EUTOS Virtual Conference: Miss Samantha Tross - Leadership in T&O
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Good morning, Everybody delighted to be here on my topic today is leadership in orthopedics. You write a bit about me already, so I'm not going to spend much, much, much time on that. Um, I need to say that you know why? Why are we talking about leadership today? Why is it on the agenda? Leadership is incredibly important because my having effectively the ship, we can improve the standards of health care and ultimately the care to our patients. And all of us are potentially leaders on. We could make a difference. The NHS, uh, has financial stresses, and therefore we have to ensure that the care that we provide is efficient as possible on, Of course, effective on we shouldn't think of patients is something that distance and removed from us. All of us could potentially And the presentations on, Of course. So can I loved ones. So it is extremely critical that we, uh it we are leaders in our, you know, spirit as we're working to insure that this this care is optimized. So what does that lead to look like? Well, when I was at your stage of training for me, leaders were all very intelligent. They still are today, but the intelligent, knowledgeable, very articulate, charismatic, influential on great problem solvers. But something I noticed is that they will often very aloof on hold, intimidating. There's even disconnected from me. I mean, I certainly didn't feel I had much in common with them on. They were often a white. I'm often mail, to be honest with you, there was a typical sort of hero. Leaders there, on the top of the pinnacle on the rest of us, were down there on what these people inspired me because, you know, I saw a great and send them. I wanted to be like them. I was often or struck. Uh, they challenged me to be to want to be better, but I was off two, still feeling made to feel inadequate, undervalued. I was fearful, often very nervous. And one thing you know is that as a leader, when you have people that feel these negative emotions, you can't get them to do things for you because it's a leader. They feel that they have to. But when someone does something because they have to and not because they they really passionate about it, you will never get the best out of someone without those type of leaders. My mind was changing leadership when I met three wonderful gentleman during my training. Unfortunately, I only have photos of to first Was David Light Hola. He was a consultant. That bastard and 30 was the clinical director of orthopedics. Um, Richard Airline was the first picture to the left. His arms folded. He was a general surgeon of the Royal London on day waas. Instrumental in setting up the helicopter Emergency medical service on then Professor Fred Heatley to the right to was my was a professor of guys is and Thomas is on. He was my training program director on how these men, different from other leaders and I'd seen at the time, is they had almost positive qualities I spoke about. But what was different is they were very, very approachable. And what they did was they made me feel that they actually really cared about me. They were interested in me on my progress. I'm not had a significant impact on me. Yeah, I They saw qualities of myself that I didn't even see then They certainly made me feel that stage and I couldn't become an orthopedic surgeon because, of course, I wasn't seeing a visible room or less. It looked like myself. So I questioned whether I had in me to do that on they firmly, Maybe for that I could, um and so I wanted to be better for myself. Like, definitely wanted to do my best, not disappoint them. Not during my time of training. I start to see more visible female role models and that again further consolidated in my mind of the S and could potentially come in. Orthopedic surgeon. In fact, Alison Human with the first female surgeon I ever saw on I was I was a medical student at that time, And that's what's first cemented in my mind. That orthopedic surgery is what I wanted to do. My I consider all those surgical specialties, but all the Felix on the other safer. Phillips was my senior s h o. Uh, no, he was my registrar when I was shor. Scarlett was my senior. Shh. Oh, Miss Eastwood. As you know, uh, I saw her many times presenting. She was actually brought to my attention by trains that I had current alien Caremark. So I came into contact with his well, further down the line. So I realized that as a woman, certainly I could be an old appendix on. I could potentially be a leader, so in the interest of it, So I thought, I'll investigate. What is the definition of leadership? Was this saying on the only Internet on this statement sort of encapsulated a lot of what was said. It's someone with a clear vision who has integrity. Empathy is adaptable and could motivate others to share the design objective and empower them to realize that go, they exert influence by their character rather than the authority. Another definition that I saw bleeding Ship was my Brendan Burchard, who is a high performance coaching New York Times. The best selling author and I came across there when I didn't strategically the ship course, and he talks about the sixties of leadership on another. One has been added at the end, and he said, the leaders have to have a vision. They have a clear gold purpose of the way they want to get to on did enough to enlist in order to enlist people. You're going to be able to articulate what your goal is, so you're gonna be able to communicate effectively. They don't have to embody. And that's the key. You cannot be asking people to do things