ESSS Guide to the Surgical Portfolio - Introduction to the Portfolio Mr Andrew Hall
This on-demand teaching session is part of a series focusing on guiding medical professionals through the process of completing the surgical portfolio requirements. It is endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons and upon completion of the seven sessions, attendees will receive a medal, certificate, and free Royal College of Surgeons membership.Led by trainees and medical students, this series goes beyond what to include in the portfolio and includes practical advice on how to build a successful surgical portfolio. Additionally, attendees will be able to engage in Q&A sessions, hear experiences from different specialties, and receive a certificate for each session. With this series, medical professionals will be able to further their exposure to surgery, gain practical experience and tools to create a successful portfolio, and ask questions along the way.
Learning objectives
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the benefits of attending medical student surgical society webinars
- Understand the importance of gaining surgical experience outside of the medical school curriculum
- Identify opportunities to gain practical experience in surgery
- Understand the importance of building a strong surgical portfolio
- Learn about the role of the Royal College of Surgeons in supporting surgical education and career development for medical students.
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me to record this for our Yes, sir. Okay, So since you've started recording, I'll just make a sorry the first that, you know, that can be missed if people joined that are later. So thank you again for coming along. Um, this is the first of more new Siris, which is guide to the surgical portfolio. Um, and something that really excited about starting it could have been thinking about for for a while. Um, really happy to be joined by stronger Hall, who was advising us on the fuses, the whole bowls leaving the session. So before we begin just a little bit about the series and the biceps, because I I'm aware that some people are joining through outside and, um Roaches. Great s Oh, yes. Assess. It is on undergraduate surgical society. So we're old medical students that Adam Brand were running vest to increase people's exposure to surgery. Um, and to let people have an opportunity to experience different sides of that be that suture ing or career talks like this or stuff of our interest is sort of exposure to different specialties, Um, and really retrying to sort of fill it up where we feel like people don't get a lot of this exposure in medical school itself. And that's really I mean, it's a person that the main question is is why we're running the Siris and toe. Answer that. We're gonna ask you a couple questions so we have a short pool that we're going to put up too slow. Um, lovely. If everyone could just quickly answer that, that would be great. And it's really just to get your views about these things, because we we sort of have a lot discussed this amongst ourselves, and we think that there is quite a clear answer between us so that it would be interesting to see what everyone else thinks. So I'll give you a minute to answer that. I'm resisting the Temptation town so myself. Anybody doesn't, and second them can set off of all that. Yes, it's not. So I don't have to. This is, uh this is entirely and all of this is well, by the way, guys. Yeah, absolutely. And your fight the of these sessions. A search to be very casual. So if you want to stop, you put on your cameras. I know, but most people don't. But at the end, also, switch off. The recording will have a bit of a Q and A and people can put on their cameras, ask questions. It's all we all pretty much have the same questions. I think so. That's absolutely fine. Yeah. Draw. Draw a distinction between normal actions and things in university. And this is a, uh this is not just school skills club. This is a society. You know, if you could do this in your medical society, you would have points and ah, against electorate, which happily has been today. So it's variable. Some people on ask questions being That's what you do. I think that's most people. Uh, okay, Femoris. This is 19 out of 26 last couple. Um, but I think as we're looking at this, there is sort of a bit of a spread, but but mainly there is a theme, I think, um, on what we can't see from from these results, I sir, I'll start talking about because I don't. There's a couple of people that answer as we go, but I think what we find over the past couple of years is that you don't get a lot of exposure to surgery in medical school. Um, you don't get a lot of surface of the time. You don't get a lot of British. You between surgical specialties. Even before you wouldn't get to go to every single specialty on I think that the translation of that is that you don't meet us. Many surgeons on a lot of surgery becomes quite extracurricular. Attorney still, in my experience, and I think in a lot of people die spoken to experience on D. That means that you just have to do it. Put in a lot more effort, Teo. Find out the really basic things and to get just the basic experience that if you wanted to do GP, you would get just by showing up to medical school because you get sent a GP a lot in that school. Where else you don't really do that for surgery. I have to leave that in my own time to really What we're trying to do is let you have more of the exposure on show you sort of the stuff that you could do while you're up medical school. That can help you get into surgery later, and the stuff that usually you would be told by, say, a mentor. Or you would pick up in conversations you might have in theater or in clinic or with someone who thinks that you're interested on glass of these things. Just go on said. And actually, there's a lot that you can do in medical school, and we hope