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All right. So, hi, everyone. I'm Eunice and one F ones on TV right now. And I'm going to deliver this talk about what do you need to know about the foundation? You're one e portfolio, big disclaimer. I'm not a professional myself. I'm still in the learning process, but I think I might know a bit, a few tips here and there. Okay. So first off, I'm gonna, I'm going to talk about the different parts of what is the a portfolio and how do you, how need, what do you need to know in order to pass your F one? Um So first part supervisors. So like all your medical placements in the past before you, you will be allocated as supervisor from the very start of the foundation program. You have a foundation program director. So those are, so for example, if you're in W 01, there'll be a foundation program director that is in charge of W W 01. So that would that person, that doctor would be um overlooking your whole training in the two years program and then there's the educational coordinate and that specific hospital and each specific rotation. For example, orthopedic or like um gem. Met you have your own educational supervisor and then there's the daily clinical supervisor, for example, you're just your consultant that you're on the world with on that day. Okay. So these are all the supervisors that you might have and next part. So what do you do? You have to do with the supervisors? So at the first of each block, you want to try to meet your supervisor in the first four weeks of the block. And during the four, during that meeting, you want to do, you need to complete a start off induction, meet the induction meeting. So they have to fill in, they have to ask you a couple of questions and then you have to fill in a so uh a template into the tourist portfolio and then you have to acknowledge in the end. So you have to have at least two meetings in one block. So the start of block meeting, the induction meeting and then this end of placement meeting. So two blocks, two meeting per block. So if anyone of you have heard of like our P um so our pa is essentially the progression, uh the end progression evaluation of the end of F one. So in order to pass RP, you need to have three combines, two by the end of placement reports and two of them have to be satisfactory. If you don't have to satisfactory reports, then you might fail the year. Okay. But hopefully everybody okay and you need to make sure that your last uh post. So for example, I'm currently in Jerry's right now and this is my last block of my F one. I have to make sure that uh my uh no block supervisor meeting would be before the p that line which in this case, this year, it's uh to me. So that means I have to complete everything before end of May. All right. So that's all about supervisor and supervisors report. Um, next up, I'm going to talk about sle so supervised learning events. So these are very similar to all the mini Texas and CBD, easier done in medical school. So I bet everyone is a professional right now, but there's just a few more things that's a bit different. So similarly many cats is just history or examination that you perform and you'll need. Um, so you need to have you send off a ticket and then the assessor has to be F two or above. They won't, normally they won't accept an F two. But in surgery or orthopedics, sometimes it's just really hard to get an F two and above to assess you. So it depends on your supervisor, but normally they would still accept an F two. So that's mean in Texas and then CBD is just case based discussion can discuss about anything you want. Dobbs. Um, so previously in for Dobbs, there's a set off essential procedures that you have to do in order to pass f once. But the new curriculum, they don't have a list of compulsory um procedures that you have to do anymore. So these are all just optional. So things that you can put in Dobbs include um aspiration, aspiration, and aspirating the knee can do a lumbar puncture and you can do a uh um upper, you can put in the next over and drill tube, things like that you can put in as your dobbs. Other than that, um you can put in learn, so learning encounter reflection notes. So these are basically just like learning events that you want to reflect more about and then there's leader which is a leadership role that you hold in your foundation year that you want to put inside your portfolio. Um And lastly, that's the developing clinical clinical teacher. One where about you deliver a teaching session and you get formal feedback from one of your senior colleagues. Okay. Um Next up, I'm gonna tell you a few tips about getting sle is done. So for um first up, you can do multiple at the same time. So for example, if you have a case on, so if you're, for example, if you're in receiving and you see someone that's coming in and you're, you are the one clicking them in, you can once you plug them in and then you discuss with a senior, you can send off a Munich checks and A C B D both on the same case. If you really get the chance to promote lumbar puncture or some sort of procedure on the case as well, you can send adopts as well. So it's, it's, um, can send up a few SLS on the same case. So you, it's not like exclusive. Ok. Secondly, it's, it's quite easy to accomplish if you really plan ahead and just so try. Most people are very, very helpful because they know that we're just forced to do all these things. We just, it's just a tick box exercise. So they won't be more than happy to help you but try to plan ahead and then do as many as you can in each block. Don't wait till the last minute because it would be too stressful and thirdly try to look at your curriculum and then choose accordingly. So I'll mention it in the later slides that in the foundation training, there are three main um learning outcomes that you want, they want you to achieve. And each learning outcomes, there are specific topics and specific um things that they want you to do. For example, you want to assess and approach. Uh How do you obsess a patient? How do you take into account like social needs or um or other physical or psychology eagle impacts it can have on a patient. So things like that, um you need to make sure that you cover it like all the learning outcomes um when you choose sle to do. Okay. So like I said, um