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Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining our webinar today. Um My name is Ro Terreson. I am um one of the colleagues of mind the Fy one division. And so primarily the reason for putting, putting this webinar together is for you guys to be informed by ACP. Um But before we move on to the topic of ACP, I'd like to introduce Dan from the BMA who's going to give you an update about important things. So Dan over to you. Thank you. Uh Yeah, hopefully you guys can hear me. Um So yeah, I won't be long at all, but hopefully it's, it's sort of important and, and uh interesting information to you guys. Um Firstly, I'm sure everybody is in membership anyway. Um But anyone who's not at the moment um and wants to join or rejoin um If you scan that QR code or the link I put in the chat, you get your first month free. So it doesn't matter if you're rejoining or joining for the first time. Um So yeah, pretty good. Um It's not available online anywhere. It's just like a little exclusive I've got for, for people coming to um mind the bleep. Um So yeah, so take advantage of that. Um Again, sure, everyone knows what the BMA is, what it does. Um where essentially your union sometimes we get a bit of confusion with um companies like MDU and mps, so indemnity companies. Um but they're more, they're sort of clinical side of things with nonclinical, so everything, nonclinical like uh especially things like your pay. Um that's the BMA and then nonclinical um and sorry, clinical. It's, it's MDU mps, that kind of thing. Um Free ways of looking at what we do um in the union sense, um individual, local and nationally. Um It obviously has a big focus on the national side of things at the moment with the strikes and whatnot. Um But yeah, but don't forget that we're here for you day to day as well um on an individual basis. So things like the contract checker and that kind of thing um when it comes to getting your F two contract, um make sure you get that checked again like you did last year um for your F one. Uh and then obviously on a local level, if you guys have issues as like a as a collection of F ones or, or U BF two S. Um Yeah, come to us and we'll sort of sort things out. Um Perhaps some of you guys have had experience with that already this year. Um But yeah, we've got people on the ground every trust across the country. Um So yeah, so just think of that as sort of your first part, um Oldish news now, but it's just worth reminding you that we, that we've got the six month mandate. It's probably more like four or five months now. Um But yeah, but this was the, this was the ballot result back last month or the month before. Um So we, we can now strike up until the 19th of September. Um slightly lesser turn out. But, but the yes was as strong, as strong as ever. Um So this is where we're at in terms of pay negotiations about um sort of saying yes to anything. Um So they keep saying that's it. I mean, to be honest, this week, they haven't said that's it. They, they seem to be willing to, to, to speak or get on something in a second. But yeah, but this is where we're at just without really accepting anything. They, they, they have kept pushing up. So what we're doing um is working. Um So yeah, so just, just a, a little update on sort of pain strikes and I'm sure everyone's up to date on, on everything that's going on anyway. So this is, this won't be much news to you. Um But yeah, there's no, there's obviously no dates for, for any um strikes for you guys. It doesn't seem like anything's on the horizon at the moment cos things seem like they're going Well, I'm sure you've, you've read the emails. Um, the consultants obviously agreed their deal last month. So they voted um yes to accept their offer. 82%. So pretty high. Um So they've been back paid that um from, from March. Um, new offer came out to Sa Doctors uh Wednesday this week. So I'm not sure if you saw that. Um and they're gonna vote on their offer. This is an approved offer. So their second offer um from the end of this month to the 14th of June. Um So yeah, you can see the the increase that they would have got. Um there it's quite substantial for the t 2021 pay scales. Um not so much the 2008 pay scales but I think it, it's, it's, it's fairer. So yeah, so this is where you guys are at. Um I don't know if you saw the update this week. Sadly, I don't have any sort of insider information, II sort of get it as you get it as well. Um But yeah, but essentially there's gonna be um a mediator now who's gonna sort of go between us and the government um to sort of see if they can find um find some kind of solution um to the 2324 year. So yeah, so there'll be back pay for, for, for that, for that year for you guys. That's, that's the hope. Um So yeah. It's voluntary and non binding. So um the media can come up with something but can't force it through on either side. And obviously, if there is a decent offer that comes out of this, it will go to you guys as membership to vote on. Even if the, even if the committee um the chairs like it, it will still need to come out and, and we will need to vote on um whether we accept it or not. Um So, yeah, so right now we're just focusing on the, the, the, the 2324 year. Um and then obviously the recommendations from DDR B for 2425 come out soon. Um So, yeah, so, so like they said, it's gonna be um sort of a series of steps. So it won't just be one big whole thing, but the, but this will be sort of the start of it. Hopefully this is the most positive I've heard it um between talks with the government. So, so I feel like something good possibly is on the horizon with the consultants accepting and SAS O look look like that's a, a good deal. Um This could be sort of coming to some kind of, I don't wanna say end but, but, you know, pay increase, let's say. Um So yeah, as, as tonight's on A R CPI, just thought it would be good to, to sort of um remind you of the, the BMA S sort of standpoint on, on things uh industrial rela er, industrial action um related. Um So, yeah, so basic, basic stuff I meant to keep on top of your requirements um and keep your portfolio up to date and get things signed off uh in anticipation of any, any further to out of training. I'm not sure there will be any more strikes um before you finish F one but, but you never know. It's only May now there's, there is a few months left. Um So yeah, as long as long as you're as, as long as everything's being met, um er, and there should be no reasoning um to exceed the time about training quotas. Um It can't be used as justification to extend training. Um There's some detailed guidance in it that I've put in the chat already. So if you want to read about our, our view on things. Um yeah, you, you can, you can click on that link that's in the chat um or, or drop us an email. Um, obviously we've been getting hearing this a lot the last year or so people, people worried. Um, but yeah, I just wanna sort of reassure you that you, you can't be punished because everyone's gonna have to be punished in, in that sense. Um because it's, I mean, industrial action is what it is, is what it says on the tin. Um, you don't wanna be doing it. Um And then if there's time out training because of that then you know, that that's just the way it is. So, yeah, so you, you're backed if you remember, like you're, you're backed as well. So if anyone sort of kicks up a fuss with you, which, which we, we doubt. Um, but, but we are there, you can call on us and we will sort of, uh, speak on your, on your behalf. Um So, yeah, so just, uh, just in terms of the individual stuff, these are some of the common questions we get. Um Yeah, but, but I don't dwell too much on that. Yeah, like I said earlier, just make sure when you get your contract for F two, you send it to us like you did for F one and we'll check it and make sure it's correct. 