that you yourself a month bring. I mean, we saw that very clearly during the pandemic. We've also lead is telling us to behave in a certain way, and then they didn't know anything. That leads to a lot of authenticity on a lot of respect. So you must've been the the really everybody what it is you ask people to buy into. You got to empower people because no one person can run organization department exception. You need to be in there and support that, that that initiative or ago on If you want to empower someone, you need to first of all, know what their needs up on. How you gonna do that. You need to communicate, as I said, But you also have to listen. That's the key. As a leader, you need to because different people have different needs on a starting in different points. Unless you communicate with them on here, there needs, you will not be able to properly empower them. You need to evaluate because you need to not only have that firm, uh, gold in mind, but you need to know if you're reaching it. Are you on course? So you need to keep reevaluating, and then I'm finding on make adjustments as you go along and you have to keep encouraging because failures will occur across along the way. And you've got to use the right language to encourage people to keep going on. All of those things takes empathy. And that's the 70 that I'm under that you've got to give to connect and really understand people. And that's what empathy is about. I want to say to you that you are all potential leaders. Lead is not someone at the top of some organization, some pinnacle. It's something that all of us have it within ourselves because we're not naturally born in that some people have qualities that off course, they require less work in others. But a leader can be made with practice. You don't become a leader a day you don't want a leadership course and suddenly become a leader. It's constant practice, and also it's important to understand that occupying a senior position doesn't make your leader. I can think of several examples of people in senior positions that they're not natural leaders on. There are people who are not necessarily, um, getting recognition, but are doing a lot of work and leadership in this way that they're working. So what does it take to become a leader? I think the first thing that's important is self development and self awareness. You need to know your strength and your weaknesses. Um, it was important because your weaknesses can impact on, um, your strategy on the people that you bring in to support you in trying to achieve your goal. You may have certain biases that, you know, excuse your view, certain blind spots. So you've got to really develop these the's qualities, or else your your leadership will be impacted. Now it's one Eye is self awareness. Thing is so important is that you may have a view of yourself, but it may not be the reality Now. When I went on my tradition leadership course, I had in mind the kind of leader that I thought I waas. I learned this course different leadership starts and they they are many and we don't have time, and it's talk to go through all the definitive ship starts. It's something that you you can read about on off course is a leader. You can't have one particular style. Different circumstances will call for different, different styles. Um, but we know there's certain stars is generally more effective in getting engagement on the Those styles are coaching stuff where you still be more to the motivational, really supporting and encouraging people on the democratic style when you allow people to feel that they have a voice and they can contribute on. I felt I had this. I I hope that that was a kind of needed that I wa. So when I filled out a questionnaire to my horror, it came out that the style and I most adopted was autocratic and pay center. So what aquatics start is? Very much of do is I see on a piece center is go like, uh, do it now I lost. Certainly, I know that certain times about that that style is is required. It disappointed me that I was actually displaying styles off the type of leaders that I didn't really particularly admire. Somehow, having been around them such a sorts of for such a long time I started self consciously adopt, certainly be behaviors on so but make make myself aware of this. I've had to do the work necessary. Try and improve the other coaching stuff on our to say that in terms of the points, the others weren't very far behind. But I realize from doing this work, that more effort was required a certain areas. And that's why we have to do the self development. You're gonna be passionate about the goal that it is that you're you're you're trying to take forward. Why? Because often leadership, there's a lot of work required. And if you're doing something you're passionate about, it doesn't seem like work. Also, if you're very passionate, it's much easier to get people engaged because it radiates from you on. People can see that enthusiasm on gets, um, um, love them to my, um so being passionate, I think you've got to be open to feed nothing more than that. You should encourage you should actively encourage it, not wait for it to come. If you want to be a better leader, you should constantly want to improve and make sure that you are being a stiff neck gives you can be on from feedback. You cannot You can understand that. And I'm going to be able to adapt as a leader. They should be no fear and actually seen that you're wrong If you you you bought a certain role in mind and it's wrong, but come out and say so. Um, you know, I think there's great strength in being able to admit that your room on. So we we must really be able