that you'll be able to find out by the end of of the series. So this is just a bit about what the series is actually going to be like. So we have seven sessions ponds. It's gonna run across this semester and the next semester, And what were mainly going to do is we're gonna break down the application. So this is more of an overview today and then later going to go into specifics. So we're gonna go say, Talk about all that's for about talk about leadership, talk about teaching and different aspects that make up the application. And it's not necessarily what to do because there's a lot of talks about what if the portfolio, it's it's more about how to do it, and we're specifically how to do it as a medical student. What, what opportunities you have already. And what things are you all ready doing and how you can channel them into something that can be used for your portfolio? And it's endorsed by the role College of surgeons about Enbrel. So if you're tender seven sessions, you get free for your membership on. Did you get a certificate from the college? You get start certificates for every session, but that's through Austin through medals. If you complete the feedback, you get certificate for recessions. Well, and it's going to be run by trainees on by us on. But they'll be students in every every single session, giving their perspectives, and it's really designed to be very casual, very informal. On down at the end, every single session will have a bit where the recordings often people can say whatever they want to ask you every questions that they have. And that's really the aims to sort of create it on opportunity for people to ask things that they may be wondering about it. So with that, I'm going to stop showing me screen on gonna hand over 200 who is a trauma orthopedics, destroy as those a teaching fellow, and he love you you were in algebra Mean whom? Because he led the orthopedics A module. And you're four last year. Um, and Under is written recently a text book on how to apply to course surgical training. And so you think there is no one better to to talk you through the application? Um, so 100 or 200 now? Well, thank you very much dot Kind introduction. I'm gonna share my screen. Um, hopefully you can see a PowerPoint presentation, but love the head of the skyline. Perfect place. So thank you very much for having, um I'm really excited to be here today. The animals student surgical society. It's been go for for a number of years on. And it was always, really well run society back when I will add on. It's just going from strength strength along with some of the other students, societies as well. This is gonna be a little bit different as a webinar Siris on, but I really hope you're going to enjoy it as I as eloquently part. We have. They be in our body. It's at the moment about the access to a surgical education that you get. Hasn't undergraduate and That's because medical schools are are from from any brain changes, um, are responding, Teo suppose and priorities put out by by our government and by argon ization of bodies to train more generalists, to train more internal positions and to train more general practitioners on where that's really caused a problem. As it's left, people who know that they want or might want to be a surgeon future left them in the lurch so much the access to operating days is reduced dramatically now. There was a necessity for that for the last 18 months or so a yeast the first few months of the Cobra 19 pandemic. But it really isn't much of a feature anymore because we know it's safe, but we take the like precautions. And yet that access remains restricted on indeed, the emphasis of being placed morning how on the teaching of generic skills off trading people to be internal positions and general practitioners. But we know that is a lot of people who do want to be surgeons in medical school. Um, we know that people who certainly considering it even if they're not set up all night on one of our biggest problems is that whilst you can learn to quite a significant degree, the principal's office surgical specialties online on successful modules like the orthopedic module that we run last year. I mean last year in runs throughout the curriculum, you can learn things online. You struggle to really learn the practical aspects of it. But there's other ways to fill those gaps. My biggest fear is that by reducing access to surgical teaching, we are reducing access to diverse range of people in medical school who could meet surgeons. You can learn about this hidden curriculum off the ways in which you build a surgical portfolio in order to achieve what you want, which is a career training as a surgeon and ultimately becoming a consultant surgeon. And I think restricting that access means, um, you can't be what you can't see if you can't meet people. If you can't talk to people, you can't learn how to do things, not just what to do. And I have put that really nicely in her introduction. So my name's Andrew Hall. I'm a register on PD PhD research fellow in Edinburgh, University of Adam Room and add Enbrel, the PX trainee I'm currently working the Golden Jubilee in grad school. This Webinar series is supported by E. S s s on by the Royal College of Surgeons, which has this lovely brand new logo is you can see here the printing unicorn, which is the national animal of Scotland. We've got representation from the university of a number on my own badge down. Here's a number orthopedics that you will be hearing from a lot of different specialties throughout the Siris. Let me just a van slide the correct way. Oh, well and embarrassing Stopped this lecture right there with me. We'll go back up to the top technical ever. No war, but great of interest A Z mentioned by and I want to get this out of Town square. I have my old way that I teach people to, um to follow the surgical career path on Because of that passion, my colleague and I. Joe isn't have put