25% of the contracts we checked last year um were wrong. So we nick them, we know what should be in them. Um And there's no reason for, for trust to sort of mess around with them and change them, which sometimes they do. I'm not saying they do it on purpose, but it, it does happen. Uh We can also check your ro as well, but that should be more straightforward. You've got full access to all of our tools as well. B MJ library, we run some webinars as well online that you can watch on demand as well. Uh B MJ learning special explorer. Um If you want to start speaking about thinking about what special you wanna go into. We've got a really good, um, psycho, er, er, psychometric test that, that you can take, it takes about 20 minutes to complete, ask all sorts of work life balance questions and at the end gives you like a breakdown of charts and graphs of what a lot of specialties would be suited to you. Um, according to the answer you've given, um, that's it for me. Um, a little bit of an update. I'm sorry, I don't like massive information but, but at least we got something this week. Uh, we have promised some news. Um, so yeah. Uh yeah, I hope everyone's in membership ready, but again, if you're not and if you wanna rejoin, um obviously anything that does come out you'll be voting on if you're a member. So, yeah, so if not a member now's a good time to, to do it if, if something's coming out soon. Um, that's it. I'll, I'll hand you back to Eric. Um and thanks for listening. Mhm. I'm just going to uh, share my screen uh, with you. Ok. Um mm. Ok. Can everyone see my screen? Yeah, I can, I can see it. You can see the screen. Ok. Hi, everyone. Uh thanks for coming today to um, join us for uh session today on ACP. Um, my name is Eric. I um uh fellow, uh CT one level. Uh, I work in Brighton, uh in surgery. Uh, currently you retire trauma in orthopedics, uh and vascular surgery. So today we're going to look at, um, ACP competencies, what, um, outcomes are there and what to expect. Ok, so what I'm going to do is, um, take you through the ACP, um, what it is the portfolio, what you should have in your portfolio and the panel will look at in your view. So, first of all, what is ACP? So when we talk about ACP, we basically talk given of your evidence throughout. So throughout your foundation year one, what have you got it in your three rotations that you've done? Uh And I believe uh there is different uh portfolio for different um parts of the UK. So England use horrors and to us is uh Northern Ireland, uh Scotland and Wales. So what we're going to um check what it remain, what your checklist is, the portfolio requirements, uh potential outcomes and what the implication is in terms of going forward with your career after. And so um this is a checklist of what to your portfolio. So the first one, number one is uh obviously you're doing three rotations which will congest your entire 12 months of um F one experience which has been approved from the foundation school. So you have that at the end, which is what the ACP is supposed to give you that you have completed F one. But before you get that, then you need to show evidence is that throughout the year that 12 months, you you have been updating your portfolio, you've been and showing that you are developing as a competent doctor to gain full registration, the GMC as an F one, obviously, you have the original registration to practice. So first of all, what is looked at is completion of uh from our relevant. So there are some dictions that are um done. And second of all, we'll go to your education uh supervises uh end of year report. The next one is uh educational supervises, end of placement report, clinical supervises report te uh team assessment of behavior, which is the top uh you have to have your phd done um and then complete all the foundation program curriculum outcomes and show that you have been satisfactory engaging with the program and with this, they will go through this paperwork, just take that you have met each outcome. So what does each of these outcome mean? Now, uh completion in terms of completion of relevant declaration, when you go into your portfolio is the declaration section which shows your property declaration. So you go into it and just answer some of the questions that has been asked like uh placements that have been given to you time you've taken. Um um and just basically declaring that you haven't had any uh significant in incidents whilst you are in training. And if you have have then you take and uh fill in the required um information that has been requested of you. So these uh property health declaration and conditions for joining the foundation training program there for you to complete and accept that you are going to agree to these things. Ok? So when we look at um supervisors report, we have the obviously uh clinical uh supervisor and the supervisor. So basically what you are looking to get is uh three end of placement from your clinical supervisor in terms of your educational supervisor, obviously three for um your first rotation, your second rotation. But in the third rotation, instead of end of uh placement report, your educational supervisor will complete end of year report for you of the um educational supervisors end of placement report because that the last placement will be the last of UF one. So there is no need to have a end of placement report in terms of uh meetings in the beginning of your placement. Usually, uh as far as as I've been aware, usually as rotation, you have your educational supervisor and clinical supervisor as the same person. So a lot of the time you have a joint meeting uh which is the induction or initial meeting. Um And uh you do that as educational supervisors meeting and clinical supervisor. So it's just a combined meeting and you have your induction meeting for with your clinical supervisor for two rotations and then you have educational supervisors