edge are the people doing it, yeah, They're right in these papers, Yeah they're working on Imperials gastro like departments very like at the frontiers of everything cool happening. I'm telling all the students this but julian Markazi, head of the King of uh the head of our course here, he is he's um top 1% started research uh worldwide in the world. He's a big there's some big there's some big men and women in the gastro bsc, but also like look it's just like they're they're actually very passionate about the subject and like they're passionate, very infectious, so you'll start to like enjoy it as well, if you don't want to enjoy gastroenterology, so yeah, did you know Ben, mcleish, administer the first f. M. T. At Imperial College ever like ever ever, that's crazy, I did not know that everyone loves ben, uh office today and I was like holy Shit, that's insane for the research project. There's no chance to do lab work all right go on rush. This is all you're doing a lab research project right now, I think in gastro, there's like about a third of lab projects, a third of clinical and a third of like data analysis removed like big data coding stuff, so there's a bit for whatever like you want to do um yeah and there's a chance to lab work I'm doing lab right now and the spread of lab work is massive all the way from like low g. I. To live immunology two tons of stuff um Did you learn um did you learn, I don't have much to add about lab work because I'm doing a clinical project uh going to move on to the next question did you learn about got immunology and physiology uh yeah we did we did a whole module on liver signaling and sorry t cell signaling and another one on liver immunology as well and you do get to look at a lot of um like a lot of the frontiers of the research into those specific fields, um but I know it can seem because for me personally, I find immunology pretty daunting, especially yeah, especially in the gut, but they explained it so nicely and they took the time to ensure every student was on the same page and then we were assessed on that knowledge on it, so it was you would do it and uh we do it well. Uh. To summarize any other questions, do you see any patient's unless your final project is clinical, you don't see any patient's um no point of the bcs, to for it to be academic, research, sciences, so I don't think in any signs bsc ccn, you don't but I mean if you're doing like I'm doing a clinical project, so I'm actually in the woods like pretty much every day, so I do see patient's, I do get to brush up on some of my like history taking or ski skills, communication that kind of thing so, if you do a clinical project, yeah you will see patient's, but throughout the entire year, you won't be seeing any patient's, it's purely just academic work, uh individual and team based, so, yeah, hello, so to everyone, she's joining now um just feel free to type questions into the chat, and we'll answer them. Or if you want you can on you and ask the questions as well, I was a staff support working environment, wait this question okay okay, so so this question is not possible without a bit of context about myself. Um I'm I didn't have a lot of interest in gastroenterology, is not really interesting to me, um but um I was I'm actually interested in neurology, but on the BSE fair, I was convinced by some of the peers and I spoke to uh half a camry. She is the assessment lead and basically are like, if you're if you think about school you had like a form to her. She's like a form to uh and like she's um she and um so, I got convinced to Gastro and it's been the best decision of my medical school experience so far, and that's mostly because of how great the staff is, So the staff um are not only passionate about gastroenterology. They really care about your students both academically and socially as well, So they go above and beyond to address all of your like concerns, all of your worries, all of your welfare stuff on top of that they organize, like socials with the whole cohort. They have like remember we had those like fun, little games we played and stuff like in the first term like and like they really make sure that the entire cohort is cohesive and like you really grow to like enjoy your time with them like being in gastro the first few terms, they actually like it felt like school. Again, I felt like I was going into school that's how chill it was and the staff like really facilitate this environment, so, yeah I completely agree, everything online said and he's not been paid to say this like Yeah, honestly like uh the thing they don't treat you like because your four tiers, you are researchers, when you're sorry, the light's gonna when you join their kind of clinical team, they treat you like pears as in like colleagues and peers, you don't feel even though they are like giant's in their field like Amlan, keeps saying julian Mark a. Z, the Guy running rvs, see he's one of the top he's the top 1% cited researchers in the world. All these people are titans in their field. They they are the ones doing the cutting edge research and yet like I'm doing a project with julian Markazi right now and when I'm like when we talk or like there's so much banter in the lab and it's just a very XL environment to be in both academic support, welfare support, like I'm just echoing everything on one side because it's so true like I think and I can, I can say for a fact that no other bsc does it like Gastro, probably farm the farm like yeah farmers, like the only one that comes close, I can't like and like we