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FY1 Survival Guide: Understanding the ePortfolio



This session aims to guide medical professionals on understanding the FY1 portfolio and the different requirements, such as initial meetings, supervised learning events, reflections, case based discussions, team assessments of behaviour, PSGs, a curriculum narrative, an audit or QIP, a FORM A and teaching. Dr. Knee Change, who is an FY1 doctor in the West Midlands in England, will be delivering the talk and offering an open-ended Q&A session at the end. There will also be a completion certificate available upon the completion of a feedback form at the end of the session.

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Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the contents and main requirements of an F1 portfolio.
  2. Describe the difference between Horace and PCTs learning and assessment platforms.
  3. Develop an understanding of the importance of arranging initial meetings between supervisors and the completion of PDPs
  4. Explain the assessment of behaviors and the completion of a PSG
  5. Describe the timeline and requirements necessary to complete the P.S.A., audit, form R, and 60 hours of teaching.
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The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Okay. Think we live, right? Yeah. Well, I Yeah. Hi, everyone. Welcome to another weapon off of our f. Y wants a viable guide. Today's talk will be about the portfolio, and it'll be delivered by my colleague Doctor. Knee are change in a doctor working the west middle instantly. Uh, I'll be available in the chat to answer any questions for out this talk. But more importantly, we'll have a cure and a session at the end. Don't forget to fill out the feedback forms at at the end of this talk to get a certificate for your portfolio. And this can also be used as a non courting hour for, um Why one? Oh, you're thank you. So, without forever to hand you over to MYCOTIC doctor me How China. Thank you, homes. Uh, just checking. Can you hear me? Yeah. I can give you perfect. So our guys, I'm Dr er Shania in, um, one of the doctors in the stocks homes. After introducing me today's talks on understanding the port failure. It's ah six webinar. You know, before one survival guide Siris, This is a 10 part serious teaching you guys about some of the fundamentals and importantly, usually to know before starting out for one. So, without further ado, let's stop in terms of the contents of this session. First, I'll introduce you to our portfolio is okay, um, we'll go through the main portfolio main requirements of the F one portfolio. We'll discuss the different types of supervises learning events and how many neat going to completely here. I'll go through my poor people for you should hopefully that you visualize things and it'll be easier. Then at the end, we'll just summarize some top tips I have for getting your port for you done on sort of sedate you compassion a R C E p. So just in introduction, the portfolio is a record of your clinical competencies. Learning on progressed during your training in your foundation year. Um, completions essential to Pasha on your review of pinnacle competencies. This is also known as you're a R c e p. On there are two main cup forms. Used it in the UK so Horace is used in England on parts of Scotland. Know that island of Wales. Little on tourists is used in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales. Um, I'll be focusing on Horace because I'm based in the West Midlands in England. But everything I'm saying is transferrable and can be used if you are working on one of the other countries on only a platform. So let's go through the main requirements off your left one year. So the beginning of each placement you need to arrange an initial meeting with your clinical supervisor on initial meeting with the educational supervisor I need to complete a personal development development plan. Also is a PDP. Before you have these meetings in your PDP, you need to state your aims and objectives of your rotation. So you got three rotations you need to complete three d three p ps, and they have to occur before your initial meetings. In terms of our engine, your initial meeting, it's worth sending your supervisors an email. If you can't get through after a week or two, send another email. And finally, if that fails, as this happened with me in a few of my colleagues because you know the consultants are very busy, it's probably worth speaking to the secretary. I'm trying to go through them to arrange a meeting with the supervisor. I remember guys, it's on you to arrange these meetings, so if they're not arranged, essentially, that will be your fault and not the fault of your supervisor as a last resort. If you can't get a meeting, I'd recommend contacting your foundation program director, and they'll be one based locally in your in your trust, and they can often help you with things like this. It tells your main requirements throughout. Each placement you need to complete many CAC's is. I'm sure you're aware of these case. These discussions direct observations off procedural skills also know stops is on a number of reflections asked for the new 2021 22 22 curriculum. You know longer need to complete something known a score procedures. So that was a number of procedures that you needed to complete. I think there was a certain minimum number for each of the procedures on all. Therefore I want to complete, but we after you have any more. In addition, there is no monetary minimum requirement