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F2 Standalone roadmap series : Application guide



Join this insightful on-demand teaching session hosted by Jima, a member of the Bulgarian International Medical Students Alliance (Bim Sa), as she introduces you to the work of the organization. This session intends to guide you through the pivotal process of transitioning from an international student to a practicing medical professional with a focus on aiding students studying in Bulgaria. You will also be guided through the application process for the F2 stand-alone program by Dr. Saba, who successfully participated in the program in 2024. Gain insights on the requirements including important timelines and tips on filling out your application, long list items, and interview preparation process. This session will be of great value to anyone wishing to integrate into the NHS as a graduate from the Bulgarian Medical Universities and build up their portfolios for their medical career.

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"F2 Standalone roadmap series : Application Guide" by Dr. Saba Ali Join Dr. Saba Ali for an insightful talk on navigating the F2 standalone application process. This session will provide a step-by-step guide, valuable tips, and practical advice to help medical graduates streamline their applications, highlight key strengths, and secure their placements effectively. Perfect for aspiring foundation year doctors looking to excel in their careers!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the role and mission of the Bulgarian International Medical Students Alliance and the resources and support it provides to international students studying in Bulgaria.
  2. Learn about the F two standalone application process, including necessary qualifications, requirements for references, and crucial deadlines.
  3. Become familiar with the F two standalone program structure, including rotations and educational resources.
  4. Understand the scoring and ranking process after the F two standalone program interview and how this affects job placement.
  5. Learn how to maximize interview outcomes and effectively select programs during the preferencing stage, based on factors like location or specialty interests.
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Hello, everyone. Uh Welcome to today's talk. We'll wait a couple of more minutes um to see if anyone else will join and we'll begin. OK, I think we can start. Hello, everyone. Good evening. Um I'm Jima, a member of Bim Sa. Um I'm gonna give a brief introduction on Bim Sa and then I'm gonna hand it over to Dr Saba to do the talk on the application process for F two standalone. So bi A um standing for Bulgarian um International Medical Students Alliance. Um Our aim is to build more connected community for international students studying in Bulgaria and making it more accessible for students to reach out for help and support. Um We are dedicated to help students overcome the challenges of adapting to new culture and education system by providing essential resources of academic suc success, cultural integration and personal growth. Our goal is to create an inclusive community that every student can thrive. We offer support as graduates navigate the integrate process of reintegrating into the NHS. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by Im Gs who study in and graduate from Bulgaria. We are committed to simplify the transition to professional practice and to ensure you're well equipped for our medic for your medical career. Um If you have any questions or suggestions about initiatives that can have students at your university, please feel free to reach out to us. Um We have an Instagram page, you can reach out to them or like um I'll put down our gmail where you can also reach out to us uh with anything that you have. Um We're more than happy to help you in any way we can. We also upload our content on the med page. So if you wanna go back and see um yeah, like view them, you can. Um So with no further ado, I will hand it over to Doctor Sabah. Hello, good evening everybody. Uh My name is Doctor Saba. I'll be giving the talk on the F two standalone guideline about the application process. Um I already gave a talk about like a general overview of the program, but we thought it's best to break it down and talk about the application process as well. And during the actual talk, I won't be able to see the charts so your questions will be missed. But towards the end, I'm gonna try and answer all of them as much as possible and just letting you know to try and stick to the application guide in itself today because we are planning on doing more talks on S JT exam and the resources that are available for it. And how to prep for it and what the exam is like, stuff like that. And then another talk on the interview process, the guidelines to use for it, um how to prepare the format, the questions that are asked, et cetera. And then another one for how to actually do your preferencing once you are selected and how to accept or deny and offer and how to choose what is best for you. So we can do one at a time. So we can just stick to the questions for the application guide today. So we can wrap it up and do a bit more like specific to each uh step of the program. Um My name is Doctor Saba Ali. I part uh participated in the F two stand alone program last year in 2024. Um And then I am working at the East Kent University Hospital uh because of this program. So like I said, I did give a general overview of the program and the timeline and what is necessary to get on with it. But I wanted to um talk again about a general overview. I forgot to share my screen actually, just a second. Do you remember if you could just confirm if you can see my screen? Yes, we can see your screen. So like I said, I wanted to do a general overview again just for people who probably missed the last talk after stand alone is a one year foundation training program which is different from other non training uh jobs that are usually available on the track jobs. Um Usually U UK doctors do the two year foundation program. They, after their school is Spanish, they do F one and then they do F two all in one program together. But because we are eligible for full registration