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This on-demand teaching session is perfect for medical professionals keen to learn more about endocrinology. Here, they will learn about the structure of the classes and how minimal the required workload is, plus how they can pick their own topics of interest for assignments and essays. Additionally, they get to hear perspectives from researchers and be able to take away what they need from each lecture without having to make notes. It’s also concluded with information on the competitiveness of the Endo course to get a place, and what kind of topics and research one can expect. Have your questions answered and hear the voice of experience to make an informed decision.

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MedED is delighted to announce the Year 3 BSc Fair, taking place on Friday 17th February at 6pm!

There will be a short introductory talk on choosing your BSc followed by a drop in breakout room Q&A. There will be representatives from every BSc to answer any questions you have!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Ria Varma (Year 4 Coordinator)

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the structure and content of the BSC in Endocrinology
  2. Recognize the range of topics of study covered in BSC in Endocrinology and how to apply it to assessments
  3. Become familiar with research topics in Endocrinology and their implementation into the curriculum
  4. Analyze and interpret data related to Endocrinology in a statistical framework
  5. Differentiate between Endocrinology topics and ways they are taught, compared to other BSCs.
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Um I think so the question really uh um my favorite thing about my b. S. C. I think is. Um I think the structure of the classes and everything so basically endocrinology is quite, is quite chill and they give you quite a lot of time for your kind of to explore on your own what kind of topics you're interested in, so um you only have classes from 10 to 3 and it's only three days a week and you don't have much online reading, so you get a lot of um kind of freedom and what you want to do and you're not really stuck with a bunch of work to do. Um So, I think that was my favorite thing about the b. S. C. I also enjoyed, I think um kind of how they tried to give us a range of lectures um on things that we might be interested in and they told us not to make notes so it wasn't very like content, heavy cause, we could basically to take away what we wanted from each lecture, and it wasn't like a proper lecture where we had to like make notes like no one was making notes to him. Any of you guys have any more questions. Let me know you can put in the chat as well, but okay, feel free to ask me any questions um about endocrinology, mhm, all the ill, so excuse me for my voice um yeah no worries, sorry I can see a message um so it's not the hardest bsc to get a place in. Um I think usually it, it always fills up, but it's not like overfilled usually. I think this year, we went over by a little bit um but generally it's not as competitive as like from ecology, management and um anesthetics and bioengineering, but um so if you put endos, you're maybe your second choice, I think there's like your first or second choice, you're quite likely to get endo and it's hard to get a first. I think endo is one of the bs cs that are known to you know that are that people find easier to get a first compared to other bs cs. Um. I think it really depends on like the marking like the marketing for for all. Bs cs can be quite subjective, but um I don't think it's like the hardest bsc to get a person, um but I I can't tell for sure if it's if it's easy or hard to get a first, but I don't think it's like that difficult and I've heard from. I think seniors that endo is quite it's it's easier to get a first an endo, that's what I've heard. I'm not quite sure if that's true or not yet um do I ever wish I had been placed in different bsc um thankfully no it wasn't my first choice. My first choice was pharmacology, but I put pharmacology first, an endo, second because I wanted a b. Sc. That kind of encompassed a wide variety of topics because I'm interested in a very specific specialty, um So I think actually having done endocrinology, I've been really enjoying it and I've enjoying kind of the structure of the course compared to other bs cs, I think you have a lot more um free time and you have a lot more time um just in general and less reading and things like that. So if you kind of like that like, if you don't like online reading and you don't like independent work um that is given to you through in sending everything endocrinology, doesn't have any of that, so it's really just you go in three days a week 10 to 3. Then you get all your kind of content there and then outside of those lecture hours, you don't have much work to do unless you have like an assignment, So I think um I quite in your endo, how does the endo you learn noise, how does the endo you learned this year compared to the endo, you've learned across the p three years, yeah okay, so um the b s. C is quite interesting, so, I initially thought that we were going to get taught lectures like how we get taught in second year and first year, but in in um and then third year, but in fourth year, the b s. C. Is kind of like each lecture brings in like a researcher and they have their own research and they kind of just showcase your their research to you, So they don't teach you that much like endocrinology, it's more like they showcase kind of the research that's being done and then you kind of um take away what kind of research are interested in and that kind of inspires you for your um assessments and your assignments. Um So they tell you like you don't have to make any notes you don't have to um like you don't have to memorize all the content that they give you, it's more like they kind of provide it, so you can kind of take inspiration and figure out which topics you want to do your assessments on because you get to pick like the topic you want to you write about in your essays and things and things like