together a book which is essentially covering the surgical portfolio. On interview, we felt that this was a hole in the market because a lot of books are available for developing surgical career developing medical careers in general, but didn't look at the surgical portfolio on the ways to progress towards the interview and then through your training. Um, so I do have this declaration of interest, but I won't let it sway me in the advice that I give you. So you want to be a surgeon for Why? Because really brilliant, basically. But the surgical specialties I put here there's some fantastic careers all the way through them on in approximate order off the size of the specialties we've got. General surgery is an options that largest surgical specialty, though, if you consider it's constituent parts, including vascular surgery and transplant and Berries of the things that largest surgical specialty title probably goes to my own, which is forming orthopedics. Um, pediatric surgery covers the whole breath off surgical specialties within their childhood population. We've got thesis sickle subspecialties like plastic surgery, ear, nose and throat, urology, vascular and the even smaller surgery surgical specialties like cardiothoracic neurosurgery and Max Max. So who is surgery for? Well, you've got to be hard working. It's a slogan times. You have to be interested in a craft specialty. You will be an apprentice when you're training alongside seen you clinicians on you're in it for the long haul. Surgical skills being the principals, surgical decision making on the actual craft of operating takes a long time to develop. You will work long days and you will work harder than others. I think that's fair to say the, uh that the surgical day in the surgical rotation, the experience is harder than other specialties. There were the specialties do, of course, work hard. Um, you have to be practical minded. Um, you might like to value quick results. You like to see really bang for your buck in terms of the interventions you're making on patients. Um, visual motor skills are, of course, important. Though I don't want to scare, people are thinking I've never been particularly good at those things. There are things that you develop, but a certain happiness and an interest to develop. Those things are reported. You have to love it. And we say this time and time again is that when you're going through the difficult times or when you're trying to aspire to get to the next level, you just have to love it. Unfortunately, most of us do because it's brilliant. It's a really good specialty on. We get to go to work every day. Onda see surgical patients. We get to operate. We get to make an enormous change to people on a daily basis. Onda. Certainly my own anecdotal experience was that I wasn't sure what I wanted to be a neurosurgeon or even a neurologist. I read lots of neurology books, and then I started to spend some time in the wards, and I just looked at the surgeon's. She. I looked at the orthopedic surgeons and specifically, but this applies to all. Surgical practitioner is that they just loved it. They were driven by this passion on. I think that's a really important thing to have. And the final thing here is challenges. Zero time I appreciate I'm sitting here as a middle class white, straight male from a private school in England. I probably am the epitome off that stereotype, but that stereotype is exactly that. It is the it's the perception. It's the pervasive um, predominance. But it is absolutely not the definition of what a surgeon is on a promise you, the vast majority of everybody in every specialty is currently within surgery is trying their best to challenge that stereotype on guy really invite you to do the same as well. So how do you make it there? Well, we'll talk a little bit about the basics. Talk about how to create good opportunities. I'll talk about maximizing yield and also a word of warning about avoiding some pitfalls. Because this whether this is the first session you've enjoyed about surgical careers or whether you've been doing that number is a journey, and we're all on a different point in that journey. It's kind of a marathon hand of journey. Now this is a foul. Just sing, who is nicknamed the Turban to Tornado is the world is oldest marathon runner by the time you get to where I haven't about 31 32 next week and feel a little bit, although you start to feel like this is the journey your arm and that can be slightly daunting thinking ahead to the entire decade or 15 years of surgical training before you become a consultant. Uh, and that could cause you quite a lot of a lot of misery until you really come to reconcile yourself with. Actually, this is a journey. Life doesn't begin at the destination on that taken those years to develop yourself and enjoy yourself rather than raising through to becoming a consultant surgeon. That really helps. You kind of appreciate that what you're doing is a progression to develop your skills. That's one of my sort of take. Her messages. For me is, like, Doesn't become a consultant Doesn't begin at consultancy. This is what your journey roughly looks like. Now it's a health warning on the bottom corner to say that this training structure is always subject to change, and recently it has changed somewhat Well, I'll take you through how the diagram looks, and then we'll talk a little bit about the nuances around it. You are all, I think, looking down the names I know some of you are in this undergraduate medical training now. I was saying too high on the phone the other day that I don't really like to talk about students, and then surgeons are students and registrars of one of them. I consider all of you undergraduate medical trainees, and then that dotted line represents perhaps the biggest change in your lives to date, which is when you graduate from medical school and enter your foundation. Years of training the foundation years are