to adapt circumstances, force it upon, you know, look in the pandemic. I'm currently in my department. I have to change, Doc in certain things that I wanted to do. So one has to do with those great one, I think, is a very important this for me. Personally, I think I leadership be humble. Um they should be there where people feel that they can approach the leader. That's why you're gonna find out. Then keep tabs on what's going on in your in your department of spread of insulin influence, influence. If people can really come and tell you problems and challenges that they're having on there only do that if we can approach you so you could be preemptive or not reactive on wait until assistance of circumstances go home. Something goes negatively, so so Being humble, I think, is important. It doesn't take much to be nice on. Being nice is it's about having respect for people because I think that you get respect when you give respect. Um, I'm treating everyone like they have value, like we heard it in the previous talk My current on. As I said, don't be afraid to show on ability because people will connect with you where they can see that mother ability. And it's all about the connection. I think as a leader, it's not about they're trying to promote yourself. Uh, it's been being a service to others, but after the normal people get in to leadership positions on, it becomes about promoting them on their friends on. And it shouldn't be about that because this is, Simon says He's a performance coach, another US vessel, and and someone has greatly admire, he said. Being a leader is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge on. I think that's very important. I think it's a xolido one needs to be curious. Now when I say curious. I mean, when you are there working in your normal day to day environment, have you look around on seeing and thinking? Are things being done the best way? Why? Why you doing things the way that you're being told to do things, you know, unless you're constantly curious and questioning, then innovation want occur. So you, you all everyone here can influence what's going on around them. So look and see what's going on and things we don't better. Why isn't being done like, you know, eccentric on. Also be curious about others. The careers of those around you get to know people from different cultures and different backgrounds so that you can enforce the metal relationships. It wasn't be able to learn to listen. And I said you just ate this critical. I think listening it is so so important. Doesn't leave on importantly for me. I know that, um, Brendan Byrne talked about leader having a vision. What's more important than having a vision is getting the culture right, because if the culture is right, then lot of vision you have will be achieved. The focus has to be on the environment on the people, and you will get to where you need to get as a leader, you need to stand up for what is right, even if it isn't popular. That's what the the ship is about is about making tough decisions on. If you stick to what is right, then even if people are unhappy initially, you will get the respect. So so do the right thing. I always remember to try and bring all those with you. That's what the the ship is about is but supporting the development of others around you on and and sure that they can achieve and be the best they could be on. Do those three findings when I talk to you about and that's exactly what it did for me. No leadership is changing on. I'm very, very glad to see that it's becoming more people focused. I mean, people are recognizing the importance off dealing with the the workforce. So I I wish we a bit more, but it was done for that within the NHS. But that is where we need to get. It's really about if improving the the experience of those in the in in there working environment on we learning to appreciate that confidence doesn't equate the competence. Um, I'm I think it's beholding all of us to start really being, um, more discerning, Um, with with our leaders on, not just go for someone who's very confident on really listening to what it is that they're saying that that that's what we really need to do because we want to make sure the people that we put into these leadership positions are competent. We like confidence is nothing wrong with confidence, but they must be competence with it on. We need to move away from just being accepting a good leadership. We won't greatness. That's what we want. And for me, great leaders, they seek out comes over the normal expected performance. I'm in order to do that, you're going to create the right environment to going to create the right climate on by the climate. It's it's about the culture. It's about way that people are treated with respect. It's about making sure that the working environment is, um, ideally suited so princess that people have the right tools that they need to do the job that they have. The right time allocation to do the job. Um uh, that sort of thing that I mean about the climate. Yeah, it was about a respect for each other, but also the working environment. You gotta have positive relationships on the relationships aspect about it. It includes treating each other respect, but it's also making sure that everyone gets out of the relationship, but they need so that a xolido you expect performance. But you've got to give something you've got to give support to go to get mentoring. You got to give coaching. Um, on what we have found, lots of studies have shown that if you get have positive relationships work where you feel that you can really flourish, it releases a hormone surges oxytocin, and what does that do? That