with the GMC, because most of the Bulgarian Medical Universities uh do the F one year as well. So we can do this one instead of doing um a nontraining job. Um This actually you rotate through uh three specialties or three rotations, four months each as it is a one year program. And the specialties depend on the program that is listed on the preferencing that we can talk later on. Um You do have all the educational uh resources and opportunities available as, as any other training program, uh any other training doctor um like a UK doctor. So this is really good to build up your portfolio when you wanna go into training uh the bare minimum things that you're going to need to uh get shortlisted or to get long listed actually is to at least have um a good I LT S and O at score and you need to have either an Il Sas or an ACL S at the time of starting the program. So it doesn't have to be done by um January when the uh applications start. But when the start of the program is in August. So you need it at least by the start of that, uh, same as EMC registration. I don't talk about laps because I never took labs. So I don't know much about it. Um, but if you do need to get your plas done, it has to be done at a certain pro uh, at a certain time, there's deadline according to the program, when you can do your pla one and your pla two and the deadline or the latest that you can apply for your GMC registration. But at the time of application, you don't necessarily need to be registered by the GMC, but you have to be registered when you're starting the program in August. Uh And then obviously you need your primary medical qualification again, you don't need to have the diploma in hand in January when the applications open, but you need to do a form that they have started in 2025 which needs to be uh validated by your university, the student office to say that you are or you graduated successfully and you passed all your exams and you will be getting your diploma um within whatever stated time that you're gonna say on the form. Uh And you're gonna need three references, three doctors. Um It will be best if they are consultants and at least one of them has to be from the university. Like an educational supervisor. You can ask the student office and they can get a reference done by the dean. Um And the two other references can be anybody that you want any other doctor. The bla it is best to have a consultant uh sign these references for you. Uh So the timeline for the program they have up up, sorry, they have uploaded it and the application are starting in January. Um The deadline will be 21st and stick to that because it does take a long time to fill in the application. So the sooner you start, um, the more time you'll have, the more you can do it thoroughly and do it a bit like the best you can fill it. And then the long listing items will be, uh, on the 29th of January, which is basically, uh, they will check your application to see that you have all the bare minimum stuff and you're eligible to, uh, go through with the process. Uh, then you have to do the SAT exam. And then based on that, you, based on the score, there is no passing score every year. It changes, it depends on who got the highest. And that is the standard. And according to that they set um, the bare minimum that is needed to progress in the process. So you set that S JT and then you go to the next process if you are eligible for it, which is the interview and then the interview, once you pass it, you are given, um, like a grade or like a unique rank, which is basically, if there were 2, uh, 40 places available that was last year and you get a rank within 240 that means you're more than likely to get a job. Um, but if you are, let's say 2 52 60 you might still get a job depending on people who have missed out or something like that. But if your rank is a lot lower, a lot like 304 100 then obviously the chance of getting a job decreases as further away you go from the minimum jobs that are available. So that is where the ranking is really important. And the ranking is based on the interview points that you get. We will be talking about the interview later about how to get how to maximize your points and how the points have been allocated and what are the different formats. So we can work on that later because that is going to need a lot more time. And I'm just doing an overview at the moment. Uh Once your interview outcomes are released and you get a rank, you will be able to preference it on the oral website. Uh What happens is that you have a list of programs that are available and each of them, you will know the location, you'll know the departments, the three rotations you'll be working at and you can preference them according to the location, if that's your preference, if that is your priority or you can preference them according to your specialty that you're more um likely to enjoy or to um subs like specialize later uh in a training job in a certain specialty or something like that. So if that's your priority, you can focus on that. That is depend like that depends on what you want to do later. Uh There are three rounds each round takes time. So there will be first round and the people will get some jobs in the first round, then whatever is left over will go to the second round, then whatever is left over will go to the third round. Once the three rounds are done, the clearing round starts, which is basically um all the leftover from the first three rounds and also they may add new jobs or new polls that were not previously available. That's what they did the last time. Um If I remember correctly, they added about 25 more polls the last time in the clearing round. So that is again, there is some chance of you getting a job if you're closer. Uh If your rank is closer to the original number of jobs um that are available and then you can again do the preferencing and you may or may not get it. Uh Before uh in 2024 there was a chance to upgrade your offer that let's say I got my rank of 14, but somebody opted out or whatever and I am I was offered my rank 12, but that is not done anymore. You stick with what you get. So you only have a chance of accepting or denying an offer. You don't have a chance to upgrade it. So that is something that is new to 