for SLE is or supervised learning events over the U. K F Peace just to aim for about 15 to 20 year. I think this year I did about 20 and that was fine. So yeah, I mean, for about 20 slightly above the minimum, you should be good on Part three at the end of each placement again you need to. Our meetings with the clinical supervisor on the educational supervisor is worth noting that with the educational supervisor, your end of rotation meeting can overlap with your start off your second rotation meeting and so forth so you can sort of doing two and more on mostly the results with this. So instead of doing six meetings, you know, after a rain for tracing a lot easier now, you also need to could be a summary can narrative. We'll go into this of it later because it's quite complicated on it was told me a while to figure out how to do it, but essentially some we care. Narrative explains why the things you do with the New Year mop to the curriculum that, uh, that h e on you can't pee. You have designed for you. So, for example, I've been a case based discussion on a circular psychiatric patient on one of the curriculum points in our curriculum is based on assessing the psychological needs of patients, So I would then Mup that sle that CBD to that curriculum point on. In the summer. We can narrative section I would write why it's relevant. So in my case based discussion, we assess the psychological needs of this patient by doing this exception exception. Generally throughout the year, there are a number of things you need to get done. Okay, so first thing is a team assessment of behavior. Well, soon as a top for this, you need to get 10 responses from members of the multi disciplinary team. This conclude doctors, nurses, pharmacists, um, colleagues or anyone else was based within the MDT. It's worth noting. Know that you can. We have a certain number of doctors on do. You do need to get some consultants if it out as well, which is a bit difficult. You'll come to learn about that. Uh huh. You also need to complete a pacemaker supervision group, also known as a PCP ST. This is something that your clinical supervisor will send. It's not something that you will send to people. By the way, your with the tablets, the same thing. You will send a a knee email linked to someone and ask them to fill out so questions about you, Like all your good member of the team, do you pull your way? Except sure, same with the PSG that the chemical supervisor will send emails to certain members of the team. Um, and asking, Were they good calling me where they're meeting the objectives that they should be meeting? Essentially, um, you only need to complete one of each per year. You can only do them in one rotation. So if I get six responses from my top of my first rotation, I don't need 10 responses. Totally. Those six responses can't carry over to the next rotation. You need to get all of your responses done within your one rotation. So in theory, if I got 10 responses in my first rotation top complete, I don't need to do one in my second or third irritation. Similarly, with the PSG, there is no minimum number of assessors unlike the tub, but try name for 3 to 4. Okay, And if you have about 3 to 4 checking with the clinical supervisor who can send more emails up to team members, it's worth noting a zoo well. If you can't get these done. Just dropping your team members a little message, you say. Would you know I'm spending team. That's your time to fill out one of these. For me, it's required for my progression. Most people happy to help. You also need to completely P. S a. I know some of you will have completed this. And you finally you have medical school. Um, if you trained abroad, then you probably want to complete it, and you need to complete it while you're here. You can't prescribe without completed the PSE, but you cannot progress to f word to unless you passed the PSSA. So that's probably one of the most important things to get when you're ready. Enough way one, I think you get three attempts. So if you don't manage to manage to pass in one of those attempts, you will have to reset the year. You also need to complete and audit or a QP. Also, in this quality improvement project, you need to complete one cycle of each. Okay, so you know what order is? You have a set standard and you're trying to assess whether the department meets the standards. So for example, I completed a Nordic for the radiology department, assessing whether so, the radiology in the emergency department associate assessing whether they've met the nice to 1019 criteria for a questing former CT head scans. So there's a certain checklist you have to fill out before resting a trauma CT scan. Um, just assess the performance of the departments against that, um, not counted for me. You also need to complete something called a form Are This is something where you have to declare things like you're kind of sick leave in your year if you've taken any local shifts. Um, I think for sick leave, you can mark, so you can do a maximum of 26 days before you have to extend your free one. So it's worth noting that if you are sick for a prolonged period of up the date for the year, contact your clinical supervisor, contact your education department and were occupational health and see they can help you with those things. But if you do go past 20 days, initial portfolio is absolutely stellar. The most like you make your recent a few weeks enough. One. Um, just on those things out but yeah, for mothers over administrative thing that you completed the end of the just just some everything up throughout the year. You also need to complete 60 hours of teaching. Um, 30 of these hours must be core teaching. Core teaching means it's been organized by your local education department. Often times you need to sign a register or signing vitamins. Um, that will give proof of attendance for non core of hours. You can do things such as the learning, although know there's a maximum of six hours of your landing, which you can do you're learning is cost of something where you just click through a series of slides or whatever. So, like you're learning for health modules. You could do those things, but you can only love them. It's for a maximum of six hours of your non corti. 