went, we went on like she would say wait for our like lead supervisor. She um uh yeah she took us on a little field trip like a school kind of field trip to uh Guy a. It's like an installation with the Planet Earth. He was so sick like well. I didn't expect it to be so good like she brought us all like what did she buy us fudge, was it fudge, yeah, she bought the whole course, she just bought us fudge so like yeah, it's crazy and Gastro, I'm not so good, so I think um what made you choose this beast. I think the student left that's sad, I mean, I can't have answered it, I mean I I chose it because like it's a chill environment, and you're very likely to if you put in the work, you're very likely to get first let's put it that way, how is the work load compared to other bs cs goro. She um so most most of the signs, all the signs bs cs have the same workload as in there's the same deadlines, the same like documents We have to do all the science bs cs, so this is not including management and bioengineer like humanities, law, and all that stuff all the science bs cs have the same workload um what what differs, I guess is the amount of support you get for that work, so I think in gastro. In general, in my personal experience, the support is really good um Support sessions are really good. They're always open to like questions, they answer really well. They're quick response with emails so that makes the work easier, they're good at explaining exactly what you have to do and when you have to do it in. Other Bs cs, if like you're not, if they are really clear with instructions that can get a bit confusing even though the workload is the same for b s s ready do you have anything to add. Um I mean, I've I've I've heard my peers in like cardio and bio engine management, they're struggling, like my interest has always been in Euro, and I've talked some of my friends in your oh they're struggling man like they had so much work to do while we were going on like field trips, so like I'll be honest uh The workload is very good and when it does get tough, there's a lot of support like get you through, it, are there a lot of labs. Um There's three days of labs, part of your module three, the three days of lab, you with the lab and doing things it's like 23 weeks of like lab work and data analysis. Yeah there's only three actual days have been in a lab, but if you do a lab based project at the end of your b s e, you're obviously going to be in the lab every day, what the different types of projects you can do, I'll let you have this uh okay, so uh Gastro kind of divides the projects pretty evenly between lab based projects, clinical hospital projects, and like data analysis project, which is more like computers. Big data coding are that's what you're interested in um and they range from all they from all kinds of gastro subspecialties, so um colorectal and gut microbiome is a massive, one liver is the other big, massive, one liver immunology and all the liver viruses and cancer and things and the clinical ones um learn what what are those because you're the influence of project um So there's quite a few clinical ones all of them are looking at novel things, so um I'm looking at right now, my project is about a novel method of doing endoscopy. There's another another one looking at novel fluoroscopic device for Crohn's disease. Um There's they're they're all looking at frontiers of the relative fields, and the clinical ones are usually usually tend to be audit, so they're they're trying to improve procedures within the nhs um There's a fee there were there were 21 nash as well, but I don't quite remember the nationals top of my head, but those those those are actually quite academic clinical ones. So yeah there's there's a there's a wide range there's there's something for everyone um anything else any other questions you can ask if you don't want to type it in, yeah no worries how would you rate bsc, oh come on man, a 10 man silly question, No it is really good like I I don't know if you don't if you were hearing before, but like it's been the best decision. I've made a medical school so far, yeah, okay, I'll just like summarize again, um So Gastro, like I didn't want to do Gastro. I just picked it because everyone said it was chill would be an easy first, but it's been the best decision I've made so far medical school like the staff the way they encourage you to like um form like a really nice cohort, It's just so good and they're so supportive and I mean like I'll lead supervisor, wife, a camera you will have if you pick gastro, she's just the best like um I can't put it, I can't put it into words, any bell, a club you do this like so much about. She's firstly a top clinical research, a top scientific researcher, but she cares about medical education to such a extent that she's so passionate about wanting us to be the best like versions of ourselves selves, so like motivated to work both academically and welfare, why she takes it so seriously like I'm the, the bse, what's it called rep, so I had a meeting with her today and we were going through everyone's response about like welfare, clinical support, academic support, and she takes it so seriously like she wants to meet with all the reps, like constantly to get like feedback from everyone and she implements the feedback she takes it, she takes what she does so seriously and she gets to know every student on a personal individual personal level and she like she took us out for like these field trips and she got museums and she just cared so much yeah. It wasn't even