leaves the line of BP and heart rate. It increases your ability to deal with stress, and positive relations can also boost your immune system. So just by getting these things right, you get people not only, um, being able to, because when when the environment is right, people think better, they're more creative and more productive. Uh, so apart from that, you get less people going off sick. It's a win win. Uh, just a little bit of efforts. So it's so so getting the key, the relationships right on the communication. It's about again, respect and so on. But we're having that can do attitude and really and encouraging people when things go wrong, not criticizing and so really showing people how they can do better using the right language of support on, then giving people meaning to what they're doing. If someone is just coming to work because it's a way to pay the bills, you're never gonna do your best. You can do just enough until you on the clock off. So make it clear. Let him understand what the benefit is to them to give the meeting on. When you do that, you will really start to see that the work force is actually working above and beyond what is expected in terms of leadership, I would say I'm still very much on my journey. I'm still developing a leader, and I think good leaders, great leaders understand that you never stop growing eso you always keeping an eye out to hear what's happening on trying to learn and adapt on. I I think my God, my great strength of the leader is is that I'm approachable. I certainly value feedback on in my department. Currently for department. Encourage everybody to speak up on Make sure that they they know that their opinion, this value I've had to learn as a leader that an event is just the vent until I you know. So when you try and keep emotions out of decision making because they're lot of frustrations in the hip, Um and so you just have to stick The water's occurred and not what you think is a current on, but it gives you better clarity of vision. Um, I've had to accept that grows a leader. I had to step out of my comfort zone. Nobody likes a step, wasn't comfortable, but that when you in a new area, that's uncomfortable. That's the greatest potential for growth. And so we need to accept be comfortable with being uncomfortable. So So I mean, for instance, here, here, I'm giving a talk. I absolutely, uh, fearful of public speaking for most of my life, but was a leader you say to yourself, I'm not good at something yet We have is the thing, and there's always a potential that group. So what I did, I went off and I get my Toastmasters. When I get opportunities like this to speak, I speak on Go over time 11 improves on for me. My great passion as a leader right now is to increase ethnic and cultural diversity. Uh, not only in orthopedics, but in surgery, in medicine, on doing a lot of work over the years, particularly with schools trying to increase it more so the divers and taken into medical schools. And that's where I've had most of my recognition on some awards for on also working with medical schools like yourself on DNA, turning my focus to other areas of the ship. I'm currently within the Cultural Diversity Society of the Bid Cultural Diversity Committee of the British Ship Society. So really working on this area? My aspiration for senior leadership in orthopedics isn't I think, uh, are leaders do a lot of things very well. We don't we do a great job. And when it comes to education, um, service provisions on there's certainly definitely a move to increase diversity. But my feeling is that no all aspects of diversity had given the same intention on There's a lot of work being done in June gender diversity, which I think is excellent as well needed. But I'd like to see that same attention being given to all aspects of diversity. I'd like to see, you know, non tolerant zero tonsils approach to the bad behavior on Go. We really need to focus on this positive culture on making sure that everybody is treated respectfully on valued and given equal opportunities. We just read about, um, conclusion and belonging. They must really feel that we we have a seat on the table and we're gonna be counted. Everyone I really would like to see a loss of the hierarchy was going to send. I think a leader is there to serve, and you can only serve people by interacting with them. I'm hearing what the needs are. Not quite often, our leaders take on that sort of a loofa, distant attitude, which is something we learned me. See if we've seen it, that's what we're examples are on. But we we all adopt that behavior because we think that's what's expected of leadership, and all these people are perfectly lovely people, but they just become so aloof in distance. I would like to really see that removed. I'd like to see more support and mentorship, particularly those from ethnic minority backgrounds on reverse mention a Scarred has mentioned. I think it's very critical that the senior leaders need to really get in touch with those from these diapers backwards and really get a true understanding of what it feels like on what their experience is. And I'd like to see more boldness in terms of measures that are going to take place in terms of some of these aspects on, like a firm starts run than you know, We think it's important, so clear, aspirational goals so that people can really feel encouraged that the things are actually going to be done on a timescale by which things are going to be often and I'll achieve my so they could be held to account. So one of the leadership training opportunities well, the education England. They have really recognized the value of leadership on it's