10 hours, um, online webinars or courses you've attended counters non court, each exam. Make sure to look those, especially if you've attended a a seminar that's lasted all day or eight hours of milk or teaching. So by the end of the year, should be okay in terms of logging 60 hours, I think in the end. I lost about 75 and I wasn't really going. Going hard to try and get the teaching hours. And so it's not too bad. Just make sure to stay on top of things and the 10 quart each And when you come, I know that, um, for certain in certain Diener easel departments, um, you are meant to go to court teaching, and you do have allocated time in the road trip to go to your core teaching. Um, if you're not getting the time to go to that, you need to raise it with your education department because it's on you again. Toe. Meet your core. Teaching hours on your department should be letting you go to do this. Okay, In terms of supervise learning events, there's six different types. The main three are many Texas stops on CBDs. Many cats means direct observation of the foundation doctor undertaking an interaction so that could be anything that could be a history that can be a clocking that can be a big, same nation that can be breaking bad news, for example. Okay, that could be anything, but it has to be directly observed for you to complete not adopts again, directly observed, and that is a procedural skill. So for me, some of the dots I managed to compete were ultrasound guided Can use difficult ABG. So, uh, break your heartrate. Uh, geez, um, in my anesthetics block, I incubated a few patients and got those Sign off. It stops. Um, but yeah, anything sort of procedure or cancers adopts, including cannulas Um, a BeeGees. But try and get a variety if you can. And then one of my colleagues worked in the gastro department and he was able to get a number of gastro, prissy just sign off like, um, drains and so forth. So it does very from department to department what sort of things you can get done. But it's always good to get that experience to get it signed off. One of your seniors, you can also do something called a CBD, which you've probably heard of. Case based discussions on those interactions with the patients can be on observed as long as you discussed with the consultant or senior afterwards. A good time to do your CBDs is where you're on call. So during my medical block, I was an an you for my first rotation during the daytime. On core shifts are often park a patient in on the uncle Consultant would come and discuss the patient with me on I just introduced to them and say, Would you mind? We do. This is a CBD on more often than not, if they're not too busy, they're happy to go through with through it with this as a CVD with you. Um, so, yeah, make sure to always introduce, um, when you introduce the case to the consult with the senior the and say directly state you want to do is the CBD. Otherwise, they might feel a bit blindsided if you if you go through the whole presentation, the patient don't really discuss. It has to be some tough a CBD at the end. So mother s a lease. So there's something called learn, which is learning. Encounter, reflection, note. I'm going to be honest, I've not complete one of these and I'm not sure if any of my colleagues self, but it's something you can do if you get the opportunity. So an example of red from UK FDA is observation of performance in simulation. We do have there is one or two simulation days after 10, while in F one your dinner, we will organize it. Um, we often get certificates for those, so I'm not sure if a senior or fill out I'll learn form. But if that's available in your dinner, we go for, um, there's a teaching of this form, and that has to be feedback for a formal teaching session. So if you do a liver department teaching, for example, you can get a consultant to sign off this form as long as they're aware that you've been teaching of this. Informal teaching by the bedside won't count for the teaching of this four, but you can get it done for um, you can log in for teaching for other things, and I'll go through that with you in a moment. You can also complete leader form, so that's feedback from a senior after the foundational has demonstrated leadership skills. So any kind of leadership, if you've been the F one rep. If you have bean the mess president for your spittle, for example, you can get one of your seniors to fill out a leader for some that are for large it within your portfolio. She can them up to your curriculum. Actually, really good. There are some additional achievements you can do during your years. So if you pass in the exams like a less or MRCS part, if you want to do surgery, those could be looked in the additional achievement section. Just a note with a less used to be a monetary requirement during foundation your training to continuous to progress. But I think that's been removed now. So it is good to