talk about julian Mark a. Z o Yeah Yeah like honestly, like it felt it felt like you know, she felt like a form tutor that's how good it was like in school. It felt like we were back at school again going in every day and like we had a lot of little form as well. We got to know each other. So well, it was so good and julianne moore kz Yeah, he's the top dog, he's the like the head of the whole thing, and he is the top 1% cited. He's the top 1% cited researcher worldwide and like you get to know him in a like in a 1 to 1 basis like like he's your friend or something like like rashy does, um so I don't know, it's just crazy, it's a surreal experience and uh yeah yeah you're walking amongst giants, absolute giants in the, because Imperials Gastro, I've said, this like a million times Imperials Gastro Department is so like uh if the top researchers in probably all of europe, all of the world, Gastro researchers who are here both basic signs and clinicians. All the like papers were reading like right now, we're doing a final project, so we're going through so many like academic papers and journals and reading them. 1st, 23 researchers are names, I recognize because they've taught us on uh stuff, exactly. If you have any questions about a paper, you're reading you can literally go, ask the person who wrote the paper like it's mad and and yeah, Yeah and trust me when you say this. If you put in the work, the, the whole thing will ensure you get first like the whole system, will ensure you get first like it's very fair and you're not gonna yeah you. If you take it seriously, we'll do really well and it's not like yeah it is very good. I don't have much else to say honestly was a workload like um in the first few, in the first two terms, so I say one I see too, uh The workload was basically minimal. It's just the work you put in for your final submission, so just the baseline amount of work you put into like lectures generally and stuff and then um when it gets to module through you have a pretty big one, so the workload increases slightly, then, but it's still manageable if you put them on time in, but universally across all bs cs, where the workload gets like difficult, no no um no, no, I see a three, is not jan, yes before christmas in december so janez, where you do, your, I see a four and five at the same time. That's module too and that is where it gets difficult across all bs cs because you have seem to manage like two bs e. Deadlines at the same time, so it's um but that you get the support for that. If you need it and we've just finished like going through that, so it was I mean we had it was fine, you'll be fine, yeah, very nice got to choose another bsc, no, I wouldn't I can't lie to you honestly, I wouldn't I thought I would say like a farm like and there was something sorry, doesn't come now, we're actually we're loyal now with indoctrinated. I feel like people think we've been paid to say this. Yeah. Uh If I really had to management, it's completely different from gastro, the workloads crazy, you're not going to get a first people doing management are dying right now. My most intelligent friends who like off the year in year three and all are doing management right now and they're uh they're struggling dying uh. I would do it because I'm interested in that's the only yeah to add to that. I've heard horror stories from management. I heard they do like interviews to join friendship groups like that they actually think they're all in like American cycle or something like you don't wanna you don't want to do the management, Yeah Trust you know. Uh Yeah the story Yeah wait that was just a test, a story, Yeah near three. He came like what second in the year or something now uh like never yeah. Uh Yeah uh my name dropped him, I don't think I should have yeah, it's not very professional and it's been recorded as well. No I'm not gonna um what's gonna say, yeah for me, it would have been neuro cause that's always been my like field of interest, but I'm so glad I did gastro, can't like I'm I don't know did you get your top choice. I think this was my top choice, not sure it was this or endo, because it was I've I've also heard similar things between the two bs cs, but yeah, yeah you usually get your top choice as long as it isn't farm everything else I'm sure you'll get remote, met is quite over subscribe. Really yeah anesthetics is really over subscribed. I don't know it changes every year. They give you a table of how oversubscribed hbs c. Was oh Yeah you get you get a lot of resources, so yeah it was like one nice student booklet. I don't know if you've given oh yeah and it was like gastro level of easiness to get it first, it was like up here, I had to pick Gastro like it was, so yeah, that's that's what I base my decisions on gastro, It's not a pistol. It's like if you put in the work, they'll give you a first, if you don't put a look yeah. Obviously, like yeah you've got like the prerequisite is you've got to be putting in the work. Yeah is the unofficial one. Yeah I'm going to where we found it it probably was med, I think yeah I think it wasn't been med, it's on the med website. Yeah I don't know who did it med. Yeah, It must have been meadow because I don't think it was on med, learn or anything it might be, I see sms you that does it because they do want for freshers, right like a freshers handbook, it might be, yeah, try the note Bank uh Yeah any other questions, yeah no worries, no worries, good luck, Thank you, thank you for attending. Please take a moment to fill out your feedback form and claim