meeting for the other two rotations at the beginning of your rotation. So those need to be depleted before your plan be marked as you have fulfilled that requirement of supervisor's report. If you haven't got any of these, you need to get on it and speak to your supervisors and make sure these forms are completed, it's mandatory. So looking at um the this is just a uh just a show of um what it looks like like having the completion of those uh portfolio outcomes. So first rotation and a copy of my um ac when uh my portfolio when I did it. So you we, I had a general surgery and I had those completed, I had um internal medicine and I had et and so my uh educational supervisor was someone from uh internal medicine who was my supervisor throughout the year. So my first one was a combined meeting. OK? And then end of uh placement and end of year report. OK. So let's look at the next one which is the team assessment of behavior. Now, this, we recommend that you try and get it in your first rotation. If you haven't got it in your first rotation, you can do it in your second rotation, but you just need to be careful that it's not left too late. Um And the recommendation is that you get two re uh 10 responses and the 10 responses as is II is showing on your screen and two minimum from consultants, one minimum from other senior doctor like registrar um or someone senior than you have to or um two senior a nurses and then two allied health professionals or other team members. So the two allied health professionals, other team members, healthcare assistants, ward clerk, uh pharmacist, and even uh foundation year two or your p foundation year one doctors to complete that for you. But you can't have too many people filling that. Ok. So uh in terms of your placement, supervisory group, usually if you've done your um uh tap in placement, one, then your recommendation is that you do this in your same rotation, but you can do it in your third rotation. There are risk is if you get to your third rotation and you're not able to do it, then you risk and not having this completed. So that's something to be aware of. And uh obviously, every members of the team. Now, what, when we talk about the foundation program camps, what do they mean? So you have all 13 foundation uh pro uh foundation Professional Capabilities, which you have to match what you have put in there to these team. And all the 13 are grouped under the HL O outcomes. We have 12 and three and one obviously is 1 to 52, is 6 to 10 and is your 11 to 13. So this is what um it looks like. And at the end, your supervisor will look through the HL 123 and mark it as satisfactory when it's been completed. Ok. So the sl ee uh events or the supervised learning event is basically case based discussions, development, clinical teacher presentations, teaching uh DS minis and the other things you need to consider a co procedures. Some of them have been uh done like um foundation squeeze down. Now consider as part of it but others will require you to do it, Your reflections, mandatory certificates like PSA S and when you include this PSA speak to your supervisor and let them approve it because then you want to, that has not been approved. And if it goes to a CP panel, your portfolio will not pass through, it will come back as not completed. So just be careful about that. OK. Obviously your cause is interesting case this portfolio and they call it or audits that you've done, put them all in there and they all count. OK. So you engagement with the program, then obviously feedback surveys, the national training uh survey G MCC surveys, surveys, they all count as part of it and you will look for those. And if you haven't got any, you need to upload the those things into your portfolio. Because if you haven't, then you haven't been engaging with the program and your portfolio will not be matched as completed. OK? And also um your core teachings and co learning which you have to fulfill 60 hours minimum. Um so 30 hours must be um core hours and then non-core hours, which can be webinar, self, steady reflections and things like that that you've done. So in March, in your uh outcomes, basically, it, it, it asks you to a maximum of 10 March for the FP CS and these are how it, when you've um match them and you can match anything as far as it actually explains what you've done uh in terms of under the headings, OK? And the summary narrative, it, there is no correct way or right or wrong way of doing it. You can do it anyhow, you want, this is kind of an example of how I did my, basically explaining that my first placement, my second placement, my third placement. And this is what I did to complete F PC one, F PC two and things like that. So you can write it anyway, you do write it, there is no right or wrong way of doing it. OK? So now let's look at the outcomes. So the outcomes uh we have, they are basically like about eight outcomes. But for foundation year one, you the outcomes, you basically have these uh five outcomes. So item one is when everything portfolio has been marked off and uh marked as satisfactory. And it means that you are, you have achieved the outcomes required of F one and you are due to progress uh into F two if you are issued outcome three, it means there is inadequate uh progress by the trainee and additional training time. So it, it means that people have raised concerns and that they don't feel like your clinical competency is up to date and you need additional timing to be able to uh progress. Ok? When you get issued outcome full, it means that they have concerns about your training and they, even though they've tried to do things rectify uh the errors to help you progress, you have not been able to and maybe some people might be augmentative and say they don't know what they have done wrong and they don't feel like they are doing anything wrong. It becomes difficult for the foundation school or the hospital to help you through your training. And in that time, they make the decision to release you from training in terms of time when you've got Outcome five, I mean, some of the evidence like I said, uh PSA I LS has not been marked. So or you haven't like done enough mini cases or um CBD S and they need additional requirements. It doesn't necessarily mean that you need to do at um months or whatever. As far as you are able to gather evidence and add it to your portfolio, they will review your polio again and give you another outcome you have submitted because they give you time to say we give you one month or something like that because obviously your the ARP panel, it is not until somewhere in June. And if it's in June, then you've got to uh end of July to finish your foundation program. So you'll be given time to actually add that evidence that you haven't and to resubmit the portfolio for it to be marked. And when uh no ACP outcome say you've changed your training um to less than