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Gastro breakout room



This medical teaching session provides medical professionals with a chance to learn more about gastro and engage in a meaningful discussion about it. Learn effective strategies to plan, structure, and write medical commentaries that fit within the 250-word limit and how to best utilize references. Explore interesting lab projects and techniques alongside a supportive faculty. Hear how an on-demand expert navigates through the challenges of getting results from the lab and how to critique papers to get the most from the experience. Get ready to jump into the arena of medical projects and broaden your understanding with this on-demand teaching session.

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First In-Course Assessment coming up? Imperial College London Medical Education Society is delighted to host our ICA 1: Written Assessment Talk where we give you guidance, tips and tricks on how to tackle your first BSc ICA.

The event will begin at 7pm on the 17th of October, with Joshua Killilea and Chhavi Nashier giving you a comprehensive run-through of the ICA. The talk will finish with a breakout room Q&A, where you will be able to join your BSc-specific Q&A for individual advice.

Slides will be accessible to all attendees immediately after the talk and it will be recorded and uploaded for viewing.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Students should be able to explain the purpose and format of an ICAE paper.

  2. Students should be able to identify and explain the key findings of a paper.

  3. Students should be able to analyze and evaluate the implications of study results on a given topic.

  4. Students should be able to differentiate between lab-based and clinical projects.

  5. Students should be able to create structured critiques of research papers.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