the certificate. I don't know hello, um Thank you so much for coming from this. You're welcome to kind of stay until seven, but from this point onwards, you're more than welcome to get on with your evening and I'll send you the certificates tonight. Um Also, if you get any feedback that mentions your breakout room, I will message it to you just so you know, if you've done a fantastic job. If it's mean it's going in the trash, but if it's nice then it's going straight to you guys, so um I really hope this has been like a decent yeah, it's been good, yeah, I'm really glad to hear it's been really nice actually to organize it everyone just so helpful and cute. I love it very awesome. Um Yeah you're more than welcome to leave at this point and the recording will stop on its own and I'll send you certificates tonight, who sees these, who sees these um basically anyone who registers for the event, fills in like a survey and then asks and then asks for catch up content did you say anything I'm on and I were having some chat uh gonna don't worry, I don't think like anyone in faculties going to see if that's okay, we're just going to be a few third years. If I'm honest people don't look at the videos that much yeah, specifically interested now, we didn't say anything crazy. I think we just we just name drop someone that's it. I think okay um Do you want me to like look through the recording and edit it out. It's not like at the end when we were talking to yeah, oh I can cut it short that's not a problem, I can uh and I'll keep hush hush about the name. Thank you so much the evening you guys, thank you so much for stepping in uh I'm gonna give uh you internalizing, I'm gonna just all meat for a sec, and then just call hi, how are you doing. Um If you have any questions, please just put them in the chat or I mute and ask this and we'll be happy to answer them excellent all right cool, I'm gonna head all right in a bit bye. See you see you hello. Um If you have any questions just feel free to put them in the chat or mute and ask them I'll be happy to answer them. Yeah yeah um If you have any questions about the gastro BSE because I've got nothing to actually present, but if you have any questions about the BSE or anything about like fourth year in general, uh please feel free to okay, uh just put the question in the chat, uh how are the gastro and hepatology aspect split, so actually there's a pretty decent split. If you're coming into this bsc, specifically looking for hepatology, you'll be fine. If you're looking for purely gastro, you'll be fine as well. So the first um the first I see a so the first submission is purely gastro, but they give you a bit of freedom to pick your own papers like I remember the teaching in the first term was completely um just gastro conditions, um but you are given the choice of being able to do some any any paper so you can pick a hepatology hepatology paper. If that's what you're interested in the second term is exclusively hepatology and it's looking at um the viral hepatice sides and some of the frontiers of the drugs used in like hcv hpv infection that kind of thing uh and the third is t cell immunology, which does play into hepatology as well and also gastro. With your module to so your science and context and little group literature review uh It's very flexible um so for us our science and context was hepatology, uh but the literature review was gastro based, so it's an even split and your final project is as you've I don't know if you probably had another science species, you're given a choice, so you can do you're given a very wide range of projects, so you can do a gastro related one or hepatology related one, it's 50 50 it's what you it's honestly what you want to do, but there will be times where you will have to do like Gastro when you want to do hepatology, uh but and you also have to do hepatology when you want to do Gastro so yeah, but it's 50 50 or something for everyone noise. Any other questions, please feel for it's awesome in the chat or I'm you and ask okay uh Hi, thanks for joining us. Um If you have any questions about the gastro bsc, please put your questions into the chat or just feel free to a mute and ask and I'll be happy to answer them. Don't actually have anything to present, but it can be anything just ask anything you want yeah, uh what is my project okay. That's a good question, so my project is a clinical project. It is looking at the novel. It's looking at a novel type of endoscopy called trans nasal endoscopy and its merits in its merits over traditional forms of endoscopy such as o. G. D. S. That kind of thing, so my project is taking cohorts of tea, any or trans nasal endoscopy patient's, and giving them qualitative and quantitative assessment, So, surveys, looking at how well their um their indications were visualized with the endoscopy and comparing them to traditional o. G. D. Methods. So um the reason why my project is relevant is cause. Um Historically, oh GS are very uncomfortable. They're very invasive and if you've seen one on placement and whatnot you'll you'll notice that a lot of patient's have a gag reflex when they go down and the throat spray is really like it's horrible, It's not a good experience for most patient's, so my project looks at in implementing TNE, which is through the nasal root and avoids having to elicit the gag reflex and it's um my supervisor dr sophie stevens. I don't know if she gives any lectures or anything but um she's trying to put this like incorporate this procedure into outpatients and uh simplify