get your cholesterol because, you know, if you're attending cardiac arrests, you want to know how things work and how you can be of help. But it's not mandatory. Similarly, with any courses or seminars attended such a basic surgical skills, you could love that as an additional achievement and map it to your curriculum. You could not get the interesting cases any publications you've completed any taste weeks as well as any involvement of teaching. I'm just a note of the taste of weeks. I'm doing your fly one year, you get a maximum of five taste of days, which is cast was one taste a week. I think one taste weeks actually cost us three days, but you get five taste of days where you're allowed to go to any department you want. A. Some was your range it and you have that time off of work. So, um, for example, are computer radiology Taste Week. I spent three days in my radiology department, got my consultant to write me a letter to cover my completely taste a week on die map that on the Taste Week form and added his email in. And he was happy to see me for a taste week again in four. More evidence of teaching could be loved as well, such as bedside teaching. You just feel in the form on doesn't have to be signed by consult. It was only she can give some form of evidence, such as in for more feedback on nowhere document or something. Just a note on mapping because this is what confused me and a lot of foundation doctors at the start of F Y one, Um, there are 15 foundation program capabilities. Also in his FPC's think of these is curriculum points, so 15 things on the curriculum. Broadly speaking, you can map anything you do throughout the year. Teaching sessions s a lease. He learning reflections Any sort for you can market to the curriculum. And that will counters meeting your curriculum objective. As long as it's a line in the description which will go through. Um, but yeah, You come up a maximum of 10 items to each PC totaling a maximum 150 mapping throughout the year. My department told me or my hospital. Sorry. Told me to him for a minimum of 100 map things. That's what they would like to see to pass f Y one. So I'm not sure if it very soon denoted Diener E, but where I work, they asked me to him for about 100 mapping. I think in the end, I got about 125. 130. Um, but it's good to his map, as many things as possible. Just so you can show you been working on your port failure that you could do you pass it for one. Okay, um, I'm going to take you through my portfolio now. I work on Horace Seaport failure, so I'll just take you there second. Yeah. So this is my port failure. Okay? It's horror. It's got my name. There is by health education England. Um, this is the contacts. Pain. Okay, so here it's got my placements Acute internal medicine, unauthentic six on general surgery. Um, here, we've got a list of sort of what I've done in my rotation. One. Oh, that's the Oh, yeah. So, yeah, we've got the different form types on the left. So courses, seminars, allergy 22 evidences of quality improvement projects taste a week into teaching with this forms I just wrote down Got a r c e p r Conform a former try computer into the year again detailing any absences or local shifts have taken up. Um, I think we're looking ships. They do want to know if you've been working lots of low conscious because if you're working less than full time, for example, if you're working off local shifts to supplement your income, it might be so off. Um, they might not like that. Essentially, in the might say, if you're working a locum shifts bottle less than full time, you can't work full time for less. Perry. So yeah, it it's it's a difficult one. So with the locals, you have to declare that legally again, you have to legally declare your absence is well, so it's something just to be aware of. There's a career planning section monetary stuff, which is my PS a three PCP is one PSG summary 18 reflections. Yeah, by a list of all my meetings tell you again added 20 CVS and mind the placement reports Well, is my tub and all these blue icons here means I've been mapping it to some curriculum. So if we go to the top, my PS a monetary stuff that I have marked it to the curriculum which part of adapted to I think here communication can provide their information's to patients deliver healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate continuity of care contribute to save ongoing care both I/O of hours. And I'll show you why I marked it to those sections of it later on. Um, this exclamation mark here is just when you sent it to a senior. But they've not signed it off yet, cause remember, most of these forms have to be signed off on, but yeah, that's everything for the pain. So I'll just go to the curriculum. Here we go. So this here. Important it with my room, that is. FBC WARN There's 15 FPC's. This is the evidence. I'm apt to have PC one or she the descriptions featured them. So this is a PC. Want assess patient needs in a variety of clinical settings, including acute nonacute community. These are the things you need to demonstrate within a PC one. So communicating with patients sense to being compassionately to assess their physical, psychological social needs again. For this, you can map it CBD of a history for examination. Understand that presentation greens and physical signs of very impatient of different backgrounds. Uses cultural history and alternative sources of information. Where appropriate, examines physical and mental state of patients sensitively with a shop road if necessary, including in interpreting clinical signs and assisted body mental