full time and you are not finishing the same time as everyone, you have decided to leave the training or anything time out of training like that, then you'll be given no ar cp uh review or outcome. So this is kind of what it looks like uh in terms of the outcomes, what they provide outcome one as explained 345 and um the other, if you leave and things like that, then that is the outcome that is used. So she put it together, you, you basically need to get on with your portfolio, make sure that all the evidence and there is no specific number of evidence you need to put there anything in mind uh that can help with your portfolio that matches, that explains, gives you an outcome for something in there. Um The list thing they will do is well, this um can't be accepted and then you add something else, but you can never be wrong to put things that you have done uh in training into your portfolio to, to your outcomes. OK? So that would uh be uh just to highlight um this process um will be done by the foundation training uh program director and to other people. So when they, the panel is not like a massive uh number of people doing uh this review is the foundation training program director and two other people or sometimes one person and they sit down review your portfolio, uh check everything that has been put in there and the take off to say you have completed, we are not sure about this and we give you this outcome and we expect you to do XYZ to make your portfolio accurate for um and then they can mark it off and send it to the team. OK. So at this point, uh if anyone has questions, I would be happy to take them his thank you very much and um sort of a webinar. Um There are loads of questions coming out on the chat, so I'll just um ask them one by one if that's OK. So um the first question is, could we get examples about what things can be booked to rich? HL OS. So, uh H HL O the things you can put like CBD, S if you've done a CBD and you have say, um for example, if you've done a, a CBD about um say you've seen a patient and uh something that you discussed with your supervisor, say you got diagnosis wrong, you just uh look at it and say, OK, reflect on it, put the CVD in and say I saw, saw this patient with this presentation, what I thought. But in the end, it was this as I discussed with my supervisor and, and then just look at the um outcome and see which one actually like how in terms of being a reflective practitioner, uh recognizing that you need to learn and then just match it to it. You don't have kind of uh specific things that you need to not, it's not like there is specific things you need to match to it. It's just, it's basically what you have written a available um goes to each of the HL O and if you are writing your HL OS, obviously, you say you look at all the minis, the, um you look at the mini cats, the dogs and, and things like that and say I did this procedure and it helped me learn about how to um maybe uh look after patients, be part of the MDT team. And I will, I have used this. Um So II can look for some examples of what I had in my, in my portfolio and uh show you on the screen. So uh something like um this. So uh let me have a look at, can anyone see my screen? Um Eric, are you able to see my screen? Because I just got up a document that sort of identifies you can put down Oh yeah, I can see your screen. Yes. Yeah. So these are some of the h so I can, I can give you a link to this document on the chat and it sort of points out what type of things you can put in or like what? So the, so if it under each HL O you've got different components to it and then at the bottom, um it says which type, what type of evidence can be used to log to, to add to each HL O? So this might be quite, this might be quite useful. So I'll just uh send this, send this to you guys in the child. It's, that helps. Um So hopefully we've answered that question. So thank you very much Eric for that. Um Now, next one, how many S les is needed for the portfolio? Is there a minimum, maximum number? Well, in this talk, you did say there's no minimum numbers, isn't it? They have recently changed it. So I think I just looked at my F one portfolio. It's been a little while and um I think I did like four mini Kes uh on average four mini Kes and two CBD S per rotation. Um So that's something that you could aim to. I don't know. And I think that was what the deanery told us. Um Obviously, there is a foundation sort of program but sometimes each deaneries have um or at least did have their own sort of cut off points and we had to, we had to meet even like X number of reflections per, per um rotation. So if Deanery hasn't told you or your trust hasn't told you, then I don't think that applies to you. But Eric, what, what do you think about that? Um I think there is no minimum uh minimum number obviously to be safe. Just say you put uh three for each rotation. you've basically got um nine overall. So that is enough um uh maximum, you can put as many as you want. II had 15 and things like that, I usually aimed for about 4 to 5 for each rotation for each of the S LES uh just to. But if you get even um two DBS, two minis and um two CBD S for each rotation, that's enough. That's six evidence for that. Um Sle so you don't need to um be worried about that. But obviously, as you've highlighted, yeah, each foundation school has its own expectations and its own kind of requirements. And they usually tell you at the beginning that this is what we expect you to have in your portfolio. So just go by the um and you'll be on the, on the safe side now. Um under which section I was supposed to add the I LS certificate. Um So the LS certificate, um I believe it comes under. Uh Let me have a quick look at. So when you had a section called I LS and P SA prescribing and all that stuff. Yeah, they usually come, I think it's under the H three, some of the outcomes there. That's where they usually come. Um, yeah, let me have a quick check because it's usually, um, where you do your, you're kind of um engaging with the program. I'm learning and I'm being a safe prescriber kind of thing. So that's where they usually go. Yeah. Agreed. Um The next question, how would you do the additional training? How does that affect F two? And how much additional training would they usually give? For outcome? Two? It, it, it depends on how much of um i it's like um how much of a kind of support you need. So if they deem that you need maybe one or two months to um like kind of meet the outcomes, then that's what they will give you. They won't necessarily say you need extra six months or, or anything like that. It depends on what that situation is because obviously they go through your portfolio and have a look at it. I remember when I was f one, some of my colleagues were given like um two months uh to um get set competencies and, and some training outcomes before they can get the uh uh