2025. But anyways, once you have an offer, you will then be asked to give in your references, you will do a lot of preemployment checks and everything else will just then you'll start working with the hospital that you got in with. So they will do the entire process with you. The and you start your work in August. These are some of the links, I'm sure all of you may already have them. But just in case, like I said, I will be going through resources for the GT in the interview specifically later on. So I'll be sharing more resources with you, the ones that I've used and how I prepped for each of those steps uh for the application, I wanted to actually go through my application so that um it is easier for everybody to even understand how to go through with it. The first thing that you need to do is actually make an account on the oral uh website. It's very quick and easy. You just have to give in your basic information and um register with an email and um and where you graduated from, etcetera. So once you have that you go on vacancies and once the registration opens in January, it will pop up as f to stand alone and then you can just apply for it. Once you apply for it, this is the application that opens up and this is all you have to fill and it's a long one. So it, that is why I said it is better to start early than later. So you have enough time to fill it correctly. You start with your basic um information, your contact details. Please give a very good email ID that you actually use that you have access to at all times. Um because all the communications will be done with that email. Once you have that you talk about your visa and it's ok to say that you don't have any because uh most of the time it is the people who are working from outside uh that apply for this. So it is ok to say that you don't have right to work at the moment and your current immigration status, I was there for my um link attachment at the time. So I was on a visit visa. So I put that in. But even if you don't have a visit visa or you're just um applying from at home, you can put that in and it doesn't really change anything. They just want to have an idea of where you're coming from. Once you have this basic information, this is just about, this is just a bit of more information, you can just leave it or you can put that in if you want to, it is not really important or necessary to fill in. And this is only for Northern Ireland. So I didn't put that in because I was not applying for any of the Northern Ireland positions. And this is important where we talk about the employment history. Um You have to say that you have completed at least the F one year because that is the bare minimum that is required. So you have to say that you do have employment history and we continue with putting that in. We have to put one, I put all my F one year as one employment uh duration, but you can put that in um separately if you want uh because both of them will work that you could put in um each of your rotation and the timing that you have done it, done them with. Just make sure they don't have any gaps in between because for GMC, um that's what I did. I broke it down. So you could do that as well if you want to. Otherwise you can just put that all as one big chunk of foundation, one year program that you have done uh in your university. The sixth year is basically the fy one. So you can put that in. Then I put in uh some of the clinical attachments I've done when I was there. Sorry. And um I also participated in uh two internship programs which was like 3 to 6 months each. And so I put them in as my um uh employment history as well. You can put in any electives that you have done back home or in Bulgaria or elsewhere and definitely put it in your iphone. That's the most important one. But the rest, you can just put that in and it kind of helps you to build or gain some points for your CB. You know, if you don't have them, it's not really big of a deal because I know people who only put in their 51 and they still got a job. But the more the better then once you have put all your data in, depending on the dates, it automatically calculates your gap, uh your gaps that they were there. So you have to explain what the gaps were and why they were there anything um before your university, you can just put in that you were in um like after medical education. And that's OK. You're gonna explain just that I graduated in 2023 but I applied in 2024. So there was a lot of time that I had to explain. So I just gave in my reasoning here that I was getting um I was back home with my family. I was preparing for the clinic attachment. I did my I LS course. Um I also got married so I didn't have enough time to work. Um And that was acceptable. They don't really um care that you have a gap, but it matters that you explain your circumstances and that you were doing something in the meantime, like getting a co done or some clinic attachments, if not, uh like at least something that you were trying some self studying. Um something to say that you are connected with medicine during your uh gap time. So you explain each of that what you were doing and how you were preparing yourself or keeping up to date with the latest um evidence of medicine or whatever. Once you are done with that, you answer a few of these questions where you talk about whether you had some um break and whether you have some gap and you explain it. Um It doesn't matter uh because it does say that they need three years of your employment history. It doesn't really mean that you have to be working for three years to apply for this job. It just means that they want to know what you have been doing for the last three years. Uh and one year out of it is definitely your f one and the anything before that is just going to be your medical education. So it doesn't really matter, especially if you are um currently in your sixth year of medical school and you will come like straight away apply and get a job in August. So there will be no gap. That's amazing. Uh And you can just put that in that you, you, you were under your undergraduate medical education, then you did your f one year and then um you graduate in April and until August 2025 you're just gonna be preparing for your new job and that's why uh will be