you have to do uh mental health or social sle. So that's one of the most uh important ones that you have to try to include because apparently my foundation program doctor just had a meeting with me that they, and she was telling me that they're really um focusing on this, this time around. If they're there is an external examining examiner that looks at your portfolio, they want to make sure that you have something linked to mental health or social um needs of a patient. So for example, I put in here, you can do a mini cats on an overdose patient or discuss with a relative about something some of the delirium and then planning um discharge, putting in package of care, things like that. Okay. And then lastly if it's possible um when you send out a ticket, there's two options I can treat. So first part is um send a ticket and you're not sitting beside your assessor and you send it to the to the email or the second one is you're sitting beside your accessory and you can click on that once you click on that, just put in your reflection. And then the assessor um feedback part would just be at the end. So that means if your assessor is just beside you during that time, you can fill it in and then you can make sure that they complete it because the worst thing is you complete everything you send off the um uh your reflection and then the person doesn't reply you for like three months and then the ticket just expires. So that would be just sad. So if possible just completed with the assessor at the same time. Okay, next up. So there's something called placements provision group. So there's two kinds of um so group feedbacks you want to receive in the whole foundation year program. Okay. So the first one is placement supervision group. So these are feedback from senior healthcare professionals and those would include senior nurses, um senior register consultants or some occupational therapist or senior pharmacists. So this group of people will be identified during your first um star block meeting with that blocks supervisor. So you during that meeting some, you, you need to tell them that I'm planning to do my supervision group during this session um during this um specific rotation and then they would need your supervisor will be the one identifying these people to give you feedback on. So you need to have one satisfactory P S G for the whole year of F one. And it's recommended to do it in the first post or the second post because I said um if you do on the last post, like this block will be a bit to rush because the art P that line is say like two months into the block. So you won't have, like, people won't have enough knowledge of you before they are able to provide feedback and they will be reluctant to do so. So I would really recommend you to do it in your first lot. A second block. It is quite hard to do it in a gem, a gen surge or like surgery block because you rarely work with your seniors. But, and so most of the time people would do it in their jerry's block or their gym mat block. Okay. And most of the time there will be 4 to 5 people that is um in this supervision group. And some supervisors would ask you for your own um recommendation if you or your own suggestion, whether if you have someone that you think that should be in your supervision group, someone that you work with a few more times. So that is P S G. So, um so that's one feedback that you get from your placement and the second one is tab. So that's tip team assessment behaviors. So this is a set of, so it's just collecting feedback like working feedback from your colleagues. So you have, you can, you need a minimum of 10 raisings, you need to receive 10 feedbacks from all these, from the specialist group of people that you send your tickets to and those, all those tickets have to be filled in within a certain block you can't send. So for example, if you're already on your second block, you can't send the ticket to someone your first block, asking them to fill their feedback for you in the second block. So all these 10 people have to be in the same block. Um It's a mix of access. Er, so um types would include F one trainees or your foundation year, one colleagues, but they would only let you, I think like for F one or F Y s, you can only have two. Um that's maximum and then there's pharmacist that you need to send to, you need to send to allied health professionals. So that includes ot pt sometimes healthcare um like medical students can be include as well or work clerks, you can send them that and you need to send it to nurses as well. That's, that's the harder ones to get it, get um you need to send for your senior doctors and if I remember it correctly, um there are like specific like minimum. Uh so only for the foundation doctors, one that's a maximum of two, but for the other one, for example, Allied Health Professionals, you need at least two nurses, you need at least two. Okay. And I would really recommend you to send as many tickets out as possible because it's just so hard to get a response back because people are just busy. Um So just try to send out as many as possible similar to P S G for the tab is one per year as well. And I would highly recommend to do it in your first block or your second block because just in case if you can, I would recommend definitely recommend doing your first book because just in case you can't get enough and it is, it is just quite hard to get all 10. Um uh like you really have to pass your people to get oil all 10. So if you really can't do it in your first block, you can always do it on your second block or can always, um, even during your second block, you can try to pester the people you send your tickets to and ask them to fill in. Okay. So that's tab. So, um, until now we have talked about super supervisor and supervisor meeting S L E S P S G and tap. Is there any questions anyone have for now? If not, I will continue. Sorry, I do have a question. Uh Thank you so much. So, I actually have a mix of surgery for my 2nd, 1st and 2nd block, first neurosurgery than general surgery. The general surgery is in the peripheral location. Would you say that would be a better place to get the placement, supervision group? Yeah, I would think so. Just because, but I, I personally don't have experience in the district hospital, um, general surgery department