foundation. And sometimes it comes as uh possibly if you've been on sick or something like that and you've taken time out and then you need extra time, then they will also do that give you outcome too, that you need additional training because obviously when you are on sick, I think you are allowed 20 days um out of training for sick. And if you exceed that, then that 20 days can't, they can't really pass you for being off for more than 20 days. So they will have to give you like maybe one month more to add more to it before they can pass you. Yeah. So e exactly, just to add to that, it really varies about how your portfolio is looking at and whether there are any concerns from the clinical, um you know, from the hospital themselves with your supervisors. So it could be one or two months extra, but it could also be a whole year. They might ask you to repeat the whole year as well. Um But if they are asking to, for you to repeat a whole year, they would have hopefully mentioned, they would have identified any issues earlier on. It's not like something that would just, they will just throw at you at your ACP meeting. There would have been consistent sort of input perhaps from them. And um and therefore they've now made that made that decision. So if obviously F two starts in August, so if you're needing to um train for another one or two months, that does delay your start for F two, I'm not sure about the exact um sort of workings of it. But I understand from knowing other people that you just have to start F two the following year potentially or you continue or they, you know, it really depends on sometimes they would say you can, you can join the second placement of your F two job. Does that make sense? And then you have to do a whole year starting from then. So if that's sorry, this is more likely. Um So that you don't have a massive gap between your training. Um And so yeah, so hopefully that gives you an answer. Yeah, that, that's uh true. I think when, when I started working in Brighton, there was an F two who was already there, um still doing the final placement of his uh F two because he started late. Um And it, so if you had delayed a, a month or two, some, some uh hospitals or foundation uh program, so we just allow you to just come and start at a time because obviously sometimes they need the number of people to also work because you not being there has left a gap. So some, some people will allow you to come and start, you just have a different finish date than everyone else. Exactly. And that doesn't make you, if anyone does find themselves in that situation, I'd like to emphasize that that doesn't make you make you of any being a less doctor compared to someone else. It, you know, people extend their training for various reasons. There might be sickness, they just need more time, et cetera, et cetera and do not feel as easy as said, they done um to feel demoralized by the whole um situation if you feel like you're needing help, um I'm sure they should be um a support provided by your trust. Please reach out to them. Please please reach out to the medical education team. And also you can reach out to mind the we and we can try and find, you know, um the most appropriate person for you to speak to if, if, if you're in that situation and you just need some extra guidance or support. So next question, please, could you go back to the slide with the summary narrative? Thanks. Yeah. Ok. Um Whilst you're getting that up, I'll just sort of move on to the next question because I think I can answer it. Um So aside from training director, who else is in the panel, are there doctors in hospitals? Are they doctors in hospital? Is the review anonymous, right? Do they know your name? So um the review is not anonymous. Um So you all get given allocated a time and date and usually it's just a TPD um and the medical education. So there will be like an fy one lead um within the medical education team. So it's usually them and the TPD or two TPD S and, and one of them. So just between two and three people and you'll get given the date and time at which they are sleeping meeting will happen, um, or where they meet the decision of your outcome and you have the choice um, um, to attend it. So if you like, if you want to attend, you can, and it'll be a quick like 15 minute slot from what I remember. Um And that's it. So it's not anonymous. Um And you'll be able to, if you feel like you need to sort of explain yourself certain things that, that might be lacking or whatever it is, then that sort of gives you an, gives you an opportunity to talk about it. Is that, is that right? Yes, that is. Yeah, cool. Um Now, next one, any guidance on mental health based S LS, I've heard lots of conflicting things regarding how mandatory they are, what kind of things can be linked against against that ho sorry. Um Any guidance on mental health based S les. Uh Yes. So uh in terms of mental health, they uh they do have um So if you've done mental health rotation, then you can obviously have that. But if you haven't done mental health rotation, there is mental health um e learning stuck on um e learning for health, which you can do and just reflect on it and, and put it in your portfolio as mental health. And I think there is also um mental health course that is usually organized by the foundation school um that you can, you can attend and add that to your uh portfolio as your mental health kind of because I think when I was um F one or F two, we did have something like that where they give us the option that you can do e lining and just reflect on it and put it as your uh mental health kind of thing. Or if you've seen a patient who has presented with some kind of mental health present, you can, you can put that in your portfolio as a CBD Micex or whatever. Um It's mental health related because the person came in. They have um they had kind of delirium, they had this presentation with mental health that is mental health. You don't necessarily need to have a mental health rotation to have mental health in your portfolio. Exactly agrees especially in A&E when you have patients presenting with suicide risk as, as they're presenting complaint, you can talk about them. Anyone who's come in being admitted has um I don't know, has um another comorbidity of mental health and you missed some the prescription of certain drugs and that led to further exacerbation of their symptoms or something. That's something that you can, you can reflect on and write up. So it's very open to interpretation. But as long as you're talking about some sort of mental health condition and it's obvious that it's mental health, then you should be fine. And mine do. They usually don't quote me but they usually just look at, they're looking at numbers, they're not actually reading every single, oh, I just told you to read it. Right. You know, the, the main thing is the supervisor outcomes