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That's part of the motivation behind establishing gas stock. Yes, shit. So, yeah, I feel like there's an international need in that. You know, there's an unmet need that we have to try and address. And trainees are the future of surgical care, so we should be actively involved in it. Um, and one day will be consultants actually delivering. There's also an individual need. People like yourselves. Trainees want to get good training opportunities. People from the UK and Ireland, which our main membership based in the UK organization want to engage in global health and global surgery. But it's not normally something part. It's not normally a normal part of medical training in the UK You have to seek out your own opportunities often, Um, and there's a huge amount of trainees, and there's also a huge amount of enthusiasm. Um, we've seen that from a number of surveys from our own work and also from other groups work. And after you finish med school, um, there's often a big gap of opportunities. So where would you go if you wanted to still get involved in global health global surgery? So that was some of the sort of rationale behind why the group was established. Um, we do. We do a huge number of things and I'm not going to go into everything that we've done everything that we do in a huge amount of detail. Um, but one of our primary aims advocacy and engagement. So we want to make sure that we champion training involvement in a responsible and ethical way in global health, particularly surgery and season obstetrics, we have a number of education and training events are educational program spans, journal clubs, workshop skills courses, an annual conference, Um, and this is already to give people the core skills needed to, as I said, ethically engage with global health. We also have a number of research projects and innovation projects, and we also try and advocate. So we also try an advocate for curriculum development in the UK to actually get a formal global health training for for trainees, Uh, and and that comes with a lot of policy and planning work. And of course, we've got our rooms and gas like partnership here, which we kind of launched last year. A pilot in July where we live, stream two colleagues in Kenya and India that at that moment in time, and that's sort of snowballed into this. I just got back from India last week where we were doing our rooms course locally in deli, which was really, really great. So it's amazing to you here, um, and see what? See what happened? I'm just gonna hand over the job because we just mentioned research and innovation, So gastric innovation need was a new role for the last couple of years. Now, um, and you've been sort of developing mostly the the are training stuff, but also a few other projects. Um, so, yeah, Tell us about what? About yourself and kind of what your thoughts might be. Good morning, everyone. Morning show on my general surgery trainee with the Navy and card. And I'm currently the, uh, sorry to interrupt. You just had a request to change. Representative. I can't. I'm sorry. We've tried really hard to fix it, and it just then closed the webinar and we tried, so I can't take it. No problem. So I'm the gas on innovation. Uh, research even more so. A humanitarian surgery, innovation fellow, the World College of Surgeons of England and one of the many things we're trying to do with the gas is to try and collaborate in this sort of fields of innovation and research, and and to publicize what's being done elsewhere in the world. To try and amplify the effect. So one of the early projects were looking at doing is hosting a innovation. Frugal innovation skills have on our website, which will act as almost a library of research papers, ideas, courses in conferences of work elsewhere in the world that may be adaptable for your local setting, so that if you guys are trying to set up a let's say, surgical skills course in your local area, you don't necessarily have the resource or lots of capabilities for similarly training, you may be able to go over to this library. That's how I find the ideas and innovation that work elsewhere in low resource settings and possibly adapt that to your local, uh, settings. So that's one of the ideas that we're taking forward. So if you've got any thing further to collaborate with us on that or to add to that, please do get in touch with would love to hear from you. Thanks very much Thanks, Dad. So why should you? Why should trainings be involved in global health? Global surgery? Why should be advocating better training opportunities? I think fundamentally boils down to the core belief, uh, individually and as an organization, that better training does equal better care. Um, and I feel like a collaborative and a reciprocal learning environment benefits the whole of the training community. Um and so if anyone is out there watching or any of you guys in the room if you if you want to get more involved with gas and then we have, like, an interdisciplinary international committee and network that are here to support you and here to help you on your global health journey, Um So there are other groups doing things in this activity, But we feel like our niche really is about that advocacy for ethical engagement. It's not just about it's not just about a one time. It's not just a one time visit or unsustainable plans. We try and do everything in a sustainable way with international representation. And, you know, parity in terms of colleagues from different countries are advising us and now involved in the projects. Um, and we have over 1500 members globally, so you can join us. It's totally free organization to join. Everything that we do is is available for people that join. We have international representation. As I said, a number of projects. So if you want to get more involved, as I was saying in any of the work that we're doing, especially innovation stuff, as soon as you're seem interested in the ER, then please do get in touch and we have over 20 different courses and events that one each year, including our conference, which this year will be in October, can't confirm the date yet, but But do keep an eye out on our website and you you will be able to register for that. So this is just a screen grab some of the things that we've done obviously, over the last two years. It's been mostly virtual due to the due to the pandemic, but we ran a number of coated specific things, like a coated podcasts, which where we've got updates from people from different contexts and countries giving, uh yeah, their story and how they're dealing with covert and any sort of solutions that they've come up with to overcome local challenges. We also run a number of things. Like I said, conferences, leadership symposiums, uh, an actual skills courses. Um, our collaboration with rings like I said, started last July when we ran a one day event here, uh, and Livestream to over 100 participants globally. And the work from that was presented at the Surgical Research Society in the UK and actually won the award for best paper pertaining to search for education.