state. Examination on recognizing vulnerable individuals includes, including those at risk of abuse and explode exploitation. So here you can see, I've done some things which marked to be his behaviors. I've got a learning failed module just completed on the mental examination that matched this one. I've got a, um, look again, psychotic disorders, psychiatric statement on got mental health. I've also got I think, Of course. Seven out of the learning attendant. I think that was yet here. Your safeguarding learning so again that much too. Um, that bottom point here recognizing vulnerable individuals, including those at risk of abuse exploitation. So you can see how it all works. The things you need to do are complete. Your SLE is complete your teaching and then map it to your curriculum. And there's these things here Good summary care narratives where you explain why you mapped You're, um why you've got the things you've done to those behaviors. So I'll see how I completed it. Here is an example for FBI's went through him for F peace by a PC by FBC So FBC one of attached a CD or to communicate with patients sensitive to really about his meter blocker. Another CBD is attached airway classifications and have physical signs were very from patient patient. I have attached a reflection involving an interesting case involving section three off the mental health up. So again, you can do these for the babies and it's off. Say, yeah, yeah, you could do all of those things and essentially, that's how you do the curriculum section Here's a PGP thing. So you have to do a PDP for each day rotation and see if you've achieved it or not. Um, reflections. You can reflect absolutely anything. Anything that's been interesting to you. Anything that's, um, you can you can reflect on a rotation. I think I did it here and irritation covering I to you Anesthetic simple, It'd care. Are affected on it on interesting case involving for years. Gangrene, um, our effect from that to anything that you find interesting. Well, that made you more sort of program, but you're thinking you can reflect on it on. You can mop it to your curriculum. Here's the top form. So again I received 11. Response is you need 10 to consultants or trained DP's One doctor senior enough to to senior nurse is about five or above and do what I had. Health professionals, other team members, which is physiotherapists, health care assistance or pharmacists created punning section. So I was considering I am considered a career in radiology, so I created a form for that, mapped it to my curriculum. I think there is a A crick in our objective about considering career, so you can do that. Um, you can actually link your Haiti You only for health account to your horror Seaport failure on any hours. You complete on that one up to this are highly recommend doing that. Because in the Diener E could see that you've been working on your Lonnie. Okay, so all of these were essentially advised by the description. I'll go back to it. So if I get to my curriculum, um, Hagey use only for health? Yeah, sure. Okay. I mean, if I click on Yeah, it is very finicky guys him ago. So for the F one behaviors for F p. C. One here, all the learning model they suggested complete on back to the curriculum. Effective. So anything on this list? Mental health out Adverse effects nice are different. Assessment. You complete any of these, you can map it to f p. C. One on that counts is, um, you know, engaging with your curriculum. It's quite useful to know that cause I didn't realize that until my very last rotation. So just be aware of that and be aware of the descriptors. We I get up. Yeah. Beware of the descriptors which grow through everything. So FPC's to, for example, recognizes the need for urgent intervention to treat both mental and physical health problems. Um, and so on really communicates finding of physical. So psychological and social assessment, including any of thirties to see, Doctor. So that would be a case of escalated to a senior, for example, you can log any concerns. Um, I don't really have any concerns. I think there was some concern where I'm completed my tub. Um, in the end, it was completed. I think I had nine out of 10 completions. By the end of my first rotation, you need 10. So, um, there was a concern that I have completed the tub, and so they asked me to extend my tab deadline on contacts and consultants to get it done. So I I spoke to some consultants I lacked on asked them if they'd like to complete tab for me. And one of them said Yes, I got I got a name yet serum. So yeah, that's that's sort of rest of my port failure on how you can get things done. Um, there isn't a all seat pee for which they do at the end. Let's get to it and I'll see the outcome. Uh huh. And that's just that shows if you've completed your things. So for me, I said, um, acceptable failure. Weldon got some repeating your effort. One year, no extra attendance appointed, and that was everything. I'll come one. Here you go. Outcomes. You can have it the end of the year. So outcome once satisfactory. Completion Alcohol three. Inadequate. Proceed. Progress in additional training. Time acquired. Arkan fortunes. The worst outcome you released from the training program. I think this would only come to light a few doses being seriously and safe. Um, that would be investigated by the GMC. So that's very, very common. Are confined. Incomplete evidence presented. Yeah. So yeah. Oh, go back to my presentation. Um, and I just run through my top tips for you guys. Um, in summary. So complete your tab on your pierced you first