placement reports. So making sure that, you know, it's all positive and, you know, great and then the number of mini texts and CBD S that I know it, I know you shouldn't, it's quality versus quantity, but at this point, they are looking at quantity um when it comes to these things. So that's, that's fine. Yeah, more once your supervisor because they rely on your supervisor to have gone through your portfolio before they sign you off. So if your supervisor has signed you off on your portfolio and written the final report, then they rely on that judgment that your portfolio is complete and you've got everything they need. So it's usually your supervisor who goes through your portfolio with you to make sure that you've got all the necessary uh documentation evidence that you need and the ACP um panel just look at what their supervisor has presented to them and, and mark it off. Yeah. Um Now next one, please, can you tell us more about what to expect for the F two ACP and how this compares to F one ACP, do you know is basically the same? There is no difference in F one, F two. Obviously, the only difference is you don't have to upload uh PSA into your portfolio because you probably would have done it in F one. So that is gone. Um I LS you don't need to upload that, but everything else is, is basically the same. The only uh then it would be maybe they expect you to now be putting more like um oh I, this was my first experience kind of thing. Now you are trying to show that you have grown, you have learned from F one and sometimes when you are writing your uh kind of uh portfolio, you can go back and reflect that, you know, um in F one, I saw this but as an F two, this is how I've dealt with it just to show that you have now developed yourself as a competent uh independent doctor working on your own rather than, but it doesn't mean you need to work on your own. You always have to rely on your supervisors, ask them even if you are f to, don't go off and start doing things by yourself because the last thing you want is making mistakes. OK? If you don't understand anything, just ask uh anyone in the department will help. You don't feel like because you now have a full registration with the GMC, you have a license to just do things yourself that is dangerous. I'm a clinical fellow, three years into qualifying and I still ask people for help and advice about things. I don't know exactly. And to be fair, you even see consultants doing that as well when it's a complex case and, and, and they don't know the answer or if it's just, they don't know the answer. So always ask, being safe is very important. Um So to be a safe doc doctor always, always escalate things and ask things when you're not certain. Now next question, would the panel ask us questions about the teaching we have attended or any sl E that we have linked? Mhm. It's unlikely that it will come back to you to ask you that it will be your supervisor that will probably ask you about it if they have any query about it. But the uh ARP panel will not come back to you to ask you about that. Um Next one, how do you update sick leave and annual leave record on horrors? How do you upload? So update sick leave and annual leave record on hos. Uh It is as I highlighted in the beginning, it is in your declarations. So there is something called from R um and two in the floor fr is uh for one second. Let me quickly. That's why you declare your um sick leave that you've taken. Uh I've never really had to declare any annual leave. Mhm. I think um it's usually in your uh declaration at the end of the placement um that you, this is the annual leave you've taken. And from memory, I think it was from R that I failed in and that is where I had to um record that in my portfolio. Uh To say that um this is the annual leave or um uh some of these. But yeah, no, I completely agreed. Looking at the document that, that I send the link for on the chart, it does say form R slash um S oa R. So um or some sort of basically probity slash health declaration form that you have to do and it's there that you declare. So did you have to declare annual leave as well? Sorry. I'm just curious because I didn't not annual leave. Annual leave is annual leave is your own leave. Uh You don't have to declare that you've had this annual leave. No. Um It's just when you've been on sick leave, you've taken strike days and things like that because obviously they need to make sure that you haven't gone over the 20 days that you are entitled. And if you have gone over as far as you have a valid explanation as to why you went over, then they can come back and say because of this number of days you've taken, then we have this uh kind of query or we want to extend this or uh change this for you in your outcome. But annually it's n it's none of their business it's your own time to enjoy. So don't worry about taking annual leave and things like that. That is you're entitled to it. You don't need to declare anything to anyone. Um Next one. Does anyone know how to access a list of dates or strike dates for form R? Oh, and someone has actually replied to that kindly. Thank you um, on the chat with the dates. So please have a look. I'm sure you've already have next one. What do you mean exactly by ACP meeting? Do we have to be present for that meeting or is it just amongst the ACP panel? And then the outcome is updated on the portfolio? So you don't need to attend uh the meeting. It's just the foundation program, uh director and two other people that sit down and go through your portfolio, look at your portfolio. So you don't need to be there. Uh Once they've gone through and they have marked your portfolio as uh satisfactory or whatever outcome, they will update it in your portfolio and send you an email with it. So when they update it, you will get an email to say that um you've got a update on your portfolio. This is uh the outcome. So you need to sign to confirm that you have read and accepted what has been put up and uh and then uh you take it from there. So if you have outcome one, they send you an email to say, uh this is the outcome, go to your portfolio and just um respond to it. So you go there and take that. Yeah, I accept the outcome and then it take, it goes from there and they send it uh certificate to you and send your certificate to GMC. And if you've got outcome three or two, they will send it to you. And if you want a meeting, you go and meet the uh your educational supervisor and then discuss what the plans are next on what to do. So, um that will be kind of taken from there in terms of what do you need to do and then that will be it. So your supervisors will be your point of contact to discuss those things with brilliant. Um Is this if my e sr dates of absence is incorrect, do I need to contact medical staffing to correct it if you esr dates of absence is incorrect? Do they need to contact? Yeah, you can, you can