that um. And in terms of topics, I think there's definitely less of like the typical endo, kind of like endocrine disease, you think about so less like thyroid and less adrenals and it's more just like diabetes, obesity, gut hormones, and like diet and things like that. There are definitely some like kind of sub topics that do come in like the thyroid, but not as much. It's mainly um those main topics like diabetes, so yeah, hopefully that answered your question, and if you want to ask any more questions, feel free to ask any questions okay, no worries, um so how much palm biochemistry kind of material do you need to use, so that I think it depends on your topic of choice, so for example, in your assessment you, they like you get freedom into what topic you want to talk about, so you can talk about something very like, strongly based on the biochemistry of endo, I think mine like I spoke about good hormones and I spoke about like receptors and stuff like that, But if that's not your topic of interest, you can always like pick a topic that kind of covers like the more clinical trial aspect like it, doesn't have to be palm heavy. If you don't want it to, but it also can be if you wanted to so, it's very dependent on what you pick um for your assessments and outside of assessments um. I think the research sometimes can be very like biochemistry heavy, but again that depends on what kind of research. Each researcher talks about and like those things you don't have to memorize anyway, so I would say it depends on what you choose for your assessments, no worries oh okay good question um So for one of the I don't know if you know, but for one of the year, for assignments um It's based on stat analysis, so it's data interpretation um It's the third kind of assessment that you get given, but some medical bs cs, they make you do a bunch of um stat analysis um like you mentioned, but for endo, they, they don't require you to do any like barely any stat analysis. The only thing you actually do is like get the p value um of the data sets. They give you so compared to all the other bs cs because I know um other people in like rest and um cardio, I think they all had to do all the stats analysis like all the types of different um softwares and they need to put the data through, but for endo, they specifically told us that we don't need to do any of those stats analysis um. So if you are interested in that analysis, then you probably won't find any maybe in your final project for endo, if you choose one with fat analysis, but if not then um for the data interpretation module in endo, we didn't get any like stat analysis with any programs, and we only use Excel to calculate the p values. So yeah, I'm not sure why endo does it like that, but I think it's um to make it simpler for the students because the stat analysis can be quite tricky. No worries. I hope that answered your question hi, rhea, hello, um did you guys have a good discussion yeah, so I think I got quite a few questions and they're all quite good questions so brilliant um So just hang around, you can switch your camera off and audio off um and chill if anyone else comes. Um If no one comes by 6 45 I'm going to put this on the chart as well, you're more than welcome to leave and get on with your evening and I'll be sending certificates tonight, okay. That's great, thank you. No worries hello, if you have any questions, you can feel free to just speak up or you can just leave them in the chat, or if you don't have any questions that's fine too um examples of project, so, the project list for endo, I think it's quite surprising because some of them aren't very endo related um I think so for the lab ones, I'm doing a lab one right now and it's um based on ken, chemical engineering and imperial, and it's on wound healing sensors, so there's some that aren't related like that. I think there's one like ophthalmology one as well, um but the rest of them that are interrelated are kind of like the lab ones, are more focused on there's some my studies, so you can have um ones based on how like diet changes, certain things in the mice and then you have um in clinical, you have like pharmacological studies so like testing um like obesity drugs that are kind of in trials right now or seeing the effects of something on diabetes. Kind of like the there's more typical topics like that, but there's some that are kind of more interesting like I think there's three projects on like ivf um treatment in a clinic, and I think that was quite popular as well. There's quite a few if you're interested in sports medicine as well. There are quite a few exercise um based projects as well. So I feel like Endo provides quite a broad range of projects, so um I think I'm not I'm not sure about the other other bs cs, but I think it was quite broad, and there was quite a good selection um. There's also stuff on medical education as well um so that was quite interesting. I hope that answered your question uh no worries, um So the b. S. C. Is I think very much very much research based, So all of the lectures, we only we don't have that many contact ours that they try to reduce as much as possible. So for us, we have three days in a week from 10 to 3 PM um and all the lectures mostly are research based and so they tell you that they don't that you shouldn't have to make any notes and you kind of take away what you want to take away from each lecture and so there's also no kind of independent reading that you have to do outside of contact ours. Um So I think it's not content heavy and basically I think compared to the other bs cs, there's like no online reading. You don't have to take you don't have to take notes during your lectures, and it's more like you kind of get inspired by all this research to find out what you're interested in for your assessments. So I think it's not very content heavy and it is more research based hope that's that answered your question, No worries high if you have any questions and you can leave them in the chat, and I'll answer them for you. Um I think I'm quite I'm enjoying endocrinology. Um I think the first term was very kind of. Um you had a lot of like time to