does that make sense? Yeah. Perfect. Thank you. Yeah. Anything else or just any questions about gastro? Uh, in general the year. How are you guys finding it? So far, it's been good so far. I think we've got a nice group. Hopefully the other agree. But, um, and the faculty really nice as well, which I think is good. Yeah, honestly, that was my favorite thing about gastro. I think it always just works out that it's always a really nice group of people, like, I know the people in the year above who did gastro and then also lovely as well. And I think that's kind of a thing for gastro and the staff as well. I miss Wafa so much. I can't even tell you guys she's such an angel. We've already got a bit of a fan club for Wafa. So we understand. Yes, honestly, I think it's the same every single year because I remember the year of books as well, being like Yeah. Oh, my God, Wonderful! We love Wafa And I was like, Yes, she's honestly such a blessing as well. She will go so far out of her way to help you I think it was literally for my I see a one. Um I ended up like I was really worried about which journals we were meant to be using, because I think I ended up taking a paper from a journal that hadn't seen mentioned anywhere. And I emailed her because I had already started writing. Like I did all of my notes and stuff. I just started writing it up, and I e mailed her at maybe like, two. Am, like a day or two before the deadline. Be like, Oh, my God, Is this okay? Like, can I use this paper? Unless she replied to me at, like, six o'clock in the morning. So it's probably the first thing she did, like checking emails so that she had an email from me. But she's so sweet. Honestly, no, we're very lucky to have her very much So, um, but, uh, if you guys want me to just talk about random bits and bobs, I'm happy to do that if no one's got any questions. Yeah, no questions. Um, are there any particular topics people would prefer I talk about Because I can literally start talking about anything. Not much have you guys thought about projects for? I know it's a little bit in the distance, but do you guys have any ideas? What sort of project project you want to do? I think I'm trying. I'm kind of waiting on the lab day that we have to see if I can do a lab price score of. That's not going to be good for three months. So because I haven't done anything in the lab before, That's why I was in a really similar position. Um, I have no idea how lab work work, um, happened because to be honest, we have a little bit of exposure and 1st and 2nd year, I guess. But I never really turned up to them. And I don't think I knew what was happening while I was there. So I would say the lab days are really good fun. And honestly, I did a clinical project, but I would probably recommend doing a lot based one because things might go wrong. And it might take a little bit longer for you to get your head around like the like techniques and stuff. But it's really nice. Like the way I heard It's nice. Like working in a group of people. You're picking up loads of new skills. Um, and whether or not things go to plan, um, they're they're not going to penalize you for not getting results. And like you're not getting good results, for example, uh, and it's so much easier to talk in detail and to criticize lab experiments than it is with clinical projects. And I think, um, because you spend so much time on it, you just know your project, like so Well, it'll be the same for anything in that sense, like you'll spend 17 weeks or something doing it. So you're going to know it inside out. Um, but personally, I would probably go back. If I got to go back, I'd probably pick a lab based project. And this is coming from someone who really was not interested in labs at all to start with. Yeah, a lot of days of fun. Um, let me see. I wish I could share screen with you guys, because then I would have just taken you through. Um, some of the notes that I made. Yeah. Essentially, how far have you guys got with your I see a So you picked your papers? Have you started, like, trying to critique them at all? I've been trying to go through the kind of similar, I guess, to what you did. Trying to go through the questions they gave us, um, which I think is really helpful. Like reading it and also like framing that. I'm already starting to think of things that I can say. Um, but I'm a bit, I guess, the kind of I know we've got to have, like, lots of references and stuff like that. So I think that's probably the bit where I'm not really sure how to go about that. Um, do you need lots of differences? I thought you weren't allowed to have more than a certain amount for this. I see a I think they said no more than 15, but I got the impression maybe it's just me that they wanted, like, not necessarily 15, but maybe more like 10 or something like that. Yeah, I would say probably like 10 ish is probably a magic number. Um, for that don't try and, like, squeeze in reference is for the sake of having references, but even just doing your research, you're probably going to find, like, 10 ish things that are helpful for you. Um, what I would recommend, um, you could just try to find letters to the editor of commentaries that already exist for that paper. And that might be quite useful. I don't know if you guys have already had a look at those, um or sometimes there's even, just like newspaper articles that have talked about that piece of research. And those tend to, like, bring up some, like, critical points, Um, as well. So if you're really struggling on how to go about critique here, I would say maybe check. Check those out if you can thank you know, with the previous commentary, Yeah, I had a feeling that might be the thing. Um, that's unfortunate, but also, just reading through commentaries is really useful. And you get a real feel for how they're meant to be structured and also like the terminology, the kind of flow that you need. It becomes so much easier once you read through a couple of commentaries. So I would say even if you don't have any commentary like you can't, that paper is not gonna have any commentaries if you look for similar papers and then check them and you should be able to find something useful there, even if it's just understanding how they work. Okay, Cool. Um, let me see any other questions? That's fine. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. So I'll just continue talking, then. Um, so you guys are probably in your planning stage right now, so yeah, I would say, like, um, have a junkyard documents. So write it up. Whatever. Whatever you want to write up about it. Just have a document where all of your thoughts about this piece of work exist. Like anything on there, um, and then make a new dog and start like typing it up officially, like officially. But just start typing something. Um, because I think for me, it was so hard to just start typing something and whatever you right at the beginning, it's going to be awful, just like, get that, like, fear out of the way like it is just gonna be awful. And it's just gonna be a case of like, having to do over and over and over, or like doing a couple of times you'll revise it, and it'll be fine after that. It's just don't put too much emphasis on your first go being your best or like being really good. It's going to be terrible. Just own it and like, get that first one out of the way. The sooner it's out there, the more time you got to fix it is all I'll say. Mm. And, uh, I'm going to say, um, I think I see a one is probably the one that I enjoyed the least Um, I see a two is quite fun. They do, uh, so I think you'll do like an oral presentation. It's a really similar thing except your presenting it, which is useful for your final project, I guess. Um, but I like making the slides of that one. So that was fun. Uh, it's Thank you. Make the most of your formative as well. Um, what I would say is I made notes on feedback. Not on just like what our group heard, but what everyone else is. Groups got us feedback as well. Um, because you're gonna have to keep all of that in mind anyway, So just write it all down, or I think, uh, for sends you everyone's feedback anyway. How much? Uh, I don't think I spent a great deal of the commentary doing that. Um, let me just double check mine. I tried to find mine with the marking stuff on it, but it doesn't give me access to that anymore for that piece, Of course. Work for some reason, um, but if I just have a good look it up Uh huh. Okay, um, be a small Yeah. Yeah. So I think the idea of the commentary is you don't really have to spend too long setting the scene because the people who read these commentaries will have written will have read in the papers at Reading will have read the papers anyway, So it's not really necessary for you to spend too long doing that. Um, I'm gonna keep one. Okay? Yeah. So one, uh, let's see if I can track. Does anyone know if you can try screen on here? I'm not being stupid, and I know I can. Yeah, it needs to be. If you're sharing slides, it's pdf. Otherwise, anything else should be fine. Just let me know if there's any brilliant Brilliant. Okay, so yeah, this was my commentary, and I was really interested in, like, the planning. A I sort of stuff. So those are the kinds of papers I was looking at? Um, So you can see I kind of just talked about the aim, um, and then went straight into, like, the main findings. Um, I think you could maybe spend maybe just a little bit longer on this, because the other thing is, mine is way shorter than it was meant to be. Like, um, you can see I'm like, 250 words short, and I get penalized for that, so don't do that. Um, but you can see, I think I spent this explaining, and that's because I thought this was just a very like, niche kind of area. And I didn't Yeah, it was just like a really neat area. And I didn't want them to be completely lost, um, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I see Yeah. So I think I explained it, and then I kind of talked about, like, one of the positives of this, which is that the algorithm had been validated pretty well. Um, and then you can see my flow is crumble like I didn't spend a lot of time working with the flow for this. Unfortunately, um, and that was another reason I didn't do as well as I would have liked, but yeah, I think in response to your question, this is how much time I spent. And this was me, like, summarizing what the arms were and then kind of the main statistical, significant findings. And that was it. Uh huh. So don't spend too too long on it. Your main thing is, you're critiquing. So, um yeah, weaknesses, strengths, and then your future implications. That should be the main bulk of your commentary. Any other questions? Because otherwise, I think if you guys just fill the feedback, you should be good to go. Thank you very much. No worries. I hope that was useful. Um, and join the gastro salt guys. That's really useful. They'll give you lots of resources. No worries. Rays. Bye, guys. Bye.