rotation. The last thing you want to do is go chasing after colleagues in the last rotation. Trying to get signatures is very stressful. I did it for my PST. Essentially a scientist at my clinical supervisor, um, team in a number of people to sum up here she for? Because I can't send emails and ps tree. Um, I p s I can't supervise around. And we sent it out to individuals with the team. Unfortunately, some of some of those individuals responded and gave me positive feedback, so everything was good on that end. Don't leave things the last minute. Um, you know, if you have to mark 100 things throughout the year, you know that I quit doing something at least every three days. Um, the more you do it to start, the better I spread it out. Generally across the year on. I wasn't stressed, So if you could do that on do you will have allocated port failure. Time to work on your professor is a highly recommend doing that. Another top tip F word to use cannot sign your fresh lease. I'm not sure why this is. I think it's because in the past, f y too soft a million close friends of the F Y ones and haven't sort of been assessing them properly or something. So we will need to be a minimum of a more seen us. It shows like our internal medicine training course, surgical trainee, specialty training so forth. A Zyban minimum. Start your audit or Q. I pee early. Earlier you start. The better you can completely second cycle of you already or cure. I pee in. Present it milk. Really region or nationally? Would you getting more 0.2 your specialty applications? Um, yeah, the earlier you start the better because these things can often take ages to get going. Ages to present in ages toe completely second cycle cycle. So, yeah, start early and you'll be you'll be good again. It's your responsibility to arrange meetings in the clinic or educational supervisors. If you don't have any reply, chase a secretary. If the secretary is not really helpful, contact your foundation training program director. Or I think it's the contact your education department first and they'll be able to help you. Um, lastly, of course, shameless club. But mine a BLEEP is an excellent resource of getting on court teaching. You will receive a certificate of attendance, falling feedback which war can't feel on court each nose. So I attended a number of teaching sessions of mine that beat this year on. I've come to do all of them because I've got certificate for each of them. I counted them towards my non corti 10 hours and that really helped fill the gap. So if you're struggling with things to do for your non court, now is if you're not got things that you're learning off seminars, online zoom sessions of our mind, a bleep or vial metal. Um, count for those Onda. Yes, thanks To listen to my talk eyes. I'm just gonna advertise that webinar Siris actual notes yet. So I want so I will guide Webinar Siris, this is talk five of 10. Um, yeah, we've got one on Friday covering F one pain finances by Dr Siracha was a former accountant very knowledgeable on pain finances, understanding tax codes, extra pay, locum shift pain and so forth. So I recommend checking into that webinar if you've got time, just so you can have a better understanding of your pace That my colleague Hamza, who's in the chat today is delivering talk on DNA CPR verifying death. We've got myself delivering the talk on preparing for on calls and common buttes scenarios on. We've got to medical registrars attack trust delivery. We talk on managing the deteriorating patient that would be a really good one. It would be a bit of a longer session on highly recommended coming to that section because the last thing you don't you want enough one is territorial too patient and be panicking and on short to do so. They'll tell you when it when it's appropriate to escape to seniors when it's appropriate to, um, do some things in terms of medications and on examination findings and so forth. So yet that managing the cherry patient talk is gonna be a good one to attend. Um, I think lastly. Oh yeah, we do have a prepared for if I want, course it's free. It's identical courses in person courses in Liverpool, London and Sheffield, a simulation based small group teaching sessions with presented with five years of experience. There's free lunch, dinner, fax to us. Answer the next step. Last year, confidence in F I once rose from 20% to 75%. It's almost sold outside. For more information, visit mind a bit dot com slash If I want course, Um, and that's the end of my talk eyes. Here's a QR code for any feedback. Um, all that Hamza come back into the talk and ask any questions. Thank you for this is what I think. Okay. On the port for your knee. Oh, so now we'll start our urination. Feel free to put questions in the chart in Austin. Hello. Helping. I've also posted the link for the feedback form where you get your certificate of attendance and this can be used for your non court thing. Our, uh So should we start with the first question knee, huh? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. So the one of our attendees hardier. She just wanted a more clarification. On what? A mini checks. Waas? Uh, she wasn't Yeah, right. Let me show my screen. She asked you, Can you see my screen? Yes, I can see you. Right. Let's go to I'll start new form. These and this is the form section are going minicab. It's many chemical examination. Create on starting you for So here's what we need to do for many cakes. Date Hard to provided brief anonymous description to allow the medications to be contextualized. Describe the setting. So it was it in the community. Was it in an acute setting? Lucky D here The six cut off. I've got to be used You can put this many cats into Is it a clinical assessment? The clinical prioritization A listing Valium, communication, care of continuity of care These things that the train to fills in on This is something your effect on. So for me, I think I would It has to be observed Anything you do. So if I'm clocking a patient in, but I'm assessing them Taking history, examining seeing what we need to do for them that's a clinical assessment. I would love that in the clinical assessment section. Um, unlock it was a Mini CAC's and get see you to sign It was long. Has that been with me while I'm parking? Likewise, Fantastic planning. If I've seen a psychiatric patient, for example, I don't thinking they need some mental health and put and I well, maybe they need to section, you know, I don't know. So I would potentially a Z with a psychiatrist, discuss what they need to be section. If they did, I could look down the list it planning section on. That would be something that would be an analyst iccpr approach to care because you're considering other things as opposed to just physical health. You're considering mental needs. You could be considering considering social needs to any interaction with any health care professional, like a social worker, like a mental health professional that could be done or use for her listed planning section again. Communication and care. If you, for example, broken bad news to a patient with supervision that can be loving the communication care section, Um, as long as it's been observed. So you know, make of that what you will, but there's a number of things you can log a Zometa HKEx. It's it's not a set rule. It's sort of anything that's observed with in the workplace, as long as it fits into one of those categories that would count them unique X on the training with feedback on a green action you to work on on. These are the people you contaminate trading GPS consultants again. Like I said, ST or CT want to use the minimum. S s doctors were just before consultants what could consider the equivalent of consultants were even a pharmacist. Okay, so that's a minute checks. Does that clarify things? I think so. Perfect way. Have another question. From summer So she would like to know whether mandatory modules you do prior to induction. Does that count towards you teaching? It does. I used it. You just can't help it. Why? Because I was under the impression we couldn't use it. But if if you manage to use it, then yeah, money you're teaching. So it's it's really only modules, isn't it? Yeah, the one we do before starting. Yes. If you don't get a week or two prior to starting, that's absolutely fine. You can log it within the irritation. So I think before we started work, we have to complete learning on quality and diversity. That's complete work on safeguarding. I love that and not that to my curriculum. And there were no issues for mind. So I think you might vary from trust. Trust your dinner rooted in a re, but probably check that with your January before you do it. But it worked for me. Well, that's good to know. All right. Sorry. Summer. So you can actually use it to put on your port for you. So someone is asking. Kristy was asking It's multi sores. Feedback recorded in the boat for you is what I think she meant the time. So that was the end of the day. Yeah, that's the same thing is the top. So that would be recorded. Another question we have. Can we upload any teaching or evidence of attending any teaching? You've done a spot of 50 of medical school on your point for you that called, uh, that call me included, Know asked me within the foundation, um one. Yeah, yeah, I think it's It's not a hard roll, but, like with the learning stuff you can do if you've done it a few weeks before if I long because you've done it and there's no point doing it again during the rotation. But if it's in your final year of medical school, that's not the same as doing enough. I want. So you can't use that. Yeah, can we do Don't. Procedures, which are specific to specialty, is such a into intermission to demonstrate interest in on aesthetics and, well, those help for specialty applications. So you can do, Doc says with senior guidance. If it's something like intubate, you will have to be supervised by a senior as an F one. Um, you get it signed off. Um, can it be used? Especially applications know, But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Especially if you're interested. Anesthetics you want to be interviewing as many patients is possible getting the experience if you're able to. So if someone is giving you the opportunity to do procedures on your interest in our specialty, go for okay? Yeah. Someone has worked. Most of us. How do we get our supervisors to sign for many checks? CV deal. So here. All share my screen again. Okay. Okay. Here. So I would nominate my trainer. You put in their name. If they are training, going, feedback, um, they're email. Come up and it will send them in the mail automatically, so they have to reply via email. It's not something that's going on paper former still by email. Everything is done by email. It's also good just to send. Um a reminder will remind them in person because a lot of the times supervises walking a lot of email, and they might forget to part signing it the pre young car and has sauce. If there is some active feedback have received during a CBD, should you log it in on your portfolio And will this affect your A RCP? So it says negative feedback on a CBD. It depends like, um, they went off