or neurosurgery, but I would think that in neurosurgery you will be working with a lot of seniors. So even in neurosurgery, you might be able to do your P S G because you will be working quite close with the seniors. But I would expect if you work in the district hospitals, you would be working more closely with your seniors as well as compared to a big hospital like Q E. Thank you. I think we'll be okay. All right. Any other um questions, I can't really see the chat box. But if you have any questions, you can try to um shout out if not, I will continue and if you have any other questions and at the end of the session, I will uh exit the slides. So then I'll be able to see all your questions. Okay. I can see the chat box if anything comes about the shot it out to you. Oh, that's great. Thank you so much. And right. So next up we have learning logs. So in the whole foundation, your training and F one or two you need to put in a log in a minimum 60 hours of learning. And there are two types of learning. So there's a court one and the non core one in court learning, you need to put in at least 30 hours of your teaching. So those are the teaching sessions that are delivered during the Thursday um for um Thursday teaching session in the QD. So it's 12 30 to 1 30 every week. Even if you miss them during that time, um you'll be able to see it. Everything is uploaded online. So then you can just look at it and then fast forward it and then put all your learning points there. It wouldn't include any I L s or E LS or departmental teaching, but you could put departmental teaching in the non core ones. I would say that court learning, um it's quite easy to get if you like really go through or all the sessions that they deliver. Because even like right now before I'm reaching my art p deadline, if I lock every single thing, I would have at least 37 to 38 hours already. Okay. So it's quite easy to get the minimum 30 hours. So that's the core learning. And then you can put in up to 60 hours of core learning. So the minimum is 30 hours. But if you can log uh up to, you can log up to 60 hours for court learning. And then there's the non core learning that would supplementary the court learning. So if say for court learning, you can only get 40 hours maximum, then you can put in 20 hours of non curl learning and adding that up, you get 60 hours of learning. So, but non core learning, you can only put in a maximum 30 hours. That means you really just have to put in at least 30 hours of core learning. No matter what some examples of non core learning sessions include the departmental teaching a lot of time. Um Each department would have their own teaching sessions every week, can put other audit meetings can put in grand rounds. So in G C, they have a grand round every Wednesday and they put, they upload all the ground ground recordings on a micro Microsoft team group. So then you can always like look back and then just log all your teaching afterwards. If you can't get enough long, non core learning before this, there is something called the Glasgow Teaching series. So that was a Spotify um uh podcasting. But I think they have um I think the Glasgow teaching series have been moved away um deleted from Spotify somehow. So it's not available now. Um But anyways, there's always a lot of grand rounds videos that you can just put into your non core learning. So 60 hours of learning for learning log and I would recommend you to try at least once a month, put in all your core learning at least because it would just be painful if you need to put in all 30 hours at the end of like three blocks, it would just be too much and you can easily do this during your night shift because some, most of the time night shift are pretty, pretty, pretty quiet things crossed for you guys, but it's a good time to put in your teaching sessions next. So I, I did touch a bit about the H L0 s. So H L was at the learning outcomes that they want a foundation year, one training to achieve in the whole foundation year. And you have to write a narrative essay on this. Okay. So in each, do you need to write three paragraphs and what each paragraph would link to the one of the H L0 s. So for example, H L1 is the clinic. So you want to prove that you can assess a patient, you can prioritize tasks, you can plan a plan, you can make a plan accordingly with a holistic approach. And then you want to show that you can communicate and can make sure that there's a safe continuity of care. So um for example, for the first for the paragraph, you want to write in that you need to say that. Oh, well, how, how do I prove myself that I can now assess a patient's safely? And you need to link those um H L0 s to your learning. You can link it to your learning activities. You can, you can link it to your S Eli's, for example, um if your assessor unwell patient, then you can link it to this summer narrative. I would later show you my portfolio and then I'll teach you how to link each and every one of those sls to your H L0 and then you can show that I've, I've done them and show proof. There are quite a few good examples of, of uh narrative paragraphs on the uh foundation year portfolio website and I have included the link in this presentation. So once you receive the sites, you'll be able to go through and then you can have a look. Um Well, I don't expect you to have a look now, but when you try, when you're trying to write it up, you can have a look and then you have a better idea of what to expect. Um So this is the tips I kind of mentioned it before, but use SLS and PDP to guide what you right. Um So just a bit more about PDP. So these are the development plans that you want to achieve in each of your block and some supervisors um would expect you to do your PDP. So what do you want to achieve? Um So it's, it's also a form on the tourist portfolio, but you have to fill them and just say that, oh, maybe I just want to attend more teaching session if I want to do more procedures, things like that. And um they would go through it with you during your 1st 1st meeting. Okay. So it's recommended that you do a PDP before each of your induction meeting. So then the um the supervisor will have a better idea of what um what you want to do and what um what other things they can help you with. And secondly, use it to justify why