usually for overwhelming majority of you. Two years long, um, foundation years warning to, at which point you make a decision and you make a decision. Where do I want to go from here? You know, in my post foundation training Now that might be one of these two routes that there's other options as well, which we'll talk about in a moment that that perhaps the simplest to describe is run through training posts. That's the A similar room tonight. What I took, I took a run through training number in Orthopedics on Started ST One on. I won't then meet another competition point because that's what these doctors lines really represent is a competition point along your journey. If you get on to one of these programs and then you go through to ST up Testy seven. If your medical on any statistics, Westie. Eight. If you're a surgeon and then again, of course, there's Exit Exams a Zaha to become a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in whatever specialty you've chosen before you compete for Paris EZT Perry. Completion of training fellowships and then consultancy posts. That's probably the minority of surgical training is because not a lot of posts and not a lot of specialties have run through training. The majority have down below course surgical training, where you get a broader exposure to surgical specialties over a two year period, or sometimes three year period before competition point to enter into higher specialty training, which is equivalent to ST three on the run through process, and then you go on for the remaining years thereafter, most people will do one of these, too, but more popular over the last few years has become a third root, which is to not enter into one of these formalized routes yet. But to take on you might have heard of an F Y three year so far. It's a casually named F Y. Three year when you're working as the old fashioned type of s a job post, perhaps to take time to build up your clinical skills or a reasonable portfolio or to decide what you want to do ought to take some time away and to do that in another part of the world before you go into the formal training acid perfectly legitimate way of doing things on. There are number of posts that enable you to do that. Clinical development. Fellow CDF posts are really popular these days on. They help you hopefully trying to develop yourself in order to pursue one of these roots through your surgical training Next slide. You know, Chris Witty, Um, this is just me. Whenever you plan a journey, I think you need to appreciate where the destination is, and that helps you plan on the steps to get there. Now, I think some of my consulting colleagues were probably bulk of me putting up this destination in the bottle because I'm sure consultancy doesn't look or feel like this, but to me, it probably looks like the sunny, some it up lands off. No longer being surgical training, I think it's really useful to think, what on where do I want to be? And that might be something very specific. You might have that idea in your mind, or it might be, well, the general. But as soon as you have a handle on what roughly you want to be doing in a few years time, you can plan how to get there on the same sort of consideration applies to look routers. When you're going through each of those competition points, you should be thinking there's a number of recruiters who are looking at my application. We're looking at my CV on who are interviewing me. What is damage medical and every ultimate goal is broadly aligned with yours. They want you or somebody else to get here to consultancy. So that's considered water consultant is because then we know how we can build up their skills on. We know that they all the skills on potential skills against which we are going to be compared as potential consultants consultant is involved in direct chemical care. They need knowledge and skills and perform certain roles in the direct care of patients in the day to day basis. They have an important consideration of safety and quality they work with in teams on they maintain the trust off the patients in the community that they serve. That's all about the direct clinical influence that they have. We also have to have known technical skills, and there's a fantastic course non technical skill off non operative technical skills for surgeons, which has run by the Royal Culture Surgeons and Simon Paterson Brown in Edinburgh, which is all about situational awareness, being able to make the right decisions, communicating with in a team framework on leadership and more so now than in previous generations. A consultant also needs to perform a lot of supporting professional activities are spar. Time is retent to college, which might be focusing on medical education or research on clinical governance of management on a whole host of other potential activities. So thirties of the roles of a consultant. What are the requirements of a surgical training? When you start to look at the requirements of the surgical training, you realize that they really mirror what people want to ultimately have you achieve as a consultant. And I got a nice picture here, which is people on that journey towards that. Some it up lands off the consultants surgical life. And when we talk about these assessments that we talk about within the requirements of surgical training, so I s E portfolio is basically the hub, or how you document the progression through each day, tweak each moment than your progression to the years as a surgical training and the purpose of this is to assess your learning. It's to decide whether or not you are picking up the skills and knowledge necessary to be a a surgeon, But it's also assessment for learning. So you look at these opportunities to drive your learning to improve yourself and to be able to reflect on your own performance. And to be able to know what these put this portfolio assesses now is immediately relevant to how you start to behave as