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Finals Revision Series - Images & Instruments Lecture pt 1



This on-demand teaching session is for medical professionals looking for a better understanding of images and instruments. It will provide an interactive environment and give clear learning objectives. We will go through the unique station at Suffolk Hospital, and provide tips for getting the best results during the 10 minute exam. There will be a handout provided for later reference during this informative and engaging session.

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The fourth lecture in our Finals Revision Series

Images & Instruments by Dr Marena Gray

Learning objectives

  1. Describe the layout of the images and instruments station on the medical Foundation course.
  2. Compare and contrast the structured approach required to complete a successful examination.
  3. Explain how to differentiate between easy, medium and hard images and why this understanding is important.
  4. Analyse the differences between medical schools and their approach to the images and instruments station.
  5. Outline the processes for assessing images and identify the most effective methods to answer related questions.
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Computer generated transcript

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Suffolk Hospital. I did my F one in Adam Brooks, and I'm currently on my abs and guy. Any placement right now? So if any of you are interested in applying to the east of England or want to ask me about how foundation is, I'm free to answer questions at the end. Um, but let me just share my slides. Let me just get it up. There we go. Um, can we all see my screen? Yeah. OK, so I've been asked to give the talk on images and instruments. Um, it's quite a broad topic. Um, and although we have a lot of time, um, a lot of it does go beyond the scope of this lecture. I've designed my slides, so, um, you'll get them as a handout. Hopefully, and you'll be able to go back and reference them in your own time. In your vision, Um, this will be an interactive session, So please shout out. I can't see your face is, um, which is a bit bizarre, but it is a sort of, um I will ask you guys questions, and it's, um, will be a lot more engaging for everyone involved. If you engage Yeah. So, um, just to start here are the learning objectives. Yep, you can read and then the layout of the station. So I found this station, um, quite unique compared to other medical schools where I don't think any other you need to do it. But it's quite an easy one to do quite well in. But it's also an easy one to do quite badly. And if you don't know what you're talking about, so it's 10 minutes. You're sort of in by yourself with an examiner usually have three images. They go through from easy, medium and hard, and then you have