you have linked something to the curriculum. So, just like I said, just now explaining why you link a certain sle to the curriculum. And then third, discussing PDP for the block, fourth, um for age paragraph is a maximum 300 words. Okay. And the minimums like 100 words are so, um, you, there's examples in handbook and then I've attached a link to you for uh in this presentation because you can have a look at it once you receive it and then try to build on what you have already written. So during even even though that you only need one summer itiveness, summary narrative in order to pass your F F one block during your each end of block meeting, they would want, they want to, they want to see um there's something filled in in your narrative essay already. So you'll be building after um after you've created um narrative essays the first time around in first block, you just like try to edit and like build and kind of added more information during your second block. A similarly for a third block. So that's the summary narrative. Another thing that is good to do, but it's not compulsory is quality improvement. You can quality improvement projects. It's quite daunting, it can be quite daunting, just thinking about it can be quite daunting, but it's actually not too hard to do during your blog is good to first ask your supervisors if they have any ongoing projects or if the department has any, has any ongoing projects they, that they are trying to do. And if you're really keen to do one, like they would definitely offer you one. If they don't have one, they would suggest you to go to someone else to do it for certain placements that know, for example, orthopedics that I was in Q E for, they locate, they will assign you to small groups of um small groups to do audit projects and they give you um audit meeting session at the end of the block for you to present the uh present quality improvement project that you have performed. So that would be great. But if your department doesn't have one, just try to speak to a supervisor and I believe they will be more than healthy to help. Um So how do you do a quality improvement project? I've just like put in a very simple picture here. So then you have a bit more idea about what to do and how to plan for it. So it's just plan do study Act and then you repeat the cycle again, quality improvement project you want to try to do to audit cycles in order to get the full benefit out of it. And, and also for full points in your portfolio when you're trying to apply for specialty training. And I would really recommend you to do, um, one quality improvement project during your F one, you're just so that you, you don't, when you're trying to apply for especially training or if you just want to show a supervisor, you have done something. It's a good proof. Next tasters. So, um, you can do tasters, um, during both F one and F two F ones can be a bit difficult to, um, arrange. But if you're really, if you really want to do a taster in F one, just try to plan uh way ahead. Uh Most of the time a lot of people would do it uh at the end. So the third F one block and it's a maximum of five days each. You want to speak to your wrote a coordinator that um letting them know that you're keen to take uh tasters week during your uh last blog. And then they will need to locate time for you for you to be time out for you to take time out from your training and to do these taster's um after you tell your load a coordinator and if you're happy with it and they can't locate you extra time to do tasters, then you, you can speak to um the specialty or like doctors that you're, that you, you want to work with and have tasting session, taster session with. And then you can coordinate these two following that. It can be a bit difficult in certain specialties, for example, Jen Med because we just have a lot of gaps and most of the time they won't approve your taster. But um if you plan early, maybe they will. So if you really want to do a taste ori I would really suggest you to do uh to plan it as early as possible. So R P requirements. So we, we touch on that and we were speaking all everything, everything I've spoken about, we're about how do you, how do you actually pass RP? So these are the requirements that you need to pass our pe and to pass foundation year. One, first thing is that you have to have three combined supervisors, enough placement report, two of them have to be satisfactory. Secondly, you need to have a tab. So team assessment behavior where you collect feedback from your colleagues, uh more junior colleagues and three is the uh P S G professional supervision group. So these are more senior doctors and then you have to ask your supervisor from at the start of the block for them to find a P S G group for you. Fourth, you need to pass your P S A and then you have to upload that to the tourist platform and then you have to do a 60 hours um mandatory learning. So a minimum of 30 hours of court in the total of 60 hours, you need to have some sort of Q I engagement like I said just now it's not compulsory to do a Q I project. But then you would want you to have some sort of engagement and that can include just filling up the Scottish National Survey. So that can be linked to your cue I engagement. And you need to have summary narratives that linked to all the H L0. So all the H L0 s have to be linked and you need to write three paragraphs that show that you have achieved all of them and you have evidence with it, with your sle s or with your learning activities and then just engagement with the program in general. And lastly, there's this absent uh declaration where they will just send you a form at the end of F one and you need to fill them in just saying that, oh, I missed these two days of work because of whatsoever reason. And it's just a form that you have to fill in at the end of the F one. So I think that is me. Um Now before I end this session, I just want to show you guys how does the tourist platform actually work? Because I feel like before um before I actually saw the tourist platform, I didn't, I actually didn't know what was happening even though they were just speaking about it all the time. And so let me just bring up my to rust. But are there any questions in the meantime, if you're shy, you can always, um, private message re.