acceptable. And it is OK. The next thing is that this is just you agreeing to the program and its uh guidelines. Um It just, if you have any reasonable adjustments that need to be done for the GT exam and you most likely you just have to click. No. If you do have a disability, you can say yes and then they do give you some sort of support during the exam or during the entire process. Uh Here you put in your GMC registration, you have to have full GMC registration uh to be able to apply for this program. Uh You don't have, you don't need it at the time of application, like I said before. And uh you can say that I am eligible for it. There's a, it's a drop down um option and then you can say that I have applied for it. Uh If you have applied already or you can say that I will apply for it and I'm eligible for full registration and that's fine as well as long as you can give them evidence that you will be applying for it and you are eligible for full registration. It works fine. Um The next thing is your language skills. Um This is why you need your A LT or OE ti did Ielts? I put that in. Um They have added this new thing. The score is the same that you need at least 7.5 overall and 7.5 in each of the section in AE LT S. But they have accepted a retake um which is basically that you can take only one section of AE LT S uh and retake it and uh they take uh the highest score as your base goal and that maybe uh will put you at an advantage and you can do it. But they have started this in 2025. So that's a good thing. Um For O ATI didn't do it, but I believe it is 400 points in each section and overall that you need it. Um There is no um repeating in OT unfortunately, but they have added unpe only one section repeat in AE LT s otherwise you have to repeat the whole exam if you have um two or more uh sections that are lacking the minimum points and Ielts need to be done and the results Ielts and OT both needs to be done and the results need to be available before the deadline of the registration. So before the 21st of January, because you need to put in your uh report number uh so they can track it and they can see your results. So it has to be done before. Sorry, they have to be done before 21st of January. This is where uh you have to fill in uh fill in details of your primary medical qualification where you graduated from. When did you enter university? When did you graduate? Uh most of the time, the Bulgarian Medical um universities are not really um part of this. So you have to see other and then you can put that in given a little bit of the details of the address. And for the um educational reference, you can put in the same office or the dean's uh reference number or contact information, they use this. Um They don't actually use it, they only use it if needed if they have any objections or something that they want to clarify, but they don't actually use it or do put in your student offices, um secretary's number or something so that they can contact the university and make sure that you have that this um diploma is yours. But this is usually if you probably don't have a GMC registration because once you have GMC registration, your diploma and your qualification is already checked out. So they don't have to check it again. Um But e either way just give it to somebody that you know, will reply back to them. Then the next thing, all the references you need at least three references during the last three years. So if you don't have three years of actual employment history, one other references have to be from your uh education supervisor or which is can be your dean. And what I used was one of my consultants who agreed to be my education supervisor from my medical university. Um but you can choose um the student office as well if you don't have a consultant who understands how these things work. Because um the consultant I chose actually worked in King's College UK. So she understood how the UK system works and she understood um how the references would be sent out and how she needs to fill them in. So that's why I trusted her with this. But I don't know um if you know somebody like that, that's fine. Otherwise I think it is best to just contact your student office and let them know that you'd be putting them as reference and then they can just sign up for you. And then you can choose two other consultants um who would know how to do this. Maybe you did a clinic attachment, you can use that. Um Two of my other con uh references were from my clinical attachments. So once you have three of them put in, you just need um a bit of the details when you started working with them. Um The title that a consultant, um you can put a reg in by like a registrar, a medical registrar or senior doctor. Um But I believe it is best to put a consultant in there. Uh put some credibility to the reference once you have their details, their name and their title, um you can put in that they were your educational supervisor here as what they are related to you. Their email address, please ask them before putting their email address in there. Um because otherwise obviously it's not, uh they're not gonna do it for you. So you have to just be careful and please fill the email address correctly. Um The GMC registration number is not really necessary if you don't want to put that in and the contact phone number is also not necessary. I don't think so, but if you have to put that in, just again, please confirm with them before putting that in for them. Once you have all your references done, the next thing is just fitness or practice, which is hopefully everything is just to know here. They ask you a bunch of questions about your criminal activities, any uh investigations that you're currently on or something like that. So hopefully just say no to all of that. And then once you're done with the fitness or practice section, you declare that you are expecting to meet all the essential criteria set out in the person specification. That is the Il Sa LS or ACL S. That's one thing your I LS are O at score. That's the second thing. Your primary medical qualification, which is accepted by the GMC and will grant you full GMC registration. That's the third thing and that you do have three references. That's the full thing. And yeah, that is pretty much it that you're