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around, You know, the 2020 2021 that kind of range of paper that will give you, you know, a lot saver in terms of, you know, making sure that that's that's a normal idea. And I just if you can see my slides, my PowerPoint slides from last year Yeah, I can see them. Okay, so can I just check if if you can see the slice moving just in case. Okay. So, yeah, I I think what might be used for you guys is if I just quickly, you know, show you what I did last year. Just so you can have an example of what? A grant proposal? What? Kevin Brennan are actually expecting you to do so in terms of my initial questions, which is written here, which is can ask person be used as a therapy and target in treating diabetic nephropathy. So, as I have already mentioned, that I just Google a relatively new hormone discovered in the past few years and try to look up, and that was aspirin scene. And I try to link up with a condition and that was door getting the property and and I I don't just come up this idea completely randomly. I do have a read of the re real paper and do you find some gaps from from from the literature to to formulate these questions and I'll be able to explain that a little bit later. So in terms of the point of structure of the power point slides that you're going to prepare for the presentation, I I I would suggest to, you know, just to have a think about my example to see whether you would like it into this kind of style, because I feel like my presentation style is pretty much just cover most of the key sections that Brent and kept are expecting you to do. So Let me just go over it. So So this is the initial sort of research question, but not entirely. So My first law is to just a very brief general overview of what's diabetic. Nephropathy is so try to not overwhelm with too much text. Just imagine the key point and using, you know, these kind of text boxes to make it, you know, only mention like 23 or 34 key points with with what was actually diabetic the property just to set the scene. You know, just in case. If if your examiner doesn't really have a good graphs of what's diabetic, the property is graph can be helpful, you know, as always, you know, it makes the presentation a lot more interesting and also using graph. It's just better illustration. And then my second slide is a little bit mentioning of the current management of diabetic nephropathy because my research question is pretty much focusing a diabetic the property. So I did mention the court What's the financial burden to the NHS for treating and managing diabetic the property? Uh, in 2011 and I also mentioned that Okay, there is currently no creative treatment. For example, this might good control publicos and BP. The risk of progressing to end stage renal disease is still very high. That's why we need there is an urgent need for new therapeutic strategies to prevent the development progression of diet in the property. So this is more of a justification slide telling the examiner that why this proposal is urgent? Why this proposal need to be done, you know, need to be, uh, need to be considered so that they will grant you the funds for this kind of research, and then I just move on very quickly. Briefly touch on what? Aspirin scene. So I didn't really put in any tax. I just use the diagram to to just mention that. Okay, Aspirin scene, mainly synthesized and white atavus t shirt. And it was, uh, uh, encoded by this app e n one gene through the cleavage of the profitable in and you'll get aspirins in very, very briefly, just to just to mention a little bit contact behind aspirin scene. And then I also kind of screenshots a few key papers just to show that I actually do look up the literature to look for you know what the current feel of aspirins and researchers like. So these are just a few examples of paper, and then I do have a very summery, very, very brief summary of what's the physiological role of a prison in in the body. So as prison can also can act on the level to stimulate liquor secretion and aspirin can also act on a g r p neurons in the hypothalamus e increase appetite. And then later on, I pick on a specific paper because I was trying to put the focus into you know how aspirate scene is related to diabetic nephropathy. And for this particular paper I managed to find. It shows that for this aspirins in level, the aspirin level is positively correlated with the doc the severity of diabetic nephropathy. So here you see normal albuminuria, microalbumin, urea and macroalbuminuria. So I I guess you do understand that. You know, um, protein urea is actually a sign of diabetes in a property, so I can see that there is a positive correlation between aspects in level and the severity of diapers and a property. So I specifically use a red underline, you know, just to make it look more apparent. And then next, um oh, yeah. Also going to hear, you know, from these two physiological role of Astros in, I discovered that aspirin actually acts on the O. L f R 734 receptors both on the liver and hypothalamus and then coming back to this slide, I found that from this paper it demonstrated that the this o. L F R 74 is also highly expressed in kidney to a very similar level like the liver. And based on this paper, I come up with two unanswered questions. So the first one is I was asking whether suppressing the circulating aspects in level can delay the disease progression of diabetes in a property. And also, my second unanswered question is, I was just wondering whether aspartame has a physiological roll on kidney through the direct activation or kidney. O L f r 7 34 receptors. As I have demonstrated here from the literature, it shows that it is highly expressed in the kidney as well. So from the beginning, to hear this is more like setting the scene and kind of explaining the urgency of this research and also, you know, sign posting. What's the unanswered questions in the current literature? And then now we move on to the more importance of more specifically to to to your grant proposal, which is your hypothesis. You definitely need to have some sort of hypothesis and make sure you do include one in your presentation. So what I'm hypothesizing is I hypothesize that suppressing serum aspiration level can delay the disease progression of diabetic nephropathy and then to answer in order for me to answer the this high profit of just prove or disprove this hypothesis, I have set up three experimental aims. Three study aims. So the first one is to establish an in vitro model of diabetic nephropathy. So, basically, you know, for for a lab based project involving animals involving mice, the mice that you got from the, you know, from the, um