to be most most of the time. Um, see is are constructive in the feet book, so they give constructive feedback on the increase in is normally something that's very reasonable. Um, if it's sort of negative, you know, any sort of I think the thing you have to carry your CP I think that complaints or any concerns so negative feedback isn't really something you declare for your COPD. Um, equally if you send someone a CBD and there said something negative on it about your performance and sent it back that's logged on the system for more. I understand you can't delete it is actually yeah, yeah. So if they do give you negatively about delivery, you technically have already sent them the CBD. They filled in, filled in the negative feedback and sent it to you and I loaded on the system automatically, and you can delete the entry. So it's not something you you do care on the former. Just be on your portfolio for people to view, But I'm sure that would be, that would not be the case. Most seniors are very helpful, and they won't do things like that. People find that very junior and they try and be supportive. It'll mostly be constructive feedback, constructive criticism. And let's say, if you have not done it as well to the standards, more seniors will just tell you don't have loaded. Just do a few more before you cannot get onto your or call you, uh, Marsan is ask can order to treat that can order done in finally of medical school. Count Howard. Support for you. I don't think it come. How is that? Can you cover from that? Yeah, so it wouldn't really count, although it depends on the circumstance again. So for me, it kind of counted. So if if you've done the ordered but then presented it at a conference later on doing UFO, why one year then you can look it on to your portfolio, but if it's just in order done in final year, you've completed the orders in final year. Then it wouldn't really count because of portfolio. Is is most is four things done during the foreman year. Your supervisor want to see you. What you've done during this one here, they don't want to go back and see what you've done in medical school. Um, we have a few more questions other than signatures. What are the types of evidence that support for your need? So, um, any certificates? Eso, for example, if you do departmental teeth, No. Most. Let me give you a certificate up, which you're the logs for them. You get some feedback is when you look it's for more for your buck. Um, well, the things like, um, um, signed letters or just letters down to be signed. You love those. Most things are for SLE is any belly. You send it to the senior, and they will fill it in and return it back to you. And that's what counts is the signature. So other types of evidence like we've discussed are reflections, um, teaching, uh, perfections teaching. And then you wrestle. These were just sign. So that's about it. Do you think there's anything to add to the homes? Are I think Hamza has exited the call accidentally, right? Is he about with us? One second guys, comes you back with this all could carry on to the question. So, um, can you clarify what mapping is? Mapping is essentially linking. So you're linking your, um, you're linking your achievements. So your forms to the cricket objectives. That's what mapping is Everything you do, you can map it. You can map it to more than one thing. So I've completed the CBD on a patient with, Like I said before the psychiatric issues that can be much too much to multiple points off the off the FTC curriculum or leaked when you have to mark it. Least 10 things to eat, not least 10 things accident. Tell things to each of them. Yeah, so it's like it's funny you back with this number here. Some technical issues. You know, my Internet connection is not the best fortunate. It's fine because you're not presenting. Yeah, let's I think we just want the last question hunter from Heidi Ishmael on. Obviously it. Is it better to inform consultants before on that you would like to ask them for suitors, war is after better. So, um, a lot of them would say yes if you ask them afterwards, but some of them are are not very happy if you ask them afterwards. So, for example, in my case, I was on call once a dream during a medical oncology myself and one of the consultants completed in case we discussed the case. Um, issue examination findings, blood test results of sexual. I haven't asked the senior. Um okay, to fill this into the CBD, I'll send you this Is this as a CBD on? His response was no. Um so it does vary. It is very from Sr Sr. He said to me, If you want it to be done as a CBD, you have to introduce it at the start of the start of the presentation of the patient. So just to be on the safe side, I would just say to the senior Look, I'm going to present this patient to you, but coming to it's a CBD on most that would be very happy to do. So, Um, another question from malls and cone homes. I'll let you on some level. So are there any previous mind the sleep talks available to watch? So, yeah, there's the YouTube channel when we'll be posting recorded versions of our weapon, all including this one. But there are also other talks given in previous years by over speakers, which can be quite useful life. Why one side encourage you guys to visit the YouTube channel. Any more questions? Guys? Just posting for the feedback form in the chart as well. So I don't forget to fill out those Thank you guys. Any last questions? No, I think that's it. Great. Sure. You call it a day Hum? Sure. Thank you. Need how awful you told. Thank you for telling me. Thanks, guys. See you later. I