gonna need. So hopefully you say yes to that. And then more declarations where you just say yes, that I do declare that all the information that you have provided to the best of your knowledge is correct and you're not lying in your portfolio and that everything that you have done are not copied or it is from somewhere else. It is your original work and it is your original diploma and it belongs to you and similarly you declare everything else. Uh Yes, because they just ask about whatever you are and whatever you have uploaded is basically yours and that you are not currently part of any foundation program in the UK and that you, it is a desirable um specification that hopefully you don't have uh more than 24 months of experience as a whole wherever you have. Well, it doesn't matter, but that's a desirable part um but not something that would kick you out of the program. Um So you just confirm all of that after that, this is the most important part of the application where you put in evidence of supporting information for um why and how you are fulfilling the bare minimum uh requirements. And how do you have additional qualifications or additional achievements uh which will give you a bit more points in your CV part of the interview section. This is where you put in your clinical experience if you have more than 24 post graduate clinical experience. So again, this is not uh mandatory even if you put in yes, it is OK. But this is a desirable part and it is best to put, no, because this is a very junior level job. But even if you do put in a Yes, it's not gonna uh like I said, kick you out of the program. That's why you have to say that you have not already done all FD training in the UK, either with the FDA alone or the two year foundation program, then you cannot apply for this program. So hopefully you say no to come. Um Do you here? You have to pay and if you do have any undergraduate, medical, even non medical uh qualification or a degree, uh This is apart from your medical education. So I don't have any. So I'll just put a no here. You have to put in if you did a degree after your medical school again, I don't have any. So no. Um I put, I did my A s so I put in my S but you can put in your A S or your ACL S as well. Somebody asked me the last time my AC is accepted and it is so you can just put that information in and they will accept it. This is if you have attended any of the training courses or any relevant training and then if you have, what are they, I um attending the B LS course and the basic solution course. Um but even then I didn't do AC LSI was about to. So I just put that in as a future date and that is also accepted. It just has to be that you are about to do it. So you can put in um something like that, even if it is, you're about to do something that is accepted. This is where you can put your A LS or your ACL S and your A LS if you're about to do them because like I said, you don't need them to be done or completed at the time of application. And the next thing is teaching an audit. I didn't delete everything that I've written. Just so everybody has an idea of how to write it. I'm not saying this is the correct way to write things, but just to have an idea about how you can explain your experience and what you've done. Um I was part of um a society at my university and because of that, I did give a lot of lectures and organized a lot of um training sessions, um hands on and a lot of like different types that we did. So that gave me a lot of like clinical, clinical teaching experience. I put that in. It is best to um include um how many people they were like, well, each of your session included like how many approximately how many students they were, what were the topics that you taught and the method that you taught them with? So it could be that you did quizzes or that you used presentations or that it was an online teaching or it was in person teaching or that was kind of like AQ and a kind of situation. So you have to put in specifically what method you chose and why and how many students they were each session and how um your teaching has helped the students that you do have some form of uh feedback. Uh It is best to collect some form of feedback after your teaching. But even if you don't have them, it's ok but you won't be able to prove that you've done it, but at least you have done it. So it is OK. Um But it is best to prove it that you do have it because uh they're asking for formal teaching. Um Then you have to explain how you're teaching, how all of these experiences have helped you personally as um a junior doctor to improve. Uh your teaching skills or your clinical skills, et cetera. And then if you have any uh formal qualification in teaching, which is supposed to be like you did a teaching program and you learned so that you can put that in as well. Um For, I'm not sure if they accept the teach the teachers course anymore because I mt does not. So I don't think I just stand alone accepts that either. You get the whole, I don't think except that either. So don't waste your time on that. Um Again, because that's not something mandatory to have, that's just a desirable um option. But if you do have any sort of teaching, um because in medical school, we are always uh trying to teach juniors. So you can put that as bedside teaching, you don't necessarily have to have given lots of sessions. So it just depends how you write it and it just depends how you explain yourself and how you sell that. You did have a lot of important and relevant. Um teaching experience. The second thing is your experience in an audit. This is very difficult usually for any of the um junior doctors graduating from Bulgarian medical schools because we don't really have a concept of an audit in Bulgaria. But because I knew that I want to work in the UK, I did organize one. I did a lot of research about what an audit is educated myself on it and tried to do one of the best of my abilities because I didn't really have a supervisor. Um I would know much about it so I had to do one completely myself uh with a few of my junior doctors. Um, but what I did is that we were part of a campaign where we were supposed to just um organize some breast cancer screening for the medical students in a university. Uh Initially, we