contact them. Yeah, you can contact them. Uh and say uh this is incorrect and can you address that for me? Yeah, it's probably better. I, when, when I started my placement, I had my supervisor wrong because I went in and had someone else as my supervisor and, and um, I contacted the education uh office and told them, uh ask them who deals with the portfolio and told them uh this person is on my portfolio. But they are not my supervisor. So can you just make the adjustments and they just changed it? So if you have any concerns, just contact them and they will change whatever you need on your portfolio for you? Yup. And do we include strike days as part of days off in our form? Uh Yes, you have to declare strike days as at times you've taken off. The only thing you don't declare is your annual leave but sick leave, strike days and things like that, you have to declare. Yeah, you could, if there is that option when you're filling that form out, maybe you can specify. So I don't know if you say you've, you've taken 20 days of leave, which includes strike days and sickness, please. Um Sort of, if you can, please specify how many um sick days you took and how many strike days you took cause that might be a bit helpful for them. Um Now do we complete formal or does our es complete formal at the final end of rotation es meeting? You complete form R you have to complete it as part of your um the uh declarations for your portfolio to be signed by your supervisor. So um you have to complete that at the, at the end to declare because it's, it's a declaration that you have to make to say I haven't done anything. Um I haven't been in trouble and I have, I understand that I have taken these rotations and, and there hasn't been any concerns raised against me. If someone has given nice feedback about you, you write it there and, and things like that. So, yeah, and you have to complete it. I do remember on my time I completed mine, I think halfway through the year. And uh when I had my final meeting, the foundation training program director was also my clinical supervisor in my final rotation. So uh we went through my portfolio and she said you from r uh had been completed like maybe three months earlier and you need to complete a new one because obviously, if something has happened since that time, we don't know. So you need to complete a new one now to um get your portfolio signed. Um Next one when I upload PSA certificate under the form mandatory certificate, it says it now needs to be approved by a supervisor or administrator. How do I go about getting that approval so uh speak to your supervisor and say uh educational supervisor and say um I've got, I've uploaded my certificate and you need to approve it and it should come up on the side on their view in your portfolio. Uh that your uh your certificate. I know sometimes you have issues with um education and supervisors because some of some of them struggle to find their way around the portfolio system and things like that. But sometimes they will say, I don't know. Where to find it and you go through the portfolio and uh go where you uploaded it in terms of uh extra training and things like that and get them to approve it because yeah, a lot of people have that problem. You upload those certificates and then everyone forgets about it and in the end it becomes a problem because it hasn't been approved. Thank you. I'm so sorry if my phone went off. Um and you can, you could hear you heard it was um sorry. Um Right. So how if you next one, sorry if you have your half day sim and A LS booked for dates that are after your A RCP date. Can you still put this in your portfolio portfolio with a future date and state that you will be attending these question mark. It is a big one in terms of they would expect you to complete it and before your ACP. But you can also say that, yeah, you can highlight in your portfolio that your A um I LS or whatever date is this date and you're going to uh present it because uh although you are given um deadline for ACP when they go to sometime if they go to review and they are not satisfied that you haven't done it and you have done it, then they will just come and request extra evidence and you just send it back to them uh and say this is the certificate I've done it and that will answer everything and you finish foundation. Yeah, same as everyone. Um It will, it doesn't, it, it will be probably one of those ones that um outcome where they will request for extra evidence. Yeah. Um but you can, so what you can do is upload it, upload something saying showing your confirmation um onto your half day sim and A S section um A LS date. So it needs to be an actual confirmation, an email or something from them. So, so then you're not fibbing basically and make sure that the dates are before you start F two. So in that way, then they can just wait for that to happen, hopefully for your session to happen. And then you can as as you said, just give the certificate and that will just help not delay things further and that goes with, yeah. So if you do have things pending in the future, but before you start F two with any sort of evidence, then yes, you can um show um some sort of evidence like that you, that it will happen and you're not just making up lies. Um Now for the, oh gosh, you have so many questions for end of year. Sign off. Do we need to have already had the clinical supervisor end of module sign off for a third rotation. Uh Yes, your clinical uh supervisor should have signed you off on your portfolio before the educational supervisor will sign you um end of year report because obviously, although you are in the middle of that rotation, your clinical supervisor will look at the previous two year uh previous two rotations. And if you have had satisfactory outcomes and you have shown that in this um rotation for the two months that you've been there, you have actually updated your portfolio and got everything you need. Your clinical supervisor will sign you off uh on your final meeting to say that you are on course to complete your uh foundation uh program outcomes. So yes, you need to have your clinical supervisors end of uh rotation uh meeting before. Yup. Um Now, do you need to declare bereavement leave on form? R it will be classed as a kind of a um you have to declare because it's not annual leave. It is uh movement leave and it's compassionate leave. So yes, you have to declare, but that will be taken into consideration that that isn't just like going off for um any silly reason, it for a valid reason. So they will consider that as a important part of kind of your uh and I think that will probably even help if some of your portfolio uh kind of um say there are some gaps or things like that and that is understandable for them to understand that this has happened and you've been off for this reason. So um yeah, declare it on your uh phone. Um If we pass a RCP, is