it's it's part of the very fabric off trading as a surgeon on so part of the curriculum is to make sure that the leadership values are woven into everything. They have wondered. So so you. That's where you're going to get it. It's part of your training. They're they're different. Areas that emergently just formed in the world are just certain. Have you heard about the NHS? Leadership of company often offers lots of leadership courses. There are external issue, of course is I went outside and better the strategic leadership course and then joining organizations. That's the definition of the association. International feeding, diversity and lines in the world. We're not the Videx Worldwide. One can also get opportunities to delete. So I'm gonna end by, you know, giving a challenge. My David time? Um, yes. The challenge you to do. I think the onus is on you to make your current leaders better. You want to keep challenging them. You're gonna make sure that they are achieving the things that they've They've said stated that they go to achieve at the outset. So it's up to you and and if they're not to really hold of a marriage of them and make sure that I'm doing it So it's all of us conventional leaders, a better on all of you out there. As I said, our leaders, you know, it may be that you you have to lead a trauma call you're gonna lead in the operating theater. Uh, leadership is not just being in the pinnacle of the organization. Everybody can have a sphere of influence in the area that they're working. I was I asked you, How can you make yourself a better leader? What are you gonna do? What steps are you prepared to do to make sure that you're not only good, but you? But you are great, because the future of health care is in your hands. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Mistrust for that incredibly empowering talk. Um, we've just got a question coming in through the a direct message. Um, how does the students start to become an effective leader when there's some junior in medicine? Well, I just pointed out to you what What leadership is about. Leadership is about being in tears, having integrity. It's being adulterous, but supporting all this. So So you're it's a medical student. You may be supporting the light and the nurses, they're light stuff. Where, when you coming into contact with them? You're going to be supporting your other students. You have opportunities, even outside of mints. You know, in the other activity is that you're going to be to be a leader. So, yeah, just just if you follow some of the advice that I've given their develop yourself so self awareness you can certainly start as a student. You can start. You know, everyone that should it should be starting to do that. Um, and then looking for here is where you could you could, uh, haven't impact. Um, And so, yes, I think certainly as a student, everybody I have all all that is required to be leaders right now. You don't have to wait until you've seen him. You Very much. We've got We've got some more questions. Uh, thank you, Miss Trucks, For the very inspiring talk I would just like to ask. What do you think are the challenges for future leaders? Uh, well, look, I mean, for me, the challenges, um right now is getting this diversity agenda right? I think that's that's the biggest challenge off the moment. Who knows what what things can foresee. We didn't see the pandemic coming there. The other crises of the coming. But I think whatever the crisis is, if we focus on the workforce on the people, then whatever it is, we will suck. Um, we will overcome it. So So the challenge is that's why I weigh have to get the diversity and gender right? Because if we ever work force feels empowered, um, on supported, they will. They will assist you in a cheating whatever challenge that that that comes up very much. So another question. How do you think you could be a good leader with committees which are mostly old via online communication, especially during a copay 19? So how can you be effective and committees on online committees? How can you be a effective good leader, especially when things are online? I don't think that that that that should impact necessarily because they're they're always even if you're online, you can reach out to people. As I said, I think listening, having a sharp pain, and that's the key so you can reach out to people. Ask them TG their views. They can send it to you, my email or whatever on so and then and then you can communicate which which we are communicating to you now of you, you know, virtually so it's it's about listening on effective communicating. So you can you can certainly do it over the Internet, Thank you very much. We'll go. One last question. Um, as a minority, insert senior leadership. Um, how do you ever have to deal with Imposter syndrome on? But if so, how did have you dealt with it on a daily basis? But I think you know, this is a process, you know. Not only is a minority, I think, as a woman, often most women suffer with that, always undermining themselves. One you know, you just have to push forward. And seven, it's all about your mindset. And so, um, I always challenge myself on. I'm getting used to being uncomfortable on. So I pushed myself into areas, even when where there's a sense of dread are faithful. But I push myself anyway because I told you it would improve. So yes, A. I don't think it's suddenly goes away and And if you speak to women, are you know those everything minority by my parents who are in senior positions, even running organizations. They also talk about been having this impostor syndrome. But what makes them a great is that push ahead. Nevertheless,