wanted to do a research about just the general awareness of doctors regarding the breast cancer awareness and what they know about it early recognition and detection and whether they can um understand how to do um breast exam, et cetera. So we turned that into an audit because we found a lot of gaps within the education of the foundational doctors. Um So what we did is uh we repeated the audit again and we uh we did some sessions in between where we educated them about the breast exam, where we educated them about how to um detect um uh breast cancer. What are the signs and the symptoms that you should be looking out for? What are the age groups and what are the different types and stuff like that? Um So that also comes under teaching. Once we were done with that, we collected the data again after a few months and we saw that there was some improvement in um their awareness. So this does come under like a quip which is a quality improvement program because you do the first order, which is where you um there was a problem that there is that I wanted to see whether there was lack of education. And then that's your first cycle where you got the data and you realize there is lack of education. Then the second step is to do something about it. So we did um educational sessions and some teaching sessions and some pamphlets. We gave out a lot of uh posters and pamphlets and education sessions to kinda help them improve their education and general understanding of what we were trying to check. And then after a few months because you have to give them some time to see actual data or actual improvement in education. Once that was done, the first step is to do the audit again, to see whether whatever you have done your intervention um basically did, did anything at all. So that is you compare your second a to the first a and you see whether there has been any, there has been any improvement. So that is how I did my clinic audit because last time a lot of people were asking about how I did it and what I did. So this is what we have done. We put in a survey out for the first time and we put a survey out for the second time and we compared um them together after doing the intervention. And because we also found that in a university, a appointment as a whole where I'm from, uh, where I did my medical education, we didn't have a screening program. So we implemented a screening program by the health of the education department and the surgical department and the doctors, we organized a screening program which has been going for three years now. So that is something that also comes under quality improvement because there wasn't a screening program and wall screening program and now there is. So that is what I put in. That's how I wrote it. You have to start with like uh when did you start it? When did you end it? Who were part of the program or the part of the audit? What was the team like? And what was your specific role in it? Were you a leader? Were, were you responsible for data analysis, data collection or survey design? Were you responsible for um spreading information around or collecting data from people? So you can s um or you were there for presentation of the data or comparing of the data? So stuff like that? And what is your specific role in the audit? And what did you learn from it? And what and how it helped you? So that is how I wrote everything. This is basically the whole explanation of my audit. And also um that we um initiated the breast cancer screening program at the hospital as well because it was not um it was not there before. So there are two things that I wanted to put in. So I did that the next thing is going to be presentations and publications um at a regional or national level, if you present in your own university that comes under regional. But if you present in uh that comes under local actually. And the reason it can be if you uh present uh a different city, like most likely Sophia will come under a regional or national level because um everybody from around the Bulgaria comes into um comes to those conferences. So I participated in a lot of presentations. So I put them in the year that I've done them, what the topic was not too much detail about them. Um Just that what the name was uh where I presented it um when I presented it and whether it was an old presentation or it was a poster presentation and that or whether or not I was the first author or the second author. So you put that in. Uh I didn't have any publications. So I left those empty. Um I could have put um here because I did have a conference uh conferences who, who published my abstract. So I could have put them in here, but I didn't know at the time. So I just left it empty. Uh But you can, if you do know that certain conferences and if you're presenting those that they will um do your abstract as a publication in their books. So you can put them in here as as well. But the most important is a peer review journals which I didn't have. So I left that empty. Then here you have to put in any outstanding achievements that you have. Like I said, I worked um as academy mentor for our societies. So I put that in and how it helped me become a better professional. I also was a secretary for one of the other societies. I put that in as well. Um I participate as um a paper reviewer for one of my local journals uh which is uh organized and started by one of my few, one of my colleagues uh at my university. So I put that in as well. I did some volunteering work which I put in um in my university. We have group leaders for every group that you're in. So if you're a group representative, you can put that in as well. Um And then um more volunteering work you can also put in uh during your cultural events if you participated in as a leader or if you participated, even as general participation, you can put that in because that teaches you a lot about teamwork. It just depends on how you write it and what are the qualities that you want to showcase by mentioning that specific achievement? Then you can just mention whatever you want. So I mentioned a few of these things. Um This is just how you heard about it. So you can just say word of mouth or social media or, or whatever and that is pretty much it and you just have to submit the application by the