there any reason to continue updating the updating the portfolio between F one and F two once it's signed off? Uh I would say if you haven't got anything that is being requested of you to add, then don't stress yourself. Yeah. Um Oh, thanks. So some, some people have been kindly answering um for the Well questions as well. Right. Thanks for organizing this. We were told that we don't need a LS complete in Fy one year by WM Deanery in one of their sessions. Yeah. Yeah. Als is not compulsory. I never did als in my F one. Um and I still, I did uh A LS in my F two. So you don't need a LS in you. But if some, some um foundation screws allow you to do um uh hospitals will let you do A LS and I LS and whatnot. So if you've been able to do it, then instead of I LS or something like that, you can upload your A LS certificate into your portfolio. Next. Do you have to declare study leave on form r uh steady leave? You are entitled to it. So you don't need to declare because when you are going for same training and all these things a steady leave, you don't need to declare fair enough. And last question, oh, actually last two questions. What if there is no place in my portfolio to put the psa exam certificate in. Well, for that I can answer you. Can you do? Yeah, there, there must be, there'll be a mandatory certificate, um, part and you will have to upload your PSA exam certificate in, in that mandatory exam, se mandatory certificate section. Now, finally, do I have to do an audit or participate in one for sign off? You don't have to do or participate in one. Actually, there is even a course. If you've attended audit teaching, you can just write a reflection on audits that you understand the audit process and, and get signed up. You don't necessarily have to have done audits to get signed up. Yeah. So if your other parts, I mean, it's a bit too late if you haven't done any audit at all. Um, and we're in what may, um, an ACP is very close. It's very unlikely. I feel like you can participate in an audit and get it signed off. So, in that case, there are um, online, online ele modules by Health England. You know, you should have been given access to them and you can do a couple of like, you know, a couple of those learning stuff I think about two or three, they're probably about 20 minutes long and that will count as evidence for you in, for you as well because you just need to understand the process of an audit rather than actually do one. But later in F two and stuff I think you're expected to do something. Um Right. Uh Thank you. Thank you. I have a question. Is the session recorded and can we go back to look at the questions asked and answered? Yes, it is. It should be recording, um, because it does record automatically. Um, and I will, um, endeavor to upload this as soon as possible. It will be on metal. Um, but I think I might put up um, uh a little whatsapp message or something on your group in respect to foundation new groups so that you get alerted about it. Um Now the GMC survey counts towards the F one quick sign off. Oh, fair, fair enough. So, completing the GMC survey, you can, if you've got confirmation of completing that, then you can add it on to show that you've taken part in a quick Tylenol. And how do I enter that? I've done the GMC training survey. Is there? No, uh I think, um with the survey when you do it, they send you like a confirmation that you've completed, just take a screenshot and upload it in your portfolio. That's it. Yeah, you must have um, a section where, um, you must have a section where you can add other things, other evidence or something like that. Yeah, it, it goes into the other evidence. You just, yeah, take a screenshot and uh upload it there that you've done it. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. Um Just a one quick thing about uh today. So there is uh obviously um this uh regional lead road for people. So, you know, uh as we are going through the rest of the questions, this is uh here. Um uh Let me just quickly share um is uh clinica lead road that is going for metal and uh obviously uh regional uh leadership roads. So, uh some for the de uh IM GS uh reps and uh less than full time reps, which is going on. So, and mentors for F one mentorship program. So if anyone is interested um this is the kind of um uh QR code. So you know, you can uh just uh scan and um apply. So, and you'll be given a certificate. Uh So deadline for application is 26 May. So if anyone um is interested in applying the scan is there. So we just um uh scan and uh make your application if you have any questions, the information is the info at mind, the So you can message and ask. Sorry for um cutting you off. No, no, no, that's fair enough. Sorry. Thank you for that. Do you mind just keeping it, keeping the um the post? Yeah, just screen up and people can just start um you know, scanning the codes and also you will be, you will get um sorry, we will be sending out links um to this as well. Uh I think this evening um in all the whatsapp groups. So do have an eye out for that. This will count towards any specialty application that you want to do. You know, um f two specialty applications in F two start very, quite soon, actually, quite earlier on. So I think by December you should have, you should have applied um to a specialty, specialty role. And by December they expect you to have, you know, completed the things that they will be assessing you on such as leadership roles and stuff and, and had it um for some significant time. So yes, do do definitely put yourself forward to this. Um And we will go through the application. Um So just going back to the question, sorry if you don't mind, does this session count as non-core hours? And do we get a certificate? Yes. Yes. And you, yeah, you will get a certificate as well. Um It should, you should be able to automatically request it um on medal. So, yeah, and, and that's pretty much it. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. I think honestly ii appreciate your time, Eric for, for putting this presentation together and giving us such an informed um uh talk about it and I hopefully um assume or hope that you guys all um found this very useful if you've got more questions, um you can always pop ask, ask away in the groups or anything like that. Um So the take home message from for, for me, I guess is number one, make sure to upload this uh recording as soon as possible so that you guys can view it. And then I'll also send the links out in the Deary whatsapp group so that you can view it. Um And please look out for the um links for the reps as well and that is pretty much it. Thank you very much guys. Thank, thank you. Thank you all for attending. Uh Thank you uh for giving me the opportunity to be part of it as well. So, thanks, sweet. I hope you guys have a good rest of the evening and a good weekend as well. Bye-bye. Goodbye. Mhm. And it was good.