potential surgeons on as undergraduates who want to ultimately get into this position. Because just like this mirrors the role of the consultant. The requirements on students applying at each pressure point are mirrored by the portfolio domains. I asked me to discuss it just very briefly about the the log book, and I put this down here on this slide. We must, as surgeons or potential surgeons keep a record of all of our operative cases on. We use this log book dot all, and I encourage you all just oh, maybe screenshot it or save it or opener in a different window and come back to it later. Um, it's something that you should start now because there will be opportunities to go into surgery or to see surgical procedures on. You can lock those you can reflect on them, and then you can show people that you have, from a certain from an early point decided to obtain this sort of experience. So have a look at that. When you're in script, you're seeing operation. If you're scrubbed on up to the table, to a certain extent, are involved in the procedure counters assisting a procedure. If you're standing back and scrubbed, not up to the table, you would consider that to be observing a procedure if you're lucky and have somebody might allow you to do something minor on. If you are involved in that minor procedure, you might be conducting that procedure supervised with the trainer script in theater with You. Take a look at that because it's easier to start earlier, then regret it in several years time, as I did. This is my recommendation, just like any journey. If it's not on a straw ber, did it even happen? Eso What you need to be doing is all of this hard work must not go to waste, start keeping a professional portfolio and start doing it. Now you're doing things throughout your under graduate training that you can put into a personal professional portfolio and start building what you want to do. And we keep this point a digital on a hard copy portfolio. I would go online and are buying a four ring binder, and several of them are available for varying degrees of terribly expensive, down to a really bottom baseline cheap, the tend to be indexed on. They help you, um, keep your professional portfolio evidence into a structure that is relevant to a training program assessment process. And I think that's really important because now we'll start to talk about what that structure of your portfolio is on. This is roughly how it looks, whatever surgical training program you want to apply to in future, you will inevitably have to fail all of these boxes with evidence from your own undergraduate and then pushed graduate training. What I'm going to do over the next few slides is Teo. Take a take a leaf out of the book that we've just published on to give you a just a little insight into what each of these aspect is. What the potential pitfalls are a golden rule for each and some recommendations on how to do really well in all of these aspects, this will be a whistle stop, too. Because, really, this is a preview of what you're gonna get over the next few episodes of this webinar where you have experts surgical trainees coming in who have done this sort of thing on. They'll take each of these domains in turn and go into depth about how you can really maximize your yield out of each one. Talking about maximizing yield. I want you to start getting these themes into your head. I want you to understand and to be able to say to yourself time and time again. What I'm doing now is creating opportunities and maximizing my yield. Now that means looking for the opportunities where they are that you can put into your portfolio that you can reflect on, and that ultimately will gain you credit and will help you build the argument that says, this is me. I want to be this. This is the evidence. I got to demonstrate it as you creating opportunities, maximizing yields, the things you can do around that to really be efficient and to make the most of every opportunity. When you're creating opportunities, you should go out. You should look for them and you should create Um, ideally, you can do that with people of influence on my influence. I mean people who can help you on the way you can mentor your guide you or who have insight into the assessment processes. Or, of course, people who are intimately linked in those assessment processes on can. You can help raise your profile. Within that context, I think it's important to have clear outcomes why you want to create its opportunity, where it's gonna fit within your CV. And I got a useful slide coming up about that as well. It should be pertinent to your specialty, so it's not necessarily a scatter gun approach throughout medical school. But on the other hand, you don't need to say, Well, I think I want to be a pediatric spinal orthopedic surgeon who operates on right side and it Oracle on because you don't need to be that specific. What you need to be able to think of is, I think I want to be a surgeon. Um, I have a slightly informed idea of what type of surgery. But I want to make sure that the opportunities I create relevant to that specialty or at least translatable transferrable skills, you need to be demonstrating that you have an ongoing commitment on the fact that you're here. Tonight is a fantastic sign that on a dark Thursday 7 to 8 PM and that you could be a pump now because they're open, hopefully drinking beer to yourself, um, on getting about getting to a surgical specialties So you're already halfway there. The opportunities that you create need to be done. So in a fashion that that respects the time period that you have, make sure the opportunities are achievable and make sure that you can make them as efficient as possible. There's a potential pitfall here in choosing opportunities that our labor intensive and don't necessarily yielded, much as you like. Which brings me on to yield. You're looking for opportunities. How you turn those into solid gold