end of it. So the most important part would I would say is the evidence that you have to prove and all of this writing that you have to done, which is gonna take a long, long time to gather evidence for it and to do all of these things and write them correctly and put them in order. And because it did take a long time for me to write these the way I wanted to convey my message and convey what I've actually done. So I believe starting better would be the best thing to do and then we can open up the stage of questions. Um Yeah. Thank you doctor for the presentation. We're gonna take a five minute break. Yeah. Um For you all to fill up the feedback form, please do fill up this feedback form as it's like very important for the doctor who is presenting. It will be very helpful for their career. Yeah. And so please do fill out the feedback form. It's in the chat box right now. Um So we'll give like five minutes or more than a, a couple of more minutes than that for you all to feed. Uh fill out the feedback form and we'll jump on to the Q and A session. Ok. I'll be back in five minutes. Hey, guys, just a gentle reminder and a request to please fill the feedback form. I see that some people still have to fill the feedback form. So if you could fill the feedback form, we'll quickly jump into the Q and A session. Thank you everyone for whoever filled the feedback form. I think we can begin the Q and A session. Um, if that's ok with doctor Sabah. Yes, that is ok. I'm just gonna go from the beginning. Um A LS ACL, SA LS. Yes, it doesn't matter where you're getting them from, it will be accepted, but it is best to do it from recognized bodies so that there are no uh questions about them. Uh What was my overall score? Um I actually don't remember my overall score. Um, but I was ranked um more than uh the bare minimum jobs because um, there were 240 jobs available um during the first few rounds and I think my rank was about 290 something. So there was a lot of gap between them, but I still got a job because um, some people drop out and they added more jobs uh in the um carrying around as well. So it depends on, um where, uh like it depends on how far away you are from the minimum number of jobs that are initially posted. So don't lose hope even if you are a bit further away because most of the time people do tend to like drop out. So there is uh chances um the references required, do they have to be UK consultants? No, they don't have to be, they can be anybody that you worked with. It doesn't have to be UK. Um I just prefer to put in the UK doctors or doctors who um or my educator supervisor who work in the UK. Um only because they would understand how to do the references. So that was just my personal preference and I had the opportunity and I knew the people and the consultant. So I just used it but it doesn't have to be, I know people who um came here from uh India and they didn't even do a clinic attachment. Their references were not from uh the UK and they got it in just fine. It doesn't really matter. Um There is no benefit of putting a UK consultant over a NON UK consultant. Like there's no point difference or there's no, there's no differences with the offer because that they only look at the references after you have received an offer. So it really doesn't matter as long as you can trust that doctor to fill in your uh references as soon as possible. So to not delay you getting uh all your preemployment checks done, then it really doesn't matter who the references are coming from. Um What's the likelihood of getting into FD standalone program compared to non training as a GMC registered doctor. Um, I think this is going to be a bit of a personal, um, opinion because obviously, I don't know the statistics of who gets in where, but the nontraining job when you apply for it, especially as a very junior doctor, which I was just, I just graduated and I was applying for a lot of no nontraining jobs up until January 2024. Um and I really um struggled with it. It was very hard, I applied for a lot of jobs and I was struggling to even get an interview done because I just graduated and I didn't have any experience apart from my fy one, that's why I went to do some of my clinic attachment just to add something on my CV. Um And when you apply for your non training job, there's no cut uh cut off like how much experience you can have. So anybody who has 10 year experience from back home can just apply for the same job. I'm applying as a one year. Uh somebody who just has one year experience. So it's very hard to compete with such uh people. Um British people do, uh even if you graduated elsewhere, British people do still have an advantage because they can do some local work and they can get some NHS experience. Um And that can put them at an advantage because they will be competing with people who don't have NHS experience. Um and nothing beats experience. So that is something to consider dependent, that's way on your personal um experiences and how much experience you generally have. Um But I would say that nontraining jobs do pop up throughout the year. But the training program uh only pops up at a specific time and you have to join the work at a specific time and the whole process is uh is very organized and very structured. So the motivation that I applied for 50 stand alone was because I was really struggling with nontraining jobs. And I really wanted to give it a try. And I personally like the idea of going into a training program because you will have educational supervisor, you have a clinical supervisor, you have educational sessions and teaching opportunities. Um and also you get used to being in a training program. So when you apply for specialty training, later on, you already have an idea of how to go about it and how to maintain a portfolio. Not that non training doctors don't have a portfolio, they are um most of the trusts do provide them in the portfolio, but there's no motivation to complete them because there's nobody really motivating you to do that. But when you're in training program, you don't have a choice but to maintain your portfolio. So it is something that holds you accountable. So, II personally really enjoy a training program with a nontraining job. I don't know. Hopefully that explains it. If not, please