yourself. I think they didn't really it wasn't very content heavy and um like you didn't have to make notes and there was no like online reading, So I think that part of endocrinology is quite nice. If you don't want such an intense year um and in terms of assessments, I think like since the assessments are kind of the same for all the medical bs cs, um like they like during assessment week, it is quite busy, but I think that's the same with all the bs cs. Um So most of the lectures are research based, So they're not very they don't really like teach you the same content as first year to third year, but they kind of bring in researchers and they ask them to go through their research and then they kind of talk to you about what they've been doing so. It's more like research based than like the previous years and then um so it depends on what module you're doing. I think there's definitely more independent um work at least initially, So you have um independent assessments and then you also, but you also kind of you get your marks, so you get like formative and the formative Czar group based, but then your actual assessments are individual, um but then in module two, you have to write a systematic, I'm not just hiring a literature review um but that's the same as all the other bs cs, and for that you do that in a group, so um mostly individual but formative is and the lit review you do any group, and the campus is the Hammersmith Campus, so not like charing cross hammersmith, but hammersmith um white city Hammersmith Campus. No worries, hello yep, hi, oh hi, ok sorry, I was like I'm worried that it was like no wedding here, don't worry we're here until um 6 45. I think oh okay perfect, so I suppose I had a couple of questions mainly like um if you would say like the best things about your bsc, like what would they be and also um what does the allocation process look like for your projects. Okay. Thank you. Um So the best things about my b. S. C. I think are that um it's relatively I think chiller than other bs cs. In terms of kind of the content that they give you, so, it's not very content heavy and um so for us, we had three days in a week and it's from 10 AM to three PM and outside of those lecture hours and tutorial hours, you don't have any kind of independent reading on insanity or anything like that. So, I think that really gives you more time to yourself, especially for like um times where you have like assignments to you um. And I think I also kind of, I appreciate how many different like the range of different projects we've all given, so, I think there was quite a different like there were a lot of different topics that you could choose from for the projects and I could tell that the course leads really try to give you a wide range, so I like that as well, um and they do try to support you as much as possible, which I think is great as well, and in terms of the project allocations, so for us, it's not like the Happiness algorithm and they base it based on your so, your previous assignment grades as well as your attendance. So they'll I don't know exactly how much percent they put for your attendance, but they take your attendance and your grades to account. Thank you. So previous assignment grade and then previous attendance, yeah and what kind of projects like did you guys have was it like mainly clinical, so I think they gave you like I think like it was 50% of it, lab, and 50% of a clinical sorry, I'm a bit sick um and they were quite there were a few that um I think they had like a wide range, so for the lab ones, there were some my studies that you'd have to do on mice, but then some were more like cell based and some like the one I'm doing is a lab based one, but it's a chemical engineering one so mine's on like creating like medical technology, so it's not very related to endo some of them um but most of them are and then we also have for the clinical one, that's more like um testing medications that are being currently like trialed and also there's quite a few on exercise and like sports medicine um and things like that, so it's quite a wide range. I'd say for the project list and then um who, who mainly teaches you guys for the teaching, um So it's they usually bring in researchers and then they kind of talk about their research. Um So it's not like the same person all the time, but the I think the most are given, like I think the course leads, do give a quite a few lectures, um but they try to bring in like a wide range of people to teach you and kind of to show you research that they've been doing in their field. Do you think the teaching is like quite good as in like do you feel like you've gained a lot of skills because obviously the thing with endo like um is that we've done a lot of endo in, like 1st and 2nd year, especially um I think since Endo isn't very content, heavy, and it's mainly research based. They ask you like not to make like you don't have to make notes and you don't have to retain that much of the information, so I don't think like I think at the end of like term one, I felt like I didn't know much more endo than it did previously. If that makes any sense, so it's not very like you don't like learn so much you kind of just get more of an insight into what research is being done um and like whatever sparks your interest, but yeah it's not exactly it's not like you learn the whole of endo, and you're like a specialist, an endo, and not it's not like that yeah um are they like, are they really good at like helping you like with the projects as in, like pick a project finding like a project you like or they quite like rigid about the project. I think, I think they just like they basically just give you the project and then they let you they give you their emails as well, So you can kind of ask each individual supervisor about the project, but ultimately like they don't like give you support and choosing it because it's it is your choice. Um Yeah and you get given I think a week to decide, but I think that's the same as like all the other bs cs, okay, thank you so much no worries okay. Thank you so much for your help, So, I'm uh if you have any questions, let me know