portfolio items are to complete them to present them somewhere at a local presentation. What a student society or an international presentation to get recognition from. It gets, um, formal feedback, so you might do something with a surgeon or clinician or an educator, and you should ask them for some for feedback so you can sit down with him, ask them how you can improve and document that and get elected to say so. If you can do something that really has an effect, implements have changed. So the people who are organizing this events and the Webinar Siris are hopefully implementing a change that will find that by doing this by spending this time I'm making this commitment. We can find a webinar Siris that works well to help people widen access to surgical specialties. I'm sure what they're gonna go and do afterwards reflect on this. Think how we can improve and then go and do it again. Every stage and IRS had this conversation several times. The development of this episode already is that you need to reflect. You need to get feedback and you need to document because data is your friend here. Anything you do, you should have documentation, data and evidence to demonstrate. So this is the side we're talking about is being useful. The top line on this slide was setting by a professor professor, geriatrics who is still to this day, a mental throughout medical school and postgraduate surgical training, he said. Your colleagues will be busying themselves quietly building little empires and that put their ships up me because I was at university playing football, going out, not doing a huge amount. And I put it here to hopefully motivate you on also to warn you against having those ships put up you quite the way that I did. Because there will be people. As you look around from side to side now who are quietly building their little empires on to a certain extent, you do need to keep up with them. You need to be aware that this is happening, but also a health warning, if you will, is that this is a holistic approach. This is a marathon. Don't go a burning. It's up over a couple of years. There are some I meant, or some really impressive young perspective. Surgeons on a lot of those guys and girls are so dedicated that I find spending most of my time with them is about saying we need to make you more efficient. We need to make you maximize yield, but we also need to help you switch off than my other half downstairs. Actually, heard me say that should be like for try taking your medicine. But if I didn't help you on get that, get that message on board now. It will really help your longevity and your efficiency on your enjoyment of the process. But you need to go and constructive portfolio, and you need to start attacking all of those domains. So look systematically at your portfolio. Now I have this in my mind for a number of years, and I put it down into a spreadsheet laterally. I think it really helps, um, identify what your strength and what your weaknesses are. I would take the headings off the surgical portfolio and put them a column headings, and then I would start looking. I would I would make a separate pile of all of the evidence that I've done all of the things I've done within the curriculum on extracurricular at medical school so far on, I would start to pop them into these boxes and say, Well, these the courses I've done this is the teaching episodes that I've done. I don't really cause any research I'm not really got any Q. I stuff and I would start grading myself. I'm thinking, Well, if I saw this and I was an exam in, I would say the lower two courses. They don't loan to teaching stuff, but the other areas were a little bit empty. Now what that helps you do is two things. It helps you reflect on the things that you've done and things. Could I perhaps rebrand them under one of these of the headings, perhaps that researchers Lord House Teaching Program is less about teaching, but more about the Q y about developing a medical education program. But it also does a really important task, and that's to give you a cold, objective idea of where you are on your journey and where you can prioritize your resources. So I'm gonna go through some of those headings now. I don't want to keep you too long because nobody really wants to listen to a a terribly long natural this time of night. And as I go through each of those headings, I'm gonna give you one golden rule I'm going to give you one pitfall will be a resource that you can follow and you can google it in your own time. And the accompanying slide after each one will give you an overview of how I think you should attack each of these domains. I'm not gonna go into too much detail because you will have these further mine in the webinar Siris on if you wish. These are essentially lifted from the book. So teaching an education, we're on a teaching education episode today. So I thought I'd start with this golden rule that we have here is that if you start to demonstrate an ongoing commitment that has four more recognition, buy some member of faculty or some senior supervisor. But you ideally have either designed or contributed to the design off or delivered in the implementation off that teaching education you will start to be doing really well on a potential pitfall. Here is having high volume on evidenced teaching episodes, and another fit pitfall is failing to get that data. Those data are key on in teaching an education. It's about gaining formal feedback from the tooties on about gaining for more feedback from the people who seen you teach and teaching is assessed over several different domains. It's not just about creating large courses. It's about teaching and small groups. It's about peer tutoring or mentoring, and it's also about delivering clinical skills. Now it's bedside. Teaching is less relevant to you guys at the moment because you're not gonna be teaching many people at the bedside. But this is just a