the entire process so that's my project, it's just um looking at the differences in patient feedback um when doing a t. Any versus traditional o. G. D. Yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of like variation in the project, so projects usually come in like three classes. You get your clinical projects, you get lab based projects, and you get a database project, and depending on what you're interested in, you have a wide range of options split between gastro and hepatology in all of them, and uh you're there's a lot of choice, there's like 40 potential projects and you yeah there's it covers everything so it will be fine did you have an interest in gastro medicine, uh I'll be truthful with you, guys know, I didn't, I went into my into the BSE fair when I was a third year, not really knowing what I wanted to do. I've always been interested in neuroscience and neurology, but I was convinced by my peers because I met the team on gastro and they were the most like chill ist and like like kindest people, and um I was told that it's relatively easy to get first and gastro and so far it's holding up it's held up. It's pretty true if you put in the work, like the staff are really supportive like they, they actually they want you to get a first and they actually like guide you through the process. Really really well, so no I didn't have an interest in gastro medicine, but I can confidently say like so far Medical School, this has been like the best decision I've made um because of the like like the way the teaching is done, the passion they have for their subject. It's it's infectious, their energy is um and also um the uh the cohort is really good like they actually do a lot of socials. Uh We went on like a school trip kind of thing like we went to museums, galleries and like they really care about you and they like they want you to enjoy the experience as well. So like it's just been amazing so far. Um well campuses you based at so we're primarily at st Mary's um campus um in Paddington, and for three days in the year, we're also at Hammersmith Hospital for our, I see a three to do our lab based work for that, but yeah, so it's almost always a saint Mary's, but yeah trust me when I say this like the supervisors, so the lead supervisor which will she'll meet at the bsc fair on first of march, her name is wafa camry and she actually like honestly, she feels like she's a form to or something like she cares about every student in such a personal level like she gets to know you and she's like you set goals of there and stuff, and they're always so like she always so supportive with your projects like it just makes the whole process so easy and like I'm I'm usually not that kind of student that would come to like a talk like talk about like stuff, but like I've been so positively impacted by this like by this. Bsc like I had to come in like chess and the stuff I've experienced on Gastro so far what was my first choice was what it was was this my first choice. I'll be honest with you. I don't really remember, but I know it was between one and two. I think my first two options were uh endo and gastro, primarily because I think med ed or the note bank, the I see sms, you note bank they have like this unofficial um like bsc guide or something and like the two bs cs with the highest rated like easiness to get first was Endo and gastro and I'll be honest with you. I just picked those two. I don't have um like a specific interest in gastroenterology, but I would after doing this bsc like I would genuinely consider this as a future specialty that I want to do because I'm not going to do surgery, it's just it's medicine or gp for me, so. Um If I do medicine, this is some, this is definitely specialty, I would consider after having done this BSE and any other questions feel free to an mute and ask questions if that's what you want or is this bsc more individual based to do lots of group work okay, So there are six main submissions, I see one all the way to I see a six um and only one of those main submissions as a group based task, and this is the same across all science bs cs. Um So the group based task is the group literature review um and it's it's pretty important it counts for 15% of the entire year and everything else other than that is individual, but to prefer you to prepare you for that group literature review, so I see a five throughout the entire year, you will be doing like group based formative, and they're very like relaxed, like it's not like your marked for them. You'll just like get like constructive feedback on them, but all of the like submissions are individual based bar, the I see a five um but it's really good like um when you do do the group, when you do the group work, uh like the formative ones, you get to like know your group a lot better and like you get to build like really good working relationships and like eventually, that helps with your um group literature review, So I'd say the abc is more individual based, but you do have one big group project you have to do and like you get within the group project, you also get like a peer review as well at the end and usually everyone's really nice, but I have like I have not in gastro, but I've heard horror stories and like other BS cS, were like people last minute, snake, their peers and like don't give them like five out of fives and stuff so like, um but I don't think there's been any of that in gastro. Like everyone's really everyone's usually really chill in his b sc, yeah it's more it's more the BS is more individual based, no it's