shoot another message and I can answer it it a bit more specifically. Um Could you please give some tips for writing and presenting with scientific apps conferences? Um That question is not related to the talk today but um I did some case studies and I presented my um uh Q IP survey that I did the first audit. I presented that as well. Um The basic for the abstract would be to explain um what your objective was, what your primary objective is. That is what you're trying to achieve uh by doing the study or doing the survey or why this case, if you chose a case was important to you and what, what made you choose it? That would be your objective. And then the second thing would be the methods that you used to. So um what when we like if I used a survey that was my method and how many people actually participated in that survey or if you're doing a case study, there's no method but you have to uh decide where um you took the study from and where you take that case from. And whether it depends or you're focusing on um its uniqueness, uh uniqueness of the case, uniqueness of the treatment intervention or presentation. What is that, that you're actually looking into specifically in that case, then you have to do your uh analysis of the data that was given to you and then you have to get in your conclusion about, you know, what actually happened and what did you, what is your conclusion at the end? So writing good abstract is just a skill that I think develops over time. The first time I did it, I don't think I did a great job. Um but still getting um but I think the more you write here, the more you participate in conferences, the more experience you get, the more you see other people do it. Uh You learn a lot from actual experiences than from anything else. So I just suggest participating in as many conferences as you possibly can. That's what I did in my last year. From fifth to sixth year, I just participated in any conference I saw even if it was online, just so you get experience into presenting and you get experience into working with other people and you writing articles and stuff like that. So it just helps to just keep on practicing. Uh What are the benefits of f to stand alone in comparison to nontraining trust grade jobs? Um So when you're working in af two stand alone training program, you don't need the Crest signed because you don't need the Crest anymore. Uh By the end of your F two loan, uh if you have successfully passed it, you get um you get a certificate which basically allows you to apply for any of the training jobs. So you don't need a crest sign. Um But if you're working nontraining, obviously you need the CRE sign. So, first of all, it's very difficult. Um I can't really say for nontraining because I haven't really worked as a nontraining doctor. But from what I know it is difficult to get a re sign within three months of working with the consultant because it's very hard to prove to somebody that you are capable within, within just three months and very hard to do a lot of practical activities and a lot of auditing Q IP and um teaching and whatnot that you need to show your abilities as a doctor to the consultant to uh for them to sign off. Some people get lucky and they do get rid as consultants who are um willing to do it. Um But to show your abilities within just three months is pretty hard, in my opinion. Um Also nontraining jobs do offer education supervisor and a clinical supervisor. They do offer uh study leaves, et cetera. They do have a study budget. Um But the like the support is not as much as a formal training program because when I joined in, I had an induction program, uh II had a six weeks induction program where they went through a lot of things. They gave us a lot of support where we had a lot of teaching. I wonder how the system works, how Ns works. Uh They gave us a lot of um resources to help us settle in. Um There was also on call training uh before we, we even started our own calls. Um There was a lot of um help in body system basically because I just started my next rotation. Um And on my first on call, there was a body doctor with me to help me navigate even though this is my second rotation. So there's a and I had another uh induction program for my second rotation. There's a lot of um help in terms of um the support that is provided to you in a training program with nontraining, you can also be supported. It depends on the trust. Um Some are really helpful and some really do provide all of those things. So this is my personal um opinion uh regarding the nontraining and the training jobs. Uh Can you change your references if required? Yes, you can, you can change your references at any time during the application until the offers are accepted. It doesn't matter. You can change them any time even when the references have been sent and you can see that they are not back in time. You can just delete them and you can just put it in under the reference and the it will automatically be sent to the new referee. So it doesn't really matter. You can change them any at any time. Nothing else on the application you can change once submitted except the references. So it's fine uh in the presentation conference section. Can you add abstract to which you are in first doctor of? Yes, you can. As long as you were part of it, it doesn't matter. You can put that in because you were uh still, you still participated in it and you can, if it gets uh published into the uh conferences uh journal, as long as it published, you can because you need to provide evidence. So fast forward, I'm still here for another 1015 minutes. If anybody else have any questions, I think that's all the questions for today. So um I'll just go ahead and end it. Thank you so much, Doctor Saba for such an insightful talk. And thank you for answering all the questions with such patients. We're really grateful and thank you everyone for attending and filling the feedback form. Um We, as doctor Saba has mentioned um at the start of her talk, we will be doing more talks on um S JT interview and the whole process. So stay tuned. Um You can find them uh posted on our Instagram page uh when they will be um Yeah, thank you everyone for attending today. I hope everyone have a good evening. Thank you. Thank you very much.