highlight. The fact that you need to be looking at the different domains of teaching and to say, Well, actually, I'm trying a multimodality approach to see what I like what I don't like and developing my weaknesses. Um, I'm going to move on from that just now. Now I'm gonna move on to research. That's the next domain. The golden rule of research. Well, I could argue the toes here people strive to be the first author of a piece of original research has been published in a peer review journal that's thought to be the peace to resistance level that medical student is really pushing themselves should be aiming for. And it's like caveat is that this isn't my slide. I'm not sure I agree with that. What I would do with this golden rule eyes disgusting, more digital on the next line is to look at research and think, Well, what does research and tail and what are the skills of a researcher? Skills research include ethics applications, literature of use, qualitative and quantitative techniques, writing up and presenting. And rather than striving to just be a first author on one big bit of work, I would start by going. Can I look at those rolls that I've done so far? Look at the rules that I need to do and see if there's research. That's ongoing moment that has a definitive end point where I can play that role, go on different projects. And then you can start to demonstrate the breadth of skills within the domain of research, pitfalls and research that people come up against trying to think of something that's novel, coming up with a plan and plowing on without sufficient expertise. That's where high quality supervision comes in on. Oh, it's seek a trusted mentor for that, not setting out authorship ahead of time. If you're gonna be involved in a research project, you need to know that you're going to be getting recognition for it. Spending a lot of time on a project that doesn't have on end goal or something that is not likely to yield is another potential pitiful. Having a a light of that is having no timely chance off a publication before your particular next competition point. I would get in touch with for any registrars, academics, helpful consultants on within taste of weeks that you do explore the potential for doing research in those particular fields. And these are those domains that are the subset of skills off research. As I said, you need to be looking at those things and said that you have at least tried to explore and develop your skills within this this list off abilities. It's important Teo demonstrate leadership and management roles, and we saw that at the in the slide with the feet up on the beach. One of the spark time things that consultants do is leadership and management. Now, if you can achieve a substantial need, a ship role, ideally want where your peers have selected you into that role through election or another process, or where you've been involved in working with and managing a team over an extended period where you can demonstrate that you've been involved in decision making or overcoming challenges. Then you'll be on a great start to developing your readership and management evidence. If you could be involved in something that improves patients' safety, your quality of care or the quality off your peers, education and you can demonstrate as an effective leader that you've made a difference to somebody and that's going back to a few slides is saying that you've implemented a change that makes a difference and potential pitfalls. Here are a failure to recognize the skills of a good leader of manager, so into like a water leader is on one of manager is they are different things. Failure to gain recognition of contrition Again, data is king. So we've done this in our book with color coded. Some of our will give any traffic lights of good, better and better things to pursue in order to evidence, leadership of management and all of the different domains. So the best things you can do are going leadership in management courses, have a leadership of management role on a large national or regional sustained project, or demonstrate that you've made changes in difficult circumstances and then going down those rooms of bladders perhaps you organized in local activities. Or perhaps you've been elected to a regional or or a short, finite period of time project. Or if you just worked within the multidisciplinary team where you've been involved in supervision of your peers is also, of course, good to demonstrate these skills. Quality improvement in clinical order will be something that you'd be receiving a webinar on, and that really is different to research. The golden rule here is that you're using Q Y, or clinical order methodology, which is ultimately geared up to improve it, says patient safety here, or might be to improve the experience of peers in medical education. It might be something else altogether out with the, uh, the medical environment. But if you could demonstrate that you have identified a problem, quantify it instituted a change and then tested your change to see if you've made any improvement, then you're on the right track to develop in these skills and evidence for q Y clinical improvement. When you're being interviewed, people who are non academics or are perhaps non doctor clinicians put a lot more weight on clinically orders and quality improvement than they do on research It's really important with in the health service and people get a lot of stock in it again. Understand the concept of what quality is of what quality improvement is on of the different types of all it processes is important, and you get a lot of talking about you get some talk about this in the next parts of the weapon are Siris again. We can look at what's good, what's better and what's best in terms of these. Q. I in order to projects. So we go back to the start. We're thinking, Well, why do you want to be a surgeon? Well, well, I want to be a surgeon because of X Y and said, But how can you demonstrate that? And how can you sit in front of Ah, on interviewer for F I one or for ST one and demonstrate that formerly arm you have a committed and sustained commitment to the particular specialty that you want to follow? Whether that's a surgical subspecialty or surgery in general on the golden rule here is developing it early, which is what you all doing and show that you've had a sustained commitment by doing different aspects off that specialty or sub specialty, and also within the different domains that it entails. So you haven't just gone in to see lots of clinical aspects of that particular specialty. You've also explored the academic world around it, or the management and leadership world around it or other aspects. Oh, or surgery in general, have to stress potential. Pit for here is what I see people doing time and time again on it's just spending too much time on the clinical commitment. It's very difficult to sit here and say, Please don't always been a little time in theater because you don't get enough of it and we love to have you there. On the whole, it's fantastic having students who are keen but be selfish, look at the domains off each specialty and say, Well, I want to demonstrate that I've always wanted to be a plastic surgeon, so I'm gonna show through my log book that I've been into loads of operations on through letters that bean into clinic or being on a taste a week. That's the clinical aspect, but I also want to explore doing some research in that field or being part of education of medical education and teaching in that field as well. And all of a sudden the Acessa is looking you and thinking. Yeah, you really do like this specialty. You've really explored all aspects of it, and I like that. So here, the person specifications for their specialties or your friend. Now, I don't know what a person's best vacation is. When I was at your level s O, If you don't hear what it is, whenever you're applying for a job role, there's an application form. But alongside that is a person specifications. What the person specifications is is the assess is saying this is who we want. We want somebody who can do this. This, this, this, this and this on those sub dermal means of that specialty are absolutely what you need to read. Have implanted on the insides of your retinas and make sure that you're aligning it to that lovely Excel spreadsheet with the CVD Maine's that you're going to go on make when you finish and have you dinner. After this talk, go and see what the plastic surgical assesses are looking for. If you want to do plastic surgery, go and see what the course surgical training assesses are looking for and how they score their applications and start planning for them now. And he'll soon enough, start building up an application that's absolutely killer. Professionalism and ethics is a tricky thing to really discuss In this environment. It's a tricky thing to assess, and also a tricky thing to evidence and largely, is something that's assess at the time of interview. And because of that, you overlook it. And people who end up on applications or end of been interviews think, Well, I haven't really seen much of this, so that's why I'm putting this side of now is to flag it. You will get questions inevitably on a difficult ethical issue or professionalism dilemma on this ways in which you can approach those dilemmas with almost surgical sense. And we put a couple of here that we've taken from the book, which is understand the issue, managing the risk. What I would do is difficult to really pursue this within an undergraduate context. But whenever you're in the clinical environment, whenever you're talking about ethics in the context of academia or whether you're in an MD and M and M meeting have a think about this one. Doesn't interest in case come up that might have professionalism or ethical issues around it. Write it down, go on, reflect on it. And when you go into that interview and somebody says, Tell me about a time when you've seen a challenging it aspect, you got something interesting to talk about on. You don't just sit there and think I haven't seen enough surgery or enough clinical practice really know that. So I'm flying it up for that reason again. My declaration. Our interest is this, Um, if you want to go and have a look at this, there's a preview of it on Amazon. I am really passionate about this. We've tried to distill all of our mentoring topics within this particular book. It's absolutely not mandatory. I think what you're doing now on this webinar serious from what I am the team are putting together is brilliant because it's really focusing on what I think in really a hidden curriculum within surgery. If you're not talking to surgeons in the coffee room between cases on the wards or in clinic, then you won't get these little golden rules. You won't get these pitfalls, All you have is an application form on a person specifications now. But you know what it is, and that's what we want to do is wide and the access to this hidden curriculum to demystify the process of surgical on off surgical application processes so that even if you don't have pounds who are surgeons on, they're not in the rocky Club, where there's a lot of all the parts or you're not part of a society that really pushes this agenda, we can help you learn about these sort of things on, hopefully help train the next generation of certain. So if they're any questions, I'm more than happy to take them. I'm not sure what's gonna happen with the recording just now, but I'm sure they'll be a period of time. When we continued off, You can put your microphones on, ideally, pop your cameras on so I can only see you. I'm talking to you because it's just like being in a tutorial room on We'll we'll hopefully be able to cover some of the questions that you got, but thank you very much indeed. Thank you so much under your sexual through gritting my mom actually